Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Various Wills, Deeds, Births, Marriages, Deaths


Extracts from:

The Washington ancestry and records of the McClain, Johnson and forty other  colonial American families

by Charles A Hoppin published in Greenfield Ohio 1932

1702- John CRAWFORD of Ardstraw died and left a will.
1703 - will proved of John SINCLAIR Rector of Leckpatrick at the time of the seige of Derry
{filed at Four Courts Dublin  Perogative court}
1729- William ROSS of Strabane will proved.
1740 will proved of Arthur GRAHAM of Ardstraw Parish.
1749- Henry CRAWFORD married Eleanor ROSS at Clogher.
1749- Andrew ROSS of Killoon Co. Tyrone left will in the Derry Diocesan Court.
1752- will proved of Hugh DUGLASS of Strabane.
7 Apr 1759 -Joseph ROSS of Strabane, merchant- will dated proved in Diocesan Court Londonderry. (will names wife Anne, son William ROSS my house in Strabane at age of 21 years. with remainder
to the child now expected by my wife. daughters Catherine & Anne, nephew Joseph ROSS, brother Aaron ROSS)
1770- Oliver CRAWFORD died testate at Omagh.
Oct 1782- St. Clair ROSS born near Newtown Stewart. (died Ripley Ohio USA 1872)
1793 Hugh GRAHAM and Elizabeth ROSS married at Clogher Parish.
13 Apr 1801 -bap. Andrew ROSS son of Crawford ROSS of Lisnatenny.

Protestant Episcopal Church of Ardstraw registers of B/M/D's
29 Jan 1744- bap William ROSS son of David Ross.
2 Oct 1807- bap John James son of John ROSS of Newtown Stewart.
5 Feb 1808- bap George son of George EAKINS of Newtown Stewart.
2 July 1808- bap Anne dau. of Samuel ROSS of Pubble (1 mile north of Newtown Stewart).

Between Feb 1917 and 15 Sept. 1918 , Mr. L.W.ROSS of Cincinnati Oh. says.....
"My grandfather, St. Clair ROSS, told me that his grandfather was John ROSS who married Margaret CRAWFORD;
that they had 3 sons, David ROSS, Oliver ROSS (the father of St. Clair ROSS), and
John ROSS, who remained in Newtown Stewart Co. Tyrone. The ROSS's lived on a farm about 6
miles north of Newtown Stewart on the river at a small place called Sion. I am sure that the family
were all farmers, never tradesmen. John ROSS father of the emigrant Oliver ROSS, sold the farm
at Sion and moved nearer to Newtown Stewart."

There was in 1920 the will of only 1 person bearing any of these names ( Larimer, David, Owen and Ross),
in the probate records of the Diocese of Derry. The will of David ROSS alderman of the city of Londonderry,
proved 1776.

1771-Will of Robert ROSS of Donaghmore Co. Donegal (his connection with Tyrone is that he owned a house at Strabane).
{Four Courts Dublin Ire. Wills for the Diocese of Derry. Proved at the district registry in the city of Londonderry}

"In the name of God Amen. The twentieth day of Jenuary one thousand seven and fifty nine being sick of body
But sound of memorey do mak and ordain this my last will and testement as folouth viz I leave my soul to God
and my body intarrd at the church of Churchminester at the discration of my executors 2ndly I leave my wife
Agness CULBERTSON otherwise ROSS the one half of hir dwellinghous as she shall chus togither with hir garden
and one cows graising free and one barrall of shilling and one half barrall and one hundred of turf cut woon and drawn
by Oliver and Andrew if she should chus to live seprat from Andey every year during her life togither with the third
part of all my goods and chattls; and sole heire and to have the deviding of what clos is in this hous and to have the
rents of the hous of Straban during her life if Robert dos not com home.

3dly I leave my son James twenty shillings ster and one old pot. 4thly I leave my son Samuel ROSS the third of my
lands as he now possesses and one English shilling. 5thly I leave my son Oliver the third part of my land stockt and
sown as usuall. 6thly I leave my daughter Betey thirtey punds star. 7thly I leave my daughter Margret one pound ten
shillings. 8thly I leave John WILLSON one shilling star together with the remainder of his portion that is yet unepaid.
9thly I leave my sone Robert ROSS ten pounds of the hous in Straban providing he coms hom and is in want otherwise
to be sould and eqully devided betwixt my three sons Samuel Oliver and Andrew. Roberts want to be judged by my
executors the said hous not to be sold untill after their mothers death.  10thly I leave my son Andrew the full third part
of my land stocked and sown as usell; but is to live with his mother so long as she shall think prober to stay or live with him.
11thly I order if aney of my children now unmarried shall dispose of themselves in marriage unregolair; or without the consent
of executors that their part shall be eqully devided as my executors shall think proper. 12thly I order that if aney of my sons
shall mak a seall of their lands that the others brothers shall have the preference.  13thly I order if Samuel or Oliver or Andrew
shall dye without ishew that that part shall be devided equally to the other too and lastly I constitute and apoynt James ROSS and
Hugh FULTON and Jas CULBERTSON and Agnes my wife executors to see this my last will and testament put in execution
given under my hand and seal the day and yeare above written

