In the 1980s, the Late David Todd, who lived all his life in Greerstown, Co Londonderry researched his family history and produced a booklet for family members. When doing this he realised that a useful source of information was gravestones, and the condition of many of these was fast deteriorating, which would lead to the loss of useful information. In the late 1980s / early 1990s, he produced four booklets transcribing the inscriptions in graveyards in Co Londonderry and Co Tyrone as follows: Old Glendermott, with his daughter, Marjorie; Leckpatrick, with his wife, Sheelagh; Old Donagheady, with his daughter, Deirdre and the Grange Burial Ground, with his wife, Sheelagh.
These were very successful. The family are, therefore, delighted to share them with interested parties through as we are sure he would have wished.
***NOTE: Double entries, e. g. a wife may have her maiden name recorded, are marked by an asterisk. Persons who erected the monument or who are mentioned but who may not be buried there have been put in curved brackets. SC refers to the OId Sinclalr Corner, NSC to the north west walled area where there are modern gravestones only, mostly Sinclairs and S.D.C. refers to Strabane District Council burial records.
When you locate an inscription for your ancestor, always be sure to check the original by clicking on the Thumbnail at the bottom of the page as my fingers may have misbehaved during the transcripton!
Click on the Page Number indicated by the Index of Inscriptions below
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81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90Index of Inscriptions
Surname Firstname Place Grid Reference Page Anderson John James B1.3 6 Anderson Mary Anne B1.3 6 Anderson Robert B1.3 6 Andrews David C7.2 80 Arbuckle James Alexander S.D.C. Atkinson Eve Emily NSC9 90 Barr Alicia C2.1 25 Barr James C2.1 25 Barry Jane C3.5 46 Barry John C3.5 46 Boak James B2.8 20 Boke James C2.1 25 Boke Jean B2.10 20 Boke Robert B2.10 20 Bond Anne B3.5 40 Bonner Martha A1.4 2 (Bonner) (James) A1.4 2 Boothe B1.4 6 Bowman Mary A1.16 5 Boyd Eliza Jane C2.6 26 Boyd John Strabane C2.6 26 Boyd John A3.5 36 Boyd Mary A3.5 36 Boyd Thos A3.5 36 Bratty David C6.1 & S.D.C 72 Briggs William J S.D.C. Bristow S G Woodend C2.4 26 Brown Denis C3.3 45 Brown James A3.4 35 Brown Sarah C3.5 46 Brown Thomas Farmhill C3.5 46 Browne James C3.6 46 Buchanan George S.D.C. Callahan Margaret C4.5 54 Callahan Matheus C4.5 54 Campbell Deborah A3.6 36 Campbell Henry Strabane A3.6 36 Campbell Rebecca A3.6 36 Canning (Annie M) B5.5 63 Canning (Robert) Ballylaw B5.5 63 Canning Anna Isabella B5.5 63 Canning Isabella B5.5 63 Carnwath Annie Mary B3.6 40 Carnwath John B3.6 40 Carnwath Joseph Collermoney B3.6 40 Carnwath Joseph Wray B3.6 40 Carnwath Mary B3.6 40 Carnwath Mary B3.6 40 Carnwath Sarah B3.6 40 Carnwath William B3.6 40 Christy Revd. Thomas B4.10 56 (Clarke) (Rev. J. G.) Lurgan B2.18 24 Clarke *Martha B2.18 24 Cowan John D2.1 29 Cowan Joseph D2.1 29 Cowan Margaret Sara D2.1 29 Cox Oliver C3.3 35 Cox Robert C3.3 35 Cox Thomas C3.3 35 Creighton John C3.5 45 Currie Ethel Winifred S.D.C. Curtis Annie A2.8 16 Curtis Mary A2.8 16 Curtis Mary A2.8 16 Curtis William