October 30 1832 | Died on the 13th inst., at the advanced age of 85 years, MR. ROBERT CARSON, of Drumclamph |
March 1 1843 | Died at Claudy Hood, in the parish of Ardstraw, MRS. CARSON, wife of MR. JAMES CARSON, of said place |
July 20 1839 | Died on the 11th inst, of rapid inflammation, WILLIAM HENRY, aged 15 years, fifth son of JOHN CARSON, of Lislea |
February 22 1850 | Died on the morning of Monday last, the 11th inst., MR. JOSEPH CARSON, merchant, Omagh, aged 60 years |
June 4 1852 | Married on Thursday, the 6th May, by the Rev. Dr. Plumer, SAMUEL J. McKNIGHT, ESQ., of Pittsburgh, Pa., to MARY, youngest daughter of JOHN CARSON, ESQ., Lislee, Ireland |
June 9 1854 | Died on Wednesday, 31st May, at his residence in Tattysallagh, near Omagh, the REV. ROBERT CARSON, Wesleyan Minister, aged seventy years |
September 28 1855 | Died at Lislea, near Fintona, on Tuesday, the 18th inst., JANE, wife of JOHN CARSON, ESQ., aged 67 years |
March 19 1858 | Died at Omagh, on the 15th inst., aged 55 years, after a few days illness, MARGARET, relict of the late MR. WILLIAM CARSON, of Tattysallagh, near Omagh |
April 12 1861 | Died April 4, at the residence of her husband, MR. CARSON, Shankey, Stewartstown, MRS. CARSON, aged 87 years |
January 30 1863 | Died January 18, at Eskermore, near Beragh, of consumption, CATHERINE, relict of the late MR. ROBERT CARSON, aged 67 years |
March 25 1864 | Died March 20, at his residence, Lislee, Fintona, JOHN CARSON, ESQ., aged 87 years |
September 20 1867 | Died 17th September, at his residence, High Street, Omagh, MR. JOHN CARSON, aged 48 years. His remains will be removed for interment, in Clanabogan, on this, Friday, morning, at eleven o'clock, precisely |
July 7 1868 | Birth: July 3, the wife of MR. H.M. CARSON, Omagh, of a daughter |
September 8 1868 | Married 3rd September, at the Presbyterian Church, Crossroads, Omagh, by the Rev. John Gilmour, MR. WILLIAM JOHNSTON, of Rathkelly, Newtownstewart, to MISS CATHERINE CARSON, of Killynure, Omagh |