September 20 1825 |
FATAL ACCIDENT On Wednesday evening last, as MR. RICHARD ELLIS, of Benoan, in the neighbourhood of Donemanagh, and county of Tyrone, a publican, was on his return home from this City (in which he had been renewing his stock of liquors) accompanied by his wife, his son, a youth of 18, and another individual, he met with instant death from the following occurrence:- The party were ascending a steep hill, about four miles hence, the woman a little in advance, on foot, the son at the horse’s head, and the other young man sitting in the cart with Mr. Ellis who was a bulky unwielding person, when the horse either from restiveness or inability to proceed, began to retrograde, and, in spite all the efforts of the ---- continued doing so, until the cart reached the foot of the acclivity, and unfortunately the edge of the road, where there was a deep and almost perpendicular fall, when it went over, dragging the horse with it, and capsizing, the boxing struck the illfated Mr. Ellis upon the head, and fractured it in a shocking manner. Immediate death ensued. The other individual sprung from the cart before it reached the fatal spot, and escaped unhurt. It is remarkable that the horse, cart, or goods, sustained no damage. - There was, among other things, a jar of liquor, and it was found safe in a little glen into which it had rolled a few yards from where the cart lay. Mr. Ellis was 66 years of age, was a man of unspotted character and great respectability in his situation, and is much regretted in the neighbourhood. --- Derry Journal. |
August 20 1842 | Married in the Cathedral of Londonderry, on Wednesday, the 10th inst., by the Rev. James Graham, MR. DAVID G. ELLIS, Benoan, to MARGARET, youngest daughter of the late MR. JAMES RAMSAY, Donemana |
May 16 1846 | Birth: At 1 Merrion Square, East, Dublin, the lady of FRANCIS ELLIS, ESQ., of Fecary House, county Tyrone, of a daughter |
June 9 1854 | Died June 2nd, at Fecarry House, Omagh, DYMPHNA LOUISA, second daughter of FRANCIS ELLIS, ESQ., aged 8 years |
May 30 1862 | Died May 9, at Fecarry House, Omagh, of scarletina, GERTRUDE MADELINA, aged 3 years, daughter of MAJOR FRANCIS ELLIS |
May 30 1862 | Died May 22, at Fecarry House, Omagh, of scarletina, FREDERICK RICHARD aged 6 years, son of MAJOR FRANCIS ELLIS |
February 23 1866 | Married February 22, in the Parish Church, Donagheady, by the Rev. G.T. Thomas, Rector, JOHN LYON KNOX, ESQ., Ballyskeagh, Strabane, to JULIA, second daughter of DAVID GEORGE ELLIS, ESQ., Benoan, Donemana |
August 24 1866 | Died on the 23rd August, at his residence, Drain, MR. GEORGE ELLIS, aged 84 years |
January 18 1867 | Married January 15, at Donemanagh Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. John Monteeth, MR. GEORGE ELLIS, Castlewarren, to MATILDA, second daughter of MR. JOSEPH POLLOCK, Castlewarren |
June 28 1867 | Birth: June 25, at Gortmore, Omagh, county Tyrone, the wife of CAPTAIN R.C.D. ELLIS, Royal Tyrone Fusiliers, of a daughter |
August 20 1869 | Died August 16, at her residence, Castlewarren, ANNE ELLIS, aged 54 years, wife of MR. ROBERT ELLIS |
November 26 1869 | Birth: November 20, at Gortmore, Omagh, county Tyrone, the wife of CAPTAIN ROBERT CONWAY DOBBS ELLIS, Adjutant Royal Tyrone Fusiliers, of a son |