Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Index to the Tithe Applotment Book Tamlaghtard or Magilligan Parish, Co. Londonderry 1826

This parish more commonly known as Magilligan)
PRONI Ref. 5A/ 252 - Extracted from FHL Film 258468
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.

In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.

In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).

PRONI holds the tithe books for all but 31 of the 273 parishes then surveyed in Northern Ireland. These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.

Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Aughil Avish Ballyleighery Upper Ballymaclary
Ballymagoland Ballymulholland Ballymultimber Ballyscullion
Bellarena Benone Carnowry Carrowreagh
Clagan Clooney Craig Croaghan
Doaghs Upper Drumahorgan Drumavally Drummans Middle
Drumnahay Duncrun Glebe exclusive of Gort part of Glebe
Gortmore Lenamore Margymonaghan Mill Town
Minearny Oughtymore Oughtymoyle Scotchtown
Tamlaght Tircreven Woodtown  



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Ballycarton Ballyleaghry Ballymaclary Ballymagolan Lower
Ballymagolan Upper Ballymiltimber Ballymulholland Ballyscullion
Belarena Beneveny Benone Carnowry
Cleggan Cloany Craig Doaghs Lower
Doaghs Lower Middle Doaghs Upper Doaghs Upper Middle Drumahorgan
Drumavally Drummons Lower Drummons Middle Drummons Upper
Drumnahay Duncrun North Duncrun South Evish
Garrareagh Gortmore Lenamor Margymonaghan
Menerney Oghill Oughtymoil Oughtymore
Scotchtown Tamlaght Tircreevan Umbry




