Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.
In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.
In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).
PRONI holds the tithe books for all but 31 of the 273 parishes then surveyed in Northern Ireland. These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.
Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Ballynagilly | Broughderg | Cluntyganny | Coolreaghs |
Creevagh | Creeve | Davagh Lower | Davagh Upper |
Drumgrass | Dunmore | Feegarran | Lissan |
Slaghtfreeden | Tamnyhagan | Tatnagilta | Unagh |
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Ballynagilly | Broughderg | Clontaginny | Colereaghs |
Creevagh | Crieve | Drumgrass | Dunmore |
Feegarran | Slaghtfreeden | Tamnahagan | Tatnagilta |
Unagh |
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Ballybriest | Ballyforlea | Brackagh | Caneese |
Clagan | Coltrim | Derryganard | Dirnan |
Drumard | Drummeen | Drumrot | Dunnabraggy |
Glebe | Killybasky | Knockadoo | Letteran |
Lismoney | Lissan Demesne | Mobuy | Muff |
Rossmore | Tintagh | Tullynure | Turnaface |
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Ballybreest | Ballyforlea | Brackagh | Caneese |
Churchtown | Claggen | Coltrim | Derrygannard |
Dirnan | Drumard | Drummeen | Drumnabragy |
Drumrott | Killybasky | Knockadoo | Lismoney |
Lissan Demesne | Litterane | Mobwee | Moneyhaw |
Muff | Rossmore | Tintagh | Tullynure |
Turnaface |
Rector: Revd. J. M. Staples
Commissioners: John George & John C. Clark, Esqrs.
ADDERLY | Thomas | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
ANDERSON | George | Knockadoo |
ANDERSON | James | Turnaface |
ANDERSON | Samuel | Knockadoo |
ANDERSON | Widow | Knockadoo |
ARTHUR | Widow | Killybasky |
BARKER | Bernard | Coltrim |
BARKER | Hamilton | Rossmore |
BARKER | Robert | Rossmore |
BARKER | Samuel | Coltrim |
BARRIN | James | Unagh |
BARTLEY | John | Drumgrass |
BELL | James | Drumgrass |
BELL | John | Ballynagilly |
BELL | John | Dunmore |
BELL | John | Turnaface |
BELL | Robert | Ballynagilly |
BELL | Robert | Killybasky |
BELL | Robert | Turnaface |
BELL | Robert (red) | Dunmore |
BELL | Robert (white) | Dunmore |
BELL | Thomas | Ballynagilly |
BELL | Thomas | Dunmore |
BERRY | Edward | Tintagh |
BERRY | Thomas | Colereaghs |
BLACK | Francis | Colereaghs |
BLACK | Joseph | Killybasky |
BLACK | Robert | Dunmore |
BLAIR | Brice | Drumeen (Drapers’) |
BLAIR | Brice, Senr. | Killybasky |
BLAIR | Robt. | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
BLAIR | Widow | Drumnabragy |
BLEVIN | David | Ballybreest |
BODKIN | Andw. | Knockadoo |
BODKIN | John | Knockadoo |
BODKIN | Patk. & Richd. | Derrygannard |
BODKIN | Richd. & Patk. | Derrygannard |
BOLE | Catherine | Drumard |
BOLES | James | Drumard |
BOYLE | William | Coltrim |
BRADFORD | James | Ballynagilly |
BRADLEY | John | Ballybreest |
BRADLEY | Patk. | Ballybreest |
BRADLEY | Patk. | Claggen |
BRAFORD [BRADFORD] | Andrew | Dunmore |
BRAFORD [BRADFORD] | Henry | Ballynagilly |
BRAFORD [BRADFORD] | Henry | Dunmore |
BRAFORD [BRADFORD] | Mary | Dunmore |
BRAFORD [BRADFORD] | T. | Dunmore |
BRANNAN | Bryan & Jno. | Tintagh |
BRANNAN | Bryan & Jno. (for Quin’s farm) | Tintagh |
BRANNAN | James | Litterane |
BRANNAN | Jno. & Bryan | Tintagh |
BRANNAN | Jno. & Bryan (for Quin’s farm) | Tintagh |
BRANNAN | John | Litterane |
BRANNAN | Patk. | Tintagh |
BRANNAN | Roger | Tintagh |
BRANNAN | Widw. | Litterane |
BRANNON | Roger | Knockadoo |
BROOKS | James | Caneese |
BROWN | Mathw. | Killybasky |
BROWN | Robert | Drumnabragy |
BRYANS | Archibald | Ballynagilly |
BURKE | Hugh | Dunmore |
BURKET | Robert | Coltrim |
BURNET | John | Claggen |
CAHOUN | James | Ballybreest |
CAHOUN | William | Ballybreest |
CALDWELL | Robert | Ballyforlea |
CAMPBELL | [..?] | Colereaghs |
CAMPBELL | John | Dirnan |
CAMPBELL | John | Dunmore |
CAMPBELL | John | Knockadoo |
CAMPBELL | John, Junr. | Dirnan |
CAMPBELL | Patk. | Dirnan |
CAMPBELL & CRIGGAN | Knockadoo | |
CARBERRY | Thomas | Rossmore |
