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Ramelton, Aughnish Parish, County Donegal, Ireland Professional & Trade Directory 1900

Extracted from the Belfast & Ulster Directory (1900)
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


This file of the 1900 DIRECTORY FOR RAMELTON, COUNTY DONEGAL forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to RAMELTON, COUNTY DONEGAL on this website can be found at the foot of this file.

Aughnish Parish, Co. Donegal, Ireland Courtesy of
Main Street, Ramelton, Co. Donegal, Ireland early Twentieth century


This town is distant from Derry about twelve miles. The route is by the Lough Swilly Railway to Fahan Point, thence by steamer, which sails to and from Ramelton, calling at Rathmullan. Ramelton is prettily situated on the River Lennon, and vessels of ten feet draught can come up Lough Swilly to the quays at high water. The market day is Tuesday in each week. Fairs are held for the sale of cattle, pigs, sheep, &c., on the 15th of each month. The population numbers about 1,700. Cars leave for Rathmullan at 7 a.m., 8 a.m., and 3 p.m., returning at 8.50 a.m., 5 p.m. and 6.50 p.m.: Letterkenny 5.10 a.m., returning at 6.30 a.m. Arrivals of mails from England, Scotland and the Provinces 8.00 a.m. and 6.40 p.m.: Rathmullan, 6.00 p.m.; Tamney, 4.50 p.m. Departure of mails for England, Scotland and the Provinces, 7.10 a.m. and 5.10 p.m.; Rathmullan, 7.10 a.m. and 8.0 am; Tamney, 8.05 .a.m.



Mallins John
Martin Robert T.
Quigg John
Mackey John, S.C.S.



Coll James
Speer Wm.
Hunter A.


Bankers: The Northern Banking Co.

Manager: A. J. McKisack
Cashier: J. Cherry


Civil Bill Officer

Cassidy Samuel



Church of Ireland

Incumbent: Rev. Canon Tyler
Curate: L.G. Davies, B. A.
Churchwardens: Sir H. Stewart, Bart. & R. Gethin


Presbyterian Church

Hours of public worship, 12 noon and 6 p.m.

First : Rev. W. D. Wallace, B. A.
Second: Rev. Alfred Torrens
Scots’ Church: Rev. Robert Parke, B. A.


Roman Catholic Chapel

Rev. Thos. Slevin  



Institution Name
Collector of Poor Rates David Malseed
Commissioner for Taking Affidavits Alex. Mitchell
R. I. Constabulary W. Watson, sergeant
Coroner Robert Ramsay, solicitor
Dispensary and Fever Hospital Dr. John Patterson, physician
Grand Jury Solicitor Wm. Wilson, Strabane
Literary Association: President: Duke of Abercorn
Vice-president: Rev. Canon Tyler
Treasurer: A. Gamble jun.
Secretary: D. Noble
Petty Sessions Clerk Geo. Doherty
Postmaster Alex. Mitchell
Registrar of Marriages G. Doherty
Robertson’s National School Miss McMonagle, teacher
Ramelton National School No. 1 Mr. Ward and Mrs Stronge, teachers
Ramelton Male and Female School No. 2 Mr. Dickey, master, Miss Lindsay, mistress
Bridge End National School Miss Deeny, teacher
Ladies’ School Vacant
English and Scottish Law Life and Phoenix Fire Offices: Agent John Mackey, Sessional Crown Solicitor
Secretary to County Council John M.C. Grove
Clerks to County Council M. Lindsay
W. Black
Magistrates Sir H. Stewart, Bart
E.C. Mansfield
G.B. White
Alex. Mitchell
Jas. W. Fullerton
A. Gamble
M. Corry
J.A. Stewart
G.B. Butler, R.M., Ayr Hill, Ramelton
Relieving Officer John Russell
Stamp Office Andrew Gamble, distributor


