Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Tynan Family Notes, Cos. Tyrone & Donegal 1830-99

Personal announcements and advertisements extracted from insertions in the LONDONDERRY JOURNAL, LONDONDERRY STANDARD & LONDONDERRY SENTINEL
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
August 24 1830 [Married] On the 3rd inst., in the Church of Termonamongan, by the Rev. Mr. Colthurst, MR. JAMES TYNAN, of Altaclaudy, to MATILDA, youngest daughter of the late MR. SAMUEL MATTHEWS, of Bunderg. [Londonderry Journal]
March 29 1837 MALICIOUS BURNING – We are sorry to have to record a case of malicious burning in a hitherto peaceable district in the county Tyrone. On the night of the 14th or early on the morning of the 15th instant, some evil disposed person or persons, set fire to a large store-house, the property of MR. JAMES TYNAN of Bunderg, containing the produce of several acres of flax, a quantity of turf, and various other articles which were totally consumed. Mr. Tynan is a very respectable and well conducted man, and, we believe, has never been connected with party. We understand he has served the necessary notice to obtain compensation for his loss. [Londonderry Standard]
January 6 1841 [Married ]On the 24th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Dill, Donoughmore, ALLEN, fourth son of MR. JAMES TYNAN, Claudy Johnston, in the county of Tyrone, to REBECCA, second daughter of MR. WILLIAM PORTER, Carricknamana, in the county Donegal. [Londonderry Standard]
December 6 1834 [Died] On the 13th ult., at the residence of her brother, MR. JAMES TYNAN, of Altaclaudy, MRS. COCHRAN, aged 76, relict of the late MR. JAMES COCHRAN, of Maugheraboy, in the county Donegal. [Londonderry Sentinel]
August 25 1838 THE NEW CROP – A sample of new oats has been sent us which grew on the farm of MR. JAMES TYNAN, near Nn.-Stewart – The grain is of the finest description; it is large and firm, and fully equal to any we have seen in the most favourable seasons – Mr. Tynan’s oat crop is, we understand, the earliest in the neighbourhood of Nn.-Stewart, and is highly creditable to him as a farmer. [Londonderry Sentinel]
June 19 1841 [Married] On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. Matthew Clark, Ardstraw, MR. JAMES PORTER, Carricknamana, to ANNE, eldest daughter of MR. JAMES TYNAN, Claudyjohnston, county Tyrone [Londonderry Sentinel]
March 18 1843 [Births] At Green House, county Tyrone, the lady of ALLEN TYNAN, ESQ., of twins, a son and a daughter. Mother and children are doing well. [Londonderry Sentinel]
December 5 1846 [Died] On the 20th ult., at Claudy Johnston, in the Parish of Ardstraw, the residence of her brother, MISS ELIZABETH TYNAN, at the advanced age of 90 years. [Londonderry Sentinel]
March 25 1853 [Died] At Claudy Johnston, Ardstraw, on Tuesday, the 15th inst., MR. JAMES TYNAN, at the advanced age of 88 years. [Londonderry Sentinel]
November 18 1853 [Married] On the 16th inst., in the First Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. Dr. Goudy, MR. THOMAS TYNAN, merchant, Strabane, to RACHAEL, youngest daughter of the late MR. SAMUEL MARTIN, of same Place. [Londonderry Sentinel]
August 25 1854 [Birth] At Strabane, on Monday, the 14th inst., the wife of MR. THOMAS TYNAN, of a son. [Londonderry Sentinel]