CARGAN | John & Michael | Tintagh |
CARGAN | Michael & John | Tintagh |
CARGAN | Patk. | Tintagh |
CARR | James | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
CARSON | John | Knockadoo |
CASSIDY | John | Drumrott |
CASSIDY | Roger | Coltrim |
CAUFIELD | John | Creevagh |
CAULFIELD | William | Tamnahagan |
CAVANAGH | John | Dirnan |
CAVANAGH | Michl. | Dirnan |
CHAMBERS | William | Drumnabragy |
CLANDINNING | William | Brackagh |
CLARK | George | Dunmore |
CLARKE | David | Knockadoo |
CLARKE | Patk. | Coltrim |
CLARY | Charles | Ballynagilly |
CLEERY | Charles | Crieve |
COLGIN | John | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
CONLIN | Charles, Junr. | Dirnan |
CONLIN | Charles, Senr. | Dirnan |
CONLIN | Felix | Ballynagilly |
CONLIN | Francis | Claggen |
CONLIN | Francis | Tullynure |
CONLIN | Francis & Patrick | Tullynure |
CONLIN | Henry | Tullynure |
CONLIN | James | Rossmore |
CONLIN | James | Tullynure |
CONLIN | Jno. (for McAdoo’s farm) | Dirnan |
CONLIN | Jno. (small farm) | Dirnan |
CONLIN | Jno., Junr. | Dirnan |
CONLIN | John, Senr. | Dirnan |
CONLIN | Mathew | Claggen |
CONLIN | Mathew (McCleeses’s) | Claggen |
CONLIN | Mathew(Mill farm) | Claggen |
CONLIN | Michael | Tullynure |
CONLIN | Owen | Dirnan |
CONLIN | Owen | Tullynure |
CONLIN | Patk. & Partners | Tullynure |
CONLIN | Patk. Luke | Claggen |
CONLIN | Patrick & Francis | Tullynure |
CONLIN | Peter | Drumard |
CONLIN | Peter | Tullynure |
CONN | Thomas | Lismoney |
CONN | William | Lismoney |
CONNOLLY | Felix | Killybasky |
CONNOLLY | Patk. | Killybasky |
CONNOLLY | Widow | Killybasky |
CONNOLLY | Widow | Rossmore |
CONWAY | Bridget | Dirnan |
CONWAY | Edward | Broughderg |
CONWAY | Henry | Broughderg |
CONWAY | John | Broughderg |
CONWAY | Michael | Broughderg |
CONWAY | Owen | Claggen |
CONWAY | Peter | Broughderg |
CONWAY | Widow | Broughderg |
CORR | Bernard | Tullynure |
CORR | Charles | Killybasky |
CORR | Danl. | Tullynure |
CORR | Henry | Ballynagilly |
CORR | James | Killybasky |
CORR | James, Jun. | Dunmore |
CORR | John | Caneese |
CORR | John | Churchtown |
CORR | John | Tullynure |
CORR | Michael | Tullynure |
CORR | Owen | Killybasky |
CORR | Patk & Thomas | Claggen |
CORR | Patk. | Rossmore |
CORR | Patk. | Tullynure |
CORR | Patrick, Jun. | Dunmore |
CORR | Patrick, Sen. | Dunmore |
CORR | Thomas & Patk. | Claggen |
CORR | Widow F.or T. | Tullynure |
CORRAGAN | Owen, Junr. | Tintagh |
CORRERAN | Owen | Slaghtfreeden |
CORRIGAN | Owen | Tintagh |
COTTON | George | Caneese |
COTTON | John | Caneese |
COTTON | Nicholas | Caneese |
COTTON | Widow | Caneese |
COTTON | William | Caneese |
COWAN | Hugh | Ballybreest |
COY | John, Senr. | Rossmore |
COY | Patrick | Creevagh |
COY | Rose | Drumgrass |
COY | Thomas | Rossmore |
COY | Widow | Drumgrass |
COY | Widow | Rossmore |
CRAIG | Henry | Moneyhaw |
CRAWFORD | David | Drumard |
CRAWFORD | David (part in Muff) | Killybasky |
CRAWFORD | Hugh, Junr. | Killybasky |
CRAWFORD | John, Senr. | Killybasky |
CRAWFORD | Robert | Rossmore |
CRAWFORD | Widow | Killybasky |
CREIGHTON | Henry | Ballybreest |
CREIGHTON | John | Claggen |
CRIGGAN & CAMPBELL | Knockadoo | |
CRILLY | Owen | Creevagh |
CRILLY | Thomas | Tullynure |
CRILLY | Widow Sarah | Tatnagilta |
CROOKS | Alexr. & Jas. | Ballybreest |
CROOKS | Jas. & Alexr. | Ballybreest |
CROOKS | Mally | Drumgrass |
CROOKS | Robt. & Saml. | Claggen |
CROOKS | Saml. & Robt. | Claggen |
CROOKS | Samuel | Dunmore |
CROOKS | Widow James | Drumgrass |
CROOKS | William | Ballybreest |
CROOKS | William | Coltrim |
CROOKS | William | Drumgrass |
CROSETT | Joseph | Moneyhaw |
CUDDY | A.& Thos. McGlone | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
CUSTARD | Bernard | Drumard |
DAVIDSON | James | Knockadoo |
DAVIDSON | Smyth | Moneyhaw |
DAVIDSON | Widow Andw. | Drumrott |
DAVIDSON | Widow Jas. | Drumrott |
DAVIDSON | Widow Robt. | Drumrott |
DAVIDSON | William | Drumrott |
DAVISON | Robt. & John McCanny | Caneese |
DEVLIN | Bernard | Coltrim |
DEVLIN | Bryan | Caneese |
