This file of the INDEX TO THE TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOK, AGHADOWEY PARISH, COUNTY LONDONDERRY, NORTHERN IRELAND, 1832 forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to COUNTY LONDONDERRY on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
Aghadowey Parish Co. Londonderry Townlands in Aghadowey Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.
In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.
In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)., Belfast.
These tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.
Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.
Townland Townland Townland Townland Aghadoey Ardreagh Ballinree Ballybrittan Ballycahan Ballyclough Ballydivitt Ballygawley Ballylintagh Ballymenagh Ballynacalley Ballyquinn Ballywillen Bovagh Caheney Carnamucklagh Carnrallagh Carrenroe Clarehill Cleggan Clencarb Clintagh Collins Coolhill Cooping Craig More Crevalea Crossmakeever Culdrum Cullycapple Cullyrammer Dernagross Droghead Drumacrow Drummail Drumsteeple Glenback Glenkeen Gorrin Gorton Gorton Coolhill Inchadoghill Keeley Killeague Killykergin Kiltess Knockaduff Landmore Lisbuoy Lisnamuck Maincraig Managh Managher Mayboy Mayoghill Meavemanogher Moneybranon Moneycarey Mullahinch Mullan Mullanabrone Risk Ruskey Scalty Segorey Shanlongford Tamlaght
Commissioners: Charles Douglas & Hugh Hemphill
SURNAME GIVEN NAME TOWNLAND/ SUBDENOMINATION ADAMS John Ballydivitt ADAMS John Ballymenagh ADAMS John Carrenroe ADAMS John Killykergin ADAMS Thomas Carrenroe ADAMS Wm. Carrenroe ALEXANDER Saml. Mullanabrone ANDERSON Alex. Ballymenagh ANDERSON Burnet Mullan ANDERSON Geo. Mayoghill ANDERSON John Ardreagh ANDERSON John Ballinree ANDERSON John Cullycapple ANDERSON Robert Collins ANDERSON Thomas Collins ANDERSON William Lisnamuck ARCHIBALD Alexander Clarehill ARCHIBALD H. Cleggan ARCHIBALD John Gorrin ARCHIBALD John Mullahinch ARCHIBALD Nathaniel Collins ARCHIBALD R. Cleggan ARCHIBALD Robert Mullahinch ARCHIBALD Widow Drumacrow ARCHIBALD William Cleggan ARCHIBALD William Glenkeen ARCHIBALD Wm. Knockaduff ARTHUR D. Managher ARTHUR William Managher BAIRD Alex. Ballynacally More BAIRD William Ballynacally More BANFORD Alexander Knockaduff BANFORD John Knockaduff BANFORD Thomas Ruskey BARKLEY Alex. Mullahinch BARKLEY Mr. Cullycapple BARKLIE Mr. Carnamucklagh BARLOW Richd. Ballywillen BARR John Segorey BARR Robt. Drumsteeple BARR Samuel Caheney BARR Widow Drumsteeple BENNET Thomas Ballydivitt BERRY William Drumsteeple BIRNEY Danl. Glenback BIRNEY Danl. Glenkeen BIRNEY Denis Tamlaght BLACK James Craigmore BLACK Jane Crevalea BLACK John Shanlongford BLACK Samuel Craigmore BLACK Widow Craigmore BLAIR James Collins BLAIR Neal Ballylintagh BLAIR Widow Lisnamuck BLAIR Wm. Ballylintagh BOLTON Wm. Clarehill BOOTH John Crossmakeever BOYCE Hugh Shanlongford