ALLISON Saml. Drumnahay
AULL John Ballyscullion
AULL Robert Ballyscullion
AULL Wm. Ballyscullion
BEALEY Wm. Ballymiltimber
BEGLEY Chas. Ballymiltimber
BEGLEY Chas. Drumavally
BEGLEY Chas. Lenamore
BEGLEY Chas., Junr. Ballyscullion
BEGLEY Michl. Ballyscullion
BEGLEY Michl. Drumavally
BEGLEY Michl. South Duncrun
BEGLEY Patk. Ballymiltimber
BEGLEY Peter Ballymiltimber
BEGLEY William Cloany
BEGLEY Wm. Ballyleaghry
BLACK George Tircreevan
BLAIR Hugh Ballymaclary
BLAIR Thomas Ballymaclary
BOYLE Hugh South Duncrun
BOYLE James South Duncrun
BOYLE William South Duncrun
BROUSTER Wm. Ballyleaghry
BULLION John Tamlaght
BULLION Widow Ballyleaghry
BUTCHER James Lenamore
BUTCHER Robt. Drumavally
BUTLER Rev. Saml. Margymonaghan
CALDWELL Alexr. Tircreevan
CALDWELL John Ballyleaghry
CALDWELL John Tircreevan
CAMPBELL John Gortmore
CAMPBELL John Oghill
CAMPBELL William Ballymaclary
CANNON George Ballymaclary
CANNON Patk. Oughtymore
CANNON Wd. Rose Cloany
CHURCH James Gortmore
CHURCH Mr. Thomas Ballymaclary
CHURCH Mr. Thomas Oghill
CLARKE Martin Ballymiltimber
COLGAN Mrs? Drumavally
COLLINS Hugh Drumnahay
COLLINS Thomas Ballymaclary
COLLINS Wd. Cleggan
CONN Edw. & son Lower Doaghs
CONN Edwd. & Wm. Conn Lower Ballymagolan
CONN George Upper Ballymagolan
CONN Hugh Lower Ballymagolan
CONN Wm. & Edwd. Conn Lower Ballymagolan
CONNELL David Tamlaght
CONNELL John Oghill
CONNELL John Tamlaght
CONWAY M. & M. Poyle Cleggan
COYLE Daniel Ballyscullion
COYLE Hugh Craig
CRAMPSEY Ross Drumahorgan
CRAMPSEY Wd. Isabella Drumahorgan
CRAMPSEY Wm. Drumahorgan
CRAWFORD Anne Upper Drummons
CUMMINS Saml. Tircreevan
CUMMINS Wd. James Tircreevan
CUNNINGHAM John, Junr. Gortmore
CUNNINGHAM John, Senr. Gortmore
CUNNINGHAM Matt. Gortmore
CUST Henry Ballymaclary
CUST Mrs Lenamore
DAVIES Geo. Upper Doaghs
DAVIES Robt. Tircreevan
DEENY Alexr. & Wd. Jane Deeny Upper Doaghs
DEENY Alexr. Deeny & Wd. Jane Deeny Ballymaclary
DEENY Wd. Jane & Alexr. Deeny Ballymaclary
DEENY Wd. Jane & Alexr. Deeny Upper Doaghs
DEIGHAN James Ballymaclary
DEIGHAN James Upper Doaghs
DEIGHAN Neil Upper Middle Doaghs
DOGHERTY Conn Oghill
DOGHERTY Conn, Jas. Dogherty & Hen. Dogherty South Duncrun
DOGHERTY Daniel & Hu. Dogherty Oghill
DOGHERTY Danl. Margymonaghan
DOGHERTY Danl. Upper Ballymagolan
DOGHERTY Danl. Upper Doaghs
DOGHERTY Edwd. Menerney
DOGHERTY Geo. & Wm. Dogherty Oughtymore
DOGHERTY Geo. & Wm. Dogherty Upper Ballymagolan
DOGHERTY Geo., Junr. South Duncrun
DOGHERTY George Cloany
DOGHERTY Hen. & Geo. Dogherty (beg) South Duncrun
DOGHERTY Hen., Jas. Dogherty & Conn Dogherty South Duncrun
DOGHERTY Henry (beg) South Duncrun
DOGHERTY Hu. & Daniel Dogherty Oghill
DOGHERTY Hugh Margymonaghan
DOGHERTY James, Junr. Oughtymore
DOGHERTY Jas., Conn Dogherty & Hen. Dogherty South Duncrun
DOGHERTY John Cloany
DOGHERTY John Upper Middle Doaghs
DOGHERTY John, Senr. Oughtymore
DOGHERTY Michl. Ballymaclary
DOGHERTY Richd. Ballymulholland
DOGHERTY Thomas Oughtymore
DOGHERTY Wd. Margaret Tircreevan
DOGHERTY Wm. Ballyscullion
DOGHERTY Wm. Tircreevan
DOGHERTY Wm. & Geo. Dogherty Upper Ballymagolan
