In the Summer of 1817, CHARLES O’KANE, a poor man, who lived in the townland of Ardochal [Altdoghal, Ardstraw Parish] near Nt. Stewart [Newtownstewart], being unable to support his family, was obliged, with his wife SARAH and seven children, to travel the country in quest of bread. They were near Enniskillen [Co. Fermanagh] when his wife took the fever, and during her illness, his third daughter, SARAH, then aged eleven years went out to look for food, but never returned.
Every search was made for her, but in vain. She was seen in Irvinestown, County of Fermanagh. Her poor mother continues to mourn her loss, but not without hope, at times, that she may still be alive, and has forgot her parents and her former residence. She is now, if living, twenty one years of age; and any tidings respecting her, will be thankfully received by her afflicted mother.
She hopes that the printers of Newspapers will be so humane as to copy this.