This file of PASSENGERS ON THE SHIP MARY ANN SAILING FROM THE PORT OF DERRY TO ST. JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK IN 1853 forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to EMIGRATION and SHIPS’ PASSENGER LISTS on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
** The ages of emigrants aged fourteen years and over are not recorded **
SURNAME GIVEN NAME AGE POST TOWN COUNTY HILL John .. Raphoe Donegal HILL William .. Raphoe Donegal HILL Anne .. Raphoe Donegal GALLAGHER Con .. Ballyshannon Donegal GALLAGHER Bridget .. Ballyshannon Donegal GALLAGHER James .. Ballyshannon Donegal GALLAGHER John .. Ballyshannon Donegal GALLAGHER Edward .. Ballyshannon Donegal GALLAGHER Jane 12 Ballyshannon Donegal EMERY Andrew .. Lowtherstown Fermanagh EMERY Margaret .. Lowtherstown Fermanagh EMERY Isabella 12 Lowtherstown Fermanagh EMERY Oliver 12 Lowtherstown Fermanagh EMERY James 10 Lowtherstown Fermanagh EMERY Andrew 8 Lowtherstown Fermanagh EMERY Edward 6 Lowtherstown Fermanagh EMERY William 4 Lowtherstown Fermanagh GALLAGHER Margaret .. Tamney[more] Derry MULLAN John .. Park Derry McLAUGHLIN Barney .. Park Derry McCLURE Alexander .. Park Derry ARMSTRONG John .. Lowtherstown Fermanagh ARMSTRONG Ann .. Lowtherstown Fermanagh SHEERIN Ann .. L'Derry SHEERIN John .. L'Derry McCORKILL Mary Ann .. Moville Donegal McCORKILL John .. Moville Donegal DOBBIN John .. Moville Donegal McLAUGHLIN Samuel .. Moville Donegal CAMPBELL George .. Moville Donegal ADAMS Nancy .. Moville Donegal LYNCH John .. Culdaff Donegal GILL Roger .. Clonmany Donegal GILL Unity .. Clonmany Donegal LAFFERTY Charles .. Carn[donagh] Donegal LAFFERTY Bessy .. Carn[donagh] Donegal LAFFERTY Mary Ann .. Carn[donagh] Donegal CAMPBELL William .. Claudy Derry McAVEY Daniel .. Culdaff Donegal McAVEY Peggy .. Culdaff Donegal McAVEY Shane .. Culdaff Donegal McAVEY Dennis .. Culdaff Donegal McAVEY Joseph .. Culdaff Donegal McAVEY Daniel .. Culdaff Donegal McAVEY Easter .. Culdaff Donegal McAVEY Neal 6 Culdaff Donegal DONNELL John .. Clonmany Donegal KEE John .. Strabane Tyrone CAMPBELL Alexander .. Moville Donegal BALLANTINE Daniel .. Gortin Tyrone BALLANTINE Jane .. Gortin Tyrone BALLANTINE Matilda 3mo. Gortin Tyrone RUSSELL Margaret .. Convoy Donegal RUSSELL Catherine .. Convoy Donegal MCCOOL Rose .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McCOLGAN Michael .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McCONOLOGUE William .. Carn[donagh] Donegal SCOTT Rachel .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McLAUGHLIN Jane .. Carn[donagh] Donegal COLLINS Biddy 11 Ballygorman Donegal COLLINS Grace 9 Ballygorman Donegal KIDNEY Eliza .. Tempo Fermanagh KIDNEY James 5 Tempo Fermanagh KIDNEY Anne 4 Tempo Fermanagh KIDNEY John 6 mo. Tempo Fermanagh ARMSTRONG Alice .. Tempo Fermanagh ARMSTRONG Eliza .. Tempo Fermanagh McLAUGHLIN Daniel .. Moville Donegal McLAUGHLIN Sally .. Moville Donegal KENNY Mary Ann .. Enniskillen Fermanagh McKINNEY John .. Moville Donegal McKINNEY Anne .. Moville Donegal McKINNEY Elizabeth .. Moville Donegal McKINNEY James 13 Moville Donegal McCANN John .. Coleraine Derry PATTERSON Ellen .. Ballyshannon Donegal McCARRON Fanny .. Moville Donegal McCARRON Mary .. Moville Donegal DOLAN John .. Cross [Drumahoe] Londonderry WASON James .. Drumquin Tyrone WASON Eliza .. Drumquin Tyrone WASON George .. Drumquin Tyrone STIRTT [STARRITT?] Margaret .. Drumquin Tyrone FAIRRY [FERRY?] Edward .. Drumquin Tyrone MCGUIRE Hugh .. Drumquin Tyrone DEVLIN Bernard .. Newtownstewart Tyrone DEVLIN Michael .. Newtownstewart Tyrone DEVLIN Catherine .. Newtownstewart Tyrone DOHERTY John .. Ballygorman Donegal O'NEILL John .. Ballyshannon Donegal O'NEILL Eliza .. Ballyshannon Donegal McSHEFFRY Daniel .. Carn[donagh Donegal McSHEFFRY Maria .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McSHEFFRY Mary .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McSHEFFRY Daniel 13 Carn[donagh] Donegal McSHEFFRY Elizabeth 11 Carn[donagh] Donegal McSHEFFRY Rebecca 8 Carn[donagh] Donegal McGUIGAN Ellen .. Cumber Claudy Londonderry CANNY Edward .. Carn[donagh] Donegal GIBBONS Sally 14 Carn[donagh] Donegal GIBBONS James 12 Carn[donagh] Donegal GIBBONS Margey 10 Carn[donagh] Donegal GIBBONS Hannah 7 Carn[donagh] Donegal KELLY Bernard .. Clonmany Donegal TOLAND John .. Clonmany Donegal TOLAND Edward 12 Clonmany Donegal McDERMOTT John .. Clonmany Donegal GUTHRIE William .. Carn[donagh] Donegal DOHERTY Mary .. Culdaff Donegal HAMOND Hugh .. Stranorlar Donegal McNAMEE Bernard .. Strabane Tyrone McNAMEE Mary .. Strabane Tyrone McNAMEE Sarah 8 Strabane Tyrone McNAMEE Pat 3 Strabane Tyrone McNAMEE William 6 mo. Strabane Tyrone McNAMEE Mary 10 Strabane Tyrone DEVINE Catherine .. Strabane Tyrone McGEE Michael .. Strabane Tyrone MITCHELL David .. Drumskellan Donegal QUIGLEY James .. Drumskellan Donegal GLEN William .. Ballymoney Antrim GLEN Mary .. Ballymoney Antrim GLEN Robert 9 Ballymoney Antrim GLEN Alexander 7 Ballymoney Antrim GLEN Ellen 4 Ballymoney Antrim GLEN Sarah 1 Ballymoney Antrim PHILLIPS Robert .. Ballyshannon Donegal McGRANAHAN Margaret .. Culdaff Donegal TREARY [TREACY?] Catherine .. Tempo Fermanagh JOHNSTON James .. Drumquin Tyrone JOHNSTON William .. Drumquin Tyrone MILLS or QUIGLEY Martha .. Drumquin Tyrone CARR Mary .. Castlefin Donegal CARR William .. Castlefin Donegal BONER Neal .. Carn[donagh] Donegal BONER Mary .. Carn[donagh] Donegal BONER Sarah .. Carn[donagh] Donegal BONER Biddy .. Carn[donagh] Donegal BONER Paddy 13 Carn[donagh Donegal BONER Neal 10 Carn[donagh] Donegal BONER Cicily 7 Carn[donagh] Donegal BONER Owen 5 Carn[donagh] Donegal BONER Daniel 3 Carn[donagh] Donegal BONER Fanny 9 mo. Carn[donagh] Donegal DOHERTY John .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McLAUGHLIN Neal .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McLAUGHLIN Mary .