BOYCE James Lisnamuck BOYCE John Meavemanogher BOYCE Robt. Meavemanogher BOYD Alexr. Collins BOYD Benjn. Ballylintagh BOYD John Ballylintagh BOYD John Ballyquinn BOYD Thomas Collins BOYD Widow Ballygawley BOYD William Collins BOYLE …? Drummail BOYLE Arthur Crossmakeever BOYLE Danl. Mullahinch BOYLE John Carnamucklagh BOYLE Matthew Gorrin BOYLE Patk. Cleggan BOYLE Patrick Mullahinch BOYLE Thomas Ballyclough BOYLE Thomas Gorrin BROWN Alexr. Drumacrow BROWN Alexr. Gorrin BROWN David Gorton BROWN Gabriel Lisnamuck BROWN John Gorton Coolhill BROWN Rev. John Droghead BROWNLOW Richd. Ballylintagh BRYCE Rev. Jas. Ballyclough BURNS Widow Killykergin CAMERON Rev. William Drumsteeple CAMPBELL John Ballygawley CANNING Wm. Crevalea CANT David Gorrin CARRICK James Gorrin CASIDAY John Mullanabrone CLARKE Widow Cullycapple COCHRAN James Aghadoey COCHRAN John Mullahinch COCHRAN Robert Carrenroe COCHRAN William Shanlongford COCHRAN Wm. Carrenroe COLLINS James Knockaduff CONN Saml. Ballygawley CONN Samuel Gorton CONNELL C. Mayboy CONNELL Charles Maincraig CONNELL Charles Meavemanogher CONNELL Cormick Mayboy CONNELL D. Mayboy CONNELL Fairey Mayboy CONNELL Hugh Tamlaght CONNELL John Maincraig CONNELL Owen Maincraig CONNELL Patk. Maincraig CONNELL Patrick Mayboy CONWAY James Caheney COX William Lisnamuck CRAIG Robt. Caheney CRAWFORD David Managher CRAWFORD James Craig More CRAWFORD John Managher CUNNINGHAM John Clarehill CUNNINGHAM Widow Ballynacally Beg CURRY …? Ballynacally Beg CURTIS …? Aghadoey DARRAGH John Kiltess DAVIS …? Ballynacally More DAVISON Mathew Aghadoey DAVISON Paul Mullanabrone DAWLASS William Shanlongford DEMPSEY Bernard Ballycahan DEMPSEY Charles Ballycahan DEMPSEY Edward Drummail DEMPSEY John Ballycahan DEMPSEY Mark Ballycahan DEMPSEY Patrick Ballycahan DEMPSIE Alexr. Carnamucklagh DEMPSIE Bernard Inchadoghill DEMPSIE Bernd. Carnamucklagh DEMPSIE Bernd. Drummail DEMPSIE Bryan Drummail DEMPSIE Charles Risk DEMPSIE Chas. Drummail DEMPSIE Denis Drummail DEMPSIE James Drummail DEMPSIE John Cullyrammer DEMPSIE John Drummail DEMPSIE John Glenkeen DEMPSIE John Risk DEMPSIE Patk. Carnamucklagh DEMPSIE Patk. Drummail DEMPSIE William Drummail DIAMOND Henry Mullanabrone DIAMOND Patk. Mullanabrone DINSMORE James Gorton Coolhill DINSMORE Mr. Gorton Coolhill DINSMORE Thomas Tamlaght DODS James Ballylintagh DOGHERTY Bernd. Clarehill DOGHERTY Con. Mullahinch DOGHERTY Henry Glenkeen DOGHERTY Hugh Mullahinch DOGHERTY Jno. Craig More DOGHERTY Neal Craig More DOGHERTY Patk. Kiltess DORRANS David Mullahinch DORRITY James Mullanabrone DORRITY John Risk DOUTHART Thomas Killykergin DUFF James Carnrallagh DUNLOP Simon Carnamucklagh DUNLOP Wm. Cullyrammer ERVINE James Carrenroe ERVINE Samuel Carrenroe ERVINE Wm. Carrenroe FAITH John Moneybranon FERRIS Patk. Tamlaght FERRIS William Tamlaght FLEMING Widow Ballyquinn FRIZZLE John