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TABLE OF CONTENTS - Click on item to jump to it
1. Eastern Aghaloo Parish and related areas:
1.1. Records for Eastern Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone: Townlands of Caledon Village, Guiness, Kilmore, Tullynashane, Dyan, Stragrane, Mullaghmore East, Kilsannagh, and Mullintor.
1.2. Records for locations with Hendersons most likely related to those of Eastern Aghaloo Parish:
1.2.1. Tynan Parish, Co. Armagh, and Farnaloy Townland, Derrynoose Parish, Co. Armagh
1.2.2. Dungannon Town, Drumglass Parish, Co. Tyrone
1.2.3. Co. Donegal
1.2.4. Co. Londonderry
1.2.5. Co. Sligo
2. Western Aghaloo Parish and Carnteel Parish
The purpose of my research into the Hendersons was to find my own Henderson ancestors, who were from Caledon, and Kilmore Townlands, Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone, and possibly from Drumhilery Townland, Tynan Parish, Co. Armagh –all a part of the Caledon Estate. A second objective soon became to connect them to the large number of other Hendersons, especially in Aghaloo Parish. Having limited success in making those larger connections to my own Henderson family, I thought it worthwhile to compile all the Henderson records for the benefit of others. The 359 records in this manuscript were collected over the course of several visits to PRONI, the National Library, Dublin, the National Archives, Dublin, and from other records available on the internet. For all records in this record collection where sources are included, the source always follows the record. The actual Henderson records are organized as follows:
1. Eastern Aghaloo Parish and related areas:
1.1. Townlands of Caledon Village, Guiness, Kilmore, Tullynashane, Dyan, Stragrane, Mullaghmore East, Kilsannagh, and Mullintor.
1.2. Other Nearby Locations with Hendersons most likely related to those of Eastern Aghaloo Parish, namely:
1.2.1. Tynan parish, Co. Armagh
1.2.2. Dungannon Town, Drumglass Parish, Co. Tyrone
1.2.3. Co. Donegal
1.2.4. Co. Londonderry
1.2.5. Co. Sligo
2. Western Aghaloo Parish and Carnteel Parish
3. Other locations possibly relevant to the earliest origins in Ireland of the Hendersons of Aghaloo Parish
The reasons for this choice of geographic division of Henderson records follows:
Eastern Aghaloo Parish is not an official geo-political area, but merely one of my own construct.
1.1. Townlands of Caledon Village, Guiness, Kilmore, Tullynashane, Dyan, Stragrane, Mullaghmore East, Kilsannagh, and Mullintor.
These townlands lie along the Blackwater River, with County Armagh on the other side of the river. They extend from Caledon, northward to the Aghaloo Parish border with Clonfeacle Parish, Co. Tyrone. The Hendersons in these townlands appear to have all been related to each other. From at least 1752, and probably earlier, they held leases in perpetuity (for reasons unknown) from the estate owners covering five generations of Henderson leases. These leases were mostly for 8 houses (tenements), backhouses (probably cottages for cottiers), and garden on a lot 70 feet by 320 feet, on Church Hill, (now Churchill Road), Caledon Village, as well as leases for several bog lands. This large tenement lot was on the west side of Church Hill, running roughly from the main street of Caledon up Church Hill to the present Church Hill School, now known as Churchill School. St John’s Church of Ireland (Anglican) is across the road from the school. This lot on Church Hill came to be known as Henderson’s Row. It was obviously a profitable lease. From this lot, the Hendersons operated businesses as blacksmiths, whitesmiths (tinsmiths), merchant grocers, and operated a post office, a school, and a boarding house, in various periods. The leases seem to have been divided up between 3 or 4 branches of the same Henderson family. In the lease records, the lot is most often referred to as ‘The Tenements on Church Hill.’ Those who benefited from leases on this property, in turn acquired leases in other townlands of the eastern portion of Aghaloo Parish, and elsewhere, presumably for younger sons who were not to have a part in the leases for the tenements on Church Hill. I tried to draw up a family tree from all the records for Eastern Aghaloo Parish, but there were too many men with the Christian names of John, James, and Thomas, and too few church baptism records to make any tree reliable. All records are organized chronologically. No records were found for Hendersons living in any other townlands of Eastern Aghaloo Parish, except for those townlands listed above.
1.2. Locations with Hendersons most likely related to those of Eastern Aghaloo Parish
Henderson records for Tynan Parish and Farnaloy, Derrynoose Parish, both in County Armagh, follow the records of Eastern Aghaloo Parish, because most of the townlands on which Hendersons were found in Tynan Parish, and Farnaloy were part of the Caledon Estate of Aghaloo Parish. Some of those Hendersons belonged to the C of I in Caledon, or at least were buried there, even though they did not reside in Aghaloo Parish. The Hendersons of Eastern Aghaloo Parish also acquired leases in Dungannon Town, and in Counties Donegal, Londonderry, and Sligo, and vice versa.
I found no connections whatever between the Hendersons of Eastern Aghaloo Parish, and the Hendersons of Western Aghaloo Parish. I rather suspect that they were not related to each other, unless it was from before 1752.
The Hendersons in the western half of Aghaloo Parish gravitated towards Carnteel Parish, were engaged as witnesses to a number of leases and deeds of the Marshall family of Glenkeen and Glendavagh in western Aghaloo Parish, and were not mentioned in any of the leases for the Church Hill tenements in Caledon Village, or any other leases in Eastern Aghaloo Parish. The records are organized chronologically.
The earliest record found for a Henderson in Aghaloo Parish was 1710, and in Tynan Parish 1685. Aghaloo Parish was not settled as part of the Ulster Plantation scheme of 1608-1622. There were certainly English and Scottish settlers in Aghaloo Parish before 1640, and the Parish was repopulated with new settlers about 1661. These earliest landlords of Aghaloo Parish obtained their tenants from elsewhere, either directly from Scotland and England, and/or from other Ulster locations that were settled in the Ulster Plantation scheme. The most likely, but unproven, candidates as early sources of Hendersons who may have relocated to Aghaloo Parish prior to 1710 are th0se of the Ulster Plantation, Abercorn Estates in County Tyrone, and the Ulster Plantation Estates of the Bishop of Armagh, and Trinity College, Dublin in County Armagh.
1.1. Townlands of Caledon Village, Guiness, Kilmore, Tullynashane, Dyan, Stragrane, Mullaghmore East, Kilsannagh, and Mullintor. No records for Hendersons were found in any other townland of Eastern Aghaloo Parish.
1. 1737, June 3: John Henderson paid 1 shilling, 4 duckets for making hooks for the church gate. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p.18. Note: This is work that a blacksmith might have done.
2. 1737, Oct. 4: John Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p.24.
3. 1749: The Last Will and Testament of John Henderson of Caledon is dated 29 May 1749. The contents of the Will have not survived. Source: PRONI Wills Index, on the PRONI website. NOTE: As per the next entry (1752, May 14) John Henderson’s share of the lease of the tenements at Caledon are being re-leased to his heirs (his sons) Thomas Henderson and John Henderson II, along with John Henderson Sr’s original lease partner, Galbraith Henderson, who was possibly a brother of the John Henderson of this record.
4. 1752 May 14: Thomas Henderson, Galbraith Henderson, and John Henderson Jr. jointly leased part of the village of Caledon, on the west side of the land leading to the church from the 6th Earl of Cork and Orrery, which was a lot of 73 feet x 320 feet, including tenement, garden, back houses, and ½ a field. Note : The actual lease was not contained in the Caledon Estate Papers, but rather was referred to, as above, in a lease of May 1773 to Thomas Henderson, by the Earl of Cork and Orrery, PRONI, ‘The Caledon Papers,’ document number D.2433/A/1/62/6. And in lease renewal document D.2433/A/1/78/1 dated June 1773, reference is made to the above lease of 14 May 1752 as “originally leased to Galbraith Henderson and to the heirs of John Henderson, deceased.”
5. 1754 & 1820: James Henderson of Caledon, buried on the 10th of March 1820, age 66 (ie. b c1754) Source: PRONI MIC/583/25 St John’s C of I, Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo.
6. 1758, Oct. 3: Thomas Henderson and Richard Henderson appointed as Church Wardens. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 35.
7. 1760, May 26: Richard Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 36.
8. 1761, Sept. 30: Richard Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 37.
9. 1763, Nov. 26: Robert Henderson joined the Free Masons of Caledon Lodge No. 333. Source:, at
10. 1766: Religious Census Returns, Parish of Aghaloo and Carnteel, Co. Tyrone:
Galbraith Henderson (1), Thomas Henderson (1), Thomas Henderson (2), Richard Henderson (1), Robert Henderson (1), Robert Henderson (2), John Henderson (1), John Henderson (2), John Henderson (3). Source: PRONI website: 1766 Religious Census Returns. Also Seanchas ArdMhacha, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1960, p 164
KILMORE TOWNLAND –The following is all one family.
1. William Henderson, born in the late 1760s or early 1770s, married about 1797, probably in Aghaloo, to probably Mary Ann Edwards. No marriage record has been found. They both died in Ireland. William’s wife’s maiden name is deduced from the fact that in three successive generations, her male Henderson descendants in Canada were given the middle name Edwards (with an ‘s’).
11. 1825: Tithe Applotments for Kilmore Townland, Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone - William Henderson, 20 acres, 1 rood, 37 perches.
12. 1837: Tithe Applotments for Kilmore Townland, Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone - William Henderson.
The seven known children of William Henderson and Mary Ann Edwards follow:
1.1. James Henderson, born about 1798 in Aghaloo, came unmarried to Megantic County, Quebec, Canada in 1826-27.
1.2. Martha Henderson, born Aghaloo, birth date unknown. Married in Aghaloo Parish or in County Armagh to a Vernor or Varnar. She married 2nd in Ireland to Henry Bowman. Came first to Vermont, with her Bowman husband, and her Vernor son, and Bowman children, as follows:
1.2.1. Jonas Vernor, born before 1826 in Ireland
1.2.2. Elizabeth Bowman, born 19 March 1826 in Co. Armagh, Ireland. Birth date is according to her obituary, when she died 28 August 1888 in Vail, Iowa.
1.2.3. Henry Bowman, born 1832-1835 in Ireland
1.2.4. Wilson Bowman, born August, 1833 in Ireland
1.3. William Henderson born c 1804 in Aghaloo. Married at Quebec City in 1828 to Susannah Davidson, formerly of Aghaloo Parish (probably Lismulladown).
1.4. Thomas Henderson:
13. 29 Jan 1804 - Baptism of Thomas, son of William and Anne Henderson of Kilmore. Source for baptism record: PRONI MIC 583/25 for St John’s Church of Ireland, Caledon, Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone. Thomas married Nancy Agnes (Ann) Reid. They lived in Kilmore Townland.
14. 1833, Nov.: Lease between Thomas Henderson and the Earl of Caledon for land in Kilmore Townland. On the overleaf, is written “I hereby surrender this lease to the Earl of Caledon for good and valuable considerations.” Signed by Thomas Henderson X his mark, “being truly read by me, John Core, 1 June 1834.” The lot in Kilmore was 29 acres, 1 rood, 15 perches. Rent: £18. Tenure: 21 years. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/23/17.
15. 1834, June 1: Lease for 1 life or 21 years, rent: £18 yearly including fees. Earl of Caledon to Thomas Henderson of Kilmore, Co. Tyrone for 29 acres, 1 rood, 15 perches at Kilmore. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/23/16, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue. Note: PRONI: D2433/A/1/23/17 is verbatim the same as D2433/A/1/23/16, except that it is for £18 rent, plus receivers fees yearly, and the lot size is 29 acres, 1 rood, and 14 perches.
16. 1835: Thomas Henderson appears as a 10 pound county elector in 1835. Source: Appendix to reports relative to the valuation of 10 pound county electors, registered between 1833 and 1840. Enhanced British Parliamentary Papers on Ireland, 1801-1922.
The four children, born in Ireland, of Thomas Henderson and Nancy Agnes Reid:
1.4.1. Anne Henderson, born 12 May 1836 in Kilmore Townland, Aghaloo Parish. Source for birth date: From the Family Bible of Dale Wright, Ontario, Canada.
17. 19 June 1836: Baptism of Ann, daughter of Thomas and Ann [sic] Henderson of Kilmore. Source for baptism record: PRONI MIC 583/25 for St John’s Church of Ireland, Caledon, Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone. 1.4.1. Anne Henderson married in Quebec to Richard Wright, born in Aghaloo Parish, near Kilmore. Richard Wright came to Megantic County, Quebec with his parents in 1830.
1.4.2. Martha Henderson, born March 1840 in Aghaloo Parish married in Quebec or Massachusetts. Source for birth date: From the Family Bible of Dale Wright, Ontario. Record for the baptism not found.
1.4.3. Mary Henderson, born 1844 in Aghaloo Parish. Source for birth date: From the Family Bible of Dale Wright, Ontario. Record for the baptism not found.
1.4.4. Jane Henderson, born 1846 in Aghaloo Parish. Source for birth date: From the Family Bible of Dale Wright, Ontario. Record for the baptism not found.
Thomas Henderson (1.4. above), his wife Nancy Agnes Reid, and their four children (above) emigrated to Megantic County, Quebec in 1847.
*1.5. Wilson Henderson born c1807-1812 in Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone. He emigrated to Megantic County, Quebec, unmarried in 1826-27 with his brothers, James and William. In the hand-written notes of his son, George Mitchell Henderson, “Wilson Henderson came from Caledon.” Wilson Henderson married in Quebec to Susannah Mitchell, who was probably from Tynan Parish (most likely Drumhilery), Co. Armagh or Aghaloo Parish., Co. Tyrone. *Note: Wilson Henderson and Susannah Mitchell are the ancestors of Gwen J. Barry.
1.6. Mary Ann Henderson born c1812 in Aghaloo Parish. She is said to have come to Megantic County, Quebec alone, unmarried from Drumhilery, Tynan Parish, Co. Armagh about 1832. She married in Quebec in 1842 to Henry Ralston II, the son of Henry Ralston I of Keady, Co. Armagh.
18. 1.7. Sarah Henderson: 13 Aug 1815 - Baptism of Sarah, dau of William and Anne Henderson of Kilmore. Source for the baptism record: PRONI MIC 583/25 for St John’s Church of Ireland, Caledon, Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone. Sarah is not known to have come to Canada.
More Kilmore Townland: I have placed this James Henderson of Kilmore (below) here because he is may be the brother of the above William Henderson of Kilmore, born c1760s-70s.
