Date | Notice |
July 12, 1825 | Died on the 27th ult. aged twenty two years, MISS ISABELLA McFARLAND, daughter of ARMAR McFARLAND, Esq., of Straree. This amiable young lady bore, with pious resignation, her tedious illness with a firm reliance on the merits of her Saviour; awaited her dissolution without terror in happy tranquility and peace. Her worthy mother about six weeks ago paid the same debt of nature. This last calamity has added to the cup of woe another bitter ingredient. By her well-spent time, her piety and charity, she has secured to her possession that eternal “Inheritance which is laid up for us in Heaven.” In truth she was an affectionate friend, a valuable acquaintance. How painful and agonizing are those separations from our esteemed relations and friends! from all we hold most dear; but there is always something however to soften the affliction by the prospect of felicity in reversion, which the pious may hope for, and by the positive certainty of a recognition of friends in a better world with purer and more refined affections |
January 17, 1826 | Died on the 25th December ult. after a tedious illness of three years, which he bore with Christian patience, in the 81st year of his age, MR. JOHN McFARLAND, of Leardan, universally regretted. He was a man of a peaceable disposition. If disputes among his neighbours arose, he was always active in restoring peace, and he kept them often from wasting their money in litigious law suits. His well known disposition, famed for harmony and peace, brought with it its own reward. He died, as he lived, universally beloved, in the arms of his respectable family. His amiable conduct during a long life, makes all related to him acknowledge that he was an honour to his family and friends |
November 6, 1827 | Married on Tuesday last, by Rev. Mathew Clarke, MR. SAMUEL GOURLEY of Whiskey Hill to FRANCES, eldest daughter of MR. JOHN McFARLAND of Concess |
January 20, 1829 | Married by the Rev. Mathew Clarke, on Tuesday last, MR. JOHN JACK, of Meahey, to MARGARET, eldest daughter of MR. PATRICK McFARLAND, of Dergbrough, Upper Badony |
March 16, 1830 |
TO BE LET, For such term as shall be agreed upon, in lots from 100 to 500 Acres, THAT part of Glenlark, lately in the possession of ANDREW McFARLAND and Partners, containing 2,737a 3r. Plantation Measure. This Land is situated in the County of Tyrone and Barony of Strabane, about 4 miles from Gortin and 10 from Omagh: Proposals to be sent (if by letter post paid,) to THOMAS DISNEY, ESQ. Jun. 4, Westland-row, Dublin, or left with MR. CAMPBELL at Beltrim, who will show the Lands or give any information that may be required. As Security will be looked for, none but those of undoubted solvency need propose. N. B. --- The Lots to the number of 27 are marked with figures, and each Proposal should specify the number of the Lot or Lots proposed for |
August 30, 1831 |
MINIATURE, LIKENESS, AND PROFILE PAINTING A. McFARLAND BEGS leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general of Strabane and its Vicinity, that he has commenced the above Business for a short time only, in MR. A. BLAIR’S, Main-street, where he has a comfortable Drawing-room to meet those who may please to honour him with a Visit ; and, from the knowledge he has gained at the Master-School, Edinburgh, in the various Branches of the Art, and moderate charges, he hopes to merit public patronage. Strabane, August 23, 1831 |
February 11, 1834 | Married yesterday evening, by the Rev. A. P. Goudy, Presbyterian Minister of this town [Strabane], MR. McFARLAND of Omagh, Saddler, to REBECCA, eldest daughter of MR. ARCHIBALD McCREA, of this town, Saddler |
