Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Mathewson Family Notes, Co. Tyrone 1830-68

Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


January 5 1830 Married on Wednesday last, CHARLES FAUSSETT, ESQ. of Lisbofin, to MISS MATTHEWSON, daughter of the late GALBRAITH MATTHEWSON of Urblereagh, in this County
May 14 1833

MR SAMUEL MATHEWSON of this town, having determined to emigrate with his Family to Canada, and being to sail from Derry in a few days, by the Ship Regalia, Captain Smyth, for Quebec, our Townsmen, anxious to testify their feelings of respect and esteem towards Mr Mathewson, previous to his departure, presented him, on Saturday last, with Dr. Adam Clarke’s Bible and Commentary, very handsomely bound, in Eight volumes Quarto.

In each Volume is tastefully printed the following Inscription :

“Presented to Mr Samuel Mathewson, of Strabane, Ireland, by his Fellow Townsmen, on his departure from amongst them to reside in North America, in testimony of their Esteem and regard - 10th May, 1833.”

March 11 1834


As MR. JOHN MATHEWSON of Liscabell, near Gortin, was returning on Tuesday last from the market of this town, in crossing a ford near N. T. Stewart, he unfortunately fell from his horse and was drowned. His friends used every exertion to find his body but without success until the morning of Sunday last, when it was discovered on the strand near Lifford. The untimely fate of Mr Mathewson has caused very general and sincere sorrow as he was particularly esteemed by every person who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. His remains were removed to Newtownstewart on Sunday for Interment



December 13 1831 Died on the 21st ult., MRS. JOSEPH MATHEWSON, of Minniduff, daughter of the late JOHN McFARLAND, ESQ., of Leardan
October 28 1834 Married in the Church of Newtownstewart yesterday morning, by the Rev. William Hughes, MR. JOSEPH CATHER, of this City, to ROSEANNA, second daughter of LAVENS MATHEWSON, ESQ
December 6 1834 Married in Montreal, on the 29th October, by the Rev. Mr. Cheatley, MR. JAMES MATHEWSON, late of Newtownstewart, Ireland, to ELIZA, only daughter of MR. JOHN MATHEWSON, Montreal



June 10 1840 Married at Halifax, N.S., on the 28th April, by the Rev. Mr. Churchill, JAMES LAVENS MATHEWSON, ESQ., of Montreal, to FRANCES SMITH, daughter of the HON. MARTIN GUY BLACK, of Halifax
July 15 1840 Married n Newtownstewart Church, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mervyn Wilson, the REV. GEORGE KING, Curate of Hollywood [Co. Down], to JANE, relict of the late ALEXANDER STEWART, ESQ., and third daughter of the late LAVENS MATHEWSON, ESQ., Newtownstewart
December9 1840 Married on Thursday, the 10th inst., in Newtownstewart Church, by the Rev. Mervyn Wilson, WILLIAM EWART, ESQ., JUN., of 24 Donegall Street, and 8 Alfred Street, Belfast, to ISABELLA KELSO, youngest daughter of the late LAVENS MATHEWSON, ESQ., Newtownstewart
March 31 1841 Married on Saturday, the 20th inst., at St. Magnus the Martyr, London, ROBERT KELSO, youngest son of the late LAVENS MATHEWSON, ESQ., of Newtownstewart, county Tyrone, to JANE, second daughter of J.E. SAUNDERS, ESQ., Finsbury Square, London



June 27 1835 Died on the 19th inst., in his 49th year, MR. LAVENS MATHEWSON, of Newtownstewart. He was a member of the Methodist Society for 34 years, and as a son, brother, husband and father, he had few equals
October 31 1835 Birth: On Saturday, 26th Sept., at Montreal, the lady of MR. JAMES MATHEWSON, formerly of Newtownstewart, of a son
July 17 1841 Died on the 9th inst., at Liscable, near Newtownstewart, after a protracted illness, JANE, the beloved wife of MR. ANDREW MATHEWSON, aged 20 years
June 7 1845 Died on the 4th inst., at Newtownstewart, county Tyrone, at the house of her son in law, MR. MATHEWSON, where she had been on a visit, MARY ANNE, relict of the late EDWARD EDGAR, ESQ., of Buncrana, county Donegal
October 14 1853 Married in the City of Montreal, on the 15th September, by the Rev. John Jenkins, MR. JAMES BAYLIE, to SARAH JANE, daughter of SAMUEL MATHEWSON, ESQ., formerly of Strabane
May 12 1854 Died at Montreal, Canada, on the 11th April, after a brief illness, MR. SAMUEL MATHEWSON, merchant, in that City, in the 63rd year of his age. He was a native of Strabane, county Tyrone
October 6 1854 Died on the 5th ult., at Montreal, in the 43rd year of his age, JAMES LAVENS MATHEWSON, elder son of the late MR. LAVENS MATHEWSON, of Newtownstewart
December 14 1855 Died on the 1st inst., MR. JOSEPH MATHEWSON, of Minneyduff, near Gortin, county Tyrone, aged 72 years
December 21 1855 Died on the 17th inst., at Wheatfield, ISABELLA, relict of the late L. MATHEWSON, ESQ., Newtownstewart
October 8 1858 Died on the 25th ult., at Clare House, the residence of JOHN MATHEWSON, ESQ., SARAH, second daughter of the late ROBERT SPROULE, ESQ., of Burrelsfolly, in the 80th year of her age
January 6 1860 Died January 2, at Glenmacoffer, near Gortin, MARGARET, wife of MR. JAMES MATHEWSON
June 1 1860 Died May 30, at Crosh House, the residence of her brother in law, MR. C. MATHEWSON, LUCY, relict of the late MR. JAMES ASHTON, formerly of Buncrana
July 25 1862 Died July 16, at Clare House, County Tyrone, REBECCA JANE, wife of JOHN MATHEWSON, ESQ., aged 66 years
February 14 1865 Married February 9, at Crewe, by the Rev. Henry Faussett, incumbent, HUGH MATHEWSON, JUN., ESQ., of Montreal, to HULLY M., daughter of JOHN MATHEWSON, ESQ., Clare House, Tyrone
March 7 1865 Died on the 1st March, at Dunbunraver, Newtownstewart, MR. ANDREW MATHEWSON, aged 84 years
June 28 1867 Married on the 25th June, in Moville [Co. Donegal] Church, by the Very Rev. the Dean of Emly, assisted by the Rev. Thomas Olphert, Rector of the Parish, the REV. ROBERT MUSSEN, Incumbent of Drumclamph, Diocese of Derry, to SUSAN JANE, the daughter of JOHN MATHEWSON, ESQ., of Clare House, Castlederg
November 5 1867 Died November 4, at Creduff House, Castlederg, CLARK MATHEWSON, ESQ., late of Newtownstewart, aged 71 years. His remains will be removed for interment in the family burying ground, at Ardstraw, on Wednesday morning, at half past ten o'clock
July 17 1868 Died July 11, at his residence, Dunbunraver, Newtownstewart, MR. ANDREW MATHEWSON, aged 65 year