Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Index to the Tithe Applotment Book, Burt Parish, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1837

National Archives of Ireland Ref: 7/ 25
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

Extracted from a film held at the Genealogical Society of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

It is numbered #30 with no further details; filming undertaken by Aerofilms Ltd., Dublin


N.B. - This tithe applotment book is not included in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin online archive


Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.

In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.

In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).

Tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.

Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Ballyederowen Ballymoney Blanket Nook Bohullion Lower
Bohullion Upper Bunnamayne Burt Level Carrowen
Carrownamaddy Carrowreagh Castlecooly Drumhaggart
Dundrean Elaghbeg Gortcormacan Grange
Inch Level Lisfannan Moness Mulleny
Skeeoge Speenoge Toulett  



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Ballyderowan Ballymoney Bohillon Bonamain
Carnamaddy Carrowan Carrowreagh Castlecooley
Castlehill Dundrain Elaghbeg Grange
Lisfannon Moleany Moness Skeog
Speenogue Toolett  




ALEXANDER Thomas Lisfannon
ALLISON John Speenogue
ANDERSON John Elaghbeg
ANDERSON Thomas Anderson
ARBUCKLE James Ballyderowan
ARBUCKLE John, Jun Ballyderowan
ARBUCKLE John, Sen. Ballyderowan
ARBUCKLE William Ballyderowan
ATCHESON William Elaghbeg
BARRY Thomas Grange
BENSON Rev. Peter Maxwell Dundrain
BOVAIRD Andrew Elaghbeg
BRADLEY George Toolett
BREDIN Ezekiel Bonamain
BREDIN Henry Bonamain
BREDIN James Bonamain
BRIDIN James Lisfannon
BROOKE Rev. Hugh Lisfannon
BROWN Jos. Ballyderowan [Comment: now Richard McIlwaine]
BURNS Jas. Dundrain
CALLAGHAN Henry Elaghbeg
CAMPBELL Matthew Ballymoney
CANNING Charles Elaghbeg
CANNING Chas. Dundrain
CHAMBERS Adam Dundrain
CHAMBERS Alexander Dundrain
COCHRANE Andrew Ballyderowan
CRESWELL James Moness
CRESWELL Joseph Carrowreagh
CRESWELL Robert Carrowreagh
CUNNINGHAM Andrew Castlecooley
CUNNINGHAM George Elaghbeg
CUNNINGHAM Hugh Bohillon
DEANS John Ballyderowan
DEANS Samuel Ballyderowan
DEENY John Dundrain
DEENY John Moleany
DONNEL James Speenogue
DONNELL John Moleany
DUNBAR Robert Dundrain
DYSART James Carnamaddy
DYSART John Carnamaddy
DYSART John Carrowreagh
DYSART Joseph Bonamain
DYSART Joseph Carrowreagh
DYSART Margaret Lisfannon
EDWARDS Andrew Ballymoney
EDWARDS Peter Moleany
EDWARDS Robert Carrowan
EDWARDS Robert Moleany
ELDER David Ballyderowan
ELDER Moses Ballyderowan
ELDER Samuel Ballyderowan
ELDER Samuel Elaghbeg
ELLIOTT Walker Elaghbeg
EWING Mrs Mary Ann Carnamaddy
FERGUSON Andrew Speenogue
FERGUSON James Bohillon
GALLAUGHER David Moleany
GALLAUGHER Heirs and Reps of the late William Gallaugher Carrowan
GALLAUGHER William Carrowan
GIBSON Charles Bonamain
GILFILLEN Robert Dundrain
GLASS Andrew Toolett
HAMILTON James Ballymore
HAMILTON William Ballymoney
HAY William Bohillon