December 29, 1835 | Married on the 12th inst. MR. ALEXANDER BROWN of Maghrigar, to ISABELLA JANE, daughter of MR. JOHN McFARLAND, of Concess |
May 31, 1836 | Died at Concess, in the parish of Ardstraw, after a lingering illness, which he bore with the most pious resignation to the Divine will, MR. JOHN McFARLAND. He was a man universally respected by all who had the pleasure of knowing him, and died deeply regretted by a numerous circle of acquaintances |
August 16, 1836 | Died at his residence in Colvahillion, near Gortin, on Sunday, the 7th instant, JOHN McFARLAND, ESQ., aged 53. He was appointed sergeant of the Gortin cavalry at their establishment, in his 15th year, by the request of the gallant Colonel, COLE HAMILTON, grandfather of A. W. COLE HAMILTON, ESQ. of Beltrim. His remains were taken on Tuesday to the graveyard of Newtownstewart accompanied by a very large concourse of his respectable friends and surviving relatives, who seriously lamented the loss of such a member of Society, and deposited in the tomb of his deceased parents |
October 4, 1836 | Died on the 10th ult. at his residence in Straree, ARMOR McFARLAND, ESQ. aged 84. He was a man of the strictest integrity, and held in the highest esteem by all who knew him |
Date | Notice |
January 26, 1830 | Died suddenly, on the night of the 12th instant, by a fall from his horse, JOHN McFARLAND ESQ., of Drumlea, first Lieutenant Loyal Gortin Yeomanry. His remains were attended to the grave by the corps he long commanded and by a most numerous concourse of his late neighbours and friends |
Date | Notice |
July 23, 1839 | Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Moore, Presbyterian Minister of Glenally, Parish of Badoney, THOMAS KNOX, ESQ., of Balaskey, Parish of Leck, to MISS REBECCA JANE, third daughter of JOSEPH McFARLAND, ESQ., of Leardan near Gortin, in the county Tyrone |
May 19, 1841 | Married on Thursday morning last, in the Cathedral [Londonderry], by the Rev. James Graham, MR. WILLIAM WEBSTER, late of Belfast, to MARGARET, eldest daughter of ALEXANDER McFARLAND, ESQ., Letterbratt, county Tyrone |
August 4, 1841 | Died on the 19th ult., at the advanced age of 91 years, CATHERINE, relict of the late JOHN McFARLAND, ESQ., of Leardan, near Gortin |
August 18, 1841 | Married on Tuesday, 10th inst., at the house of her father, by the Rev. Mr. Hemphill, Presbyterian Minister of Gortin, MR. JAMES McFARLAND, of Letterbratt, to MISS CAMPBELL, daughter of MR. ANDREW CAMPBELL, of said Place |
February 27, 1846 | Married on the 13th inst., in the First Presbyterian Church, Newtownstewart, by the Rev. J. McCarter, MR. ANDREW McFARLAND, Glencoppaga, to MARY JANE, eldest daughter of MR. JAMES McFARLAND, of Carnaveagh, county Tyrone |
May 29, 1846 | Died in Sydney [N.S.W., Australia], on the 28th November last, MR. CLAUDIUS McFARLAND, brother of MR. ANDREW McFARLAND, of Ficarry, near Omagh, aged 25 years |
November 8, 1849 | Married on the 31st ult., in the Second Presbyterian Church, Castlederg, by the Rev. John Armstrong, MR. JOHN JOHNSTON, Killin, Drumquin, to MARY JANE, eldest daughter of MR. THOMAS McFARLAND, Kilklean |
January 25, 1843 | Died on the 20th inst., at the residence of her brother in law, MR. GEORGE McFARLAND, Aldohill, to which place she had gone on a visit, FANNY, aged 28, the beloved wife of MR. JOHN McFARLAND, Omagh, merchant, deeply and deservedly regretted |
September 20, 1843 | Died on the 12th inst., aged 68 years, MR. JOSEPH McFARLAND, of Leardin, near Gortin, county Tyrone, he was a loving husband, and a tender parent, obliging neighbour |
