Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.
In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.
In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).
PRONI holds the tithe books for all but 31 of the 273 parishes then surveyed in Northern Ireland. These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally, the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.
Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.
Commencing on the first day of November 1829
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Aghamilkin | Aghindarragh East | Aghindarragh West | Aghindrumman |
Aghingowly | Aghinlark | Aghintain | Aghnaglogh |
Altanaveragh | Altnaveagh | Annagarvy | Annagh |
Annagh (Augher) | Annagh Demesne | Annaloughan | Ardunshin |
Ashfield or Grange | Ashfield or Grange Mountain Bar | Augher Tenements | Aughnacarney |
Ballagh | Ballaghneed | Ballygreenan | Ballymacan |
Ballymagowan | Ballynagurragh | Ballyness | Ballyscally |
Ballyvaddan | Ballywholan | Bank | Beigh Glebe |
Belnaclogh | Beltany | Blacklands | Bolies |
Branter | Caldrum | Cargagh | Carnagat |
Carnahinny | Carntall Beg | Carntall More | Carr |
Carrickavoy | Carryclogher | Castlehill Demesne | Cavan |
Cavanacark | Claremore | Clogher Demesne | Clogher Tenements |
Cloghlin | Cloneblaugh | Cloonycoppoge | Cole |
Corboe | Corcloghy | Corcreevy | Corcreevy Demesne |
Corick | Corkhill | Corkhill Demesne | Corleaghan |
Cormore | Cornamucklagh | Crossowen | Derries |
Derrydrummond | Derrynascombe | Divinagh | Donaghmoyne |
Dromore Lower | Dromore Middle | Dromore Upper | Drumhirk |
Drumhirk Glebe | Dunbiggan | Edergole | Eskermore |
Eskernabrogue | Eskragh | Fardross Demesne | Fardross Mountain |
Farranetra | Fernaghandrum | Findermore | Fivemiletown |
Fogart | Freughmore | Garlaw | Glenhoy |
Glennageeragh | Glennoo | Gortmore | Gunnell |
Kilclay | Killaney Lower | Killaney Upper | Killycorran |
Killyfaddy | Killygordon | Kilnaheery | Kilnahusogue |
Kilruddan | Knockmany | Knocknacarney | Latbeg |
Lisbane | Lisboy | Lisgorran | Lislane |
Lislea | Lismore | Lisnamaghery | Lisnarable |
Longridge | Losset | Lungs | Lurganaglare |
Mallabeny | Mountstewart | Mullaghmore | Mullaghtinny |
Mullans | Mullans (Killyfaddy) | Newry | Nurchossy Irish |
Nurchossy Scotch | Prolusk | Rahoran | Ranenly |
Ratory | Rosemeilan | Roy | Screeby |
Sess | Sessia | Shanco | Shantonagh |
Skelgagh | Slatbeg | Slatmore | Springtown |
Syunshin | Tamlaght | Tatnadaveny | Tattanafinnell |
Tawnymore | Terrew | Townagh | Tullanafoile |
Tullanavert | Tully | Tullybroom | Tullycorker |
Tullyquin Glebe | Tullyvernan | Tycanny |
Townlands and subdenominations attracting tithes (as spelt), were compiled by Manor within the Tithe Applotment Book; Clogher parish is divided into six Manors:
The Ordnance Survey Memoirs compiled for Clogher parish 1833-5 reveal that eight townlands within the manor of Clogher were tithe-free for 21 years from November 1, 1829; Lisbuie, Findermore, 2 Nurchosys, Aughnaglough, Tulnavert, Fardross, Glenoo, [all] abbey lands.
AGHADRUMMIN | Cope | AGHENGOWLEY | Mountstewart |
AGHENLARK | Mountstewart | AGHENTAIN | Mountstewart |
AGHINDARA | Mountstewart | AGHINDARRAGH | Augher |
ANNAGH | Augher | ANNAGH | Blessingburn |
ANNAGH DEMESNE | Blessingburn | ANNALOGHAN | Augher |
AUGHAMILKIN | Augher | AUGHER BOG | Augher |
AUGHER, TOWN OF | Augher | AUGHNISH | Clogher |
BALLYMAGOWAN | Clogher | BALLYNESS | Mountstewart |
BALLYSCALLY | Clogher | BALLYVADDEN | Blessingburn |
BANK | Cecil | BELNACLOGH | Cecil |
BELTANY | Clogher | BLACKLANDS | Blessingburn |
BOLIES | Mountstewart | BRANTER | Augher |
CALDRUM | Augher | CAR | Augher |
CARGAGH | Augher | CARNAGART | Clogher |
CARNAGAT | Mountstewart | CARNAHINNY | Clogher |
CAVANAKIRK | Mountstewart | CECIL DEMESNE | Augher |
CLARMORE | Cecil | CLOGHER, TOWN OF | Clogher |
CLOGHLIN | Clogher | CLONEBLAGH | Cecil |
CLOONACAPPOGUE | Augher | COLE | Mountstewart |
CORBOE | Cope | CORCREVEY | Blessingburn |
CORICK | Clogher | CORKHILL | Cope |
CORLEHAN | Clogher | CORLOGHEY | Clogher |
CROSS OWEN | Clogher | DEMESNE | Clogher |
DERRYNASCOMBE | Augher | DONAGHMOYNE | Mountstewart |
DROMORE | Cope | DRUMHIRK | Clogher |
DUNBIGIN | Cecil | EDERGOLE or MURLY BLAKELY | Mountstewart |
FOGART | Cope | FRUGHMORE | Clogher |
GORTMORE | Blessingburn | GRANGE (or ASHFIELD) | Clogher |
GRANGE MOUNTAIN | Clogher | GUNNELL | Clogher |
GURLAW | Mountstewart | KILCLAY | Augher |
KILLEANY | Mountstewart | KILLICORRAN | Clogher |
KILLYGORDON | Mountstewart | KILNAHEERY | Cecil |
KNOCKACARNEY | Mountstewart | KNOCKMANY | Cecil |
LETBEG | Cecil | LISBANE | Augher |
LISGORRAN | Augher | LISLANE | Mountstewart |
LISLEE | Cope | LISMORE | Clogher |
LONGRIDGE | Cecil | LOSETT | Mountstewart |
LUNGS | Mountstewart | LURGANGLAR | Cope |
MALLABENEY | Mountstewart | MELTIGY | Clogher |
MOUNT STEWART | Mountstewart | MULLAGHLINNY | Clogher |
MULLAGHMORE | Augher | MULLANS | Augher |
MULLANS | Cope | MURLEY SESS | Mountstewart |
NEWRY | Clogher | PROLISQUE | Mountstewart |
RANENLY | Blessingburn | REHORIN | Mountstewart |
RETORY | Clogher | ROSEMEALAN | Mountstewart |
ROY | Cecil | SCIENTIAN | Mountstewart |
SCREEBY | Mountstewart | SESS MOUTRAY | Mountstewart |
SESSAGH | Augher | SHANCO | Clogher |
SHANTANAGH | Mountstewart | SKELGAGH | Mountstewart |
SLATBEG | Augher | SLATMORE | Augher |
SPRINGTOWN | Augher | TAMLAGHT | Cecil |
TAVENEYMORE | Augher | TERREW | Clogher |
TOWNAGH | Mountstewart | TULLY | Augher |
TYCHANY | Cecil |
AGHADRUMMIN | Cope | AGHENGOWLEY | Mountstewart |
AGHENLARK | Mountstewart | AGHENTAIN | Mountstewart |
AGHINDARA | Mountstewart | AGHINDARRAGH | Augher |
ANNAGH | Augher | ANNAGH | Blessingburn |
ANNAGH DEMESNE | Blessingburn | ANNALOGHAN | Augher |
AUGHAMILKIN | Augher | AUGHER BOG | Augher |
AUGHER, TOWN OF | Augher | AUGHNISH | Clogher |
BALLYMAGOWAN | Clogher | BALLYNESS | Mountstewart |
BALLYSCALLY | Clogher | BALLYVADDEN | Blessingburn |
BANK | Cecil | BELNACLOGH | Cecil |
BELTANY | Clogher | BLACKLANDS | Blessingburn |
BOLIES | Mountstewart | BRANTER | Augher |
CALDRUM | Augher | CAR | Augher |
CARGAGH | Augher | CARNAGART | Clogher |
CARNAGAT | Mountstewart | CARNAHINNY | Clogher |
CAVANAKIRK | Mountstewart | CECIL DEMESNE | Augher |
CLARMORE | Cecil | CLOGHER, TOWN OF | Clogher |
CLOGHLIN | Clogher | CLONEBLAGH | Cecil |
CLOONACAPPOGUE | Augher | COLE | Mountstewart |
CORBOE | Cope | CORCREVEY | Blessingburn |
CORICK | Clogher | CORKHILL | Cope |
CORLEHAN | Clogher | CORLOGHEY | Clogher |
CROSS OWEN | Clogher | DEMESNE | Clogher |
DERRYNASCOMBE | Augher | DONAGHMOYNE | Mountstewart |
DROMORE | Cope | DRUMHIRK | Clogher |
DUNBIGIN | Cecil | EDERGOLE or MURLY BLAKELY | Mountstewart |
FOGART | Cope | FRUGHMORE | Clogher |
GORTMORE | Blessingburn | GRANGE (or ASHFIELD) | Clogher |
GRANGE MOUNTAIN | Clogher | GUNNELL | Clogher |
GURLAW | Mountstewart | KILCLAY | Augher |
KILLEANY | Mountstewart | KILLICORRAN | Clogher |
KILLYGORDON | Mountstewart | KILNAHEERY | Cecil |
KNOCKACARNEY | Mountstewart | KNOCKMANY | Cecil |
LETBEG | Cecil | LISBANE | Augher |
LISGORRAN | Augher | LISLANE | Mountstewart |
LISLEE | Cope | LISMORE | Clogher |
LONGRIDGE | Cecil | LOSETT | Mountstewart |
LUNGS | Mountstewart | LURGANGLAR | Cope |
MALLABENEY | Mountstewart | MELTIGY | Clogher |
MOUNT STEWART | Mountstewart | MULLAGHLINNY | Clogher |
MULLAGHMORE | Augher | MULLANS | Augher |
MULLANS | Cope | MURLEY SESS | Mountstewart |
NEWRY | Clogher | PROLISQUE | Mountstewart |
RANENLY | Blessingburn | REHORIN | Mountstewart |
RETORY | Clogher | ROSEMEALAN | Mountstewart |
ROY | Cecil | SCIENTIAN | Mountstewart |
SCREEBY | Mountstewart | SESS MOUTRAY | Mountstewart |
SESSAGH | Augher | SHANCO | Clogher |
SHANTANAGH | Mountstewart | SKELGAGH | Mountstewart |
SLATBEG | Augher | SLATMORE | Augher |
SPRINGTOWN | Augher | TAMLAGHT | Cecil |
TAVENEYMORE | Augher | TERREW | Clogher |
TOWNAGH | Mountstewart | TULLY | Augher |
TYCHANY | Cecil |
ADAMS | Robert | Drumhirk |
ADAMS | Samuel | Mullaghmore |
AIKIN | James | Shanco |
AIKIN | James | Shanco (Bog) |
AIKIN | James | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
AKIN | John | Corcrevey |
ALEXANDER | George | Ballyvadden |
ALEXANDER | George | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
ALEXANDER | John | Rehorin |
ALEXANDER | Joseph | Fivemiletown Tenements (Nursery field) |
ALEXANDER | Joseph | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
ALEXANDER | Robt. | Cornamucklagh |
ALEXANDER | William | Fivemiletown Tenements |
ALLEN | Alexr. | Tychany |
ALLEN | Joseph | Tychany |
ALLEN | Thomas | Tychany |
AMOS | Walter | Longridge |
AMOS | William | Eskermore |
ANDERSON | Alexander | Ballyness |
ANDERSON | Edwd. | Ballyness |
ANDERSON | Edwd. | Losett |
ANDERSON | George | Aghendara |
ANDERSON | James | Irish Street, Augher |
ANDERSON | James | Murley Sess |
ANDERSON | Jno. | Town of Augher |
ANDERSON | Samuel | Ballyness |
ANDERSON | William | Aghendara |
ARMSTRONG | Francis | Ballagh |
ARMSTRONG | George | Annaloghan |
ARMSTRONG | James | Beltany |
ARMSTRONG | James | Eskermore |
ARMSTRONG | Jas. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
ARMSTRONG | John | Tatnadavney |
ARMSTRONG | John | Town of Augher |
ARMSTRONG | Lendrum | Blacklands |
ARMSTRONG | Lendrum | Gortmore |
ARMSTRONG | Mary | Gortmore |
ARMSTRONG | Robert | Glenageragh |
ARMSTRONG | Thomas | Corboe |
ARMSTRONG | William | Corcrevey |
ARMSTRONG | William | Slatmore |
ARMSTRONG | Wm. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
ARTHUR | Alexander | Annaloghan |
ARTHURS | Alexander | Mullans |
ARTHURS | Joseph | Mullans |
ARTHURS | Robert | Altnacarney |
ARTHURS | Robert | Mullans |
ARTHURS | William | Mullans |
BAILEY | Adam | Shanco |
BAILEY | Adam | Shanco (Bog) |
BAILEY | Adam | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
BAILEY | Benjamin | Town of Clogher |
BAILEY | David | Cross Owen |
BAILEY | Geo. | Town of Augher |
BAILEY | John | Augher Bog |
BAILEY | John | Irish Street, Augher |
BAILEY | Joseph | Shanco |
BAILEY | Joseph | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
BAILEY | Thomas | Shanco |
BAILEY | Thomas | Shanco (Bog) |
BAILEY | Thomas | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
BAIRD | George | Mullaghmore |
BAIRD | James | Kilclay |
BANNON | James | Killygordon |
BANNON | Michael | Killygordon |
BARBER | James | Ballyness |
BARLOW | Peter | Lislane |
BARNET | Thomas | Ballagh |
BARNETT | Benjamin | Fogart |
BARNETT | Charles | Mallabeney |
BARNETT | James | Fogart |
BARNETT | James | Killeany |
BARNETT | Robert | Fogart |
BARR | Anne | Fogart |
BARR | Archibald | Corkhill |
BARR | George | Corkhill |
BARR | James | Eskeragh |
BARTON | James | Clarmore |
BATES | Archibald | Cole |
BAXTER | Arthur | Ranenly |
BAXTER | Hugh | Aghendara |
BAXTER | Jas. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
BAXTER | Lucy | Screeby |
BAXTER | William | Ballygreenan |
BAXTER | Wm. | Kilnahushog |
BAXTER | Wm. | Tullybroom |
BEATTY | Edward | Tullyvernan |
BEATTY | James | Eskeragh |
BEATTY | Martin | Annagh |
BEATTY | Martin | Fivemiletown Tenements |
BEATTY | Martin & tenants | Fivemiletown Tenements |
BEATTY | Richard | Corcrevey |
BEATTY | Richard | Fivemiletown Tenements |
BEGLEY | Thos. | Ballyvadden |
BELL | James | Augher Bog |
BELL | James | Irish Street, Augher |
BELL | Joseph | Tullyvernan |
BELL | Thomas | Augher Tenement Fields |
BELL | Thos. | Town of Augher |
BELL | William | Corick |
BELL | William | Cross Owen |
BEST | Henry | Irish Street, Augher |
BEST | William | Augher Bog |
BEST | William | Augher Tenement Fields |
BEST | William | Irish Street, Augher |
BEST | William | Town of Augher |
BIRNEY | George | Rehorin |
BIRNEY | George & tenants | Ballyvadden |
BIRNEY | George & tenants | Fivemiletown Tenements |
