Dungannon Royal School was founded in 1608 by James I for the education of the sons of merchants and farmers during the Plantation of Ulster
The Rev. JOHN R. DARLEY, A.M., Master
At The Hilary Term Examinations just terminated in the University, the following Honors were obtained by former Pupils of Dungannon School
Mr. Hancock: A first-rank Honor in Science
Mr. Mason: A second-rank Honor in Science
Mr. Faussett: A first-rank Honor in Classics
Mr. Gilmore: A first-rank Honor in Classics
Mr. Smith A second-rank Honor in Classics
Mr. Hancock: A second-rank Honor in Classics
Mr. Cocken: A second-rank Honor in Classics
Mr. Shaw: A Catechetical Honor
Mr. Darley has recently published a treatise on Homer and will shortly publish a Treatise on the Grecian Drama. Much useful matter will be found in both works, which may be had of Messrs. CUMMING, HARDY & WALKER, & C.
Dungannon College, 24th February, 1840