A2.8 16 Deery Cl.12 12 Divine David C3.2 45 Divine Sarah C3.2 45 Doherty Charles A3.9 37 Doherty Charles A3.9 38 Doherty George A3.9 38 (Doherty) (George) Strabane A3.9 37 Doherty Jane A3.9 37 Doherty William B1.12 05 Donaghy Annie Mary A1.15 04 (Donaghy) (Bryan) D4.4 58 Donaghy Bryan D4.5 60 Donaghy (Cath)rine D4.4 58 Donaghy Cescelia D4.4 58 Donaghy John James A1.15 04 Donaghy Margaret D4.4 58 Donnell Elizabeth C7.6 81 Donnell James (South) A7.2 75 Donnell Margaret A7.1 74 Donnell Margaret (East) A7.2 75 Donnell Margaret (West} A7.2 75 Donnell Mary A7.3 75 Donnell Mary C7.6 81 Donnell Mary S.D.C. Donnell S. D4.1 57 Donnell Samuel (South) A7.2 75 Donnell T. Woodend D4.1 57 Donnell Thomas Woodend C7.8 82 Donnell William C7.6 81 Donnell Wm Ballemagorey C7.6 81 Donnell Ballee A7.4 76 Doragh Isabella C3.7 47 Doragh Jane C3.7 47 Doragh Mary C3.7 47 Doragh Samuel C3.7 47 Doragh William Tullyard C3.7 47 Doragh William C3.7 47 Falls John A4.5 51 Finlay John B7.1 76 Finlay Sarah B7.1 76 Frame Elizabeth D7.1 84 & 85 Frame Mary Jane D7-1 85 Frame Rebecca D7.1 85 Frame Thomas D7.1 85 Fulton Annie Matilda A2.4 14 Fulton Bessie A2.4 14 Fulton Bessie A2.4 14 Fulton David A A2.4 14 Fulton David George A2.4 14 Fulton Elizabeth A2.4 14 Fulton John A2.4 14 Fulton Margaret A2.4 14 Fulton Margaret A2.4 14 Fulton Mary A2.4 14 Fulton Mary Ann A2.4 14 Fulton Sarah A2.4 14 Fulton C1.1 10 Gallagher Iames [James} D5.3 65 Gamble Ellen S.D.C. Gamble A3.2 35 Gibson A2.3 14 Glendinning James Killynaught B3.8 41 Glendinning Jane B3.8 41 Glendinning Robert B3.8 41 Glendinning William B3.8 41 Gordon Aaron A2.5 15 Gordon Aaron A2.5 15 Gordon Eliza B1.10 8 Gordon Elizabeth A2.5 15 Gordon Margaret A2.5 15 Gordon Martha Isabella Porter B1.10 8 (Gordon) (Samuel) Strabane B1.10 8 Gordon William A2.5 15 Gordon Edymore B1.5 7 Gormley John B3.14 43 Gourley John Milltown B2.7 19 Gourley John B2.7 19 Gourley Margaret B2.7 19 Gourley Samuel B2.7 19 Graham Elizabeth S.D.C. Hall Catherine B1.6 7 Hall John B1.6 7 Hall Mary B1.6 7 Hall Robinson B1.6 7 Hamilton Alexander A1.17 5 Hamilton Elisabeth Jane A1.17 5 Hamilton Elizabeth Knox D2.3 30 Hamilton Fanny A1.17 5 Hamilton George Ballyheather A1.17 5 Hamilton George D2.3 30 Hamilton James A1.17 5 Hamilton Jane A1.17 5 Hamilton John D2.3 30 Hamilton John Lyon D2.3 30 Hamilton Martha A1.17 5 Hamilton Re-ekah B2.4 18 Hamilton Robert D2.3 30 Hamilton Robert (Surgeon) B7.4 77 Hamilton Sarah C3.2 45 Hannah Eliza C7.7 82 Hannah Mary Maginnis Hannah C7.7 82 Hannah Rebecca C7.7 82 Hannah Robert Strabane C7.7 82 Hannah Sara Ann C7.7 82 (Henderson) (James) Trimra A3.6 36 Henderson Rebecca A3.6 36 Holmes *Eliza C7.7 82 (Holmes) (Charles A) C7.7 82 Holmes Charles Albert C7.11 84 Holmes David C7.11 84 Holmes Eliza C7.11 83 Holmes Elizabeth C7.10 84 Holmes Henry C7.11 84 Holmes James McCrea C7.11 84 Holmes John Brosney C7.11 83 Holmes John C7.11 84 Holmes Joshua Alfred C7.11 83 Holmes Mary C7.11 84 Holmes Robert McCrea C7.11 83 Holmes Wm Christopher McCrea C7.11 84 Hoston James B3.3 38 Hoston Mary Ross Mills B3.3 38 Hoston Robert B3.3 38 Houston E. S.D.C. Houston James R A4.4 50 (Houston) (James) A4.4 50 (Houston) (Jane) A4.4 50 Houston Rebecca M A4.4 50 Houston B2.15 21 Hunter