Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Index to Tithe Applotment Book, Moville Parish, County Donegal, Ireland 1774

PRONI Ref: MIC.1/138
Transcribed and Submitted by
Joe McCorkell - jmccorkell[at]


This file of the Index to Tithe Applotment Book, Moville Parish, County Donegal, Ireland 1774 forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland. Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy A complete list of records pertaining to both Upper and Lower Moville Parishes, County Donegal, Ireland on this website can be found at the foot of this file.

Notes on this list by Joe McCorkell:

Taken from the Vestry Book for the Parish of Moville, List comes from 1774 when Upper and Lower Moville was one Parish. The Vestry book is held at PRONI. I apologise for any spelling mistakes or missing information. Some of the text was illegible, or difficult to read. Where I am confident of a modern spelling of a townland I provide that spelling in brackets. I have reproduced the list as it appears in the ledger. Many of the names on the list can be cross referenced against entries in the Flax Growers list of 1796.

In many instances, the entry will give a name followed by '& Partner/s', I think this refers to the type of farming which was carried out in the Parish at this time. 60 years later when a statistical study was carried out by the Ordnance Survey in the 1830’s, Stewart Marks the Curate of Upper Moville Parish described the farms as:


“All various in size, but in general all small and scarcely any enclosures at all, as the greatest part of them are occupied in rundale. The method of cultivation is such as might have existed 2 or 3 centuries ago. The succession of crops are potatoes, oats or barley, flax and oats. I consider that the first great step to improvement would be to divide the farms into reasonable sizes, say from 10 to 20 acres, according to the ability of the occupier, and to cause the tenant to enclose his farm with a good clay ditch planted with thorn quicks and to build his house upon his own farm. As the cabins at present are generally built in a cluster which is a continued source of contention, from their cattle, fowls etc. trespassing on each other.”

The Rundale System is described by Wikipedia - The rundale system (apparently from to run and dale, valley, originally something separated off, cf. deal) was a form of occupation of land, somewhat resembling the English common field system. The land is divided into discontinuous plots, and cultivated and occupied by a number of tenants to whom it is leased jointly. The system was common in Ireland, especially in the western counties. In Scotland, where the system also existed, it was termed run rig (from run, and rig or ridge).

Extracted from the Vestry Book which has been filmed by the staff of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI),

Belfast where it is available for consultation. Film Ref: MIC.1/138

Small sample of some of the clearer writing in the Vestry Book

Tithe Applotment 7th Nov 1774

At a Vestry held at the Chapple of Redcastle in the Parish of Moville on Monday the 7th of November 1774 by the Rector, church warden and several Protestant parishioners to ascertain and confirm the sum of £26 2s 5d lay’d on the Parish this present year for the following use viz. Five pounds to Robert McIntyre and Tho. McKinnley for viewing the Parish and apploting the money. Ten pounds to the Parish clerk, three pounds to Matt Bramhall for the use of his barn, Thirty shillings to the sexton for his salary & washing the surplice. One pound ten shillings for bread & wine. Forty shillings to the church wardens for their trouble. Five shillings to the late church wardens for their expenses attending the visitation. Six shillings & sixpence to James Steen for painting the window shutters, Two shillings & five pence for spade & shovel for the ??? old church of Moville for the houses of the Parish the sum of £26 2s 5d is ascertain’d & confirmed on the following land & inhabitants viz----------