DEVLIN | Charles | Tullynure |
DEVLIN | David | Muff |
DEVLIN | Henry | Tullynure |
DEVLIN | James | Colereaghs |
DEVLIN | John | Drumrott |
DEVLIN | John | Killybasky |
DEVLIN | John | Litterane |
DEVLIN | Patk. | Coltrim |
DEVLIN | Patk., Junr. | Tullynure |
DEVLIN | Patk., Senr. | Tullynure |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Colereaghs |
DEVLIN | Phillip | Coltrim |
DEVLIN | Widow | Knockadoo |
DEVLIN | William | Unagh |
DILLAN | Peter | Dirnan |
DILLON | Mary Widow & Rose Dillon | Dirnan |
DILLON | Rose & Widow Mary Dillon | Dirnan |
DONAGHY | James | Ballynagilly |
DONAGHY | James | Crieve |
DONAGHY | John | Broughderg |
DONAGHY | Michl. | Litterane |
DONAGHY | Patk. | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
DONAGHY | Patk. & Peter | Litterane |
DONAGHY | Peter & Patk. | Litterane |
DONALDSON | Jas., Senr. & Junr. | Caneese |
DONALDSON | Robert | Churchtown |
DONELS | John | Claggen |
DONNELLY | Bernard | Feegarran |
DONNELLY | Bernard, Sen. | Feegarran |
DONNELLY | Bridget | Caneese |
DONNELLY | Charles & Jno. | Dirnan |
DONNELLY | Daniel | Creevagh |
DONNELLY | Daniel | Feegarran |
DONNELLY | Daniel | Tintagh |
DONNELLY | Felix | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
DONNELLY | Francis | Caneese |
DONNELLY | Henry | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
DONNELLY | Hugh | Dirnan |
DONNELLY | Jno. & Charles | Dirnan |
DONNELLY | Jno. & Jno. McBride | Derrygannard |
DONNELLY | John, Jun. | Feegarran |
DONNELLY | Michael | Dirnan |
DONNELLY | Michl., Senr. | Dirnan |
DONNELLY | Patk. | Caneese |
DONNELLY | Patk. | Dirnan |
DONNELLY | Patrick | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
DONNELLY | Peter | Caneese |
DONNELLY | Terence | Derrygannard |
DONNELLY | Thomas | Caneese |
DONNELLY | Thomas | Drumard |
DOUGHERTY | Catherine | Tullynure |
DOYLE | Daniel | Derrygannard |
DOYLE | John | Caneese |
DOYLE | Michl. | Coltrim |
DOYLE | Patk. | Tullynure |
DRAPERS’ COMPANY | Coltrim | |
DRAPERS’ COMPANY | Drumrott | |
DRENAN | Widow | Drumnabragy |
DREW | Bartholomew | Unagh |
DUGAL | James | Ballynagilly |
DUGAN | James | Dirnan |
DUGAN | Widow | Killybasky |
DUNSHEATHE | Allen | Coltrim |
ECCLES | John (including Coltrim) | Moneyhaw |
ELLIS | Terry/ Jerry? | Claggen |
ESPIE | David | Turnaface |
FAULKNER | John | Drumgrass |
FAULKNER | Widow | Drumnabragy |
FAULKNER | William | Drumnabragy |
FEE | William | Tintagh |
FERGUSON | Geo. | Ballybreest |
FERGUSON | William | Tamnahagan |
FERRIL | Francis | Dirnan |
FERRIL | James | Dirnan |
FERRIL | Mary | Dirnan |
FINLEY | John | Dunmore |
FLEMING | James | Unagh |
FORSYTH | John | Coltrim |
FORSYTH | Widow | Coltrim |
FULLAM | Widow | Knockadoo |
GILLAN | Hugh | Broughderg |
GILLAN | John | Broughderg |
GILLASPIE | Edward | Moneyhaw |
GILLASPIE | Patrick | Creevagh |
GLASGOW | John | Drumeen (Drapers’) |
GLASGOW | Robert | Coltrim |
GLASGOW | Robert | Drumnabragy |
GRAHAM | John | Knockadoo |
GRAHAM | Michl. | Rossmore |
GREEN | James | Rossmore |
GREEN | Widow | Muff |
GREER | John | Ballyforlea |
HAGAN | Bernard | Feegarran |
HAGAN | Bryan | Drumgrass |
HAGAN | Henry | Creevagh |
HAGAN | Patrick | Drumgrass |
HAGAN | Peter, Jun. | Feegarran |
HAGAN | Widow | Tintagh |
HAGAN | Widow Else | Litterane |
HAGERTY | Michl. | Coltrim |
HAGHY | Michl. | Tintagh |
HAPPER | William | Ballybreest |
HARBINSON | William | Coltrim |
HARKNESS | Henry | Lismoney |
HARKNESS | James | Lismoney |
HARKNESS | John | Dirnan |
HARKNESS | John | Drumard |
HARKNESS | John, Junr. | Drumard |
HARKNESS | Murtagh | Claggen |
HARKNESS | Robert | Creevagh |
HARKNESS | Robert | Lismoney |
HARKNESS | Thomas | Drumard |
HARKNESS | Thomas | Tintagh |
HARKNESS | Thomas (for McCann) | Tintagh |
HARKNESS | Thomas, Junr. | Drumard |
HARKNESS | Widow | Drumard |
HARKNESS | Wm., Heirs of | Drumard |
HARTLEY | James | Dunmore |
HARTLEY | Jane | Churchtown |
HARTLEY | William | Dunmore |
HAUGHY | Dennis | Tintagh |
HAUGHY | Patk. | Tintagh |
HAWNEY | Daniel | Tintagh |