James Henderson of Kilmore:
19. 1825: In the Tithe Applotments for Aghaloo parish he is listed as James Henderson at Kilmore, 2 acres, 2 roods, 33 perches (probably bog land or grazing land for 1 or 2 cows) -Representative John Brown, and 14 acres (the farm)-Representative Hugh Wilson.
20. 1829: James Henderson is on the Freeholders Register for County Tyrone, at Kilmore. Source: Freeholder’s Register for Co. Tyrone, printed in The Strabane Morning Post, 19 May 1829 to 12 June 1832, transcribed by Faye Logue from microfilms of the newspaper which were purchased from the British Library, retrieved 29 Jan 2007.
21. 1830, Sept. 10: Renewal lease by the Earl of Caledon, to James Henderson of Kilmore, for a tenement and premises in Caledon. Source: PRONI D847/5/50, on the PRONI website –on line catalogue. This record connects the Hendersons of Kilmore to the Hendersons of the tenements on Church Hill.
22. 1830, Nov. 26: Lease of tenement and premises in Caledon for 3 lives, renewable forever. Rent £1.16.3 per annum and fees. Lease between the Rt. Hon. Dupre Earl of Caledon, and James Henderson, grocer of Kilmore, Co. Tyrone, and Thomas Henderson, farmer of Caledon, and John Henderson, blacksmith of Caledon, and Charles Norris of Caledon, for land in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D313/127, and PRONI: D847/5/52 both on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue. They are both essentially the same, except that PRONI: D847/5/52 provides more detail. I have merged the information from both, as above. This record connects the Hendersons of Kilmore to the tenements in Caledon, via James Henderson of Kilmore.
23. 1832, Jan. 17: Assignment for term of original lease in consideration of £41.12.6, from Samuel Henderson of Guiness, James Henderson of Kilmore, Co. Tyrone, and Thomas Henderson of Caledon, all farmers, to Bernard McAree of Caledon for 4 acres, 3 roods, 34 perches at Guiness. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/276/12, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue. Note: This record connects the Hendersons of Kilmore to those of Caledon and Guiness, and possibly to the myriad of leases for Hendersons of the tenements on Church Hill, Caledon.
24. 1837: James Henderson is at Kilmore in the 1837 Tithe Applotment for Aghaloo Parish.
Back to the chronology. . .
25. c1770 & 1845: Birth and Burial: Burial at Caledon: 2 March 1845, J. Henderson, age 75, of Glasslough [just across the border in Co. Monaghan, but buried in Caledon] [Ie. b c1770]. Source: Abstracted from the original parish registers of the C of I, Caledon, 7 Dec 2007 by Rev. David Wilson, Rector.
26. 1773, May: Thomas Henderson, smith of Caledon, leased from the 6th Earl of Cork and Orrery land in Caledon Village, a tenement and garden on west side of the lane leading to the church, and ½ a field. The lot was 73 feet x 320 feet. Rent was £1.16s Lease signed by Thomas X Henderson (his mark). Source: PRONI: D.2433/A/1/62/6. Note : The property was referred to as “then in the possession of Thomas Henderson, Galbraith Henderson and John Henderson, said lease bearing date of 14 May 1752.”
27. 1773, June 1: Galbraith Henderson, blacksmith, lease for 3 lives with covenant for perpetual renewal. Rent was
2.4.6, plus receivers fees yearly. Earl of Cork and Orrery to Galbraith Henderson of Caledon, tenement and garden in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/62/6, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
28. 1773, June 1: John Henderson Jr., of Caledon, blacksmith, and Galbraith Henderson of Caledon, blacksmith, leased from the Right Honourable Edmond Boyle, Earl of Cork and Orrery, the same piece of property as above, namely the messuage or tenement on the north side of Caledon town on Church hill, and all that field of land lying on the East side of the great road leading from Caledon to Dungannon, commonly known as the Red Bray field. Acreage: Tenement lot in front 70 feet and in depth from front to rear 320 feet, with yard, garden and back houses and Red Bray field of 2 acres, 3 roods. Rent:: £2, 4 shillings, 6 pence annually. Fines £1, 7 shillings, 6 pence. Fees: 12 pence to the pound sterling, payable half yearly. Signature: Galbraith Henderson. Note 1 : Lease says that above tenement and Red Bray field, “now held and enjoyed by Galbraith Henderson, and by the heirs of John Henderson, deceased, leased to Galbraith Henderson and the heirs of John Henderson on 14 May 1752.” This lease newly adds the bog of Aghenis and bog of Tinglush. Source: PRONI reference: D.2433/A/1/78/1.
Note 2: This is the last record in which Galbraith Henderson appears. According to PRONI D.2433/A/1/427 of 8 Apr. 1825, Galbraith Henderson died intestate (no date given).
The following are three children of a Thomas Henderson, who was living in Dungannon in 1825, and in Caledon in 1826. The following are 1. James Henderson –merchant grocer of Caledon, 2. Elizabeth Henderson, and 3. Samuel Henderson of Guiness and Kilsannagh:
1. James Henderson I, b c1778, d 1863, merchant grocer of Caledon.
29. 1813, May 31: Lease by Thomas Henderson of Caledon to James Henderson of Caledon, for west side of the street leading up Church Hill, 73 feet x 320 feet. Source: D.2433/A/1/90/1 An 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
30. 1825, March 18: Lease: John Henderson Jr. and Richard Henderson of Caledon, weaver, and Richard Henderson of Dungannon, whitesmith, son of Richard, and John Henderson, whitesmith of Dungannon eldest son of the aforesaid Richard, all on the one part. James Henderson of Caledon, merchant grocer, on the other part. Leasee is James Henderson for ½ the property of the land and tenement on the north side of Caledon town on church hill, house, yard, garden and back houses, with liberty of cutting turf in the bog of Knockaguenia. Lot of 38 feet x 320 feet in Caledon village. Red Bray field : 2 acres, 3 roods. RENT : £2, 4sh, 6p, plus yearly receivers fees, in consideration of £49. Tenure : for the life of the lease or the life of James Henderson. The lot is identified as “now occupied by John Rule, and in the possession of Thomas Henderson,” and also occupied by John Henderson of Caledon. The lease also indicates that in the Last Will and Testament of John Henderson, he bequeathed to his son Richard Henderson, his share in the above named tenements. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/426. This Deed and Memorial is also listed in D.2433/A/1/90/1 in the 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
31. 1825, Apr. 19: Deed of Assignment with covenant for perpetual renewal, in consideration of £14, from Margaret Henderson of Caledon (widow), to James Henderson of Caledon, merchant, for House and tenement in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/427, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
32. 1825, Apr. 19: Lease, with covenant for perpetual renewal in consideration of £10. Rent: £1/?/? yearly. Leased damaged. Thomas Henderson of Dungannon to James Henderson of Caledon, merchant, son of Thomas Henderson of Dungannon. Premises and lands in Dungannon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/428, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
33. 1825 & 1837: James Henderson was listed at the Town and Lands of Caledon in both the 1825, and 1837 Tithe Applotments for Aghaloo Parish. Source:
34. 1826, Sept. 27: Lease Assignment for 3 lives in consideration of £60 plus receivers fees by Thomas Henderson of Caledon, and his son Samuel Henderson of Guiness, to James Henderson of Caledon, merchant, son of Thomas Henderson of Caledon. Location of lease: Caledon Village, church hill tenement, garden, and back houses, 73 feet x 320 feet. Lease refers to an Indenture of 1 June 1773 between Edward Boyle (Earl of Cork and Orrery) and John and Galbraith Henderson, both of Caledon. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/434. Guiness is close to the location of Minterburn.
35. 1844, Nov 1: Search for Judgements against James Henderson for 20 years prior to 1 Nov 1844 (Queen’s Bench). James Henderson. Various counties in Ireland. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/556, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
36. 1844, Nov 1: Search for Judgments against James Henderson for 20 years prior to 1st Nov. 1844 (Exchequer). James Henderson. Search in various counties in Ireland. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/559, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
37. 1862, May 1: Last Will & Testament of James Henderson: In his Will, the corner house, premises and tenements are “allowed to be sold”. This would be the tenements on Church Hill, Caledon. In his Will, he mentions:
- His wife (unnamed) is to have the proceeds of rents from the tenements, until the property is sold.
- A sister, Elizabeth (Henderson) McDonnell. James leaves £6 to his sister Elizabeth.
- A son, James Henderson Junior, who is to receive half the proceeds from the sale of his father’s property, but until sold, James Jr. is not to receive any of the rents from the tenements or chattles, nor to reside in the corner house where his father now resides, nor take the furniture, or anything else whatever. See the entry under 1910 below.
- A daughter, Sarah Henderson and husband Charles Wilson, and their 2 children Anne Eliza Wilson and Sarah Wilson: James Sr.’s Will leaves half the proceeds from the sale of his properties to his daughter Sarah. And he leaves £25 each to Sarah’s children Anne Eliza Wilson and Sarah Wilson.
- A daughter, Jane Henderson, husband Samuel Murdock (married in 1841) who were living in Monaghan. See under May 19, 1841 – Jane Henderson. In his Will James I leaves £50 to his daughter Jane Murdock.
- A daughter Elizabeth Henderson, husband James Archer (married in 1841). In his Will, James leaves £30 to his daughter Elizabeth.
James’ Will further leaves: a) £6 to the Church Education Society for the Diocese of Armagh (C of I), b) £6 toward liquidation of the debt on the Caledon Presbyterian Manse, and c) After all of the above is paid off, the remainder is to go to Samuel Murdock for the care and support of James Sr.’s wife.
Source for the Last Will and Testament of James Henderson Sr.: PRONI Wills Index. The full Will is available on the PRONI website. Note: James Henderson Sr. either bought the properties, and tenements on Church Hill (ie. He was not a renting tenant), or his father may have purchased it, and left the properties to his son James. After the potato famine of 1845-48, the Earl of Caledon, like so many Estate owners, may have lost a lot of tenants to starvation, death, and through emigration. He may not have been able to obtain enough rental income to keep all of his properties going, and so may have sold off parcels sometime after 1848.
38. 1863 May 28: James Henderson formerly of Caledon died 28 May 1863, age 75 years, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Murdock, Monaghan. [Ie James Henderson born c. 1778] Source: Aghaloo Parish Death Announcements 1824-69 at Samuel Murdock was married to James Henderson’s daughter Jane (1.3. below)
39. 1864: Executor’s Oath negative. Andrew Wright, Kilmore, Co. Tyrone, Executor of James Henderson of Caledon. Source: PRONI: On Line Catalogue: D349/22.
Children of 1. James Henderson (based on his Will above):
1.1. James Henderson II. As per his father’s Will, he was to inherit ½ the proceeds from the sale of his father’s property, (if it was sold), but none of the rents or furniture.
40. 1.2. Sarah Henderson married 1839 to Charles Wilson. Announcement of the marriage of 28 August 1839 at Caledon Church of Mr. Charles Wilson of Caledon to Sarah, daughter of James Henderson of the same place. Source: Londonderry Standard, Announcement of March 9, 1839, from the Co. Tyrone website ‘Henderson Family Notes, Co. Tyrone 1823-69, And Londonderry Centinel - From Wilson Family Notes, Co. Tyrone 1823-1869, entered on the County Tyrone website. Their marriage is also listed for 1839 in ‘The Marriage Index for the Diocese of Clogher.’
41. 1873: Charles Wilson, and his son John Wilson were still living on the Church Hill property, and were general merchants. Charles Wilson ran the Post Office from his premises. Source: Archer vs the Earl of Caledon. Sub-Commission under the 1881 Land Act. Cornell University Library, KDK 219.G81. This was a challenge in the courts by James Archer over a small piece of land, known as ‘Town Park,’ rented by James Archer’s (above) son William Archer, on which to graze a few cows. The court case mentions Charles Wilson, and son John Wilson, as per this entry. Children of Sarah Henderson and Charles Wilson:
1.2.1. Ann Eliza Wilson
1.2.2. Sarah Wilson
1.2.3. Charles Wilson
1.2.4. John Wilson
42. 1.3. Jane Henderson married 1841 to Samuel Murdock. 1841: Married on the 19th inst., of May 1841 at Caledon, by the Rev Mr. Rankin, Presbyterian Minister, Samuel Murdock, Esq., of Monaghan, to Jane, second daughter of Mr. James Henderson, of Caledon, County Tyrone. Source: Londonderry Sentinel, Announcement of May 29, 1841 - from the Co. Tyrone website ‘Henderson Family Notes, Co. Tyrone 1823-69,
43. 1.4. Elizabeth Henderson, married in 1841 to James Archer. Their marriage is listed as 1841 in ‘The Marriage Index for the Diocese of Clogher. Also see under 1862, May 1, The Last Will and Testament of James Henderson of Caledon.
44. 1881: There was a challenge in the courts by James Archer over a small piece of land, known as ‘Town Park,’ rented by James Archer, and his son William Archer, on which to graze a few cows. Source: Archer vs the Earl of Caledon. Sub-Commission under the 1881 Land Act. Cornell University Library, KDK 219.G81. Child of Elizabeth Henderson and James Archer:
45. 1.4.1. 1893: William Archer, son of James Archer and Elizabeth Henderson, was living on the Church Hill property. William was a painter, and his wife kept a public house. In 1893, he was in a dispute before the courts over the rental price for a small piece of property called ‘Town Park,’ which he kept for grazing a cow, slightly less than ½ mile from Caledon. Source: Archer vs the Earl of Caledon. Sub-Commission under the 1881 Land Act. Cornell University Library, KDK 219.G81.
2. Elizabeth Henderson married a McDonnell, as per the above Will of 1. James Henderson I.
46. 1822: Marriage of Elizabeth Henderson of the parish of Aghaloo and John McDonald of the parish of Tynan, married by licence in 1822 at Tynan C of I. Source: Tynan C of I Parish Register - St Vindic’s Church, Tynan village, Co. Armagh (PRONI MIC1/12). The marriage is listed as 1822 in ‘The Marriage Index for the Diocese of Clogher. This may not be the correct placement for this marriage, as 1822 is a bit late for a marriage of this Elizabeth, noting that her brother, Samuel (below) married in 1797.
3. Samuel Henderson and Ruth Buntin of Guiness.
47. 1797: 5 March: Marriage between Samuel Henderson of the Minterburn Congregation and Ruth Buntin. Source : PRONI MIC 1P/3A - 1st Dungannon Presbyterian Church, Town of Dungannon, Parish of Drumglass. (Minterburn is on the Earl of Caledon Estate, in Aghaloo Parish.)
