Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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C2.8 Contd...
                                   ILLIAM MCCREA OF
                             GLENCOSH WHO DEPARTED
                             THIS LIFE MARCH 26TH 1786
                             IN THE 48 YEAR OF HIS AGE
                                 ALSO THE BODY OF
                             ELIZABETH MCCREA HIS WIF
                           WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE MARCH
                                1833 AGED 91YEARS.
                                   ALSO JAMES MCCREA
                             OF GLENCUSH DIED NOVEMBR
                                28 1816 AGED (?) YEARS.

 C2.9   Slab

        Polished white granite headstone on plinth With recessed sides and shoulders
        curving in stages to top. Flower and foliage in relief in circle above inscription
        lettering incised with lead infill, good condition. Single grave sunounded by
        squared metal bars with twists set in 2 sandstone corner pillars at east
        Length:    1750
        Width:      700
                                    IN MEMORY OF                                                
                                   JOHN FORSYTHE,    
                               AND SARAH JANE HIS WIFE
                                 ALSO THEIR CHILDREN
                                       AND ANN JANE
                   On north side

  C2.11  Two slabs within single grave surround of C2.10; the top one is rough with no
         inscription. The bottom half which is showing has its west end buried under top
         slab. Lettering incised, largely illegible
         Length showing: 800
         Width:            700