Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Hamilton Family Notes, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1806-1872

Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


Date Notice
April 5 1806 DIED: At Strabane, on the 22nd inst. aged 92, JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., whose long and useful life was spent in the practice of every virtue which could dignify human nature: possessing most deservedly the esteem and veneration of the good and great in every rank of life “by soft descent to honoured age all gently sinking down, looked back with transport on a life well spent”. He was interred in the Family Vault on Tuesday last, attended by not less than 6,000 of the respectable neighbourhood. He married in the year 1750, ELEANOR, sister to the present EARL OF CASTLESTEWART, and has left four sons and one daughter



Date Notice
May 28 1822 Died on the 7th instant, at her son’s house, Mount Barnard, county of Tyrone, MRS. HAMILTON, relict of the late THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ. of Mulnagore Lodge, Dungannon, aged sixty-nine, deservedly regretted by all who knew her, as having fulfilled the relative duties of daughter, wife, mother, and friend, in an exemplary manner
July 30 1822 Married on the 9th inst. by the Rev. Charles Hemphill, of Badony, the REV. THOMAS HAMILTON, Probationer of Cavanreagh, to MISS CAMPBELL, third daughter of HUGH CAMPBELL, ESQ. of Achilane, county Tyrone
April 8 1823 MURDER - On the evening of Friday last, as MR. HAMILTON of Lisnatunny, was returning from the fair of Newtownstewart, he was attacked by two men, near his own residence, and cruelly murdered. It is supposed that some family quarrel was the occasion of this melancholy affair. A coroner’s inquest was held on the body next morning, which returned a verdict of Wilful Murder against two persons, who have since fled from justice
March 1 1825 On Saturday last, the body of MR. R. HAMILTON, of Cavanalee, who has been missing for 14 weeks, was found in the river at Sion. It is supposed that he had fallen into the river, on his way home. An inquest was held on the body, who returned a verdict of “Accidental Death”
April 5 1825 Died suddenly, on Sunday morning, MR. WM. HAMILTON of this town, shoemaker
April 12 1825 NOTICE – All Persons indebted to the late MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of this town, are requested to pay the amount of their respective Accounts to MRS. HAMILTON; and all those who have demands against same, will please furnish them to Mr. JOHN PORTER, in order that they may be put in a way of settlement. April 9, 1825
May 31 1825 Died at Earlsgift, on Monday se’nnight, the REV. A. T. HAMILTON, Rector of the Parish of Donaghkiddy
November 15 1825 Died in this town, on Wednesday the 2nd inst. MRS. C. HAMILTON, formerly of Belfast. She endured a tedious and severe affliction with singular patience and resignation to the divine will, and in possession of a strong confidence in the mercy of God, through Christ, departed in great peace
June 26 1827 Died on the 21st inst. at Strabane, ISABELLA, wife of JAMES HAMILTON, of Strabane, Esq. She bore with a Christian patience and resignation an illness of several months, and quitted this world for a better, in the 37th year of her age. She has not left behind her, a more tender and affectionate mother, a more loving wife, or a steady friend. She never injured mortal in thought, word, or deed, nor ever did but she would be done by. - She has left a son and three daughters, who give fair promise of being the inheritors of their most excellent mother’s mind and disposition
December 18 1827 NOTICE – THE Creditors of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. are requested to attend at MR. COLHOUN’S, Strabane, to sign a Trust Deed in his hands, by which Mr. Hamilton has vested all his property in Trustees, for the purpose of paying their Demands; and also to furnish Mr. Colhoun with a statement of their Accounts, up to the 20th day of November last. Strabane, 17th December, 1827
February 5 1828 Married Thursday last, DANIEL BUTLER, ESQ. of the 4th Revenue Police, to MISS HAMILTON, of Gortavey
February 5 1828 Died on Friday last, MRS. HAMILTON, of Gortavey
August 26 1828 Married Wednesday, 6th inst. MR. JOHN BROWN of Maghrigar, to MISS HAMILTON, daughter of MR. A. HAMILTON of Aughascribby
December 23 1828 Died on Tuesday last, at Milltown, most sincerely and universally regretted, MARIANNE, wife of the REV. STEWART HAMILTON, Rector of Strabane. - To panegyrise the dead is neither our inclination nor our principle. To the dead it is useless - to the living it is always dangerous. Of the departed then we shall merely say, that, though dead, truly “do her works yet praise her in the gates.”
November 20 1832 Died on Tuesday the 13th inst., after a short illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude, MRS. HAMILTON, wife of MR. THOMAS HAMILTON, of this town, Innkeeper, aged 25
November 20 1832

NOTICE – ELIZA ASHINHURST, otherwise HAMILTON, having left my Bed and House, I here-by give Notice, that I will not pay any Debts she may contract in my Name. Given under my Hand this 12th day of November, 1832.

DAVID HAMILTON, of Calhame, Parish of Urney

June 11 1833 Died on Thursday last, MISS HAMILTON, daughter of JAMES HAMILTON ESQ. of this town, aged 18 years. In few instances have the power of divine grace been more strikingly exemplified than in that of the amiable young lady whose death we now record. Long suffering under an illness peculiarly severe, she endured the chastisement of an Almighty Father’s hand without a murmur - in her, patience had its perfect work, her soul becoming hourly more conformed to the Redeemer’s image as she approached the confines of the eternal world. Having her confidence placed on the Rock of Ages she meekly resigned her soul to him who gave it, leaving to her mourning relatives, “a sure and certain hope” that she has been taken from the pains and conflicts of this transitory scene to the enjoyment of an exceeding - an eternal weight of glory, in her Father’s house above
December 17 1833 Died at Omagh, on Wednesday last, the 11th inst., aged 28 years, ALEXANDER, second son of DR. HAMILTON, of that town. This fine young gentleman was cut off by that fell destroyer of youth, consumption, contracted during his collegiate course for the medical profession; the disease had so far taken hold of its victim, ere it was known to his friends, that it could not be arrested by the most skilful treatment. For a considerable time past he was perfectly conscious of his near approach to the world of spirits, he was well prepared for the awful change, and died in the full hope of eternal life through the atonement of the only Mediator between God and man, our Saviour Jesus Christ
February 4 1834 Died Wednesday last, after a short illness, MR. JAMES HAMILTON, of this town, aged 54
February 18 1834 Married Thursday the 6th instant, in Grange Church, County Armagh, by the Rev. Mr. Twigg, MR. JAMES HAMILTON, of Claudy, near this town, to MARY, second daughter of MR BARNES, of that place
March 4 1834 Died on the morning of Sunday last, at the advanced age of 82, FRANCES, relict of the late CLAUDE HAMILTON, ESQ. of this town and Monterlony. Her many virtues and benevolent kindness endeared her not only to a numerous circle of friends, but also to every person to whom she was known. This respectable Lady, notwithstanding her advanced age, retained the possession of all her faculties unimpaired to the last, and departed this life, in a sure and steadfast hope of a happy eternity, through the merits of her Redeemer. We understand, that her remains will be removed at ten o’clock to-morrow from her residence in this town to the family vault at Leckpatrick
September 9 1834 Married the 2nd inst. by the Rev. W. G. Stack, WILLIAM FREDERICK McCULLOCH, ESQ., grandson of the late GENERAL McCULLOCH, of the Hon East India Company’s Service, to ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of SURGEON HAMILTON, of Omagh
March 17 1835 Died Monday se’nnight, very suddenly, MRS. HAMILTON, wife of the late MR. JAMES HAMILTON, of this town
May 19 1835 Died at Edymore, near this town, on Friday last, MR. JAMES HAMILTON
July 21 1835 Married in Dublin last week, MICAH HAMILTON, of Ballyfatton, Esq., near this town, to CATHARINE, daughter of the late RICHARD HAMILTON, of Fintra, in the County of Donegal, Esq.
January 12 1836