Ann B3.11 42 Hunter John C4.6 54 Hunter Sarah C4.6 54 Kee Andrew Drummond B1.11 9 Kee Andrew B1.11 9 Kee Eliza Mary B2.17 23 Kee Frances B1.11 9 Kee Jane B1.11 9 Kee Jane B1.11 9 Kee Jane B2.17 23 Kee Margaret B2.17 23 Kee Robert Gortyleck B2.17 23 Kee Robert Poston B1.11 9 Kee Rosana B2.17 23 Kee Samuel B2.17 23 Kelly Harine Leckpatrick C1.6 11 Kerr George Ballee C7.9 83 (Kerr) (M. J.) C1.10 11 Kincaid John S.D.C. King Peter C7.3 83 Knox Bessie D2.2 30 Knox David Ellis D7.3 85 Knox Dorathea D7.2 85 Knox Elizabeth D2.3 30 Knox George D7.3 85 Knox George Antigua D7.2 85 Knox Jane D2.2 30 Knox Jane D7.3 85 Knox John Ballyskeagh D7-3 85 Knox John Ballyskeagh D7.2 85 Knox John (Jun) D7.2 85 Knox John Lyon Ballyskeagh D7.3 85 Knox Julia Ellis D7-3 85 Knox Martha D2.2 30 Knox Mary D7.2 85 Knox Mary J D7-3 85 Knox Mary Jane S.D.C. 86 Knox Rebecca B7.4 . 77 Knox Thomas D2.2 30 Knox Thomas B7.4 77 Knox Thomas D7.3 85 Knox Thomas S.D.C. 86 Knox Walter McLachlan D7.2 85 (Law) (Reverend Samuel) SC.6 69 Lindsay Alexander H S.D.C. Lindsay Catherine D6.3 74 (Lindsay) (Ellen) C1.11 12 Lindsay Jas. Tullyard Cl.14 12 Lindsay Josias C1.11 12 Lindsay Robert Artigarvan D6.3 74 Lynch Edward S.D.C. Lynch C4.2 53 Lyon Elizabeth (Knox) D2.3 30 Lyon George D2.3 31 Lyon John D2.3 30 Lyon Robert D2.3 32 MacLaughlin Annie D2.6 32 MacLaughlin George Maghereagh D2.4 31 MacLaughlin Henry Ballycallaghan D2.6 32 MacLaughlin John S D2.4 31 MacLaughlin Lily Margaret D2.4 31 MacLaughlin Margaret Isobel D2.4 31 MacLaughlin Mary D2.4 31 MacLaughlin Mary Ann D2.6 32 MacLaughlin Mary Jane D2.4 31 MacLaughlin May D2.4 31 MacLaughlin Surgeon Col. John D2.6 32 MacNeill (Colonel Donald Aughnaba, Argyllshire) A4.3 50 MacNeill Anna de Aliqua A4.3 50 MacNeill Augusta Grace A4.3 50 MacNeill Flora Elizabeth A4.3 50 MacNeill Georgina A4.3 50 MacNeill Godfrey Archibald A4.3 50 MacNeill Grace A4.3 50 MacNeill Maria Anna Charlotte A4.3 50 MacNeill Rosa A4.3 50 Mag?ee John B2.16 21 Magee Elizabeth Mary D3.1 48 Magee George B2.5 18 Magee Henry D3.1 48 Magee Isabella D3.1 48 Magee Isabella D3.1 48 Magee James D3.1 48 Magee Robert D3.1 48 Magee Robert S.D.C. Maxwell Isabella B7.7 77 Maxwell Joseph S.D.C. McArry Jane A3.A 35 (McBride) (Rebecca) C7-5 81 McClea Alice M C4.8 55 McClea John C4.8 55 McClea Matilda C4.8 55 McClea Matilda Mary C4.8 55 McClea Samuel C4.8 55 McClea Samuel C4.8 55 McClea Stewart B C4.8 55 McClea William James C4.8 55 McClean Annabella C1.2 10 McClee William B2.4 18 McCleery Annie E. P B4.1 52 McCleery Fanny B4.1 51 McCleery James Johnston B4.1 52 McCleery Samuel B4.1 51 McCleery Samuel B4.1 52 McConaghey Sarah C4.7 55 McCormick Anne D4.2 58 McCormick Frederick D4.2 58 McCormick James D4.5 60 McCormick Patrick D4.2 58 McCormick William D4.2 58 McCormick William D4.2 58 McCrea James Gobnascale C7.5 81 McCrea John Kenaughan C7.4 81 McCrea John Kilstroll C7.5 81 McCrea John C7.5 81 McCrea Rebecca C7.5 81 McCrea Robert C1.4 10 McDonagh Bridget C4.9 56 McDonagh Henry C4.9 56 McDonagh William C4.9 56 McGerrigle George S.D.C. McIntyre Gustavus Holly Hill C3.7 47 McIntyre Jane C3.7 47 McLaughlin George D2.5 32 McLaughlin Henry Ballycallaghan D2.7 32 McShane Patrick B4.4 52 Murdock Isabella C2.7 26 Murdock