Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Surnames - Families, County Donegal, Ireland

- ALEXANDER Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1775-1869
- ALLEN Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1829-69
- ALLINGHAM Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-66
- ALLISON & ELLISON Genealogy Notes, Cos. Donegal & Tyrone 1830-69
- ANDERSON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-70
- ARMSTRONG Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1836-62
- BAIRD Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1834-69
- BALDRICK Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-67
- BARCLAY Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1774-1866
- BARR Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1780-1870
- BATES Family Notes, Cos. Tyrone & Donegal 1847-74
- BEATTIE & BEATTY Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1834-69
- BELL Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1832-69
- BIRNEY Birney Family Events 1600-1900 - Main Counties Included: Tyrone, Fermanagh, Donegal. Also some events from: Derry, Armagh, Cavan, Antrim, Down
- BLACK Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1832-69
- BOGGS Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-69
- BOND Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1841-67
- BOVAIRD Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1833-69
- The Reverend William Boyd – 1718 Migration
- The Reverend William Boyd, 1685-1772: Petitioner to Gov. Shute of Massachusetts and Presbyterian Minister of Monreagh, Co. Donegal
- BROWN & Browne Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-69
- BUCHANAN Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-70
- James BUCHANAN, Born Ramelton, Co. Donegal 1791; died Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 1868
- CALDWELL Family of Ballybogan, Clonleigh Parish, Co. Donegal
- CALDWELL Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1822-70CAMERON Genealogical Notes, North Tyrone & East Donegal
- CAMPBELL Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-69
- CANNING Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1837-68
- CHAMBERS Family Notes, Cos. Tyrone, Donegal & Londonderry 1825-70
- CLARK & CLARKE Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-69
- COCHRAN & COCHRANE Family Notes, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1829-70
- COLHOUN & COLQUHOUN Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-69
- CORSCADEN Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1836-67
- COWAN Family Notes 1822-1870, Cos. Tyrone, Donegal & Londonderry
- CROCKETT Genealogical Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-74
- DAVIS Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1835-1869
- DICKEY Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1834-1873
- DUNLOP Dunlap Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1843-68
- DUNN & Dunne Genealogy Notes, Cos. Londonderry & Donegal 1778-1870
- ELDER Family Notes, Co. Donegal, 1845-68
- ELLIOTT Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1837-69
- ELLIOTT Marriages, Co. Tyrone & Co. Donegal 1841-70
- EVANS Genealogy Notes, Cos. Tyrone & Donegal 1840-69
- EWING Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-68
- FENTON Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1843-64
- FERGUSON Genealogical Notes, Cos. Donegal, Ireland and Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1776-1871
- GALBRAITH Genealogical Notes, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1832-68
- GALLAGHER Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1827-69
- GILFILLAN Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1844-69
- GRAHAM Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1834-69
- GREER Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1829-65
- GREGG Genealogy Notes, Ramelton, Aughnish Parish, Co. Donegal
- HAMILTON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1823-68
- HANNA & HANNAH Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1832-67
- HARPER Genealogical Notes, Co. Donegal 1836-70
- HASLETT & HAZLETT Family Notes, Co. Donegal & Cos. Londonderry & Tyrone 1774-1869
- HAY Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1836-69
- HENDERSON Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-70
- HENRY Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1846-69
- HILL Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1829-69
- HOLMES Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1830-69
- HOUSTON & HUSTON Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-69
- HUNTER Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1827-68
- HYNDMAN Family Notes Cos Donegal, Londonderry & Tyrone 1831-71
- IRVINE Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1822-68
- IRWIN Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1835-69
- JACKSON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1853-67
- JENKINS Family Notes, Cos. Tyrone & Donegal 1778-1875
- JOHNSON & JOHNSTON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1829-68