DOGHERTY Wm. & Geo. Dogherty & Oughtymore
DORAN Patk. Upper Drummons
DOUGHERTY Francis Ballyscullion
DOUGHERTY Geo. (beg) & Hen. Dogherty South Duncrun
DOUGHERTY John Margymonaghan
DOUGHERTY John North Duncrun
DOUGHERTY Wm. North Duncrun
EATON Geo. & James Eaton Ballyleaghry
EATON James & Thos. Eaton Ballyleaghry
EATON James & Thos. Eaton Ballyleaghry
EATON Jas. & Geo. Eaton Ballyleaghry
EATON Thos. & James Eaton Ballyleaghry
FARREN Danl. & James McCorristan Upper Drummons
FARREN John Upper Drummons
FARSON Geo. Ballymiltimber
FARSON Paul Ballymiltimber
FARSON Wd. Ballymiltimber
FARSON Wm. Ballymiltimber
FLEMING Conolly Drumavally
FLEMING John Carnowry
FLEMING John Tircreevan
FLEMING Wm. Ballyleaghry
FLEMING Wm. Drumnahay
FORSYTH John Woodtown
FORSYTHE Mr. Jacob Gortmore
GAGE Conolly, Esqr. Belarena
GAGE Conolly, Esqr. North Duncrun
GAGE Conolly, Esqr. Scotchtown
GAGE Conolly, Esqr. Tamlaght
GAGE Conolly. Esq. Beneveny
GALNAUGH John Ballyscullion
GALNAUGH Wd. South Duncrun
GILLAND Jas. & Thos. Gilland Ballyleaghry
GILLAND Thos. & Jas. Gilland Ballyleaghry
GILLEN James Cloany
GLENN John Tircreevan
HASSEN George Oughtymore
HASSEN James Upper Middle Doaghs
HAVLIN Michl. Upper Drummons
HEALY John Drumnahay
HEANY James Ballymulholland
KEAN George Drumavally
KEAN James Cloany
KEAN John Cloany
KEAN John Drumavally
KEAN John Lenamore
KEAN John Oghill
KEAN Owen North Duncrun
KEAN Richd. Cleggan
KEAN Richd. Drumnahay
KEAN Wd. Elizth Tircreevan
KELLEY John Gortmore
KELLEY John North Duncrun
KELLEY Robert Ballyscullion
KENNEDY Andw. South Duncrun
KILCRIEST James Upper Doaghs
KILCRIEST Wm. Ballymaclary
KILCRIEST Wm. Upper Doaghs
KILMERY George Ballyscullion
KILMERY John Ballymiltimber
LAFFERTY James Ballymiltimber
LAFFERTY James Margymonaghan
LAFFERTY James Upper Middle Doaghs
LAFFERTY John Ballymiltimber
LAFFERTY Patrick Lower Ballymagolan
LAFFERTY Wm. Ballyscullion
LAFFERTY Wm. Lenamore
LEAN Benjamin Ballycarton
LECK Francis Ballymiltimber
LECK George South Duncrun
LECK John Upper Middle Doaghs
LECKY Averell, Esq. Craig
LEE George Middle Drummons
LINTON Wm. Oughtymoil
MAGEE Denis Drumnahay
MAGEE George Cleggan
MAGEE John Ballymaclary
MAGEE John North Duncrun
MAGEE Philip & Robt. Magee North Duncrun
MAGEE Robt. & Philip Magee North Duncrun
MARTIN Robt. Ballymiltimber
McANALLY Wd. Eleanor Upper Ballymagolan
McANALLY Wd. Nancy Upper Ballymagolan
McCALLION Daniel Cloany
McCALLION John Cloany
McCALLION John Upper Ballymagolan
McCALLION Patk. Tircreevan
McCLAREY John & sons Lower Drummons
McCLARY James Umbry
McCLARY John Benone
McCLOSKEY Thomas North Duncrun
McCOLGAN Chas. Gortmore
McCOLGAN John Upper Drummons
McCOLGAN Michl. Upper Drummons
McCORMICK James South Duncrun
McCORMICK John Ballyscullion
McCORRISTAN Danl. Upper Doaghs
McCORRISTAN Danl. Upper Middle Doaghs
McCORRISTAN James & Danl. Farren Upper Drummons
McCORRISTAN John Upper Middle Doaghs
McCRACKEN Alexr. Upper Ballymagolan
McCRACKEN Thos. Upper Drummons
McCURDY John Ballymaclary
McDERMOTT Edwd. Drumahorgan
McDERMOTT Edwd. Woodtown
McFADDEN John Drumnahay
McFEELEY John Oghill