Robert   "R"  ROSS

witnesses present Jas CULBERTSON John WILLSON Hugh FULTON

The above will was proved in common form of law and probat therof  granted to Jas CULBERTSON and Jas ROSS exors saving ye right of the widdow, they being first duly sworn this day 25th 1771 May

Burial yard of Protestant Episcopal Church at Newtown Stewart Parish of Ardstraw
"Here lyeth the body of Oliver Ross who departed this life November 6th 1800 aged 42 years.
Also his wife Elizabeth Ross who died 23rd June 1835 aged 75 years."

Will of John ROSS of Killoon Parish Ballyclog Co. Tyrone dated 8 Feb 1772 proved in the
Perogative court 28th March 1772  ...bequeaths five shillings to son Joseph ROSS, the same to
Arthur WHITSETT, to my daughter Sarah ROSS to Margaret TILL, to daughter Mary HENRY
and grandson John HENRY (the heir to the real estate)

{Four Courts Dublin, Wills of Derry Diocese proved at Londonderry}

Will of John ROSS of Pubble, parish of Ardstraw 1752

I John ROSS of Puple in the parish of Ardstra and County Tyrone being weak in Body but Perfite
 in my memory and my Reason to make this my last will and laying aside all other wills and doe leave
my affects as follows viz first I give my sowl to God who give it to me and next I order my body to be
buried in the church yard of Newtown Stewart and I do order and leave seven pounds to burie me which
is due me by Jonathan LOVE, Henry AGOAN Robert SPRUEL Archibald HOOD and my son David and
doe leave to James FERGUSON my son in law nine ginnie and to his daughter Eloner two ews and one pot
with apeace out of ye lipe of it and one pair of blankets to Eloner FERGUSON and I do leave Mary ROSS
daughter to my son David ROSS four sheep and four sheep to my daughter Mary ROSS and one half of my
woll to my said daughter mary ROSS and six beets of flax to my said daughter Mary ROSS and the rest of my
flax to Prudance ROSS daughter to my son David and what other plension in the house belonging to me I order
it to be divided equally betwixt my daughter Mary ROSS and my grand daughter Prudance ROSS daughter to my
son David and my brown bull I do leave to my grandson David ROSS son to my son David and I do leave my son
David ROSS and James BOYD of Newtown Stewart my whole and sole executors given under my hand and seal this
twenty first day of November 1750.

 John       X  ROSS

signed and sealed and delivered in the presents of Wm FLEMING John HAMILTON John NOBLE.

The within will was proved in common form at Derry 15 February 1752 and the execution committed to David ROSS the other exor renouncing.

Vandergrift Manuscript mentioned in this book as a resource
Oliver ROSS born 13 February 1753 died 27 March 1827 married Elleanor St. CLAIR had first -twin boys James and John died in infancy, dau's Mary then Margaret, St. Clair ROSS born 20 Aug 1782.

will of Anne SINCLAR dated 24 March 1721 proved 29 Oct 1728 Perogative Court Four Courts

DublinAnne SINCLAIR of Straben in the County of Tyrone body to be buried in the
Church of Leck in the place where my late dear husband was buried (in case I shall happen to die at Strabane) .....
To my grandson Galbraith LOWRY son of Robert LOWRY Esqr...... to my grandaughter Ann SINCLAIR
daughter of James SINCLAIR late of Strabane deceased...... to my grandson John my daughter
Isabell HAMILTON and her husband Claud HAMILTON of Strabane Robert LOWRY Senior esqr.......
& Robert LOWRY junior gent both of Agherin Co. Tyrone

Extracts from : The McCauslands of Donaghanie and allied families Shenandoah, Iowa: 1911

Diocese of Derry Wills

McCausland, Alexander Cappagh 1758
 "                     Alexander Corrary Cappagh 1768
 "                     Alexander Cappagh  1799
 "                     Anderson Culmore 1858
 "                     Elizabeth Rush Hill  1813
 "                     Hamilton Ballynamulland 1798
 "                     James Ardstraw 1754
 "                     James Cappagh 1758
 "                     John Cappagh 1794
 "                     John Drumragh 1802
 "                     Thomas Drumragh 1745

Perogative Wills  1536-1810 on file in Dublin Castle

McCausland Alexander Rush 1746
 "                    Andrew Drumragh 1808
 "                    John Strabane 1728
 "                    John Rulagh 1749
 "                    Marcus Daisy Hill 1783
 "                    Oliver Strabane 1722
 "                    Oliver Strbane 1741
 "                    Oliver Strabane 1756
 "                    Patrick Drumnagh 1805
 "                    Thomas Drumna 1805