October 23 1857 [Married] On the 8th inst., in Urney Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. John McConaghy, MR. WILLIAM JOHN TYNAN, of Claudy-Johnston, to MATILDA, daughter of MR. JAMES CRAIG, of Ballyfolliott [Londonderry Sentinel]
December 17 1858 [Died] On the 13th inst., at Bunderg, county Tyrone, MATILDA, wife of MR. JAMES TYNAN. [Londonderry Sentinel]
January 28 1859 [Birth] January 7, at MR. JOHN MARTIN's, Bridge End, Strabane, the wife of MR. THOMAS TYNAN, of a daughter. [Londonderry Sentinel]
March 16 1860 [Died] March 11, at Grove, near Ardstraw Bridge, JAMES, eldest son of Mr. ALLEN TYNAN, aged 17 years [Londonderry Sentinel]
March 14 1861 THE MAGISTRACY. – On the recommendation of the lieutenant of the county, the Lord Chancellor has been pleased to appoint JAMES TYNAN, of Bunderry [Bunderg], Esq., a magistrate for that county [Londonderry Standard]
October 11 1861 ASSAULT – On the evening of the 30th ult., as MR. JAMES TYNAN, of Bunderg, was on his way home from Newtownstewart market, in company with two friends, they were attacked by about a dozen persons in (sic) the bridge, in the immediate vicinity of the town. A friend who happened to be on horseback, hastened for the police. Mr Tynan, who has always been a well-disposed peaceable man, was very seriously injured. It is supposed that his assailants assaulted him through mistake, supposing him to be some other person. [Londonderry Sentinel]
February 20 1863 [Birth] February 5, at Claudy Johnston, county Tyrone, the wife of MR. WILLIAM J. TYNAN, of a son [Londonderry Sentinel]
March 8 1864 [Married] On the 3rd March, in the First Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Leslie A. Lyle, WILLIAM HAMILTON, ESQ., Shanony, to ELIZA ANN, only daughter of JAMES TYNAN, ESQ., Bunderg, county Tyrone [Londonderry Sentinel]
April 6 1864 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS – The following case was tried at Omagh Quarter Sessions, on Saturday last, 2nd April, before an intelligent jury empanelled to try the case: - MR. JAMES TYNAN, a respectable farmer and large flax grower, had last season about 25 acres of flax of prime quality. – The produce of one field, containing 16 acres, was distributed amongst five different mills: four of the mills gave nearly equal quantities; the fifth mill, belonging to a man named MR. SAMUEL STEEL, near Newtownstewart, was short in the delivery of his lot of cleaned flax, to the extent of nearly 8 cwt. Mr. Tynan sued him for the amount and showed that he did not take proper care of the flax, and obtained a decree with costs. [Londonderry Standard]
January 10 1865 [Married] January 3, in the First Presbyterian Church, Letterkenny, by the Rev. John Kinnear, MR. JAMES TYNAN, of Aughliard, to MISS ELIZABETH TURNER, of Rosbracken, county Donegal [Londonderry Sentinel]
September 1 1865 [Died] August 25, at Bridge End, Strabane, THOMAS, youngest son of MR. THOMAS TYNAN, aged 2 years and 9 months [Londonderry Sentinel]
March 27 1867 INSOLVENTS. – Petitions to be heard at Omagh on April 5, HAMILTON TYNAN, of Newtownstewart, in the County of Tyrone, grocer. James Young of Tattykeel, in the County of Tyrone, farmer. Wm. McMenamin, of Millnabreen, in the County of Tyrone, farmer. [Londonderry Standard]
July 31 1867