Trade Name
Bakers Mrs. Kelly
J. Gallagher
Hugh Osborne
Matthew Curry
Butter Dealers E & C Kelly
John Davidson
J. Patterson
J. Russell
Matthew Corry
W.J. McConnell
H. Osborne
Boot and Shoemakers Thos. Algoe
John Hamilton
George Cathcart
W. Curry
John McDermott
Jas. Russell
Robert Cathcart
Matthew Love
Boot and Shoe Shops A. Gamble & Co
M. Black
George B. White
John Patterson
Builders Thomas Wilson
John Algoe
John McFadden
B. McElwee
James Murray
Butchers D. McCarron
John Mc Carron
C. Coll
W. McDaid
T. Payton
Carpenters and Cart Makers Robert Greer
Wm. Duffy
Michael Toy
James Birney
Michael Doherty
James Thompson
Andrew Lindsay
Alexander Bovaird
China and Glass Dealers David Heron
T. Gibbons
Martha Hunter
Coal Dealers George B. White
A. Gamble & Co.
Charles Kelly
John Noble
W. Malseed
Wm. Russell
M. Corry
Doctors John Patterson
M. Corry
Emigration Agents A. Mitchell
A. Gamble & Co.
George B. White
Fishmongers B. McGroddy
Mrs. McDermott
Robert McDaid
J. Canny
Flax Dealers Robert McDaide
G.B. White
J.W. Fullerton
Grain Dealers E. & C. Kelly
Wm. James McConnell
G.B. White
Grocers D. Heron
Hugh Osborne
Jas. Grier
Jas. Stewart
Miss H. Patton
Miss M. Patton
Miss M. Patton
Wm. J. McConnell
J. Davidson
M. Corry
John Russell
Guano Merchants A. Gamble & Co.
George B. White
W.J. McConnell
John Davidson
Hardware Dealers Jas. and Jane Aicken
John Davidson
Horseshoers J. Campbell
  M. McElwee
  Jas. Jacob
  David White Jacob
Hotel Keepers Saml. Goodwin
Stewart Arms
Hugh O’Brien
Bryan Boyle

Insurance Agents:


A. Mitchell, merchant
Phoenix J. Mackey solicitor, and R.T. Martin
Liverpool and London and Globe Fire and Life A. Gamble, merchant
Scottish Equitable John Mallins, solicitor and Alex. Mitchell
Leather and Hide Dealers George B. White
Hugh Osborne
Millers Wm. Russell, Ballyare
E. & C. Kelly
Milliners and Dressmakers Miss Pinkerton
A. Gamble & Co.
Mrs John Patterson
Mrs O’Rorke
Miss Kerr
Mrs Murray
Mineral Water Manufacturer and Hop Bitter Brewer Alex. Mitchell
News Agents A. Gamble & Co.
J. Davidson
Old Clothes Dealer John Hanlon
Organist and Music Teacher R.H. Gibbon
Painters and Glaziers Geo. Doherty
Thomas Milligan
Wm. Lafferty
Postcar Establishments Stewart Arms Hotel
D. Harkin
Bernd. Boyle
James Sweeny
H. O’Brien
John Murray
Public-house Keepers Bryan Boyle
Michael Keatings
H. O’Brien
P. Strain
R. McQuaid
James Swiney
Saddlers T. Gibbons
Thomas Duggan
Alex. Porter
Steamboat Office George Verrant, agent
Summons Server S. Cassidy
Tailors A. McConnell
John McTeague
James Norry
James McTeague
A. Gamble & Co.
Timber Merchant John Davidson
Watchmaker and Jeweller David Robinson
Whitesmith T. Herrity
Wine and Spirit Dealer Chas. Mitchell
Woollendrapers Moses Black
A. Campbell & Co.
John Patterson
Young Men’s Christian Association: President Moses Torrens
Secretary & treasurer F. Mitchell



Name Location
Aicken, Samuel Ards
Black, Andrew Ballylin
Black, Oliver Ballylin
Crammond, J Aughnish
Davidson, David Ardnaree
Davidson Samuel Ardnaree
Edwards, David Ballgreen
Floyd, Andrew Breaghy
Floyd, Nathaniel The Bog
Fullerton, Jas. W. Glencairn & Shelfield
Hatrick, J. Castleshanaghan
Hunter, Andrew New Mill
Hunter, Dill Ballgreen
Malseed, Wm. Castleshanaghan
Speers, Thomas Castleshanaghan
Sproule, Miss Carnisk
Stevenson, John Ballyare
Stevenson, William Ballyare
Swiney, J. H., J. P. Moyagh
Torrens, M. Glenleary
Watt, James Claragh
White, George B. Ramelton and Moyle


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Aughnish Parish Records, County Donegal

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