Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Register of Gravestone Inscriptions in Grange Burial Ground, Donagheady Parish, Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland

By David & Sheelagh Todd
Transcribed, and Formatted by
Jim McKane, Ontario, Canada


In the 1980s, the Late David Todd, who lived all his life in Greerstown, Co Londonderry researched his family history and produced a booklet for family members.  When doing this he realised that a useful source of information was gravestones, and the condition of many of these was fast deteriorating, which would lead to the loss of useful information.  In the late 1980s / early 1990s, he produced four booklets transcribing the inscriptions in graveyards in Co Londonderry and Co Tyrone as follows: Old Glendermott, with his daughter, Marjorie; Leckpatrick, with his wife, Sheelagh; Old Donagheady, with his daughter, Deirdre and the Grange Burial Ground, with his wife, Sheelagh.

These were very successful. The family are, therefore, delighted to share them with interested parties through as we are sure he would have wished.

***NOTE: The 'Grid Reference' - i.e. 'C1.19' points to the Grid Map C1 and location 19 in that map. The notation [symbol] refers to a symbol in the original which you may view by clicking on the Thumbnail at the bottom of the page. When you locate an inscription for your ancestor, always be sure to check the original by clicking on the Thumbnail at the bottom of the page as my fingers may have misbehaved during the transcripton!

Click on the Page Number indicated by the Index of Inscriptions below

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  
21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  
41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  
61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  
81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97


Index of Inscriptions

Surname Firstname Grid Reference Page
Aikin willi[am] C1.19 43
Alexander   C2.28 56
Alexander Agnes D3.5 75
Alexander Elizabeth D2.3 70
Alexander George D3.5 75
Alexander James D2.3 70
Alexander James E2.8 90
Alexander Jane D2.3 70
Alexander John D2.3 70
Alexander John E2.8 91
Alexander Joseph D2.3 70
Alexander Joseph D2.12 73
Alexander Mary E2.8 91
Alexander Mary E2.13 92
Alexander Mary Ann E2.8 91
Alexander Rev. James E2.8 91
Alexander Robert D2.3 70
Alexander Thomas E2.8 91
Alexander William Stavlov D2.3 70
Alexander Wm. D3.5 75
Armstrong Alexander B1.4 15
Armstrong Anne A.1.1 1
Armstrong Archd A1.1 1
Armstrong Bessie Elizabeth B1.4 16
Armstrong Capt. Archd. A1.1 1
Armstrong Capt. Archd. A1.3 1
Armstrong James B1.4 15
Armstrong James Alexander B1.4 16
Armstrong John B1.4 15
Armstrong Major Genel A.1.1 1
Armstrong Margaret A1.1 1
Armstrong Margaret (Hatrick) C3.3 57
Armstrong Martha B1.4 16
Armstrong Mary A1.1 1
Armstrong Nancy B1.4 15
Armstrong Rebecca B1.4 15
