Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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     D3.5   ALEXANDER
            Slate slab raised on five sandstone pillars one at each corner, one in middle;
            Ash stump at south east corner. Lettering incised and clear.
            Length: 2000
            Width:     900
                                  ERECTED TO THE MEMORY
                              OF THE LATE GEORGE ALEXANDER,
                           FARMER, GRANGE-FOYLE, WHO DIED 4TH
                               MAY 1847 AGED 49 YEARS.
                                     ALSO HIS MOTHER,
                               AGNES ALEXANDER WHO DIED 10TH
                                     MAY 1841 AGED 80
                                     ALSO OF HIS BROTHER
                           Wm ALEXANDER, SURGEON, WHO DIED
                                    3D FEBY 1839 AGED 39

     D3.6   KERR
            White polished granite headstone on plinth,lichen and ivy affected. Sides
            recessed curving in two movements from shoulders to top; floral and foliage
            decoration in high relief above inscription. Lettering incised with lead infill,
            clearly legible.
             Height: 1700
             Width:    700
                                        IN MEMORY OF
                                  ROBERT KERR, GORTEYVEY,
                                   WHO DIED 2ND JULY 1908.
                                  ALSO HIS SISTER MARGARET
                                 WHO DIED 25TH OCTOBER 1931

                              ERECTED BY HIS SISTER MARGARET

      D3.7 Slab

      D3.8 BOGLE
             Sandstone headstone on double plinth, surmounted by ivy covered urn.
             Polished white granite inset for inscription. Floral motifs in relief above and
             below inscription which is incised with lead infill.
              Height: 2600
              Width:    800
                                         CATHERINE BOGLE
                                            IN MEMORY
                                                OF HER
                                        BELOVED HUSBAND
                                          JOSEPH BOGLE,