HOGG Richard Carrowreagh
HOGG Robert Carrowreagh
HUTTON George Elaghbeg
IRWIN Alexr. Lisfannon
JOHNSTONE Wm. Elaghbeg
KEARNEY Chas. Dundrain[Comment: now Hugh Brown]
KERR William Castlehill
LAIRD John Moness
LEATHEM Alexander Bohillon
LEATHEM Heirs and Reps of the late Wm. Leathem Moleany
LEATHEM Heirs and Reps of the late Wm. Leathem Castlecooley
LEATHEM Heirs and Reps of the late Wm. Leathem Castlehill
LEATHEM Heirs and Reps of the late Wm. Leathem, Sen. Bohillon
LEATHEM William Moleany
LEATHEM William, Jun., Bohillon
LESLIE Andrew Grange
LESLIE John Carrowan
LYNCH Charles Bohillon
LYNCH John Moness
LYNCH Wm. Elaghbeg
MACKY James Lisfannon
MAGINNIS Daniel Elaghbeg
MAHAFFEY Samuel Carrowreagh
MARSHALL William Carrowreagh
McARTHUR Wm. Bonamain
McCARTER James Elaghbeg
McCLELLAND Margt. Bonamain
McCONNELL Alexander Castlehill
McCORKELL Archd. Elaghbeg
McCORKELL John Skeog
McCORKELL Wm. Elaghbeg
McCORKLE James Dundrain
McCORKLE Saml. Elaghbeg
McDAID John Toolett
McDEVITT Daniel Elaghbeg
McELWEE Robert Toolett
McFAWN Robert Ballyderowan
McFAWN Samuel Dundrain
McILHINNEY Samuel Bohillon
McILWAINE John Lisfannon
McNUTT John Elaghbeg
MILLER James Carrowreagh
MILLER Joseph Ballyderowan
MOORE John Toolett
MOORE William Toolett
MORAN John Elaghbeg
MORRISON James Ballyderowan
MORRISON James Carrowan
MORROW Matthew Carrowreagh
MOTHERWELL Samuel Bohillon
O’DONNELL Edward Toolett
PATTERSON Patrick Moness
PEOPLES George Carrowreagh
PORTER Andrew Carrowreagh
PORTER Ann Toolett
PORTER David Carrowreagh
PORTER Davis Carrowan
PORTER Heirs and Reps of the late William Porter Carrowan
PORTER James Moleany [Comment: now Robert Edwards]
PORTER John Carrowan
PORTER John Speenogue
PORTER Joseph Ballymoney
PORTER Joseph Carnamaddy
PORTER Samuel Carnamaddy
PORTER Thomas Toolett
PORTER William Ballymoney
PORTER William Carrowreagh
PORTER William Toolett
RAMSEY Allen Ballyderowan
RAMSEY James Ballyderowan
RAMSEY John Bohillon
REED David Grange
ROBINSON Andrew Elaghbeg
ROBINSON Jas. Elaghbeg
ROBINSON John Bohillon
ROBINSON William Bohillon
ROBINSON William Elaghbeg
ROBINSON William Toolett
RODDY Widow Ballyderowan
ROLLESTON John Bonamain
SCOTT James Bonamain
SCOTT Joseph Bonamain
SHIEL Patrick Speenogue
SMYTH Rebecca Carrowreagh
STARRET John Carrowan
STEWART David Toolett
STEWART James Ballyderowan
STEWART Jas., Jun. Toolett
STEWART Jas., Sen. Toolett
STEWART John Ballyderowan
STRAIN James Elaghbeg
STRAIN John Ballyderowan
TEMPLEMORE Lord Bohillon
THOMPSON Alex. Speenogue
THOMPSON Andrew Carrowreagh
THOMPSON John Moness
TOLAN William Dundrain
WALKER Thos. Dundrain
WALKER Wm. Elaghbeg
WARK Robert Carrowreagh
WARK Robert, Jun. Carrowreagh
WILEY John Ballyderowan
WILSON Jas. Elaghbeg
WILSON John Bohillon
WITHEROW James Dundrain
WITHEROW John, Jun. Dundrain
WITHEROW John, Sen. Dundrain
WITHEROW William Dundrain
YOUNG Andrew Ballyderowan
YOUNG Andrew Dundrain
YOUNG James Dundrain

Further Burt Parish records can be viewed here:

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Burt Parish Records, Co. Donegal

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