April 11, 1815 | Died at her daughter’s House in this town, on Saturday last, MRS. BAIRD, relict of the late MR. BAIRD |
November 21, 1815 |
WATCH LOST On the 19th September last, in the Back-Yard, of MR. JOHN BAIRD, Innkeeper, Strabane, a GILT METAL WATCH, with four Gold Seals, Chain, &c. Any Person returning it to MR. GERRARD Irvine, Strabane, will receive a Reward of Five Pounds, and no questions asked. Strabane, Nov. 20 |
April 30, 1822 |
From the 1st of May next, for such Term as may be agreed on, THE House in the Front Street lately occupied by MR. DANIEL BAIRD. It would suit any person wishing to commence the Soap and Chandling business, as Pans, Coolers, and every other material requisite are complete, and ready for immediate use. Apply to JAMES ORR, Strabane, April 15, 1822 |
July 30, 1822 |
SUGARS, &c. The Subscriber is now landing, per the Buccleugh from Glasgow, and has on Sale, 16 Hhds. Fine and Common Scale Sugars, Refined ditto, Fine and Common Teas, Dantzic Weed Ashes - Alicant Barilla, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, WITH Best Bleachers’ Soap - Common ditto, Mould and Dipped Candles of his own Manufacture, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable Terms for good Payments, DANIEL BAIRD, Strabane, July 27, 1822 |
December 10, 1822 | Married on Wednesday last, in Urney Church, MR. RICHARD GRAHAM, to MISS BAIRD, daughter of the late MR. WM. BAIRD, of this town |
March 15, 1825 |
ROBBERY On the evening of Wednesday, the Store of MR. DANIEL BAIRD, at the Basin of the Canal, was broken into, and a quantity of Bacon and Pork carried off. - Notwithstanding a strict search having been made after the depredators, no trace of them has yet been discovered. A reward of One Hundred Pounds has been offered for the apprehension of the offenders, which, we hope, may have the desired effect |
March 22, 1825 |
NEW PUBLIC BAKERY AND FLOUR STORE ANDREW BAIRD Informs his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced the above Business on an extensive scale, at his House in Strabane, and having employed Workmen of known experience, and being determined to use nothing in the manufacture of his Bread, but the purest Materials, he can, with confidence, offer a Loaf free from all adulteration, and of such a size as must ensure satisfaction. His Store will be constantly supplied with Flour of the best Quality; and for the accommodation of Housekeepers, he will sell it in such quantities as may be required. A. B. takes this opportunity of returning his grateful acknowledgements to his Friends and Customers, for the decided preference he has so long experienced in the SOAP & CANDLE LINE, and can assure them, that no pains nor expense shall be spared by him in the Manufacture of those Articles, that can have a tendency to induce a continuation of their liberal Support. Castlefin, March 17, 1825 |
January 24, 1826 |
CASTLEFIN SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY: ANDREW BAIRD returns his sincere thanks to his Friends and the public, for the uninterrupted and liberal support and decided preference he has experienced in Business for a long series of years, and takes the liberty of acquainting them, that he has this day resigned the above Concern to his son, SAMUEL, whom he has authorised to settle all Accounts connected with the Establishment. SAMUEL BAIRD, referring to the above, respectfully solicits a continuation of the favours of his Father’s Friends, and pledges himself that no exertion shall be wanting, on his part, to give permanency to that character of the Goods he manufactures, which has proved so conducive to the prosperity of the Establishment, for upwards of forty years. The Shop in Strabane open as usual. Castlefin, January 6, 1826 |
November 24, 1829 |
