In the name of God Amen. I JOHN HALL of Collermoney in the County of Tyrone Gent., being of sound mind & memory do make this my last will & Testament revoking & disannulling all other wills whatsoever by me heretofore made. First Command my soul to the mercifully Great God that gave it and my Real and personal Estate I Devise & bequeath to my Brothers in Law THOMAS WENSLEY of Sandville and RICHARD COWAN of Lifford Gent for the Trust & purposes hereinafter mentioned - Whereas my Dearly Beloved Wife ANN HALL otherwise HAMILTON Considering that I have not received any part of the fortune she is or may be Intitled to hath with an unprecedented Generosity Earnestly Instructed me to provide for the Children of my former marriage and not to leave her or her children anything I therefore only bequeath to my said Wife Ten Pounds Stn. to buy mourning for her and my children MARTHA & ELIZABETH HALL by her To each of whom I bequeath only Thirteen pence - I Bequeath to my eldest son WILLIAM HALL Fifty Pounds Stn. Which I order the said THOMAS WENSLEY & RICHARD COWAN to pay him when he attains the age of Twenty one years or sooner if they think it necessary and as to the Residue of my Real & personal Estate (after the payment of my Just Debts & funeral Expenses which I desire may be paid with all convenient speed) my will is that they may be converted into ready money & put to interest or otherwise disposed of as -- paid Brothers shall think best And that --- same or the money arising from the sale or profits thereof be equally divided between my children WILLIAM HALL, JOHN HALL, CATHERINE & MARY HALL or such of them as shall attain the age of Twenty one years or marry with the consent of the said THOS. WENSLEY and RICHARD COWAN Who I do hereby appoint Executors of this my Will and Whereas my said Dear Wife is now with Child I Order that said Child (if born alive) Shall have one pound Stn. And no more In Witness I have hereunto put my Hand & Seal This Seventh Day of April 1751 One JOHN HALL (Seal)
Being Sealed Published & Declared in presence of Us who have published Our Names as Witnesses hereto in presence of the said JOHN HALL And of each other KATH WENSLEY, LET WENSLEY, RICH. COWAN.
True Copy of the Origl. Attested by me THO ABRAHAM D. Regr. The Last Will and Testament of JOHN HALL late of Cullermoney in the Diocese of Derry Deceased hereunto Annexed was proved approved and Registered and the Strength force & Validity Thereof Decreed for and pronounced before The REVD. JOHN TORRENS Clerk Master of Arts Surrogate of the whole Dioceses of Derry duly and Lawfully Appointed and the Burden of the Execution of the said Will Together with Administration of all Lingular The Goods Chattles Rights and Credits of the said Decd. Was and is herby Granted and Committed This Fifth day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty One to THOMAS WENSLEY and RICHARD COWAN Gent Joint Executors in the said Will ~ (They being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists Truly and Faithfully to Execute the said will by paying all the legacies Therein bequeathed & all other Just Debts of the said Deceased as far as his Goods Chattles and Credits Extend and the Law requires and also to make or cause to be made a True full and Complete Inventory and Account of all and singular the Goods Chattles Rights and Credits of the said Deced. & to Exhibit the same into The Registry of the Diocese of Derry at or within Three months next ensuring and to make a Just Account of Their said Administration when they shall be Thereunto Lawfully Required with a saving to the Rights of all Persons Whatsoever Given under the ------ of Derry the Day and Year above written THO. ABRAHAM D. Regr.