HAWNEY | John | Tintagh |
HAWNEY | John & Michael | Tintagh |
HAWNEY | Michael & John | Tintagh |
HAWTHORN | Hugh | Ballybreest |
HENDERSON | Robt. (including Coltrim) | Moneyhaw |
HIGGANS | Robert | Churchtown |
HIGGERTY | Bernard | Tatnagilta |
HIGGINS | William | Churchtown |
HILL | John | Lismoney |
HILL & McFALONE | Coltrim | |
HILLS | John | Drumrott |
HOLLY | [..?] | Drumgrass |
HOPKINS | [..?] | Drumgrass |
HOPKINS | Robert | Unagh |
HUNTER | Robert | Knockadoo |
HUNTER | William | Turnaface |
HUNTER | Wm. & Partners | Drumeen (Drapers’) |
HUTCHINSON | Thomas | Killybasky |
HUTCHINSON | Widw. | Muff |
HUTCHINSON | William | Churchtown |
HUTCHINSON | William | Killybasky |
HUTCHINSON | William T. | Churchtown |
IRVIN | Daniel | Killybasky |
IRWIN | Joseph | Ballynagilly |
JACKSON | John | Creevagh |
JACKSON | Luke | Creevagh |
JOHNSON | James | Derrygannard |
JOHNSON | Robert | Knockadoo |
JOHNSON | Thomas | Knockadoo |
JOHNSTON | Archibald | Drumgrass |
JOHNSTON | Joseph | Drumgrass |
JORDAN | Thomas | Muff |
JUNK | Widow James | Drumrott |
JUNK | Widow Robert | Drumrott |
KANE | John | Drumrott |
KANE | Widow George | Litterane |
KANE | William | Lismoney |
KEAN & McGUIGGAN | Caneese | |
KEENAN | Roger | Derrygannard |
KEITH | Charles | Turnaface |
KEITH | Chas. & John | Turnaface |
KEITH | John | Turnaface |
KELLY | Charles | Creevagh |
KELLY | Edward | Claggen |
KELLY | James or herd | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
KELLY | John | Creevag |
KELLY | Widow | Creevagh |
KEMPTON | James | Dunmore |
KEMPTON | Robert | Ballybreest |
KEMPTON | Robert | Ballynagilly |
KEMPTON | Robert | Dunmore |
KEMPTON | Thomas | Dunmore |
KEMPTON | William | Ballybreest |
KENNEDY | Henry | Knockadoo |
KENNEDY | James | Tintagh |
KENNEDY | John | Drumard |
KENNEDY | John (for David Kennedy’s) | Drumard |
KENNEDY | Robert | Caneese |
KENNEDY | Robert | Knockadoo |
KENNEDY | Thomas Jas. | Drumard |
KENNEDY | Widow David | Drumard |
KERR | Michael | Ballynagilly |
KIRGAN | Peter | Claggen |
KIRK | Thomas | Drumard |
KISSOCK | Robert | Caneese |
LACKEN | John or Patrick | Moneyhaw |
LACKEN | Patrick or John | Moneyhaw |
LADEN | Bernard | Coltrim |
LAGAN | Francis | Caneese |
LAGAN | Francis | Drumard |
LANE | James | Unagh |
LAPPAN | Widow | Dirnan |
LATIMORE | John | Ballynagilly |
LAUGHLAN | Charles | Litterane |
LENON | Felix | Ballybreest |
LESLIE | George | Claggen |
LOUDAN | Bernard | Litterane |
LOUDAN | Bernard | Tintagh |
LOUDAN | James | Tintagh |
LOUDAN | John | Tintagh |
LOUDAN | Patk. | Tintagh |
LOUGHRAN | Michael | Unagh |
MAGILL | John | Killybasky |
MAGILL | William, Esqr. | Tamnahagan |
MAGILL | William, Jun. | Ballynagilly |
MAGILL | William, Jun. | Dunmore |
MAGILL | William, Sen. | Ballynagilly |
MAGILL | William, Sen. | Crieve |
MAHAN | James | Rossmore |
MALLAN | Francis | Dirnan |
MALLAN | Henry | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MALLAN | Hugh | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MALLAN | John | Dirnan |
MALLAN | Toal & Widow | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MALLAN | Widow | Dirnan |
MALLAN | Widow or Toal | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MALLON | Bernard | Ballynagilly |
MALLON | Bernard | Dunmore |
MALLON | Felix | Ballynagilly |
MALLON | Felix Owen | Ballynagilly |
MALLON | Felix Owen | Crieve |
MALLON | John | Ballynagilly |
MALLON | Michael | Ballynagilly |
MALLON | Michael | Crieve |
MALLON | Michl. | Derrygannard |
MALLON | Pat. & Toal McAnulla | Derrygannard |
MALLON | Patk. | Dirnan |
MALLON | Peter | Dunmore |
MALLON | Philly | Crieve |
MALLON | Redmond | Ballynagilly |
MALLON | Thomas | Dirnan |
MALLON | Toal | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
MALONE | Anthony | Drumrott |
MALONE | Owen | Tintagh |
MARSHALL | Joseph | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
MARSHALL | Robert, Sen. | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
MARSHALL | William | Crieve |
MARTIN | George | Drumard |
MARTIN | George | Drumnabragy |
