To The Register appointed by Act of Parliament for registering Deeds,Wills & ex Ni 38098 Lowry to Love, Reg this day of July (?) 1/4 of one hour after six a clock in the forenoon.
A Memorial of an article bearing date the twenty-fifth day of July, one thousand seven hundred twenty seven, made between Robert Lowry of Agherny (Aghems?) in the County of Tyrone, Esq. of the one part and John Love of Magher(t?)moy (Magheramason?) in the Parish of Donnaghedy and said County, farmer of the other part. That the said Robert Lowry did let unto the said John Love all that part of Racarsan comonly called Lissaicoppanar (only 1 s is ify), now in the possession of James Crawford for and during the term and time of thirty one years to comence from the first day of May next yielding and paying therefore and thereout the yearly rent of twelve pounds (and?), to be paid half yearly the first payment to be made the first day of November, one thousand seven hundred and twenty eight with the yearly duty of six days work of men and horses and six fat henns in which to articles is contained ussuale clauwses between Landlord and Tennant which articles are witnessed by Galbrath Lowry of Aghems in the County of Tyrone, Gent and by Thomas Gowan of the City of Dublin, Gent and this Memorial is also witnessed by Thomas Childrick of the City of Dublin, Gent.
John {Lo-his mark} Love, signed and sealed by the above named John Love in the presence of us, Tho Gowan, ~Tho Childrick~
The above named Thomas Gowan came this day before me and made oath that hes a subscribing witness to the above mentioned Article of which the above writing is a Meml and also to the said Meml and that he saw Robert Lowry only signe and seal the said article and further depoueth(?) that he saw John Love duely signe this Meml and that the name Thomas Gowan subscribed as a witness to the said Deed and Memorial is the deponents proper handwriting.
Tho Gowan (?) me 25 die April 1728 Lifford