48. 1826, Sept. 27: Lease Assignment for 3 lives in consideration of £60 plus receivers fees by Thomas Henderson of Caledon, and his son Samuel Henderson of Guiness, to James Henderson of Caledon, merchant, son of Thomas Henderson of Caledon. Location of lease: Caledon Village, church hill tenement, garden, and back houses, 73 feet x 320 feet. Lease refers to an Indenture of 1 June 1773 between Edward Boyle (Earl of Cork and Orrery) and John and Galbraith Henderson, both of Caledon. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/434. Guiness is close to the location of Minterburn.
49. 1832, Jan. 17: Assignment for term of original lease in consideration of £41.12.6, from Samuel Henderson of Guiness, James Henderson of Kilmore, Co. Tyrone, and Thomas Henderson of Caledon, all farmers, to Bernard McAree of Caledon for 4 acres, 3 roods, 34 perches at Guiness. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/276/12, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
Children of Samuel Henderson and Ruth Buntin:
50. 3.1. Lydia Henderson: 1802, July 27: Baptism of Lydia Henderson on 27 July 1802, daughter of Samuel and Ruth Henderson of Kilsannagh. Source: PRONI MIC/1/236, Baptisms 1791-1805, St John’s C of I, Caledon, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website.
3.2. Male Henderson. Children of ‘male’ Henderson:
51. 1901 Census for Guiness Townland:
3.2.1. Margaret Henderson, head of household, age 52 (b about 1849), as per 1901 Census for Guiness.
3.2.2. Samuel Henderson, brother of head of household, age 56 (born about 1845), as per 1901 Census for Guiness.
Susan Thompson, age 30, as per 1901 Census for Guiness.
Source: 1901 Census, Guinness, Caledon ‘Ireland Census, 1901, at
Note: The above 3.2.1. Margaret, and 3.2.2. Samuel, may be out by one generation.
Back to chronology. . .
52. 1780 Sept. 07: John Huggins and Robert Henderson were apploted as overseers of bye-roads for Dyan division. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, pp. 47-48.
53. 1789: Robert Henderson at Mullaghmore [East]. Source: ‘Irish Records Index, 1500-1920,’ at
54. 1791, May 31: Thomas Henderson Junior appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 58.
55. 1792, June 29: Lease by Thomas Henderson of the City of Dublin and Catherine, his wife, alias Mason to George
Twaites of Dublin. This lease was in the Village of Caledon, a lot of 73 feet by 320 feet, for £72 rent. Note: The actual
Lease Agreement was not found in the Caledon Estate Papers, but rather was listed in D.2433/A/1/90/1-an 1845 Common
Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of
Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
56. Free Masons: Source: ‘Free Masons of Ireland (Ledger Book), at
1792: Dec 15: James Henderson joined the Caledon Free Masons, Lodge #333.
1792: Dec 15: John Henderson [Sr. ?] joined the Caledon Free Masons, Lodge #333.
1793, June 17: Thomas Henderson joined the Caledon Free Masons, Lodge #333.
1793, June 17: John Henderson Junior joined the Caledon Free Masons, Lodge #333
57. 1793, Jan. 20: Baptism at St John’s C of I Caledon, of John Henderson, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Henderson of Caledon. Source: PRONI MIC/1/236, Baptisms 1791-1805, St John’s C of I, Caledon, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
58. c1794 & 1852: Burial: 5 May 1852 of Thomas Henderson of Guiness, age 58. (ie b c1794)
59. 1796, Feb. 19: Thomas Henderson, Place of Abode - Caledon, Place and Nature of Freehold - Caledon House, Parish - Aghaloo, Value - 40 shillings, date of registry - 19 Feb 1796. Source: PRONI List of Freeholders, 1796, Co. Tyrone .
60. 1796, March 29: Thomas Henderson of Caledon, Junior appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 60.
61. 1797 Apr. 17: Thomas Henderson of Caledon appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 60.
62. 1798 Apr. 10: Thomas Henderson of Caledon appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 60.
63. 1798, June 7: Thomas Henderson passed in his accounts as Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 61.
64. 1799, Apr. 16: Thomas Henderson of the parish of Drumholm, County Donegal leased land to John Henderson of the Parish of Inver So Coy [County Donegal]. The lot location was described as “the whole of Thomas Henderson’s farm in the village of Caledon – tenement on the west side of the lane leading to the Church.” The lot was 73 feet x 320 feet. Rent: £20. Source: The actual Lease Agreement was not found in the Caledon Estate Papers, but rather was listed in D.2433/A/1/90/1-an 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
65. 1799 Apr. 22: Thomas Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 61.
66. 1800, July 21: Thomas Henderson of Caledon, lease for 3 lives or 31 years. Rent £4.17.10, plus receivers yearly fees from James Lord Viscount Caledon, Caledon House, Co. Tyrone to Thomas Henderson of Caledon, farmer, for 2 acres, 3 roods, 10 perches in Tullinashane. [Tullynashane]. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/273, on the PRONI website , On-Line catalogue.
67. 1802, Sept. 7: Lease for 3 Royal lives for £50, and Rent: £2.4.6., plus receivers fees yearly. Richard Henderson of Co. Armagh, to Thomas Henderson, Caledon, for premises in Caledon, and 1 acre, 1 rood, 20 perches turf bog in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/338, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
68. 1802, Dec. 15: Baptism of William, son of William and Jane Henderson of Dyan. Source: PRONI MIC 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon
69. 1802, May 23: Baptism of Elizabeth, daughter of James and Margaret Henderson of Kilshanagh. Source: PRONI MIC/1/236, Baptisms 1791-1805, St John’s C of I, Caledon, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
70. 1802: Dec. 25: Baptism of Margaret, dau. of James and Jane Henderson of Caledon. Source: PRONI MIC/583/25 St John’s C of I, Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo.
71. 1805, Dec 5: Baptism of Jane, dau. of James and Jane Henderson of Caledon. Source: PRONI MIC/583/25 St John’s C of I, Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo.
72. 1815, July 2: Baptism of John, son of James and Jane Henderson of Caledon. Source: PRONI MIC/583/25 St John’s C of I, Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo.
73. 1804, May 10: Baptism of Sally Ann, daughter of John and Mary Henderson of Caledon. Source: PRONI MIC/1/236, Baptisms 1791-1805, St John’s C of I, Caledon, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
74. 1805: Feb. 20:Baptism of Ann, dau of Thomas and Elizabeth Henderson of Caledon. Source: PRONI MIC 583/25 - St John’s C of I, Caledon
75. 1811, May 8: Deed of Marriage Settlement between Edward Norris, and Maria, his daughter, and William Henderson on the one part, and James Henderson of Sligo, merchant, on the other part. The property settlement refers to “all and every part of the property of James Henderson.” (Tenements on Church Hill, Caledon) Source: The actual Deed was not found in the Caledon Estate Papers, but rather was listed in D.2433/A/1/90/1. An 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
76. 1813, May 3: Lease by Thomas Henderson of Caledon to James Henderson of Caledon, for west side of the street leading up Church Hill, 73 feet x 320 feet. Source: D.2433/A/1/90/1 An 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
77. 1820, March 10: Burial of James Henderson of Caledon, age 66 (b c1754). Source: PRONI MIC/583/25 St John’s C of I, Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo.
78. 1820: Richard Henderson, whitesmith, Perry Street, Dungannon. Source: Dungannon, Bradshaw’s General Directory, 1820, published by Thomas Bradshaw, Newry, and printed by Alexander Wilkinson at the Telegraph Office, Newry, 1819. Transcribed by Len Swindley, Melbourne Australia, . Note: Also listed on Perry St., Dungannon was George Davidson, whitesmith. Davidson is an Aghaloo Parish surname, and it may be from their Aghaloo Parish connections that they may have operated a joint whitesmith business. The Hendersons of Kilmore Townland married into the Davidsons of Aghaloo Parish, after both families emigrated to Quebec, Canada in 1827-28.
79. 1821, March 1: Lease for 1 life or 21 years, Rent £7.19.11, plus receivers fees years. From the Earl of Caledon to Thomas Henderson of Caledon, farmer, for 4 acres, 3 roods, 34 perches in Guiness. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/276/7, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue. This lease is repeated verbatim in PRONI: D2433/A/1/276/8, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue, except for the 2nd lease is for 4 acres, 3 roods, and 24 perches (vs 34 perches).
80. 1821, June 4: Marriage of John Henderson and Mary McWilliams, both of Caledon. Source: PRONI MIC 583/25 St John’s C of I, Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo
81. 1822: Marriage of Elizabeth Henderson of the parish of Aghaloo and John McDonald of the parish of Tynan, married by licence in 1822 at Tynan C of I. Source: Tynan C of I Parish Register - St Vindic’s Church, Tynan village, Co. Armagh (PRONI MIC1/12) Their marriage is listed as 1822 in ‘The Marriage Index for the Diocese of Clogher. Also see the entry for 1862, May 1 for the Last Will and Testament of James Henderson of Caledon.
82. 1825: Tithe Applotments for Town and Lands of Caledon: Galbraith Henderson, James Henderson, John Henderson, Thomas Henderson (1), Thomas Henderson (2).
83. 1825, March 18: Lease of John Henderson Jr. and Richard Henderson of Caledon, weaver, and Richard Henderson of Dungannon, whitesmith, son of Richard, and John Henderson, whitesmith of Dungannon, eldest son of the aforesaid Richard, all on the one part. James Henderson of Caledon, merchant grocer, on the other part. The leasee is James Henderson for ½ the property of the land and tenement on the north side of Caledon town on church hill, house, yard, garden and back houses, with liberty of cutting turf in the bog of Knockaguenia. Lot of 38 feet x 320 feet in Caledon village. Red Bray field : 2 acres, 3 roods. Rent : £2, 4sh, 6p. Tenure : for the life of the lease or the life of James Henderson. The lot is identified as “now occupied by John Rule, and in the possession of Thomas Henderson,” and also occupied by John Henderson of Caledon. The lease also indicates that in the Last Will and Testament of John Henderson I, (c1751-52, he bequeathed to his son Richard Henderson, his share in the above named tenements. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/426. This Deed and Memorial is also listed in D.2433/A/1/90/1 in the 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin,’ by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
84. 1825, March 18: Lease for 3 lives in consideration of £49. Rent: £2.4.6 yearly plus yearly receivers fees. John Henderson of Caledon, Richard Henderson, and his son John Henderson of Dungannon on the 1st part, and James Henderson of Caledon on the 2nd part, for Premises in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/426, on the PRONI website, On-line catalogue.
85. 1825: The Last Will and Testament of William Henderson of Caledon was dated 1825, farmer, but it has not survived.
Source: PRONI website – Wills Index.
86. 1825, Apr. 8: Margaret Henderson, the widow of William Henderson, leased to James Henderson, merchant of Caledon, for one year, the tenements on the west side of Church Hill, which was in the possession of Margaret’s late husband William Henderson, “shemaker.” (shoemaker?) Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/427. Note : The lease mentions the
lease of 1 June 1773 by the Earl of Cork and Orrery to Galbraith Henderson, and John Henderson both blacksmiths. And since Galbraith Henderson died intestate, the lease later went to John Henderson, and William Henderson (Margaret’s deceased husband), and Richard Henderson.
87. 1825, Apr. 19: Deed of Assignment with covenant for perpetual renewal, in consideration of £14, from Margaret Henderson of Caledon, widow, to James Henderson of Caledon, merchant, for House and tenement in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/427, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
88. 1825, Apr. 19: Assignment/Deed between Thomas Henderson, the leasee, and James Henderson, his son, the Leasor. Caledon Village, house and premises, 73 feet by 320 feet, west side of Church Lane. Source: D.2433/A/1/90/1-An 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
89. 1825, Apr. 19: Lease for ? lives, with covenant for perpetual renewal in consideration of £10. Rent: £1/?/? yearly. Lease damaged. Thomas Henderson of Dungannon to James Henderson of Caledon, merchant, son of Thomas Henderson of Dungannon. Premises and lands in Dungannon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/428, on the PRONI website, On-line catalogue.
90. 1825, Apr 22: James Henderson leases to his father, Thomas Henderson the tenements, west side of Church Hill, lot of 73 feet by 320 feet. Rent: “For Love and Affection.” Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/90/1. Note: The actual Assignment Agreement was not found in the Caledon Estate Papers, but rather was listed in D.2433/A/1/90/1-an 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses. James Henderson is the son of Thomas Henderson, as indicated in the lease of 27 Sept 1826, D.2433/A/1/434.
91. 1825, April: Thomas Henderson Sr. of Tullynashane transfers his deed to the tenement in Caledon Village, on the west side of Church Hill to his son, Thomas Henderson Jr. of Tullynashane. The lease is for a lot of 73 feet by 320 feet, with yard and gardens. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/428. Note : Refers to Earl of Cork and Orrery, who by Indenture of 7 June 1773 let unto Thomas Henderson, (Senior) then of Caledon, smith, a messuage or tenement in the town of Caledon, on the west side of the road leading to the church, with yard, garden.
92. 1826, Sept 27: Lease for 3 lives in consideration of £60, plus receivers fees yearly. Thomas Henderson and Samuel Henderson of Caledon, to James Henderson of Caledon. Premises in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/434, on the PRONI website, On-line catalogue.
93. 1826, Sept. 27: Lease Assignment by Thomas Henderson of Caledon, and his son Samuel Henderson of Guiness, to James Henderson of Caledon, merchant, son of Thomas Henderson of Caledon. Location of lease: Caledon Village, church hill tenement, garden, and back houses, 73 feet x 320 feet. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/434. Note: Refers to an Indenture of 1 June 1773 between Edward Boyle (Earl of Cork and Orrery) and John and Galbraith Henderson, both of Caledon. Guiness is close to the location of Minterburn. See 1797, for the marriage of Samuel Henderson.
94. 1827: Marriage of William Henderson of Caledon, whitesmith and Margaret Henderson. Source: PRONI 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon.
95. 1828, Aug 15: Marriage of Thomas Henderson of Caledon and Jane Marshall. Source: PRONI 583/25, St John’s C of I, Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo.
96. Thomas Henderson, b 30 Apr 1830 at Caledon, d 3 March 1862. Source: Mormon IGI Index
97. 1830, Nov. 26: Lease of tenement and premises in Caledon for 3 lives, renewable forever. Rent £1.16.3 per annum and fees. Lease between the Rt. Hon. Dupre Earl of Caledon, and James Henderson, grocer of Kilmore, Co. Tyrone, and Thomas Henderson, farmer of Caledon, and John Henderson, blacksmith of Caledon, and Charles Norris of Caledon, for land in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D313/127, and PRONI: D847/5/52 both on the PRONI website, On-line catalogue. They are both essentially the same, except that PRONI: D847/5/52 provides more detail. I have merged the information from both records.
