This file of MUFF PARISH, COUNTY DONEGAL, TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOK 1837 forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy (
Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.
In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.
In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)., Belfast.
These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.
Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.
Images of original pages may be found here: The Tithe Applotment Books, 1823-37 (
Townland Townland Townland Townland Townland Ardmore Aught Carnamoyle Craig Drumskellon Iskaheen Muff Three Trees (Collaghbuoys) Three Trees (Gortnagore) Three Trees (Gortnamona) Three Trees (Horse Park) Three Trees (Irishtown) Three Trees (Madanmore) Three Trees (Medianbawn) Three Trees (Mullingay) Three Trees (The Park) Trummety Ture
The following townlands are untithable:
Derryvane, Glenard, Sappagh
Surname Given Name Townland ACHESON Alexander Drumskellon ACHESON Alexander Ture ACHESON Thomas Ture ADAMS Thomas Craig ALLEN Tristram Three Trees ALLISON Francis Muff ALLISON Joseph Craig ALLISON Thomas Craig ANDERSON James Ardmore ANDERSON James Three Trees (Mullingay) ANDERSON John Iskaheen ANDERSON John Iskaheen ANDERSON John Three Trees (Irishtown) ANDERSON Joseph Aught ASH William H. Iskaheen BARNETT James Drumskellon BARR Andrew Craig BARR Andrew Three Trees (Madanmore) BARR Isaac Craig BARR James Craig BARR James Muff BARR Neal Three Trees (The Park) BARR Philip Muff BARR Thomas Three Trees (Madanmore) BARR William Craig BELL John, Jun. Iskaheen BELL John, Sen. Iskaheen BELL Mark Craig BLACKBURN William Trummety BRADLEY Elenor Trummety BRADLEY James Drumskellon BRADLEY Michael Trummety BRADLEY William Drumskellon BRATTON James Ture BRILLAGHAN John Craig BRISLAND Anabel Three Trees (Gortnamona) BRISLAND John Ardmore BRISLAND John (cancelled) Aught BRISLAND Owen Trummety BRODLEY John Craig BRODLEY John Drumskellon BROWN Mathew Craig BROWN Mathew Muff BRYSON Thomas Drumskellon BRYSON Thomas (now James McMonagle) Ardmore CAIN James Three Trees CALLAGHAN John Ardmore CALLAGHAN John Drumskellon CALLAGHAN John Trummety CAMPBELL Andrew Ture CAMPBELL David Carnamoyle CANNING Edward Iskaheen CANNON George Aught CARLEN Daniel Carnamoyle CARLON James Carnamoyle CARMICHAEL John Ardmore CARNEY Patrick Trummety CARRIGAN Hugh Trummety COCHRANE John Trummety COLHOUN John Carnamoyle (mountain) CONNAGHAN William Aught COYLE Robert Drumskellon CRAWFORD Moses Muff CRAWFORD Robert Ture CROSSAN John Trummety CROW John Craig CUDBERT William Three Trees DEEHAN George Muff DEENY Daniel Muff DEENY Daniel Ture DEENY James Muff DEENY John Muff DEENY William Muff DEENY William Muff DEVLIN Patrick Three Trees (Medianbawn) DICKSON John Craig DILL Rev. Richard Ardmore DINSMORE James Muff DINSMORE Samuel Ture DIXON Samuel Trummety DOHERTY Bernard Drumskellon DOHERTY Daniel Muff DOHERTY Henry (cancelled) Aught DOHERTY Patrick Carnamoyle DOHERTY Patrick (cancelled) Aught