BIRNEY | James | Gortmore |
BIRNEY | Jane | Ballyvadden |
BIRNEY | Jane & tenants | Fivemiletown Tenements |
BIRNEY | Joseph | Ballymagowan |
BIRNEY | Joseph | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
BIRNEY | Joseph, Esq. | Town of Clogher |
BIRNEY | Joseph, Esq. | Town of Clogher (Harry Bright’s Hill) |
BIRNEY | Joseph, Esqre. | Mullaghmore (turf bog) |
BIRNEY | Matthew B. | Annagh |
BIRNEY | Matthew B. | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenements & park) |
BIRNEY | Matthew B. | Gortmore |
BIRNEY | Rev. Thomas | Town of Clogher |
BLACKBURN | Thomas | Fogart |
BLAIR | James | Rehorin |
BLAIR | John | Rehorin |
BLAIR | Oliver | Rehorin |
BLAKELY | James, Senr. | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
BLAKELY | James, Junr. | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
BLAKELY | John | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
BLAKELY | John, Senr. | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
BLAKELY | Matthew, Senr. | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
BLAKELY | William | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
BLYTHE | Christian | Eskermore |
BLYTHE | William | Tamlaght |
BOGUE | Bernard | Fivemiletown Tenements (garden) |
BOGUE | Bryan | Murley Sess |
BOGUE | Hugh | Fivemiletown Tenements (garden) |
BOGUE | Owen | Ballimacan |
BOGUE | Owen | Ballimacan (Out. Mountain) |
BOGUE | William | Carrickavoy |
BOURKE | Oliver, Esqr. | Blacklands |
BOURKE | Oliver, Esqr. | Fivemiletown Tenements (fields) |
BOURKE | Oliver, Esqr. | Fivemiletown Tenements(tenement) |
BOURKE | Oliver, Esqre. | Rehorin |
BOUY | James | Mullaghmore |
BOYLAN | James | Kilnahushog |
BOYLE | Anne | Tamlaght |
BOYLE | James | Augher Tenement Fields |
BOYLE | James | Sessagh |
BOYLE | John | Sessagh |
BOYLE | Patrick | Cloneblagh |
BOYLE | Patrick | Cloneblagh (Macan’s farm) |
BOYLE | Patrick | Dunbigin |
BOYLE | Sarah | Tamlaght |
BRATTEN | William | Knockmany |
BRATTIN | Nicholas | Fivemiletown Tenements |
BRATTON | Matthew | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
BREADON | Arthur | Lislane |
BREADON | Doctor Joseph | Blacklands |
BREADON | Joseph | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
BREADON | Thomas | Corcrevey |
BREADON | William | Lungs |
BREADON | Wm. | Annaganey & Divinagh |
BREDAN | Dr. Joseph | Ballyvadden |
BREDAN | Wm. | Ballyvadden |
BREEN | Bernard | Fivemiletown Tenements (garden) |
BREEN | James | Frughmore |
BREEN | James | Town of Clogher |
BREEN | John | Frughmore |
BREEN | Robert | Drumhirk |
BRENNAN | Joseph | Sessagh |
BROOMFIELD | David | Slatmore |
BROOMFIELD | James | Rosemealan |
BROWN | James | Town of Augher |
BROWN | John | Town of Augher |
BROWN | John H. | Edergole or Murly Blakely (Mountain) |
BROWN | John H., Esqr | Murley Sess (Bog) |
BROWN | John H., Esqr. | Aghengowley (Tenants’ reserved Bog) |
BROWN | John H., Esqr. | Aghenlark (Bog) |
BROWN | John H., Esqre. | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) (Mountain) |
BROWN | John Henry, Esqr. | Cole |
BROWN | Matthew | Town of Augher |
BROWNLEE | Arthr. | Irish Street, Augher |
BRYANS | Henry | Lisnarable |
BUCHANNAN | David | Clarmore |
BUCHANNAN | James | Clarmore |
BUCHANNAN | John | Clarmore |
BUCHANNAN | John | Cloneblagh |
BUCKLEY | .....[?] | Ballymagowan |
BUNBURY | Captain | Altnaveagh |
BUNBURY | Captain | Tully (Bog) |
BUNBURY | Captn. | Augher Tenement Fields: fields held by sundry tenants next Cecil Estate |
BUNBURY | Captn. | Town of Augher (in McDowell’s ten.) |
BUNBURY | James M. R. | Car |
BUNBURY | James M. R., Esqre. | Castle Hill Demesne |
BUNBURY | Sir James M. R. | Roy |
BUNBURY | Sir James Mervyn Richardson, Bart | Sessagh (Bog) |
BURKE | Revd. Henry A. (Glebe) | Dunbigin |
BURNSIDE | James | Ballyvadden |
BURNSIDE | Matthew Jas. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
BURNSIDE | Matthew Jas., Esqr. | Corcrevey |
BURNSIDE | Matthew Jas., Esqr. | Corcrevey (Bog) |
BURTON | Edwd. | Annaloghan |
BURTON | Thomas | Glenageragh |
CAFFART | Edward | Town of Augher |
CAFFART | Edwd. | Annaganey & Divinagh |
CAFFART | Edwd. | Car |
CAFFART | Edwd. | Car (Bog) |
CAFFART | Thomas | Town of Augher |
CAIRNES | Alexander | Frughmore |
CAIRNES | George | Balnagoragh |
CAIRNES | George | Carntall |
CAIRNES | James | Dromore |
CAIRNES | James | Kilnahushog |
CAIRNES | James | Mallabeney |
CAIRNES | Jane (Carntall) | Corboe |
CAIRNES | Mrs Catherine | Kilnahushog (Bog) |
CALDWELL | John | Augher Tenement Fields |
CALDWELL | John | Ballyness |
CALDWELL | John | Ballyness |
CALDWELL | John | Car |
CALDWELL | John | Irish Street, Augher |
CALDWELL | John | Town of Augher |
CALLEN | Patrick | Town of Augher |
CALLIN | Bernard | Lislane |
CALLIN | Hugh | Skelgagh |
CAMPBELL | George | Eskermore |
CAMPBELL | James | Killygordon |
CAMPBELL | James | Lurganaglar |
CAMPBELL | John | Mullaghlinny |
CAMPBELL | John | Mullaghmore |
CAMPBELL | John (pensioner) | Springtown |
CAMPBELL | Michael | Kilclay |
CAMPBELL | Miles | Lurganaglar |
CAMPBELL | Peter | Mullaghmore |
CAMPBELL | Robt., Senr. | Ballygreenan |
CAMPBLE | Colon | Augher Bog |
CAMPBLE | Colon | Town of Augher |
CAMPBLE | John | Springtown |
CAMPBLE | Patrick | Lurganaglar |
CAMPBLE | Patrick | Mount Stewart |
CAMPBLE | Robert, Junr. | Ballygreenan |
CAMPBLE | Thomas | Ballygreenan |
CAMPBLE | Wm. | Springtown |
CANNON | Neal | Cornamucklagh |
CAR | John | Sessagh |
CARR | John | Augher Bog |
CARROLL | Francis | Kilclay |
CARSON | John | Cormore |
CARSON | John | Lislee |
CARSON | John | Tatnadavney |
CARSON | Joseph | Cormore |
CARSON | Robt. | Lislee |
CARSON | Samuel | Annaloghan |
CARSON | Samuel | Tychany |
CARSON | William | Lislee |
CASEY | Bernard & partners | Balnagoragh |
CASSIDY | Jane | Mullaghmore |
CASSIDY | Patrick | Annaloghan |
CASSIDY | Thomas | Kilclay |
CASSIDY | Thomas | Mullaghmore |
CAVANAGH | Thomas | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
CLARKE | James | Fogart |
CLARKE | John | Fogart |
CLARKE | Luke | Town of Augher |
CLARKE | Matthew | Rosemealan |
CLARKE | Matthew | Rosemealan (bog) |
CLARKE | Revd. Andrew S. | Farnetra |
CLARKE | Revd. Andrew S. | Town of Clogher |
CLARKE | Robt. | Annaganey & Divinagh |
CLEMENTS | James | Fernandrum |
CLEMENTS | Joseph | Fernandrum |
CLEMENTS | Susan | Fernandrum |
CLINGAN | Geo. | Tullybroom |
CLINGAN | James | Eskeragh |
CLINGAN | James | Town of Augher |
CLINGAN | Jas. | Augher Bog |
CLINGAN | Joseph | Eskeragh |
CLINGAN | William | Tullybroom |
CLINGAN | William | Tullyvernan |
CLOGHER | Bishop of | Mullaghlinny |
COCHRANE | William | Aghendara |
COLGAN | Hugh | Gortmore |
COLGAN | James | Ballyvadden (garden) |
CONLAN | John | Lisbane |
CONLAN | Neil | Tychany |
CONLAN | Owen | Eskernabrogue |
CONLY | Owen | Killygordon |
CONNOLLY | Charles | Cavan |
CONNOLLY | Francis | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
CONNOLLY | James, Junr. | Aghindarragh |
CONNOLLY | James, Senr. | Aghindarragh |
CONNOLLY | Michael | Springtown |
CONNOLLY | Owen | Aghindarragh |
CONNOLLY | Owen | Carnagart |
CONNOLLY | Owen (Cornacrudda) | Carnagart |
CONNOLLY | Patrick | Cavan |
CONNOLLY | Thomas | Lisgorran |
CONNOR | James | Mount Stewart |
COOK | Andrew | Annaloghan |
COOK | Andw. | Ballaghneed |
COOK | Letitia | Ballaghneed |
COOK | Robert | Annaloghan |
COOK | Samuel | Annaloghan |
COOK | William | Annaloghan |
COOKE | James | Clarmore |
COOTE | Robert | Mullans |
CORIGAN | John | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
CORIGAN | Michael | Lisnamoghery |
CORIGAN | Michael | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
CORIGAN | Owen | Town of Clogher |
CORIGAN | Patrick | Gurlaw |
CORIGAN | Patrick, Junr. | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
CORIGAN | Patrick, Senr. | Ballyscally |
CORIGAN | Peter | Ballyscally(Inland & Mountain) |
CORIGAN | Thomas | Lisnamoghery |
CORIGAN | Thomas | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
CORIGAN | Thomas, Junr. | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
CORIGAN | Thomas, Senr. | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
CORRIGAN | Michael | Ballimacan |
COSGROVE | James | Cloneblagh |
COTTER | James | Fernandrum |
COULTER | James | Ballyvadden |
COULTER | James | Fivemiletown Tenements |
COULTER | John | Annagh |
COULTER | John | Ballyvadden |
COULTER | John | Fivemiletown Tenements |
COYLE | Charles | Car |
COYLE | Charles | Car (Bog) |
COYLE | Fras. | Town of Augher |
COYLE | George | Ballyvadden |
CRAWFORD | Andrew | Tatnadavney |
CRAWFORD | Edwd. | Tatnadavney |
CRAWFORD | John | Tatnadavney |
CRAWFORD | Thomas | Rehorin |
CREERY | Catherine | Scientian |
CROOKS | Miss | Town of Clogher |
CROOKS | Miss | Town of Clogher (Fields) |
CROOKS | Miss Martha | Lisnamoghery |
CROZIER | Alexander | Aghenlark |
CROZIER | Andw. | Ballyvadden |
CROZIER | Wm. | Murley Sess |
CRUMLEY | Hugh | Bolies |
CRUMLEY | Patrick | Lislane |
CULINAN | James | Ballaghneed |
CULLA | Patrick | Retory |
CULLAN | James | Tychany |
CULLEN | Bernard | Tullycorker |
CULLEN | James | Tullycorker |
CULLEN | Michael | Tullycorker |
CULLEN | Patrick | Tullycorker |
CULLINAN | Bridget | Altanarvey |
CULLINAN | Henry | Skelgagh |
CULLINAN | Neal | Kilnahushog |
CULLINAN | Owen | Kilnahushog |
CULLINAN | Patrick | Kilnahushog |
CULLINAN | Peter | Kilnahushog |
CULLINAN | Peter | Tatnadavney |
CULLINAN | Rose | Kilnahushog |
CULLINAN | William | Kilnahushog |
CUMBERLAND | Anne | Slatmore |
CUMBERLAND | James | Mullaghlinny |
CUMBERLAND | John | Slatmore |
CUNNINGHAM | David | Fernandrum |
CUNNINGHAM | Jas. | Fernandrum |
CUNNINGHAM | Michael | Town of Augher |
CUNNINGHAM | Thomas | Knocknacarney |
CURLISS | (now Wm. Richardson) | Farnetra |
CURLISS | James | Ballymagowan |
CURLISS | Oliver | Farnetra |
CURLISS | Oliver | Town of Clogher |
CURLISS | Oliver | Town of Clogher (Bridge Field) |
CURLISS | Oliver, Junr. | Ballymagowan |
CURLISS | Oliver, Senr. | Ballymagowan |
CURLISS | St. George | Frughmore |
CURLISS | Widow Mary | Town of Clogher |
CURRAN | James | Altnaveagh |
CURRANS | George | Altnaveagh |
CURRANS | James | Altnaveagh |
CURRANS | John | Taveneymore |
CURRANS | Joseph | Altnaveagh |
CURRANS | Robert | Altnaveagh |
CURREN | John | Annagh |
CURRY | George | Mullaghmore |
CURRY | Robt. | Ballyvadden |
CURRY | Wm. | Ballyvadden |
DALE | Alexander | Augher Tenement Fields |
DALE | Alexander | Town of Augher |
DALE | Alexander | Tully |
DALE | Alexr. | Sessagh |
DALE | George | Augher Bog |
DALE | George | Irish Street, Augher |
DALE | James | Augher Bog |
DALE | James | Augher Tenement Fields |
DALE | James | Irish Street, Augher |
DALE | James | Town of Augher |
DALEY | Bernard | Tychany |
DALEY | Bridget | Tychany |
DALEY | Michael | Tychany |
DATTON [DUTTON?] | John | Frughmore |
DAVIDSON | James | Tully |
DAVIDSON | Joseph | Tulnafoil |
DAVIDSON | Thomas | Cloneblagh |
DAVIDSON | William | Eskernabrogue |
DAVIS | James | Town of Augher |
DAWSON | Alexander | Slatbeg |
DAWSON | Gilbert | Slatbeg |
DAWSON | Gilbert | Slatbeg (Mountain in common) |
DEALEY | Bernard | Ballymagowan |
DEALEY | Francis | Retory |
DEALEY | Francis | Retory (Boggy) |
DEALEY | Hugh | Dunbigin |
DEALEY | Hugh | Town of Augher |
DEALEY | James | Annaloghan |
DEALEY | Jane | Ballygreenan |
DEALEY | Owen | Ballymagowan |
DEALEY | Patrick | Ballygreenan |
DEAN | Andrew | Tully |
DEERY | Jas. | Lurganaglar |
DENNIS | Francis, Junr. | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
DENNIS | Francis, Senr. | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
DENNIS | Henry | Killygordon |
DENNIS | James | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
DENNIS | John | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
DENNIS | Thomas | Cole |
DEVLIN | Catherine | Altnacarney |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Cormore |