Gentlemen – In your reply to your Letter of Enquiry as to how the Steam Flax Mill you erected for me in March last is doing – I have had four months’ trial of her, and am gratified to state that the Mill is everything I could wish her to be. She has been seen by several Engineers and Scientific Gentlemen in the neighbourhood – and said by them to be on the most improved principle; also four of my men have been employed in steam mills in many places, and they say she is superior to any they have been in. I would advise all my Friends wanting Steam Machinery to give Messrs. HENRY GRAY & CO., Townsend-Street Foundry, Belfast, a trial before going elsewhere, as their Terms are Reasonable and their Workmanship Good.

I am, Gentlemen, Respectfully yours &c.,

JAMES TYNAN, Bunderg, Douglass Bridge, 29th July, 1867 [Londonderry Journal]

May 19 1868 [Married] May 12, in Ray Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McMorris, MR. SAMUEL MATTHEWS TYNAN, Bunderg, county Tyrone, to PRUDENCE, third daughter of SAMUEL GUTHRIE, ESQ., Ray, county Donegal [Londonderry Sentinel]
August 15 1868 BOILER EXPLOSION – On Tuesday, 11th instant, an explosion of a dangerous nature, although, fortunately not attended with loss of life, occurred at the flax mill of JAMES TYNAN, ESQ., Bunderg, near Newtownstewart. It appears that the workers were assembling after breakfast hour, and the mill was about to be started, when a report, resembling thunder, was heard, and the boiler was torn out of its seat and carried a distance of 250 yards, in its course throwing down a tall chimney stack and tearing some large trees out by the roots. Immediately after the accident Mr Tynan despatched one of his sons to Belfast for a new boiler, which it is expected will be in working order in about two weeks from this date. – Correspondent. [Londonderry Standard]
August 15 1868 ALLEGED MALICIOUS BURNING. – On the night of Wednesday, the 12th instant, the steam flax-mill, the property of MR. JAMES TYNAN, Bunderg, near Douglass Bridge, was discovered to be on fire. It would appear that on the night in question Mr. Tynan’s son had arrived from Belfast, where he had purchased a new boiler for the use of the mill, and while the family were engaged in conversation at about half-past eleven o’clock, the servants called out that the flax-mill was on fire. On going to the scene of the conflagration it was discovered that the mill door over the mill appeared to have been forced open. A large quantity of flax-straw ready for scutching, as well as the mill were on fire. Every effort was made to extinguish the flames, but without success. The fire was not got under until considerable damage was done. It is said that the burning is malicious, as Mr. Tynan, previous to his leaving the mill for the night, had taken the most vigorous precaution to guard against anything of the kind occurring. The fact of the loft door having been forced open, and the dried flax therein having been set fire to, is an additional evidence of the true character of the affair. No cause can be assigned for the perpetration of it. On the eve of the flax scutching season, this has been the third case of the kind which has occurred within a radius of a very few miles. The constabulary, as well as the inhabitants of the district, cannot be too vigilant in endeavouring to hunt the matter up. It will be remembered that some years ago, outrages in the arson way were perpetrated in this neighbourhood, and it was only when public denunciatory meetings were held, and the farming population became united together for the protection of their property, that the outrages ceased. Malicious burnings have now become so frequent that similar measures must be resorted to. It is said that neither mill nor machinery was insured in the present instance. – Correspondent. [Londonderry Journal]
October 1 1869 [Died] Sept. 25, at Claudy Johnston, ISABELLA, relict of the late MR. JAMES TYNAN, aged 87 years [Londonderry Sentinel]
January 19 1870

TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION on the premises, on Monday, 24th inst., at TWELVE o’clock, Noon, a valuable Farm of Land in the townland of Claudy Johnston, adjacent to MRS. MORRISON’s, and within ten minutes walk of the Victoria Station on the Irish North-Western Railway.

The farm consists of 55 acres, or thereabouts, be the same more or less, with plenty of Turbary, and an unfailing supply of Limestone. There are Flax Steeps, and every other necessary accommodation on the Premises. The farm is held by Lease at the yearly rent of £55, and an unexpired term of 17 years has yet to run, together with three young lives, two of whom belong to the Royal Family, and the third that of the Proprietor, MR. WM. JOHN TYNAN.

The Farm is in a perfect state of cultivation, and commands an extensive view of the surrounding country, which for beauty and elegance of scenery, cannot be surpassed.

A part of the Purchase Money will be allowed to remain with the Purchaser at a reasonable Rate of Interest. Any person desirous of investing will find the Purchase a valuable one.

The Purchaser will have to pay One and a half per cent Auction Fees, and the required deposit at declared at the time of Sale.

