"A Declaration of the nuncupative Will of GABRIELL HOMES and AGNES HOMES his wife being then both sicke of body but of sound and perfect memory delivered the 6th day of June 1669".
"They Recommend yr soules to Almightie God and their bodys to be buried in Comely sort, And as to theirs worldly estate they declared joyntly first they ordered that AGNES her cloathes be devided between her two daughters GEILES the wife of PATRICKE FFLEMMINGE and MARGARET the wife of JOHN MOORE in manner followinge vizt her eldest daughter GEILES to gett her plaids and all other her woollen cloathes except only her best Gowne and petticoat to goe to her daughter MARGARET and for her Lynnen belonginge to her bodye to be equally divided betweene her said Twoe daughters Secondly they declared that their sonne WILLIAM HOMES should have and enjoy their twoo freehold tenements situate in Strabane……alsoe they devised unto him Two peeces of new Lynnen Conteyneinge twenty six ells Two Red Ruggs three pair of small linen sheets halfe a dozen Table napkins one-third of all the pewter vessels in the house……… All residue to be equally divided between their said daughters……...
"Thirdly they declared that there was about sixtie pounds of outstandinge debts and ordered that what charges was expended in recoveringe and gettinge the same should be taken of ye Totall sum and what remained to be equally divided betweene The brother and Two sisters"……….
Fourthly the said WILLIAM HOMES having charge of his father’s Keys and knowing there was Concealled money he hath declared since his ffathers death that only he left to his Two daughters ffifty shillings Le peece which money the said WILLIAM HOMES doth yet delaye and refuses to make payment thereof"……. [The document ends here. There is no note of Probate]
PRONI [Belfast] Reference T681/1 page 387 and T808 page 7919 [Tenison Groves' typescript made before the destruction of the Public Records in 1922]