May 29, 1844 | Died at Lifford [Co. Donegal], on Thursday May 23rd, aged 67 years, ISABELLA, the relict of the late JAMES McFARLAND, ESQ., of Strabane |
October 25, 1849 | Died at Ballycolman, Strabane, on the 15th inst., MR. JOHN McFARLAND, aged 55 years |
Date | Notice |
February 19, 1831 | Died on Sabbath, the 13th inst., MISS MARGARET McFARLAND, youngest daughter of the late JOHN McFARLAND, ESQ., of Leardon |
December 10, 1831 | Died on the 21st ult., MRS. JOSEPH MATHEWSON, of Minniduff, daughter of the late JOHN McFARLAND, ESQ., of Leardan |
March 14, 1835 | Died at Learden, near Gortin, on the 26th ult., in the 81st year of her age, MRS. McFARLAND, relict of the late WILLIAM McFARLAND, ESQ. |
October 1, 1836 | Died on the 10th ult., at his residence in Straree, ARMOR McFARLAND, ESQ., aged 84. His remains were followed to the graveyard at Newtownstewart by above two hundred of the most respectable persons of the parish |
September 2, 1837 | Married on 22nd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Hemphill, the REV. JOHN MOORE, Presbyterian Minister, Glenelly, to MARGARET, daughter of MR. JOSEPH McFARLAND, Learden, near Gortin |
February 2, 1839 | Married on the 24th ult., by the Rev. S. Smyth, MR. JAMES SMYTH, Cock Hill [Co. Donegal?], county Derry, to JANE, daughter of MR. ANDREW McFARLAND, of Kilcam, county Tyrone |
August 7 1841 | Married on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. W.S. Hazlitt, Sixmilecross, MR. JOHN CUNNINGHAM, to MAGDALENE, daughter of MR. JAMES McFARLAND, both of Brackagh, near Omagh |
April 30, 1842 | Married on the 1st inst., in Fintona New Church, by the Rev. Mr. Marshall, JAMES McFARLAND, ESQ., merchant, Sixmilecross, to MARY, eldest daughter of MR. WILSON, ESQ., of Tonnagh Cottage, near Fintona |
July 16, 1842 | Died on Thursday, the 7th inst., at Kilclean, Castlederg, MR. JOHN McFARLAND, aged 106 years. The remembrance of the departed will be long cherished by all who knew him |
August 31, 1844 | Married on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. Matthew Clark, Ardstraw, MR. DUNCAN McFARLAND, of Drumduff, to ANNE, eldest daughter of MR. CUNNINGHAM CALDWELL, Ratin |
September 14, 1844 | Died on Wednesday 28th August, at his father's residence, Kilclean, Castlederg, JAMES McFARLAND, aged 19 years |
January 6, 1849 | Died in Beragh, suddenly, on the 27th ult., MR. JAMES McFARLAND, merchant |
January 20, 1849 | Married on Wednesday, the 17th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Newtownstewart, by the Rev. William Alexander, MR. ANTHONY McFARLAND, of Aldohill, to CATHERINE JANE, only daughter of the late MR. BENJAMIN FULTON, Newtownstewart |
March 31, 1849 | Married on the 16th inst., in the Parish Church, Dromore, by the Rev. Mr. St. George, HENRY CALDWELL, ESQ., Killen, to SARAH, daughter of NEVIL McFARLAND, ESQ., Newpark |
October 5, 1849 | Married on Thursday, the 20th ult., HENRY RUTLEDGE, ESQ., near Castlederg, to ANNE, daughter of NEVILLE McFARLAND ESQ., near Dromore |
January 11, 1850 | Died on the 28th ult., in the 64th year of her age, MRS. E. McFARLAND, postmistress, Gortin |
March 22, 1850 | Died on the 16th inst, after a lengthened illness, ISABELLA, daughter of the late MR. JOHN McFARLAND, of Leardin, near Gortin |
April 19, 1850 | Married at Omagh Church, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. W.N. Thompson, HENRY, the second son of JOHN McKENNY, ESQ., of Omagh, to MARY ANNE, sixth daughter of MR. JOHN McFARLAND, also of Omagh |
August 2, 1850 | Died on the 28th ult., in the 63rd year of his age, MR. ARMAR McFARLAND, of Leardin, near Gortin |
