Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Mills & Features of Co. Tyrone

From the Valuation Records
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Sebastian Graham

Mr. Graham has, painstakingly, searched the Valuation Records from 1860-1929, 1860-63, 1864-1868, 1869-1881, 1881, 1882-1889, 1889-1899, 1900-1908 and 1909-1929 on the PRONI webpage to record some 830 features such as - fishery, spade factory, flax mill, distillery, corn mill, mill dam, pottery brickfield, bleach green, beetling mill, mineral water factory, bridge, castle, windmill, peat factory, linen hall, coach factory, spinning mill, quarry, warping house, canal, lockkeepers house, weaving shed, chimney, slaughterhouse, mill race, coal pit, tile manufactory, pipe works, spade manufactory, brick kiln, paper mill, flour mill, coal mine, weir, aqueduct, temple, dye works, sawmill, tape manufactory, petrol store, bark mill, watch house, brewery, butter, factory, iron foundary, mill dam, printing works, threshing mill, woolen mill. He, then, placed location icons on Google Maps. Google Maps only allows 500 locations per map; therefore, it was necessary to split the data into two maps.

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Tyrone Mills & Features Map



Longitude Latitude Type of Feature Description
W6.4618209018 N54.7584796952 Eel Fishery The Creagh. John Cle… and Patrick Murray (John O’Neill) Fishery in the river Bann Total=£700.0.0. Henry J.B Bruce (John O’Neill) Fishery in the River Bann Total=£600.0.0 1880. Col A.J Bruce (John O’Neill) Fishery in the River Bann, Ell fishery Total=£800.0.0 N.B half in Ballymena Union. Colonel Bruce (John O’Neill) Eel fishery Total=£700.0.0 1898. O’Neill (John O’Neill) Eel Fishery Total=£500.0.0 1915. O’Neill (John O’Neill) Eel Fishery Total=£500.0.0
W6.4688348835 N54.7497555751 Fishery Lough Neagh. E.J Haddon Petrie (The Honourable Irish Society and Earl of Shaftesbury) Salmon and Trout Fishery Total=£5.0.0
W6.5232082546 N54.7903329855 Spade Manufactory Ballydermot. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1835
W6.5270313185 N54.7621171432 Flax Mill Derrygarve. SOmewhere in this area. check maps. Edward Davis (….Chicester) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Agricultural Statistics 1866- 6 stocks 36 rollers works 40 weeks of the year. (Edward Davis) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Edmond Davis (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1909. Edmond Davis (Lady Chicester) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0
W6.530869923 N54.6814216501 Flax Mill Ballydonnell. Thomas Sheppard (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Agricultrual Statistics 1866 4 stocks 24 handles 14 weeks of the year. Thomas Sheppard (Company of Salters) Flax Mill and dam Area=0.1.5 Total=£3.0.0. Thomas Sheppard (Company of Salters) Flax Mill and dam Area=0.1.5 Total=£3.0.0. Flax Mill in ruins 1911 Thomas Sheppard
W6.5309702128 N54.7015172416 Corn Mill Ballyronan Beg. William Gausson (Company of Salters) Flour and flax Mill and land Area=1.2.11 Land Value=£ Building Value=£75.0.0 Total=£75.0.0. William Gausson (Company of Salters) Flour and Flax Mill and land. Area=1.2.11 Total=£75.0.0. William Gausson (Company of Salters) Flour and Flax Mill and land. Area=1.2.11 Total=£75.0.0. Arthur D Gausson (Company of Salters) House and Flax and Flour Mill and land Area=1.2.11 Total=£75.0.0. Arthur D Gausson (In fee) House, Flax Mill and Land. Area=1.2.11 Total=£75.0.0
W6.5310440727 N54.7020037499 Distillery Ballyronan Beg. William A Gausson (Worshipful Company of Salters) Millpond and race. Area=3.2.10 Land Value=£1.0.0
W6.5316110536 N54.6831218489 Flax Mill Ballymultrea. John Port (Company of Salters) Flax Mill and store Total=£3.10.0. Agricultural statistics 1866- 2 stocks 12 handles 20 weeks of the year. John Port (Company of Salters) Flax Mill and store Total=£3.10.0. John Port (Company of Salters) Flax Mill and Store Total=£3.10.0. David Port (Company of Salters) Flax Mill and store Total=£3.10.0. William Port (In fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£3.10.0. William john Port (In fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£3.10.