Crossmakeever FULTON Saml. Ballyclough FULTON Widow Ballyclough FURLOW James Shanlongford GAMBLE Hugh Managher GEORGE Andrew Moneybranon GIBSON Andrew Craig More GIBSON James Clintagh GIBSON Widow Clintagh GIHAN Loughey Mayboy GILESPIE Andw. Knockaduff GILLEN Robt. Meavemanogher GILLEN Widow Meavemanogher GILLON Peter Meavemanogher GILMORE David Ballynacally More GILMORE David Ruskey GILMORE George Ballywillen GILMORE George Crevalea GILMORE George Glenkeen GILMORE George, Jun. Carnrallagh GILMORE George, Sen. Carnrallagh GILMORE James Clarehill GILMORE James Ruskey GILMORE John Glenkeen GILMORE Joseph Aghadoey GILMORE Matthew Caheney GILMORE R. Ballynacally More GILMORE Thomas Caheney GILMORE Widow Ardreagh GILMORE William Ardreagh GILMORE Wm., Jun. Carnrallagh GILMORE Wm., Sen. Carnrallagh GLASS James Crevalea GLASS James, Jun. Ballyclough GLASS James, Sen. Ballyclough GLASS Joseph Ballyclough GLEN Wm. Craig More GORMLY Joseph Mullanabrone GRAY Andw. Glenkeen GRAY James Mullanabrone GRAY Widow Scalty GREY Andrew Cullycapple GREY James Cullycapple GREY Robt. Cullycapple GRIBBON Patrick Drummail GRIER Wm. Ballymenagh GRISHAM Hugh Ballygawley GRISHAM John Ballygawley GRISHAM Langford Ballyquinn GRISHAM Richd. Ballyquinn HALL Hugh Moneycarey HALL John Ardreagh HALL John Moneycarey HANSON John Killykergin HANSON Wm. Ballylintagh HASLET Mr. Caheney HASLET Robt. Bovagh HEANEY Dan. Cullycapple HEANEY Robt. Cullycapple HEANEY Thomas Cullycapple HEANEY Widow Cullycapple HEANY Widow Cullycapple HEGARTY Charles Cleggan HEGARTY George Carnamucklagh HEMPHILL …? Aghadoey HEMPHILL …? Ballybrittan HEMPHILL …? Ballywillen HEMPHILL …? Crevalea HEMPHILL …? Mullan HEMPHILL Andrew Crevalea HEMPHILL Curtis Ballywillen HEMPHILL James Aghadoey HEMPHILL William Ballybrittan HENRY James Mullahinch HENRY John Lisbuoy HENRY John Segorey HENRY Saml. Lisnamuck HENRY William Mullan HENRY William Mullanabrone HIGARTY …? Drummail HILL David Mullanabrone HILL David Segorey HILL James Moneycarey HILL James Mullanabrone HILL John, Jun. Segorey HILL John, Sen. Segorey HILL Robert Segorey HILL Thomas Cullyrammer HILL Widow Mullanabrone HILL William Mullanabrone HILL Wm. Ballygawley HODGE James Mullahinch HODGE Robert Mullahinch HOGG Archd. Caheney HOGG John Caheney HOGG Thomas Caheney HOGG Widow Caheney HOGG Wm. Caheney HUGHES …? Cullycapple HUNTER …? Aghadoey HUNTER …? Crevalea HUNTER …? Mullan HUNTER John Carnrallagh HUNTER John, Esq. Aghadoey HUNTER Leslie Mullahinch HUNTER Mr. H. H. Ballybrittan HUNTER Widow Mullahinch HUTCHINSON John Ardreagh HUTCHINSON Mr. Ballynacally Beg HUTCHINSON Saml. Ballybrittan JAMISON Archie Cullyrammer JAMISON John Managher JAMISON Robt. Cullyrammer JAMISON Robt. Managher JOHNSON James Caheney JOHNSON John Aghadoey JOHNSON John Clintagh JOHNSON Robert Clintagh JOHNSON Widow Caheney JOHNSON William Killeague