Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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B2.6 Contd......
                    WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE 4TH JULY 1859,
                                   AGED 70 YEARS.
                          ALSO ELIZABETH McELHINNY
                    WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE 3RD MAY 1872.
                                   AGED 80 YEARS

B2.7   Sandstone slab within grave surround of B2.6

B.2.8    LOGAN
       Rough local stone slab; lettering incised; poor condition; cement accretions.
       Approximate Length: 1900
                              Width: 750
                                   HERE LIETH THE
                                   BODY OFJOSEPH
                                   LOGAN WHO DE
                                   PARTED THIS LI
                                 FE JUNE THE 2 1760
                                   AGED 66 YEARS

B,2.9  Small rough slate slab, initials T M. read from west.
                                           T M

B2.10   CURRY
       White polished granite headstone on sandstone plinth, heavily lichen encrusted
       but incised lettering is legible. Recessed at sides curving to apex.
       Height: 1270
       Width:    600
                                   ROBERT CURRY,
                           IN MEMORY OF HIS BROTHER
                                    JAMES CURRY,
                            AND SISTERS MARY CURRY,
                                AND SARAH GAMBLE,
                        WIDOW OFJOHN GAMBLE, KEERY.

B2.11 Slab

B2.12 Slab.

       Rectangular polished white granite headstone on double plinth; lettering incised
       with lead infill; floral decoration in relief above inscription.
       Height: 1350
       Width:    720
                                      MEMORY OF
                        WILLIAM SEMPLE, CULLION
                    WHO DIED 2ND JAN. 1879, AGED 49 YEARS.                      Contd......