Armstrong Rev. W. A1.1 1
Armstrong Robert B1.4 16
Armstrong Samuel B1.4 15
Armstrong Sarah B1.4 16
Armstrong Sarah Jane (Moorhead) B1.4 15
Armstrong Thomas C3.3 57
Armstrong William John B1.4 16
Austin Elizabeth (Clarke) E3.2 94
Baird Archibald B3.4 31
Baird David C2.3 47
Baird James B3.4 31
Baird Margaret B3.6 32
Baird Margaret R. B3.6 32
Baird Martha B3.4 32
Baird Martha B3.6 32
Baird Mary B3.5 32
Baird Rebecca C2.3 47
Baird Robert C2.6 47
Baird Susan C2.3 47
Baird William B3.4 31
Baird William B3.5 32
Baird Wm. (Dr.) B3.6 32
Ballantine Martha E1.22 86
Bates Anne C2.23 54
Bates Eliza C2.23 54
Bates William C2.23 54
Bell Margaret A2.14 10
Bogle Catherine D3.8 75
Bogle Catherine D3.8 76
Bogle James D3.8 76
Bogle Joseph D3.8 75
Bond David B3.10 33
Bond Jane B3.10 33
Bond Mary B3.10 33
Bond Robert B3.10 33
Bond William Dunn B3.10 33
Brittin Joseph E,2.2 89
Brittin Revd. Alex E,2.2 89
Brown Hugh A1.20 6
Brown Isabella A1.20 6
Brown Patrick A1.20 6
Buchanan Elizabeth C2.22 54
Buchanan Elizabeth D1.15 66
Buchanan George C2.22 54
Buchanan John C2.22 54
Buchanan Joseph C2.22 54
Campbell George A3.13 14
Campbell Mary A3.13 14
Campbell Mary (Minnie) A3.13 14
Campbell William A3.13 14
Clark John D2.10 72
Clark Joseph D2.9 72
Clark Margaret D2.9 72
Clark William D1.19 67
Clarke   C1.23 44
Clarke Andrew E3.3 95
Clarke Andrew E3.4 95
Clarke Bessie Austin E1.19 84
Clarke Catherine A3.7 13
Clarke Catherine A3.8 13
Clarke Doctor George E3.5 96
Clarke Doctor Robert E3.5 96
Clarke Dr. Robert E1.19 84
Clarke Elizabeth E3.4 95
Clarke Elizabeth Austin E3.2 94
Clarke Flora E1.19 84
Clarke James A3.7 13
Clarke James E3.2 94
Clarke John E3.2 94
Clarke Margaret A3.7 13
Clarke Margaret E3.2 94
Clarke Mary (Campbell) A3.8 13
Clarke Mrs Louisa D. E3.3 95
Clarke William A3.8 13
Colhoun Francis B1.31 25
Colhoun Isabella B1.31 25
Colhoun Margery B1.31 25
Colhoun William B1.31 25
Cooke Elizabeth E2.5 89
Cooke John E2.5 89
Cooke Martha E2.5 89
Cooke Thomas E2.5 89
Coulter Jane D1.21 68
Coulter John D1.21 68
Coulter Margaret Kate D1.21 68
Coulter Mary D1.21 68
Craig Alexander A1.13 4
Craig James A1.13 4
Cunningham Eliza B1.23 21
Cunningham John B1.23 21
Cunningham Lydia A1.23 6
Cunningham Mary B1.24 22
Cunningham Thomas A1.23 6
Cunningham W. D. B1.23 21
Curry Anne B1.7 16
Curry Eliza Jane E2.7 90
Curry James B2.10 28
Curry John D2.14 73
Curry Mary B2.10 28
Curry Robert B2.10 28
Curry Sarah (Gamble) B2.10 28
Curry William E2.7 90
Daniel Isaac B2.17 29
Daniel John James B2.17 29
Daniel Margaret B2.17 29
Daniel Susan B2.17 29
Davidson Margaret B3.21 37
Davis   B1.5 16
Denniston William E1.1 79
Dill Eliza (Love) B1.21 20
Donnely Iohn A3.9 13
Donnely Mildrich A3.9 13
Dougherty J. C1.5 40, 41
Dugan James El.1 79
Dugan Jane El.1 79
Dugan John El.1 79
Dugan Oliver El.1 79
Dunn Jane C2.25 55
Dunn John D1.25 68
Dunn Marttra D1.25 69
Dunn MaryJane C2.25 55
Dunn William C2.25 55
Dunn William E2.12 92