MARTIN | Robert | Caneese |
MARTIN | William | Tatnagilta |
MASON | David | Rossmore |
MASON | Moses | Ballybreest |
MASON | Samuel | Claggen |
MAXWELL | Alexander, Jun. | Dunmore |
MAXWELL | Alexander, Sen. | Dunmore |
McADOO | Hugh | Knockadoo |
McADOO | James | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McADOO | John | Knockadoo |
McADOO | Robert | Knockadoo |
McALEER | Arthur | Tullynure |
McALEER | Henry | Ballynagilly |
McALEER | John | Rossmore |
McALEER | Miles | Tullynure |
McANALLY | Patk. | Tullynure |
McANARY | Robert & Partners | Coltrim |
McANULLA | Ambrose & Peter | Derrygannard |
McANULLA | Francis | Litterane |
McANULLA | James | Ballynagilly |
McANULLA | James | Caneese |
McANULLA | James | Drumard |
McANULLA | James | Dunmore |
McANULLA | John | Dirnan |
McANULLA | Michael | Derrygannard |
McANULLA | Peter | Crieve |
McANULLA | Peter & Ambrose | Derrygannard |
McANULLA | Toal & Pat. Mallon | Derrygannard |
McAVERY | Lawrence | Tullynure |
McBRIDE | Jno. & Jno. Donnelly | Derrygannard |
McCANN | Arthur | Creevagh |
McCANN | Bridget | Tullynure |
McCANN | Edward, Jun. | Creevagh |
McCANN | Henry | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
McCANN | John | Drumard |
McCANN | John | Tullynure |
McCANN | John, Junr. | Litterane |
McCANN | John, Senr. | Litterane |
McCANN | Michl. | Rossmore |
McCANN | Nail | Tintagh |
McCANN | Owen | Ballybreest |
McCANN | Patk. | Litterane |
McCANN | Patk. | Tintagh |
McCANN | Robert | Coltrim |
McCANN | Thomas, Sen. | Creevagh |
McCANN | Widow | Creevagh |
McCANNY | Hugh | Unagh |
McCANNY | James | Drumard |
McCANNY | James & Robt. Davison | Caneese |
McCARROL | Edward | Drumeen in Lissan |
McCARTNEY | Alexr. | Killybasky |
McCLEESE | George | Claggen |
McCONKEY | George | Muff |
McCONKEY | William | Killybasky |
McCONKEY | William | Muff |
McCONWAY | Patrick | Tatnagilta |
McCONWAY | Widow Pat. | Tatnagilta |
McCONWAY | William | Ballybreest |
McCRACKEN | Henry | Ballynagilly |
McCRACKEN | Henry | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McCRACKEN | James | Ballynagilly |
McCRACKEN | Michael | Ballynagilly |
McCRERY | Abram | Knockadoo |
McCRIGGAN | [..?] | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
McCROREY | Francis | Ballybreest |
McCULLAGH | Archibald | Drumeen in Lissan |
McCULLAGH | George | Drumeen in Lissan |
McCULLAGH | Henry | Ballynagilly |
McCULLAGH | Henry | Crieve |
McCULLAGH | Hugh | Ballynagilly |
McCULLAGH | Hugh | Crieve |
McCULLAGH | James | Broughderg |
McCULLAGH | James | Drumeen in Lissan |
McCULLAGH | James | Drumnabragy |
McCULLAGH | James | Killybasky |
McCULLAGH | Kennedy | Drumeen (Drapers’) |
McCULLAGH | Patk. & O. Toner | Tullynure |
McCULLAGH | Patrick | Broughderg |
McCULLAGH | Peter | Broughderg |
McCULLAGH | Widow | Crieve |
McCULLAGH | Widow | Killybasky |
McDOWELL | William | Claggen |
McELDOON | Hugh | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
McELGREW | Bernard | Tullynure |
McELGREW | John | Tullynure |
McELGREW | Nail | Unagh |
McELGREW | Widow | Unagh |
McELHANNAN | Felix | Knockadoo |
McELHANNAN | Patk. & F. | Knockadoo |
McELHATTEN | Hugh | Drumnabragy |
McELHATTEN | Hugh | Killybasky |
McELHONE | Arthur | Caneese |
McELHONE | Hugh | Knockadoo |
McELHONE | John | Knockadoo |
McELRAY | Felix | Lismoney |
McELREE | Andrew | Killybasky |
McELTAINEY | Widow | Tintagh |
McELWAINE | Jas. | Coltrim |
McELWAINE | Widow Robert | Coltrim |
McELWAINE | William | Coltrim |
McFALIN | Hugh | Dirnan |
McFALIN | Phillip | Dirnan |
McFALONE & HILL | Coltrim | |
McFARLAND | James | Ballynagilly |
McFARLAND | Thomas | Ballynagilly |
McGAGHAN | William | Moneyhaw |
McGAW | Samuel | Lismoney |
McGEAGH | R. | Unagh |
McGEAGH | Rev. Mr. | Killybasky |
McGEAGH | Robert | Dunmore |
McGEAGH | Thomas | Unagh |
McGEAGH | Widow Robert | Unagh |
McGEE | Francis | Ballyforlea |
McGILL | Hugh | Ballynagilly |
McGILL | Hugh | Creevagh |