W6.5333994085 N54.7025684476 Mill Dam William Gausson (Company of Salters) Mill pond Area=3.2.10 1884. William Gausson (In fee) Mill pond Area=2.3.5. William A Gausson (In Fee) Mill pond Area=2.3.5
W6.534536896 N54.6851475854 Corn Mill Ballymultrea. Richard McMaster (Company of Salters) Corn Mill and kiln and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=1.10.0 Building Value=15.0.0 N.B 4 millers at this …. Hugh McMaster (Company of Salters) Corn Mill, kiln House and Land. Area=2.1.5 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£16.15.0. Samuel and Hugh McMaster (Company of Salters) House, Corn Mill, kiln and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Millers House=0.10.0 Total=£17.0.0. Samuel and Hugh McMaster (Company of Salters) House, Corn Mill kiln and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£16.10.0. Samuel and Hugh McMaster (IN fee) House, Corn Mill kiln, and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£16.10.0. Robert McMaster (In fee) House, Corn Mill kiln and land Area=1.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£16.10.0
W6.5353489489 N54.6863787352 Flax Mill Ballymultrea. James Clarke (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£11.0.0. Agricultural statistics 4 stocks 24 handles 17 weeks of the year. James Clarke (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. William Hamilton (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. William Hamilton (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Hamilton Flax Mill and store down 1922
W6.5387753775 N54.6867108652 Flax Mill Ballymultrea. William Port (Company of Salters) Flax Mill and Store Total=£4.0.0. Agricultural Statistics 1866- 2 stocks 12 handles 20 weeks of the year. William Port (Company of Salters) Flax Mill and store Total=£4.0.0. William Port (In fee) Flax Mill and Store Total=£4.0.0. William Fleming (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0
W6.5406443764 N54.6577680954 Flax Mill Upper Mullan. Parochial School House (Exemption) Flax Mill, Total=£3.0.0. Felix Malone (Edward Thomas Danial) Flax Mill down in 1871. In this area.
W6.5407736252 N54.7840699612 Pottery Leitrim. Pottery from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1857.
W6.5421575793 N54.7851411217 Brickfield Leitrim. James McElrwy (Robert A Dawson) Brickfield Total=£5.0.0. Robert A Dawson (In fee) Brickfield Total=£5.0.0. Robert Mawhinny (Spencer Chicester) Brick kiln Total=£2.10.0. John Mawhinny (Trustees of Lady Spence Chicester) Brick Kiln Total=£1.0.0. James Smith (Trustees of Lady Spence Chicester) Brick kiln Total=£1.10.0. James McGullan (Thomas Godfrey) Brick kiln Total=£1.10.0. John Mawhinny (Lady Spencer Chicester) Brick kiln Total=£1.0.0. James Smith Co (Lady Spencer Chicester) Brick Kiln Total=£1.10.0. James Smith () Brick Kiln N.B 1920 no brick made here
W6.5441761628 N54.6883989042 Old Furnace Ballymultrea. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W6.5456567022 N54.7459240935 Flax Mill Ballymaguigan. Gracefield, Moravian Settlement. Flax Mill in ruins 1829.