Samuel C2.7 26 Murdock William C2.7 26 Nelis Jane C3.1 44 Nelis John C3.1 44 Nichol Henry B1.11 9 Nicholl Robert(The Memory Man) B7.8 & S.D.C. 78 Nilis Elizabeth C3.1 44 Patterson Elizabeth A1.1 1 Patterson Isabella A1.1 1 Patterson Martha A1.1 1 Patterson Martha A1.1 1 Patterson Mary Jane A1.1 1 Patterson Matthew A1.1 1 Patterson Robert Ballyheather A1.1 1 Patterson William A1.1 1 Patterson William S.D.C. Patterson William A1.10 3 Phillips *Martha B2.18 24 Phillips Elizabeth B2.18 24 Phillips Frances B2.18 24 Phillips Samuel B2.18 24 Phillips William B2.18 24 Pollock Ann B3.4 39 Pollock Ann B3.4 39 Pollock Jean B3.4 39 Pollock Mick B3.4 39 Pollock Cl.3 10 Polock Anne B3.5 40 Polock Charles B3.5 39 Polock Thomas B3-5 40 Porterfield William S.D.C. Quinn Richard Farmhill C1.9 12 (Robinson) (James) A1.6 3 Robinson John or Jane A1.7 3 (Robinson) (Margaret) A1.6 3 Robinson Margaret A1.6 3 Ross Albert Nesbitt Winslow A1.2 2 Ross Albert Ramsay Woodend A1.2 2 Ross James B1.7 8 Ross William Strabane B1.7 8 Ross William Latimer A1.2 2 Ross Winnie A1.2 2 Russell Eileen C3.5 46 Sharkey B1.1 6 Shields Annie Scott S.D.C. Shields David S.D.C. Shields Isabella B6.2 71 Shields James S.D.C. Shields James B6.2 71 Shields John S.D.C. Shields Samuel S.D.C. Shields B1.4 6 Simpson Edith Emily Rebecca NSC 9 90 Simpson William John NSC 9 & S.D.C. 90 Sinclair (James) SC.1 66 Sinclair Alexander NSC6 89 (Sinclair) (Dorothea) SC.1 66 Sinclair Dorothea SC.6 69 Sinclair Elizabeth SC.2 66 Sinclair Elizabeth E Philadelphia & Holyhill NSC4 88 Sinclair Everina Mary Caroline Maxwell NSC3 88 Sinclair Isabella SC.1 66 Sinclair Isabella SC.2 66 (Sinclair) (James) SC.1 66 Sinclair James Holy Hill SC.6 69 Sinclair James Montgomery Bonnyglen & Holyhill NSC1 88 Sinclair Mary Everina NSC1 88 Sinclair Rosabelle Lindesay NSC2 88 Sinclair Sarah SC.5 68 Sinclair William Holy Hill SC.5 68 Sinclair William NSC8 90 Sinclair William H. M. Holy Hill & Bonnyglen NSC5 89 Sloan Patrick A5.3 61 Smithwick Revd George C6.3 72 & 73 Smyth Francis A2.1 13 Smyth Isabella Jane A2.1 13 Smyth Robert A2.1 13 Smyth William Dysart A2.1 13 Smyth William A2.1 13 Spence Isabella S.D.C. (Spence) (Mary) B1.11 53 (Spence) (Robert) B1.11 53 Spence C4.3 53 Stewart Ezekiel J. A5.4 61 Stewart Letitia S.D.C. 4 Stewart Martha A5.5 62 Stewart Samuel A5.5 61 Stewart William John A1.13 & S.D.C. 4 (Strode) (James Cranbourne) Shernfold, Park, Kent SC 5 68 Stuart Andrew A2.9 16 (Stuart) (Samuel) Starbane A2.9 16 Stuart Sarah A2.9 16 Thompson James A3.3 35 Uekle(?)[Arbuckle] Joseph B2.13 21 Walker Minnie C. C. A3.1 34 Ward Patrick A4.2 49 Weir David B3.12 42 Weir David B3.12 42 Weir Hessie B3.12 42 Weir Isabella S.D.C. Weir James A3.8 37 Weir James Canada B3.12 42 Weir John A3.8 37 Weir Margaret B3.12 42 Weir Martha Jane A3.8 37 Weir Mary A3.8 37 Weir Mary B3.12 42 Weir Mary Jane B3.12 42 Weir Robert B3.10 41 Weir Sarah B3.12 42 Weir Thomas Canada B3.12 42 Weir Thos A3.8 37 Weir Thos A3.8 37 White Mary Jane D4.1 57 White William Pollockstown D4.1 57 Williamson James D2.8 33 Williamson Robert J. S.D.C. Young *Minnie C. C. A3.1 34 Young David A3.1 34 Young Rose Ann A3.1 34 Young Samuel A3.1 34
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