98. 1831, March 31: Warrant on Bond for £230, plus interest. Thomas Henderson of Caledon, and Dupre, Earl of Caledon, Caledon Hill, Co. Tyrone. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/473, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
99. 1831, Apr. 6: Warrant on Bond for £100 plus interest. John Henderson of Caledon, and Dupre, Earl of Caledon, Caledon Hill, Caledon, Co. Tyrone. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/474, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
100. 1831, May 26: Warrant on Bond for £230. Thomas Henderson, farmer of Caledon, and Rt. Hon. Dupre Earl of Caledon, Co. Tyrone. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/475, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
101. 1831, June 3: Warrant on bond for £120 plus interest. John Henderson of Caledon and Rt. Hon. Dupre Earl of Caledon, Caledon, Co. Tyrone. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/476, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
102. 1832: Margaret Henderson of Caledon is named Executrix in the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Hearse.
Source: Irish Wills Index, IAR/1832/F/78, Vol. 4/237/33, retrieved 7 Apr 2006 at
103. 1825 Tithe Applotments for Guiness Townland, Aghaloo Parish: George Henderson, and Thomas Henderson
104. 1837 Tithe Applotments for Guiness Townland, Aghaloo Parish: George Henderson, and Thomas Henderson
105. 1837 Tithe Applotments for Town and Lands of Caledon, Aghaloo Parish: Galbraith Henderson, James Henderson, John Henderson, Thomas Henderson.
106. 1844, Apr. 3: The leasee was William Hugh for land in Caledon. The leasor was John Henderson by provisional assignee James S. Molloy, for the “estate and effects of John Henderson, late of Cregg Cottage, Co. Sligo.” Source: PRONI: D.2433/A/1/90/1. The actual Assignment Agreement was not found in the Caledon Estate Papers, but rather was listed in D.2433/A/1/90/1-an 1845 Common Search of the Registrar’s Office, Dublin, by the Henderson family, and by Charles Norris, of the tenement in the village of Caledon, west side of the lane leading to the church, with yard, garden and back houses.
107. 1844, May 31: Lease with Covenant for perpetual renewal, in consideration of £406, plus 12.10d. yearly. John Henderson, blacksmith of Caledon of the 1st part, Rt. Hon. James Dupre Earl of Caledon of the 2nd part, and Henry Leslie Prentice, Caledon of the 3rd part, Caledon, for Premises in Caledon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/551, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
108. 1844, Oct 10: Deed of Assignment for 4 Royal lives with covenant for perpetual renewal. In consideration of £660, plus 6.90d. yearly. Thomas Henderson, farmer of Caledon on the 1st part, and the Earl of Caledon on the 2nd part, and Henry Leslie Prentice of Caledon on the 3rd part. For eight houses in Caledon, Co. Tyrone. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/552, on the PRONI website, On-line catalogue.
109. 1844, Oct 3: - Thomas Henderson, farmer of Caledon. Source: D.2433/A/1/553. Lease not reviewed by me.
110. 1844: Caledon Estate Lease D.2433/A/1/554 – Thomas Henderson of Bellagy, Ballyscullion Parish, Co. Londonderry.
Source: PRONI D.2433 Index Binder. I did not review the actual lease.
111. 1844 : Thomas Henderson of Bellaghy, Co. Londonderry Caledon Estate Lease D.2433/A/1/555. Source: PRONI D.2433 Index Binder. I did not review the actual lease.
112. 1844, Nov 1: Search for judgements against John Henderson for 20 years prior to November 1844 (Exchequer). John Henderson of Caledon. Various counties in Ireland, mainly Co. Sligo. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/557, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
113. 1844, Nov 1: Search for Judgements against James Henderson for 20 years prior to 1 Nov 1844 (Queen’s Bench). James Henderson. Various counties in Ireland. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/556, on the PRONI website, On-line catalogue.
114. 1844, Nov 1: John Henderson of Co. Sligo. Source: D.2433/A/1/558. I did not review the actual lease.
115. 1844, Nov 1: Search for Judgments against James Henderson for 20 years prior to 1st Nov. 1844 (Exchequer). James Henderson. Various counties in Ireland. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/559, on the PRONI website, On-line catalogue.
116. 1844: D.2433/A/1/560 – John Henderson - Lease not reviewed. Name taken from PRONI Index Binder, D2433.
117. 1844: D.2433/A/1/561 - James Henderson. Lease not reviewed. Name taken from PRONI Index Binder, D2433.
118. 1845: Thomas Henderson, James Henderson, and John Henderson, and Charles Norris: Dublin Registry Office Common Search of all leases back to 1752 of the premises in Caledon, Church Hill, Co. Tyrone. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/190, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue. Note: This was a common search prompted by Charles Norris on all previous leases of the Church Hill property, dating back to 1752, in connection with a marriage settlement, concerning the marriage of Charles Norris’ daughter Maria, presumably to a Henderson. This common search produced many of the leases related to the tenements on Church Hill, Caledon that are found in this MS.
119. 20 May 1845: “Farewell Dinner — A few of the friends of Mr John Henderson of Caledon, on the occasion of his being about to emigrate to America, gave him a farewell dinner on Friday evening, the 16th inst., at the Caledon Arms Hotel, and presented him with a handsome silver snuff-box, having a suitable inscription thereon. . .” Source: The Armagh Guardian, 20 May 1845, retrieved 10 March 2003.
Note: Reports of emigration “to America,” found in Ireland records of the time, referred to North America, without being more specific.
120. Baptism: 30 March 1845, born 15 Feb 1845, Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Jane (nee Marshall) Henderson of Guiness. Source: From the original parish register of the C of I, Caledon, provided 7 Dec 2007 by Rev. David Wilson, Rector :
121: 1846, March 27: Marriage of George Henderson and Jane Divine, at Aghaloo Parish. Source:, Selection of Marriages, 1619-1898, at
122. 18 June 1846: Marriage of James Henderson of Caledon to Jane Stinson of Dyan. Source: PRONI MIC 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon.
123. 1847, 21 Aug: John Henderson of Caledon was appointed one of a number of Relieving Officers of the Armagh Union Workhouse. Source: “Terms for the Minute Book,” PRONI BG/2/A/4 found on the PRONI website –on-line catalogue.
124. 12 Apr 1848 - Burial of Anne Henderson of Red Bray, age 44, at Aghaloo (b c1804 ). Source: PRONI MIC 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon. Red Bray was property leased by the Hendersons. It was/is a field immediately to the north of the Church Hill school.
125. Burial: 5 May 1852, age 58, Thomas Henderson of Guiness. (Ie b c1794). Source: From the original parish registers of the C of I, Caledon, provided 7 Dec 2007 by Rev. David Wilson, Rector
126. The 1860 Griffiths Valuation of Ireland for Aghaloo Parish included the following:
Jane Henderson, Caledon
Jane Henderson, Guiness
Jane Henderson, Tullynashane
James Henderson Jr, Church Hill, Town of Caledon
James Henderson, Tullynashane
James Henderson, Caledon
James Henderson, Church Hill, Town of Caledon
127. Anne Eliza Henderson, daughter of Thomas Henderson, married 24 Sept 1860 at Caledon to Andrew Mehaffy, son of William Mehaffy. Source: Find My Past, at
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128. Mary Henderson, daughter of Thomas Henderson, married 3 Feb 1865 at Caledon to John Mercer, son of John Mercer. Source: Find My Past, at:
129. 1901 Census, Guinness, Caledon District: Margaret Henderson, head of household, age 52 (b about 1849), Samuel Henderson, brother of head of household, age 56 (born about 1845), Susan Thompson, age 30. Source: ‘Ireland Census, 1901, at
130. 1901 Census, Henderson’s Row, Caledon District: Rose Barker, age 76, head of household, Eliza Barker, age 40, Mary Henderson (nee Barker), age 34, John Henderson, son-in-law, age 37 (born about 1864), Thomas McSorley, age 33, Henry Gorman, age 63. Source: ‘Ireland Census, 1901, at
131. 1901 Census, Mullintor Townland: Francis McKeown, age 50, male, Head of Family, Presbyterian, born Co. Tyrone, Farmer, not married, Maggie Henderson, age 24, niece, Presbyterian, born Co. Armagh, Seamstress, not married. Source: The National Archives of Ireland.
132. 1910: J. Henderson -logdging-house keeper, at Caledon. Source: Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910, and according to the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910, there was a school located in Caledon Village at “Henderson’s Row.” This would be what is now called Churchill School, directly across Churchill Road from St John’s, C of I, and next to the lodging house, both of which were previously part of the same property.
133. 1911 Census for Killynaul Townland: Margaret Henderson, age 65 (born 1846), born Co. Tyrone, Episcopalian, Boarder, single. Source for 1911 Census: The National Archives of Ireland
134. 1911 Census for Caledon Town: John Henderson, age 50,(born 1861) married, born Co. Tyrone, Roman Catholic, Wool Blender, cannot read, Head of Family; Mary Henderson, age 48, married 14 years ago (1897), born Co. Tyrone, Roman Catholic, Wool Weaver, can read and write, wife; Peter Henderson, age 8, scholar, son; John Henderson, age 10, scholar, son; Patrick Henderson, age 6, scholar, son. Source for 1911 Census: The National Archives of Ireland.
135. 1911 Census for Mullintor Townland: Emma Henderson, age 23, born Co. Armagh, Housekeeper, Church of Ireland, Head of Family, single.
136. 1685, 21 May: Marriage of John Henderson to Elizabeth Henderson (p. 125)
137. 1687, Feb. 24: Baptism of Jannit, daughter of John Henderson (p. 111)
138. 1688, March 24: Baptism of James, son of John Henderson (p. 111)
139. 1715, June 12: Marriage of David Henderson to Jane Lee (p. 126)
Source for the above: Rev. J. M. Batchelor, “Tynan Parish Armagh, Burials, Marriages, and Baptisms, 1683-1723,” (99-132), Dúiche Néill: Journal of the O’Neill Country Historical Society, Vol. 15, 2006, 111, 125, 126. Note: This does not necessarily mean that they lived in Tynan Parish, as it was only a ½ mile walk from Tynan to Caledon. The C of I church at Caledon was only built in 1682, and those from Aghaloo Parish who had been regularly attending the church in Tynan may have chosen to stay with the Tynan church, at least initially. Insufficient information is available to be sure. And as below, there was certainly a family of Hendersons living in Tynan Parish.
140. 1740: George Henderson, and John Henderson were both listed as Protestant Householders of the parish of Tynan, Barony of Turany, Co. Armagh in 1740. Source : A look-up on the web, provided by Brian J. Gilmore - from the book, Historical Sketches of the Parish of Tynan and Middletown (out of print)
141. c1748: Bell Henderson of Tynan, buried in 1811 at Tynan, age 63 (b c1748) Source: St Vindic C of I parish records, Tynan, Co Armagh from PRONI Microfilm 1/12.
142. c1749: George Henderson of Cortinan, buried in 1839, age 90 (b c1749). Source: St Vindic C of I parish records, Tynan, Co Armagh from PRONI MIC 1/12
143. 1753 – John Henderson of Cortynan, Tynan Parish, was a Freeholder. Source: PRONI Freeholders Co. Armagh.
144. 1785: Jane Henderson of Tulliglush, age 34, buried at Caledon C of I on 20 Feb 1819. (ie b. c. 1785). Source: PRONI MIC 583/25 - C of I, St John’s Caledon
144. 14 Apr 1795, Burial of James Henderson of Drumhillery, Tynan Parish (no age at death given). Buried at Caledon C of I. Source: PRONI MIC 583/25 - C of I, St John’s Caledon.
146. 1796: John Henderson of Tynan was on the Irish Flax Growers List for 1796 for Co. Armagh, at Tynan Parish.
Source: Retrieved 14 Dec 2004 at http://204.60.95/hayes1966/armagh.htm :
147. 1802: Lease at Tynan Parish of Richard Henderson and George Henderson. Source: PRONI Index Binder D.2433. Names only abstracted. Full record is at PRONI D.2433/A/1/349. Also see D.2433/A/1/400/7 for George Henderson of Cortynan.
148. 1818, Nov. 5: Last Will and Testament of John Henderson, of Derryhaw, Tynan Parish, dated 5 Nov 1818. Source: Index Cards on file at PRONI. Derryhaw belonged to Trinity College, Dublin.
149. c1818: Headstone : Erected in memory of William Henderson, Cortynan who departed this life Nov 23 1894, age 76 years (ie b c 1818) and also his son John N. Henderson died Jan 26 1896 age 26. Also his son George Edwin Henderson d Nov 16 1917 aged 45 years, and also his wife Sarah Henderson d Dec 9 1976, age 101 years.
Source: St Vindic C of I Cemetery, Tynan, Co. Armagh. Headstone info abstracted by Gwen Barry.
150. 1785: Buried on the 20th Feb. 1819, Jane Henderson of Tulliglush, age 34. Buried at Caledon C of I. (ie b. c. 1785.)
Source: PRONI MIC 583/25 - C of I, St John’s Caledon. Tulliglush was part of the Caledon Estate.
151. 1821, March 1: The leasee was James Wilson of Tynan, and the leasor was the Earl of Caledon, for part of the townland of Cortynan. On the overleaf is written: “William Henderson Buildings.” The lease was for 6 acres, 2 roods, 1 perch, Rent £13, 3 shillings, 5 pence. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/400/4.
152. 1821, Apr. 1: Lease by the Earl of Caledon to George Henderson of Tynan Parish, for 15 acres, 2 roods, 22 perches forming part of the townland of Cortynan, for rent of £1.4p, Fees : £1.8sh. Source: PRONI: D.2433/A/1/400/7
Note: Also see D2433/A/1/349 re George Henderson of Tynan , and D.2433/A/1/192 re Philip Henderson of Tynan
153. 1822-1828: Children of John and Mary Henderson, farmer of Tynan: - Margaret b 2 Oct 1822, bapt 6 Oct 1822, confirmation in 1837, age 15; - Mary Jane Henderson, bapt 30 Apr, 1826; - William Henderson, bapt 27 Apr 1828. Source: St Vindic C of I parish records, Tynan, Co Armagh from PRONI MIC 1/12.