W6.5469421502 N54.7778924499 Bleach green  
W6.5495398579 N54.7782870723 Beetling Mill Tamniaran. George Shaw (Robert A Dawson) House, corn and beetling mills and land. Area=7.0.20 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£70.0.0 Total=£77.0.0. Unsure whether this is located directly here.. Alexander L. Clarke (Trustees of Lady Spence Chicester) House, corn and beetling mills and land. Area=7.0.20 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£68.10.0 Total=£75.10.0. Alex Clarke (Lady Spencer Chicester) House, corn mill, beetling mill and land. Area=7.0.20 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£68.10.0 Total=£75.10.0. John A Clarke (Rev J.H Kelly) Finishing and dyeing works, weaving factory, office and yard. Total=£161.0.0 1927
W6.553641867 N54.780799486 Beetling Mill Tamniaran. William and James Clarke (John Hill) Engine house and beetling mill Total=£28.0.0 1863. William James Clarke (David Pickles) Engine House and beetling mill Total=£40.0.0 N.B new addition 1866. Alex L Clarke (David Kelly) Engine house, beetling mills and workshop Total=£76.0.0 1896. John Clarke (Rev J.H Kelly) Finishing and dyeing works, weaving factory and yard. Total=£192.0.0 1912 (Used to be engine house, beetling mill and workshop). John A Clarke and sons (Trustees Lady Chicester) House, corn and beetling mills and land. Area=7.0.20 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£68.10.0 Total=£75.10.0
W6.5559966601 N54.7789925406 Mineral Water Factory Bridge Street. Hugh Convery (Adam McRory) Mineral Water Factory Total=£4.10.0 1918. William McClean (In fee) Mineral Water Factory Total=£4.10.0 1929
W6.5561341568 N54.7787519433 Flax Mill Bridge Street. Edward Wilson (Robert A Dawson) House, weaving factory and yard. Total=£40.0.0. J. Donaghy (Adam McRory) Flax Mill, stores and yard. Total=£24.0.0. …. Cowan (Adam McRory) Flax Mill, store and yard. Total=£24.0.0 1880. Roger Connery (Adam McRory) Flax Mill, store and yard Total=£19.5.0 N.B purchased for £100.0.0. Rose Convery (Adam McRory) Flax Mill store and yard. Total=£19.5.0. Hugh Convery (Adam McRory) Flax Mill, store and yard. Total=£19.5.0. William R McClean (In fee) Flax Mill, store and yard. Total=£14.0.0 1929
W6.556521732 N54.6077838487 Corn Mill Brookend. Mary Anne Lapsley (John McKey) house, office, flax and flour mill and land. Area=89.3.0 Land Value=£65.8.0 Building Value=£16.0.0 Total=£81.10.0. James McCormick (John McKey) House, office, corn and flax mill Area=1.2.10 Land Value=£27.18.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£52.0.0 N.B new addition, steam flax, 12 stocks 10 H.P engine good. Corn mill 2 stones.. Thomas McCormick (John Mackey) House, office, corn mill and land.. Thomas McCormick (John Mackey) Office, flax and corn mill Total=£20.15.0. Thomas McCormick (John MacKey) Corn Mill at rest Total=£6.0.0 1901. Flax Mill down 1920
W6.5566452484 N54.7806092547 Corn Mill See Beetling Mill
W6.5567000961 N54.7613832193 Castle Aughrim. Site of Castle
W6.5569166273 N54.6074428238 Flax Mill Brookend
W6.5570625724 N54.7817371743 Iron Suspension Bridge Tamniaran
W6.5578804865 N54.7782897393 Flax Mill Main Street. John Walker (Adam McRory) Flax Mill, stores and yard. Total=£24.0.0
W6.5586598796 N54.7751341154 Creamery Shanemullagh. Castledawson Cooperative and agricultural dairy society (Lady Spencer Chicester) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.0 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£11.10.0 Total=£12.0.0 1900. Castledawson cooperative agricultural and dairy society (In fee) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.0 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£11.10.0 Total=£12.0.0. Castledawson cooperative agricultural and dairy society (In fee) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.0 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£11.10.0 Total=£12.0.0
W6.5622503004 N54.7566886322 Flax Mill Tullylinkinsay. See above. may possibly be wrong way around from other mill south of here. This is also listed as a Corn Mill in 1927
W6.5669405806 N54.6570814554 Corn Mill Derrycrin Eglish. John McGucken (Robert McGucken) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£3.0.0. John McGucken (Robert McGucken) Corn mill and kiln Total=£3.0.0. John MCGucken (Hugh McGucken) Corn mill and kiln Total=£3.0.0. John McGucken (Hugh McGucken) Corn Mill and kiln. Total=£3.0.0. John McGucken (Hugh McGucken) Corn Mill and Kiln. Total=£3.0.0 1907