In the Matter of SAMUEL BAIRD, late of Strabane, in the County of Tyrone, and of Castlefin in the County of Donegal, Soap and Candle Manufacturer, an Insolvent Debtor, who was lately discharged from the Four Courts Marshalsea, in the City of Dublin, under and by virtue of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 1st and 2d years of the reign of his present Majesty, for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in Ireland, and of the Act to amend same passed in the 3d year of said Reign, NOTICE is hereby given, That I will, on Friday the 18th day of December next, at ONE o’Clock in the afternoon precisely, attend at my Office, No 3, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin, to make a Dividend out of the Balance of Money in my hands, amongst the Creditors of the said Insolvent, whose Debts are expressed in the said Insolvent’s Schedule, when and where the said Creditors of the said Insolvent are to come prepared to prove their debts; and if the said insolvent, or any of his Creditors intend to object to any Debt stated “admitted,” in the Schedule, such objections are at the said time and place to be made. JOHN MITCHELL. Provisional Assignee of the Estate and Effects of Insolvent Debtors in Ireland Insolvent Debtor’s Court Office, 13th November, 1829 |
December 7, 1830 | Died at Inchany, on Sunday last, after a long and severe illness, MRS. BAIRD, relict of the late MR. WILLIAM BAIRD, at the advanced age of 67 years |
April 10, 1832 | Married on Friday the 6th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Mulligan, MR. HUGH PINKERTON, of Londonderry, to MISS BAIRD, only daughter of MR. JAMES BAIRD, of Strabane |
May 19, 1835 | Died on Friday last, MR. JOHN BAIRD of this town, hairdresser |
October 27, 1835 | Died suddenly, on the 10th instant, at the residence of his son-in-law, the REV. MR. MAXWELL of Castlederg, ANDREW BAIRD of Castlefin, sincerely regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances |
March 15, 1836 | Died on Wednesday last, MRS. BAIRD, wife of MR. DANIEL BAIRD of Londonderry, formerly of this town |
November 15, 1836 | Died in this town [Strabane], on Thursday last, by the Rev. A. P. Goudy, MR. JOHN BAIRD, to MRS. MAGINNIS |
January 10, 1837 | Died at Inchany, near this town, after a lingering illness, ELIZABETH, daughter of MR. JOHN BAIRD |
November 30 1836 | Married November 10, at Strabane, by the Rev. P. Gowday, JOHN BAIRD, ESQ., of that Town, to JANE, second daughter of the late REV. JOHN HOLMES, of Brosney, Parish of Leck, and relict of the late HAMILTON MAGINNESS, of Dorset Street, Dublin |
August 16 1837 | Married on Thursday the 10th inst., by the Rev. S.T. Wray, WILLIAM BAIRD, surgeon, Donemana, to MARY JANE, second daughter of JAMES McCREA, ESQ., Glencush |
October 31 1838 | Married on Monday se'nnight, in Strabane Church, by the Rev. Mr. Smith, Rector of Strabane, WILLIAM BAIRD, ESQ., to MISS McNEILANCE, of Strabane |
April 5 1849 | Died on27th ult at the residence of her son in law REV. ANDREW MAXWELL, Castlederg, Isabella, relict of the late MR. ANDREW BAIRD, Castlefin, aged 81 years |
November 20 1830 | Married on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. McClure, MR. JOHN BAIRD, to MISS MARY DONAGH, both of Strabane |
October 26 1839 | Married at Springhill, near Strabane, on Thursday week, by the Rev. Alexander Porter Goudy, MR. WILLIAM BAIRD, of Strabane, saddler, to REBECCA, eldest daughter of the late MR. JOHN REID, of Strabane, gardener and farmer |
January 6 1844 | Died at Altest, on the 20th inst., MARY JANE, the beloved wife of DR. BAIRD, Donemana Dispensary |
November 20 1847 | Married on the 16th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Burt [Co. Donegal], by the Rev. Robert Gray, WILLIAM BAIRD, ESQ., surgeon, Donemana Dispensary, to MARGARET, youngest daughter of the late LIEUTENANT WILLIAM PORTER, of Carrowan |
April 7 1849 | Married on the 2nd inst., in the Presbyterian Church of Ardstraw, by the Rev. Matthew Clark, ANDREW JACK, ESQ., of Magheracolton, to ELLEN, only daughter of JOSEPH BAIRD, Killen |
August 10 1849 | Died at Aughtermoy, near Dunnemanna, on the morning of the 6th inst., WILLIAM BAIRD, ESQ., in the 80th year of his age |
December 13 1850 | Married on the 6th inst., in the First Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Matthew Clarke, MR. JAMES KNOX, to JANE, daughter of MOSES BAIRD, ESQ., both of Killen |
March 10 1854 | Married on the 23rd ult., in the Presbyterian Church of Urney, by the Rev. Matthew Clarke, MR. ROBERT PORTER, Listymore, to MARY, daughter of MR. THOMAS BAIRD, Inchany |