DEVLIN | James | Tychany |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Tychany |
DEVLIN | Terence | Tychany |
DICKEY | .....[?] | Town of Clogher |
DICKEY | John | Slatmore |
DICKEY | John | Terrew |
DICKEY | William | Town of Clogher |
DICKEY | William, Junr. | Terrew |
DICKEY | William, Senr. | Terrew (in John Dickey’s farm) |
DICKEY | William, Senr. | Terrew |
DILLON | Michl. | Tychany |
DIVINE | Anne | Corkhill |
DOGHERTY | Catherine | Cormore |
DOGHERTY | Dennis | Cormore |
DOGHERTY | Edwd. | Lislane |
DOGHERTY | Felix | Fernandrum |
DOGHERTY | James | Cormore |
DOGHERTY | John | Shanco |
DOGHERTY | John, Junr. | Cormore |
DOGHERTY | John, Senr. | Cormore |
DOGHERTY | Michl. | Cormore |
DOGHERTY | Peter | Clarmore |
DOGHERTY | Peter | Cloneblagh |
DOGHERTY | Rose | Cormore |
DOGHERTY | Thos. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
DOGHERTY | William | Kilnaheery |
DONAGHEY | James | Cole |
DONAGHEY | John | Annaganey & Divinagh |
DONAGHEY | Patrick | Mallabeney |
DONAGHEY | Patrick | Mullans |
DONAGHEY | William | Aughnish [Part of Clogher Tenements] |
DONAGHEY | William | Kilnahushog |
DONAGHEY | William | Town of Clogher |
DONAGHEY | Wm. | Kilnahushog |
DONAGHY | Patrick | Tamlaght |
DONALDSON | Christy | Dromore |
DONALDSON | John | Dromore |
DONALDSON | John | Lisnamoghery |
DONALDSON | Mattw. | Ballaghneed |
DONNALLY | Edwd. | Car |
DONNALLY | Edwd. | Car (Bog) |
DONNALLY | James | Branter |
DONNALLY | John | Slatbeg |
DONNALLY | Patrick | Branter |
DONNELLY | Bernard | Beltany |
DONNELLY | David | Dunbigin |
DONNELLY | David | Lisnarable |
DONNELLY | Edwd. | Letbeg |
DONNELLY | Edwd. | Taveneymore |
DONNELLY | Edwd. | Taveneymore (Bog) |
DONNELLY | Eleanor | Derrynascombe |
DONNELLY | Felimy | Kilnaheery |
DONNELLY | James | Kilnahushog |
DONNELLY | James | Mullaghlinny |
DONNELLY | James | Tullybroom |
DONNELLY | James, Junr. | Derrynascombe |
DONNELLY | Jas. | Derrynascombe |
DONNELLY | John | Corboe |
DONNELLY | John | Dunbigin |
DONNELLY | John | Kilnahushog |
DONNELLY | Margaret | Derrynascombe |
DONNELLY | Mary, Junr. | Altnaveagh |
DONNELLY | Mary, Senr. | Altnaveagh |
DONNELLY | Michael | Corboe |
DONNELLY | Michael | Kilnahushog |
DONNELLY | Michael | Tullybroom |
DONNELLY | Micl. | Letbeg |
DONNELLY | Neil | Derrynascombe (Bog) |
DONNELLY | Neill | Springtown |
DONNELLY | Owen | Derrynascombe |
DONNELLY | Owen | Letbeg |
DONNELLY | Pady | Killifaddy |
DONNELLY | Patk. (bailiff) | Springtown |
DONNELLY | Patk. (Lawyer) | Springtown |
DONNELLY | Patrick | Clarmore |
DONNELLY | Patrick | Cloneblagh |
DONNELLY | Patrick | Corboe |
DONNELLY | Patrick | Derrynascombe |
DONNELLY | Patrick | Mullaghmore |
DONNELLY | Patrick | Mullans |
DONNELLY | Patrick | Tullybroom |
DONNELLY | Peter | Derrynascombe |
DONNELLY | Terence | Clarmore |
DONNELLY | Terence | Mullaghlinny |
DONNELY | Neil | Derrynascombe |
DOORIS | Francis | Ballyscally |
DOUGAN | Daniel | Lisnamoghery |
DOUGAN | Daniel | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
DOUGAN | John | Bolies |
DOUGAN | Patrick, Junr. | Glenageragh |
DOUGHERTY | Michael | Tullycorker |
DOUGHERTY | William | Murley Sess |
DOWNEY | James | Corboe |
DOYLE | Felix | Fernandrum |
DOYLE | James | Fernandrum |
DOYLE | John | Tamlaght |
DOYLE | Pat. | Fernandrum |
DRUGAN | John | Corick |
DRUGAN | Mark | Town of Augher |
DRUGAN | Peter | Murley Sess |
DRUMMOND | Thomas | Frughmore |
DUNBAR | James | Fernandrum |
DUNKIN | Jane | Cole |
DUNLOP | Daniel | Kilnaheery |
DUNLOP | James | Tullybroom |
DUNLOP | Samuel | Fernandrum |
DURNION | Elizabeth | Ballymagowan |
DURNION | James | Ballymagowan |
DUROSS | Charles | Fivemiletown Tenements (garden & park) |
DUROSS | Charles | Fivemiletown Tenements (park) |
DUROSS | Donaghey | Lislane |
DUROSS | Edward | Mallabeney |
DUROSS | Henry | Mullans |
DUROSS | James | Cole |
DUROSS | James | Killygordon |
DUROSS | James | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) (off Elliot) |
DUROSS | John | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
DUROSS | John | Fivemiletown Tenements (fields) |
DUROSS | John | Fivemiletown Tenements (garden & park) |
DUROSS | Michael | Cole |
DUROSS | Neill | Killygordon |
DUROSS | Neill | Killygordon (Green Mountain) |
DUROSS | Neill | Killygordon (Inside Mountain) |
DUROSS | Neill | Killygordon (Out Mountain) |
DUROSS | Patrick | Derrynascombe |
DUROSS | Patrick | Killygordon (Mountain) |
DUROSS | Terence | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
DUROSS | William | Derrynascombe |
DUROSS | Wm. | Derrynascombe (Bog) |
EAGLESON | James | Tychany |
EARLEY | Charles | Mullaghlinny |
EARLY | Thomas | Irish Street, Augher |
EASON | Richard | Mullaghlinny |
EASON | Richard | Town of Clogher |
EDWARDS | Hugh Gore, Esq. | Corkhill |
EDWARDS | Hugh Gore, Esqr. | Eskeragh (Bog) |
EDWARDS | Hugh Gore, Esqr. | Eskeragh (Meadow) |
EDWARDS | Hugh Gore, Esqr. | Eskeragh (Plantations) |
ELLIOT | James | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
ELLIOT | Robt. | Corcrevey |
ELLIOTT | William | Tatnadavney |
ELLIOTT | William, Junr. | Corboe |
ELLIOTT | William, Junr. | Corboe (grazing farm) |
ELLIOTT | William, Senr. | Corboe |
ELLISON MACARTNEY | J.W. | Demesne of the Lord Bishop of Clogher |
EWING | John | Dunbigin |
FALLACE | William | Corcrevey |
FALLS | David | Augher Bog |
FARIS | Matthew | Murley Sess |
FARRELL | Edwd. | Altnaveagh |
FARRELL | Patrick | Caldrum |
FARRELL | Widow | Town of Clogher |
FAULKENER | Alexander | Corick |
FEE | Matthew | Fivemiletown Tenements |
FERGUSON | William | Lislane |
FLAGHERTY | James | Eskermore |
FLAGHERTY | Thomas | Augher Tenement Fields |
FLAGHERTY | Thomas | Town of Augher |
FLANAGAN | John | Annaloghan |
FLANAGAN | Margaret | Dromore |
FLANAGAN | Patrick | Glenageragh |
FLANAGAN | Peter | Lisnarable |
FLANIGAN | John | Eskermore |
FLANIGAN | Phelamy | Ballimacan |
FLEMING | John | Dromore |
FLEMING | John | Fogart |
FLEMING | John | Mullans |
FLEMING | Matthew | Fogart |
FLEMING | Matthew | Mullans |
FLEMING | Robert | Dromore |
FLOOD | James | Derrydrummond |
FOSTER | Andrew | Aghengowley |
FOSTER | Arthur | Cole |
FOSTER | Christopher | Rehorin |
FOSTER | Edwd. | Aghengowley |
FOSTER | Joseph | Knocknacarney |
FOSTER | Joseph | Slatmore |
FOSTER | Robt. | Aghengowley |
FREEBURN | John | Mullaghlinny |
FREEBURN | William | Cross Owen |
FULTON | James | Frughmore |
FULTON | William | Balnagoragh |
GALLAGHER | Elinor | Town of Clogher |
GALLAGHER | James | Ballimacan |
GALLAGHER | James | Screeby |
GALWAY | George | Tully |
GALWAY | Wm. | Town of Augher |
GAMBLE | John, Junr. | Newry |
GAMBLE | John, Senr. | Newry |
GAMBLE | Joseph | Lislane |
GAMBLE | Robert (Newry) | Lislane |
GARLAND | Robert | Eskernabrogue |
GARTLAND | Hugh | Belnaclogh |
GARTLAND | John | Fivemiletown Tenements (garden) |
GARTLAND | Pat. | Augher Bog |
GARTLAND | Patrick | Augher Tenement Fields |
GARTLAND | Patrick | Town of Augher |
GATT [GOTT] | Robt. | Balnagoragh |
GAVAN | Bryan | Tullycorker |
GAVAN | Patrick | Mallabeney |
GAY | John | Car |
GAY | John | Car (Bog) |
GEAREY | John | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
GEAREY | Patrick | Cole |
GEAREY | Patrick | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
GERVAIS | James | Skelgagh |
GERVAIS | Rev. Francis | Annaganey & Divinagh (Bog) |
GERVAIS | Rev. Francis | Drumhirk |
GERVAIS | Rev. Francis | Letbeg |
GERVAIS | Rev. Francis | Tullycorker (Meadow) |
GERVAIS | Rev. Francis | Tullycorker (off Hunter’s farm) |
GERVAIS | Rev. Francis | Tullycorker (Plantation) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Bank( Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Belnaclogh (Meadow) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Beltany (Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Beltany (Curragh Meadow) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Cecil Demesne |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Clarmore (Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Clarmore (Plantations) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Cloneblagh (Green Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Cloneblagh (Plantations) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Dunbigin (Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Dunbigin (Esker, adjoining the Donley’s farm) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Dunbigin (Meadows) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Eskermore (Plantation at Samuel McKnight’s)) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Eskernabrogue (Plantation) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Fernandrum (Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Fernandrum (Meadow) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Glenageragh (Carrick Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Glenageragh (Meadow) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Glenageragh (Part of Grazing farm at the Meeting House) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Glenageragh (Plantations) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Kilnaheery (Bogs) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Kilnaheery (Meadow) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Kilnaheery (Mill, next to Killydroy) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Knockmany (Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Lisnarable (Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Lisnarable (Marsh & Riverside) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Lisnarable (meadow next to Chapel) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Lisnarable (Roman Catholic chapel ground) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Longridge (Meadow) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Longridge (Part of Grazing Farm at the Meeting House) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Longridge (Plantation) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Roy |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Tamlaght (Bog at Wm. Blythe’s) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Tamlaght (for Glen) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Tulnafoil (Bog next Garvaghy) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Tulnafoil (Meadow next to the Lake) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Tulnafoil (Meadow next to Thos. Magennis) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Tychany (Bog) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Francis | Tychany (Plantation) |
GERVAIS | Revd. Fras. | Tullyvernan (Plantations) |
GERVAISE | David | Knocknacarney |
GERVAISE | Rev. Fras. | Cormore (Bog) |
GERVAISE | Rev. Fras. | Cormore (Meadow & garden) |
GILESPIE | Hamilton | Fernandrum |
GILESPIE | James | Cavanakirk |
GILESPIE | James | Losett |
GILESPIE | James | Townagh |
GILESPIE | James, Senr. | Eskernabrogue |
GILESPIE | Jas. | Eskernabrogue |
GILESPIE | John | Aghendara |
GILESPIE | Noble | Screeby |
GILESPIE | Oliver | Fernandrum |
GILESPIE | Thomas | Aghenlark |
GILESPIE | Thos. (son to James Gilespie) | Screeby |
GILESPIE | Thos., Junr. (son to John Gilespie) | Screeby |
GILESPIE | William | Gortmore |
GILESPIE | Wm. | Eskernabrogue |
GILESPY | John | Bank |
GILLESPIE | John | Belnaclogh |
GILLESPIE | Wm. | Annaganey & Divinagh |
GLASS | John | Beltany |
GLASS | Wm. | Ballyvadden |
GLEDSTANES | Ambrose U., Esqre. | Slatbeg |
GLEDSTANES | Ambrose Upton, Esqre. | Slatmore |
GLEDSTANES | Ambrose, Esqr. | Ballimacan |
GLEDSTANES | George | Town of Clogher |
GLENN | Elizabeth | Fivemiletown Tenements |
GLENN | Elizabeth (Curragh) | Fivemiletown Tenements |
GOOD | George | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
GOOD | William | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