Patent Rolls William and Mary (1689-1702)
page 29

A deed of bargain and sale made between John Hamilton of Callidon Co. Tyrone to Oliver McCausland of Ardsratw in said Co. Esq. of the reversion and remainder of the lands of Killride Dugire, Portnelligan and Lislanumm and all other rents, services and profits reserved due and payable to the said John Hamilton by reason of the said reversion and remainder. dated 10 Nov 1692

James II (1685-1688)
page 48
deed dated 14 Apr 1683 made by Sir Wm Tichburne of Booley Co Leath- Henry Tichburne Esq to Oliver McCausland of Ardstra Co. Tyr. Esq. and Andrew McClenaghan of Cappy Co. Tyr. gent of an annual rent or sum of £20 per annum reserved and payable to Sir Henry Tichburne of Blessing burrough Co. Tyr. lately deceased out of several lands in the Barony of Strabane Co. Tyr. by deed
dated 18 June 1658

Lease of Omagh tenements 1743
memorial of an indented fee form deed of lease dated 4 Apr 1743 made between Alexander McCausland of Strabane Esq on the one part and John Nixon of Fraghmore Co. Tyr yeoman of the other party. Whereby sd McCausland for and in consideration of the yearly rent of £7 did devise, set & to farm let unto said Nixon, all that and those the two tenements situate on the southwest side of the street of Omagh in the said Co. in one whereof John Hamilton lately dwelt and the other being a waste tenement....witnessed by Wm Scott of Donaghanie Co. Tyr. Gent and James Smith of the city of Dublin Gent. Mem'l witnessed by said Scott and Andrew Allen clerk to Edmund Gilson of the city of Dublin, attorney.
John Nixon
Reg'd 17 June 1743

Derrpark lease 1743
memorial of a deed dated 10 Oct 1740 made between John McCausland of Rush Co. Tyr. Esq. and Andrew and James McCausland of Deerpark, farmers of the other part, by which sd deed said John McCausland in consideration of the yearly rent of £14-10-0 did devise and let unto said Andrew and James McCausland all that part of the Deerpark formerly possessed by Patrick McCausland and William Geer, situate in the Manor of Ellistown otherwise Omagh Co. Tyr. To have and to hold to said Andrew and James for and during the natural lives of said Andrew and
James or the term of 38 years. Witnessed by George Rea then of Omagh gauger, Thomas Caldwell of Drumragh in said Co. farmer and Hamilton Shaw of Omagh gent. Mem'l witnessed by said Shaw and Andrew Alleen clerk to Edmund Gilson of the city of Dublin Attorney.
Andrew McCausland
Reg'd 17 June 1743  

Deerpark lease 1766
memorial of an article dated 1 Sept 1763 whereby Alexander McCausland of the city of Dublin Esq. did for the considerations therein mentioned agree to devise unto Roger Dougherty and James Dougherty both of Deerpark in the parish of Drumragh Co. Tyr. All that part of Deerpark which they then held and enjoyed for and during the term of 31 years commencing from 1st Nov. then next at the yearly rent of 14s. by the account sixpence by the pound receivers fees. And the said Alexander McCausland did further thereby agree to devise to said Roger and James Dougherty the old inclosure opposite to Blythes forth at the rent of £2 for the year then next ensuing and for £3 yearly during the rest of the said devise, which said premises are situate lying and being in said parish of Drumragh, Co. Tyr. Witnesses Thomas McIlduff and Jospeh McDonnel both of Killycurragh, Co. Tyr. Mem'l witnessed by said McIlduff and Edward Morris of Omagh Co. Tyr. gent.
James Dougherty Reg'd 11 June 1766

memorial of an indented deed dated 22 Sept 1798 and made between John McCausland Esq. Lieutenant in the 5th Royal Royal Irish Regiment of Light Dragoons of the one part and Samuel Galbraith of Omagh Co. Tyr. Esq. of the other part, whereby said John McCausland in consideration of £100 to him paid by said Samuel Galbraith did grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm unto said Galbraith and to his heirs and assignes all that and those that part of the town and lands of  Drumnakilly, arable pastures, meadows and bogs on the Docenan side of the river, commonly  called Brackey River, situate lying and being in the parish of Termonnaquirk Co. Tyr. with the appurtenances thereto, to have and to hold the said lands, and premises unto the siad Galbraith,  his heirs and assignes, forever. Witnessed by the Reverand Claudious
Crigan of Newland clerk  and James Galbraith Omagh gent, both in Co. Tyr.
Memorial witnessed by said James Galbraith  and Robert JUnter Omagh in said Co. Tyr. gent.
Samuel Galbraith
Reg'd 13 Dec 1798