SIR JOHN JAMES HAMILTON, Bart. --- Of the many distinguished military officers whose deaths we have recorded, there are few whose services so well deserved the gratitude of their country as those of Sir John Hamilton, Bart., of Woodbrook, in the County of Tyrone, who died a few days ago, being, at the period of his decease, a Lieut. General in the Army, Colonel of the 69th Regt., Governor of Duncannon Fort and Knight Grand Cross of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword. The gallant officer entered upon active service at an unusually early age, and for a period of upwards fifty years, ending with the general peace of 1815, he was never unemployed, was never on half pay, and, what is perhaps without parallel in the British army, he was never, during more than half a century, relieved from duty by official leave of absence, excepting for one fortnight only. During the Peninsular war, his professional science and acknowledged courage were still more importantly exhibited in discharging the many arduous duties of the trust reposed in him by the Duke of Wellington, who confided to his command a large division of the allied army. ---

Whilst Inspector general of Portugal, the national force of that kingdom became,

Whilst Inspector general of Portugal, the national force of that kingdom became, through his indefatigable exertions, as effective and as distinguished for high discipline as it had previously been notorious for want of energy and military character. --- Few achievements, even amidst numberless scenes of brilliant exploit, were more gallant, or more deservedly the theme of universal admiration, than this brave soldier’s almost unexampled and almost incredible defence of the unfortified town, and dismantled castle Alba do Tormes in the latter kingdom with fifteen hundred men, exhausted by an harassing march against the pursuing army of Soult, fifteen thousand strong, and supported by twenty pieces of artillery. Sir John was in his 81st year, descended from a younger son of the noble house of ABERCORN, and was related to many of the leading families in the north of Ireland. He married EMILY SOPHIA MONKS, grand-daughter of MARCUS, EARL OF TYRONE; and has left, besides his successor, the present SIR JOHN JAMES HAMILTON, Bart., four daughters, of whom the second is married to SHEFFIELD GRACE, ESQ., brother of SIR WILLIAM GRACE, Bart.

August 2 1836 Married Wednesday last, by the Rev. J. Alexander, MR. SAMUEL HOOD, of Lisnatony, aged 92 years, to MRS. HAMILTON, of same place, aged 89 years, their joint ages making 180 years, after a courtship of 50 years standing, and their offspring, by their former marriages, consisting of children, grand-children, and great-grandchildren, amounts to 202
October 18 1836 Accident – MR. JAMES HAMILTON, of Grange, near Nn.Stewart, met with a very serious accident a few days ago, in examining some of the works of a scutch mill; by some means his left arm got entangled between the rollers, and was dreadfully lacerated. Mortification ensued rapidly to an alarming extent, and the only hope of saving his life was to amputate the arm at the shoulder joint, which he consented to
November 1 1836 A young man, of the name of DANIEL HAMILTON, labouring under mental derangement, occasioned by attacks of epilepsy, left his father’s house, in the neighbourhood of Coagh, on the morning of Friday, the 14th instant. He is about 12 years of age, five feet nine inches high; had on, when he left home, straw hat, fustian coat, two waist-coats, and cord trowsers. Any person giving information of said young man, to MR. WILLIAM McENTIRE, innkeeper, Coagh; or, to MR. THOMAS MORROW, innkeeper, Dungannon, it will be thankfully received and any reasonable expense paid. It is supposed, he went to the neighbourhood of Dungannon, or Armagh
November 15 1836 Married in Strabane Church, on Thursday morning, by the Rev. Mr Atkinson, GEORGE FITZMAURICE, ESQ. Sub-Inspector of the Police for the County of Londonderry, to ISABELLA MARY ANNE, daughter of JAMES HAMILTON, of this town, Esq.
December 20 1836 Died on the 16th inst. MR GEORGE HAMILTON, of this town
March 21 1837


It is our melancholy duty to announce the death of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. which occurred at his residence in this town, on Friday last, after a protracted illness, in the 67th year of his age. During his long life, which was almost constantly spent in this neighbourhood, he distinguished himself by acts of liberality, and attention to the necessities of the poor, who have in his death to deplore the loss of a generous and kind benefactor. His conduct as a Magistrate of the Counties of Tyrone and Donegal, which situation he filled for many years, was distinguished by the strictest impartiality and kindness of demeanour. We have seldom seen a larger concourse of the gentry and merchants of this town and neighbourhood than assembled yesterday morning to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the memory of this lamented Gentleman. His remains were interred in the family vault of this town