GORDON | David | Ballymagowan |
GORMAN | Edwd. | Cormore |
GORMAN | Hugh | Beltany |
GORMAN | Patrick | Ballimacan |
GORMLEY | Francis | Letbeg |
GORMLEY | James | Drumhirk |
GORMLEY | Michael | Lisnamoghery |
GORMLEY | Patrick | Lisgorran |
GORMLY | Arthur | Tulnafoil |
GORMLY | Bernard | Aghindarragh |
GORMLY | Bernard | Lisnamoghery |
GORMLY | Daniel | Aghindarragh |
GORMLY | Henry | Retory |
GORMLY | James | Aughamilkin |
GORMLY | James | Aughamilkin (Bog) |
GORMLY | John | Tullycorker |
GORMLY | Mary | Aghindarragh |
GORMLY | Michael | Aghindarragh |
GORMLY | Patrick | Tychany |
GORMLY | Rose | Kilnaheery |
GORMLY | William | Kilnaheery |
GOURLEY | Charles | Aghenlark |
GOURLEY | James | Aghenlark |
GOURLEY | Jane | Aghenlark |
GOURLEY | Robt. | Aghenlark |
GRAHAM | Andrew | Killicorran |
GRAHAM | James | Annagh |
GRAHAM | James | Ballagh |
GRAHAM | James | Slatbeg |
GRAHAM | Jane | Retory |
GRAHAM | John | Augher Tenement Fields |
GRAHAM | John | Cloneblagh |
GRAHAM | John | Town of Augher |
GRAHAM | John | Town of Clogher |
GRAHAM | John, Junior | Taveneymore |
GRAHAM | John, Senr. | Taveneymore |
GRAHAM | Philip | Taveneymore |
GRAHAM | Philip | Taveneymore (Bog) |
GRAHAM | Robert | Cloneblagh |
GRAHAM | Robert | Corboe |
GRAHAM | Robert, Esqre. | Rehorin |
GRAHAM | William | Lungs |
GREEN | John | Tatnadavney (2 farms) |
GREER | Joseph | Corcrevey |
GREGSON | Mr. | Derries (Bog) |
HACKET | Patrick | Skelgagh |
HAGAN | Daniel | Ballimacan |
HAGAN | Daniel | Ballimacan (Out. Mountain) |
HAGAN | Edward | Corkhill |
HAGAN | Edwd. | Lurganaglar |
HAGAN | Henry | Corkhill |
HAGAN | Henry | Lurganaglar |
HAGAN | John | Gortmore |
HAIGNEY | Michael | Eskeragh |
HAINES | Robert | Ballymagowan |
HALL | John | Ballyvadden |
HALL | John | Fivemiletown Tenements (fields) |
HALL | John | Fivemiletown Tenements( tenement) |
HALL | Joseph | Ranenly |
HALL | Robt. | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
HALL | William | Annagh |
HAMILL | Bernard | Dromore |
HAMILTON | Charles | Killicorran |
HAMILTON | James | Killicorran |
HAMILTON | John | Augher Bog |
HAMILTON | John | Killicorran |
HAMILTON | Robert | Killicorran |
HAMILTON | Robert | Lisnarable |
HANAGAN | William | Bolies |
HANCE | James | Tullyvernan |
HANCE | Thomas | Ballymagowan |
HANCE | Thomas | Tullybroom |
HANEY | Robert | Fernandrum |
HANNA | Adam | Shanco |
HANNA | Adam | Shanco (Bog) |
HANNA | Adam | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
HANNA | James | Shanco |
HANNA | James | Shanco (Bog) |
HANNA | James | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
HANNA | John | Aghengowley |
HANNA | John | Mullaghlinny |
HANNA | Saml. | Slatbeg (Mountain in common) |
HANNA | Samuel | Slatbeg |
HANNAGAN | Patrick | Ballymagowan |
HANNAGAN | Patrick | Town of Clogher |
HAPPER | Thomas | Aghadrummin |
HARDFORD | William | Caldrum |
HARDY | Alexander | Eskermore |
HARRIS | Revd. George | Balnagoragh (Bog) |
HART | Anthony | Cole |
HART | Daniel | Tullycorker |
HART | Felix | Tullycorker |
HART | Francis | Tullycorker |
HART | Owen | Tullycorker |
HARTFORD | John | Town of Augher |
HARVEY | John | Kilnaheery |
HARVEY | Thomas | Kilnaheery |
HARVEY | William | Augher Bog |
HARVEY | William | Town of Augher |
HARVEY | Wm. | Augher Tenement Fields |
HAUGHEY | Francis | Shanco |
HAUGHEY | Francis | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
HAUGHEY | James | Lislane |
HAUGHEY | Patrick | Lislane |
HAWKSHAW | John | Carntall |
HEGAN | Philemy | Cormore |
HEGAN | Terence | Cormore |
HENRY | James | Dromore |
HENRY | William | Town of Augher |
HENRY | William | Tully |
HETHERINGTON | Francis | Tulnafoil |
HETHERINGTON | James | Tulnafoil |
HETHERINGTON | John | Ballyvadden |
HIGINBOTHAM | George | Ballaghneed |
HILL | Aw. | Town of Clogher |
HILLOCK | William | Annagh |
HINCH | Michael | Ballimacan |
HINDS | Bryan | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
HINDS | Mary | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
HINDS | Pady | Ballyscally |
HINDS | Patrick, Junr. | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
HINDS | Patrick, Senr. | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
HOLLAND | Cormick | Aughamilkin |
HOLLAND | Michael | Ballimacan |
HOLLAND | Michael | Eskeragh |
HOLLAND | Patrick | Derrydrummond |
HOLLAND | Patt. | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
HOLLAND | Thomas | Gortmore |
HOLMES | Magdalen | Town of Augher |
HOMES | Irwin | Augher Bog |
HOMES | Irwin | Augher Tenement Fields |
HOMES | William | Altnacarney |
HORISK | Bernard | Fernandrum |
HORISK | James | Fernandrum |
HORISK | John | Kilnahushog |
HOWE | John | Killygordon |
HUGHES | Bridget | Tamlaght |
HUGHES | Elizabeth | Altnacarney |
HUGHES | Elizth. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
HUGHES | Felix | Beltany |
HUGHES | James | Beltany |
HUGHES | Owen | Lisnarable |
HUGHES | Owen | Tamlaght |
HUGHES | Patrick | Beltany |
HUMES | George | Eskernabrogue |
HUMES | James | Mallabeney |
HUMPHRIES | Thomas | Corcrevey |
HUNTER | Francis | Ballimacan |
HUNTER | Henry | Mullans |
HUNTER | James | Ballimacan |
HUNTER | James | Slatmore |
HUNTER | John | Tamlaght |
HUNTER | Samuel | Ballimacan |
HUNTER | William | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
HUNTER | Wm. | Corcrevey |
HURST | James | Corick |
HURST | John | Tullybroom |
HURST | Samuel | Drumhirk |
HURST | Samuel | Tullybroom |
HYDE | Robt. Price | Fivemiletown Tenements |
IRWIN | Achison | Ballymagowan (farm held by his under tenants) |
IRWIN | Archd. | Scientian |
IRWIN | George | Prolisque |
IRWIN | Jane | Prolisque |
IRWIN | Jas. | Tychany |
IRWIN | John | Clarmore |
IRWIN | John | Cloneblagh |
IRWIN | John | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
IRWIN | John | Fivemiletown Tenements |
IRWIN | John | Prolisque |
IRWIN | John | Scientian |
IRWIN | John | Screeby |
IRWIN | John | Slatmore |
IRWIN | Joseph | Kilnaheery |
IRWIN | Samuel | Clarmore |
IRWIN | Samuel | Eskernabrogue |
IRWIN | Samuel | Eskernabrogue (Bog) |
IRWIN | Samuel | Gurlaw |
IRWIN | Samuel | Scientian |
IRWIN | Thomas | Clarmore |
IRWIN | William | Eskernabrogue |
IRWIN | William | Eskernabrogue (Bog) |
IRWIN | William | Gurlaw |
IRWIN | William | Tychany |
IRWIN | Wm. | Clarmore |
IRWIN | Wm. | Slatmore |
IVEY | James | Town of Augher |
JACKSON | John | Lislane |
JAMISON | John | Ballyness |
JAMISON | Joseph | Ballyness |
JAMISON | William | Ballyness |
JOHNSTON | Archibald | Dromore |
JOHNSTON | Arthur | Balnagoragh |
JOHNSTON | Charles | Ballywholan |
JOHNSTON | Charles | Balnagoragh |
JOHNSTON | Charles (Tamnacrin) | Ballywholan |
JOHNSTON | David | Mallabeney |
JOHNSTON | Elizabeth | Cornamucklagh |
JOHNSTON | Elizabeth | Dromore |
JOHNSTON | Francis (of Crockanany) | Carnagart |
JOHNSTON | George | Aghadrummin |
JOHNSTON | George | Cornamucklagh |
JOHNSTON | Henry | Annaganey & Divinagh |
JOHNSTON | James | Augher Bog |
JOHNSTON | James | Augher Tenement Fields |
JOHNSTON | James | Ballyvadden |
JOHNSTON | James | Ballywholan |
JOHNSTON | James | Balnagoragh |
JOHNSTON | James | Branter |
JOHNSTON | James | Cornamucklagh |
JOHNSTON | James | Dromore |
JOHNSTON | James | Town of Augher |
JOHNSTON | James | Tully |
JOHNSTON | James (Tamnacrin) | Ballywholan |
JOHNSTON | James (tenant John Morrow) | Dromore |
JOHNSTON | John | Corcrevey |
JOHNSTON | John | Cornamucklagh |
JOHNSTON | John | Lislane |
JOHNSTON | Jos. (Crockanany) | Ballywholan (deleted) |
JOHNSTON | Joseph | Altnaveagh |
JOHNSTON | Mary | Cornamucklagh |
JOHNSTON | Matthew | Cornamucklagh |
JOHNSTON | Robert | Altnaveagh |
JOHNSTON | Samuel | Aghadrummin |
JOHNSTON | Samuel | Tully |
JOHNSTON | Thomas | Lislane |
JOHNSTON | Thomas | Lurganaglar |
JOHNSTON | William | Ballyvadden |
JOHNSTON | William | Cornamucklagh |
JOHNSTON | William | Glenageragh |
JOHNSTON | William | Slatbeg |
JOHNSTON | William A. | Aghadrummin |
JOHNSTON | William A. (& Tenants) | Tullyvernan |
JOHNSTON | Wm. | Slatbeg (Mountain in common) |
JOHNSTON | Wm. A. | Prolisque |
JONES | James | Corboe |
JONES | Margaret | Shanco |
JONES | Samuel | Town of Clogher |
JONES | Samuel | Town of Clogher |
JONES | William | Corboe |
KANE | Alexander (millar) | Kilnaheery |
KANE | Bernard | Beltany |
KEE | John | Ballaghneed |
KEE | John | Mallabeney |
KEE | John | Tatnadavney |
KEE | Samuel | Tatnadavney |
KEE | Thompson | Tatnadavney |
KEE | William | Altanarvey |
KEE | William | Tatnadavney |
KEENAN | Colin | Roy |
KEENAN | James | Caldrum |
KEENAN | Michael | Ballaghneed |
KEENAN | Owen | Cargagh |
KEENAN | Pat. | Augher Bog |
KEENAN | Patrick | Lislane |
KEENAN | Patrick | Town of Augher |
KEENAN | Peter | Altnaveagh |
KEENAN | Peter | Caldrum |
KEENAN | Terence | Ballaghneed |
KEENAN | Thomas | Lislane |
KEENAN | Thos. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
KEERAN | Culla | Town of Augher |
KELLY | Arthur | Clarmore |
KELLY | Bridget | Lurganaglar |
KELLY | Hugh | Beltany |
KELLY | Hugh | Cormore |
KELLY | James | Mullans |
KELLY | Matthew | Annaloghan |
KELLY | Matthew | Mullaghlinny |
KELLY | Michael | Ballaghneed |
KELLY | Michael | Cormore |
KELLY | Michael | Fogart |
KELLY | Michl. | Mullans |
KELLY | Owen | Ballaghneed |
KELLY | Owen | Fogart |
KELLY | Owen | Mullans (meadow) |
KELLY | Patrick | Knockmany |
KELLY | Patrick | Lurganaglar |
KELLY | Peter | Ballimacan |
KELLY | Peter | Lurganaglar |
KELLY | Richard | Ballimacan |
KELLY | Terence | Eskeragh |
KELLY | Terence | Mullans |
KELLY | Thomas | Beltany |
KELLY | Thomas | Lisnamoghery |
KELLY | Thomas | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
KELLY | Thos. | Lurganaglar |
KELLY | William | Lisnamoghery |
KELLY | William | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
KELLY | Wm. | Mullans |
KELSO | John | Ballyvadden |
KELSO | John | Ballyvadden (Plantation) |
KELSO | John | Fivemiletown Tenements |
KELSO | John | Gortmore |
KELSO | John & tenants | Fivemiletown Tenements |
KERNAGHAN | James | Annaloghan |
KERNAGHAN | John | Annaloghan |
KERNAHAN | Philip | Tulnafoil |
KERR/ KEON? | Matthew | Corcrevey |
KEYS | Richd. | Taveneymore |
KEYS | Robert | Taveneymore |
KILLINS | William | Mullaghmore |
KILPATRICK | Joseph | Gurlaw |
KILPATRICK | William | Glenhoy |
KING | George | Kilclay |
KIRK | Richard | Augher Bog |
KIRK | Richd. | Irish Street, Augher |
KYLE | Andrew | Dunbigin |
KYLE | David | Glenhoy |
LARKINS | Bernard | Ballimacan |
LAW | James | Cavanakirk |
LAW | John | Knocknacarney |
LAW | Matthew | Letbeg |
LAW | Matthew (Tulnavert) | Cavanakirk |
LAW | Matthew, Senr. | Cavanakirk |
LAW | Robert | Lislane |
LAW | William | Tullyvernan |
LENDRUM | Andrew | Sess Moutray |
LENDRUM | James | Aghenlark |
LENDRUM | James | Gortmore |
LENDRUM | Joseph | Fivemiletown Tenements (fields) |
LENDRUM | Joseph | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
LENDRUM | Matthew | Ranenly |
LESLIE | Charles Powell, Esq. | Annaloghan |
LEY | Robert | Grange Mountain |
LEY | Robert, Esqre. | Grange (or Ashfield) |
LEY | Robert, Esqre. | Irish Street, Augher |
LIGGIT | Andrew | Cornamucklagh |
LIGGIT | John | Lislee |
LIGGIT | Joseph | Tychany |
LIGGIT | Samuel | Corboe |
LINDSAY | James | Slatmore |
LINDSAY | Joseph | Slatmore |
LINDSAY | Robert | Gortmore |
LITTLE | Elizabeth & sons | Murley Sess |
LITTLE | Francis | Augher Bog |
LITTLE | Francis | Augher Tenement Fields |
LITTLE | Francis | Augher Tenement Fields |
LITTLE | Francis | Fivemiletown Tenements |
LITTLE | Francis | Town of Augher |
LITTLE | John | Annaganey & Divinagh |
LITTLE | Oliver | Rosemealan |
LITTLE | William | Murley Sess |
LOAN | Andrew | Ballagh |
LOAN | Thomas | Carntall |
LONG | Edwd. | Lislee |
LONG | James | Augher Tenement Fields |
LONG | Margaret | Town of Augher |
LOUGHRAN | Arthur | Glenageragh |
