Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Gillespie Genealogy Notes, County Donegal, Ireland 1835-69

Items from the Press
Extracted from Personal Notices of Births, Deaths and Marriages Inserted in the Londonderry Sentinel
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


This file of GILLESPIE GENEALOGY NOTES, COUNTY DONEGAL, IRELAND 1835-69 forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to COUNTY DONEGAL FAMILIES on this website can be found at the foot of this file.




Date Notice
Dec 19 1835 [Died] At Lifford, on Saturday, the 12th inst., after a lingering illness, Adam Gillespey, Esq., M.D., aged 75 years, and for the last 43 years surgeon to the county Donegal Infirmary.
Jun 4 1836 GILLESPIE & WALLS. [Married] On the 26th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Kelly, P.P., at her mother's house, Ballintra, Mr. Laughlin Gillespie, of this City, to Rose, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Walls.
Oct 15 1836 GILLESPIE & WHALLEY. [Married] In Lifford Church, on Friday last, by the Rev. Edward Marmaduke Clarke, James Gillespie, Esq., of Lifford, to Anne, eldest daughter of Shadrack Whalley, Esq., of Port Hall
Apr 6 1839 [Died] At Ramelton, on the 23rd ult., Hamilton Gillespey, son of Robert Gillespey, Esq., aged 13 years
Oct 22 1842 GILLESPIE & MOORE. [Married] On the 12th inst., Mr. James Gillespie, of Creeslough, to Elizabeth Moore, of Belfast. After the marriage, the happy couple took their departure to Scotland, to spend the honeymoon
Sep 9 1848 [Died] On the morning of Wednesday, the 6th inst., aged 19 years, Isabella, second daughter of Robert Gillespy, Esq., Ramelton
Oct 21 1848 GILLESPIE & LOUGHREY. [Married] On the 17th inst., at Lifford Church, by the Rev. John King, and afterwards in Murlog Catholic Chapel, by the Very Rev. William Brown, Miss Margaret Gillespie, of Lifford, to Mr. William Loughrey, of same Place
Dec 23 1853 GILLESPIE & CLARKE. [Married] On the 14th inst., at St. Mary's Church, Ballybrack, Moville, by the Rev. M. McKenna, Mr. Daniel Gillespie, of Innishowen Head, and Mate of the ship Superior, to Isabella, youngest daughter of the late Captain John Clarke
Dec 30 1859 [Birth] December 21, at the Londonderry Hotel, Moville, the wife of Captain Gillespie, of the ship Elizabeth, of a daughter
May 4 1860 [Died] April 8, at Ramelton, after a few days illness, Jane Nesbitt, eldest daughter of the late Robert Gillespey, Esq
Apr 25 1862 [Died] April 12, at his residence, Trentamucklagh, John Gillespie, aged 94 years
Aug 8 1865 GILLESPIE & KINKADE. [Married] On the 2nd August, in Donoughmore Parish Church, by the Rev. Mr. Maturin, Catherine, only daughter of Mr. James Gillespie, Kilcadden, blacksmith, to Mr. George Kinkade, Glasgow, late of Kilcadden
Feb 26 1867 FREEL & GILLESPIE. [Married] February 17, at Killaghtee Roman Catholic Chapel, by the Rev. Peter Kelly, C.C., Mr. Thomas Freel, Keelogs, Inver, to Margaret, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Gillespie, Croagh, near Dunkineely
Mar 22 1867 [Died] March 11, at Letterkenny, in the 68th year of his age, Mr. Charles Gillespie, ropemaker
May 14 1869 FOLEY & GILLESPIE. [Married] May 6, at Carndonagh Parish Church, by the Rev. N.C. Martin, Mr. John Foley, of Larne, county Antrim, to Maggie, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John Gillespie, innkeeper, Carndonagh, county Donegal

Further records for COUNTY DONEGAL FAMILIES can be found at:

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