Date | Notice |
Feb 1 1825 |
MURDER: On Tuesday the 11th instant, James McCormick of Moneycannon, parish of Donagheady and county of Tyrone, was barbarously murdered by two of his neighbours, Patrick and James Lynch, in the face of the day, and in presence of his son, Thomas McCormick, who, in making an unavailing effort to save his aged parent, was near sharing the same fate - indeed, would also have been their victim, had he not sought safety in flight, from the consequences of an unequal and desperate contest, he being unarmed. The Lynches, who are brothers, and both young men, were found by deceased trespassing upon his ground; as we have been given to understand, digging earth for the purpose of removing it to enrich their own. Old McCormick very naturally forbid them to proceed at their peril, as if they did, he would appeal to the law for the protection of his property; when, without any provocation, they fell upon him with their spades, and beat him so unmercifully that they broke his skull. - After glutting their rage upon him, and as we have observed, severely beating his son, they left him, and he was soon after borne to his own house, a sad spectacle indeed for his afflicted family, covered with blood and his brains protruding. He survived till the Saturday morning following at five o’clock, when he expired. The Rev. Francis Gouldsbury attended him on the evening he received the beating, and took his examinations, when he swore positively against the Lynches; and on Saturday the same Gentleman and another Magistrate, Hugh Lyle, Esq. held an inquest on the body, when Thomas M’Cormick having fully corroborated his father’s dying testimony, the jury returned an unanimous verdict of wilful murder against Patrick and James Lynch. They have absconded, but their apprehension is almost certain, from the strict pursuit which has been instituted. They are from 23 to 25 years of age - about five feet eight inches high - rather slender, but well made. One of them dark complexioned, with black hair and whiskers, the other, rather fair - with brown hair. The deceased was 75 years of age - was a member of the Presbyterian connexion, and had ever borne a respectable character - the Lynches are Roman Catholic, and, as we have heard, violent partymen. - Derry Journal. [Strabane Morning Post] |
Feb 22 1825 |
APPREHENSION OF THE MURDERERS OF JAS. McCORMICK: We received a letter last week from Trevor Corry, Esq. a Magistrate in Newry, informing us that on Sunday the 30th ult. two young men were apprehended there, on suspicion of their having been the perpetrators of the foul homicide which was committed at Moneycannon, County Tyrone, on the 11th of the same month, and of which an account was published in this paper. It appears that these two persons enlisted there on the 13th, two days subsequent to the fatal deed and were marched to Newry, the depot for recruits, and Sergeant Hamil, the paymaster’s clerk there, having read our paragraph, detailing the murder, was so struck with the resemblance which they bore to the persons accused, that he had them taken into custody. There were other circumstances, too, which warranted their detention. They admitted that their name was Lynch - that they were from within ten or twelve miles of Derry; and they could assign no satisfactory reason for abandoning their relatives and their land to enter the army, besides they endeavoured, by feigning bodily indisposition, to evade the personal examination which recruits have to undergo by the Staff Surgeon. Hugh Lyle, Esq., the Magistrate who held the inquest on the body of McCormick, and whose tenants the prisoners are has dispatched a person to Newry to identify them, but we have not yet learned the result. - Derry Paper. [Strabane Morning Post] |
Dec 9 1828 | The Treasurer of the Penny Society acknowledges to have received from Mr. Charles McCormick of Strabane, a donation of seventeen shillings and six pence, in addition to his contribution in the Presbyterian Meeting-house on the 30th ult. [Strabane Morning Post] |
Feb 7 1832 | [Died] At Burndennett, on Sunday last, after a short illness, Mr William McCormick, son of Mr James McCormick, of Stranorlar [Strabane Morning Post] |
May 29 1832 | [Died] On the 1?th instant, sincerely regretted, Mrs McCormick, late consort of Frederick McCormick, Esq. of Burndennet. Her mild and unassuming manners endeared her to all those who had the experience of her acquaintance [Strabane Morning Post] |
Aug 28 1832 |
CHOLERA: It is with deep regret we have to state, that, since our last publication, this alarming disease has made its appearance in this town. On Tuesday last, Mrs. McCormick, wife of Mr. Joseph McCormick, was taken suddenly ill, and visited by Drs. Stewart, Leney, and Surgeon Sproull, who, at the meeting of the Board of Health that day, pronounced the case to be one of decided Cholera. We have to lament, however, that the same ignorant and foolish prejudices which existed in other places, had also taken root among the people here, and to those may be mainly attributed the spread of the disease which has since occurred. A universal cry was raised against the existence of Cholera, and numbers of persons crowded into the house of the patient, and their advice prevailing over that of the Doctors, their prescriptions and advise were neglected, and Mrs. M’Cormick having lingered till Friday morning, fell a victim to the disease. On Thursday, a boy, named Mullan, took ill; but the house was shut against the Doctors and the Members of the Board of Health; and it was not till twelve o’clock that night, when the father of the boy who had been from home returned, that the medical aid was administered; the disease, however, was then so far advanced, that notwithstanding every exertion of the medical men, he has since fallen a victim to the disease. The mother in law, and a daughter of Mrs. McCormick, have since died; the child’s illness was concealed till past medical aid. A sister of Mrs. M’Cormick has since been ill with the same disease, but medical aid having been promptly administered, she is now, we are happy to say, in a fair way of recovery. A person named Oliver Boyd, a very infirm old man., was discovered on Saturday last, in the last stage of the disease, his friends having totally concealed his illness, and when the medical gentlemen obtained admittance, he was sitting at the fire side, to which he had been dragged, lest they should imagine anything was the matter with him. The most prompt and active measures have been taken by the Board of Health to put a stop to contagion, and to dispel such ignorant and unfounded prejudices. Drs. Patterson and Mitchell, Jun. have been especially appointed to attend all persons who may call upon them. Report of the Strabane Board of Health ---------- Monday, August 27 --- (Ten o’clock A. M.) --- Total cases, 9; deaths 4; remaining, 5 [Strabane Morning Post] |
