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Tullyfern Parish, Co. Donegal, Ireland in 1837: Lewis' Topographical Dictionary of Ireland

Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

TULLY, or TULLAFERNE, a parish, in the barony of KILMACRENAN, county of DONEGAL, and province of ULSTER; containing, with part of the post-town of Ramelton, 6,096 inhabitants. It is situated on a branch of Lough Swilly, and comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 16,612 statute acres, of which 383 are water, and 14,908 are applotted under the tithe act and valued at £4,585 per annum. There is a considerable portion of bog, also part of a lake, upwards of a mile in length, called Lough Feme: about 100 acres of land have been lately reclaimed from the sea at Mulroy bay; this bay admits the approach of vessels to within half a mile of the village of Milford. Several of the inhabitants are employed in linen-weaving at their own houses. The gentlemen’s seats are Glenalla, the residence of the Rev. G. V. Hart; Clara, of Jas. Watt, Esq.; and Ballyare, of John Cochrane, Esq. The parish is in the diocese of Raphoe, and is a rectory, forming part of the union of Aughnish, or Tullyaughnish: the tithes amount to £590.12.8.; and there is a glebe, comprising 512 Cunningham acres, valued at £256 per annum. In the R. C. divisions it is the head of a union or district, comprising also the parish of Killygarvan, by which name the district is also called: each parish contains a chapel. There are two meeting-houses for Covenanters and one for Presbyterians. At Milford is a school on the foundation of Erasmus Smith, in which, and in two other public schools, about 260 children are educated; and about 290 children are taught in six private schools; there are also five Sunday schools.

Further Tullyfern Parish records can be viewed here:

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Tullyfern Parish Records, Co. Donegal

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