Eakin Margaret Elizabeth E2.16 93
Eakin William George E2.16 93
Ellis George C1.12 42
Ellis Jennie C1.12 42
Finlay James McFarland D1.12 65
Finlay John D1.12 65
Finlay Maggie D1.12 65
Finlay Mary Ann D1.12 65
Forsythe AnnJane C2.10 48
Forsythe John C2.10 48
Forsythe John C2.10 48
Forsythe SarahJane C2.10 48
Forsythe William C2.10 48
Fulton James B3.18 35
Fulton John B3.18 35
Fulton Samuel B3.18 35
G T. A. B3.15 35
Galbraith Anne E1.8 81
Galbraith Annie Haslett E1.8 81
Galbraith Margaret E1.8 81
Gamble Christina A1.7 3
Gamble Eliza Jane E2.1 87
Gamble Elizabeth (Moorhead) E2.1 87
Gamble Emily C2.12 49
Gamble John A1.6 2
Gamble John A1.7 2
Gamble John A1.7 3
Gamble John B2.10 28
Gamble Joseph C2.12 49
Gamble Margaret A1.7 3
Gamble Margaret C2.12 49
Gamble Margaret C2.12 49
Gamble Mary Anne C2.12 49
Gamble Robert Sydney C2.12 49
Gamble Samuel C2.12 49
Gamble Sarah (Curry) B2.10 28
Gamble William A1.6 2
Gamble William C2.12 49
Gibson Isabella C3.5 58
Gibson Mary C3.5 58
Gibson William John C3.5 57
Glen   E3.6 96
Gormly James D1.5 63
Gormly Samuel D2.1 70
Granger R….rt [Robert] C1.23 44
H W A3.6 12
H W C3.19 61
Hall Ann E1.8 80
Hall Anne E1.8 81
Hall Archibald A3.11 14
Hall Edward C1.4 39
Hall Edward C1.4 40
Hall Elizabeth A3.11 14
Hall Isabell B1.29 23
Hall Isabella B1.28 23
Hall Isabella C1.4 39
Hall James B1.28 23
Hall James B1.29 23
Hall James C1.4 40
Hall Jane C1.4 39
Hall Margaret B1.29 23
Hall Margaret B1.9 17
Hall Martha B1.28 23
Hall Mary B1.29 23
Hall Robert B1.29 23
Hall Robert C1.4 39
Hall Robert Mitchell B1.28 23
Hall Samuel B1.29 23
Hall Samuel C1.4 40
Hall Samuel E1.8 80
Hall SarahJane B1.28 23
Hall Stevenson C1.4 39
Hall Thomas C1.4 39
Hall William B1.29 23
Hamilton A. D3.15 78
Hamilton Bessie McCrea D3.15 78
Hamilton Elizabeth C1.3 39
Hamilton Elizabeth D3.15 78
Hamilton Isabella C1.3 39
Hamilton James C1.3 38
Hamilton Jane C1.3 39
Hamilton Jane Elizabeth C1.1 38
Hamilton Jane Jenkins D3.15 78
Hamilton Jane Johnston D3.15 78
Hamilton John D3.15 78
Hamilton John J. C1.3 39
Hamilton Samuel C1.3 39
Hamilton Thomas D3.15 78
Hamilton William D3.15 78
Hamilton William(?) B2.22 30
Hatrick (Armstrong) C3.3 57
Hatrick James C3.2 57
Hatrick Margaret C3.3 57
Hatrick William C3.2 57
Hatrick William C3.3 57
Hazlett Martha C3.6 58
Henderson Bessie B. C3.18 61
Henderson David M. C3.18 61
Henderson George c3.16 60
Henderson Mary Jane C3.16 60
Henderson Robert C3.16 60
Houston Ann D1.6 64
Houston Elizabeth (Alexander) D2.3 71
Houston James D1.6 64
Houston Thomas D1.7 64
Houston Thornas D1.6 64
Hunter Elizabeth B1.25 22
Hunter Elizabeth B1.27 23
Hunter Elizabeth Jane B1.27 23
Hunter James B1.25 22
Hunter John B1.25 22
Hunter John B1.25 22
Hunter Martha B1.27 23
Hunter Matilda B1.27 23
Hunter Robert B1.27 23
Hunter William B1.25 22
Hunter William B1.27 23
Jarvis Andrew E2.15 92
Jarvis Joseph M. Etting E2.15 93
Jarvis Maggie E2.15 93
Jarvis William E2.15 92
Johnston Henry Wallace A1.14 4