Feb 5 1833 | [Died] Suddenly, on Monday 28th ult, Bridget, wife of Mr Charles McCormick, of this town --- her death will be long regretted by her friends and acquaintances, particularly by the poor, whose great benefactress she was [Strabane Morning Post] |
Aug 23 1833 | [Died] On Sunday last, at Burndenet, Frederick McCormick, Esq. aged 80 years, most generally and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends [Strabane Morning Post] |
Apr 22 1834 | [Died] On Friday the 18th inst. in the 56th year of his age, Mr Charles McCormick, for many years Spirit Merchant of this town. The good qualities of this man are too numerous and too well known to be described, -- let it suffice to say, that the number and respectability of those who followed his remains to the grave, bore sufficient testimony of his steady integrity and charitable demeanor through life, and universal esteem and regret in death. ---- Requiescat in Pace [Strabane Morning Post] |
July 1 1834 |
NOTICE: ALL Persons standing indebted to the late Mr. Charles McCormick of Strabane, are hereby requested to pay the amount of their respective Accounts to me, before the first day of September next, as such Accounts as may then remain unsettled, will be handed over to an Attorney, to enforce Payment thereof. And such Persons as may have claims against the Estate of the late Mr. Charles McCormick, are requested to furnish same forthwith, in order that they may be settled and paid. Daniel McCormick, Administrator, Lifford, 30th June, 1834 [Strabane Morning Post] |
May 4 1839 | [Died] At Cookstown, on the 15th April, Mr. John McCormick, sen., aged 71. He was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Seceding Church for 35 years [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Jan 16 1841 | [Married] On the 7th inst., by the Rev. John McConaghey, Urney, Mr. John McCormick, Fern, to Miss Ann Watson, of the same Place [Londonderry Sentinel] |
May 8 1841 | [Married] At Omagh, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Mr. McBride, C. .C., Henry McCormick, Esq., of Letterkenny, solicitor, to Eliza, daughter of the late Hugh Moss, Esq., of Omagh [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Jul 17 1841 | [Died] On the 29th June, Mr. James McCormick, of Ganvahan, near Castlederg, at the advanced age of 92 years. He was a man who, during his time in this world, enjoyed excellent health, and died apparently without feeling the slightest pain [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Oct 12 1844 | [Died] On the 29th ult., at Coagh, county Tyrone, aged 32, of disease of the heart, William McCormick, Esq., M. D., M. R. C. S. E., Physician to the Dispensary [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Feb 28 1851 | [Married] On the 13th inst., in Cookstown, by the Rev. T. Millar, Lurgan, Joseph, son of John McCormick, Esq., to Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Millar, Cookstown [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Sep 30 1853 | [Married] On the 21st inst., in Urney Church, by the Rev. V. B. Smyth, John Thomas, eldest son of Mr. Joseph McCormick, Drumbane, to Margaret, daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Leitch, Skelpy [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Nov 7 1856 | [Died] On the 25th ult., at his residence, Cookstown, Mr. John McCormick [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Jun 3 1859 | [Married] May 24, in Castlederg Church, by the Rev. Edward Edwards, Mr. James McCormick, Castlederg, to Ann Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr. John Smyth, Dartons [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Jul 13 1860 | [Birth] July 2, at Castlederg, the wife of Mr. James McCormick, draper, of a daughter [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Jul 19 1861 | [Died] On the 10th July, at Carncoran, near Castlederg, in the house of her daughter, Mrs. Sproule, Mary, the relict of the late Mr. John McCormick, of Cooel, near Drumquin, at the advanced age of 105 years [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Jan 24 1865 | [Married] On the 18th January, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Castlederg, by the Rev. J. Armstrong, Mr. Thomas Hamilton, Newtownstewart, to Miss Sarah McCormack, only daughter of Mr. William McCormack, Kinlough [Londonderry Sentinel] |
May 14 1867 | [Died] May 11, at Lisbuoy, Beragh, Matilda Jane, eldest daughter of Andrew McCormick, Esq., aged 26 years [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Dec 13 1867 | [Married] December 3, at the Second Presbyterian Church, Magherafelt, by the Rev. Robert Sinclair, of Rushfield, Moneymore, Mr. Andrew McCormick, Brookend, county Tyrone, to Margaret Annie, sixth daughter of Mr. William Davidson, Lisalbanagh, county Londonderry [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Jun 5 1868 | [Married] May 28, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Castlederg, by the Rev. John Armstrong, Richard King, Esq., Cumber, Fintona, to Matilda, daughter of John McCormac, Esq, Kilkleen [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Aug 17 1869 | [Birth] August 16, the wife of Mr. James McCormick, Castlederg, of a son [Londonderry Sentinel] |
Sep 24 1869 | [Died] July 15, at his residence, Swan Street, Melbourne, Australia, Mr. David McCormick, formerly of Castlederg [Londonderry Sentinel] |