McGILL | William, Senr. | Tullynure |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | John | Ballynagilly |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | John | Crieve |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | John | Dirnan |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | Owen | Broughderg |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | Peter | Derrygannard |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | Peter | Litterane |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | Peter | Tintagh |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | Thomas | Broughderg |
McGIRVEY [McGARVEY] | William | Litterane |
McGLADE | James | Rossmore |
McGLADE | Patk | Killybasky |
McGLAUGHLAN | Arthur | Tatnagilta |
McGLAUGHLAN | James | Tatnagilta |
McGLONE | Arthur | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Arthur Laurence & partners | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Arthur Nail | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Bridget | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Daniel | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Edward, Junr. | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Edward, Senr. | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Hugh | Ballynagilly |
MCGLONE | Hugh | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | James | Ballynagilly |
McGLONE | James | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | James | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | John | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | John | Tatnagilta |
McGLONE | John, Junr | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Lawrence | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Michl. | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Nail | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Patk. | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Patk. & Thos. & partners | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Peter | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
McGLONE | Peter | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Stephen | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Thos. & A. Cuddy | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Thos. & Patk. & partners | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGLONE | Widow Rose | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
McGREADY | Cornelius | Drumeen in Lissan |
McGREADY | Owen | Drumeen in Lissan |
McGREADY | Patk., Junr. | Drumeen in Lissan |
McGUIGGAN | James | Claggen |
McGUIGGAN | John | Tullynure |
McGUIGGAN | Widow | Tintagh |
McGUIGGAN & KEAN | Caneese | |
McGURK | James | Drumgrass |
McGURK | Michael | Creevagh |
McILREA | Archibald | Drumgrass |
McILREA | William | Drumgrass |
McIVER | Bryan | Dirnan |
McIVER | Dennis & Michl. | Derrygannard |
McIVER | Michl. & Dennis | Derrygannard |
McKEAN | Robert | Turnaface |
McKEE | Francis | Moneyhaw |
McKEE | George | Moneyhaw |
McKEE | James | Moneyhaw |
McKEE | Robert | Drumnabragy |
McKEEVER | Daniel | Tintagh |
McKENNA | Francis | Tintagh |
McKENNA | Hugh | Tintagh |
McKENNA | Michl. | Litterane |
McKEOWN | Adam | Claggen |
McKEOWN | Edward | Creevagh |
McKEOWN | Michael | Creevagh |
McKEOWN | Patrick | Dunmore |
McKERNAN | Bernard | Lismoney |
McKINNEY | Thomas | Tatnagilta |
McKINNY | James | Tatnagilta |
McKINNY | John | Unagh |
McKINNY | Martha | Unagh |
McKINNY | Robert | Unagh |
McKINNY | Samuel | Unagh |
McKINNY | William | Tatnagilta |
McKIRNAN | Patrick | Knockadoo |
McLAUGHLAN | John or S.W., Esqr. | Ballybreest |
McMURRAY & WRIGHT | Ballybreest | |
McNAMARA | Mary | Dunmore |
McNAMARA | Owen | Dunmore |
McPEAK | Thomas | Creevagh |
McSWIGGAN | Henry | Coltrim |
McSWIGGAN | John | Drumrott |
McSWIGGAN | Michael | Dunmore |
McSWIGGIN | Michael | Creevagh |
McTAGUE | Widow | Rossmore |
McWILLIAMS | Jas., Michl. & Patk. | Litterane |
McWILLIAMS | Michl., Patk. & Jas. | Litterane |
McWILLIAMS | Patk., Michl. & Jas. | Litterane |
MEHAN | Charles | Rossmore |
MEHAN | Margaret | Rossmore |
MILLER | James | Drumeen (Drapers’) |