Date Notice
January 5 1833 Died on the 19th ult., at his residence, Milltown, the REV. STEWART HAMILTON, for eight and twenty years Incumbent of the populous parish of Strabane
May 4 1833 Died at Omagh, on the 13th ult., MRS. MARY HAMILTON, aged 60 years, relict of the late ROBERT HAMILTON, ESQ., SEN.
December 14 1833 Died at Omagh, on Wednesday last, the 11th inst, aged 20 years, ALEXANDER, second son of DR. HAMILTON, of that Town
May 24 1834 Married on the 11th inst., at Largy Wood, county Derry, by the Rev. Mr. Templeton, MR. JAMES BUCHANAN, of Omagh, to MARY, daughter of the late MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of Strabane
July 25 1835 Married on the 15th inst., in St. Mary's Church, Dublin, MICAH CAREY, youngest son of CHARLES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Ballyfatton, county Tyrone, to KATE, fifth daughter of the late RICHARD HAMILTON, ESQ., of Fintra, county Donegal
October 31 1835 Died at the house of her brother in law, DR. HAMILTON, of Omagh, MRS. HAMILTON, relict of the late DAVID HAMILTON, of Aughnacloy, Esq., aged 62 years
January 9 1836 Married on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Fred Hamilton, in the district Church of Trinity, Parish of Mary le Bone, CHARLES THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D., to ANNE, youngest daughter of the late JAMES HAMILTON, of Drumdas, county Tyrone
February 27 1836 Married on the 24th inst., by the Rev. John Hamilton, of Cappagh Cross Roads, near Omagh, MR. JAMES GIVAN, of Tully, to REBECCA, eldest daughter of MR. THOMAS HAMILTON, of Beragh
April 16 1836 Married on the 8th inst., by the Rev. John Monteith, MR. JAMES HAMILTON, Toronto, Upper Canada, to MARY ANNE, second daughter of MR. JOHN WALKER, Tyrconnelly, county Tyrone
June 25 1836 Birth: At Ballyfatton, near Strabane, on the 23rd inst., the lady of Micah Carey Hamilton, Esq., of a son
July 30 1836 Married on Wednesday last, by the Rev. J. Alexander, MR. SAMUEL HOOD, of Lisnatony, aged 92 years, to MRS. HAMILTON, of same place, aged 89 years, their joint ages making 180 years, after a courtship of 50 years standing, and their offspring, by their former marriages, consisting of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, amounts to 202
November 19 1836 Married in Strabane Church, on Thursday morning, by the Rev. Mr. Atkinson, GEORGE FITZMAURICE, ESQ., Sub Inspector of Police for the county of Londonderry, to ISABELLA MARY ANNE, daughter of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of that town
October 14 1837 Married on the 12th inst., at Wray Church, by the Rev. George Beatty Moore, NOBLE ARMSTRONG, ESQ., of Glenmore, county Longford, to MARGERY, eldest daughter of CHARLES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Ballyfatton, county Tyrone
March 25 1837 Died at Strabane, on Friday last, JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., Magistrate of the counties of Tyrone and Donegal
June 3 1837 Died on the 1st June, GALBRAITH HAMILTON, ESQ., of Ballyfatton, county Tyrone, formerly of the city of Dublin, merchant
September 16 1837 Died of consumption, on 17th ult., WILLIAM HAMILTON, medical student, son of DR. HAMILTON, Dungannon
January 13 1838 Married on the 18th ult., in the Church of Urney, by the Rector, the Rev. Mr. Hume, MR. MICHAEL HANLEY, of the City of Dublin, to MARTHA, youngest daughter of CHARLES HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D., Ballyfatten House, Strabane
February 10 1838 Married at Strabane, on Thursday week, by the Rev. A.P. Goudy, ANDREW HAMILTON, ESQ., of Tyrulto, Upper Canada, to ELIZA, eldest daughter of the late JOHN SCOTT, ESQ., of Strabane
July 14 1838 Married on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Gilkie, of Omagh, the REV. JOHN HAMILTON, Presbyterian Minister of Cappagh Crossroads, Mountjoy Forest, to MARY, sixth daughter of MR. WILLIAM SPEER, of Crawfordstown, near Castlederg
May 18 1839 Married on the 16th inst., at the Church of Urney, by the Rev. Robert Hume, MICHAEL HEAD BURGOYNE, ESQ., son of the late SIR JOHN J. BURGOYNE, to ANNE, eldest daughter of the late GALBRAITH HAMILTON, ESQ., of Ballyfatton, county Tyrone
August 10 1839 Married at Inver Church, on Thursday 1st August, by the Rev. Alexander Montgomery, DOCTOR HAMILTON, of Newtownstewart, to PATRICIA, youngest daughter of MURRAY BABINGTON, ESQ., Bonny Glen
August 31 1839 Died at Strabane, on Thursday last, MRS. HAMILTON, relict of the late WILLIAM HAMILTON, ESQ, of that Town, at an advanced age of 97
April 11 1840 Married on Monday last, at the house of the lady's grandfather, MR. THOMAS KNOX, Ballyskeagh, by the Rev. J. McFarland, the REV. JAMES GAILEY, to JANE, youngest daughter of the late DR. HAMILTON, Strabane. The happy pair started for Belfast the next morning
May 16 1840 Married on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Robert Hume, at Urney Church, SAMUEL B. DICKSON, of Finstown Cottage, county Dublin, to MARGERY, third daughter of the late GALBRAITH HAMILTON, ESQ., of Ballyfatten, county Tyrone
November 7 1840 Died on the 1st inst., after a painful illness, MRS. JANE HAMILTON, of Gortrush, Omagh, relict of the late JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of the Commissariat Department
November 21 1840 Died on Thursday, the 19th inst., in her 34 year, after a short illness, MARGARET, the beloved wife of the REV. J. HAMILTON, Crossroads, Omagh
November 21 1840 Married at Omagh, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Hanna, JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., eldest son of CAPTAIN HAMILTON of Eccles Green, Fintona, to ANNE JANE, only daughter of FRANCIS RAMSAY, ESQ., Arvagh House, Clogher
February 6 1841 Died at Beragh, near Omagh, on the 5th inst., MR. JOHN HAMILTON, at the advanced age of 100 years
February 6 1841 Birth: At Omagh, on Monday, the 11th inst., the lady of DR. HAMILTON, JUNIOR, of a daughter
May 8 1841 Married on the 21st ult., by the Rev. Matthew Clark, MR. WILLIAM ALLEN, of Crew, to REBECCA, daughter of MR. HENRY HAMILTON, Ganvahin
September 18 1841 Birth: At Eccles Green, near Fintona, on the 12th inst., the lady of JAMES HAMILTON, JUNIOR, ESQ., of a daughter
November 6 1841 Died at his house, on Thursday, the 21st October, MR. ROBERT HAMILTON, aged 69, one of the oldest and most respectable merchants in Strabane, sincerely and deservedly regretted by all who were acquainted with him
November 19 1842 Birth: On the 15th inst., the lady of JOHN HAMILTON, JUN., ESQ., M.D., of Omagh, of a son
January 21 1843 Birth: At Ecclesgreen, Fintona, on the 13th inst., the lady of JAMES HAMILTON, JUN., ESQ., of a daughter
May 6 1843 Died at Omagh, on the 27th ult., of whooping cough, MARY, aged 4 years, and on the 29th ult., of the same disease, ISABELLA, aged 2 years, the beloved children of JOHN HAMILTON, JUN., ESQ., M.D.
May 27 1843 Died at Omagh, on Saturday, the 20th inst., of whooping cough, aged six months, ALEXANDER, only child of JOHN HAMILTON, JUN., M.D.
September 16 1843 Died on Sunday, 3rd inst., after a very short illness, MR. ANDREW HAMILTON, of Aughascriby, county Tyrone, aged 84 years.
October 7 1843 Died on the 29th ult., suddenly, JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., formerly of Mulnagore Lodge, in the county of Tyrone, and many years a merchant in Dublin
October 14 1843 Died on Friday, the 6th inst., in the 79th year of his age, CHARLES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Ballyfatton, county Tyrone, eldest and last surviving son of the late JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Fortstewart, Ramelton, county Donegal
October 21 1843 Died at Strabane, on Sunday evening last, MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of Church Street
April 6 1844 Died at Woodend, near Strabane, on Friday fortnight, MRS. HAMILTON, relict of the late MR. JAMES HAMILTON, aged 89 years
May 25 1844 Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. Armstrong, Presbyterian Minister, Castlederg, MR. THOMAS HAMILTON, Castlesessagh, to MISS NANCY, daughter of JAMES McCUTCHEON, Fraughlough
May 25 1844 Birth: At Omagh, on the 15th inst., the lady of DR. JOHN HAMILTON, JUNIOR, of a son
July 6 1844 Married Tuesday, the 25th ult., in St. Ann's Church, by the Rev. C. Allen, DAVID J. HAMILTON, ESQ., Cookstown, surgeon, to EUPHEMIA, eldest daughter of the late JOHN MURRAY, ESQ., Belfast
