Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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B1.7   ROSS
       Flat sandstone slab under turf; inscription incised and fairly legible.
       Length: 1820: width: 910.

                               MEMENTO [cross] MORI
                               HERE LYETH THE BODY OF
                               JAMES ROSS WHO DEPART
                               ED THIS LIFE MARCH 15
                          IN THE 24th YEAR OF HIS AGE
                                  1722. ALSO WILLIAM
                                 ROSS ONE TIME MERCHA
                                 NT IN STRABANE WHO DE
                           PARTED SEPTR THE 7th 1729
                          IN THE 29th YEAR OF HIS AGE

B1.8   Two components: (a) flat, rough fieldstone.
       Length: 1400; width: 600
                         (b) smaller flat stone to west.
       Length: 600; width: 400.
       No inscriptions.

B1.9  Flat, rectangular grey fieldstone. No inscriptions.
     Length: 2000; width: 200.

        Ornate sandstone headstone on double plinth; inscription incised on
        west face; good condition. Flower, foliage and bird decoration on
        pediment, all surmounted by draped urn. Nichol inscription on upper
        Height: 2400; width: 770; depth: 220
        Width of plinth: 1000
                                       IN MEMORY OF
                                  THE BELOVED WIFE OF
                               SAMUEL GORDON STRABANE
                           WHO DIED 1st NOVEMBER 1877.
                                       AGED 39 YEARS
                                   ALSO HER DAUGHTER
                               MARTHA ISABELLA PORTER
                               WHO DIED 28th APRIL 1877
                                       AGED 4 MONTHS