DOHERTY Thomas Ture DONALDSON William Carnamoyle DONNEL William Ardmore DOOEY John Muff DOUGHERTY Arthur Three Trees DOUGHERTY Elinor Muff DOUGHERTY Elizabeth Muff DOUGHERTY George Drumskellon DOUGHERTY George Three Trees (Medianbawn) DOUGHERTY Henry Three Trees (Gortagore) DOUGHERTY James Drumskellon DOUGHERTY John Aught DOUGHERTY John Craig DOUGHERTY Joseph Muff DOUGHERTY Manus Three Trees (Horse Park) DOUGHERTY Manus Three Trees (Madanmore) DOUGHERTY Patrick Three Trees (Medianbawn) DOUGHERTY Philip Ture DOUGHERTY Robert Muff DOUGHERTY Thomas Muff DOUGHERTY Thomas Muff DOUGHERTY Thomas Three Trees DOUGHERTY William Muff ERSKINE Isaac Craig EWING John Drumskellon FAIRMAN Robert Ture FARRIN Widow Trummety FEENY John Three Trees FEENY Neal Three Trees FEENY Neil Three Trees FEENY Patrick Muff FEENY Patrick Three Trees FERRIER James Craig FERRIER Joseph Craig FRIEL Owen Ardmore FRIEL Thomas Carnamoyle GALLAUGHER George Muff GALLAUGHER James Muff GALLAUGHER James Three Trees GALLAUGHER Michael Three Trees GALLAUGHER Michael Three Trees GALLAUGHER Patrick Ardmore GALLAUGHER Patrick Three Trees GALLAUGHER William Ture GILES Mary Muff GILL Daniel Trummety GILL George Trummety GILL John (cancelled) Aught GILL John Three Trees (Gortnamona) GILL Thomas Trummety GILMOUR James Ardmore GREENSHIELDS James Aught GREENSHIELDS John Iskaheen GREENSHIELDS Stephen Muff GUBBIN Patrick Trummety GWYN John Drumskellon HAMILTON George Aught HAMILTON James Iskaheen HAMILTON Joseph Three Trees HAMILTON Joseph Three Trees (Collaghbuoys) HARKIN Patrick Trummety HARLEY John Ardmore HARRAGAN Daniel Trummety HARRAGAN Edward Trummety HARRAGAN Widow Trummety HART John Ardmore HART John Muff HUEY George Ardmore HUEY John Aught HUEY Thomas Ture HUEY William Three Trees (Mullingay) HUGHES James Craig HUGHES Samuel Trummety JOHNSTON Edward Muff JOHNSTON Michael Muff JOHNSTON Robert Muff JOHNSTON Thomas Drumskellon JOHNSTON William Ture JOHNSTONE John Aught JOHNSTONE William Drumskellon JOSEPH William Muff KANE James Ture KELLY Widow Iskaheen KERR George Craig KERR George Muff KERR Robert Ardmore LEPPER Arthur Three Trees LEPPER George Aught LEPPER Robert Three Trees (Irishtown) LOGAN Michael Three Trees (Irishtown) LOGUE William Muff LONG Henry Ardmore LOUGHREY Michael Trummety LOVE Alexander Iskaheen LOVE James Carnamoyle LYNCH George Carnamoyle LYNCH George (of Colpy) Carnamoyle LYNCH Henry Drumskellon LYNCH John Carnamoyle LYNCH John Ture LYNCH Patrick Carnamoyle LYNCH Patrick Carnamoyle LYNCH Paul (of Colpy) Carnamoyle LYNCH Thomas Drumskellon LYNCH Thomas (of Cary) Carnamoyle LYNCH Thomas (of Mullinaghey) Carnamoyle LYNCH Thomas, Sen. (of Colpy) Carnamoyle LYNCH William Carnamoyle LYONS John Iskaheen LYONS Ross Iskaheen MACKEY Isaac Drumskellon MACKEY Isaac Iskaheen MACKEY Isaac Iskaheen MACKEY John Carnamoyle MAGINNIS Owen Trummety MARGAY Rodger Trummety MARSHALL William Three Trees McCADDEN Joseph Three Trees (Irishtown) McCALLION Denis Three Trees (Madanmore) McCALLION Denis Three Trees (The