LYNCH | Bryan | Letbeg |
LYNCH | George | Beltany |
LYNCH | James | Cloneblagh |
LYNCH | James | Tullycorker |
LYNCH | Jas. | Town of Augher |
LYNCH | Jos. | Lurganaglar |
LYNCH | Robert | Eskeragh |
MACAN | Bernd. | Cloneblagh |
MACAN | John | Cloneblagh |
MACHESNEY | Alexander | Derrynascombe |
MAGEE | Charles | Derrydrummond |
MAGEE | William | Annaloghan |
MAGENNIS | James | Ballyness |
MAGENNIS | Thomas | Tulnafoil |
MAGLINSHEY | Edwd. | Altanarvey |
MAGOWAN | Owen | Clarmore |
MAGUIRE | Charles | Blacklands |
MAGUIRE | Edwd. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
MAGUIRE | James | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
MAGUIRE | Jno. | Mullaghmore |
MAGUIRE | John | Mount Stewart |
MAGUIRE | John | Tychany |
MAGUIRE | Patrick | Shanco |
MAGUIRE | Patrick | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
MAGUIRE | Rodger | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
MALLON | Henry | Altnaveagh |
MALLON | Hugh | Mullaghlinny |
MALLON | John | Kilnaheery |
MALLON | Patrick | Kilnaheery |
MALLON | Toal | Kilnaheery |
MALLOY | Bernard | Fivemiletown Tenements |
MANEARY | David | Eskernabrogue |
MARKEY | Bryan | Ballymagowan |
MARKEY | Bryan | Retory |
MARLEY | Arthur | Tulnafoil |
MARLEY | Bryan | Tamlaght |
MARLEY | Hugh | Tamlaght |
MARLEY | Michael, Senr. | Tamlaght (Bog) |
MARLEY | Michael, Senr. | Tamlaght |
MARLEY | Miles | Cormore |
MARLEY | Pat. | Tulnafoil |
MARSHAL | James | Kilnaheery |
MARSHALL | Allan & son | Kilnaheery |
MARSHALL | Allen | Fernandrum |
MARSHALL | Jane | Fernandrum |
MARSHALL | Law | Kilnaheery |
MARTIN | Alexr. | Town of Augher |
MARTIN | Daniel | Kilclay |
MARTIN | Danl. | Mullans |
MARTIN | Danl. | Town of Augher |
MARTIN | Henry | Mullaghlinny |
MARTIN | James | Slatbeg |
MARTIN | John | Kilnahushog |
MARTIN | John | Town of Augher |
MARTIN | Joseph | Slatbeg |
MARTIN | Patrick | Mount Stewart |
MARTIN | Terence | Mullaghlinny |
MARTIN | Thomas | Slatbeg |
MARTIN | Thomas | Slatbeg (Mountain in common) |
MARTIN | William | Drumhirk |
MAXWELL | John, Junr. | Ballygreenan |
MAXWELL | John, Senr. | Ballygreenan |
MAXWELL | Robert W., Esqre. | Corboe |
MAXWELL | Robert W., Esqre. | Lislee (Bog) |
MAXWELL | Robt. W., Esqr. | (Bog) Fogart |
MAXWELL | Robt. W., Esqr. | Carntall (Barnhill) |
MAXWELL | Robt. W., Esqr. | Carntall (Wood) |
MAXWELL | Robt. W., Esqr. | Killyfaddy Demesne |
MAYNE | John | Aghendara |
MAYNE | Robt. | Aghendara |
MAYNES | George | Kilnahushog |
MAYNES | Thomas | Carnagat |
McAFEE | Daniel | Town of Augher |
McALEER | Neil | Tychany |
McANANLY | Margt. | Cavanakirk |
McANANLY | Owen | Cavanakirk |
McANENY | Philemy | Lurganaglar |
McANULTY | Patrick | Lisbane |
McARDLE | Jno. | Augher Bog |
McARDLE | John | Irish Street, Augher |
McARDLE | Rev. Doctor | Town of Augher |
McATTEE | John | Dunbigin |
McBRINE | Anthony | Dromore |
McBRINE | John | Kilnahushog |
McCABE | John | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
McCABE | Patt. | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
McCAFFREY | Francis | Cloneblagh |
McCAFFREY | Hugh | Kilnahushog |
McCAFFREY | John | Cloneblagh |
McCAFFREY | Owen | Belnaclogh |
McCAFFREY | Philemy (for Cornacrudda) | Carnagart |
McCAFFREY | Philemy (for Crock Reedy Moun.) | Carnagart |
McCAFFREY | Thomas | Kilnahushog |
McCAFFRY | Bryan | Ballywholan |
McCAFFRY | Bryan | Meltigy |
McCAFFRY | Cormick | Balnagoragh |
McCAFFRY | Hugh | Fernandrum |
McCAFFRY | John | Eskermore |
McCAFFRY | Margaret | Cloneblagh |
McCAFFRY | Owen | Carnagart |
McCAFFRY | Patrick | Ballywholan |
McCAFFRY | Patrick | Dunbigin |
McCAFFRY | Peter | Ballywholan |
McCAFFRY | Peter | Cloonacappogue |
McCAFFRY | Peter | Letbeg |
McCAFFRY | Philemy | Carnagart (farm over the river) |
McCAFFRY | Philemy | Carnagart (for Owen farm beyond the river) |
McCAFFRY | Philemy | Meltigy |
McCAFFRY | Thomas | Augher Tenement Fields |
McCAFFRY | Thomas | Town of Augher |
McCAMMON | Alexander | Glenageragh |
McCAMMON | John | Glenageragh |
McCAMMON | Thomas | Glenageragh |
McCANN | Arthur | Altnaveagh |
McCANN | Bd. | Slatbeg (Mountain in common) |
McCANN | Catherine | Altnaveagh |
McCANN | Edward | Town of Augher |
McCANN | Edwd. | Balnagoragh |
McCANN | Edwd. | Car |
McCANN | Edwd. | Farnetra |
McCANN | Henry | Corkhill |
McCANN | Hugh | Altnaveagh |
McCANN | Hugh | Eskeragh |
McCANN | James | Mullaghmore |
McCANN | Patrick | Dunbigin |
McCANN | Patrick | Shantanagh |
McCANN | Patrick & tenants | Lislane |
McCANN | Peter | Lislane |
McCANN | Roger | Cloonacappogue |
McCANN | William | Altnaveagh |
McCANN | William | Cloonacappogue |
McCANN | William | Tychany |
McCARNEY | Bernard | Tatnadavney |
McCARNEY | Bryan | Altanarvey |
McCARNEY | Charles | Carntall |
McCARNEY | Henry | Altanarvey |
McCARNEY | Isabella | Altanarvey |
McCARNEY | James | Lislane |
McCARNEY | Neil | Tatnadavney |
McCARNEY | Owen | Mount Stewart |
McCARNEY | Owen | Tamlaght |
McCARNEY | Pat. | Mount Stewart |
McCARNEY | Patk. | Altanarvey |
McCARNEY | Patrick | Lislane |
McCARNEY | Patrick | Lisnarable |
McCARNEY | Patrick, Senr. & son | Tatnadavney |
McCARNEY | Susan | Tamlaght |
McCARNEY | Thomas | Altanarvey |
McCARNEY | Thomas | Tatnadavney |
McCARNEY | Thos. | Altanarvey |
McCAROLL | Michael | Town of Clogher |
McCARROL | Jas. | Town of Augher |
McCARROLL | Arthur | Cargagh |
McCARROLL | Bryan | Cormore |
McCARROLL | Edwd. | Altanarvey |
McCARROLL | Edwd. | Cargagh |
McCARROLL | Edwd. | Tychany |
McCARROLL | Hugh | Carntall |
McCARROLL | Hugh | Corkhill |
McCARROLL | Hugh | Eskeragh |
McCARROLL | Hugh | Lisbane |
McCARROLL | Hugh | Lurganaglar |
McCARROLL | James | Augher Bog |
McCARROLL | James Roe | Lurganaglar |
McCARROLL | James, Junr. (formerly Terence McCarroll) | Lurganaglar |
McCARROLL | James, Senr. | Lurganaglar |
McCARROLL | John | Cargagh |
McCARROLL | John | Lurganaglar |
McCARROLL | John | Tullybroom |
McCARROLL | Lawrence | Cargagh |
McCARROLL | Margaret | Altanarvey |
McCARROLL | Michael | Altanarvey |
McCARROLL | Michael | Cole |
McCARROLL | Michl. | Cormore |
McCARROLL | Miles | Corkhill |
McCARROLL | Owen | Corkhill |
McCARROLL | Owen | Tullybroom |
McCARROLL | Patrick | Eskeragh |
McCARROLL | Patrick | Irish Street, Augher |
McCARROLL | Patrick, Junr. | Cargagh |
McCARROLL | Patrick, Senr. | Cargagh |
McCARROLL | Peter | Altanarvey |
McCARROLL | Peter | Clarmore |
McCARROLL | Peter | Corkhill |
McCARROLL | Peter | Lurganaglar |
McCARROLL | Philip & son | Cargagh |
McCARROLL | Phill. | Sessagh |
McCARROLL | Terence | Corkhill |
McCARROLL | Terence | Prolisque |
McCARROLL | Thomas | (Bog) Tullybroom |
McCARROLL | Thomas | Fernandrum |
McCARROLL | Thomas | Lurganaglar |
McCARROLL | William | Clarmore |
McCARROLL | Wm. | Fivemiletown Tenements |
McCARRON | Bernard | Slatbeg |
McCARRON | Chas. | Clarmore |
McCARRON | Edward | Cross Owen |
McCARRON | James | Eskermore |
McCARRON | Miles | Aughnish [Part of Clogher Tenements] |
McCART | .....[?] | Lisnamoghery |
McCART | .....[?] | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McCARTNEY | Anne & tenants | Fivemiletown Tenements |
McCAUGHERY | Bridget | Ballyness |
McCAUGHEY | Bryan | Cloghlin |
McCAUGHEY | Bryan | Shantanagh |
McCAUGHEY | Edward | Cloghlin |
McCAUGHEY | Edwd. | Kilnahushog |
McCAUGHEY | Francis | Cornamucklagh |
McCAUGHEY | Francis | Kilnahushog |
McCAUGHEY | Francis | Lislane |
McCAUGHEY | Hugh | Cloghlin |
McCAUGHEY | Hugh | Derries |
McCAUGHEY | James | Ballywholan |
McCAUGHEY | James | Balnagoragh |
McCAUGHEY | James | Corloghey |
McCAUGHEY | James | Kilclay |
McCAUGHEY | James | Lismore |
McCAUGHEY | Owen | Kilnahushog |
McCAUGHEY | Owen | Lislane |
McCAUGHEY | Patrick | Beltany |
McCAUGHEY | Patrick | Cloghlin |
McCAUGHEY | Patrick | Kilnahushog |
McCAUGHEY | Philemy | Ballywholan |
McCAUGHEY | Philemy | Corloghey |
McCAUGHEY | Philemy | Town of Augher |
McCAUGHEY | Terence | Lislane |
McCAUGHEY | Thomas | Kilnahushog |
McCAUGHEY | Thomas | Rehorin |
McCAUGHY | John | Aghindarragh |
McCAUGHY | John | Frughmore |
McCAWELL | Bernard | Eskermore |
McCAWELL | Bridget | Kilnaheery |
McCAWELL | Bryan | Kilnaheery |
McCAWELL | Charles | Derries |
McCAWELL | Chas. | Kilclay |
McCAWELL | Daniel | Kilnaheery |
McCAWELL | Dennis | Derries |
McCAWELL | Doctor Patrick | Tamlaght |
McCAWELL | Francis | Fernandrum |
McCAWELL | James | Bolies |
McCAWELL | James Gonal | Kilnaheery |
McCAWELL | James Roe | Kilnaheery |
McCAWELL | John | Cavan |
McCAWELL | John | Ranenly |
McCAWELL | Matthew | Tulnafoil |
McCAWELL | Michael | Cavan |
McCAWELL | Michael | Eskermore |
McCAWELL | Michael | Kilclay |
McCAWELL | Owen | Slatmore |
McCAWELL | Owen | Springtown |
McCAWELL | Patk. | Kilnaheery |
McCAWELL | Patrick | Belnaclogh |
McCAWELL | Patrick | Cormore |
McCAWELL | Patrick | Derries |
McCAWELL | Patrick Culla | Tamlaght |
McCAWELL | Peter | Tamlaght |
McCAWELL | Terence | Kilnaheery |
McCAWELL | Terence | Tychany |
McCAWELL | Thomas | Belnaclogh |
McCAWELL | Thomas | Tychany |
McCAWELL | William | Cavan |
McCAWELL | William | Kilnaheery |
McCAWLA | Thomas | Tullycorker |
McCAWLEY | Alexr. | Ballyness |
McCLARIN | John | Tulnafoil |
McCLARIN | Robt. | Tulnafoil |
McCLARIN | William | Tulnafoil |
McCLEAN | Jacob | Annaganey & Divinagh |
McCLEAN | Thomas | Aghentain |
McCLELAND | George | Ballyvadden |
McCLUNG | Robert | Ballaghneed |
McCLUSKEY | Patrick | Ballymagowan |
McCONNELL | Alexander | Ballyscally (Cow & Garden) |
McCONNELL | Hugh | Ballimacan |
McCONNELL | Hugh | Ballimacan (Inner Mountain) |
McCONNELL | Hugh | Ballimacan (Out. Mountain) |
McCONNELL | James | Corlehan |
McCONNELL | James | Corlehan (Mountain) |
McCONNELL | John | Corlehan |
McCONNELL | John | Corlehan (Mountain) |
McCONNELL | Miles | Murley Sess (2 farms) |
McCONNELL | Terence | Ballimacan |
McCONNELL | Terence | Ballimacan (Inner Mountain) |
McCONNELL | Terence | Ballimacan (Out. Mountain) |
McCONNELL | Terence | Ballimacan (Out. Mountain) |
McCORMICK | James | Screeby |
McCOURT | Bernard | Ballymagowan |
McCOURT | Bernard | Bolies |
McCOURT | Owen | Ballymagowan |
McCOURT | William | Gortmore |
McCOY | Anne | Corboe |
McCOY | Arthur | Mallabeney |
McCOY | Henry | Corboe |
McCOY | Henry | Corboe (2nd farm) |
McCOY | John | Ballimacan |
McCOY | Margaret | Losett |
McCOY | Sarah | Corboe |
McCRACKEN | Charles | Tatnadavney |
McCRACKEN | James | Tatnadavney |
McCREA | Alexander | Cavanakirk |
McCREA | Alexander | Lislane |
McCREA | James | Cavanakirk |
McCREA | Martha | Townagh |
McCREANOR | James | Tully |
McCREANOR | Philip | Eskeragh |
McCRORY | Michael | Lisnarable |
McCRORY | Michael | Lisnarable (Bog) |
McCULLA | Wm. | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
McCULLAGH | Patrick | Altanarvey |
McCULLEN | Francis | Lislane |
McCULLEN | Francis | Shantanagh |
McCULLEN | James | Lislane |
McCULLEN | John | Cole |
McCULLEN | Terence | Bolies |
McCUSKER | Bernard | Dunbigin |
McCUSKER | Con. | Cole |
McCUSKER | Francis | Cole |
McCUSKER | Francis | Lisnamoghery |
McCUSKER | Francis | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McCUSKER | Hugh | Car |
McCUSKER | Hugh | Mullans |
McCUSKER | Hugh, Junr. | Kilclay |
McCUSKER | Hugh, Senr. | Kilclay |
McCUSKER | James | Car |
McCUSKER | Owen | Car |
McCUSKER | Pat. | Augher Tenement Fields |
McCUSKER | Patrick | Carntall |
McCUSKER | Patrick | Town of Augher |
McCUSKER | Shibby | Lislane |
McCUSKER | Thomas | Car |
McCUSKER | William | Car |
McCUSKER | William | Dunbigin |
McCUTCHEON | Claudius | Gortmore |
McCUTCHEON | John | Glenageragh |
McDERMOT | Owen | Tamlaght |
McDERMOT | Patrick | Tamlaght |
McDERMOTT | Daniel | Eskermore |
McDERMOTT | John | Eskermore |
McDERMOTT | Mary | Mount Stewart |
McDERMOTT | Patrick | Bolies |
McDERMOTT | Patrick | Tulnafoil |
McDERMOTT | Thomas | Caldrum |
McDERMOTT | Thomas | Eskermore |
McDERMOTT | Thomas | Lislane |
