Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Description of Civil Survey of Kilskirry (Kilskeery) Parish, Barony of Omagh - 1654-1656

Transcribed & Compiled by Carole

Kilskirry Parish


The Pish of Kilskirry meereth on ye east with the County of Fermanagh & ye pish Pubble upon yr top of Knocknean & ye hill of Brogher & runeth in a line to Monisherney in ye sd County haveing a brooke running to the south from Monisherny to Muddibondevin wch divides betwixt the county of Tyrone & Fermanagh & ye two pishes of Kilskirry &
Magherecrosse, from Muddybondevin runeth a brooke to Dromconiske being pt of ye pish of Magherecrosse wch lyeth in the Barony of Omagh.


Likewise the sd pish doth meere upon Cabragh to ye west being pt of ye pish of Maghericrosse, from Cabrogh runeth a line northwardly to Shed in ye pish of Templemaghery in ye County of Fermanagh, from Shed runeth a line northeast to Timory in the pish of Dromore & Barony of Omagh & from thence runeth a line to ye Logh of Galwelly in ye sd pish of Donaghcavagh in the barony of Clogher & from thence runeth a line eastwardly to Loghnabromag, beyond Knockneean hill & yt brooke yt runeth out of the sd Logh divideth betwixt the Counties of Tyrone & Fermanagh.

The soile of this pish is mountaine & red bog, throughout ye pish runeth the riv of Kilskirry, wch had a bridge ov it but now borne away, ye sd pish had a church & a mill formly in it, also a village called Trellicke at ye north east of the sd pish, wch had a mket & two faires yearely, & the foundacon of a Mannr house & Bawne, wch is now repairing, it belongeth to Col Audley Mervin. The Crowne rents thereof being six shill & eight pence Balliboe amounts to li 4 : s.06 : d8.