Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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SMYLY FAMILY NOTES, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1831-67

Extracted from personal notices inserted in the LONDONDERRY SENTINEL.
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

Date Notice
November 5 1831 [Died] On the 29th ult., at his residence, at Camus, in the 84th year of his age, ROBERT SMYLY, ESQ., formerly of Omagh
July 20 1833 [Died] At Camus, on Wednesday week, the 10th inst., at an advanced age MRS. SMYLEY
March 10 1838 [Died] On Thursday week, by the Rev. Edward Atkinson, ROBERT SMYLIE, ESQ., Camus, to MARY ANNE, youngest daughter of CAPTAIN PORTER, R.N., Trafalgar, near Strabane
October 13 1838 [Died] On Tuesday week, MR. ROBERT SMYLY, of Carrygullon, near Strabane, aged 88 years
September 5 1851 [Died] At Camus, near Strabane, on the 30th ult., ROBERT SMYLY, ESQ., aged 58 years
August 20 1852 [Died] At the house of her brother in law, THOMAS BROWN, ESQ., of Drumnaboy, near Strabane, on the 8th inst., of inflammation of the lungs, MARY ANNE, relict of the late ROBERT SMYLY, ESQ., of Camus, aged 32 years
January 22 1858 [Died] At Camus, near Strabane, on Wednesday week, CATHERINE, relict of the late MR. ROBERT SMYLEY
August 25 1865 [Married] August 17, in the First Presbyterian Church, Newtownstewart, by the Rev. R.C. Donnell, assisted by the Rev. F. Russell, Second Strabane, WILLIAM SMYLEY, ESQ., Gibb, youngest son of the late ROBERT SMYLEY, ESQ., Carrigullen, to Sarah, eldest daughter of JOHN WALCHOB, ESQ., Ballylennon, near Newtownstewart county Tyrone
July 31 1866 [Married] May 10, at Melbourne [Australia], by the Rev. John Steele, JOHN McKENZIE, ESQ., Port Arlington, to MAGGIE, third daughter of the late ROBERT SMYLEY, ESQ., Carrigallen, Strabane
March 5 1867 [Married]February 28, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. W.A. Russell, MR. JOHN ROBERT GRAHAM, merchant, Front Street, Strabane, to CATHERINE, second daughter of the late MR. ROBERT SMYLEY, Carrickgullen
June 14 1867 [Married] On the 11th June, at St. Stephen's Church, Dublin, by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Ossory, uncle to the bride, assisted by the Rev. A. Ferguson Smyly, the REV. EDWARD NEWLAND, Incumbent of Collinstown, son of the late REV. THOMAS NEWLAND, to ELLEN BELISSA, the second daughter of the late JOHN GEORGE SMYLY, ESQ., Q.C., D.L., of Upper Merrion Street, and Castlederg, county Tyrone