JOHNSON Wm. Clintagh JOY Neal Gorton Coolhill JOYLES [GILES] John Gorrin KAIN Bernd. Drummail KAIN James Killeague KAIN James Kiltess KAIN Wm. Ballymenagh KANE James Ardreagh KEARNS Hugh Ballinree KEARNS Missy Ballinree KEELEY Patk. Ballymenagh KEENING Alexander Carrenroe KELLY Charles Mayboy KELLY James Killykergin KELLY John Knockaduff KENEDY Alex. Caheney KENEDY James Caheney KENEDY James Maincraig KENEDY James Tamlaght KENEDY John Mayoghill KENEDY John Tamlaght KENNEDY James Ballyclough KENNEDY James Cullyrammer KENNEDY John Ballycahan KENNEDY John Ballyclough KENNEDY John Crossmakeever KENNEDY John, Jun. Ballyclough KENNEDY Robt. Ballyclough KENNEDY Saml. Caheney KENNEDY Thomas Crevalea KENNEDY Widow Ballycahan KENNEDY Wm. Ballycahan KERR James Ballygawley KERR John Ballygawley KILCHRIST [GILCHRIST] Robt. Killykergin KING Crawford Craig More KING Hugh Craig More KING John Craig More KNOX …? Cooping KNOX John, Esq. Aghadoey KNOX John, Esq. Ballynacally More KNOX Robt. Clarehill KNOX Robt. Glenback KNOX Saml. Mullahinch KNOX Thomas Clarehill KNOX Widow Mullahinch LAPPIN John Killykergin LAUGHLIN Thomas Mayoghill LAVERTY Widow Kiltess LEES John Crossmakeever LESLIE John Carnrallagh LESLIE Saml. Carnrallagh LONG John Crossmakeever LOVE Matthew Crossmakeever LUSK Thomas Tamlaght LYNN Andw. Knockaduff LYNN John, Jun. Gorton LYNN John, Sen. Gorton LYNN Samuel Gorton LYNN William Mullanabrone LYTTLE Joseph Cullyrammer LYTTLE Samuel Cullyrammer MADDEN Francis Tamlaght MADIGAN James Kiltess MADIGAN Shane Kiltess MAIRS James Culdrum MALONE William Ruskey MARRS James Crevalea MARRS Robert Crevalea MARTIN Henry Mullanabrone MARTIN John Gorton MARTIN John Lisnamuck MARTIN William Mullanabrone MARTIN Wm., Jun. Cullyrammer MAXWELL …? Ballynacally Beg MCAFEE James Clarehill MCAFEE James Keeley MCALARY Denis Craig More MCALARY James Kiltess MCALARY John Craig More MCALARY Murt Craig More MCALARY Murt. Kiltess MCALARY Ned Kiltess MCALARY Ned Kiltess MCALARY Widow Kiltess MCALASTER Danl. Ballygawley MCALEESE Denis Glenkeen MCALEESE James Glenkeen MCALISTER Anthony Clarehill MCALISTER Charles Meavemanogher MCALISTER James Mullahinch MCALISTER James Mullanabrone MCALISTER John Mullahinch MCALISTER Richard Clarehill MCALISTER Widow Dernagross MCANALLY …? Drummail MCANAREY Thos. Gorrin MCAULEY Alex. Mullanabrone MCAULEY James Ballybrittan MCAULEY John Ballybrittan MCAULEY John Cullyrammer MCAULEY John Moneycarey MCAULEY Neal Mullahinch MCAULY James Carnrallagh MCCAIGNEY John Drummail MCCALLAN Hugh Killeague MCCAMPHILL John Tamlaght MCCANN Hugh Risk MCCASKEY John Craig More MCCASKEY Paul Craig More MCCAUGHREN Andw. Gorton Coolhill MCCAUGHRIN Danl. Tamlaght MCCLEAN John Mullahinch MCCLEEREY Miss Moneybranon MCCLEEREY William Moneybranon MCCLEEREY William Mullanabrone MCCLEERY John Moneycarey MCCLOSKEY Wm. Cleggan MCCLOY John