August 9, 1850 | Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. John Moore, in the Presbyterian Church, Glenelly, MR. JAMES HOGG, Coltrim, Moneymore, to MISS MARY McFARLAND, of Leardin, Gortin |
December 13, 1850 | Died suddenly, on the 23rd ult., at his residence, Carnaveagh, near Newtownstewart, MR. JAMES McFARLAND, aged 57 years |
January 31 1851 | Married on Tuesday, the 28th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Gortin, by the Rev. Matthew Logan, JAMES McFARLANE, ESQ., of Lisnascraig, near Gortin, to JANE, daughter of SAMUEL DUNN, ESQ., of same Place |
February 21, 1851 | Died on Sunday, the 12th ult., aged 53 years, MR. ANDREW McFARLAND, of Liscable, near Newtownstewart |
June 13, 1851 | Died at Legatigle, near Fintona, on Tuesday, the 3rd inst., JAMES, the third son of MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, aged 22 years |
October 8, 1852 | Died September 28, at Gortin, county Tyrone, aged 60 years, after a long and lingering illness, MR. CHARLES McFARLAND, a kind husband and an affectionate and indulgent parent. His remains were conveyed to the family burying ground in Gortin old churchyard |
November 25, 1853 | Married on the 10th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Badoney, by the Rev. Thomas Johnston, JOHN McFARLAND, ESQ., of Leardin, to MARY JANE, eldest daughter of ANDREW McFARLAND, ESQ., of Colvahullion, near Gortin |
December 23, 1853 | Married at Cappagh Church, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Redcliffe, JOHN JAMES McFARLAND, ESQ., Mountjoy, to JANE, eldest daughter of the late CHARLES McFARLAND, ESQ., of Gortin |
January 13, 1854 | Died on Thursday, the 5th inst., at Lisnacraig, near Gortin, MARY ANN, relict of the late JAMES McFARLANE, ESQ., aged 77 years |
May 26, 1854 | Married in the First Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, on the 23rd inst., by the Rev. Matthew Clarke, MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, Drumduff, to JANE, daughter of MR. CUNNINGHAM CALDWELL, Ratin |
July 10, 1855 | Married on the 5th July, in the Newtownstewart Church, by the Rev. Charles Hamilton, MR. ANDREW WILSON of Aughacessy, to MISS MARGARET JANE McFARLAND, of same Place |
August 17, 1855 | Married on Thursday, the 9th inst., in the Second Presbyterian Church, Castlederg, by the Rev. John Armstrong, WILLIAM McFARLAND, ESQ., of Kilkeen Cottage, to ANNE JANE, the only daughter of GEORGE IRWIN, ESQ., Crievy House |
November 2, 1855 | Died on Thursday, the 25th ult., at Lisnascraig, near Gortin, MR. JOHN McFARLANE, of Londonderry, son of the late JOHN McFARLANE, ESQ., M.D., surgeon, 40th Regiment of Madras Native Infantry, and late of William Street, Londonderry, aged 20 years |
November 16, 1855 | Married on the 8th inst., in the Second Presbyterian church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Andrew Maxwell, A.M., MR. WILLIAM LYONS, Carnone, to REBECCA, fourth daughter of MR. JAMES McFARLAND, Whitehouse |
November 23, 1855 | Married on the 19th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Gortin, by the Rev. Francis McClure, the REV. MATTHEW LOGAN, Gortin, to MARY, the only daughter of MR. JAMES McFARLANE, Drumlea, near Gortin |
December 7, 1855 | Married on the 20th ult., at Edenderry Church, near Omagh, by the Rev. Mr. Weir, MR. JOHN WILSON, of Tattykeel, to ELIZABETH, second daughter of MR. ANDREW McFARLAND, Colvahullion, Gortin, and niece of MR. JOHN BUCHANAN, Killyclogher, near Omagh |
June 13, 1856 | Birth: at Kilcleen, near Castlederg, on the 4th inst., the wife of MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, of a son |