January 18 1845 Died on Sabbath morning, the 5th inst., in Beragh, near BESSIE BELL, aged 93 years, ELIZABETH, relict of the late MR. JAMES HAMILTON, of said Place, and mother of the REV. JOHN HAMILTON, of Cappagh, Crossroads
March 22 1845 Birth: At Ecclesgreen, Fintona, on the 14th inst., MRS. HAMILTON, of a son
May 24 1845 Married on the 13th inst., in Wyke, GEORGE HAMILTON, Lieutenant 55th Regiment, son of GEORGE HAMILTON, ESQ., of Hamilton Lodge, Staffordshire, and grandnephew of the late SIR J. STUART HAMILTON, Bart., of Dunnemamagh Castle, county of Tyrone, who for many years represented the borough of Strabane, in the Irish Parliament, to CHARLOTTE, second daughter of the REV. W.J. RAYTON, of Westergate, Surrey
October 4 1845 Married on the 18th ult., at Cappagh Church, by the Rev. James Wilson, JAMES GEORGE LANGTRY, ESQ., of Larkfield, to MARY, only daughter of THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ., of Beragh, near Omagh
November 8 1845 Died September 20, at Hazell Green, America, FRANCIS HAMILTON, son of the late GALBRAITH HAMILTON, ESQ., of Ballyfatten, Strabane
October 10 1846 Died on the 5th inst., at Ballyfatton House, in the 87th year of her age, MARGARET, the beloved wife of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ
March 6 1847 Birth: February 24th, at Ecclesgreen, MRS. HAMILTON, of a son
March 27 1847 Died on the 25th inst., at the residence of her nephew, Woodside, Castlederg, JANE, relict of the late REV. WILLIAM HAMILTON, formerly Curate of the parish of Termonamongan, aged 94 years
January 8 1848 Married at the First Presbyterian Church, Newtownstewart, on the 22nd ult., by the Rev. James Alexander, MR. JOHN KERNAHAN, of Shanony, to CATHARINE, eldest daughter of MR. ANDREW HAMILTON, of Mularty
January 29 1848 Died on the 20th inst., after a short illness, MR. JAMES HAMILTON aged 78. He was a Ruling Elder in the Congregation of Badoney
July 22 1848 Died July 13, at Donaghmore, county Tyrone, ANNA, eldest daughter of the REV. ARCHIBALD HAMILTON
December 2 1848 Married November 22, in St. Ann's Church, Dungannon, the REV. ROBERT HAMILTON, of Castle Caulfield, to EMILY, eldest daughter of THOMAS KINLEY, ESQ., of Dungannon
January13 1849 Married on the 2nd inst., in Donoughmore Church, THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ., of Dublin, to MARGARET ELIZA, eldest daughter of the REV. A. HAMILTON, of Donoughmore, county Tyrone
January 20 1849 Married on the 8th inst., in the Presbyterian Church of 1st Glendermott, by the Rev. A. Buchanan, MR. GEORGE HAMILTON, of Ballyheather, to MISS ELIZA JANE WELSH, of Glebes
February 3 1849 Birth: On the 21st ult., at Eccles Green, Fintona, the wife of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of a son
February 10 1849 Married in Gortin Church, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. Nathaniel Stevens, MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of Innisclan, near Mountfield, to ISABELLA, third daughter of MR. FREDERICK CAMPBELL, of Ruskey, near Gortin
March 10 1849 Married February 13, in Dromore Church, by Rev. Henry Lucas St. George, JOHN CONAN, ESQ., M.D., to BESSIE, eldest daughter of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Lakemount
April 28 1849 Married on the 19th inst., in Fintona, JAMES MACKAY ESQ., of Seskanore, to MARGARET, daughter of the late JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Ecclesgreen
May 19 1849 Died April 29, at Clifton, aged 80 years, MARY, relict of the REV. ANDREW THOMAS HAMILTON, of Earlsgift, county Tyrone
June 30 1849 Died June 20, at Donaghmore, in the county of Tyrone, aged 77 years, the REV. ARCHIBALD HAMILTON, Incumbent of Derg, in the Diocese of Derry
July 7 1849 Died on the 27th ult., at the residence of his brother, Coagh, near Moneymore, MR. GIVEN HAMILTON, JUN., aged 25 years
September 28 1849 Married September 21, at Donaghmore Church, county of Tyrone, by the Rev. Robert Walsh, the REV. WILLIAM DIX, A.B., of Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, to JANE, second surviving daughter of the late REV. ARCHIBALD HAMILTON, Incumbent of Castlederg, in the Diocese of Derry
October 12 1849 Died on the 3rd inst., at George Street, Dublin, GEORGE, sixth son of DR. HAMILTON of Dungannon
November 16 1849 Died at Strabane, on the 8th inst., ISABELLA, last surviving daughter of the late CLAUD HAMILTON, ESQ., MISS HAMILTON was the last of her race, in the elder branch, next to that of the MARQUIS OF ABERCORN, in direct descent from CLAUD HAMILTON, first Baron of Paisley; second cousin of the present SIR JAMES JOHN HAMILTON, of Woodbrook, county of Tyrone, Bart., and nearly related to the noblest blood in this part of Ireland
November 16 1849 Birth: At Castlecaulfield, on the 5th inst., the lady of the REV. ROBERT HAMILTON, curate of the parish of Donaghmore, diocese of Armagh, of a son
November 23 1849 Married on 15th inst., by the Rev. John Hamilton, Crossroads, the REV. JAMES BELL, Presbyterian Minister, Tandragee [Co. Armagh], to MISS HAMILTON, daughter of DR. HAMILTON, of Omagh
February 15 1850 Birth: On the 1st inst., at Dungannon, the lady of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., surgeon, of a son
March 8 1850 Died at Strabane, ANN, youngest daughter of the late MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, merchant
June 7 1850 Birth: May 27th, at Darraghmore, county Tyrone, the lady of THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ., of a daughter
October 18 1850 Died on the 8th inst., after a lingering illness, Sarah, wife of MR. JAMES HAMILTON, Droit, near Newtownstewart, aged 32 years
November 1 1850 Died on the 23rd ult., at his father's residence, in Dungannon, MR. JOHN HAMILTON, surgeon
April 18 1851 Married on the 17th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Douglas, by the Rev. James Alexander, MR. JAMES DONNELL, merchant, Newtownstewart, to MARGARET, second daughter of MR. JAMES HAMILTON, Glennock, near Newtownstewart
July 4 1851 Married on 20th ult., in the Church of Dromore, by the Rev. H.L. St. George, WILLIAM K. IRWINE, ESQ., son of Captain Irwine, Drumglass House, near Dungannon, to ANNE, second daughter of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Lakemount
July 11 1851 Died on the 28th ult., MARY, the wife of DR. HAMILTON, SEN., of Omagh
October 3 1851 Birth: On the 25th ult., at Ecclesgreen, Fintona, MRS. HAMILTON, of a daughter
March 5 1852 Married on the 26th ult., in Strabane Church , by the Rev. James Smith, JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., Ballyfatton, to HARRIET, daughter of GEORGE ARNOLD, ESQ., Strabane
March 12 1852 Birth: March 4, at Donoughmore, county Tyrone, the wife of THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ., a son
June 25 1852 Married in Fintona Church, on Tuesday week, by the Rev. Thomas Maunsell, JOHN ECCLES HAMILTON, ESQ., Surgeon, R.N., to EMILY, second daughter of JAMES BUCHANAN, ESQ., Fintona
July 23 1852 Died at Greenwich, BREVET CAPTAIN GEORGE HAMILTON, of the 16th Lancers, son of the late MAJOR JAMES HAMILTON, of Grange, county Tyrone
July 30 1852 Birth: On the 20th inst., the lady of DR. HAMILTON, JUN., Omagh, of a daughter, still born
October 22 1852 Married on the 14th inst., in the Wesleyan Chapel, Strabane, by the Rev. Robert Hewitt, MR. ALEXANDER McCLELLAND, to CATHERINE, youngest daughter of MR. HUGH HAMILTON, both of Strabane, county Tyrone
April 1 1853 Birth: In Fintona, on the 18th ult., the wife of JOHN ECCLES HAMILTON, ESQ., R.N., of a son
April 8 1853 Died at Drumnaboy, on Wednesday last, MRS. HAMILTON, relict of the late MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, leather merchant, Strabane
July 8 1853 Birth: June 26, at Donoughmore, county Tyrone, the lady of THOMAS HAMILTON ESQ., of a son
January 20 1854 Died on Thursday, the 12th inst., MARIA, youngest daughter of JOHN HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D., of Omagh, aged 4 years
August 18 1854 Married on the 9th inst., in the Second Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. W.A. Russell, MR. SAMUEL KNOX, Carrickgullin, to MARGARET, only daughter of MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Lisconbuoy, near Strabane
April 28 1854 Birth: On Saturday evening, the 15th inst., at Ecclesgreen, Fintona, MRS. HAMILTON, of a son
October 13 1854 Married at Leckpatrick Presbyterian Church, county Tyrone, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Moses Chambers, the REV. ROBERT CRAWFORD, of Thornhill, Nithsdale, to MARTHA, the eldest daughter of the late ROBERT HAMILTON, ESQ., surgeon, R.N.