MILLER | John | Tatnagilta |
MILLER | John | Unagh |
MILLS | John | Caneese |
MILLS | Mathew | Caneese |
MILLS | Mathew | Drumard |
MILLS | William | Caneese |
MITCHELL | James | Coltrim |
MITCHELL | William | Ballynagilly |
MONAGHAN | Dennis | Tullynure |
MONTAGUE | John | Tullynure |
MONTGOMERY | Henry & William | Drumard |
MONTGOMERY | James | Drumard |
MONTGOMERY | William & Henry | Drumard |
MOONEY | John | Ballynagilly |
MOORE | Revd. William | Coltrim |
MORGAN | William | Ballybreest |
MORGAN | William | Ballybreest |
MORGAN | William | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MORRAN | John | Ballybreest |
MOSGROVE | [..?] | Drumgrass |
MULDOON | Patk. | Ballybreest |
MULHOLLAND | Devlin & Hugh | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MULHOLLAND | Else & Jno. Quin | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MULHOLLAND | Hugh | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MULHOLLAND | Hugh & Devlin | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MULHOLLAND | Michael | Ballynagilly |
MULLAN | Henry | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
MULLAN | Mathew | Ballybreest |
MULLON | Thomas | Claggen |
MURPHY | George | Ballyforlea |
MURPHY | Mathew | Drumeen (Drapers’) |
MURRAY | Hugh | Ballybreest |
MURRAY | John | Tatnagilta |
MURRAY | Patrick | Tatnagilta |
NEESON | James | Drumard |
NEESON | John | Ballynagilly |
NEESON | John | Dirnan |
NEESON | Widow | Ballynagilly |
NEESON | Widow | Creevagh |
NEESON | Widow | Crieve |
NEIL | Francis | Crieve |
NEWBURY | Jane | Creevagh |
NORRIS | William | Churchtown |
O’NEIL | Arthur | Dirnan |
O’NEIL | Bryan | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
O’NEIL | Charles | Dirnan |
O’NEIL | Chas. & James | Derrygannard |
O’NEIL | Daniel | Broughderg |
O’NEIL | Francis | Churchtown |
O’NEIL | Henry | Broughderg |
O’NEIL | James | Broughderg |
O’NEIL | James & Chas. | Derrygannard |
O’NEIL | John | Dirnan |
O’NEIL | Mathew | Broughderg |
O’NEIL | Michael | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
O’NEIL | Nail | Broughderg |
O’NEIL | Peter | Ballybreest |
O’NEIL | Peter | Broughderg |
O’NEIL | Roger | Broughderg |
O’NEIL | Widow | Caneese |
O’NEIL | Widow | Claggen |
OLIVER | John | Drumard |
OLIVER | John | Knockadoo |
OLIVER | William | Knockadoo |
OTTERSON | John | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
OWENS | Francis | Litterane |
PALMER | Widow | Caneese |
PALMER | William | Caneese |
PORTER | John | Killybasky |
PORTER | Widow | Lismoney |
PURVIS | [..?] | Colereaghs |
QUIN | Arthur | Tullynure |
QUIN | Barkly | Broughderg |
QUIN | Charles | Broughderg |
QUIN | Charles | Moneyhaw |
QUIN | Charles & partners | Broughderg |
QUIN | Francis | Tintagh |
QUIN | Hugh | Tintagh |
QUIN | James | Broughderg |
QUIN | Jno. & Else Mulholland | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
QUIN | John | Broughderg |
QUIN | Mary | Litterane |
QUIN | Michael | Broughderg |
QUIN | Michael | Caneese |
QUIN | Michl. | Tintagh |
QUIN | Michl. | Tullynure |
QUIN | Patrick | Broughderg |
QUIN | Robert | Broughderg |
QUIN | Robert | Lismoney |
QUIN | Robert | Tatnagilta |
QUIN | Stephen | Broughderg |
QUIN | Widow | Killybasky |
QUINN | Widow, Junr. | Caneese |
RAW | John | Rossmore |
RAW | Widow | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
REA | Adam | Claggen |
REED | John | Drumgrass |
REED | John | Knockadoo |
REED | Patrick | Broughderg |
REED | William | Knockadoo |
REID | Hugh | Tullynure |
REYNOLDS | Thomas | Knockadoo |
REYNOLDS | Widow | Claggen |
RICE | Samuel | Drumard |
RIDDLE | Samuel | Muff |
ROBINSON | William | Churchtown |
ROBINSON | William | Unagh |
RODGERS | Alexander | Unagh |
ROGERS | George | Dunmore |
RUMSEY | John | Claggen |
SAMPSON | Ralph | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
SHAW | Mrs. | Coltrim |
SHEIL | John | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
SHERRY | Alexr. | Knockadoo |
SHERRY | Bernard | Knockadoo |
SHERRY | James & Widow | Knockadoo |
SHERRY | Peter | Knockadoo |