August 15, 1856 | Died on the 31st ult., at Liscable, Newtownstewart, MR. JOHN McFARLAND, aged 65 years |
September 19, 1856 | Married on the 4th inst., at Carrickmore Church, by the Rev. A. Christie, ROBERT KERR, ESQ., of Sess, to ISABELLA, the fifth daughter of the late MR. ALEXANDER McFARLAND, of Ballyballaghan, in the county of Tyrone |
January 30, 1857 | Died on the 14th inst., at Glencopaga, Plumbridge, MARY ANN, wife of MR. JOSEPH McFARLAND |
February 27, 1857 | Married in the Episcopal Church, Portage City, Columbia county, state of Wisconsin, America, on the 14th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, B.D., rector ,OLIVER P. WILLIAMS, ESQ., of Portage, to MARY ANNE, daughter of the HON. HUGH McFARLANE, of Portage, and formerly of Lisnacraig, Gortin, county Tyron |
October 23, 1857 | Died on the 4th inst., at Dunbreen, near Omagh, MARGARET, relict of the late MR. ANDREW McFARLAND, aged 80 years |
November 27, 1857 | Died at the house of her daughter, in Gortanigan, on the 22nd inst., ISABELLA, relict of the late Lieutenant JOHN McFARLAND, Drumlea, aged 66 years |
December 11, 1857 | Died on Wednesday week, after a short illness, MR. JOHN McFARLAND, for a long period the Court House Keeper of Omagh, aged 79 years |
December18, 1857 | Birth on Thursday, the 10th inst., at Lisnacraig, Plumbridge, the wife of JAMES McFARLANE, ESQ., of a son |
January 22, 1858 | Married on the 19th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Glenelly, by the Rev. John Moore, MR. ROBERT McFARLAND, to MISS ELIZA HAY, both of Drumnaspar, parish of Upper Badoney |
May 28, 1858 | Died on the 3rd inst., MRS. HEMPHILL, of Straw, near Newtownstewart, in the 84th year of her age. She was the eldest daughter of MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, of Learden, who married MARIA, the eldest daughter of the late MR. ANDREW BUCHANAN, of Tattyreagh, near Omagh, and was the first cousin to the HON. JAMES BUCHANAN, now President of America |
August 6, 1858 | Married on the 27th ult., in the Second Presbyterian Church, Castlederg, by the Rev. John Armstrong, WILLIAM CATHERS, ESQ., Beachmount, near Derry, to Elizabeth, daughter of MR. THOMAS McFARLAND, Kilkleen, Castlederg |
September 23, 1859 | Married September 1, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Andrew Maxwell, A.M., MR. MATTHEW McFARLAND, Aughnacloy, to MISS MARY BAIRD, of Derrygoon |
December 23, 1859 | Births: December 18, the wife of MR. JAMES McFARLAND, Innkeeper, Beragh, of twin daughters |
March 30, 1860 | Died at Concess, near Strabane, Isabella, relict of the late JOHN McFARLAND, ESQ., aged 86 years |
June 8, 1860 | Birth: June 4th, at Beagh, Omagh, the wife of JAMES McFARLANE, ESQ., of a son |
January 18, 1861 | Married on the 15th January, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Donagheady, by the Rev. J.J. Porter, MR. WILLIAM O'NEILL, Castlewellan, to ISABELLA McFARLAND, the daughter of the late MR. ROBERT McFARLAND, Ballyhether |
January 25, 1861 | Married on the 17th January, at Strabane Church, by the Rev. George Craig, Rector of Aghanloo, uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev. William Alexander, Rector of Camus juxta Mourne, JAMES McFARLANE, ESQ., of Melmount, to LIZZIE, the eldest daughter of the late WILLIAM BOYD, ESQ., of Strabane |
February 1, 1861 | Married January 24, in the Second Ardstraw Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Andrew Maxwell, WILLIAM IRVINE McLAUGHLIN, merchant, Gortin, to MATILDA ANN, only daughter of MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, of Aughasessy |