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McLAUGHLIN Biddy 12 Carn[donagh] Donegal McLAUGHLIN Mary .. Carn[donagh] Donegal McLAUGHLIN John 5 Carn[donagh] Donegal McLAUGHLIN Neal 6 mo. Carn[donagh] Donegal DALEY Anne .. Carn[donagh] Donegal MORRISON Edward .. Carn[donagh] Donegal TOLAN Betty .. Carn[donagh] Donegal BRESLAN Tracy .. Carn[donagh] Donegal FLETCHER Ellen .. Sligo Sligo ALLINGHAM Elisa .. Sligo Sligo DEVITT John .. Fannett Donegal BECK William .. Newtownards Down McCALLA Catherine .. Co. Louth McCALLA James .. Co. Louth CONNER Edward .. Athlone Roscommon CAMPBELL William .. Carn[donagh] Donegal HALEY Margaret .. Ballyshannon Donegal PATTON Thomas .. Ballyshannon Donegal GIRVAN John .. Ballyshannon Donegal GRAHAM John 11 Ederney Fermanagh GRAHAM Elizabeth 13 Ederney Fermanagh McCREADY James .. Dunkaneely Donegal CONLAN James .. Aughnacloy Tyrone MOORE Patrick .. Clones Monaghan LISMON [LEMON?] Elizabeth M. .. Limavady Derry MALONY Patrick .. Cliffoney Sligo MALONY Hugh .. Cliffoney Sligo McGRATH Mary .. Ballyshannon Donegal McBRIDE Sally .. Ballyshannon Donegal McBRIDE Margaret .. Ballyshannon Donegal McBRIDE Mary .. Ballyshannon Donegal McBRIDE Bridget 13 Ballyshannon Donegal McBRIDE John 11 Ballyshannon Donegal McBRIDE Ann 9 Ballyshannon Donegal TRACY Bessy .. Enniskillen Fermanagh DOHERTY Charles .. Ballygorman Donegal DOHERTY Betty .. Ballygorman Donegal EARLES James .. Belleek Fermanagh McDERMOTT Patrick .. Lowtherstown Fermanagh McDERMOTT Thomas .. Lowtherstown Fermanagh McDERMOTT Susan .. Lowtherstown Fermanagh TOMPSON Sarah .. Lowtherstown Fermanagh CONNOLLY Brian .. Ballyshannon Donegal CALLAGHAN Mary .. Carn[donagh] Donegal CALLAGHAN Patrick .. Carn[donagh] Donegal CALLAGHAN Michael 7 Carn[donagh] Donegal CALLAGHAN Margaret 5 Carn[donagh] Donegal CALLAGHAN Dennis 9 Carn[donagh] Donegal CALLAGHAN Jane 3 Carn[donagh] Donegal MULLINS Manus .. Bannagher Derry MULLINS Margaret .. Bannagher Derry DEVINE John .. Ballyarton Derry DEVINE Ann 13 Ballyarton Derry KING William .. Ballyarton Derry KING Ellen .. Ballyarton Derry McCLELLAND Nancy .. Ballykelly Derry McCLELLAND Martha .. Ballykelly Derry McLAUGHLIN Catherine .. L'Derry Derry McCORMICK James .. Castlederg Tyrone DONAGHY Henry .. Six Mile Cross Tyrone DONAGHY Catherine .. Six Mile Cross Tyrone COLLINS John .. Greencastle [Moville] Donegal MONAGHAN Patrick .. Strabane Tyrone MONAGHAN Mary .. Strabane Tyrone MONAGHAN Ann .. Strabane Tyrone MONAGHAN Thomas 13 Strabane Tyrone MONAGHAN Charles 9 Strabane Tyrone MONAGHAN Hannagh 6 Strabane Tyrone MONAGHAN John 11 Strabane Tyrone MONAGHAN Elizabeth 7 Strabane Tyrone GWYN James .. Muff Donegal MILLER Mary Ann 10 Muff Donegal GRIFFITH Daniel .. L'Derry Derry McCOLGAN John .. Moville Donegal McCOLGAN Mary .. Moville Donegal McGUINNESS John .. Moville Donegal DOHERTY Dennis .. Strove [Greencastle] Donegal JOHNSTON William .. Culdaff Donegal
Further records for EMIGRATION and SHIPS’ PASSENGER LISTS can be found at:
Emigration Records, County Tyrone
Ships Lists, County Londonderry
Emigration Records, County Donegal