Johnston Margaret (Johnston) B3.3 31
Johnston Marth A1.14 5
Kerr Margaret D3.6 75
Kerr Robert D3.6 75
Keys George B3.3 31
Keys Hugh E2.4 89
Keys Margaret B3.3 31
Keys Mary E2.4 89
Keys Robert B3.1 31
Keys Samuel B3.1 31
King Annie B1.13 18
Knox Gastavous C3.9 58
Knox Hugh C3.9 58
L......? S. L. B2.21 30
Lindsay Dr. E1.21 85
Lindsay George A2.7 8
Lindsay George A2.11 8
Lindsay John A2.12 9
Lindsay Margaret A2.11 9
Logan Joseph B2.8 28
Loudon Margaret D1.25 68
Loudon Martha Catherine D1.25 68
Love Alan C1.9 42
Love Alexander B1.8 17
Love Alexander B1.10 17
Love Anne Jane B1.20 19
Love Catherine B1.20 19
Love DAD C1.9 42
Love David B1.20 19
Love David B1.22 2l
Love Eliza B1.21 20
Love Elizabeth A2.9 8
Love Elizabeth B1.9 17
Love Elizabeth E1.15 82
Love Emma E1.16 83
Love Emma McMorris E1.16 83
Love George A2.9 8
Love Isabella B1.10 18
Love Isabella B1.20 19
Love Isabella B1.22 2l
Love James B1.9 17
Love James B1.10 18
Love James E1.15 82
Love James John B1.20 19
Love Jane B1.20 19
Love Jane C1.9 42
Love John B1.19 18
Love John B1.22 2l
Love John James A2.10 9
Love Joseph C1.9 42
Love Joseph E1.16 83
Love Joseph Alexander E1.16 83
Love Joseph McDonnell B1.21 20
Love Lindsay A2.9 8
Love Margaret B1.9 17
Love Margaret Hall B1.9 17
Love Mary B1.8 17
Love Mary B1.21 20
Love Mary Jane A2.10 9
Love MaryJane B1.22 20
Love Matilda B1.22 2l
Love Robert C2.17 53
Love Robert (Mathers) Bobbie A2.10 9
Love Victor B1.19 18
Love Victor B1.20 19
Love Victor B1.21 20
Love Victor B1.22 20
Love William James B1.9 17
Lowry Elizabeth A1.5 2
Lowry Iaetitia C1.13 43
Lowry James C1.13 43
Lowry Jane C1.13 43
Lowry Robert A1.5 2
Lowry Tho. Hamilton C1.13 43
M D. M. B1.14 18
M.....? T.......? B2.9 28
Macarthur Margaret R. B3.6 32
Mackay Elizabeth C2.13 51
Mackay Martha (Scott) C2.13 50
Mackay Robert C2.13 50
Mackay Robert C2.13 50
Mackay Sarah C2.13 50
Mackay Sarah Jane C2.13 50
Martin William C2.21 53
Mathers Alexander B2.5 27
Mathers Fannie M. B2.3 26
Mathers Henry B2.3 26
Mathers James B2.3 26
Mathers James B2.5 27
Mathers Jane B2.3 26
Mathers John B2.3 26
Mathers Joseph B2.3 26
Mathers Joseph B2.5 27
Mathers Margaret B2.3 26
Mathers Margaret E1.2 79
Mathers Mary B2.3 26
Mathers Mary Anne E1.2 79
Mathers MaryJane B2.3 26
Mathers Nancy B2.5 27
Mathers Robert B2.5 27
Mathers Robert E1.2 79
Mathers Sarah B2.3 26
Mathers Sarah Jane B2.3 26
McCay Sarah A1.15 5
McCay William A1.15 5
McClements John C2.20 53
McClements Martha C2.20 53
McClements Samuel C2.20 53
McClements William C2.20 53
McClure David A2.14 10
McClure John A2.14 10
McClure Mary A2.14 10
McClure Sarah J. A2.14 10
McClure William Nesbitt A2.14 10
McCrea Andy E1.20 84
McCrea Anne E1.18 83
McCrea Elizabeth C2.8 48
McCrea Elizabeth C3.10 59
McCrea Elizabeth D3.12 77
McCrea Elizabeth E1.5 80
McCrea Elizabeth (Clarke) E3.4 95
McCrea Elizabeth Austin (Bessie) E1.19 84
McCrea Elizabeth L. E1.12 82
McCrea Fanny Jane E1.5 80