Caheney MCCLOY John Cleggan MCCLOY John Tamlaght MCCLOY William Cleggan MCCLURG Widow Lisnamuck MCCOLLUM Patrick Cleggan MCCORMICK John Maincraig MCCORMICK Patk. Moneybranon MCCORMICK Patrick Aghadoey MCCORMICK Robt. Glenback MCCOTTER Hugh Aghadoey MCCOTTER Patk. Drummail MCCURDY James Shanlongford MCCURDY Thomas Shanlongford MCDONNEL Alexander Cleggan MCDONNELL Alexr. Tamlaght MCELREE Mathew Moneybranon MCFALL Thos. Ballyquinn MCFALL Wm. Ballyquinn MCFARLAND …? Aghadoey MCFARLAND …? Crevalea MCFARLAND …? Mullan MCFARLAND Mr. Ballybrittan MCFARLAND Mrs Ballybrittan MCFARLAND Mrs. Mullan MCFEE William Segorey MCFETRISH [MCFETRIDGE] Alex. Mayoghill MCFETRISH [MCFETRIDGE] James Menagh MCFETRISH [MCFETRIDGE] John Crevalea MCGEE Wm. Crevalea MCGERDY [MCCURDY?] Danl. Mullanabrone MCGRAW Frederick Glenkeen MCGRAW James Cullycapple MCGRAW James Glenkeen MCGRAW William Glenkeen MCGUIGAN Saml. Caheney MCILROY Patk. Inchadoghill MCINTYRE Hugh Ruskey MCINTYRE Nathaniel Ballymenagh MCINTYRE William Lisnamuck MCKENDRY Daniel Gorton Coolhill MCKENDRY Manus Mayboy MCKERNAN James Mullahinch MCKERNAN Patk. Mullahinch MCLAUGHLIN John Culdrum MCMASTER Patk. Clintagh MCMICHAEL John Mullahinch MCMULLAN Danl. Mullanabrone MCMULLAN Saml. Mullanabrone MCMULLON Daniel Aghadoey MCMURTRIE James Crossmakeever MCMURTRIE John Drumsteeple MCMURTRIE Samuel Crossmakeever MCMURTRIE Widow Drumsteeple MCMURTRY David Drumsteeple MCNABB Patk. Crossmakeever MCNABB William Gorrin MCNALL John Crevalea MCNEILL Dan., Jun. Aghadoey MCNEILL Daniel, Senr. Aghadoey MCNEILL James Aghadoey MCNEILL James Mayoghill MCNEILL Robert, Jun. Aghadoey MCNEILL Robt., Sen. Aghadoey MCNOGHER …? Mayboy MCNOGHER Charles Meavemanogher MCNOGHER James Meavemanogher MCNOGHER John Meavemanogher MCPHERSON James Mullan MCQUIGG John Knockaduff MCQUIGG Robt. Caheney MCQUIGG Thos. Knockaduff MCQUIGG William Caheney MCQUIGG William Ruskey MCQUILLAN Widow Crevalea MCSHANE James Drumsteeple MEARNS Missy? Knockaduff MEARS Alex. Ballyclough MEATH Bishop of Ballygawley MEATH Bishop of Ballygawley MEATH Bishop of Ballynacally Beg MEATH Bishop of Ballynacally Beg MEATH Bishop of Mullahinch MEATH Bishop of Mullanabrone MEATH Bishop of Mullanabrone MEATH Bishop of Mullahinch MILLAR Alexr. Crevalea MILLER Danl. Ballylintagh MILLER John Ardreagh MILLER John Moneybranon MILLER John Shanlongford MILLER Matthew Drumacrow MILLER Saml., Jun. Dernagross MILLER Saml., Sen. Dernagross MILLER Thomas Caheney MILLIKEN Wm Bovagh MILLIKEN Wm. Gorton MITCHELL James Crevalea MITCHELL Thomas Killykergin MITCHELL Thos. Killykergin MITCHELL Widow Ballymenagh MOFFIT Thos. Meavemanogher MONTGOMERY Henry Lisnamuck MONTGOMERY Mary Crossmakeever MONTGOMERY Thomas Crossmakeever MONTGOMERY Wm. Crossmakeever MOONE Danl. Ballywillen MOONE Danl. Lisnamuck MOONE George Clarehill MOONE Widow Clarehill MOONEY