154. 1823-1825: Children of Robert and Margaret Henderson, farmer of Cortynan: - Mary bapt 25 Jan 1823, Confirmed in 1837, age 14; - James, bapt 18 Dec 1825, Confirmed in 1837, age 15. Source: St Vindic C of I parish records, Tynan, Co Armagh from PRONI MIC 1/12
155. 1824: Nathaniel baptized 28 March 1824, Absent from Confirmation classes in 1837 through carelessness, Confirmation in 1840, age 16, son of John and Margaret Henderson, farmer of Cortynan. Source: St Vindic C of I parish records, Tynan, Co Armagh from PRONI MIC 1/12
156. c1827: Sarah Henderson of Cortynan was Confirmed in 1840, age 13. (ie. b c1827). Source: St Vindic C of I parish records, Tynan, Co Armagh from PRONI MIC 1/12.
157. 1827 Tithe Applotments for Tynan Parish: John Henderson, Middleton, Mr. Henderson, Middleton, and William Henderson, Derryhaw.
158. 1832: John Henderson, Freeholder at Cortynan. (Landlord - Earl of Caledon). Source: PRONI List of Freeholders.
159. 1832: William Henderson of Derryhaw, Tynan Parish, Co. Armagh, Representative of John Maxwell. Henderson was a Freeholder. Source: 1832 Freeholders, Barony of Armagh, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
160. 1837: George Henderson, Confirmation list, confirmed in 1837, of Cortynan, age 88 (b c1749). Source: St Vindic C of I parish records, Tynan, Co Armagh from PRONI Mic 1/12
161. 1839: George Henderson of Cortinan, burial in 1839, age 90 (b c1749). Source: St Vindic C of I parish records, Tynan, Co Armagh from PRONI Mic 1/12.
162. The 1864 Griffiths Valuation of Ireland for Tynan Parish, Co. Armagh included the following: William Henderson, Cortynan; Robert Henderson, Derryhaw; John Henderson, Portnelligan; John Henderson, Derryhaw; James Henderson, Cortynan. Source: Griffiths Valuation of Land, 1848-1864, Tynan Parish, retrieved 4 May 2008 at:
163. Marriage: 25 Feb 1869, James Henderson of Cortynan to Eliza Ferguson of Tannaghlane. James Henderson’s father was Robert Andrew Henderson. Cortynan was part of the Caledon Estate. Source: Abstracted by Rev. David Wilson, Rector of St Johns C of I, from the Caledon parish register.
164. 1870: March 10: Marriage at Minterburn Presbyterian church, Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone of William Henderson of Cortynan, Tynan Parish, Co. Armagh, son of John Henderson, farmer, to Sarah McKeown, daughter of John McKeown. Witnesses : Joseph Wright and Sarah Ann Wright. Source: PRONI MIC 1P/26.
165. 1887, March 2: The Will of William Henderson, late of Lisglinn, County Armagh, farmer, who died 11 Feb. 1887 at same place, was proved at Armagh by Roger Marshall of Tullygluskane, and John Henderson of Derryhaw, both in said County, farmers, the Executors. Source: Wills Index, at
166. 1891, Jan. 10: Coroner’s Inquest relating to the death of Samuel Henderson, who died at Derryhaw, Tynan Parish on 9 January 1891. Source: PRONI On Line Catalogue: ARM/6/1/1/3/4.
167. 1901 Census, Derryhaw, Brootally District: Margaret Henderson, head of household, age 66 (born about 1835);
Eliza Henderson age 38; Margaret Henderson, age 36; John Henderson age 34; and Jerimiah Henderson, age 32. Source: ‘Ireland Census, 1901, at
168. 1901 Census, Cortynan, Tynan District: Sarah Henderson, head of household, age 51 (born about 1850); William Henderson, age 21; Robert Henderson, age 18; Emily Henderson, age 14; and George Cooper, age 5.
169. 1785: Tithe Account: Robert Henderson at Farnaloy. Source: PRONI T/636/47 - Armagh town 1st Armagh Presbyterian Church.
169a. Robert Henderson of Farnaloy, Derrynoose Parish, 17 Jan 1820. Source: Armagh Wills Index.
170. 1826, Sept. 3: Baptism of Robert, son of Robert and Ellen Henderson, farmer, Presbyterian of Farnaloy. Source: PRONI MIC 1/14 - C of I Derrynoose.
171. 1831, May 29: Baptism of John, son of William and Sarah Henderson, farmer, Presbyterian of Farnaloy. Source: PRONI MIC 1/14 - C of I Derrynoose.
172. 1832: John Henderson of Farnaloy, on the estate of James Lynn Esq. Source: 1832 Freeholders, Barony of Armagh, on the PRONI website –on-line catalogue.
173. 1666: Hearth Money Roll: James Henderson, Dungannon town, Drumglass Parish - 2 hearths. Source: “Heart Money Rolls, Barony of Dungannon, 1666,” (24-37), in Seanchas Ardmacha, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1971, 31. Note: Only 3 persons in Dungannon town had 2 hearths, and 1 person -Sir Arthur Chichester had 4 hearths. All the rest had only 1 hearth.
174. 1832 Tithe Applotment for Drumglass Parish: Thomas Henderson, Dungannon Gardens, Drumcoo Townland. Source:
175. 1849, 20 Sept.: Married, 20 Sept 1849 at Dungannon, John Henderson, son of William Henderson, to Celia Boan. Source for the marriage: Find My Past, at :
176. 1857, July 23: Marriage, in Drumglass Parish, Thomas Henderson, son of John Henderson to Eliza Paul, daughter of Samuel Paul. Source for the marriage: Find My Past, at :
177. 1866, Jan. 12: Marriage of 12 Jan. 1866 at Dungannon, George Henderson, son of George Henderson, to Ellen Menagh, daughter of Nathaniel Menagh. Source for Marriage record: Find My Past, at :
178. 1869, Aug. 3: Died: Mrs. Henderson, wife of John Henderson, Esq., of Sherrygroom House, Dungannon. Source:
Londonderry Sentinel, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List
179. 1879, Oct. 16: Birth, at Dungannon, Robert John Henderson, son of Robert Henderson and Sarah Love Henderson. Source for birth record: ‘Ireland Births and Baptisms, 1620-1881,’ database, FamilySearch, at: (8 December 2014)
1.2.3. CO. DONEGAL
180. 1713, Dec 23: Mortgage Deed of James Brown of Carmackilly, Urney Parish, Co. Donegal on the one part, and Samuel Holyday of Ahaclady, Ardstraw Parish, Co. Tyrone and John Henderson of Donaghmore, Co. Donegal on the other part. Witnesses, Cairnes Henderson of ?, John Smith of Strabane, William Henderson of Manor of Castlefin, and Andrew Gamble of Manor of Castlefin, and Hugh Clark, Town Clerk of Strabane. For £140 for 3 parcels of land, Manor of Castlefin, Co. Donegal. Deed registered 19 Apr. 1714. Source: Memorial Extract - Registry of Deeds Index Project Ireland, Memorial No. 5006.
181. c1740 & 1828, June 24: Died yesterday (June 23, 1828), in Strabane, at the advanced age of 88 years Mr. Joseph Henderson, formerly of Castlefin, Co. Donegal. Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List
182. 1796 Flax Growers List, Co. Donegal: John Henderson at Inver, James Henderson at Inver, Archibald Henderson at Inver, George Henderson at Inver, Hugh Henderson at Inver, John Henderson at Drumhome, Thomas Henderson at Drumhome.
183. 1799, Apr. 16: Conveyance Deed from Thomas Henderson of Drumhome on the 1st part, and John Henderson of Inver of the 2nd part. Source: Memorial Extract - Registry of Deeds Index Project Ireland, Memorial No. 368365.
184. 1823, 11 Sept: Died on Sunday last, in the 83rd year of her age, after a protracted and painful illness, which she bore with patient resignation, Mrs. Henderson wife of Mr. Joseph Henderson Senior of this town, formerly of Castlefin [Co. Donegal]. Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List
185. 1825-26 Tithe Applotments, Drumhome Parish, Co. Donegal: Thomas Henderson at Killymard, Maghryfoy, Thomas Henderson at Killymard, Ballyweel East, Thomas Henderson at Killymard, Magheraboy, Thomas Henderson at Killymard, Lougheask Demense, Thomas Henderson at Clonleigh, Tamnywood, Thomas Henderson at Clonleigh, Birdstown, and
Thomas Henderson at Donegal, Keeldrin Middle.
186. 1848-64 Griffiths Evaluation, Co. Donegal: Thomas Henderson, house, office, forge [a blacksmith?], and land in Drumhome Parish, leased from John Hamilton.
187. Freemen of the Corporation of Londonderry for various years: 1771 - Kennedy Henderson, 1798 - John Henderson, Castle Dawson, 1805 - James Henderson, 1806 - Joseph Henderson, 1822 - Andrew Henderson, 1831 - John Henderson. Source: County Borough of Londonderry, Town Clerk’s Department, Register of Freemen, compiled Nov 1833, and available in the PRONI Catalogue. Note: There were also 33 Alexanders on the list of Freemen between 1730 and 1832, including James Alexander, Earl of Caledon, and his son DuPre Alexander.
188. 1796: Flax Growers Bounty List, County Londonderry: Henderson George at Ballynascreen, Henderson James at Clondermot, Henderson John at Ballyscullion - 1 loom, Henderson John at Derryloran, Henderson Mathew at Clondermot, Henderson Ralph at Artrea, Henderson Thomas at Arboe, Henderson Thomas at Kilrea, Henderson William at Ballynascreen, and Henderson William at Kilcronaghan. Source: Ulster Ancestry.
189. 1828, Sept 13: Lease for 3 lives renewable for ever. Rent £54.4.7., in consideration of £10 per annum per acre if sown with corn or grain. Marquis of Donegal to Messrs. Nathaniel Stewart Esq. of Ramelton, Co. Donegal, and James Henderson Esq. of Lisdillan, Co. Londonderry. 229 acres, 2 roods, 9 perches in Drumaweir, Co. Donagal (formerly held by Rev. Ferdinand Lucius Carey (Clerk), who was evicted for non-payment of rent. Source: PRONI: D652/1009 and D652/1010, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
190. 1829: James Henderson is listed as of Lisdillon (Co. Londonderry) in an Application to Register a Freehold at Aughafad, Donagheady Parish. Source: Co. Tyrone website:
191. 1830, Nov. 4: Conveyance of tenement in Bellaghy, Co. Londonderry from George Henderson, Bellaghy, farmer, to Roger Casement, Harryville, Co. Antrim, Gent. and Attorney. Source: PRONI On Line Catalogue: D1911/4/2/D.
192. 1844, Oct. 9: Thomas Henderson of Bellaghy, Co. Londonderry. Negative Search for Judgements “for the last 20 years,” (Common Pleas). Search by the Earl of Caledon. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/554, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
193. 1848-64: Griffith’s Evaluation: William Henderson, house in Tamlaghtduff Townland, Ballyscullion Parish, leased from Richard Dixon.
194. c1870: From Jean Rice, ‘Landowners of County Londonderry,’ c1870: John Henderson, Drumlamph, Bellaghy, owned 54 acres; Mary Henderson, Senior., Drumlamph, Bellaghy, owned 20 acres; Mary Henderson, Junior., Drumlamph, Bellaghy, owned 5 acres; Archibald Henderson, Reps. of, address Garvagh, owned 17 acres; James Henderson, address Lisdillon, owned 123 acres, and Capt. John Henderson, address Army and Navy Club, London, SW, owned 572 acres of Bellaghy..
195. 1876: James Henderson of Lisdillon owned 265 acres in Co. Tyrone.
1.2.5. CO. SLIGO
196. 1749 Census Diocese of Elphin, Ireland, Drumcliff Parish, Co. Sligo: James Henderson, widower. Source:
197. 1796 Flax Growers List: James Henderson, Drumcliff Parish.
198. 1824 Tithe Applotments for Co. Sligo: (Drumcliff not available)
Achonry-Curry Carouregh Cooper John Henderson
Calry Ballyfevedee Edward Henderson
Calry Rathquarter James Henderson
Calry Baroe John Henderson
Calry Rathbraughan John Henderson
Calry Rathbraughan William Henderson
Emlaghfad Ballybreenane Robert Henderson
Emlaghfad Ballybreenane Robert Henderson
Emlaghfad Ballybreenane William Henderson
Emlaghfad Keenaghan William Henderson
Killery Mullaghfin Mr. Henderson
Kilvarnet Rathgran James Henderson
Kilvarnet Rathgran Robert Henderson
Kilvarnet Rathgran Robert Henderson
St. John’s Finiskil James Henderson
St. John’s Maheraboy James Henderson
Toomour Knocknacroy Robert Henderson
A few of the entries under Western Aghaloo Parish had no location given, so those records may belong to Hendersons of Eastern or Western Aghaloo Parish.
199. 1710, June 12: Thomas Hall and Robert Henderson were paid 14 shillings for killing six old foxes and two cubs. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, Dungannon: The Tyrone Printing Company, 1935, p.14.
200. 1713, 1 Nov: Thomas Whyte of Red Hills, Co. Cavan lease to Joseph Marshall Sr. of Annaghroe, Aghaloo Parish the townland of Glendavagh, Aghaloo Parish., and the bog of Mullynahorn in the Manor of Ballymagrane, Aghaloo Parish for the lives of a) his son, Henry Marshall, b) Robert Henderson, son of Robert Henderson of Ramaket, and c) Galbraith Lowrie son of Robert Lowrie of Aghenis. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no.75-494-54093: Whyte to Marshall (dated 1 Nov 1713; reg'rd 5 Sept 1734). Copy per FHL film no. 461340. Transcribed and annotated by Alison Kilpatrick.
201. 1715, 2 March: Joseph Marshall leased to James McBride, that part of Glenkeen Townland formerly in the possession of Thomas Donaldson and widow Donaldson, for the lives of a) Henry Marshall, son of Joseph Marshall, b) Robert Henderson, son of Robert Henderson of Ramakett, and Galbraith Lowry, son of Robert Lowry of Aghenis. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 76-289-54095: Marshall to McBride (dated 2 Mar 1715; reg'rd 5 Sept 1734). Copy per FHL film no. 461340. Transcribed and annotated by Alison Kilpatrick.