March 1, 1861 | Married February 22, in Clogherney Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Joseph McAskie, MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Lislapp, to ELIZABETH JANE, second daughter of MR. JOHN McFARLAND, Dumduff |
December 20, 1861 | Married November 21, in the Presbyterian Church of Corrick, by the Rev. Samuel Black, MR. CHARLES McFARLAND, youngest son of MR. JACK McFARLAND, Letterbratt, to MARY, eldest daughter of MR. SAMUEL STEEL, Meenaduff, near Gortin |
January 10, 1862 | Married December 19th, at Newtownstewart Church, by the Rev. Charles Hamilton, MR. JOHN McFARLAND, JUN., Letterbratt, to REBECCA, only daughter of MR. JAMES FULTON, Drumahoe |
January 31, 1862 | Married September 25, 1861, in the British Consulate, Apia, Navigator Islands [Samoa], by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Gee, CHARLES McFARLAND, ESQ., merchant, Apia, second son of the late CHARLES McFARLAND, ESQ., Gortin, county Tyrone, Ireland, to MARY ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of JOHN C. WILLIAMS, ESQ., H.B.M. Consul for the Navigator Islands |
April 4, 1862 | Died March 25, at the residence of her son, Leardin, near Plumbridge, Parish of Upper Badony, SARAH, relict of the late MR. JOSEPH McFARLAND, aged 78 years |
April 25, 1862 | Died April 20, at his residence, Letterbratt, near Plumbridge, MR. JAMES McFARLAND, aged 57 years |
June 6, 1862 | Married May 29, in the Presbyterian Church, Gortin, by REV. JOHN McFARLAND, brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Logan, MR. WILLIAM CRAWFORD, Droit, to MARGARET, daughter of MR. ANDREW McFARLAND, Colvahillian, Gortin |
August 8, 1862 | Married July 16, in the First Presbyterian Church, Newtownstewart, by the Rev. Robert C. Donnell, assisted by the Rev. William Lynch, of Moyle, MR. JOHN McCAUSLAND, to MISS MARGARET McFARLAND, youngest daughter of JAMES McFARLAND, ESQ., of Castletown |
August 8, 1862 | Married July 29, at the Parish Church, Clougherny, by the Rev. Arthur Young, MR. THOMAS GALLAGHER, Redergan, near Beragh, to ANNIE, only daughter of MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, Eskermore, near Beragh |
August 22, 1862 | Married August 13, in the Parish Church, Donagheady, by the Rev. Mr. Colthurst, WILLIAM McFARLAND, ESQ., Aughafad, to MISS MARY ANN SMITH, of Ballinamallard, near Donemana |
September 5, 1862 | Died July 14, at Portage City, State of Wisconsin, America, SARAH, wife of HUGH McFARLANE, ESQ., of that city, and formerly of Lysnascraig, near Gortin, Tyrone |
September 5, 1862 | Birth: August 31, at Thornhill, Omagh, the wife of JAMES McFARLANE, ESQ., of a daughter |
January 23, 1863 | An inquest was held on the 16th inst., by WILLIAM O. ORR, ESQ., Coroner, on the remains of MARGARET McFARLAND, wife of MARSHALL McFARLAND, of Camowen. The deceased had been buried for some time, but owing to suspicions entertained as to the cause of death. Nothing was found, and a verdict of died of natural causes was Returned |
May 26, 1863 | Married May 22, in the Presbyterian Church, Gortin, by the Rev. Matthew Logan, MR. WILLIAM BAILEY, of Loughnease, to ISABELLA, daughter of the late MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, of Minaduff |
August 7 1863 | Married July 28, in the Presbyterian Church, Donemana, by the Rev J. Montieth, SAMUEL, youngest son of MR. SAMUEL McFARLAND, Kilcatten, to MARY, youngest daughter of JAMES RODDY, ESQ., Benoan Mills |
August 7, 1863 | Died on the 4th July, at his father's residence, Portage City, State of Wisconsin, from the effect of a wound received while on duty with his Regiment, at the assault of Vicksburg, on the 20th May, Lieutenant ANDREW JOHN McFARLANE, the son of HUGH McFARLANE, ESQ., and the grandson of the late JAMES McFARLANE, ESQ., of Lisnascraig, county Tyrone |