January 4 1856 Birth: December 27th, at George's Park, county Tyrone, the wife of THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ., of a son
May 9 1856 Married in the First Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Matthew Clarke, MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Milltown, to FANNY, daughter of MR. WILLIAM GIVEN, Largeybeg
September 12 1856 Died at Gortmessan, on the 16th ult., aged 54 years, MRS. MARY HAMILTON, relict of the late DR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of this City [Londonderry]
October 3 1856 Died on the 23rd ult., at Omagh, JOHN HAMILTON, SEN., ESQ., surgeon, in his 67th year
December 5 1856 Died on the 27th ult., at Omagh, suddenly, DR. HAMILTON aged 46
December 5 1856 Died November 28, at Clooney, the residence of her daughter, MRS. SIMPSON, MARGARET, relict of the late MR. SAMUEL HAMILTON, Claudy, Strabane, aged 78 years
March 13 1857 Married in the 5th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Crossroads, near Omagh, by the Rev. John Hamilton, MR. DAVID HAMILTON, of Gortinrea, to ANNE, eldest daughter of MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of Beragh, and niece to the REV. JOHN HAMILTON
October 2 1857 Married on the 27th ult., in the Church of Cooltrain, by the Rev. John Flanagan, Rector of Killeevan, ROBERT SAUNDERSON HAMILTON, ESQ., of Lakemount, county Tyrone, Lieutenant Tyrone Fusiliers, to BESSIE, eldest daughter of CHARLES MOOREHEAD, ESQ., of Ballymakenny, Lisnaskea, Lieutenant H.P., 71st Regiment
October16 1857 Married in Strabane Church, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. James Smith, ANDREW HAMILTON, ESQ., Sandymount, county Donegal, to ISABELLA CATHERINE, eldest daughter of the late JOHN WILSON, ESQ., Strabane
November 20 1857 Died on the 5th inst., ISABELLA GRAVES, fifth daughter of IRWIN MOORE HAMILTON, ESQ., Castlecaufield, aged 84 years
December 18 1857 Married on the 9th inst., in Kilskeery, by the Rev. Arthur Irvine, MR. JOHN WIER, Glassmulla, near Ederney, to MARGARET, second daughter of MR. J. HAMILTON, Drumharvey
January 15 1858 Married on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. J. Armstrong, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Castlederg, MR. MATTHEW HAMILTON, Dartins, to JANE, daughter to MR. THOMAS ROULSTON, Kilklean
January 22 1858 Died on the 10th inst., at his residence, Lakemount, county Tyrone, JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., aged 60 years
February 12 1858 Died on Wednesday last, MARY ANN, eldest daughter of MR. HUGH HAMILTON, Front Street, Strabane
September 17 1858 Married on the 9th inst., in Kilskeery Church, by the Rev. A.H. Irvine, MR. HENRY BRIEN, of New York, son of the late JOHN BRIEN, ESQ., Blockeyhill, to ELIZA JANE, second daughter of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., Harp, county Tyrone
November 26 1858 Married on Tuesday, the 23rd inst., at Banagher Church [Co. Londonderry], by the Rev. George Scott, Rector, JOHN HAMILTON, ESQ., Magheracolton, to MARY ANNE, eldest daughter of the late ROBERT POSTON, ESQ., Derrychrear
December 24 1858 Married on the 14th inst., by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. John Arnold, MR. JOHN McMASTER, merchant, Omagh, to MARGARET, eldest daughter of the REV. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Edenderry, Omagh
December 31 1858 Married on the 30th inst., in the Second Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. Mr. Alexander, WILLIAM HAMILTON, ESQ., Strabane, to JANE, daughter of THOMAS BARNHILL, ESQ., Brickfield, Strabane
January 27 1860 Birth: January 23, at Strabane, the wife of Mr. William Hamilton, ironmonger, of a daughter
March 23 1860 Died March 12, at her mother's residence, Derrychrear, MARY ANNE, the beloved wife of MR. JOHN HAMILTON, Magheracolton, Newtownstewart
June 29 1860 Married June 21, in the First Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Matthew Clark, MR. JOSEPH M GEE, Maheracolton, to MISS MARY HAMILTON, Milltown
October 19 1860 Married October 10, in Moy Church, by the Rev. T.J. Smyth, assisted by the Rev. R. Wrightson, the REV. WILLIAM TWIBILL, to JANE, relict of the late REV. WILLIAM DIX, and daughter of the late REV. ARCHIBALD HAMILTON, of Mount Barnard, county Tyrone
March 1 1861 Married February 22, in Clogherney Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Joseph McAskie, MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Lislap, to ELIZABETH JANE, second daughter of MR. JOHN McFARLAND, Dumduff
March 29 1861 Married March 28, at Monkstown Church, county Dublin, by the Rev. Thomas Henry, Rector of Kilcommack, Diocese of Ardagh, NOBLE ARMSTRONG, ESQ., Glanmore, county Longford, to Jane, second daughter of the late GALBRAITH HAMILTON, ESQ., Ballyfatton, county Tyrone
April 19 1861 Married April 4, in the Presbyterian Church, Killeter, by the Rev. Joseph Love, MR. ALEXANDER SCOTT, of Raneeny, to JANE, daughter of MR. HUGH HAMILTON, Caracoghan
April 19 1861 Married April 2, in Lisnaskea Church, W.C. MOORE, Lieutenant Royal Tyrone Fusiliers, son of the late EDWARD MOORE, ESQ., of the Bond [Bawn], county Tyrone, to KATE, fourth daughter of the late JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Lakemount
April 19 1861 Married April 11, in the Presbyterian Church, Killeter, by the Rev. Joseph Love, MR. MOSES YOUNG, of Altamullan, to LETITIA, daughter of MR. ROBERT HAMILTON, of Laught
May 31 1861 Died May 27, at Eccles Green, Fintona, county Tyrone, WALTER RENNICK, infant son of MR. JAMES HAMILTON, aged 3 months
June 14 1861 Died June 8, of fever, MARGARET, eldest daughter of MR. CLAUD HAMILTON, Killions, Mountfield, near Omagh, aged 25 years
August 16 1861 Died August 7, at Ecclesgreen, Fintona, HENRY LUDLOW, infant son of MR. JAMES HAMILTON, aged six months
October 25 1861 Married at Clonaneese Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Archibald Heron, JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., merchant, Dungannon, to JANE, third daughter of JOHN READ, ESQ., Reaskaferiff
October 25 1861 Married October 18, in Douglas Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Alexander, MR. JOHN ANDERSON, Letterbratt, to ELIZA MARGARET, eldest daughter of MR. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Lisnatunny, and niece to MILLER HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D., R.N.
October 25 1861 Died October 14, at his residence, Beragh, near Bessie Bell, MR. THOMAS HAMILTON, aged 77 years
January 31 1862 Died January 22, at Ballyfatten, county Tyrone, after a lingering illness, in the 24th year of his age, JOHN HAZLETT, second son of DR. JAMES HAMILTON
February 28 1862 Died February 22, at Benbuniff, near Dunnemana, MR. JOHN HAMILTON, aged 16 years
March 14 1862 Birth: March 5, at Strabane, the wife of WILLIAM HAMILTON, of a son
April 4 1862 Died March 29, in Church Street, Strabane, MR. JAMES HAMILTON, of the firm of Messrs. ROBERT and JAMES HAMILTON
June 13 1862 Died June 8, at Woodend, Strabane, THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ.
July 4 1862 Died June 30, at Castlederg, MR. ANDREW HAMILTON, aged 73 years
October 3 1862 Birth: September 25, at Lisdermot House, the wife of MR. J. HAMILTON, merchant, Dungannon, of a son
January 30 1863 Married on the 11th September, in St. Mary's Church, Parnell, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of New Zealand, HARKNESS, eighth son of DR. JAMES HAMILTON, formerly of Cookstown, Ireland, to MARY ANN, second daughter of WILLIAM BUCHANAN, ESQ., J.P., Tara, Bendemeer, New England, New South Wales
May 5 1863 Died April 25, MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, aged 94 years, being one of the oldest inhabitants of Strabane
May 29 1863 Married May 28, at Drumclamph Church, Castlederg, by the Rev. H. Faucett, MR. HUGH McCAY, of Whitehouse, to MISS JANE HAMILTON, of Belnalone
June 5 1863 Married on the 2nd June, in the Established Church, Mountfield, by the Rev. Mr. Swift, MR. JOHN CRAWFORD, of Pennsylvania, America, to MISS MATILDA J. HAMILTON, the daughter of CLAUD HAMILTON, ESQ., of Mountfield
June 12 1863 Birth: June 8, at Ecclesgreen, Fintona, MRS. HAMILTON of a son
November 17 1863 Married November 12, by the Rev. Joseph Love, in the Presbyterian Church, Maghernageeragh, WILLIAM, eldest son of MR. JAMES BUCHANAN, Lisglass, to MARY ANNE, third daughter of MR. HUGH HAMILTON, Laught, Castlederg
