June 14 1843 | Married on Thursday, the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr. Alexander, MR. ANDREW HOOD, Lisnatunny, near Newtownstewart, to JANE, youngest daughter of MR. THOMAS MOOREHEAD, of Ballymullerty |
December 20 1849 | Died the 8th inst., at Deargborough, near Gortin, of disease of the heart, in the 57th year of her age, MARGARET, the beloved wife of MR. JOHN MOORHEAD |
August 10 1833 | Birth: On the 5th inst., in the townland of Legatigal, near Fintona, the wife of JOHN MOOREHEAD, of a daughter. It is a remarkable circumstance that Moorehead and his wife have been married for upwards of 20 years, and that this is their first child |
August 31 1839 | Died the 23rd June, at Port Royal, Jamaica, MR. WILLIAM MOORHEAD, of Lisnatunny, near Strabane, Assistant Surgeon of H.M.S. Magnificent, only six months in the service when he fell, one of many victims in the same ship, to the ravages of yellow fever |
May 16 1840 | Married at Bangalore, (Madras Presidency) on the 24th February, by the Rev. G. Trevor, CAPTAIN C. APHORPE, K.S.F., 2nd N.I., to MARIA ANNE, second daughter of the late WILLIAM MOOREHEAD, ESQ., of Dungannon |
December 18 1847 | Married on the 7th inst., in the Church of Lisnaskea [Co. Fermanagh], by the Rev. Archibald Crawford, Incumbent of Trinity Church, Crom, and Chaplain to the Earl of Erne, the REV. JOHN FLANAGAN, Perpetual Curate of Lisnaskea, to SARAH, second daughter of the late ROBERT MOORHEAD, ESQ., of Carnalay, in the county of Tyrone |
July 26 1861 | Died July 22, at his residence, Bready, MR. ALEXANDER MOORHEAD, aged 72 years |
June 10 1864 | Died June 6, at his father's residence, Coolmaghery, WILLIAM JAMES MOORHEAD, aged 2 years |
February 3 1865 | Died the 28th January, at his residence, Ballymullarty, county Tyrone, THOMAS MOORHEAD, ESQ., at the advanced age of 103 years |
March 2 1866 | Married February 22, in the Established Church, Newtownstewart, by the Rev. Charles Hamilton, MR. ROBERT MOOREHEAD, Ballymullerty, to SARAH, only daughter of MR. JAMES McCAUSLIN, Moyle, Newtownstewart, county Tyrone |
December 24 1867 | Married December 19, at First [Presbyterian] Glendermott, Derry, by the Rev. J. Macdonnell, Coleraine, the uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev. F.J. Porter, Donagheady, MR. VICTOR LOVE, Gortavey, to MARY, eldest daughter of the late MR. ALEXANDER MOOREHEAD, Bready |