August 25, 1863 | Married On the 20th August, in the Presbyterian Church, Drumlegagh, by the Rev. Andrew Maxwell, A.M., MR. GEORGE McFARLAND, of White House, to ELIZABETH, only daughter of MR. JAMES McCAY, same Place |
March 18, 1864 | Married March 10, in the Presbyterian Church, Glenelly, by the Rev. John Moore, M.A., ANDREW CAMPBELL, ESQ., Aghalane, Upper Badony, to ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the late JAMES McFARLAND, ESQ., Letterbrat, Plumbridge |
May 19, 1865 | Died May 9, after a short illness, BESSIE JANE, daughter of MR. ARMOUR McFARLAND, of Learden, aged 8 years and 8 months |
June 6, 1865 | Birth: May 31, at Kilcleen, the wife of WILLIAM McFARLANE, ESQ., of a son |
June 6, 1865 | Died May 29, at Liscabble, Newtownstewart, MARIA JANE, infant daughter of MR. A.T. McFARLAND, aged 10 months |
June 16, 1865 | Married June 7, in the First Presbyterian Church, Dungannon, by the Rev. David McKinney, Pomeroy, MR. JAMES McFARLAND, merchant, Beragh, to MARIA, only daughter of ARTHUR WHITESIDE, ESQ., of Lurganden, Pomeroy |
October 31, 1865 | Died October 22, at his residence, Fecarry, near Omagh, ANDREW McFARLAND, ESQ., aged 64 years |
March 16, 1866 | Married March 1, in First Ardstraw Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Leslie A. Lyle, MR. GALBRAITH McFARLANE, Aughasessy, to MARY, only daughter of MR. WILLIAM FINLAY, Magheracolton |
April 13, 1866 | Died April 4, at his residence, Muckle, Castlederg, MR. JAMES McFARLAND, aged 80 years |
November 2, 1866 | Died August 29, at Demerara, West Indies, of fever, WILLIAM JAMES, the beloved son of MRS. ANNE McFARLANE, Letterbratt House, Plumbridge, aged 19 years |
January 4, 1867 | Birth: December 30, at Kilcleen, Castlederg, the wife of MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, of a son |
February 26, 1867 | Married February 15, in the Presbyterian Church, Edenderry, by the Rev. William Hamilton, MR. ARTHUR ROBINSON, Camowen, Omagh, to ELLEN JANE, eldest daughter of the late ALEXANDER McFARLAND, ESQ., of Cooley |
March 19, 1867 | Married March 12, in Corrick Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. S. Black, MR. ROBERT B. CAMPBELL, youngest son of MR. ANDREW CAMPBELL, of Letterbratt, to JANE, only daughter of MR. JOHN McFARLAND, of Letterbratt |
December 3, 1867 | Married November 21, in the Crossroads Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. John Gilmour, MR. WILLIAM LYONS, Carnoney, Omagh, to MISS MARGARET McFARLAND, Carrigans, Omagh |
January 12, 1869 | Birth: Jan 5, at Letterbratt, the wife of MR. JOHN McFARLAND, JUN., of a son |
January 12, 1869 | Married Jan 5, in the First Presbyterian Church, Corrick, by the Rev. Samuel Black, GEORGE, son of MR. GEORGE JACK, Mindamph, to REBECCA, daughter of MR. CHARLES McFARLAND, Letterbratt |
March 19, 1869 | Married March 11, in Second Presbyterian Church, Donagheady, by the Rev. F.J. Porter, MR. GEORGE McFARLAND, Ballyskeagh, to MISS ANNE CAMPBELL, Stonylane |
September 21, 1869 | Died Sept. 19, at Ballyskeagh, MR. JOHN McFARLAND, aged 65 years |
December 10, 1869 | Married Nov. 20, at the Scots’ Church, Gortin, by the bridegroom's brother, the REV. JOHN M FARLAND, of Rathmullan [Co. Donegal], assisted by the Rev. Mr. Logan, of Gortin, and the Rev. Thomas Johnston, of First Badoney, ARMAR, son of MR. ANDREW McFARLAND, of Culvahillin, to MISS E. CRAWFORD, eldest daughter of MR. JOHN CRAWFORD, Bridgelane Cottage, near Gortin |