** Original spellings have been maintained **

Surname Given Name Townland Tithe
……………. Do---------------------------------- Goladoo (Gulladoo) 1s11d
……………. Brasil---------------? Carnagariff (Carrownaff) 0s11½d
……………. ……………. Claggan 5s1d
……………. ……………. Castle Cary (Ballyrattan?) 5s1d
……………. ……………. Crurkahary (Crockhenny) 1s3d
Alcorn James Red Castle 5s4d
Alexander Mn. Glencrow 0s8½d
Anderson Richard Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 2s10d
Anderson Widow Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 2s10d
Arbuckle Wm. Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 0s8½d
Atcheson James & Partners Tullynarvin 0s4d
Baker Mn. Glencrow 2s5¾d
Barn M. Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
Barr Neil Barr & Jas. Millon Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s11¼d
Barr Dan Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 2s0d
Barr Pat. Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s4½d
Barr Owen Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 0s8½d
Barr Dan Cooley 1s0d
Barr Langlin Cooley 0s7½d
Beard John Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s11¾d
Beard Robt. Shrove (Stroove) 0s11½d
Beard Wm Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s11d
Beatty Watty Cooley 0s3½d
Bennet Issac Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 0s8½d
Betty James Cullyneen (Culineen) 4s6d
Blackburn Arthur Shrove (Stroove) 0s4d
Boyle Charles & Partners Cranmenagh (Carrowmenagh) 1s7¾d
Boyle Morris M. & his son Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
Boyle Edw. & Partners Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s7½d
Boyle & James Logue Tullynarvin 1s0½d
Boyle Daniel Bane Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s5½d
Boyle Neil Havlin & Partners Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s8½d
Bradley Wm. Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s5d
Brady Archibald & Partners Lekeny (Leckemy) 2s2¾d
Brady John & Partners Carabeg (Carrowbeg) 1s7½d
Brady John & Partners Carabeg (Carrowbeg) 1s7½d
Bramhall Matt Ballynally 1s8½d
Bramhall Paul Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 0s6½d
Bramhall Paul Torrmmity (Tromaty) 0s2d
Brattan Neil Cooley 0s2½d
Breevon Charles & Partners Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 2s9¾d
Breslan Jon. & Partners Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s7¾d
Breslin Widow & Partner Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s7¾d
Brillichan Henry Cooley 0s2½d
Brimmer Mark Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s5¾d
Brimmer John Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s5¾d
Brookings Richard & Partners Carby 1s11½d
Brookings Nick & Partners Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 1s4d
Buoy Owen Cooley 0s4d
Buoy Shane & James McGroaty Cooley 0s3½d
Burns George Crehenan (Creehenan) 0s10½d
Byrson John Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s11½d
Canavagh Danl. & Partners Curraghgary? 3s3d
Carey Widow & Partners Drung 1s6½d
Carlan Sam Tullyally 0s2d
Carland Robert Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s16d
Carland Patrick & Partners Drung 1s5d
Carman Pat Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s8d
Carman Widow Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s8d
Carmichael Sam & Partners Carby 3s6d
Carney Ed. Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 1s0d
Cary Cary & Partners Goladoo (Gulladoo) 1s11¼d
Cary Henry Esq. Carnagariff (Carrownaff) 1s10½d
Cary George Esq. Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s10½d
Cary M Munclon White Castle 1s8d
Cary Joseph’s Farm Tullynarvin 1s0d
Casady [Cassidy] Francis Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s6d
Caul James Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s5¾d
Caul John & Partners Glencrow 2s1½d
Caulfield Mn. Clare 1s10½d
Cavenagh [Cavanagh] Daniel Carnagriff (Carnagarve) 0s8d
Clark William Drumaweer 0s3d
Clinging George Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s3½d
Colhoun Wm. Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s4½d
Coll Thomas Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 0s8½d
Collins John Clare 0s6½d
Colwell William & Partners Crehenan (Creehenan) 2s7d
