Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Artrea Parish Records, Counties Tyrone & Londonderry, Northern Ireland

Located on


Births, Marriages & Deaths (Extracted from Newspapers)

- Artrea Parish, Counties Tyrone & Londonderry (inc. Moneymore), Birth Announcements 1816-69
- Artrea Parish, Counties Tyrone & Londonderry (inc. Moneymore), Marriage Announcements 1774-1870
- Artrea Parish, Counties Tyrone & Londonderry (inc. Moneymore), Death Announcements 1789-1870

Census Records

- Artrea Parish, County Tyrone Religious Census 1766

Church Records

- Artrea Parish Church (St. Andrew's Church of Ireland) Artrea Parish, County Tyrone Marriages 1845-50
- Ardtrea and Desertlin, Armagh - Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI

Directories & Gazetteers

- Ardtrea Parish, County Tyrone in 1837 Lewis' Topographical Dictionary of Ireland

Estate Records: Rentals & Valuations

- Archbishopric of Armagh Estate: Tenants of the Lease: William Stewart, Esq, 1703 458 Acres, Parishes of Ardboe & Ardtrea, County Tyrone
- Archbishopric of Armagh Estate: Tenants of the Lease: Tristram Beresford, Esq., 1703 Parishes of Ballinderry, Tamlaght & Ardtrea, Counties Tyrone & Londonderry


- Lenox Conyngham Family Notes, Springhill House, Moneymore, County Londonderry 1827-69

Flax Growers Bounty List (Spinning Wheel Premiums)

- Index to the Flaxgrowers Bounty List (Spinning Wheel Premiums), Artrea Parish, County Londonderry 1796

Freeholders' Records

- Applications to Register Freeholds: Barony of Dungannon, County Tyrone 1829-31

Maps: Parishes & Townlands

- Map of Artrea Parish, County Tyrone Portion
- Map of Artrea Parish, County Londonderry Portion. Courtesy of

Organisations & Groups

- Artrea Masonic Lodge, Counties Londonderry & Tyrone, No. 423: List of Members 1765-95


- Petition of Protestant Dissenters, Dungannon Barony, County Tyrone 1775


- Artrea Church of Ireland


- Schools in Artrea Parish, Counties Tyrone & Londonderry 1835

Taxation: Hearth Money Rolls, Subsidy Rolls, Tithe Applotment Books & Griffiths Valuation

- Index to the Tithe Applotment Book, Artrea Parish, County Tyrone Portion 1825
- Index to Griffiths Valuation, Artrea Parish, County Tyrone Portion
- Index to Griffiths Valuation, Artrea Parish, County Londonderry Portion
- Hearth Money Roll Ballyclog & Artrea Parishes, County Tyrone c1670