202. 1715, 10 Aug: Joseph Marshall of Annaghroe leased to John McChesney that part of Glendavagh Towland known as Mullyhagan during the lives of a) Henry Marshall, son of Joseph Marshall, b) Robert Henderson, son of Robert Henderson of Ramakett., and c) Galbraith Lowry, son of Robert Lowry of Aghenis. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 76-40-52633: Marshal to McChesney (dated 10 Aug 1715; reg'rd 11 Feb 1733). Copy per FHL film no. 461340. Transcribed and annotated by Alison Kilpatrick.
203. 1718, 21 Feb: Joseph Marshall leased to Robert Stewart a part of the Townland of Glenkeen during the lives of Henry Marshall Son of said Joseph Marshall, Robert Henderson - son of Robert Henderson of Ramakett and Galbraith Lowry Son of Rob't Lowry of Aghenes. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 75-495-54096: Marshall to Stewart (dated 21 Feb 1718; reg'rd 1734-09-05). Copy per FHL film no. 461340. Transcribed and annotated by Alison Kilpatrick
204. 1734, 28 Aug.: John McChesney and sons James, Robert, and Samuel turned over to Joseph Marshall, son of Joseph Marshall that part of the Townland of Glendavagh called Mullyhagan, during the lives of Henry Marshall Son to Joseph Marshall, Rob't Henderson Son to Rob't Henderson of Ramakitt & Galbraith Lowry Son to Rob't Lowry of Aghanes. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 77-383-54091: McChesney et al to Marshall (dated 28 Aug 1734; reg'rd 4 Sept 1734). Copy per FHL film no. 461341. Transcribed and annotated by Alison Kilpatrick.
205. 1735, June 6: Lease at Curlagh of William Henderson of Ramakit Smith, son of Robert Henderson. Source: Registry of Deeds Index Project, Memorial No. 63973, at (Search on Henderson, or on Memorial No.)
206. 1745, 1 Nov: John Marshall of Armagh (town) leased to Joseph Crage of Glendavagh, that part of the Townland of Glendavagh previously leased to Joseph Crage, then formerly in the possession of Mary Holliday and John Anderson, during the lives of Henry Marshall Son to Joseph Marshall of Annaghrow [sic], Robert Henderson Son to Robert Henderson of Ramakitt and Galbraith Lowry Son to Robert Lowry late of Aughenis. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 176-195-118535: Marshall to Craig (dated 1 Nov 1745; reg'rd 3 Oct 1755). Copy per FHL film no. 461375. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick.
207. 1746, 23 May: Last Will & Testament of James Moore of Mollaghmore (deceased): Moore, James, Mollaghmore, Parish of Aghaloo, Co. Tyrone, 23 May 1746, Narrate 3/4 page 13 Oct 1746: His wife Sarah Moore, his daughter Sarah Moore, his daughter Mary Horner, James Moore, Tulleybrick, Co. Armagh, and Richd Bryson, Garron, Parish of Clownish, Co. Monaghan, exors. His house, estate and lands in Mollaghmore. Witnesses Robert Husse and William Henderson, both of Molloghmore, [Aghaloo Parish] Co. Tyrone, farmers, and Arthur McGinnis, English Schoolmaster. Source: Transcription from the Registry of Deeds, Dublin : Abstracts of Wills, Dublin Stationery Office, 1954, retrieved at http//
208. 1746, Oct. 13: William Henderson, farmer of Mullaghmore [West] was a witness to the Will of James Moore of Mollaghmore (West). Source: Registry of Deeds Index Project, Memorial No. 84272, at (Search on Henderson, or on Memorial No.)
209. 1751, 1 Nov.: Lease of land by John Marshall of Armagh town to James Cochran of a parcel of land in Glendavagh, formerly in the possession of John Beevins, John Steel, Dennis M'c Codden, Patrick M'c Moy, Thomas Woods, and John Varner and then in the possession of him the said James Cochran, during the lives of Henry Marshall Son to Joseph Marshall of Annaghroe, Robert Henderson Son to Robert Henderson of Ramakitt, and Galbraith son to Robert Lowry of Aghenish. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 176-193-118534: Marshall to Cochran (dated 1 Nov 1751; reg'rd 3 Oct 1755). Copy per FHL film no. 461375. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick,
210. 1759, 26-27 Feb.: Lease of land between Henry Marshall of Mullaghmussagh, and other Marshalls to Margaret Gladestances in the Townland of Mullynahorn, during the lives of Henry Marshall party to s'd Deed son to s'd Jos'h Marshall Sen'r, Rob't Henderson son to Rob't Henderson of Ramacket, & s'd Galbraith Lowry. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 202-470-134796: Marshall & others to Gledstances (dated 26 & 27 Feb 1759; reg'rd 16 Feb 1760). Copy per FHL film no. 461388. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick.
211. c1762: Burial 3 Apr 1842, Phillip Henderson of Derry Cortnay [sic], age 80 at Aghaloo Parish. [ie. b c1762]. Buried at Caledon C of I. Source: PRONI MIC 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon. The same record was also provided on 7 Dec. 2007 from the original parish register of the C of I, Caledon by Rev. David Wilson, the Rector.
212. 1764, May 15: Richard Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 38.1
213. 1765, 10-11 Oct.: Deed of Release between Henry Marshall of Mullaghmossagh, and other Marshalls and Galbraith Lowry Corry of Aghenis on the 3rd part, and on the other part William Pringle, for lands of Glendavagh, to hold for the lives of Henry Marshall, Robert Henderson, son of Robert Henderson of Ramakitt, and Galbraith Lowry Corry. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 239-258-157198: Marshall & others to Pringle (dated 10 & 11 Oct 1765; reg'rd 30 Oct 1765). Copy per FHL film no. 461407. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick.
214. 1766: Religious Census Returns, Parish of Aghaloo and Carnteel, Co. Tyrone: Galbraith Henderson, Thomas Henderson (1), Thomas Henderson (2), Richard Henderson, Robert Henderson (1), Robert Henderson (2), John Henderson (1), John Henderson (2), and John Henderson (3). Source: PRONI website: 1766 Religious Census Returns. Also Seanchas ArdMhacha, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1960, p 164.
215. 1766, 15 Dec.: Lease between Henry Marshall of Mullaghmossagh, and Jn’o Marshall for land at Glendavagh on land commonly known as Ki[-]s [Kils, or Kibs] Farm, then in the possession of Jn’o M’c Avin and Bryan Lonaghan, during the lives of the s'd Henry Marshall, Rob't Henderson of Creely, and Galbraith Lowry Corry Esq'r of Aghenis. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 285-140-185911: Marshall to Marshall (dated 15 Dec 1766; reg'rd 27 Apr 1771). Copy per FHL film no. 531658. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick.
216. c1767 and 1857: 30 Oct 1857 - Burial of James Henderson of Glenkeen, age 90 (b c 1767). Buried at Caledon C of I. Source: PRONI Mic 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon
217. c1769 and 1847: 5 May 1847 - Burial of Mercer Henderson of Glenkeen, age 78 (b c1769) Buried at Caledon C of I. Source: PRONI Mic 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon
218. 1771, Apr. 18: Lease by John Marshall of Mullaghmossagh and William Pringle of Caledon, Gent, for part of Glendavagh Townland, during the the Lives of the s'd Henry Marshall, Rob't Henderson of Creely [Crilly], and Galbraith Lowry Corry of Aghenis. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 284-558-185912: Marshall to Pringle (dated 18 & 19 Apr 1771; reg'rd 27 Apr 1771). Copy per FHL film no. 531657. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick
219. 1774, 28 Oct: Lease between several Marshalls for land at Glendavagh, during the lives of the s'd Henry Marshall and of Rob't Henderson of Crilley. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 302-629-202399: Marshall to Marshall (dated 28 Oct 1774; reg'rd 22 Nov 1774). Copy per FHL film no. 531675. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick.
220. 1775 & 1832: Burial, 1 Nov 1832, George Henderson of Crilly, age 57 (b c1775). Source: PRONI MIC 583/25 - St John’s C of I, Caledon
221. 1776, Apr. 9: Robert Henderson of Mullaghmore appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 46.
222. 1777, 7 Jan.: Lease Marshall, Pringle, for part of Glendavagh, during the lives of Henry Marshall, Robert Henderson of Creely [Crilly] & Galbraith Lowry Corry Esq're of Ahenes [Aghenis]. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 313-588-211039: Marshall to Pringle (dated 7 Jan 1777; reg'rd 11 Feb 1777). Copy per FHL film no. 531686. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick at
223. 1777, 31 Jan.: Renewal of indented lease between Jn Marshall of Armagh town, and Tho’s Dunlap and Nath’l Miller for land at Glendavagh, during the lives of Henry Marshall Son to Jos'h Marshall of Anaghroe, Rob't Henderson Son of Rob't Henderson of Ramkitt, & Galb'th [Galbraith] Lowry Son to Rob't Lowry late of Aghens [Aghenis]. Source: Registry of Deeds, Ireland. Memorial no. 397-407-265066: Maxwell to Dunlop (dated 31 Jan 1777; reg'rd 8 Nov 1788). Copy per
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FHL film no. 532586. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick. at
224. 1777, Apr. 1: Robert Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 46.
225. 1778, July 7: Robert Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, pp. 46-47.
226. c1780 and 1848: 16 Jan 1848 - Burial of Eleanor Henderson of Glenkeen, age 68 (b c1780). Source: PRONI MIC 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon
227. c1782 & 1860: Burial at Caledon: 8 June 1860, Robert Henderson, age 78, of Curlagh. [Ie. b c 1782]. Source: Abstracted from the original parish registers of the C of I, Caledon, 7 Dec 2007 by Rev. David Wilson, Rector.
228. 1783-11-04: Jas. Haddock and Robt. Henderson were applotted as overseers of bye-roads from Sam M'Kenzie's to the Hollow Creight, 16 at 2/8-1/2, £2 3s 4d. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 51.
229. 1784, Oct. 12 Robert Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 52.
230. 1784 Nov. 4: Robert Henderson aplotted as overseers of Bye Roads 6 feet wide, gravel or stones, from Ards bog to the Hollow Creighlin, 16 at 2/6, £2 0s 0d. and Thomas Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow with an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 53.
231. 1785 Sept 27: Thomas Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 54.
232. 1787 July 17: Thomas Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 56.
233. 1788 March 25: Robert Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 56.
234. 1789 May 5: Thomas Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 57.
235. c1780s-1792ish: Thomas Henderson born in the 1780s or no later than 1792 married Catherine Conaway (or Conway). They had five children as follows: 1. John Henderson, born at Crilly, baptized 1812 at Errigal Truagh. 2. Robert Henderson, born at Crilly, Aghaloo Parish, baptized 1814, Aug. 12. Father Thomas is listed as a farmer. Source: PRONI Mic/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at 3. Philip Henderson, born at Drumaslaghy, Carnteel Parish c1815-1822, 4. William Henderson, born at Drumaslaghy, bapitzed 1823, March 17. Source: PRONI MIC/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at and 5. Joseph Henderson, born at Drumaslaghy, bapitzed 1824. Source for the information on this family is Josephine McBride at
236. 1793, July 20: Baptism at St John’s C of I Caledon, Mary Henderson, daughter of Alexander and Mary Henderson of Curlagh. Source: PRONI MIC/1/236, Baptisms 1791-1805, St John’s C of I, Caledon, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
237. 1794, Jan. 4: John Henderson of Dunmacay, lease for 3 lives. Rent: £33.7.6., plus receiver’s fees, from the Earl of Caledon to John Henderson for 19 acres, 2 roods, 10 perches at Dunmacay. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/26/16, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
238. 1796: Anthony Henderson, and John Henderson were both on the 1796 Irish Flax Growers List for Co. Tyrone, listed as Aghaloo Parish. Source: Retrieved 14 Dec 2004 at http://204.60.95/hayes1966/tyrone.htm
239. 1800, July 15: Lease for 3 lives or 31 years. Rent – 22 pounds sterling,2.0. plus receivers fees. Earl of Caledon to Thomas Hearse and Phillip Henderson, both of Derdcourtain [Derrycourtney] for 19 acres, 1 rood, 29 perches at Dredcourtain [sic]. Source: PRONI: D2433/A/1/192, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/192
240. 1802, April 12: Baptism of Robert, son of John and Sarah Henderson of Mullycarnan. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25 - St John’s C of I, Caledon
241. 1802, March 3: Baptism of Anthony Henderson, son of John and Elizabeth Henderson of Cumber. Source: PRONI Mic/1/236, Baptisms 1791-1805, St John’s C of I, Caledon, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
242. 1803, Nov 20: Marriage of Ann Henderson and John Marley, both of the parish of Aghaloo. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon
243. 1804, Feb. 6: Baptism of John, son of John and Sarah Henderson of Mullycarnan. Source: PRONI MIC 583/25 - St John’s C of I, Caledon
244. 1804, Oct 21: Baptism of Alexander, son of John & Elizabeth Henderson of Derrylogue. Source: PRONI MIC/1/236, Baptisms 1791-1805, St John’s C of I, Caledon, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
245. 1805: Given (£11, 41 shillings, 2 pence) to the relief of John Henderson of Crely [Crilly] to fetch him out of Dungannon Geail [jail], being put in by Robert Pettigrew. Source: ‘The Pedigree of the Pettigrews’ (of Aughnacloy & Crilly) at : according to the Annals of Aughnacloy, page 51, in the Dec 1805 minutes of the Orange Order.
246. 1806 Apr 8: Philip Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 65.
247. 1807 Sept. 30: Thomas Henderson appointed Church Warden. Source: ‘Vestry Book of the Parish of Aghalow With an Account of the Family of Hamilton of Caledon, 1691-1807,’ by John J. Marshall, p. 66.
248. 1807, April: Baptism of Samuel, son of James and Margaret Henderson of ? Source: PRONI Mic 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon
249. 1807, Nov. 20: Marriage of George Henderson of Glenkeen to Jane Morrow of Tynan. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25 - St John’s C of I, Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo.
250. 1808: Marriage, 19 Apr 1808, William Boyd of Crilly, parish of Aghaloo and Margaret Crothers. Witness : John Henderson. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25 - St John’s C of I, Caledon.
251. 1811, Oct. 27: Baptism of James, son of George and Ann Henderson (no place of residence given). Source: PRONI Mic 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon
252. 1811, Apr. 21: Baptism of Alexander, son of Alexander and Jane Henderson of Mull??? [Mullycarnan?].
Source: PRONI Mic 583/25 - St John’s C of I, Caledon
253. 1811, Feb. 26: Baptism of Margaret, dau of John and Jane Henderson. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25 C of I, St John’s Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo
254. 1812, Nov. 29: Baptism of Robin, son of George and Jane Henderson (no place of residence given). Source: PRONI Mic 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon.