McDERMOTT | Thos. | Tulnafoil |
McDERMOTT | William | Caldrum |
McDONNEL | Thos. & tenants | Fivemiletown Tenements |
McDONNELL | John | Fernandrum |
McDONNELL | John | Tamlaght |
McDONNELL | Murph | Tulnafoil |
McDONNELL | Robt. | Kilnaheery |
McDONNELL | Thos. | Ballyvadden |
McDOWALL | Doctor | Terrew |
McDOWALL | Doctor | Town of Clogher |
McELGREW | Patrick | Cole |
McELHINNY | Alexander | Shanco |
McELHINNY | Alexander | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
McELMEEL | Bryan | Ballymagowan |
McELMEEL | Michael | Ballymagowan |
McELMEEL | Miles | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
McELRATH | John | Beltany |
McELRATH | John | Tamlaght (Bog at Doctor McCawell’s) |
McELROY | .....[?] | Ballymagowan |
McELROY | Anne & sons | Taveneymore |
McELROY | Art. | Ballimacan |
McELROY | Art. | Ballywholan |
McELROY | Barney | Retory |
McELROY | Barthw. | Lisgorran |
McELROY | Bernard | Carntall |
McELROY | Bernard | Cloonacappogue |
McELROY | Bernard | Mullans |
McELROY | Bernard | Town of Clogher |
McELROY | Bryan | Retory |
McELROY | Charles | Retory |
McELROY | Charles | Springtown |
McELROY | Edwd. | Augher Bog |
McELROY | Edwd. | Caldrum |
McELROY | Edwd. | Retory |
McELROY | Edwd. | Sessagh |
McELROY | Francis | Ballyvadden |
McELROY | Francis | Taveneymore |
McELROY | Francis & tenants | Fivemiletown Tenements |
McELROY | Hugh | Ballimacan (Inner Mountain) |
McELROY | Hugh | Springtown |
McELROY | James | Ballimacan |
McELROY | James | Ballimacan |
McELROY | James | Ballimacan (Inner Mountain) |
McELROY | James | Carnagat |
McELROY | James | Cloonacappogue |
McELROY | Jas. | Ballimacan (Out. Mountain) |
McELROY | Jas. | Carntall |
McELROY | John | Corlehan |
McELROY | John | Corlehan (Mountain) |
McELROY | John | Retory |
McELROY | Matthew | Carntall |
McELROY | Michael | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
McELROY | Michael | Carntall |
McELROY | Michael | Lisgorran |
McELROY | Michael | Taveneymore (Bog) |
McELROY | Michael, Junr. | Taveneymore |
McELROY | Michl., Senr. | Taveneymore |
McELROY | Miss | Ballyvadden |
McELROY | Neal | Retory |
McELROY | Owen | Altnacarney |
McELROY | Owen | Balnagoragh |
McELROY | Owen | Retory |
McELROY | Owen | Town of Clogher |
McELROY | Owen, Junr. | Cloonacappogue |
McELROY | Owen, Senr. | Cloonacappogue |
McELROY | Patk. | Ballimacan |
McELROY | Patrick | Caldrum |
McELROY | Patrick | Carnagat |
McELROY | Patrick | Cloonacappogue |
McELROY | Patrick | Corcrevey |
McELROY | Patrick | Corlehan |
McELROY | Patrick | Corlehan (Mountain) |
McELROY | Patrick | Retory |
McELROY | Patrick | Tychany |
McELROY | Peter | Lisgorran |
McELROY | Terrence | Lisgorran |
McELROY | Thomas | Caldrum |
McELROY | William | Clarmore |
McELROY | William, Junr. | Cloonacappogue |
McELROY | William, Senr. | Cloonacappogue |
McELWAIN | Baptist | Ranenly |
McFETRIDGE | Robt. | Tully |
McGARRITY | John | Bank |
McGARTLAND | Patrick | Farnetra |
McGARTLAND | Patrick | Farnetra (Bog) |
McGAUGY | .....[?] | Augher Bog |
McGAUGY | Andrew | Mullaghmore |
McGAUGY | Arthur | Cargagh |
McGAUGY | Bernard | Cormore |
McGAUGY | Bryan | Aughamilkin |
McGAUGY | Bryan | Aughamilkin (Bog) |
McGAUGY | Bryan | Augher Bog |
McGAUGY | Bryan | Balnagoragh |
McGAUGY | Daniel | Cormore |
McGAUGY | Daniel | Frughmore |
McGAUGY | Edwd. | Aughamilkin |
McGAUGY | Edwd. | Springtown |
McGAUGY | Francis | Cormore |
McGAUGY | Hugh | Aughamilkin |
McGAUGY | James | Frughmore |
McGAUGY | John | Cargagh |
McGAUGY | John | Cormore |
McGAUGY | John | Glenageragh |
McGAUGY | John | Mullaghmore |
McGAUGY | John | Tychany |
McGAUGY | Joseph | Frughmore |
McGAUGY | Margt. | Kilnaheery |
McGAUGY | Mary | Derrydrummond |
McGAUGY | Michael | Aughamilkin |
McGAUGY | Michael | Beltany |
McGAUGY | Michael | Derrydrummond |
McGAUGY | Michael | Eskernabrogue |
McGAUGY | Michael | Tulnafoil |
McGAUGY | Miles | Taveneymore |
McGAUGY | Neal | Beltany |
McGAUGY | Owen | Aughamilkin |
McGAUGY | Owen | Fernandrum |
McGAUGY | Pat. | Cormore |
McGAUGY | Patrick | Fernandrum |
McGAUGY | Patrick | Frughmore |
McGAUGY | Rodger | Kilnaheery |
McGAUGY | Thomas | Frughmore |
McGAUGY | Thos. | Fernandrum |
McGAUGY | Widow | Aughamilkin |
McGAUGY | Widow | Aughamilkin (Bog) |
McGAUGY | William | Aughamilkin |
McGAUGY | William | Aughamilkin (Bog) |
McGAUGY | William | Derrydrummond |
McGAUGY | William | Mullaghmore |
McGAUGY | William | Taveneymore |
McGAVERON | Thos. | Tychany |
McGAVERON | Wm. | Tychany |
McGEAREY | James | Town of Clogher |
McGEE | James | Altnacarney |
McGERAGHTY | Owen | Prolisque |
McGINLEY | Catherine | Beltany |
McGINLEY | Daniel | Tamlaght |
McGINLEY | Jas. | Beltany |
McGINLEY | John | Beltany |
McGINLEY | Michael | Beltany |
McGINLEY | Owen | Tullybroom |
McGINN | Arthur & son | Cormore |
McGINN | Bernard | Fernandrum |
McGINN | Bernd. | Cloneblagh |
McGINN | Bryan | Dunbigin |
McGINN | Cormick | Clarmore |
McGINN | Daniel | Altanarvey |
McGINN | Daniel | Altanarvey (Mountain) |
McGINN | Felix | Tamlaght |
McGINN | Henry | Tullycorker |
McGINN | Hugh | Dunbigin |
McGINN | James | Beltany |
McGINN | James | Carrickavoy |
McGINN | James & sons | Balnagoragh |
McGINN | Jas. | Cloneblagh |
McGINN | Jas. | Tatnadavney |
McGINN | Jno. | Tamlaght |
McGINN | John | Cormore |
McGINN | John | Cornamucklagh |
McGINN | John | Killeany |
McGINN | Joseph | Lisnamoghery |
McGINN | Joseph | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McGINN | Michael | Altanarvey |
McGINN | Michael | Altanarvey (Mountain) |
McGINN | Michael | Killeany |
McGINN | Michael | Tamlaght |
McGINN | Michael & partners | Lisnamoghery |
McGINN | Michl. | Cloneblagh |
McGINN | Owen | Tamlaght |
McGINN | Patrick | Cargagh |
McGINN | Patrick | Eskermore |
McGINN | Patrick | Fernandrum |
McGINN | Patrick | Killeany |
McGINN | Peter | Cargagh |
McGINN | Robt. | Tullycorker |
McGIRR | Bernard | Fogart |
McGIRR | Bridget | Tulnafoil |
McGIRR | Charles | Tulnafoil |
McGIRR | Chas. | Irish Street, Augher |
McGIRR | Chas. | Tullyvernan |
McGIRR | Edwd. | Tychany |
McGIRR | George | Tullybroom |
McGIRR | James | Dromore |
McGIRR | James | Glenageragh |
McGIRR | James | Kilnahushog |
McGIRR | Jas. | Tychany |
McGIRR | John | Cormore |
McGIRR | John | Killygordon |
McGIRR | John, Junr. | Dromore |
McGIRR | John, Senr. | Dromore |
McGIRR | Joseph | Altanarvey |
McGIRR | Margaret | Lislane |
McGIRR | Mary | Dromore |
McGIRR | Owen | Dromore |
McGIRR | Owen | Killygordon |
McGIRR | Owen | Tamlaght |
McGIRR | Owen | Tullyvernan |
McGIRR | Patrick | Cormore |
McGIRR | Patrick | Mount Stewart (2 farms) |
McGIRR | Patrick | Tulnafoil |
McGIRR | Peter | Ballyscally |
McGIRR | Peter | Scientian |
McGIRR | Terence | Dromore |
McGIRR | William | Town of Augher |
McGIRR | William | Tychany |
McGLAGHLIN | Patrick | Murley Sess |
McGLAUGHLIN | Daniel | Belnaclogh |
McGLAUGHLIN | Patrick | Belnaclogh |
McGLAUGHLIN | Thomas | Ranenly |
McGLAUGHLIN | Thomas | Tychany |
McGLONE | Bernard | Kilnahushog |
McGLONE | James | Killeany |
McGLONE | Mary | Kilnahushog |
McGLONE | Michael | Kilnahushog |
McGOGHEY | Andrew | Caldrum |
McGOGHEY | John | Caldrum |
McGOLRICK | Bryan | Tullyvernan |
McGONNELL | James | Altnaveagh |
McGOVERN | Bryan | Cloneblagh |
McGOVERN | Jane & son | Cloneblagh |
McGOVERN | John | Cloneblagh |
McGRATTY | Edwd. | Altanarvey |
McGRATTY | Patrick | Altanarvey |
McGRATTY | Richard | Fivemiletown Tenements |
McGROREY | Catherine | Lislane |
McGROREY | James | Lislane |
McGUIGAN | Edward | Eskeragh |
McGUIGAN | James | Altnacarney |
McGUIGAN | James | Lisnamoghery |
McGUIGAN | James | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McGUIGAN | John | Cloneblagh |
McGUIGAN | Laughlin | Lisnamoghery |
McGUIGAN | Laughlin | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McGUIGAN | Laughlin | Lisnamoghery (Strand) |
McGUIGAN | Owen | Tulnafoil |
McGUIGAN | Patrick | Mullaghlinny |
McGUIRE | Constantine | Tychany |
McGUIRE | Dennis | Mullaghlinny |
McKEAGNEY | James | Eskeragh (Bog) |
McKEAGNEY | James | Eskeragh (spent Bog) |
McKENNA | Barney | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Bryan | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
McKENNA | Catherine | Kilnaheery |
McKENNA | Charles | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Charles | Corloghey |
McKENNA | Charles | Corloghey (Mountain) |
McKENNA | Doctor | Car |
McKENNA | Edwd. | Lismore |
McKENNA | Francis | Altnaveagh |
McKENNA | Francis (Drumgary) | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Hugh | Altnaveagh |
McKENNA | Hugh | Corkhill |
McKENNA | Hugh | Tamlaght |
McKENNA | James | Aghentain |
McKENNA | James | Aghindarragh |
McKENNA | James | Ballaghneed |
McKENNA | James | Ballyness |
McKENNA | James | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | James | Cavan |
McKENNA | James | Corick |
McKENNA | James | Corloghey |
McKENNA | James | Corloghey |
McKENNA | James | Corloghey (Mountain) |
McKENNA | James | Gurlaw |
McKENNA | James | Rehorin |
McKENNA | James | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
McKENNA | James | Tulnafoil |
McKENNA | James (Harley) | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | James (Tamnachrin) | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Jas. | Cornamucklagh |
McKENNA | Jas. (Grehanoid) | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | John | Altnacarney |
McKENNA | John | Ballymagowan |
McKENNA | John | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | John | Beltany |
McKENNA | John | Bolies |
McKENNA | John | Corloghey |
McKENNA | John | Corloghey |
McKENNA | John | Corloghey (Mountain) |
McKENNA | John | Corloghey (Mountain) |
McKENNA | John | Fivemiletown Tenements |
McKENNA | John | Frughmore |
McKENNA | John | Kilnaheery |
McKENNA | John | Kilnahushog |
McKENNA | John | Tully |
McKENNA | John | Tulnafoil |
McKENNA | Johnny (Tamnachrin) | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Laughlin | Branter |
McKENNA | Laughlin | Taveneymore |
McKENNA | Laurence | Altnacarney |
McKENNA | Lawrence | Kilnaheery |
McKENNA | Mary | Beltany |
McKENNA | Mary | Mullaghmore |
McKENNA | Michael | Belnaclogh |
McKENNA | Michael | Car |
McKENNA | Michael | Corloghey |
McKENNA | Michael | Corloghey (Mountain) |
McKENNA | Michael | Mullans |
McKENNA | Owen | Branter |
McKENNA | Owen | Farnetra |
McKENNA | Owen | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
McKENNA | Owen | Taveneymore |
McKENNA | Owen | Taveneymore (Bog) |
McKENNA | Owen (Creena) | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Pady | Car |
McKENNA | Patk. | Tully |
McKENNA | Patrick | Annaloghan |
McKENNA | Patrick | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
McKENNA | Patrick | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Patrick | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Patrick | Bolies |
McKENNA | Patrick | Car |
McKENNA | Patrick | Cavan |
McKENNA | Patrick | Cloonacappogue |
McKENNA | Patrick | Cormore |
McKENNA | Patrick | Cornamucklagh |
McKENNA | Patrick | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
McKENNA | Patrick | Taveneymore |
McKENNA | Patrick | Tulnafoil |
McKENNA | Patrick (Oakwood) | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Patrick, Junr. | Tulnafoil |
McKENNA | Patrick, Senr. | Tulnafoil |
McKENNA | Peter | Altnaveagh |
McKENNA | Phelamy | Car |
McKENNA | Philemy | Taveneymore |
McKENNA | Philemy | Taveneymore |
McKENNA | Terence | Taveneymore |
McKENNA | Terence (Grehanoid) | Ballywholan |
McKENNA | Wm | Town of Augher |
McKEOWN | Edward | Irish Street, Augher |
McKEOWN | Edwd. | Augher Bog |
McKEOWN | Hugh | Mullaghlinny |
McKERNAN | Thomas | Fernandrum |
McKEVER | Michael | Eskeragh |
McKEVER | Owen | Eskeragh |
McKIMM | Alexander | Eskernabrogue |
McKIMM | James | Corboe |
McKIMM | James | Lislee |