W6.5687519639 N54.7619214911 Flax Mill Tullylinkinsay. Andrew Hutchinson (Company of Salters) Flax mill and land, houses Land Value=£9.0.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£24.0.0. Andrew Hutchinson (Company of Salters) Flax Mill, house and land. Land Value=£9.5.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£24.5.0. Andrew Hutchinson (Company of Salters) Flax Mill, house and land. Land Value=£9.5.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£24.5.0. Andrew Hutchinson (In fee) Flax Mill, house and land. Land Value=£9.5.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£24.5.0. Aughrim FarmersAssociation (In fee) Flax Mill, house, office and land. Area=2.0.0 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£15.15.0. Andrew Hutchinson (In fee) Flax Mill, house, office and land. Area=2.0.0 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£15.15.0
W6.5732239119 N54.6643464172 Flax MIll Ardagh. Ballinderry Co-operative (In fee) Flax Mill, office and land. Area=1.1.0 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£20.10.0 1916
W6.5739940879 N54.7368045439 Flax Mill Carroloan Glebe. Vacant (Rev James Donaghy) Scutch Mill dilap Total=£1.0.0
W6.5753614021 N54.7477681406 Flax Mill Tullylinkinsay. Thomas Bale (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. Thomas Dale (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. Thomas Dale (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. Thomas Dale (In fee) House, office, Mill Pond Area=25.3.36 Land Value=£18.15.0 Building Value=£1.15.0. Thomas Dale (In fee) Flax Mill and stores. Total=£6.10.0. Thomas Dale (In fee) House, office, Mill Pond Area=25.3.36 Land Value=£18.15.0 Building Value=£1.15.0. Thomas Dale (In fee) Flax Mill and stores. Total=£6.10.0. Thomas Dale (In fee) Flax Mill and Store Total=£6.10.0
W6.575770879 N54.6363448948 Flax Mill Mullaghwotragh. Robert W. Bell (Robert, John and Thomas Bell) Scutch Mill Total=£6.0.0 N.B 8 stocks, 12 rollers. Robert W. Bell (Robert, John and Thomas Bell) Scutch Mill Total=£6.0.0. Robert W. Bell (In fee) Scutch Mill Total=£6.0.0. Robert W Bell (In fee) Scutch mill Total=£6.0.0
W6.5759426801 N54.6337943584 Wind Mill Mullaghwotragh. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's In ruins by 1853
W6.5827429899 N54.5036929629 Peat Factory Derryane. Irish peat Development Company (In fee) House, peat, moss litter works and land. Area=2.3.20 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£76.0.0 Total=£77.10.0 1909. Irish Peat Development Company (In fee) House, peat, moss litter works and land. Area=2.3.20 Land Value £1.10.0 Building Value=£76.0.0 Total=£77.10.0 1909. Irish Peat Development Company (In fee) House,peat, moss litter works and land. Area=2.3.30 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£76.0.0 Total=£77.10.0
W6.5915419763 N54.7603803351 Flax Mill Polepatrick. Francis Casside (Worshipful Company of Salters) Farm house, offices, millers house, corn and flax mill, kiln. Total=£22.0.0 N.B Corn Mill unimproved July 1860. Francis P Casside (Company of Salters) Farm house, offices, millers house, Flax Mills and kilns. Total=£22.0.0. Francis B Casside (Company of Salters) Farm house, office, millers house, flax mill and kilns. Total=£22.0.0. Francis B Casside (IN fee) Farm house, office, millers house, flax mill and kilns. Total=£22.0.0. Dr Francis B Casside (IN fee) Mill Pond and land. Area=98.3.1 Land Value=£76.0.0 Building Value=£27.0.0. Dr Francis B Casside (IN fee) Farm house, office, millers house, flax mill and kilns Total=£22.0.0 Overall Total=£125.0.0 1910. Dr Francis B Casside (IN fee) Mill Pond and land. Area=98.3.1 Land Value=£76.0.0 Building Value=£27.0.0. Joseph Cudden (IN fee) Corn Mill, Flax Mill and Saw Mill, office and land. Area=13.3.35 Land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£32.0.0 Overall Total=£125.0.0 1910. Hugh Cudden (IN fee) Corn Mill, Saw Mill, Flax Mill, office and land. Area=13.3.35 Land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£32.0.0
W6.591931729 N54.7603600253 Corn Mill Polepatrick
W6.5921328289 N54.5790643159 Corn Mill Back Lower. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps. Might be flax mill.. Thomas Miller (James Gunning) House, Office, Flax Mill land and shore. Area=32.3.20 Land Value=£17.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£26.10.0. Thomas Miller (William A Gunning) House Office, Flax Mill and Land and shore Area=32.3.20 Land Value=£17.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£26.10.0 1877. Thomas Miller (William A Gunning) House, Office, Flax Mill, Land and shore. Area=31.3.0 Land Value=£17.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£26.10.0. William John Miller (William Gunning) Area=32.2.0 Land Value=£17.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£25.10.0 1884
W6.5937369093 N54.7578699303 Windmill Polepatrick. Known as Windmill Hill. Site of an old Windmill?