Bernd. Clarehill MOONEY John Drumsteeple MOONEY John Glenback MOONEY Thomas Collins MOONEY Widow Clarehill MOONEY Widow N. Clarehill MOONEY Wm. Ballyquinn MOORE Samuel Clintagh MOORE Samuel Gorrin MOORE Thomas Aghadoey MORRISON Eleanor Mullan MORRISON George Crossmakeever MORRISON John Crossmakeever MORRISON John, Jun. Cullyrammer MORROW John Gorrin MORROW William Gorrin MULLAN Darby Kiltess MULLAN Denis Kiltess MULLAN James Kiltess MULLAN John Kiltess MULLAN Patk. Kiltess MULLAN Patk. Kiltess MULLAN Patrick Kiltess MULLAN Widow Craig More MULLAN Widow Kiltess MULLON Arthur Craig More MULLON Bryan Maincraig MULLON Denis Maincraig MULLON Francis Craig More MULLON Hugh Craig More MULLON James, Jun. Maincraig MULLON James, Sen. Maincraig MULLON Jas. Maincraig MULLON Lary Clintagh MULLON Michael Maincraig MULLON Patk. Craig More MULLON Thos. Craig More MULLON Thos. Meavemanogher NEILL James Glenback NICHOLE John Crevalea NIMOCKS Saml. Ballinree NORRIS Hugh Crossmakeever NORRIS John Crossmakeever ORR Andrew Ballydivitt ORR Andw. Keeley ORR Andw. Ruskey ORR Counsellor Caheney ORR Geo. D. Risk ORR George Cleggan ORR George D. Landmore ORR Paul Ruskey OWENS James Ballymenagh PATTERSON Richard Clintagh PATTERSON Saml. Drumacrow PATTERSON Wm. Clintagh PATTESON Edward Glenkeen PAUL Saml. Segorey PAUL Thomas Killykergin PEDIN Hugh Mayoghill PEDIN John Mayoghill PEDIN John Tamlaght PEDIN Martha Mayoghill PEDIN Samuel Clintagh PEDIN Samuel Mayoghill PERRY James Scalty PERRY Widow Mullahinch PERRY Widow Scalty PIPER …? Ballynacally Beg QUIGG Alex. Caheney QUIGG Danl. Caheney QUIGG Dougal Glenkeen QUIGG Henry Glenback QUIGG Widow Mullahinch QUINN Widow Meavemanogher QUINN Widow Segorey RAMSEY David Killeague RANGE John Carnamucklagh RANKIN John Lisbuoy RANKIN John, Sen. Lisbuoy RANKIN Robt. Killykergin RANKIN Thomas Lisbuoy REID John Ballyclough REID Robt. Mayoghill REID William Mayoghill REID Wm Aghadoey REID Wm. Ballinree RICHMOND John Clintagh RIDDLE Charles Lisnamuck RIDDLE John Ballybrittan RITCHIE Chas. Carrenroe ROBERTS James Glenkeen ROBERTSON Andrew, Jun. Killykergin ROBERTSON Andrew, Sen. Killykergin ROBERTSON Andw., Jun. Killykergin ROBERTSON Andw., Sen Killykergin ROBERTSON John Gorrin ROBERTSON John Killeague ROBERTSON John, Sen. Killeague ROBERTSON William Killykergin RODGERS Geo. Scalty RODGERS Hugh Scalty RODGERS Thos. Scalty RODGERS Widow Scalty ROGERS Widow Managher ROSBOROUGH John Crossmakeever ROSBOROUGH Richd. Ballyquinn ROSBOROUGH Wm. Ballyquinn ROSS James Managher ROSS Mathew Managher ROSSBORROUGH Jas. Ballycahan ROXBOROUGH David Crevalea ROXBOROUGH Jane Crevalea ROXBOROUGH John Carnrallagh ROXBOROUGH Wm. Carnrallagh SAMPLE James Killykergin SAMPLE John Killykergin SAVAGE Hugh Knockaduff SHAILS Andrew Carrenroe SHAILS James Ardreagh SHIRLOW Widow Scalty SIMSON William Glenkeen SIMSON Wm. Inchadoghill