SHERRY | Widow | Knockadoo |
SHERRY | Widow & James | Knockadoo |
SHORT | David | Lismoney |
SHUTER | Samuel | Tullynure |
SIMPSON | Johnathan | Coltrim |
SIMPSON | Widow | Coltrim |
SLANE | James | Unagh |
SLOAN | Henry | Lismoney |
SMYTH | Adam | Broughderg |
SMYTH | Adam | Drumnabragy |
SMYTH | George | Ballyforlea |
SMYTH | George | Ballyforlea |
SMYTH | George | Lismoney |
SMYTH | James | Drumnabragy |
SMYTH | John | Coltrim |
SMYTH | Nathan | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
SMYTH | Widow | Drumnabragy |
SMYTH | William | Ballyforlea |
SMYTH | William | Lismoney |
SMYTH | William | Muff |
SNIPE | Archibald | Unagh |
SNIPE | Robert | Unagh |
STAPLES | Mr. (for Schoolhouse) | Churchtown |
STAPLES | Rev. John M. | Ballyforlea |
STAPLES | Revd. John M. | Muff |
STAPLES | Revd. John M. & Co. | Muff |
STAPLES | Thomas & Co. | Muff |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Creevagh |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Dirnan |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Dirnan |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Drumard |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Drumard |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Drumgrass |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Dunmore |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Feegarran |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Knockadoo |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Lissan Demesne |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Rossmore |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Tamnahagan |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Tintagh |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Tullynure |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Tullynure |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Tullynure |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. | Unagh |
STAPLES | Thomas, Esqr. (schoolhouse) | Creevagh |
STAPLES | Thos., Esq. | Dirnan |
STEENSON | William | Lismoney |
STEWART | Charles | Claggen |
STEWART | Robert | Derrygannard |
STINTON | John | Ballyforlea |
STIRRET | William | Lismoney |
STUART | James | Lismoney |
STUART | Martha | Knockadoo |
STUART | Widow | Killybasky |
TAGGART | Alexr. | Rossmore |
TAGGART | Richard | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
TAYLOR | Benjamin | Drumard |
TAYLOR | Widow | Caneese |
TIMONY | Anne | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
TIMONY | Arthur | Ballynagilly |
TIMONY | Arthur | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
TIMONY | Bryan & Patk. | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
TIMONY | Patk. & Bryan | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
TIMONY | Patrick | Crieve |
TOAZ | William | Litterane |
TONER | Else [Alice] | Ballynagilly |
TONER | John | Dunmore |
TONER | Murtagh | Dunmore |
TONER | O. & Patk. McCullagh | Tullynure |
TONER | Patrick | Dunmore |
VENT | Widow | Knockadoo |
WAMSLEY | Robert | Drumnabragy |
WARD | John (including Coltrim) | Drumrott |
WARD | Michl. | Drumrott |
WATSON | Samuel | Derrygannard |
WATSON | Widow | Tullynure |
WATTERS | John | Unagh |
WEIR | Robert | Ballynagilly |
WILEY | James | Ballynagilly |
WILEY | James | Crieve |
WILEY | Robert | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
WILEY | Widow | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
WILEY | William | Caneese |
WILEY | William, Jun. | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
WILEY | William, Sen. | Clontaginny [Cluntyganny] |
WILLIAMS | William | Tatnagilta |
WILSON | Thomas | Ballynagilly |
WOODS | Peter | Derrygannard |
WRIGHT | James | Dunmore |
WRIGHT | John | Claggen |
WRIGHT | John | Dunmore |
WRIGHT | John | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
WRIGHT | Joseph | Tullynure |
WRIGHT | Samuel | Muff |
WRIGHT | Samuel, Esqr., for Planting, Bog & Mountain | Ballybreest |
WRIGHT | Thomas | Mobwee (Mobuy) |
WRIGHT & McMURRAY | Ballybreest |