Conoly Pat. & Partners Ballynally 0s9d
Conway Pat. Mossy Glen 0s8¾d
Conway Pat. Mossy Glen 0s5½d
Conway Widow & Bryan McColgan Cullyneen (Culineen) 1d1½d
Cook Robert Ballybrack 0s6d
Corrows & Gramies Crurkahary (Crockhenny) 2s1d
Corswell Joseph & Partners Carby 1s4d
Coyle William Coyle Crurkahary (Crockhenny) 0s9d
Coyle James & Partners Torrmmity (Tromaty) 1s9½d
Coyle & McCorrison Torrmmity (Tromaty) 1s2½d
Creely Herry & Partners Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s11¼d
Creely Owen & Partners Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s11¼d
Crumlish Neil Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
Cummins Sam Drumaweer 0s6½d
Deehan Pat & Partners Ballybrack 0s11¼d
Deehan Widow Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s5¾d
Dermod John Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s8½d
Dermod Pat. Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s4½d
Dermod Owen Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s4½d
Dermod Daniel Tullyally 0s12d
Dermod Mn. Tullynarvin 0s6½d
Dermod Shane & Sons M. L. Argus (Mount Argus) 0s5d
Dermod Owen Ballyargus 0s8½d
Dermots Rodger’s widow Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s7¾d
Desmod John Drumaweer 0s1½d
Desmod John & Partners Drung 1s6½d
Devenny Widow Drumaweer 0s1d
Deveny Pat. Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s16d
Deveny John Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s5¾d
Deveny Martin Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s5¾d
Diver Diver & Partners Goladoo (Gulladoo) 1s11d
Diver Michael Diver & Mn. Spense Curraghgary? 3s4d
Doherty Delanious BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s11¼d
Doherty Edw. BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s5½d
Doherty Denis BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s5½d
Doherty Owen BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s5½d
Doherty Mic. BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s5½d
Doherty Charles & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 1s0d
Doherty Shane Bradyglen (Bradegh Glen) 0s5¾d
Doherty Widow Bradyglen (Bradegh Glen) 0s5½d
Doherty James Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s7d
Doherty Pat. & Partners Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
Doherty Pat. Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
Doherty James & Partners Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
Doherty Hugh Carnagriff (Carnagarve) 2s1½d
Doherty Hugh & Mick Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s7½d
Doherty Wm. & Partners Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s7½d
Doherty Hugh Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s10½d
Doherty Dan Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 1s0d
Doherty Owen Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s10½d
Doherty Shane Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8½d
Doherty James Tullyally 0s10d
Doherty George Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s7d
Doherty Ed. Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s6½d
Doherty Bryan & Partners Ballyargus 2s9½d
Doherty Hugh & Partners Roosky 1s3d
Doherty John & Partners Crehenan (Creehenan) 0s10½d
Doherty Geo. & Partners Menballer (Meenabaltin) 1s6½d
Doherty Philip & Partners Carby 1s11½d
Donaghy Shoher? & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 1s6d
Donaghy James M. L. Argus (Mount Argus) 0s4d
Donaldson Robert & Partners Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 2s1d
Donnel Hugh & Partners Shrove (Stroove) 1s5½d
Dubbin George Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s4d
Duffy Philip Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s11d
Duffy Charles Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s7¾d
Duffy Wm. Shrove (Stroove) 0s5¾d
Duffy Pat & Partners Tullynarvin 0s1½d
Duffy Hugh & Partners Ballyargus 2s4½d
Duffy Charles & Partners Drung 3s5d
Duffy Cornelius & Partners Drung 2s4d
Ewing Thomas Crehenan (Creehenan) 1s9d
Faran Michael & Partners Ballymagarhy (Ballymagaraghy) 3s3d
Faran Owen & Partners Ballymagarhy (Ballymagaraghy) 3s3d
Faran Daniel Carnagriff (Carnagarve) 0s7d
Farran Shane & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 2s0d