December 23 1863 Died December 17, at the residence of her son, MR. JAMES HAMILTON, merchant, Dungannon, MARY JANE, wife of MR. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Ternascobe, county Armagh
March 8 1864 Married on the 3rd March, in the First Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Leslie A. Lyle, WILLIAM HAMILTON, ESQ., Shannony, to ELIZA ANN, only daughter of JAMES TYNAN, ESQ., Bunderg, county Tyrone
March 15 1864 Died March 10, at his residence, Northland Row, Dungannon, DR. JAMES HAMILTON, after a short illness
April 15 1864 Married April 6, at Castlederg Wesleyan Chapel, by the Rev. T.W. Baker, MR. JOHN CALDWELL, of Kilrail, to MARY ANNE, daughter of MR. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, of Luremore
June 17 1864 Died June 11, on board the ship Damascus, in the East India Dock, London, on the home voyage from Sydney, New South Wales, ALEXANDER, second son of MR. R. HAMILTON, Luremore, Castlederg, aged 26 years
July 12 1864 Married April 15, at All Saints' Church, Ryal Bush, New Zealand, by the Rev. W.F. Oldham, WILLIAM STUART, ESQ., to HENRIETTA JANE, daughter of the late JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of Lakemount, county Tyrone, Ireland
July 29 1864 Married 26th July, in Clougherney Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. John Houston, Ballinahatty, assisted by the REV. WILLIAM HAMILTON, father to the bridegroom, the REV. WILLIAM ROSS HAMILTON, Ballygawley, to CATHERINE, the youngest daughter of the late JOHN BUCHANAN, ESQ., Lisbuoy, near Omagh
August 5 1864 Died July 27, at Moy county Tyrone, MARY, third child of the REV. ROBERT HAMILTON, aged 16 years
August 26 1864 Married August 19, at Donaghmore Church, by the Rev. Robert Hamilton, WILLIAM RICHARDSON, ESQ., Eskragh, to MISS MARY HOUSTON, second surviving daughter of the late IRWIN MOORE HAMILTON, ESQ., Castlecaulfield
November 1 1864 Married October 27, in the First Presbyterian Church, Glendermott, by the Rev. A. Buchanan, MR. ROBERT JAMES HAMILTON, of Gledstown, Parish of Donagheady, to MARY ANNE, daughter of MR. SAMUEL DONNALD, of Gobnascale, Parish of Glendermott
December 2 1864 Married November 29, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. William J. Thornhill, Prebendary of St. Patrick's and Rector of Rathcoole, assisted by the Rev. George A.F. Patton, ROBERT HAMILTON, ESQ., youngest son of the late DR. THOMAS HAMILTON, of Dungannon, county Tyrone, to ANNA MARIA, daughter of JAMES LOUGH, ESQ., of Clones, county Monaghan
December 6 1864 Married November 29, at Castlederg, by the Rev. Edward Edwards, MR. THOMAS ELLIOTT, of Ganvaghan, to JANE HAMILTON, of Aughnahoe
January 24 1865 Married on the 18th January, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Castlederg, by the Rev. J. Armstrong, MR. THOMAS HAMILTON, Newtownstewart, to MISS SARAH McCORMACK, only daughter of MR. WILLIAM McCORMACK, Kinlough
December 19 1865 Died December 16, at Church Street, Strabane, BESSIE McCREA, eldest daughter of MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, ironmonger
January 16 1866 Died January 11, at Dungannon, THOMAS, second son of MR. JAMES HAMILTON, aged 2 years
February 16 1866 Married February 8, at Newcastle Church, county Down, by the Rev. W.R. Slacke, MR. J.M. HAMILTON, Sion Mills, Strabane, to MISS MARTHA BARRY, Black Rock, Newcastle
September 21 1866 Birth: September 15, at Castle Hill, Dungannon, the wife of MR. GEORGE F. HAMILTON, of a son, still born
November 9 1866 Married on the 6th November, in Crew Church, by the Rev. Roberts Mussen, JAMES TURNER, ESQ., of Drumquin, to MATILDA, daughter of JOHN HAMILTON, ESQ., Laurel Cottage, Magheracrigan, county Tyrone
November 30 1866 Married November 24, at Magherafelt Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Mr. Montgomery, HENRY, son of MR. ROBERT HAMILTON, Cookstown, to ESTHER, daughter of MR. JAMES CATHCART, of Ballymackelveny, near Magherafelt
March 8 1867 Died on the 3rd March, at Dunbunraver, MATILDA, the beloved wife of MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, and daughter of the late SAMUEL DUNN, ESQ., Plumbridge
March 15 1867 Birth: March 11, at Magheracolton, Newtownstewart, the wife of MR. JOHN HAMILTON, of a son
March 15 1867 Died March 3, after a short illness, MATILDA, the beloved wife of MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of Liscable, near Newtownstewart
April 9 1867 Birth: March 23, at Lakemount, county Tyrone, the wife of CAPTAIN HAMILTON, of a daughter
May 7 1867 Married May 3, in the First Presbyterian Church, Cookstown, by the Rev. H.B. Wilson, RITCHIE BROOKS, Sergeant Londonderry Militia Staff, to MARTHA, second daughter of the late MR. JOSEPH HAMILTON, Aughlis
May 10 1867 Died May 1, at Cavanalee, Strabane, MARY, wife of MR. ROBERT HAMILTON, aged 70 years
July 16 1867 Died July 11, at Castle Lodge, Fintona, JOHN ECCLES HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D., Surgeon, R.N., aged 43 years
August 16 1867 Died n the 10th August, at the house of her son in law, THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ., Grange, county Tyrone, ANNE SMILY HAMILTON, widow of the late REV. ARCHIBALD HAMILTON, of Mount Barnard, Castlederg, in the same County
August 30 1867 Birth: On the 26th August, at Foy, Cookstown, the wife of MR. HENRY HAMILTON, of a son
December 10 1867 Died December 2, WALKER RENNICK, youngest child of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., Eccles Green, Fintona, aged 4 years and 6 months
December 24 1867 Died December 22, MISS ANNE HAMILTON, one of the most respected of the few remaining old natives of Newtownstewart
January 28 1868 Died January 19, at his residence, Gloudstown, near Donemana, ROBERT JAMES HAMILTON, aged 26 years
March 3 1868 Died January26, on board H.M.S. Barracoutta, Port Royal, Jamaica, of yellow fever, THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ., Assistant Surgeon, The deceased was son of MR. THOMAS HAMILTON, Campsie, formerly merchant of Omagh, and cousin of the late DR. JOHN HAMILTON
March 17 1868 Married March 12, at Maghernageeragh Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Joseph Love, MR. SAMUEL HUNTER, Lisnacloon, to Letitia, third daughter of MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Laught, Castlederg
March 17 1868 Died March 12, at Main Street, Strabane, JANE, wife of MR. HUGH HAMILTON
April 3 1868 Died April 2, JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D., Ballyfatton House, Strabane, aged 58 years
June 16 1868 Married June 9, at Christ Church, Belfast, by the Rev. Robert Hannay, ERNEST S.TOOVEY, St. Helier's, Ballyholme, Bangor, to MARY, only daughter of DAVID JOHN HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D., Cookstown, county Tyrone
August 18 1868 Died August 12, at the residence of her son in law, DR. W.M. BURKE, 12 North Great George's Street, Dublin, in her 88th year, ELIZABETH ANN, relict of the REV. HUGH HAMILTON, and daughter of the late RIGHT HON. JOHN STAPLES, of Lissan, county Tyrone
November 27 1868 Died November 19, at Dartons, in the 84th year of her age, FANNY, widow of the late HENRY HAMILTON
December 4 1868 Died September 4, at Moiar, Gwalla, India, Quarter Master SERGEANT JAMES HAMILTON, 103rd Bombay Fusiliers, fourth son of MR. JOHN HAMILTON, Castlederg, county Tyrone, aged 30 years
December 18 1868 Married December 9, in the First Presbyterian Church, Garvetagh, Castlederg, by the Rev. John Crocket, CHARLES, youngest son of MR. CHARLES HEMPHILL, to MARGARET, second daughter of MR. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, both of Surentars(?)
December 8 1868 Died November 23, at his residence, Laught, Castlederg, MR. JAMES HAMILTON, aged 62 years
February 19 1869 Birth: Feb 15, at Loy, Cookstown, the wife of HENRY JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., of a son
June 8 1869 Married June 2, at Dungannon, by the Rev. E. Gaussen, JOHN ARNOLD, ESQ., Colesker, son of the REV. J. ARNOLD, Omagh, to MARIA EMILY, only daughter of the late DR. HAMILTON, Dungannon
July 20 1869 Married July 15, in the Presbyterian Church, Killeter, by the Rev. Joseph Love, MR. JOHN McKAY, Fraughlaugh, Castlederg, to LETITIA, daughter of MR. ROBERT HAMILTON, Carrickcoughan
October 5 1869 Died Sept. 30, at his residence, Newtownstewart, DR. HAMILTON, R.N., in his 79th year