McKIMM | Robert | Beltany |
McKIMM | Robert | Corboe |
McKIMM | Robt. | Tullycorker |
McKINLEY | Thomas | Lisbane |
McKINLY | Thomas | Balnagoragh |
McKINLY | Thos. | Altnacarney |
McKINLY | William | Altnacarney |
McKNIGHT | James | Bank |
McKNIGHT | Samuel | Eskermore |
McKNIGHT | Samuel | Glenhoy |
McLAUGHLIN | Dennis | Tullycorker |
McLAUGHLIN | Michael | Balnagoragh |
McLAUGHLIN | Patrick | Balnagoragh |
McMAGH | Bartholomew | Tamlaght |
McMAGH | Francis | Tamlaght |
McMAGH | Francis | Tulnafoil |
McMAGH | Owen | Tulnafoil |
McMAGH | Peter | Tamlaght |
McMAGH | Stephen | Tulnafoil |
McMAHON | Patrick | Eskeragh |
McMAHON | Patrick | Lisnamoghery |
McMAHON | Patrick | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McMANUS | Edwd. | Tamlaght |
McMANUS | Edwd. | Tamlaght (Bog) |
McMANUS | Francis | Corcrevey |
McMANUS | Hugh | Tamlaght |
McMANUS | Hugh | Tamlaght (Bog) |
McMANUS | William | Town of Augher |
McMASTER | Hugh | Glenageragh |
McMASTER | James | Glenageragh |
McMASTER | James | Tychany |
McMASTER | William | Glenageragh |
McMASTER | William, Junr. | Glenhoy |
McNAMARA | Bryan | Beltany |
McNAMEE | Patrick | Fernandrum |
McNANLY | Fras. | Slatmore |
McNANLY | John | Slatmore |
McNAUL | George | Shanco |
McNAUL | George | Shanco (Bog) |
McNAUL | George | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
McNAWL | Edwd. | Carnagat |
McNAWL | Edwd. | Cole |
McNAWL | George | Tychany |
McNAWL | Rev. | Tulnafoil |
McNAWL | William | Donaghmoyne |
McNEELY | John | Augher Bog |
McNEELY | John | Tullybroom |
McNENLY | Bernard | Ballimacan |
McNENLY | Susan | Ballimacan |
McNOGHER | Michl. | Town of Augher |
McNOUGHER | Francis | Derrynascombe |
McNULTY | Michl. | Ballyscally |
McNULTY | Owen | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
McQUADE | Henry | Lisnamoghery |
McQUADE | Henry | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McQUADE | James | Ballymagowan |
McQUADE | James | Farnetra |
McQUADE | James | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McQUADE | James | Town of Clogher |
McSHANE | Edwd. | Mullans |
McSHANE | Hugh | Annaganey & Divinagh |
McSHANE | James | Ballaghneed |
McSHANE | James | Fogart |
McSHANE | Michael | Tatnadavney |
McSORLEY | Arthur | Kilclay |
McSORLEY | Edward | Ranenly |
McSORLEY | James | Lisnamoghery |
McSORLEY | Jas. | Corcrevey |
McSORLEY | Michl. | Ballaghneed |
McSORLEY | Owen | Lisnamoghery |
McSORLEY | Owen | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
McSORLEY | Patk. | Ballaghneed |
McSORLEY | Patrick | Lisnarable |
McSORLEY | Peter | Lisnarable |
McSORLEY | Terence | Lisnarable |
McWILLIAMS | .....[?] | Eskernabrogue |
McWILLIAMS | Edwd. | Branter |
McWILLIAMS | George | Carntall |
McWILLIAMS | George | Corick |
McWILLIAMS | Hugh | Slatbeg |
McWILLIAMS | Hugh | Slatbeg (Mountain in common) |
McWILLIAMS | Jane | Prolisque |
McWILLIAMS | John | Eskernabrogue |
McWILLIAMS | Thomas | Corboe |
McWILLIAMS | Thomas | Tatnadavney |
McWILLIAMS | William | Corboe |
MEANS | John | Aghengowley |
MEANS | Mary | Aghengowley |
MEANS | Thomas | Carnagat |
MEEGAN | Edward | Mount Stewart |
MEEGAN | Patrick, Senr. | Mount Stewart |
MEENAN | Bernard | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
MEENAN | Danl. | Kilnaheery |
MEENAN | Denis | Ballimacan |
MEENAN | John | Ballimacan |
MEENAN | John | Kilnaheery |
MEENAN | Michael | Tamlaght |
MEENAN | Nogher | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
MEENAN | Nougher | Tulnafoil |
MEENAN | Pat. | Town of Augher |
MEENAN | Patrick | Kilnaheery |
MEENAN | Peter | Ballyscally (Inland & Mountain) |
MEENAN | Terence | Kilnaheery |
Meeting House Yard | Belnaclogh | |
Meeting House Yard | Carntall | |
MEGAN | James, Junr. | Mount Stewart |
MEGAN | James, Senr. | Mount Stewart |
MEGAN | John | Mount Stewart |
MEGAN | Michael | Mount Stewart |
MEGAN | Owen | Knocknacarney |
MEGAN | Terence | Mount Stewart |
MILLAR | Andrew, Esqre. | Lungs |
MILLAR | Captain | Lisnamoghery |
MILLAR | Captain | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
MILLAR | John | Dunbigin |
MILLER | Andrew, Esqre. | Town of Augher |
MILLS | James | Dromore |
MILLS | John | Ballymagowan |
MILLS | John | Losett |
MILLS | John | Rosemealan |
MILLS | John | Rosemealan (bog) |
MILLS | Robt. | Tatnadavney |
MILLS | Saml. | Ballyvadden |
MILLS | Samuel | Fivemiletown Tenements (park) |
MILLS | Widow | Dromore |
MILLS | William | Ballymagowan |
MILLS | William | Lisnamoghery |
MILLS | William | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
MITCHELL | Charles | Eskeragh |
MITCHELL | Charles (Raveagh) | Eskeragh |
MITCHELL | James | Corkhill (Escra, meadow) |
MITCHELL | James (Eskeragh) | Corkhill |
MITCHELL | James, Junr. | Eskeragh |
MITCHELL | Robt. | Kilnahushog |
MITCHELTREE | Elizabeth | Ballimacan |
MITCHELTREE | James | Slatmore |
MOAN | Thomas | Cross Owen |
MOFFET | Alexander | Slatbeg |
MOFFET | Thomas | Slatbeg |
MOFFIT | Andrew | Letbeg |
MOFFIT | John | Eskernabrogue |
MOFFIT | William | Clarmore |
MONTGOMERY | Colonel | Fivemiletown Tenements |
MONTGOMERY | Hugh, Esqr. | Annagh Demesne |
MONTGOMERY | Hugh, Esqr. | Annagh Demesne (Bog) |
MONTGOMERY | Hugh, Esqr. | Ballyvadden |
MONTGOMERY | Hugh, Esqr. | Fivemiletown Tenements (in Hyde’s tenement) |
MONTGOMERY | Hugh, Esqre | Annagh (Bog) |
MONTGOMERY | Robt. | Slatbeg |
MONTGOMERY | Wm. | Slatbeg |
MOORE | Acheson | Ballygreenan |
MOORE | Acheson | Balnagoragh |
MOORE | Acheson | Caldrum |
MOORE | Acheson | Kilclay |
MOORE | Alexander | Rosemealan |
MOORE | George & Tenants | Murley Sess (Bog) |
MOORE | Hugh | Caldrum |
MOORE | James | Longridge |
MOORE | Moses | Ballimacan |
MOORE | Robert | Annaganey & Divinagh |
MOORE | Saml. | Slatbeg |
MOORE | Samuel | Cormore |
MOORE | William | Clarmore |
MOORE | William | Cormore |
MOORE | William | Eskernabrogue |
MOORE | William | Tullycorker |
MORAN | Thomas | Annaloghan |
MORRISON | Andrew | Annaloghan |
MORRISON | Elizabeth | Ballygreenan |
MORRISON | Erskine | Ballygreenan |
MORRISON | Hance | (Bog) Ballygreenan |
MORRISON | Hance | Ballygreenan |
MORRISON | Hance, Junr. | Annaloghan |
MORRISON | Hance, Senr. | Annaloghan |
MORRISON | Lendrum | Annaloghan |
MORRISON | Robert | Augher Tenement Fields (at Broad Lane) |
MORRISON | Robert | Town of Augher |
MORRISON | Robt. | Annaloghan |
MORRISON | Robt. | Augher Bog |
MORROW | Andrew | Lismore |
MOSSEY | James | Longridge |
MOUTRAY | John C., Esqre. | Sess Moutray (Bog) |
MOYNAGH | Arthur | Mallabeney |
MOYNAGH | Constantine, Junr. | Bolies |
MOYNAGH | Constantine, Senr. | Bolies |
MOYNAGH | Edwd. | Mullans |
MOYNAGH | Hugh | Aghentain |
MOYNAGH | Hugh | Bolies |
MOYNAGH | Hugh | Lislane |
MOYNAGH | James | Bolies |
MOYNAGH | James | Mallabeney |
MOYNAGH | Jno. | Mallabeney |
MOYNAGH | John | Bolies |
MOYNAGH | John | Mallabeney |
MOYNAGH | Samuel | Bolies |
MULDOON | Daniel | Kilnahushog |
MULLAN | Felix | Tychany |
MULLAN | Patrick | Kilclay |
MULLEN | Catherine | Aughamilkin |
MULLEN | Daniel | Carnagart |
MULLEN | Daniel | Carnagart (one half of Out Mountain) |
MULLEN | Dennis | Eskeragh |
MULLEN | James | Tychany |
MULLEN | John | Derries |
MULLEN | Michael | Aghentain |
MULLEN | Michael | Derries |
MULLEN | Patrick | Aughamilkin |
MULLEN | Peter | Derries |
MULLEN | Terence | Mount Stewart |
MULLEN | Thomas | Town of Clogher |
MULLIGAN | Edwd. | Eskermore |
MULLIGAN | James | Glenhoy |
MULLIGAN | James | Letbeg |
MULLIGAN | John | Annaloghan |
MULLIGAN | John | Ballygreenan |
MULLIGAN | John | Ballygreenan (Bog) |
MULLIGAN | John | Glenhoy |
MULLIGAN | John | Gortmore |
MULLIGAN | John | Slatmore |
MULLIGAN | John, Junr. | Belnaclogh |
MULLIGAN | Robt. | Tullycorker |
MULLIGAN | William | Belnaclogh |
MULLIGAN | William | Eskernabrogue |
MULLIGAN | William | Gortmore |
MULLIGAN | Wm. | Letbeg |
MULRINE | Mary | Altnaveagh |
MULRINE | William | Altnaveagh |
MURDOCK | William | Irish Street, Augher |
MURPHY | Catherine | Balnagoragh |
MURPHY | James | Sessagh |
MURPHY | John | Ranenly |
MURPHY | John | Sessagh |
MURPHY | Mary | Balnagoragh |
MURPHY | Patrick | Ballyvadden |
MURPHY | Patrick | Lislane |
MURPHY | Thomas | Fivemiletown Tenements |
MURRAY | Andrew | Kilrudden |
NAHAN | Edward | Corcrevey |
NEAL | Hugh | Cormore |
NEELY | Benjamin | Corboe |
NEELY | Benjamin | Lismore |
NEELY | George | Ballymagowan |
NEELY | James | Ballymagowan |
NEELY | John | Town of Augher |
NEELY | Robt. | Ballaghneed |
NEELY | Wm. | Ballyvadden |
NEIL | James | Augher Bog |
NEIL | James | Irish Street, Augher |
NEILL | George | Fernandrum |
NEILSON | James | Townagh |
NEILSON | John | Fivemiletown Tenements |
NEILSON | John | Skelgagh |
NEILSON | William | Prolisque |
NEILSON | William the elder | Townagh |
NEILSON | William the second | Townagh |
NEILSON | William the youngest | Townagh |
NEILSON | Wm. | Ballyvadden |
NELSON | John | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
NELSON | William | Cavanakirk |
NELSON | William | Killeany |
NIXON | William | Fernandrum |
NOBLE | Isabella | Lislane |
NORRIS | William | Tullybroom (Bog) |
NUGENT | Bryan | Tamlaght |
NUGENT | Francis, Junr. | Aghengowley |
NUGENT | Francis, Senr. | Aghengowley |
NUGENT | Hugh | Tamlaght |
NUGENT | Mary | Aghengowley |
NUGENT | Richd. | Cloneblagh |
NUGENT | Thos. | Ballimacan |
NUGENT | Thos. | Ballimacan (Out. Mountain) |
O’NEIL | Ferdinand | Corick |
ONEILL | James | Lurganaglar |
ONEILL | Mary | Ballyness |
ONEILL | Neill | Dromore |
ORNEAL | John | Tychany |
ORNEAL | John | Tychany (Mountain) |
ORR | James | Farnetra |
ORR | James | Irish Street, Augher |
ORR | James | Town of Augher |
ORR | Thomas | Farnetra |
ORR | Thos., Junr. | Irish Street, Augher |
ORR | William | Altanarvey |
ORRE | Allen | Prolisque |
ORRE | Allen | Skelgagh |
ORRE | James | Augher Bog |
ORRE | James | Augher Tenement Fields |
ORRE | James | Sessagh |
ORRE | John | Augher Bog |
ORRE | Thos. | Augher Bog |
ORRE | Thos., Junr. | Sessagh |
ORRE | Thos., Senr. | Irish Street, Augher |
ORRE | Thos., Senr. | Sessagh |
OWEN | Francis | Ballaghneed |
OWENS | Allan | Dromore |
OWENS | Allen | Kilnahushog |
OWENS | Bryan | Ballyness |
OWENS | Christopher | Dromore |
OWENS | Christopher | Mullans |
OWENS | Edwd. | Mount Stewart |
OWENS | Francis | Cole |
OWENS | George | Dromore |
OWENS | Margaret | Cole |
OWENS | Mary | Ballyness |
OWENS | Michael | Cole |
OWENS | Teague | Killygordon |
PALMER | William (miller) | Annaganey & Divinagh |
PATERSON | John | Lisnarable |
PATERSON | John (Bog) | Lisnarable |
PATTERSON | Agnes | Fernandrum |
PATTERSON | Francis | Ranenly |
PATTERSON | James | Taveneymore |
PATTERSON | John | Fernandrum |
PATTERSON | Jos. | Car |
PATTERSON | William | Car |
PATTON | James & son | Mallabeney |
PATTON | Joseph | Carntall |
PATTON | Joseph | Carntall (for farm at Home [holme]) |
PAUL | Samuel | Eskermore |
PEEBLES | James, Esqre. | Annagh |
PEEBLES | James, Esqre. | Lungs |
PERRY | James | Murley Sess |
PHILIPS | Owen | Kilnahushog |
PHILIPS | Revd. James | Gortmore |
PHILLIPS | Revd. James | Ballyvadden |
PORTER | Anne & sons | Taveneymore |
PORTER | James | Ballyness |
PORTER | John | Annagh |
PORTER | John | Ballyness |
PORTER | John | Shanco |
PORTER | John | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
PRESTON | James | Ballagh |
PRICE | Thomas | Glenageragh |
PRINGLE | John | Cloneblagh |
PRINGLE | John | Glenageragh |
PRINGLE | Robert | Beltany |
PRINGLE | Stewart | Beltany |
QUIN | James | Beltany |
QUIN | Robert | Town of Clogher |
QUIN | Robt. | Ballymagowan |
QUINN | Daniel | Cormore |
RAFFERTY | Cornelius | Lisnarable |
RAFFERTY | Michael | Derrynascombe |
RAFFERTY | Pat. | Kilnahushog |
RALSTON | William | Clarmore |
RAMSAY | Francis | Lungs |
RAMSAY | John | Gunnell |
RAMSAY | John | Killicorran |
RAMSAY | Samuel | Ballagh |
RAMSAY | Samuel | Gunnell |