October 31 1856 | Married in Strabane Church, on the 23rd inst., by the Rev. H.B. Gough, JOHN BAIRD, ESQ., of Cloghfin, St. Johnston [Co. Donegal], to FANNY, seventh daughter of MR. NICHOLAS SIMS, of Strabane |
October 23 1857 | Died suddenly, of disease of the heart, at Strabane, on the 20th inst., DR. BAIRD, Cloughfin, Carrigans, county Donegal |
July 1 1859 | Died June 28, at Inchany, near Strabane, after a lingering and painful illness, MR. JOHN BAIRD |
September 23 1859 | Married September 1, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Andrew Maxwell, A.M., MR. MATTHEW McFARLAND, Aughnacloy, to MISS MARY BAIRD, of Derrygoon |
January 20 1860 | Married on the 10th January, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Donagheady, by the Rev. F.J. Porter, MR. ROBERT SCOTT WOODS, Ballinabuoy, to ANNE, the daughter of SURGEON BAIRD, Donemana Dispensary |
June 8 1860 | Married May 31, in First Castlederg, by the Rev. J. Crockett, assisted by the Rev. J. Armstrong, MR. DAVID BAIRD, Sion, to REBECCA, daughter of MR. WILLIAM ADAMS, Goland |
June 29 1860 | Married June 21, in the Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Matthew Clarke, MR. JOSEPH BAIRD, Killen, to SARAH, daughter of the late MR. WILLIAM PATRICK, Lislafferty |
March 22 1861 | Married March 7, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, by the Rev. Andrew Maxwell, A.M., MR. JOSEPH BAIRD, Derrygoon, to ELIZA, daughter of MR. DAVID SCOTT, of Cavandorough |
February 28 1862 | Died February 18, at Sion, near Strabane, SUSAN, wife of the late MR. JAMES BAIRD, of Crew, Ardstraw, aged 65 years |
April 4 1862 | Died March 27, at Drean, near Dunnemana, CATHERINE, wife of MR. MARCUS BAIRD, aged 78 years |
January 23 1863 | Married October 2, at Captain Rathtray's, Auckland [New Zealand], by the Rev. Robert McKinney, Mahurangi, BENJAMIN GILMER, ESQ., Auckland, New Zealand, late of Belfast, Ireland, to SARAH JANE, daughter of JOHN BAIRD, ESQ., Bowling Green, Strabane |
October 16 1863 | Married September 30, in the Parish Church, Urney, by the Rev. Charles Seymour, Rector of the Parish, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Crookshanks, FRANCIS JENNINGS, ESQ., Rosnola, Ballyshannon, to ANNIE JANE, youngest daughter of the late JOHN BAIRD, ESQ., Inchany |
March 8 1864 | Died March 7, at Creaghcor, VIOLET BAIRD |
April 1 1864 | Died March 11, at New York, MR. JAMES BAIRD, eldest son of W. BAIRD, ESQ., M.D., Donemana |
October 7 1864 | Married September 15, by the Rev. Mr. Rollands, Urney, JAMES BAIRD, ESQ., to CATHERINE, eldest daughter of MR. THOMAS BAIRD, both of Inchaney |
March 14 1865 | Married on the 9th February, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Raphoe [Co, Donegal], by the Rev. Andrew Long, A.M., Monreagh, MR. THOMAS BAIRD, Inchany, Urney, to MISS ANNE DONAGHEY, Derrymore, Taughboyne, daughter of MR. DAVID DONAGHEY, Leitrim |
July 27 1866 | Died July 24, at Creaghan, MR. MARCUS BAIRD, aged 22 years |
August 6 1867 | Married April 30, at Hyde Park, Victoria, Australia, by the Rev. R.R. Collins, B.A., W.T. Molloy, Esq., J.P., L.K., and Q.C.P.I., Range View, Balmoral, to LIZZIE, daughter of JOHN BAIRD, ESQ., Strabane, county Tyrone |
February 21 1868 | Married February 13, in St. John's Church, Dunnalong, by the Rev. Frederick J. Clark. A.M., Incumbent, MR. BABINGTON HAMILTON, of Glenfad, Parish of Clonleigh, to HARRIETT, second daughter of MR. ARCHIBALD BAIRD, of Creghan, Parish of Dunnalong |
December 4 1868 | Died on the 1st December, at her residence, Tyboe, MARTHA BAIRD, aged 62 years |
December 15 1868 | Died December 13, at Inchany, after a lingering illness, REBECCA, wife of MR. THOMAS BAIRD, aged 63 years |
June 22 1869 | Died June 17, at Inchaney, the wife of MR. JAMES BAIRD, of a daughter |
August 3 1869 | Married July 28, in the First Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. L.A. Lyle, assisted by the Rev. Samuel Cochrane, Clogherney, MR. JOHN THOMPSON, Eskemore, near Beragh, to ELLEN, only daughter of the late MR. JOSEPH BAIRD, of Killen, Ardstraw |
September 21 1869 | Died Sept. 15, at Aughtermoy, near Donemana, MARTHA, daughter of WILLIAM BAIRD, ESQ., M.D. |
December 3 1869 | Married Nov. 25, at the Presbyterian Church, Donemana, by the Rev. J. Monteith, MR. JOHN KEE, to MISS HARRIETTE S. BAIRD |