Date Notice
December 28 1828 Married on Wednesday last in Donemana Church by the Rev. Mr. Haslett, MR. THOMAS HAMILTON of Gortavey to ELIZA, eldest daughter of MR. ANDREW RODEN of Cloghboy
March 27 1832 Died on Monday se’nnight at Pollockstown, MISS HAMILTON, daughter of MR. BABBINGTON HAMILTON, parish of Lifford [Co. Donegal]



Date Notice
August 17 1854 Married on the 9th instant in the 2nd Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. W. A. Russell, MR. SAMUEL KNOX, Carrickgullen, to MARGARET, only daughter of MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Liscomboy, near Strabane
August 31 1854 Married on the 10th inst., in the 2nd Presbyterian Church, Castlederg, by the Rev. John Armstrong, MR. DAVID BAIRD, Merchant, Ballina, county of Mayo, to REBECCA, daughter of MR. JOHN HAMILTON, Coolnacronought, near Castlederg
November 16 1854 Married on Thursday, the 2nd Presbyterian Church, Gortin, by the Rev. Matthew Logan, MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of Brooklyn, New York, America, to MARY, eldest daughter of the late MR. WILLIAM McFARLAND, of Minaduff, Gortin
June 21 1855 Married on the 14th instant, in the Presbyterian Church, Crossroads, near Omagh, by the Rev. John Hamilton, A.M., MR. GEORGE FULTON of the hotel, Newtownstewart, to MARGARET, youngest daughter of the late MR. JOHN HAMILTON, of Gortnacrea, Parish of Cappagh, near Omagh
December 4 1856 DEATH OF JOHN HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D. – Under very painful feelings we this morning announce the awfully sudden death of Dr. Hamilton, of this town (Omagh). The sad event has cast a gloom over the entire community for he was confided in and respected by all –beloved by very many........the melancholy event is attributable to a rupture of one of the large blood vessels in the vicinity of the heart, which must have been in a diseased condition for a considerable time (Tyrone Constitution)
January 6 1859 Married December 30, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. Mr. Alexander, WILLIAM HAMILTON, ESQ., Strabane, to JANE, daughter of THOMAS BARNHILL, ESQ., Brickfield, Strabane
April 23 1870 Married April 19, by Rev. T. Johnston, Droit, assisted by Rev. John Love, Glenelly, ALEXANDER DUNCAN, ESQ., Eden, to SARAH, eldest daughter of WILLIAM HAMILTON, ESQ., Liscable, Newtownstewart