WILLIAM J. TYNAN, Claudy Johnston, 13th January, 1870 [Londonderry Standard]

March 26 1870 [Birth] March 19, at Bunderg House, the wife of SAMUEL MATHEWS TYNAN, ESQ., of a daughter [Londonderry Standard]
June 8 1870 [Died] May 27, at Claudy Johnston, Ardstraw Bridge, the wife of MR. WM. J. TYNAN, of a son. [Londonderry Journal]
January 21 1871


SALE of FARM and STEAM MILL, at BUNDERG, by proposal, on THURSDAY 26th January 1871, at the hour of TWELVE o’clock, Noon

I have received instructions from MR SAMUEL M. TYNAN to sell by proposal, at Bunderg, that excellent farm of Land and steam scutch-mill erected thereon and held by lease under his Grace the DUKE OF ABERCORN to JAMES TYNAN, Deceased, for a Term of Years and the life of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., Strabane.

The Farm contains eighty-three acres, Two Roods and Fourteen Perches, be the same more or less, at the yearly rent of £40 3s Sterling. The Government Valuation of the Farm is £56. The Farm is all Arable, and is in a high state of cultivation, all laid out in Large Fields, Seventy Acres of it thoroughly drained. There are fourteen acres suitable for Flax this Season, and can be supplied with Water on the Premises. Said Farm is well circumstanced in every respect, having comfortable Dwelling-house, with Orchard attached. The Office Houses are all New and Slated, Cow-house with Twelve Stands, and Stabling for Four Horses, all complete in fittings, also, Large Store, Barn, Piggery, and Fowl-house. There are on the Farm Five Houses for Scutchers and Labourers, three of which were erected this year. Said farm is well sheltered with timber and supplied with Spring Water.

The Steam Scutch Mill contains eight stocks with patent Rollers, with space and fitting for Six more Stock; the Boiler is Cornish, Eighteen feet long, Five feet in Diameter, with Flue in centre, with Gauge Cocks, and fitted with all recent improvements, high-pressure Engine 12 horse power, nominal, can drive up to 30-Horse power, length of Stroke, Twenty-two inches: the Mill Seventy-Four feet long and two storeys high and in first rate Working Order and in the centre of a Flax-growing country. Said Mill was erected in 1867. Said Machinery, Boiler and Engine, made by the eminent firm of Messrs. H. GRAY & CO., Belfast, and on it and the Farm there has been expended within the last few years £1,300. The premises are situated within 1½ miles of Newtownstewart and Victoria Bridge, two Stations on the Irish North-Western Railway, and five miles from Strabane, five from the town of Castlederg and seven from Omagh, all these are the best Inland Market Towns in the North of Ireland.

Terms -----£400 at sale and 2 ½ per cent Commission.

R. GORMLY, Auctioneer, Valuator and Commission Agent, December, 1870 [Londonderry Standard]

July 18 1873 [Married] July 10, in the Presbyterian Church, Ramelton, by the Rev. W.D. Wallace, MR. JAMES ROBERT TYNAN, contractor, Glasgow, formerly of Bunderg, Newtownstewart [Co. Tyrone], to MISS SARAH JANE HERON, daughter of the late DAVID HERON, ESQ., of Breaghey, Ramelton, Co. Donegal. [Londonderry Journal]
December 29 1880 [Died] December 25, at the residence of his brother-in-law, MR. ANDREW FORSYTH, Claudy Johnston, MR. HAMILTON TYNAN, aged 54 years. [Derry Journal]
June 4 1884 [Died] June 3, at the residence of his mother, Bridge-end, Strabane, WILLIAM M., second son of RACHEL TYNAN. [His remains will be removed for interment in the Graveyard of Strabane, on tomorrow (Thursday). The 5th inst., at 10 o’clock a.m. Friends will please accept this the only intimation] [Derry Journal]
June 22 1892 [Birth] June 16, at Carricknamana, Killygordon [Co. Donegal], the wife of W.J. TYNAN, of a son. [Derry Journal]
July 19 1895 [Birth] July 13, at Carricknamana, Killygordon, the wife of W.J. TYNAN, of a son. [Derry Journal]
December 25 1899 [Birth] December 23, at Carricknamana, Killygordon, the wife of W.J. TYNAN of a son. [Derry Journal]