Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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  A2.4   Contd....
                                                 ALSO THE ABOVE
                                                  MARY ANN FULTON,
                                   WHO DIED 17th SEP 1931 AGED 87 YEARS
                                                       AND THEIR SON
                                                   DAVID A. FULTON
                                     DIED 26th SEP. 1960, AGED 81 YEARS.
                                            ALSO HIS WIFE ELIZABETH
                                       DIED 21st JUNE 1960 AGED 78 YEARS.

  A2.5   GORDON
           Flat sandstone slab, sloping west. Inscription incised. Stone slightly                                    '
           under edge of A2.6 adjoining at east; two pieces broken off north edge.
           Under 120 of turf.
           Length: 1700; width: 1000; depth: 100

                             HERE LIETH THE  BODY OF
                         AARON GORDON WHO DEPT THIS LIFE   
                                THE 16th OCTOBER 1817
                                      AGED 77 YEARS
                            ALSO MARGARET WIFE OF THE A
                               BOVE NAMED AARON GORDON
                         WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 14TH
                            OF NOVEMBER 1831 AGED 87 YEA
                       SON OF AARON AND MARGARET WHO
                     DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON THE       OF JANUA
                                     1837 AGED     YEARS
                             ALSO THE REMAINS OF ELIZABETH
                      GORDON DAUGHTER TO THE ABOVE AAR
                          AND MARGARET GORDON AND     A
                         THAT OF AARON GORDON HER BROT
                             WHO DIED THE 9TH OF OCTR 1844

A2.7 Grey stone flower holder; no other mark.