Date Notice
January 7 1870 Died Nov. 25, at his residence, Sussex Vale, King’s County, New Brunswick, British America, JOHN HAMILTON, ESQ., formerly of Droit, Newtownstewart, county Tyrone
April 1 1870 Married March 24, at the Parish Church of Urney, by the Rev. Charles Seymour, Rector, WM., eldest son of the late EDWARD CAMPBELL, Belfast, to MAGGIE, second daughter of the late JAMES HAMILTON, M.D., of Ballyfatton
April 22 1870 Married in Droit Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday, 19th April, by Rev. T. Johnston, assisted by Rev. Mr. Love, SARAH, eldest daughter of MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Crohill, to MR. ALEXANDER DUNCAN, near Plumbridge
November 11 1870 Married Nov. 3, at Gortin Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Thomas Johnston, Badoney, assisted by the Rev. M. Logan, Gortin, MR. JOHN CHARLES HAMILTON, Lisnascraig, Plumbridge, to SARAH ANNE, youngest daughter of REV. JOHN MOORE, Glenelly, Plumbridge
April 22 1872 Died April 14, at Dartans, Castlederg, after a protracted illness which she bore with Christian fortitude, ISABELLA, third daughter of the late MR. MATTHEW HAMILTON, aged 36 years



Addendum added 6 Oct 2022

08 September 1837 - Saunders's News-Letter (Dublin), (page 3)

DIED, On the 6th instant, at her residence Nelson-street, in the 88th year of her age, Miss Hamilton, the last remaining daughter of the late James Hamilton, Esq., Drumeeny, county Tyrone.



09 September 1837 - Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent, (page 3)

Sept. 6th, at her residence, Nelson-street, in her 88th year, Miss Hamilton, the last remaining daughter of the late James Hamilton, Esq., Drumeeny, county of Tyrone.


12 September 1837 - Newry Telegraph - Newry, co. Down, (page 3)

At her residence, Nelson-street, Dublin, in her 88th year, Miss Hamilton, the last remaining daughter of the late James Hamilton, Esq., Drumeeny, County of Tyrone.


13 September 1837 - Londonderry Standard, (page 3)

DIED. Sept. 6, at her residence, Nelson street [Dublin], in the 88th year of her age, Miss Hamilton, the last remaining daughter of the late James Hamilton, Esq., of Drumany, county Tyrone.

Transcription note: The townland of origin was Drumenny (probably Drumenny Little) in the parish of Donagheady, Co. Tyrone.