Farran Owen & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 1s6d
Farran Shane & Partners Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s8d
Farran Denis Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s5¾d
Farran Owen Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s7¾d
Farran Hugh Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s 7¾d
Farran Shane Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8½d
Farran Neil Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8½d
Farran Shane & Partners Clare 0s7d
Faulkner Neil & Partners Drung 0s8d
Flaran John BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 1s5d
Foy Pat & Partners Tullynarvin 0s10½d
Galagher Bryan & Partners Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 2s4d
Galanagh Pat. & Partners Drumaweer 2s10d
Galanagh Ned Drumaweer 0s8d
Gales Andw. & Partners Carabeg (Carrowbeg) 1s7½d
Galespies   Cooley 0s11½d
Galsepy Denis Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s4¼d
Gavan Alex Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s8d
Gillan Hugh & Partners BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 1s5d
Gillan Charles & Partners Carnagariff (Carrownaff) 1s3d
Gillon Pat. BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s11½d
Glacan John Jnr M. L. Argus (Mount Argus) 0s8d
Gongile [Gonigle?] Neil Gonigle & Widow Mulloy Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s11¼d
Gormley John Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s4d
Graham John Esq. Ballybrack 5s6½d
Gramies & Corrows Crurkahary (Crockhenny) 2s1d
Gramsey Pat. Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s11¾d
Gramsey Daniel & Partners Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 1s4½d
Granvey Pat. Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
Grimes Rodger BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s11¼d
Grimes Wm. & Partners Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s18d
Gubbin Own Ballynally 0s1d
Gubbins Darby & Partners Glencrow 1s5d
Hainy Widow Tullyally 0s2d
Hamilton Mn. Clare 3s9½d
Hamilton James Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s5d
Hamilton W. M. Geoffry Menballer (Meenabaltin) 1s8½d
Hany Owen & Partners Drung 2s2½d
Haragn Pat & Partners Drung 2s4d
Harkan Mick Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s4½d
Harkans & Partners Tullyally 0s6d
Harkin Edw. Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s4d
Harkin Owen Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s4d
Harkin Michael & Partners Terryroan (Tiryrone) 1s5d
Harragan   Torrmmity (Tromaty) 0s7d
Harriet Watt. & Partners Goladoo (Gulladoo) 1s2¾d
Havlin Darby & Partners Tullyally 0s6½d
Heaney Daniel & Partners Tullyally 0s10d
Hegarty Shane & Partners Lekeny (Leckemy) 2s2¾d
Hegarty Dennis Ballynally 1s3d
Hegarty Will. Ballynally 1s3d
Hegarty Dom. Ballynally 0s10d
Hegarty James & Partners Ballynally 0s4d
Hegarty Wm. Mossy Glen 0s8¾d
Hegarty Daniel Drumaweer 0s3½d
Hegarty John & Partners Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 1s9d
Hegarty James Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s11d
Hegarty David & Partners Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 1s11d
Hempill James (Snr) Ballynally 0s7d
Hempill James (Jnr) Ballynally 0s11d
Herman Denis Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s6d
Hunter Richard & Son Crehenan (Creehenan) 1s8d
Jack Oliver & Partners Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s11¼d
Jack James Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s5¾d
Jack Thomas & Partners Carby 3s10½d
Kane Philip & Partners Lekeny (Leckemy) 2s2½d
Kelly Cormick Mossy Glen 0s8¾d
Kelly Owen & Partners Ballybrack 1s5¾d
Kelly Bryan & Partners Drumaweer 2s10d
Kelly Neil Drumaweer 0s7½
Kelly Captain Crurkahary (Crockhenny) 0s8d
Laffertty Pat. & Partners Carnagriff (Carnagarve) 0s11d
Lafferty Owen Bradyglen (Bradegh Glen) 0s5¼d
Lanagon Michael Ballyargus 0s4½d
Larky Mic. Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s4d
Larman Widow Drumaweer 0s15d
Loag Darby & Partners Ballybrack 2s1½d
Loag Shane Ballyargus 0s4½d
Lochery Pat Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s11½d