SLOAN William Segorey SMYTH Alexander Aghadoey SMYTH David Lisnamuck SMYTH John Killykergin SMYTH John Moneybranon SMYTH Robert Moneybranon SMYTH Saml. Moneycarey SMYTH William Ballydivitt SMYTH William Killykergin SMYTH William Managher SMYTH William Moneycarey SPENCE James Ballinree SPENCE Widow Collins SPENCE Wm. Collins STEPHENSON John Cleggan STEPHENSON John, Jun. Cleggan STERLING Rev. J. B. Carnrallagh STEVENS James Meavemanogher STEVENS Thomas Gorton Coolhill STIRLING Mr. Keeley STIRLING Rev. J. B. Ardreagh STIRLING Rev. Mr. Ballygawley STUART Alexr. Shanlongford STUART Andrew Clintagh STUART John Ballyquinn STUART John Mullanabrone STUART Rev. William Mullan STUART Rev. Wm. Crevalea STUART Robt. Cleggan STUART Thomas Carnrallagh STUART Thomas Gorton Coolhill STUART Wm. Ballyquinn TANNYHILL James Ballycahan TANNYHILL John Ballycahan TANNYHILL John Killeague TANNYHILL Widow Killeague THOMAS Wm. Ballywillen THOMSON James Glenkeen THOMSON John Cullycapple THOMSON Wm. Aghadoey THOMSON Wm. Gorton Coolhill TORRENCE Wm. Carrenroe TORRENS Alex. Glenback TORRENS Alex. Mullahinch TORRENS Alexr. Drumsteeple TORRENS James Gorton TORRENS Saml. Mayoghill TORRENS Thomas Cleggan TORRENS Widow Mayoghill TORRENS William Tamlaght TOY Wm. & son Cullyrammer USHART [USHER?] Alexander Knockaduff USHART [USHER?] Samuel Knockaduff VINCENT Hugh Ballygawley VINCENT Robt. Ballygawley WALLACE John Ardreagh WALLACE Robt. Mullahinch WALLACE Stephen Mullahinch WALLACE Thomas Ardreagh WALLACE Thomas Mullahinch WALLACE Thos Mullahinch WALLACE William Mullahinch WALLACE Wm. Cullycapple WALLACE Wm. Ardreagh WATERFORD Lord Bovagh WATERFORD Lord Caheney WATERFORD Marquis of Gorton WATERFORD Marquis of Gorton WATERFORD Marquis of Mayoghill WATERFORD Marquis of Mayoghill WATERFORD Marquis of Mullahinch WATERFORD Marquis of Mullahinch WATT Dan. Crevalea WATT John Mullan WEIR Widow Ballygawley WHITE Joseph Segorey WILLIAMSON Hugh Cleggan WILLIAMSON Hugh Craig More WILLIAMSON James Dernagross WILLIAMSON Jas. Aghadoey WILLIAMSON John Moneybranon WILLIAMSON Wm. Aghadoey WILLIAMSON Wm. Drumacrow WILSON David Dernagross WILSON James Ballybrittan WILSON John Collins WILSON John Knockaduff WILSON Mrs. Carnamucklagh WILSON Mrs. Killeague WILSON Robert Clarehill WILSON Robt. Killykergin WILSON Saml. Ballymenagh WILSON Samuel Glencurb WOODEND David Drumacrow WOODEND John Drumacrow WOODEND Robt. Killykergin WORKMAN Hugh Knockaduff WORKMAN James Mullan WORKMAN Richard Crevalea WORKMAN Wm. Mullan YOUNG Alex. Meavemanogher YOUNG Mr. Ballynacally Beg YOUNG Saml. Gorrin YOUNG William Shanlongford
Further records for COUNTY LONDONDERRY TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS can be found at:
Land, Property, Tithe, Taxation & Subsidies, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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