McGEEHAN James Cleggan
McGEEHAN James Tamlaght
McGRANAGHAN Geo. & R. McGranaghan Oughtymoil
McGRANAGHAN Paul Oughtymoil
McGRANAGHAN R. & Geo. McGranaghan Oughtymoil
McGRANAGHAN Wd. Jane Tircreevan
McGUIGAN Bryan Ballymulholland
McKEAGUE Archd. Cloany
MCLAUGHLAN Widow Ballyscullion
McLAUGHLIN Geo. Margymonaghan
McLAUGHLIN George Ballyscullion
McLAUGHLIN Henry Tircreevan
McLAUGHLIN James Cleggan
McLAUGHLIN Jas. & John McLaughlin North Duncrun
McLAUGHLIN John Ballyleaghry
McLAUGHLIN John & Jas. McLaughlin North Duncrun
McLAUGHLIN John & Mark McLaughlin Ballyleaghry
McLAUGHLIN Mark & John McLaughlin Ballyleaghry
McLAUGHLIN Neal Ballyleaghry
McLAUGHLIN Patk. Oughtymore
McLAUGHLIN Patk. Upper Middle Doaghs
McLAUGHLIN Patrick Upper Ballymagolan
McLAUGHLIN Philip Drumnahay
McLAUGHLIN Robert & John Quigley Ballyscullion
McLAUGHLIN Wd. Sarah Oughtymore
McQUIGAN James Tircreevan
McSWINEY Bryan Upper Drummons
McSWINEY John Upper Middle Doaghs
McSWINEY Patk., Junr. Upper Drummons
McSWINEY Paul Upper Middle Doaghs
McSWINEY, Senr. Patk. Upper Drummons
MELLAN James Ballyscullion
MELLAN John & Wm. Mellan Lower Middle Doaghs
MELLAN Wm. & John Mellan Lower Middle Doaghs
MOODY John Cloany
MOODY John Lenamore
MOODY Solomon Lenamore
MOORE Andrew Tircreevan
MOORHEAD Robt. Upper Middle Doaghs
MORRISON Matt. Tircreevan
MULHOLLAND Patk. Tircreevan
MULHOLLAND Robt. & Wd. Mulholland Benone
MULHOLLAND Wd. & Robt. Mulholland Benone
MULLEN Danl. Drumnahay
NOLAN Robert Lower Middle Doaghs
O’BRIEN Henry Upper Drummons
O’BRIEN John Ballymaclary
O’BRIEN John Upper Doaghs
O’BRIEN John Upper Middle Doaghs
O’KEAN John Upper Ballymagolan
PAIN John Oughtymoil
PARK Daniel Oghill
POYLE M. & M. Conway Cleggan
QUIGLEY John Ballyscullion
QUIGLEY John & Robert McLaughlin Ballyscullion
QUIGLEY Wm. Margymonaghan
QUIN John Ballymiltimber
QUINN James Drumahorgan
QUINN Michl. Cloany
REDGATE Wm. Oghill
REYNOLDS Fredk. Upper Middle Doaghs
REYNOLDS Geo. Upper Middle Doaghs
REYNOLDS John Upper Middle Doaghs
REYNOLDS Thos. Garrareagh
ROBINSON Geo. Cleggan
ROBINSON Geo. & Wm. Robinson Tamlaght
ROBINSON Wm. & Geo. Robinson Tamlaght
ROSS George Oghill
ROSS John Lenamore
ROSS Richd. Upper Doaghs
ROSS Thomas Ballymulholland
ROSS Wd. Sarah Oghill
ROSS William Ballymulholland
RUDDEN Danl. Upper Doaghs
SHERRARD Henry & James Sherrard Middle Drummons
SHERRARD James & Henry Sherrard Middle Drummons
SHERRARD Jo. & John Sherrard Oughtymore
SHERRARD John & Jo. Sherrard Oughtymore
SHERRARD Joseph Upper Drummons
SMYTH John Oughtymore
SMYTH Patk. Ballyscullion
SMYTH Samuel Ballyleaghry
SUMMERS Danl. Drumnahay
SUMMERS John & Wm. Summers Ballymiltimber
SUMMERS Wm. & John Summers Ballymiltimber
SWINEY Cornelius Margymonaghan
TATE James North Duncrun
TATE James Woodtown
TATE Mathew Ballyleaghry
TONER Edwd. Ballymaclary
TONER Edwd. Upper Middle Doaghs
TOWNSEND Geo. Tircreevan
WRAY Robert Carnowry
WRAY Samuel Carnowry



William Patton, Culmore, Co. Londonderry and parish of Tamlaght Finlagan

Hugh Stephenson of Legnathraw in Parish of Taughboyne [Co. Donegal]

Dated 2nd September 1826