- JONES Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1842-67
- KELLY Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1840-69
- KENNEDY Family Notes, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1833-69
- KEYS Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1824-67
- KYLE Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-66
- LAIRD Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1834-70
- LEITCH & LEECH Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1833-70
- LINDSAY Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1786-1866
- LIPSETT Family Notes, Co. Donegal, 1831-70
- LIPSETT Genealogy Notes, Ballyshannon, Kilbarron Parish, County Donegal 1831-68
- LOGAN Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1837-67
- LOVE Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1783-1869
- MAGEE, MAGHEE & McGEE Family Notes, Co. Donegal, 1837-67
- MALSEED Genealogy Notes, County Donegal, 1829-70
- MARSHALL Marshall Family Notes, Cos. Donegal, Londonderry & Tyrone 1776-1870
- MARTIN Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1834-69
- MAXWELL Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1822-68
- McBeth Baptisms, Ballindrait Presbyterian Church, Clonleigh Parish, Co. Donegal 1822-1900
- McCAIN Brothers, Florenceville, New Brunswick  & Their Donaghmore, Co. Donegal Origins
- McCAUSLAND Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-63
- McCLINTOCK Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1775-1870
- McCLURE Family Notes, Cos. Donegal, Londonderry & Tyrone 1778-1866
- McCONAGHY Family Notes, Cos. Donegal, & Tyrone 1843-82
- McCONNELL Family Notes, Cos. Donegal & Tyrone 1833-70
- McCORKELL Family Notes, Cos. Donegal & Tyrone 1832-70
- McCORMICK & McCORMACK Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1822-66
- McCURDY Family Notes, Co. Donegal, 1839-69
McDONALD / MacDONALD, NELSON & BRADY Families, Strabane, Co. Tyrone, & Lifford, Co. Donegal
- McFARLAND Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1844-69
- McFEETERS Family Notes, Cos. Donegal, Tyrone & Londonderry 1839-68
- McLAUGHLIN & McLOUGHLIN  Family Notes, Co. Dongeal 1834-69
- McNUTT Genealogy Notes, Co. Dongeal 1836-69
- MILLER /MILLAR Family Notes, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1775-1870
- MITCHELL Family Notes, Co. Donegal, 1833-70
- MONTGOMERY Family Notes, Co. Donegal, 1776-1870
- General Richard MONTGOMERY, Convoy Estate, Co. Donegal
- MOONEY Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1829-66
- MOORE Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1781-1869
- MORRISON Family Notes, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1835-70
- MORROW Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1833-69
- MOTHERWELL Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1835-68
- OLPHERT & OLPHERTS Genealogy Notes, Counties Donegal, Londonderry, Armagh, Louth & Dublin 1809-69
- PATTERSON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1832-69
- PATTON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1831-69
- PEOPLES Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1835-69
- PORTER Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1829-1870
- RAMSAY Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1777-1869
- ROSS Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1840-68
- REID Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-70
- RODGERS & ROGERS Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-69
- ROULSTON (& variants) Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-70
- SPROULE Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1836-68
- STEELE Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1833-68
- STEVENSON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1825-69
- STEVENSON Births & Marriages, Donaghmore Parish, Co. Donegal 1821-96
- TAYLOR Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1829-69
- THOMPSON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-69
- TODD Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1843-68
- TURNER Turner Genealogy Notes, Cos. Tyrone & Donegal 1823-66
- WALKER Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1837-69
- WALLACE Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1832-68
- WATSON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1834-69
- WAUCHOB / WAUCHOPE Wills, Cos. Donegal & Tyrone, 1868-1962
- WAUCHOB Family Notes, Co. Tyrone 1785-1897
- WAUCHOB / Wauchop Families, Cos. Tyrone & Donegal: Tithe, Valuation & Census Records 1815-1911
- WEIR Family Notes, Co. Donegal & Cos. Fermanagh, Londonderry & Tyrone, 1776-1870
- WHITE Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1822-69
- WILEY & WYLIE Genealogy Notes, Cos. Donegal & Tyrone 1833-68
- WILKINSON Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1832-69
- WILLIAMS Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1836-69
- WILLIAMSON Genealogy Notes, Cos. Donegal & Tyrone 1834-69
- WILSON Family Notes, Co. Donegal 1822-1870
- WRAY Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1764-1869
- WRIGHT Genealogy Notes, County Donegal 1834-70
- YOUNG Genealogy Notes, Co. Donegal 1830-69