W6.5977347479 N54.7446322444 Flax Mill Leckagh. Joseph Hammond (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. Edward Walsh (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. Edward Walsh (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. John Walsh (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. John Walsh (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. John Walsh (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. John Walsh (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0
W6.5992663597 N54.6820087885 Flax Mill Druminard. IN this area.. Thomas Hutchinson (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. William Browne (Company of Salters) Land and Flax Mill Area=11.1.0 Land Value=£5.5.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£8.15.0. Thomas Hutchinson (Company of Salters) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. Flax Mill Down in 1885. Thomas Hutchinson (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. Thomas Hutchinson (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0
W6.6005030595 N54.5922957761 Creamery Carnan. Albany Cooperative and agricultural society (W.J Knox) Creamery Total=£5.15.0
W6.6018081497 N54.6350982426 Flax Pool Drumconway
W6.6019118609 N54.7555186656 Saw Mill King Street. Somewhere in this area. William Abraham (Company of Salters) Saw Mill, house, office, garden. Area=0.0.30 Land Value=£0.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0. James Johnston (Company of Salters) House, office, timber and coal stores, yard and garden. Area=0.0.30 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£23.0.0 Total=£24.0.0. James Johnston (Company of Salters) House, office, timber and coal stores, yard and garden. Area=0.0.30 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£23.0.0 Total=£24.0.0. Job Logan (Company of Salters) House, office, timber and coal stores, yard and garden. Area=0.0.30 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£23.0.0 Total=£24.0.0. Job Logan (Company of Salters) House, office, timber and coal stores, yard and garden. Area=0.0.30 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£23.0.0 Total=£24.0.0
W6.6069526882 N54.7551109196 Linen Hall Listed as Linen Hall in 1830
W6.6078457311 N54.7547740544 Coach Factory Town Parks of Magherafelt. Somewhere in this area. David Montgomery (Company of Salters) Coach Factory and land. Area=1.2.20 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£13.5.0. Robert Montgomery (Company of Salters) Coach factory and land. Area=1.2.20 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£16.15.0 Total=£18.10.0. Robert Thompson (Company of Salters) Coach Factory, house, office. Total=£12.0.0. Robert Thompson (Company of Salters) Coach Factory, house, office. Total=£12.0.0
W6.6079573061 N54.5826740078 Corn Mill Carnan. Elisabeth Hunter (W.J Knox) Caretakers House, office, corn mill, kiln and flax mill and land. Area=15.0.10 Land Value=£11.15.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£15.15.0 N.B corn mill stopped? 3 stocks W.P 1868
W6.6087699718 N54.7536840511 Saw Mill Town Parks of Magherafelt. Lindsay Brothers (In fee) Saw Mill and land. Total=£6.6.0 1920's
W6.6107472573 N54.6976064725 Flax Mill Ballynenagh. James Hutchinson (Lord Dromore) Flax Mill Total=£1.10.0. Robert Nesbitt (In fee) Office formerly flax mill Total=£0.15.0 N.B dismantled used as farm
W6.6114242665 N54.6351257877 Flax Mill Drumconway. (William Lenox Conygham) Flax Mill Area=20.2.20 Land Value=£17.0.0 Building Value=£15.10.0 Total=£32.10.0. William Lenox Conygham Flax Mill and Land. Area=20.2.20 Land Value=£17.0.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£32.0.0. Flax Mill Total=£15.0.0 1906. David Bell (In fee) Land and Flax Mill. Area=5.0.14 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£18.15.0 1927
W6.6119058194 N54.7569731682 Saw Mill Town Parks of Magherafelt. Garden Street. Saw Mill somewhere in this area. Andrew Sands (Company of Salters) Saw Mill, office and yard. Total=£15.0.0. Andrew Sands (Company of Salters) Saw Mill, office and yard. Total=£15.0.0 N.B Machinery not worked for several years.. Andrew Sands (Company of Salters) Saw Mill, office and yard. Total=£15.0.0 N.B Machinery not worked for several years.. Andrew Sands (Company of Salters) Saw Mill, office and yard. Total=£15.0.0 N.B Machinery not worked for several years
W6.6130926551 N54.6969240063 Corn Mill Ballynenagh. James Hutchinson (Lord Dromore) Corn mill and Kiln Total=£7.10.0 1896. Robert Nesbitt (In fee) Corn Mill kiln Total=£7.10.0 1912. William Flack (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£7.10.0
