Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research
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John James Gray of Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland & Gray Printers
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Rene Donaghy, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Tucked in among other buildings, near the main bridge from the south, is the curved Georgian façade of Gray’s Printers, the only surviving reminder of Strabane’s importance in the 18th and 19th centuries as a printing centre. Once there were ten printing businesses in Strabane.
Gray Printers, Main Street, Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Londonderry Sentinel March 16, 1886
Death of Mr. John J. Gray, Strabane
It is with regret we record today the death of Mr. John J. Gray, printer, which took place suddenly at an early hour yeserday morning, at his residence, Main street, Strabane. Deceased succeeded, at the death of his father, many years ago, to the business of letterpress printer and stationer, which he conducted, with the assistance of other members of his family, to the time of his death. The sudden decease of Mr. Gray has caused much regret in the town of Strabane and great sympathy is felt for his widow and family at their sudden bereavement. Mr. Gray was of a genial disposition, and will be missed in Strabane.
Londonderry Sentinel December 11, 1906
Death of Mrs. Gray, Strabane
General reget is felt in Strabane owing to the death of Mrs. Gray, relict of the late Mr. J. J. Gray, head of the old established printing establishment, which now passes into the hands of the third generation of members of the family. The deceased, who belonged to Elgin, Scotland, was of a very kindly and friendly disposition, and had a large circle of friends. She is survived by her sister, Miss Johnston, and by her family, Mrssrs. John James, Patrick Weir and Robert Gray, and Miss J. A. Gray. The business, which Mrs. Gray continued to carry on after the death of her husband, was established in the year 1797.
Derry Journal February 12, 1934
Gray - February 11th, 1934, at his residence, Main Street, Strabane, Patrick Weir Gray, second son of the late John James Gray, aged 61 years. Deepley regretted. His remains will be removed for interment in the Cemetery, Strabane, to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon, 13th inst., at three o'clock. Friends will please accept this the only intimation. uses cookies to: analyze usage so that we can improve our service; allow our advertisers to provide content of specific interest to each user; monitor usage of our service; detect, prevent and address technical issues; allow you to participate in interactive features of our service when you choose to do so and to provide and maintain our service.
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