Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Gallagher Genealogy Notes, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1827-69

Items from the Press
Extracted from Personal Notices of Births, Marriages and Deaths Inserted in the Londonderry Sentinel
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia




Date Notice
Mar 6 1827 [Married] GALLAGHER & MOSS On Monday the 27th ult, at Omagh, by the Right Rev. the Roman Catholic Bishop of Raphoe (Dr McGettigan), Mr Joseph Gallagher, of Letterkenny [Co. Donegal], Merchant, to the amiable Miss Moss, daughter of the late Hugh Moss of Omagh, Esq (Strabane Morning Post)
Mar 13 1832 On Tuesday evening last, a young man named Thomas Gallagher of Cloghfin [Co. Donegal], on his return from the market here, and the night being dark and stormy, he fell off the new built arch at Claudy bridge and was drowned. His body was found next day a short distance from the bridge. An inquest was held on the body, and a verdict returned of “accidental death.” (Strabane Morning Post)
Dec 6 1834 [Married] BEATTY & GALLAGHER On the 28th ult., in Raphoe Church [Co. Donegal], Mr. William Beatty, Lurganbuoy, near Cookstown, to Fanny Anne, youngest daughter of Mr. John Gallagher, Ramelton (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 25 1846 [Died] At Castlederg, on Monday, the 13th inst., Bridget, the beloved wife of Mr. John Gallagher, in the 47th year of her age (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 25 1851 [Died] At Strabane, on the 8th inst., after a prolonged illness, Mrs. Gallagher, wife of Mr. Toal Gallagher, of that Town (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 20 1852 [Died] On the 13th inst., at his residence, Ruskey, Portlough, Mr. Anthony Gallagher, in his 74th year (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 31 1852 [Died] On the 21st inst., at Strabane, Anne, second daughter of Mr. Toal Gallagher (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 29 1854 [Married] GALLAGHER & DOHERTY On the 24th inst., St. Nicholas Church, Urney, Strabane, by the Rev. Michael McGlinchy, P. P., Charles Gallagher, jun., Esq., flax merchant, to Teresa, fourth daughter of the late Neal Doherty, hotel keeper, Strabane (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 24 1857 [Birth] At Strabane, on Monday, the 20th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles Gallaugher, innkeeper, of a son {Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 26 1858 [Birth] On the 20th inst., at Edymore, Strabane, the wife of Mr. James Gallagher, of a daughter (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 5 1858 [Died] On Tuesday, the 27th ult., Mr. James Gallaher, of Castlederg, was killed by a fall from his car. He had been in Strabane, and on his return home wished to accommodate with a seat a neighbour whom he met. In changing his position on the car, his foot slipped, he fell, and the car passed over him. Medical aid was promptly in attendance, but it was of no avail, as a blood vessel had been ruptured. He lived only seven hours (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 31 1861 [Died] March 30, at Dry Creek, Calaveras county, California, Mr. Hugh Gallagher, a native of the county Tyrone, Ireland, aged 23 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 8 1862 [Married] GALLAGHER & MCFARLAND July 29, at the Parish Church, Clougherny, by the Rev. Arthur Young, Mr. Thomas Gallagher, Redergan, near Beragh, to Annie, only daughter of Mr. William McFarland, Eskermore, near Beragh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 2 1863 [Died] December 16, at Ballyfatton, near Strabane, Mr. James Gallagher (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 29 1864 [Died] March 19, at Omagh, at the residence of her uncle, Mr. P. Gallagher, Miss Sarah Gallagher, aged 71 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 29 1865 [Died] August 16, at Strabane, suddenly, of scarlet fever, Charles Gallagher, aged 14 years (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 22 1869 [Married] GALLAUGHER & GALLAUGHER Oct. 14, in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Melmount, by the Rev. J. O'Neill, Mr. Edward Gallaugher, Ballyfatton, to Mary Gallaugher, Gortlougher, eldest daughter of Mr. Michael Gallaugher, Foyle Park, Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)