255. Baptism of Jane Henderson, dau. of James Henderson and Eleanor Gowdy of Glenkeen, on July 10, 1813. Source: PRONI Mic/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
256. Baptism of Ann, dau. of James Henderson and Eleanor Gowdy of Glenkeen on Jan. 23, 1816. Source: PRONI Mic/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
257. Baptism of William, son of James Henderson and Eleanor Gowdy of Glenkeen on May 30, 1819. Source: PRONI Mic/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
258. Margaret Henderson b c1814 at Crilly, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone, married 22 May 1834 at St John’s C of I, Caledon to John Mercer, b c 1800 at Dromore. Children: 1. James Mercer, bapt. Nov 13, 1840 at St John’s C of I, Caledon.of Dunmacmay, and 2. Jane Mercer bapt. Nov 13, 1840 at St John’s C of I, Caledon, of Dunmacmay. Source: IGI Index at
259. 1814, Dec. 11: Marriage of Joseph Henderson of Aghaloo Parish to Elizabeth Hardy of Aghaloo Parish, by licence. Source: PRONI Mic/T/679/330, Marriages 1814-1852, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
260. Sep 15 1816 - Baptism of Jane, dau .of George and Jane Henderson (no place of residence given). Source: PRONI MIC 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon.
261. 11 Aug 1816, baptism of Thomas, son of John and Jane Henderson of Tullynamallogue. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25 C of I, St John’s Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo. Note: Timoleague is less than ½ mile from Caledon Village.
262. 1824, Feb. 5: Baptism of James, son of Robert Henderson & Isabella McKenna of Mullaghmore, farmer. Source: PRONI MIC/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
263. 1825 & 1837 Tithe Applotments for Aghaloo Parish, Co. Tyrone: 1825 – Cumber Townland, Anthony Henderson. He was also there in the 1837 applotment. Glenkeen Townland: James Henderson and Marshall Henderson. They were both still there in the 1837 applotment. Dunmacmany Townland 1825 – John Henderson and Joseph Henderson. They were both still there in the 1837 applotment. Derrycourtin [Derrycourtney] Townland – 1825 Philip Henderson. He was still there in the 1837 applotment. Source:
264. Baptism of Mary, 3 July 1821, dau. of Mary Henderson and John Lee of Glenkeen. Source: PRONI Mic/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
265. Baptism of John, 13 July 1826, son of Mary Henderson and John Lee of Glenkeen. Source: PRONI Mic/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
266. 1829: Freeholders for Aghaloo Parish, County Tyrone: Phillip Henderson at Derrycourtnay. Source: Freeholder’s Register for Co. Tyrone, printed in The Strabane Morning Post, 19 May 1829 to 12 June 1832, transcribed by Faye Logue from microfilms of the newspaper which were purchased from the British Library, retrieved 29 Jan 2007 at
267. Baptism of Mary Jane, 10 Feb 1829, dau. of James Henderson, weaver, and Eliza Bailey of Glenkeen. Source: PRONI Mic/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
268. Baptism of John Henderson, 12 July 1831, son of James Henderson, weaver, and Eliza Bailey of Glenkeen. Source: PRONI Mic/t/679/330, Baptisms 1805-1863, St James C of I, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
269. 1831, Oct. 25: Marriage of James Henderson to Elizabeth Norwood of Cavankilgreen at Aughnacloy Presbyterian Church, son of William Henderson and Margaret Moore of Glenoe, Aghaloo Parish. Source: PRONI Mic/1P/38, Aughnacloy, Carnteel Parish Marriages 1810-1839, Aughnacloy Presbyterian Church, abstracted from the Co. Tyrone website at
270. 1832, Apr. 4: Marriage at Caledon, of William Henderson of Dusnabane and Jane Vernett of Stragrane. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon
271. Burial, 1 Nov 1832, George Henderson of Crilly, age 57 (b c1775). Source: PRONI Mic 583/25 - St John’s C of I, Caledon
272. 1833, March 16: Marriage at Grove Hill, on Tuesday the 5th inst., by the Rev. Henry Carson, the Rev John Henderson, Presbyterian Minister of Aughnacloy, to Miss Ellen Bell. Source: Londonderry Sentinel, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List
273. 1837, Feb. 9: Agreement between Thomas Crawford, who agreed to sell and convey his entire right, title, and interest in Graveyard Park, Enagh Townland, Aghaloo Parish to Richard Marshall. The agreement was witnessed by J. G. Henderson and William Johnston. Source: PRONI D.2433/A/1/22/19
274. 1838: P. Henderson of Derrycourtney is named Executor of the Will of Thomas Hoarse [Hearse], and also for 1838, P. Henderson of Derrycourtney is named Executor of the Will of Margaret H. Hoarse. Source for the Will of Thomas Hoarse: Irish Wills Index, IAR/1838F/59, Vol. 4/237/36, retrieved 7 Apr 2006 at Source for the Will of Margaret H. Hoarse: same source, but IAR/1838/F/58, same volume.
275. 1840: Nov 1: Baptism : 1 Nov 1840, born 23 Oct 1840, Samuel, son of Thomas and Jane (nee Marshall) Henderson of Aginnis. Source: From the original parish registers of the C of I, Caledon, provided 7 Dec 2007 by Rev. David Wilson, Rector.
276. 1840, Dec. 19: Died on the 7th inst., of water in the head, Martha Caldwell, second daughter of the Rev. John Henderson, Presbyterian Minister of Aughnacloy, age 3 years and 4 months. Source: Londonderry Sentinel, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List
277. 1840-41: The following headstone is in Section D, St John’s C of I cemetery, Caledon: “Erected by Oliver Henderson of Lisburn [County Antrim] in memory of his dearly loved wife Catherine A. Clarke who died 22nd August 1881, aged 40 years.” [ie born c1840-41] This stone, once standing, richly decorated -grapes, vine leaves, topped by urn - is now lying in several pieces. Source: George and Mona Wylie, “Gravestone Inscriptions: Churchyard of St. John’s, Caledon,” (143-183) in Duiche Neill: Journal of the O’Neill Country Historical Society, 149.
278. Burial at Caledon : 11 Feb 1871, Robert Henry Henderson of Lisburn, age 7 weeks. Source : PRONI Mic 583/25 C of I, St John’s Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo. Note: This is probably the son of Oliver Henderson and wife, Catherine Clark.
279. 1841, Feb. 19: Sarah, born 15 Feb 1841, baptized 29 Aug 1845, daughter of John and Mary Ellen (nee McWilliams) Henderson of Glenkeen. Source: Abstracted by Rev. David Wilson, from the C of I parish register for Caledon
280. 1842, Apr 2: Death of Phillip Henderson. Beneficiary Anne Swan. Secondary Beneficiary Thomas Hearse Swann. Source:, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1920,
281. 1842, Apr. 3: Burial of Phillip Henderson of Derry Cortnay [sic], age 80 at Aghaloo Parish. [ie. b c1762]. Source: PRONI MIC 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon. The same record was also provided 7 Dec. 2007 from the original parish register of the C of I, Caledon by Rev. David Wilson, the Rector.
282. 1843, Feb 26: Mary, daughter of Thomas and Jane (nee Marshall) Henderson of Aginnis, born Feb 20, 1843, baptized 26 Feb 1843. Source: From the original parish registers of the C of I, Caledon, provided 7 Dec 2007 by Rev. David Wilson, Rector.
283. 15 Nov 1844 - Burial of Anne Henderson of Glenkeen, age 26 (b c1818). Source: PRONI Mic 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon
284. c1770 & 1845: Burial at Caledon: 2 March 1845, J. Henderson, age 75, of Glasslough [just across the border in Co. Monaghan] [Ie. b c1770]. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25 C of I, St John’s Caledon, Parish of Aghaloo
285. Marriage, 27 March 1846, George Henderson of Glenkeen and Jane Divine of Glenkeen. Father of George Henderson was George John Henderson. Source: Abstracted by Rev. David Wilson, from the C of I parish register for Caledon.
286. Burial on 5 May 1847 of Mercer Henderson of Glenkeen, age 78 (b c1769). Source: PRONI MIC 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon.
287. 16 Jan 1848 - Burial of Eleanor Henderson of Glenkeen, age 68 (b c1780). Source: PRONI MIC 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon.
288. 1849, Jan. 8: Marriage of Phillip Henderson and Mary Grimes, at Aughnacloy RC Church. Source: Registers of the Catholic Parishes of Ireland, 1655-1915, at
289. 1849, Dec 20: Marriage of William Henderson, age 21, born 1828, and Mary Kean. Married at 548, Carnteel. Source: FHL Film: 101306 on, Select Marriage, 1619-1898 at
290. Oct 9 1856 - Marriage of Hodgess Henderson, age 26, son of Thomas Henderson of Glack, to Isabella Lucas, age 18 at Minterburn Presbyterian. Witnesses: James Wilson and John Hamilton. Source: PRONI Mic 583/25, parish register for St John’s C of I Caledon
291. Oct 9 1856 - Marriage of Hodgen Henderson, age 26, son of Thomas Henderson of Glack, to Isabella Lucas, age 18, daughter of Charles Lucas, at Minterburn Presbyterian. Witnesses: James Wilson and John Hamilton. Source: Find My Past reads Hodgen Henderson, whereas PRONI 583/25 reads Hodgess Henderson.
292. 30 Oct 1857 - Burial of James Henderson of Glenkeen, age 90 (b c 1767). Source: PRONI Mic 583/26 St John’s C of I, Caledon.
293. 1860 Griffiths Valuation of Ireland for Aghaloo Parish included the following: Marshall Henderson, Carricklongfield; Hugh Henderson, Drummond, tenant of William Cochrane; Hugh Henderson, Mulnahorn; Hugh Henderson, Drumearn, tenant of William Cochrane.
294. 1860 Griffiths Valuation of Ireland for Carnteel Parish, Co. Tyrone: Mary Anne Henderson, Thomas Henderson, William Henderson, William Henderson, Alexander Henderson, and James Henderson
295. 1860, Apr 3: Birth of Joseph son of James & Eliza Henderson, of Drummond. Source:, citing FHL Film No: 571399, at
296. Burial at Caledon: 8 June 1860, Robert Henderson, age 78, of Curlagh. [Ie. b c 1782]. Source: Abstracted from the original parish registers of the C of I, Caledon, 7 Dec 2007 by Rev. David Wilson, Rector.
297. Marriage, 25 Feb 1869, James Henderson, son of Robert Henderson at Aghaloo Parish, to Eliza Ferguson, daughter of Andrew Ferguson. Source: Find My Past, at:
298. 1892, May 9: Death of John Henderson. Primary Beneficiary was Jane Marshall. Source:, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1920,
299. 1896, Jan. 31: The Will of Hugh Henderson of Mulnahorn, Co. Tyrone, farmer, who died 25 Nov 1895, proved at Armagh by Thomas Armstrong of Bangor, County Down, and James Mullen of Mulnahorn, farmers, the Executors. Effects: £171, 3 s. Source: Wills Index, at
300. 1901, March 22: Last Will & Testament of Hugh Henderson was probated, 22 March 1901. His estate consisted of the farm’s stock and chattels, which he was leaving. to his son, Hugh Frederick Henderson, a minor. The child’s guardians were named as James Mullin of Mullnahorn, and David Wright of Auchnacloy. Source: PRONI Wills Index, PRONI website.
301. 1901 Census, Mill Street, Auchnacloy, Auchnacloy Urban District: William Henderson, age 80 (born about 1821), head of household; Thomas Henderson, age 36, son of William; Margaret Henderson, age 32, wife of Thomas; Minnie Henderson, age 7, grandchild of head of household; Isabella Henderson, age 3, grandchild of head of household; William Henderson, age 1, grandchild of head of household. Source: ‘Ireland Census, 1901,’ at
302. 1901 Census, Glack, Auchnacloy Rural District: James Henderson, age 50 (born about 1851), head of household;
Margaret Henderson, age 36, wife; Elizabeth Henderson, age 10; John Henderson, age 7. Source: ‘Ireland Census, 1901,’ at
303. 1616: John Henderson was a tailor at Strabane town, and in the same year William Henderson was also living in Strabane town, both on the Baronscourt Estate. Source: Rev. David Stewart, Familia: Journal of the Ulster Genealogical and Historical Guild, No. 11, 1995. Note: These Hendersons would have been part of the Ulster Plantation of 1607-1615. This is the earliest Henderson record that I have found for Hendersons close to Aghaloo Parish.
304. 17 August 1617: Grant to John Hamilton of Raphoe esq., William Boell and John Boill of Moill, James Conyngham of Ballyachan gent, Claude Hamilton, Raphoe gent. all in Tyrone co John Wallace sen. and James Hatricke of Strabane in Tyrone co., Robert Russell of Londonderry John Keeland of the same, James Gibbe, Thomas Stephenson, John Stephenson jun., David Stephenson, John Stephenson sen., Thomas Stephenson, carpenter, John Stephenson jun., Thomas Cuthbertson, James Pooke, and James Hamilton of Strabane, merchants, And. Arnett, David Morison, and John McIltyre of Strabane, John Stephenson of Pakusbancke of Strabane, Matthew Corslaw, of Strabane, William Carmighell of Islandmchugh, John Power and William Rogers of Londonderry, merchants, James Cooper and Thomas Yonge. of Strabane. Claudius Hamilton of Clogher, in Tyrone co. clerk, William Gemble, Gilbert McCreaghane and Patrick McCraghan of Ballemagorie in Tyrone co, William Kennedy, carpenter, Alexander Craige, Peter Lawson, and John Henderson, tailor, of Strabane John Doninge, rufus Gabriel Simpson, David Lynn, John Lynn, Rob Miller, and Robert Granger, of Dunelonge in Tyrone co. William Paterson of Strabane, Andrew Lyon of Londonderry ,and Arch McCraghan of Ballemagory in Tyrone co. all of the Scotch nation or descent &c as in the preceding article l7 Aug 14. This is 17 August in the 14th year of the reign of King James, hence 17 August 1617. Source: Volume XCIV 20, Calendar of the Patent Rolls of the Chancery of Ireland, transcribed and compiled by Teena, retrieved 16 August 2017 at
305. A letter of Jan 16, 1767 to James Hamilton, Earl of Abercorn, probably from his Estate agent at the Manor of Abercorn, Strabane. The letter refers to a deed of 1629 to William Henderson, “by which there is also granted to him, his heirs and assigns, free liberty, power, and authority to dig, cut, make, and carry away turf out of any of the mosses, to dispend on the premises, and not elsewhere.” Source: PRONI: D623/A/37/55, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
306. 1631 Muster Rolls, Barony of Strabane: William Henderson (no armes)
307. 1666: Subsidy Rolls of Co. Tyrone, Barony of Dungannon: James Henderson, and John Galbreath. Source: Retrieved at Note: Which parish was not included, so these names could have been on the Abercorn Estates, or the Caledon Estates, or even some other Co. Tyrone Estate.