Park) McCALLION Hugh Three Trees (Gortnamona) McCALLION James Iskaheen McCALLION Owen Muff McCALLION William Three Trees (Madanmore) McCANN Ann Three Trees (Gortnamona) McCARTER Thomas Drumskellon McCARTER William Ardmore McCAVISKIN John Ture McCLELLAND Joseph Carnamoyle McCOLGAN Denis Iskaheen McCOLGAN John Craig McCOLL Hugh Ture McCONALOGUE William Muff McCONNEL James Ardmore McCOOL George Muff McCROSSAN Edward Muff McCROSSAN John Craig McCROSSAN John Muff McDAID James Aught McELHINNEY John Carnamoyle McELHINNEY John Craig McFARLAND Edward Iskaheen McFEELY James Trummety McGARAGLE John Iskaheen McGARRIGLE John Carnamoyle McGARRIGLE John Carnamoyle McGEOGHEGAN Andrew Trummety McGILLAWAY John Iskaheen McGOWAN Daniel Carnamoyle McGOWAN David Iskaheen McGOWAN George Carnamoyle McINTIRE Samuel Ardmore McKEEVER John Three Trees McKINNEY William Ardmore McLAUGHLIN Archibald Iskaheen McLAUGHLIN Daniel Three Trees McLAUGHLIN Hugh Iskaheen McLAUGHLIN Hugh Iskaheen McLAUGHLIN James Iskaheen McLAUGHLIN James Iskaheen McLAUGHLIN John Iskaheen McLAUGHLIN John Muff McLAUGHLIN John Three Trees McLAUGHLIN Mary Muff McLAUGHLIN Patrick Trummety McLAUGHLIN Robert Iskaheen McMONAGLE James Ardmore McMONEGAL James Ture McMULLAN James Ture McNICKLE James Ture McNICKLE Robert Craig McNICKLE Robert Muff McNICKLE William Ture McSHEFFREY William Ardmore MILLER Edward Ture MILLER George Aught MILLER James Ardmore MILLER James Muff MITCHELL John Drumskellon MITCHELL Rebecca Drumskellon MOONEY John Trummety MOONEY Owen Drumskellon MULHERON Richard Drumskellon MULHERON Richard Ture MULHERON Thomas Drumskellon MULHERON William Ture MURRAY James Ardmore O’NEIL Charles Ture O’NEILL Charles Aught PATTERSON James Carnamoyle PICKET Fredrick Muff PLATT John Drumskellon PLATT John Ture PLATT Mathew Aught POPE George Ardmore POPE George Muff PORTER James Aught PORTER John Ardmore POWEL Alexander Trummety POWER Edward Iskaheen QUIGLEY James Trummety RAMSAY John Drumskellon RANKIN Mathew Carnamoyle REED James Muff ROBINSON John Trummety RUDDY James Trummety SCOTT Andrew Ardmore SHEIL Patrick Carnamoyle SIMPSON John Three Trees (Gortagore) SMYTH James Drumskellon SMYTH James Drumskellon SMYTH John Iskaheen SMYTH John Trummety SMYTH Samuel Craig SPROUL Oliver Carnamoyle STANAGE Rev., Representatives of Ardmore STEEL Alexander Trummety STEEL Elizabeth Trummety STEEL James Trummety STEEL James Trummety STEEL Martha Trummety STEEL Robert Trummety STEEL William Trummety STEWART [?] Muff STEWART James or his Representatives Iskaheen STEWART Robert Iskaheen STEWART Widow Iskaheen THOMPSON John Muff THOMPSON John Ture THOMPSON Moses Drumskellon TOLAND James Ardmore TOLAND Robert Ardmore TOY Denis Carnamoyle WALKER James Drumskellon WATSON William Carnamoyle WATT Robert Drumskellon WEIR James Ture WEIR Jane Aught WEIR Joseph Aught WEIR William Three Trees (Mullingay) WILEY Robert Carnamoyle WILSON George Muff
Further records for MUFF PARISH, COUNTY DONEGAL can be found at:
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