McCrea Flora (Clarke) E1.19 84
McCrea Florinda E1.12 82
McCrea Isabella C3.11 59
McCrea James C2.8 48
McCrea James D3.12 77
McCrea James E1.21 85
McCrea James E1.22 86
McCrea James Clarke E1.19 84
McCrea Jane D3.12 76
McCrea Jane D3.12 77
McCrea Jane (Lindsay) E1.21 85
McCrea Jane Walker E1.12 82
McCrea Jas. D3.12 76
McCrea John C3.11 59
McCrea John D3.12 77
McCrea John D3.13 77
McCrea John E1.19 84
McCrea John E1.20 85
McCrea John E1.21 85
McCrea John E1.22 86
McCrea John McConaghy C3.10 59
McCrea John Wallace E1.20 85
McCrea Joseph E1.5 80
McCrea Joseph E1.22 86
McCrea Larah D3.12 77
McCrea Lizzie E1.5 80
McCrea Margaret C3.10 59
McCrea Margaret D3.12 77
McCrea Martha E1.21 85
McCrea Martha E1.22 86
McCrea Mary D3.12 77
McCrea Mary E1.20 84
McCrea Mary E1.21 85
McCrea Mary E1.22 86
McCrea Mary (Campbell) A3.13 14
McCrea Mary Anne E1.18 83
McCrea Mary Flora C3.10 59
McCrea Mary Jane E1.20 85
McCrea Revd. William D3.13 77
McCrea Robert E1.12 82
McCrea Robert E1.12 81
McCrea Robert E1.18 83
McCrea Robert Lindsay E1.19 84
McCrea Sarah C3.11 60
McCrea Sarah E1.21 85
McCrea Sarah Alice C3.10 59
McCrea Susan (McIver) E1.21 85
McCrea Susan Clarke E1.19 84
McCrea Walter C3.11 59
McCrea William C2.8 48
McCrea William C3.10 59
McCrea William C3.11 59
McCrea William E1.18 83
McCrea William James E1.18 83
McElhinny Elizabeth B.2.6 27
McElhinny James B2.6 27
McElhinny Mary B.2.6 27
McElhinny Sarah B.2.6 27
McElroy James C3.15 60
McElroy Margaret C3.15 60
McGettigan Hugh A1.9 3
McGettigan James A1.9 3
McGettigan Mary A1.9 3
McGonagle Patrick D2.6 71
McIntyre James Henry D1.2 62
McIntyre Jane E2.11 91
McIntyre Martha D1.2 62
McIntyre Mary Jane (Dunn) C2.25 55
McIntyre Robert E2.11 91
McIntyre Samuel D1.2 62
McIver Lieut. J. E1.21 85
McIver Patrick D2.4 71
McIver Susan E1.21 85
McLaughlin Catherine (Clarke) A3.8 13
McMains Wm. C1.10 42
McMonagle Bella J. C3.11 76
McMoris Mary Ann A1.11 4
Mills Sarah D2.4 71
Mitchal Joh(n) B1.12 18
Mitchell Annie Mary D1.13 18
Mitchell David D1.13 18
Mitchell fumie D1.13 18
Mitchell Sarah Jane (Armstrong) B1.3 15
Moorhead Agnes E2.l 87
Moorhead Alexander E2.l 86
Moorhead Anne D1.3 63
Moorhead Bessie E2.l 88
Moorhead Catherine E2.l 88
Moorhead Catherine E2.l 87
Moorhead Ellen Elizabeth E2.l 88
Moorhead James D1.3 63
Moorhead John D1.3 63
Moorhead John Alexander E2.l 87
Moorhead John Joseph D1.3 63
Moorhead Joseph E2.l 87
Moorhead Joseph E2.l 88
Moorhead Margaret E2.l 88
Moorhead Margaret Ann E2.l 87
Moorhead Mary D1.3 63
Moorhead Mary (Love) B1.21 20
Moorhead Rebecca E2.l 87
Moorhead Robert E2.l 87
Moorhead Robert E2.l 88
Moorhead Sarah D1.3 63
Moorhead Sarah Jane D1.3 63
Moorhead Sarah Jane E2.l 88
Moorhead Tillie E2.l 88
Moorhead William D1.3 63
Moorhead William J. E2.l 88
Moorhead William James E2.l 88
Morrison Charles A1.22 6
Morrison Martha A1.22 6
Morrison Rebecca A1.22 6
Nesbitt Dr. William A2.14 10
Nesbitt Hugh A2.13 10