Lochery John Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s6d
Lochery Denis Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s7¾d
Lochery Pat. Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s11½d
Lochery James Shrove (Stroove) 0s11¾d
Lochery Hugh Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8¾d
Lochry William & Partners Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s6d
Lochry Pat. & Partners Goladoo (Gulladoo) 1s2½d
Logue James Logue & Boyle Tullynarvin 1s0½d
Lynchman Pat Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s5¾d
Lynchman Philip Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s7¾d
Mahon Pat Drung 0s7½d
Matherson John Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s8d
McAuley Knoher Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s4½d
McCallen Knoher McAuley Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s5¾d
McCallion   Carnagriff (Carnagarve) 1s4½d
McCandless Sam Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 0s8½d
McCarn Wm. Drumaweer 0s1½d
McCarn Widow & Partners M. L. Argus (Mount Argus) 0s8¾d
McCarn Edw. M. L. Argus (Mount Argus) 0s8¼d
McCarn Charles & Partners Drung 1s10½d
McCarran Philip & Partners Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s2d
McCarron John Cooley 0s7d
McChroyson Pat & Partners Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 2s4d
McColgan Pat Cooley 0s7½d
McColgan Nell & Son Tullynarvin 0s5d
McColgan Bryan & Widow Conway Cullyneen (Culineen) 1d1½d
McConalogue Pat. Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 1s3d
McConalogue James & Partners Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s11½d
McConalogue Michael & Partners Drung 1s6d
McConway Corn. Cranmenagh (Carrowmenagh) 2s4¾d
McConway Neil Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8½d
McCoray James Drumaweer 1s11d
McCorkle Robt. Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s7½d
McCormick Byran & Partners Mossy Glen 0s11½d
McCormick Neil Mossy Glen 0s5¾d
McCormick Daniel & Partners Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
McCormick Denis Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s11d
McCormick Owen Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s11d
McCormick Dan Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s11d
McCormick James Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s6d
McCorrison & Coyle Torrmmity (Tromaty) 1s2½d
McCorriston Neil & Partners M. L. Argus (Mount Argus) 0s8½d
McCorriston William & Partners Crehenan (Creehenan) 1s8d
McCruddy [McCreedy?] Owen Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s2¾d
McCrudy [McCreedy?] Darby & Partners Ballybreen ? 2s6d
McDaid Wm. Drumaweer 0s7½d
McDaid Widow Drumaweer 0s12d
McDaid Harry & Partners Drumaweer 1s4½d
McDaid Dan. Drumaweer 0s5d
McDaid Owen & Partners Shrove (Stroove) 0s11½d
McDevid Neil Drumaweer 0s7½d
McDevitt John BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 2s3¾d
McDevitt Dom. BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s5½d
McDevitt Pat. Carnagariff (Carrownaff) 1s5d
McDevitt Pat Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 1s10d
McDevitt Charles Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s9d
McDevitt Widow Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s9¾d
McDevitt Charles Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s5d
McDevitt Widow Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s5¾d
McDevitt Edward Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 1s2¼d
McDevitt Edw. Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s5¾d
McDonnel James Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s11d
McDowell Rodger & Partners Ballybreen ? 1s8d
McFarland Andrew Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 0s8½d
McFeely Widow Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s4d
McFeely Neil Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s11½d
McFeely Shane Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8½d
McFeely Dan. Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8¾d
McGee Wm. & Partners Drumaweer 0s8d
McGee Daniel Shrove (Stroove) 0s11¾d
McGeehan Edw. Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s5½d
McGillon Dan, Ballynally 1s6d
McGillon Dan. Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s6½d