RAMSAY | Samuel | Killicorran |
RAMSAY | William | Gunnell |
REED | Alexander | Screeby |
REED | Andrew | Murley Sess |
REED | Isabella | Glenageragh |
REED | Jane | Glenageragh |
REED | John | Corcrevey |
REED | John | Eskermore |
REED | John | Tychany |
REED | Joseph | Annaganey & Divinagh |
REED | Joseph | Corcrevey |
REED | Robert | Tychany |
REED | Robt. | Corcrevey |
REED | Saml. | Tychany |
REID | John | Carnagat |
REID | Robert | Carnagat |
REID | Saml., Senr. | Glenageragh |
REILEY | James | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
REILLY | Edwd. | Killygordon |
REILLY | James | Killygordon |
REILLY | Neill | Cole |
RENNY | Saml. | Cloneblagh |
RICHARDSON | Widow | Farnetra |
RICHARDSON | William | Farnetra |
RICHARDSON | William | Farnetra (Bog) |
RICHEY | Adam | Carnahinny |
RICHEY | Adam | Lismore |
RICHEY | James | Clarmore |
RICHEY | William | Carnahinny |
RIGNEY | John | Town of Clogher |
ROBINSON | David | Ballaghneed |
ROBINSON | Henry | Eskermore |
ROBINSON | James | Tatnafinnel (Murley Pickins) |
ROBINSON | Robert | Beltany |
ROBINSON | Samuel | Glenageragh |
ROBINSON | William | Belnaclogh |
RODGERS | James | Ballyness |
RODGERS | James | Losett |
RODGERS | James | Newry |
RODGERS | James | Scientian |
RODGERS | William | Losett |
RODGERS | William | Newry |
RODGERS | Willm. | Ballyness |
RODGERS | Wm. | Scientian |
Roman Catholic Chapel | Scientian | |
ROURKE | Sarah | Irish Street, Augher |
RUSH | Francis | Lisnamoghery |
RUSH | Francis | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
RUSH | James | Beltany |
RUTLEDGE | George | Ballymagowan |
RUTLEDGE | N. | Ballyscally(Inland & Mountain) |
SAMPSON | Fleming | Aghenlark |
SAWYERS | James | Belnaclogh |
SAWYERS | John & son | Beltany |
SCALLIN | Jas. | Eskernabrogue |
SCANLAN | Sarah | Altnaveagh |
SCOTT | James | Fivemiletown Tenements |
SCOTT | James (at the Mill) | Fivemiletown Tenements |
SCOTT | John | Killifaddy |
SCOTT | John | Town of Augher |
SCOTT | Joseph H. | Carntall |
SEGARSON | James | Augher Bog |
SEGARSON | James | Irish Street, Augher |
SHANNON | Edwd. | Lislane |
SHARKEY | Dennis | Mallabeney |
SHARKEY | Dominick | Dromore |
SHARKEY | James | Mallabeney |
SHEILDS | Charles | Ballaghneed |
SHEILDS | Daniel | Aghindarragh |
SHEILDS | Owen | Aghindarragh |
SHEPARD | Elizabeth | Town of Clogher (Harry Bright’s Hill) |
SHEPHERD | George | Ballyvadden |
SHERIDAN | Alexander | Kilnahushog |
SHERIDAN | Anne | Car |
SHERIDAN | Anne | Car (Bog) |
SHERIDAN | James | Cormore |
SHERIDAN | Mrs. Anne | Town of Augher |
SHERRY | Francis & son | Carrickavoy |
SHERRY | John & son | Carrickavoy |
SHERRY | Michael | Altnaveagh |
SHEVLIN | Francis | Rehorin |
SHEVLIN | Henry | Slatmore |
SHEVLIN | Jas. (Crockanany) | Ballywholan (deleted) |
SHEVLIN | Jas. (Crockanany) | Carnagart |
SHEVLIN | Michael | Lisnamoghery |
SHEVLIN | Terence | Ballimacan |
SHEVLIN | Terence | Ballimacan (Out. Mountain) |
SHEVLIN | William | Eskeragh |
SHIELDS | Arthur | Shanco |
SHIELDS | Arthur | Shanco (portion of Mountain) |
SHORT | Hugh | Corick |
SHORT | Hugh | Tullybroom |
SHORT | James | Cormore |
SIMPSON | ....[?] | Town of Clogher |
SIMPSON | Francis | Rosemealan |
SIMPSON | James G. | Lisnamoghery |
SIMPSON | James G. | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
SIMPSON | James G. | Mullaghlinny |
SIMPSON | Thomas | Drumhirk |
SIMPSON | Thomas | Rosemealan |
SIMPSON | Thomas, Esqre. | Lisgorran |
SIMPSON | Widow | Drumhirk |
SIMPSON | William | Mullaghlinny |
SIMPSON | William | Town of Clogher |
SIMPSON | William (Graham) | Ballymagowan |
SIMPSON | William (McElmeel) | Ballymagowan |
SIMPSON | William (Owens) | Ballymagowan |
SKELTON | Edwd. | Eskeragh |
SKELTON | Rose | Eskeragh |
SKELTON | Terence | Eskeragh |
SLEAVIN | Hugh | Altnaveagh |
SLEVIN | Bridget | Dromore |
SLEVIN | Daniel | Shantanagh |
SLEVIN | Patrick | Annaganey & Divinagh |
SMALL | William | Sess Moutray |
SMITH | James | Augher Tenement Fields |
SMITH | James | Clarmore |
SMITH | James | Cloneblagh |
SMITH | James | Town of Augher |
SMITH | John | Shantanagh |
SMITH | Moses | Carnagat |
SMITH | Patrick | Ballyness |
SMITH | Philip | Ballyness |
SMITH | Philip | Cole |
SMITH | William | Screeby |
SMYTH | Joseph | Ballyvadden |
SPARROW | Edward | Scientian |
STARS | Patrick | Fernandrum |
STARS | Sarah | Kilnahushog |
STEEL | Robert | Annaganey & Divinagh |
STEEN | Elizabeth | Skelgagh |
STEEN | George | Prolisque |
STEEN | James | Prolisque |
STEEN | Joseph | Longridge |
STEEN | Margery | Prolisque |
STEEN | Margery | Skelgagh |
STEEN | Mary | Knocknacarney |
STEEN | Robert | Prolisque |
STEEN | Robert | Skelgagh |
STEEN | Thomas | Prolisque |
STEWART | Guy | Bolies |
STEWART | James | Bolies |
STEWART | James | Cavanakirk |
STEWART | James | Donaghmoyne |
STEWART | James | Knocknacarney |
STEWART | James | Lislane |
STEWART | James (Lislane) | Cavanakirk |
STEWART | John | Ballaghneed |
STEWART | John | Cavanakirk |
STEWART | John | Shantanagh |
STEWART | John (Cark) | Knocknacarney |
STEWART | John (Donaghmoyne) | Knocknacarney |
STEWART | John (Kirk) | Knocknacarney |
STEWART | Joseph | Prolisque |
STEWART | Joseph | Rosemealan |
STEWART | Joseph | Skelgagh |
STEWART | Martha | Cavanakirk |
STEWART | Mary | Donaghmoyne |
STEWART | Samuel | Gurlaw |
STEWART | Sarah | Knocknacarney |
STEWART | Solomon | Knocknacarney |
STEWART | William | Aghendara |
STEWART | William | Aghentain |
STEWART | William | Donaghmoyne |
STEWART | William | Prolisque |
STEWART | William | Skelgagh |
STEWART | William of Donaghmoyne | Cavanakirk |
STEWART | William of Mountain | Cavanakirk |
STEWART | William, Senr. | Shantanagh |
STEWART | William, Junr. | Shantanagh |
STEWART | Wm. | Slatmore |
STINSON | George | Kilclay |
STINSON | James | Altnaveagh |
STINSON | Oliver | Taveneymore |
STINSON | Robert | Augher Tenement Fields |
STINSON | Robert | Town of Augher |
STINSON | Robert | Tully |
STINSON | Thos. | Taveneymore |
STOKES | Hugh | Belnaclogh |
STOKES | Hugh | Beltany |
STOKES | James | Augher Bog |
STOKES | Jas. | Irish Street, Augher |
STORY | Doctor | Ballywholan (McGregor Hill) |
STORY | Doctor | Corick |
STORY | Doctor | Cross Owen |
STORY | Doctor | Drumhirk |
STORY | Doctor | Farnetra |
STRAIN | Porter | Ballaghneed |
SWEENEY | Charles | Eskermore |
TALLON | John | Lisnarable |
TARLETON | Rev. John | Town of Clogher |
TARLETON | Revd. John | Farnetra |
TAYLOR | William | Dunbigin |
TEAGUE | Edward | Lisnamoghery |
TEAGUE | Edward | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
TEAGUE | Edward | Town of Augher |
TEAGUE | Francis | Carntall |
TEAGUE | Francis | Killifaddy |
TEAGUE | Francis | Lisnarable |
TEAGUE | James | Altnacarney |
TEAGUE | James | Mullans |
TEAGUE | Michael | Mullans |
TEAGUE | Peter | Mullaghmore |
TEAGUE | Thomas | Mullans |
TEAGUE | Thomas | Town of Augher |
TEIRNEY | John | Carnagart |
TEIRNEY | John | Carnagart (one half of Out Mountain) |
TEIRNEY | John (Crocknameny) | Carnagart |
THOMPSON | Archibald | Corcrevey |
THOMPSON | Mary | Beltany |
THOMPSON | Robert | Town of Clogher |
THOMPSON | Thomas | Ballyness |
THOMPSON | Thomas | Losett |
THOMPSON | Wm. | Ballyvadden |
TODD | Jane | Cornamucklagh |
TODD | John | Balnagoragh |
TODD | John | Taveneymore |
TORRENS | Andrew | Aghendara |
TORRENS | James | Aghendara |
TOY | Owen | Lurganaglar |
TRACEY | Edwd. | Tullycorker |
TRACEY | John | Roy |
TRACEY | Michael | Tullycorker |
TRACEY | Morris | Clarmore |
TRACEY | Owen | Cormore |
TREANOR | Bernard | Mount Stewart |
TREANOR | Bernard | Slatmore |
TREANOR | Francis | Carnagart |
TREANOR | Jas. (Loughanoid) | Ballywholan |
TREANOR | John | Cloonacappogue |
TREANOR | Owen | Corboe |
TREANOR | Owen | Cormore |
TREANOR | Owen | Retory |
TREANOR | Owen | Slatmore |
TREANOR | Patk. (Loughanoid) | Ballywholan |
TREANOR | Patrick | Carntall |
TREANOR | Patrick | Corboe |
TREANOR | Terence | Beltany |
TREANOR | Terence | Killeany |
TRIGGAR | Lorenzo | Town of Clogher |
TRIMBLE | Andrew | Town of Clogher |
TRIMBLE | Andrew | Town of Clogher (Meadow) |
TRIMBLE | Doctor | Lisnamoghery (Bog) |
TRIMBLE | Doctor | Terrew |
TRIMBLE | Doctor | Town of Clogher |
TRIMBLE | George | Ballagh |
TRIMBLE | James | Ballagh |
TRIMBLE | James | Ballimacan |
TRIMBLE | James | Ballymagowan |
TRIMBLE | James | Frughmore |
TRIMBLE | James | Town of Clogher |
TRIMBLE | John | Screeby (2 farms) |
TRIMBLE | John | Sessagh |
TRIMBLE | John & sons | Ballimacan |
TRIMBLE | Joseph | Ballymagowan |
TRIMBLE | Joseph | Carnahinny |
TRIMBLE | Joseph | Town of Clogher |
TRIMBLE | Joseph | Town of Clogher (for Curliss’s tenement) |
TRIMBLE | Robert | Gortmore |
TRIMBLE | Robert | Slatmore |
TRIMBLE | Robert (in Golan) | Slatmore |
TRIMBLE | Robt. | Ballagh |
TRIMBLE | Robt. | Ballimacan |
TRIMBLE | Thomas | Edergole or Murly Blakely |
TRIMBLE | Thomas | Lismore |
TRIMBLE | Thomas | Lismore (Marsh) |
TRIMBLE | Thomas | Lismore (Plantation) |
TRIMBLE | Thos. | Ballagh |
TRIMBLE | William | Ballagh |
TRIMBLE | Wm. | Gortmore |
TURBOT | Daniel | Cormore |
TURBOT | David, Junr. | Cormore |
TURBOT | David, Senr. | Cormore |
TURBOT | Edwd. | Beltany |
TURBOT | Edwd. | Cormore |
TURBOT | James | Cormore |
TURBOT | James | Tamlaght |
TURBOT | John | Cormore |
TURBOT | John | Town of Augher |
TURBOT | Mary | Beltany |
TURBOT | Patrick | Cormore |
TURBOT | Peter | Cormore |
TURBOT | Richard | Cormore |
TURBOT | William | Cormore |
TWIGGE | Doctor | Mullaghlinny |
VITCH | Joseph | Corcrevey |
WADE | Francis | Fivemiletown Tenements |
WALKER | John | Slatbeg |
WALKER | Matthew | Frughmore |
WALKER | Robert | Glenhoy |
WALKER | Thomas | Ballygreenan |
WALKER | William | Drumhirk |
WALLACE | Alexander | Tullyvernan |
WALLACE | James | Glenageragh |
WALLACE | James | Lungs |
WALLACE | John | Lungs |
WALLACE | Joseph | Ballaghneed |
WALLACE | Joseph | Eskeragh |
WALLACE | Joseph | Letbeg |
WALLACE | Oliver | Lisnarable |
WALLACE | Thomas | Lisnarable |
WALLACE | Wm. | Corcrevey |
WALLS | Miles & sons | Lisnamoghery |
WALLS | Thomas | Town of Augher |
WALS | Thomas | Augher Tenement Fields |
WALSH | Christopher | Augher Tenement Fields |
WARD | Daniel | Mullans |
WARREN | Edwd. | Augher Bog |
WATSON | James | Longridge |
WATSON | John | Tychany |
WATSON | Mary & sons | Glenageragh |
WATSON | William | Glenageragh |
WATSON | William | Knockmany |
WELCH | Jas. | Fivemiletown Tenements (garden) |
WELDON | James | Eskernabrogue |
WELDON | William | Eskermore |
WELSH | Christopher | Town of Augher |
WHITE | Wm. | Town of Augher |
WHITELY | James | Knocknacarney |
WILLIAMSON | Saml. | Augher Bog |
WILLIAMSON | Samuel | Farnetra |
WILLIAMSON | Samuel | Town of Augher |
WILLIS | Joshua& tenants | Rehorin |
WILSON | Alexr. | Belnaclogh |
WILSON | James | Lurganaglar |
WILSON | Margaret | Aghentain |
WILSON | Margaret | Donaghmoyne |
WILSON | Margaret | Lungs |
WILSON | Martha | Donaghmoyne |
WILSON | Mary | Altanarvey |
WILSON | Robert | Fogart |
WILSON | Samuel | Belnaclogh |
WILSON | Samuel | Tullyvernan |
WILSON | Wallace | Lurganaglar |
WILSON | Wm. | Ballyvadden |
WINSLOW | Mary | Cornamucklagh |
WINSLOW | Robt. | Altnaveagh |
WINSLOW | Robt. | Cornamucklagh |
WISHART | William | Beltany |
WOODS | Francis | Fivemiletown Tenements |
WOODS | Henry | Fivemiletown Tenements (park) |
WOODS | Henry | Fivemiletown Tenements (tenement) |
WOODS | Henry | Town of Augher |
WOODS | John | Augher Bog |
WOODS | John | Kilclay |
WOODS | John & tenants | Town of Augher |
WOODS | William | Mullaghlinny |
WOODS | William | Town of Clogher |
WRIGHT | Alexander | Eskermore |
WRIGHT | Anne | Caldrum |
WRIGHT | Joseph | Newry |
YOUNG | Adam | Glenhoy |
YOUNG | Catherine | Kilrudden |
YOUNG | James | Frughmore |
YOUNG | John | Altnaveagh (two farms) |
YOUNG | Robert | Slatmore |
YOUNG | William | Lisnarable |