O’brogan Daniel D2.5 71
O’brogan Philip D2.5 71
Orr   A3.4 12
Osborne James C2.5 47
P A A1.4 2
Park Mary C2.22 54
Parkhill James D1.20 67
Parkhill James D1.20 67
Parkhill Margaret D1.20 67
Parkhill Matilda D1.20 67
Porter Annie Frances D1.26 69
Porter Francis James D1.26 69
Porter Francis James D1.26 69
Porter Martha D1.26 69
Porter Robert I. D1.26 69
Ramsay Catharine A2.6 7
Ramsay David A2.6 7
Ramsay Isabella A2.6 7
Ramsay James A2.6 8
Ramsay John A2.6 7
Ramsay Martha A2.6 8
Rankin John A2.16 13
Rankin Josias A2.16 13
Rankin Nancy A2.16 13
Rankin Nancy Love A2.16 13
Rankin William A2.16 11
Rodden John James D2.11, 72
Rodden Lindsay Douglas D2.11, 72
Rodden Susan D2.11, 73
Rodden Thomas D2.11, 72
Rodden Thomas Stewart D2.11, 72
Rodden William D2.11, 72
Scott Andrew C2.13 50
Scott Catherine Annie C2.13 50
Scott Elizabeth Mackay C2.13 50
Scott Martha (Mackay) C2.13 50
Scott Robert C2.13 50
Scott Robert C2.13 51
Semple John James B2.13 29
Semple Violet Baird B2.13 29
Semple William B2.13 28
SL S. L. B2.21 30
Smith James D1.17 67
Smith John Britton B3.19 36
Smith Maggie B3.20 37
Smith Margaret (Gamble) C2.12 49
Smith Margaret Davidson B3.21 37
Smith Mary B3.19 36
Smith Mary McCrea Stewart B3.19 36
Smith Robert McIntyre B3.20 37
Smith Samuel Alexander B3.19 36
Smith Thomas B3.20 37
Smith William B3.20 36
Smith William B3.21 37
Smith William D1.17 66
Smith William Jr. B3.19 36
Smyth Andrew A2.17 11
Smyth David A2.17 12
Smyth Elizabeth A1.10 3
Smyth Hugh A2.17 12
Smyth James A2.17 12
Smyth James A2.17 12
Smyth Joseph A1.10 3
Smyth Sarah A2.17 12
Smyth William E3.1 94
Stevenson Elizabeth C2.16 51
Stevenson Ellen C2.16 51
Stevenson Fanny Wray E1.10 81
Stevenson James E1.10 81
Stevenson Jane E1.10 81
Stevenson John James E1.10 81
Stevenson Joseph C2.16 51
Stevenson Joseph E1.10 81
Stevenson Mary Ann C2.16 51
Stevenson Robert C2.16 51
Stevenson Thomas C2.16 51
Stevenson William C2.16 51
Stewart Mary B3.11 35
Stewart Robert B3.11 35
Toland E. C2.16 46
Toland Elizabeth Susanna C2.16 46
Toland John Thompson C2.16 46
Toland Rev. C. K. C2.16 46
Watson fuidnew D1.9 65
Watson James D1.9 65
Watson Jane D1.9 65
Watson John D1.9 65
Watson Sarah D1.9 65
Woods Elizabeth Harper D1.13 66
Woods Frances D1.8 64
Woods Isabella D3.4 74
Woods James D3.4 74
Woods Jane D1.13 66
Woods John D1.8 64
Woods John D3.4 74
Woods John J. D3.4 74
Woods Margaret D3.4 74
Woods Mary Jane Clark D1.13 66
Woods Robert D1.13 66
Woods Samuel D1.13 66
Woods Thomas D3.4 74
Young James C1.8 40
Young Jessie C1.8 40
Young Margaret Elizabeth C1.8 40
Young William C1.8 40


Click on the Page Number indicated by the Index of Inscriptions above

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  
21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  
41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  
61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  
81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97