McGilway Widow Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s7¾d
McGinnis Dan Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s8d
McGinnis William Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s5¾d
McGinnis John Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s4d
McGinnis Widow Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s7¾d
McGinnis Wm. & Partner Tullynarvin 0s11½d
McGonigle Manas Carnagariff (Carrownaff) 0s8¾d
McGonigle Dan & his mother Shrove (Stroove) 1s11d
McGonigle Ed. Shrove (Stroove) 0s11¾d
McGonigle Hugh Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8¾d
McGonigle Hugh and Partners Cooley 1s5d
McGonigle Owen Cooley 0s7½d
McGowan Manas & Partners Cooley 1s3d
McGowan Manas & Partners Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s16d
McGowan Pat & Partners Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s4d
McGroaty Mic. & Partner Cooley 1s5d
McGroaty James & Shane Buoy Cooley 0s3½d
McGruddy Pat. & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 1s6d
McIntyre Cooper Drumaweer 0s12d
McIntyre Alex Drumaweer 0s1½d
McIntyre Robt. Shrove (Stroove) 1s5½d
McKinney Widow Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s11½d
McKinney Pat. Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 1s0d
McKinney Knoher Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s11½d
McKinney Knoher Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8½d
McLaughlin Phillip BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s½d
McLaughlin Thedoragh BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 0s11½d
McLaughlin Philip & Partners Ballybreen ? 2s6d
McLaughlin Michael & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 1sod
McLaughlin Neil & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 1s6d
McLaughlin Charles & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 1s0d
McLaughlin Neil Ballynally 0s9d
McLaughlin Neil Carnagariff (Carrownaff) 1s4d
McLaughlin Owen Mossy Glen 0s8¾d
McLaughlin Michael Mossy Glen 0s5½d
McLaughlin John & Partners Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
McLaughlin James & Partners Ballybrack 2s1d
McLaughlin Nick Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s11d
McLaughlin Owen & Partners Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 1s7d
McLaughlin Dan Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s7¾d
McLaughlin Pat Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s11½d
McLaughlin Dan Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s7¾d
McLaughlin Philip Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 1s4d
McLaughlin James Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s7¾d
McLaughlin Widow Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s11½d
McLaughlin Hugh Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s11½d
McLaughlin Pat. Shrove (Stroove) 0s7¾d
McLaughlin Hugh Shrove (Stroove) 0s11¾d
McLaughlin Daniel Shrove (Stroove) 0s8d
McLaughlin George & Partners Glencrow 1s9½d
McLaughlin John & Partners Clare 1s7d
McLaughlin Hugh & Partners Clare 1s8d
McLaughlin Mn. & Partners Clare 1s1½d
McLaughlin Pat & Partners Tullyally 1s0d
McLaughlin Ed. & Partners Tullynarvin 1s2½d
McLaughlin Owen’s widow Ballyargus 0s4½d
McLaughlin Theorghan & Partners Roosky 1s3d
McLaughlin Denis & Partners Roosky 1s3d
McLaughlin Pat. & Partners Crurkahary (Crockhenny) 0s6d
McLaughlin Bryan Torrmmity (Tromaty) 0s7½d
McLaughlin Peter & Partners Torrmmity (Tromaty) 2s11½d
McLoughlin Manas Mossy Glen 0s3d
McLoughlin Owen & Partners Mossy Glen 0s8¾d
McMahon Hugh & Partners Carabeg (Carrowbeg) 1s7½d
McMahon Henry Tullyally 0s11d
McMahon John Tullyally 0s11d
McMullan Neil & Partners Carabeg (Carrowbeg) 1s7½d
McMullan Neil & Partners Carabeg (Carrowbeg) 1s7½d
McMullan William & Owen Mossy Glen 1s5½d
McMullan Alex Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s11d
McMullen P. Glengiveny (Glennagiveny) 1s3½d
McNeese Shane Ballynally 0s5d
McSheffery Philip Carnagriff (Carnagarve) 0s9½d
McSheffery Charles Tullynarvin 0s6½d
McSheffery Hugh Drung 0s6½d
McSheffry William & Partners Cranmenagh (Carrowmenagh) 1s7¾d
McSheffry James & Partners Carabeg (Carrowbeg) 1s5½d