308. An Inquisition of County Tyrone taken in August 1693, indicated that William Henderson was living at Strabane, on the Baronscourt Estate. Source: Hamilton Rent Books, on the County Tyrone website at
309. 1777: Tenants in the Manor of Strabane: James Henderson, and John Henderson, both at Drimeagle; Alexander Henderson and Robert Henderson, both at Fyfinn; and James Henderson at Dunrean [Dunrane]. Source: PRONI D623/D/1/16.
310. 1806 Manor of Strabane Tenants: John Henderson at Drumeagle, Robert Henderson’s widow at Fyfinn, and James and William Henderson at Dunrane. Source: PRONI D623/D1/23.
311. 1823, Apr. 15: Joseph Henderson, New Woolen Warehouse at Strabane. Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
312. 1823, 11 Sept: Died on Sunday last,(11 September 1823) in the 83rd year of her age, after a protracted and painful illness, which she bore with patient resignation, Mrs. Henderson wife of Mr. Joseph Henderson, Senior of this town, formerly of Castlefin [Co. Donegal] (IE. b c1763). Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
313. Died on Saturday, the 5th instant (April 8, 1828), Mrs. Anne Henderson, of this town, relict of Mr. John Henderson, in the 90th year of her age. (ie. b c.1738). Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
314. 1828, June 24: Died yesterday (1828), in Strabane, at the advanced age of 88 years Mr. Joseph Henderson, formerly of Castlefin, Co. Donegal. (ie b c1740). Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
315. 1828, Dec. 16: Died on Saturday last, in Dublin, very suddenly, William Henderson Esq., of Strabane. Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
316. 1833, July 2: Mr. Joseph Henderson of Strabane, Woollen-draper, has been appointed a Commissioner for taking affidavits for the Courts of King’s Bench, Common please, and Exchequer, and a Master Extraordinary for the Court of Chancery in and for said County of Tyrone. Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
317. 1836, Dec. 13: Mr. Joseph Henderson, son of Mr. Henderson, of this town, having been solemnly and publicly examined on two several days, received letters testimonial from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, qualifying him to practise Surgery, and to be elected a member of the College. Source: Strabane Morning Post, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
318. 1848, Oct. 28: Died at Strabane, on Wednesday, the 25th inst., Margaret, third daughter of Mr. Joseph Henderson. Source: Londonderry Sentinel, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List
319. Died March 19, 1867 at Railway Cottage, Strabane, Robert Henderson Esq., Civil Engineer, aged 56 years. Source: Londonderry Sentinel, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
320. c1670: Hearth Money Rolls: Thomas Henderson at Desert Townland, Manor of Cloghogal (1 hearth). Source: LDS Family History Library, Microfil 1279356
321. 1666: Hearth Money Rolls: Simon Henderson at Castlewaron.
322. 1777: James Henderson was living on the Abercorn Estate at Pollockstown, Cloghogall/Cloghogle Manor, Donaghedy Parish, Co. Tyrone. Source: Abercorn Estate Map, D/623/D/1/16, retrieved July 20, 2008 at
323. 1787 Nov.: James Henderson leases part of Tamnabready West Townland, Donagheady Parish on the Abercorn Estate, Manor of Dunnalong. Source: PRONI Ref: D623/D/1/18. FHL Film 1885920.
324. 1794-1809: Hendersons were living, or renting land on the Abercorn Estate as follows: James Henderson at Tavanabraidy, Dunnelong Manor, Donaghedy Parish, Co. Tyrone; James Henderson at Pollockstown, Cloghogal/Cloghogel Manor, Donagheady Parish; and James Henderson at Patrick Street Tenements, Cloghogal Manor.
Source: Rental Books of the Abercorn Estate, 1794-1809, retrieved 20 July 2008 at Note: This could have been 3 different Hendersons, but was more probably the same James Henderson renting land at various locations on the Abercorn Estate. No specific date was assigned to the names.
325. 1796 Flax Growers List: Donagheady Parish: James Henderson.
326. 1829: James Henderson listed as of Lisdillon (Co. Londonderry0) in an Application to Register a Freehold at Aughafad, Donagheady Parish. Source: Co. Tyrone website:
327. 1876: James Henderson of Lisdillon, (Co. Londonderry) owned 265 acres in Co. Tyrone.
328. 1760: Chancery Bill, Box 135 (68), : John, James, Walter, and William Henderson, all of Oghliss. Source: PRONI Index cards, organized alphabetically by surname. I did not have time to call up and review this reference.
329. Estate of the Bishop of Armagh: On 6 May 1642 during the Irish Rebellion, the town of Armagh was sacked and many Protestants were taken as prisoners. One witness, John Henderson said that: “he and 40 other persons were imprisoned in Armagh and then brought to Charlemont at the beginning of May where 36, 19 of whom he named, were drowned in the Toll water. He managed to ransom himself. He also said that another group of about 20 people were taken away by Edmund Crawly just before Armagh was burnt.” Source: Hilary Simms, “Violence in County Armagh, 1641,” (123-138) in Brian MacCuarta, ed., Ulster 1641: Aspects of the Rising, Belfast: The Institute for Irish Studies, Queen’s U, 1993, 129.
330. Sarah Henderson, b c1683 of Armagh, m in 1704 to Henry Greer of Lisacurran, Lurgan, Co. Armagh. Source: The IGI Index for County Armagh.
331. Margaret Henderson, b c1695 at Armagh, d 1742 in New Garden, Chester, Pennsylvania, dau. of Patrick and Catherine Henderson. Source: The IGI Index for County Armagh.
332. Bessie Henderson, b c1657 of Newtown [Newtown-Hamilton], Armagh, m c Jan 1678 to John Stewart. Source: The IGI Index for County Armagh.
333. 1662 Muster Roll: John Henderson, 1 sword, on lands of the Primate of Armagh, outside the town of Armagh, and outside the liberties of Armagh. Source: T. G. F. Paterson, “An Unpublished Early 17th Century Census of the Men and Arms on the Estate of the English and Scotch Settlers in County Armagh,” (401-417) Seanchas Ardmacha, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1970, 412.
334. 1664 Hearth Money Rolls : John Henderson, Town of Armagh. Source: T. G. F. Paterson, “County Armagh Householders, 1664-65,” (96-142), Seanchas Ardmacha, Vol 3, No , 1958, 108.
335. 1661, 1663, and 1676: John Henderson was listed in the years 1661, 1663, and 1676. Source: T729/3B - Extracts from Old Rent Rolls of the See of Armagh of those parts relating to the City of Armagh. Note: According to Michael Glancy in “The Incidence of the Plantation on the City of Armagh,” in Seanchas Ardmacha, Vol 1, No 2, 1955, 135, John Henderson held 2 tenements in the City of Armagh. In 1676, he was replaced by Samuel Herron.
336. B (Baptism) Dec 12, 1709 - James, son of Samuel Henderson
337. B May 25, 1712 - Samuel, son of Samuel Henderson
338. M (Marriage) April 13, 1707 - Edward Henderson and Mary Armstrong
339. B Jan 23, 1709- James, son of Edward Henderson
340. B May 14, 1711 - Robert, son of Edward Henderson
341. B Oct 2, 1712 - Mary, daughter of Edward Henderson
342. B May 22, 1709 - Samuel, son of James Henderson
343. B March 30, 1711 - William, son of James Henderson
344. B Aug 7, 1715 - James, son of ? Henderson
345. M Dec 12, 1722 - Alexander Henderson and Elizabeth Aiken
346. M June 29, 1724 - James Henderson and Isabel Henderson
347. M Oct 25, 1726 - Edward Henderson and Jane McNarry
Source: Record numbers 335 to 346 were abstracted by me in August 2007 at PRONI, from PRONI T/636/47 - Armagh town 1st Armagh Presbyterian Church - Presbyterian congregation of Armagh: Baptisms (B), Marriages (M). In almost all of those baptism records, the named parent would have been born before 1700. The same is probably the case for the listed marriages as well.
1714: The following record numbers 348-351 were abstracted by me from PRONI T729/3B : Return of tenants names of the town of Armagh returned at Manor Court held by the Archbishop of Armagh in April 1714, also chief tenants and under-tenants of the Manor of Armagh:
348. Town and Liberties of Armagh: Hugh Henderson, Presbyterian
349. Manor of Armagh, Parish of Armagh: Chief tenant - Gervaise Walker, gentleman at Ballynahonemore, Samuel Henderson, Presbyterian under-tenant, James Henderson, Presbyterian under-tenant, Matthew Henderson, Presbyterian under-tenant.
350. At Ballyrea: (Parish of Armagh), Chief tenant - Robert Maxwell, William Henderson, Presbyterian, under-tenant
351. At Garvaghie (Parish of Armagh): Chief tenant - John Maxwell Esquire, Jas. Henderson, Presbyterian, under-tenant, and William Henderson, Presbyterian, under-tenant.
352. John Henderson, butcher, was a resident on Scotch Street, as per a 1770 Survey of the Inhabitants of the City of Armagh. He was a Presbyterian, and had no children and no servants. Source: Michael Glancy, “The Incidence of the Plantation on the City of Armagh,” in Seanchas Ardmacha, Vol 1, No 2, 1955, 155.
353. Mary Ann Henderson, baptized 21 Jan. 1814, daughter of Thomas Henderson and Sarah Draine, Roman Catholics of Armagh Parish. Sponsors: Rev. James McKenna, and Mary Draine. Source: Irish Family History Foundation at
354. 1664: Hearth Money Rolls : William Henderson, Blackwatertown, Clonfeacle Parish, Co. Armagh. Source: T. G. F. Paterson, “County Armagh Householders, 1664-65,” (96-142), in Seanchas Ardmacha, Vol 3, No , 1958, 108.
The following is from the IGI Index for County Armagh :
355. Ann Henderson, b c1692-94 of Lisacurran, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, m c1713 to Thomas Greer.
356. 1714: William Henderson was a resident at Ballyscandal, Precinct of Toaghy, Parish of Eglish, Co. Armagh in 1714. He was a Presbyterian tenant of Richard Whaley. Source: Michael Glancy in “The Church Lands of Armagh,” in Seanchas Ardmacha, Vol 3, No 2, 1959, 364.
357. 1829, Jan 4: Conveyance, John Henderson Esq. of Grange, Co. Tyrone, to James Hendry of Fairview: Tamnyara [Tamniaarin] in the Parish of Ballyscullion. Source: PRONI: D1118/6/1/14, on the PRONI website – on-line catalogue.
358. 1835, Sept. 5: Married on the 26th ult., at Moy Church, the Rev. William Smyth Burnside, assistant Chaplain of St Patrick’s Church, Newry, son ot the late Matthew James Burnside, Esq., of Corcreevy, County Tyrone, to Anne [Henderson], only daughter of the late John Henderson Esq., of Grange, Co. Tyrone. Source: Londonderry Sentinel, on the Official Website of the County Tyrone Mail List.
359. 1661: On the estate of James Balfour, Baron of Clannally was Richard Henderson and Symon Henderson. Source: 1631 Muster Roll, County of Fermanagh, retrieved 5 Apr 2005 at
Other Surnames Found in this Manuscript
Surname - Record No. | Surname - Record No. |
Aiken 344 | Marshall 95, 120, 165, |
Anderson 206 | 200-204, 206, |
Archer 37, 41, 43-45 | 209, 210, 213, |
Armstrong 299 | 215, 218, 219, |
Bailey 267-268 | 222, 223, 275, |
Balfour 357 | 282, 298 |
Barker 130 | Mason 55 |
Beevins 207 | Maxwell 159, 349-350 |
Bell 272 | Mehaffy 127 |
Bowman 12 | Menagh 177 |
Boyd 250 | Mercer 258 |
Brown 180 | Miller 223 |
Bryson 207 | Mitchell 17 |
Buntin 47 | Molloy 106 |
Burnside 356 | Moore 207, 208, 269 |
Caldwell 276 | Morrow 249 |
Carey 189 | Mullen 299, 300 |
Casement 191 | Murdock 37, 38, 42 |
Clark(e) 180, 277 | McAree 23, 49 |
Cochran(e) 209, 293 | McAvin 215 |
Conway/Conoway 235 | McBride 201 |
Cooper 168 | McChesney 202, 204 |
Corry 213, 215, 218 | McCodden 209 |
Crage 206 | McCoy 209 |
Crawford 273 | McDonald 46, 81 |
Crothers 250 | McDonnell 37 |
Divine 121, 285 | McGinnis 207 |
Davidson 12, 78 | McKenna 262 |
Donaldson 201 | McKenzie 228 |
Draine 351 | McKeown 131, 164 |
Dunlap 223 | McNarry 346 |
Edwards 12 | McSorley 130 |
Ferguson 163, 297 | McWilliams 80, 279 |
Galbraith 306 | Norris 22, 75, 97, 115 |
Gamble 180 | Norwood 269 |
Gladstances 210 | Paul 176 |
Gorman 130 | Pettigrew 245 |
Gowdy 255-257 | Prentice 107, 108 |
Greer 329 | Pringle 213, 218, 222 |
Grimes 288 | Ralston 17 |
Haddock 228 | Rankin 42 |
Hall 199 | Reid 13, 17 |
Hamilton 186 | Rule 83 |
Hardy 259 | Smith 180 |
Hearse/Husse 102, 207, 239, 274 | Steel 209 |
Hendry 355 | Stewart 189, 203 |
Holyday 180, 206 | Stinson 122 |
Horner 207 | Swan 280 |
Huggins 52 | Thompson 51, 129 |
Hugh 106 | Twaites 55 |
Kean 289 | Varnar 209 |
Lee 139, 264, 265 | Vernett 270 |
Lonaghan 215 | Vernor 12 |
Love 179 | Walker 348 |
Lowrie/Lowry 200, 202-206 | Whaley 354 |
Lucas 290-291 | Whyte 200 |
Lynn 172 | Wilson 37, 40, 41, 151 |
Marley 242 | Woods 209 |
Wright 17, 39, 300 |