McSheffry Neil & Partners Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s7d
McShimmey Thomas & Partners Cullyneen (Culineen) 1s1¾d
McVey Neil & Hugh Quigley Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 0s3½d
Miller & Thomas Nixon Tullynarvin 0s4½d
Millon Jas. Millon & Neil Barr Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s11¼d
Montgomery Mn. Ballynally 4s1d
Moretor M. Drumaweer 0s1d
Mularky Owen & Partners Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s11¾d
Mularky Hugh Carnagariff (Carrownaff) 1s4d
Mullarky Owen Goladoo (Gulladoo) 0s4d
Mulloy Widow Mulloy & Neil Gonigle Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 0s11¼d
Murphy John & Partners Tullyally 0s10d
Murphy Philip & Partners Ballyargus 2s4½d
New Glebe No tenants recorded Cooley 2s1d
Nixon Thomas & Miller Tullynarvin 0s4½d
Norris John Belechan (Balleeghan) 0s5¾d
O’Donnel Shane Shrove (Stroove) 0s7¾d
O’Donnel Com. Shrove (Stroove) 0s7¾d
O’Donnel Shane Shrove (Stroove) 0s5¾d
O’Herrill Manas M. L. Argus (Mount Argus) 0s4d
O’Mullan Daniel Ballyboes (Eleven Ballyboes) 0s5d
Old Glebe No tenants recorded Cooley 3s2d
Park Robert Carnagriff (Carnagarve) 0s9d
Park John Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s11½d
Patchel Wm. & Partners Carby 3s6d
Porter Robert Tullyally 0s11d
Porter William Tullynarvin 0s3½d
Porter Robert & Partners Glencaw 5s4d
Pynvent Rev Robert Glencrow 4s3d
Quigg Pat. & Hugh BradyGlen (Bredagh Glen) 1s 4¾d
Quigley Byran & Partners Letterbale (Meenletterbale) 1s0d
Quigley Denis & Partners Ballymacarter (Ballymacarthur) 3s1d
Quigley William & Son Crehenan (Creehenan) 0s10½d
Quigley Rodger & Partners Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 2s2d
Quigley Hugh & Neil McVey Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 0s3½d
Quigley John & Partners Torrmmity (Tromaty) 2s11½d
Quigley James & Partners Torrmmity (Tromaty) 1s2½d
Rielly Owen & Partners Cranmenagh (Carrowmenagh) 2s4½d
Rudden Hugh & Partners Cranmenagh (Carrowmenagh) 2s4¾d
Rudden Charles Shrove (Stroove) 0s11¾d
Ruddon Philip Mossy Glen 0s8¾d
Ruddon Daniel Kerryhue (Carrowhugh) 0s11½d
Ruddon Daniel Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s8d
Seanlon James Tullyally 0s3d
Sharky Hugh Terryroan (Tiryrone) 0s8¾d
Shefry Edward Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s7d
Shelly Cormick Bradyglen (Bradegh Glen) 0s5¾d
Sherrigan Wm. & Partners Carby 3s10½d
Simpson David & Partners Tullynarvin 1s1½d
Smyth William & Partners Ballybrack 0s8d
Smyth Rich, Curatrasna (Carrowtrasna) 0s5¾d
Smyth Robert & Partners Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 1s4d
Spense Mn. & Michael Diver Curraghgary? 3s4d
Steen Thomas & Partners Curraghgary? 3s3d
Steen James Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s5d
Stephenson William White Castle 0s11d
Stephenson W. & Partners Roosky 1s3d
Stewart Robert Cullyneen (Culineen) 1s1½d
Strawfield M. Drumaweer 0s3d
Taylor Robert & Partners Crehenan (Creehenan) 1s8½d
Thomas M. White Castle 1s5d
Thompson Moses Goladoo (Gulladoo) 1s11¼d
Thompson William Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 1s8½d
Thorpe John Ballylane (Ballylawn) 2s10½d
Thrope George & tenants Ballylane (Ballylawn) 8s7½d
Tolen Edw. & Partners Tullyally 0s6d
Toner James Tullynarvin 0s6½d
Toner Hugh & Partners Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s9d
Toy William & his Partner Carby 0s8d
Wallace William & Partners Carabeg (Carrowbeg) 3s3d
Wheeling Owen Drumaweer 0s3d
Williams Lewis & Partners Tullyally 0s10d
Wilson Hugh Carmaquigly (Carrickmaquigley) 0s5d
Wilson Robert & Partners M. L. Argus (Mount Argus) 5s7d
Wilson Andrew Carrakeel (Carrowkeel) 0s6½d
Work [Wark] Joseph Carnagaff (Carrownaff) 0s8½d
Work [Wark] Robt. Tullyally 0s11½d
Young M. Mossy Glen 1s8d

We the undersigned having out examined the above applotment think it an honest an fair applotment and due order the laid sums and lie forth with carried

Robert Pynvent* Rector

George Cary Church Warden

William Cary Church Warden

------- Hamilton

Thomas McKinley

Robert McIntyre

*Surname difficult to decipher

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Moville Upper Parish Records, County Donegal, Ireland

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