W6.6195448675 N54.6487383809 Corn Mill, Flax Mill Coagh, Hanover Square. Duncan Storey (William Lenox-Conygham) Corn Mill and Kilns and land. Area=1.3.15 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£21.0.0 Total=£23.10.0. Robert Storey (William Lenox Conygham) Corn Mill and Kiln, Land and Flax Mill Area=1.3.15 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£21.0.0 and Flax Mill=£8.0.0 Total=£31.10.0. Robert Storey (William Lenox Conygham) Corn mill kiln and land. Area=1.3.15 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£21.0.0 Total=£23.10.0. Robert Storey (William Lenox Conygham) Flax Mill Total=£8.0.0. James Duff (William lenox Conygham) Corn Mill kiln and Land. Area=1.3.15 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£21.0.0 Total=£23.10.0. James Duff (William Lenox Conyngham) Flax Mill Total=£8.0.0. James Duff (William Lenox Conygham) Corn Mill and Kiln and land Area=1.3.15 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£21.0.0 Total=£23.10.0. James Duff (William Lenox Conygham) Flax Mill Total=£8.0.0
W6.6204147251 N54.6482256353 Flax Mill Coagh, Hanover Square. Robert Newton (William Lenox-Conygham) Flax Mill Total=£16.0.0. Vacant (Robert Newton) Flax Mill Total=£16.0.0 1874. Vacant (Robert Newton) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B Worked for 12 years, very dilap. 1891. Vacant (Robert Newton) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Coagh Co-operative Agricultural Dairying Society Ltd. (Robert Newton) Creamery Total=£11.0.0 1901 previously a Flax Mill
W6.6204218257 N54.7966228423 Corn Mill Curran. George Rogers (….) House, office, corn mill and kiln. Area=41.0.25 Land Value=£24.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£38.0.0. James Caldwell (Earl of Strafford, Sir Robert Bateson Bt, lady Louisa Tinch) House, office, corn mill and kiln and land. Area=41.0.18 Land Value=£24.9.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£38.9.0. James Caldwell (Earl of Strafford) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=41.0.18 Land Value=£24.9.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£28.9.0. James Caldwell (Earl of Strafford) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=41.0.18 Land Value=£24.9.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£28.9.0. John McSean (Earl of Strafford) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=41.0.18 Land Value=£24.9.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£28.9.0. Robert Haw (Earl of Strafford) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=41.0.18 Land Value=£24.9.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£28.9.0
W6.621867259 N54.6429805307 Spinning Mill Urbal. 1860 Thomas Duff (William Lenox-Conygham) House, Office Spinning Mill and land. Area=17.0.10 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£55.0.0 Total=£71.15.0. James Duff (William Lenox-Conygham) Spinning Mill, House, office and Land. Area=17.0.10 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£82.0.0 Total=£98.15.0 1874. James Duff (William Lenox-Conygham) House, Office, Spinning Mill and land. Area=17.0.10 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£82.0.0 Total=£98.15.0. James Duff (William Lenox Conyngham) Spinning Mill, Land and Office. Area=17.0.10 Land Value=£62.15.0 Building Value=£82.0.0 Total=£98.15.0. James Duff (In fee) Spinning Mill, House, Office and Land. Area=17.0.10 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£82.0.0 Total=£98.15.0 1908. William and Hugh Duff (In fee) Saw Mill, workshop, tow decreasing works and land. Area=4.3.0 Land Value=£5.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£30.0.0 1924 Duffs Spinning Mill closed maybe 1922
W6.6224254903 N54.7651937516 Quarry Mullaghboy. James Hudson (Worshipful Company of Salters) Quarry Area=2.3.20 Total=£4.0.0. James Hudson (Company of Salters) Quarry Area=2.3.20 Total=£4.0.0. …. (Company of Salters) Quarry and plantation Area=2.3.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Total=£1.0.0 N.B Quarry free to tenants of Salters Estate, not rented for over 30 years. Magherafelt Town Committee (In fee) Quarry and plantation Area=2.3.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Total=£1.0.0. Magherafelt Town Committee (In fee) Quarry and plantation Area=2.3.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Total=£1.0.0. Known as Sounding Hill, railway splits above goes two different locations.
W6.6255749358 N54.69330399 Flax Mill Ballygurk
W6.6278947184 N54.6945993581 Warping house Ballygurk. IN this area. not found on map. Michael McKeenahan (Company of Salters) Warping house, office Total=£1.3.0. Michael McKeever and sons (Company of Salters) Warping House and office Total=£1.3.0. William John McCann (In fee) Warping House Total=£1.3.0
W6.6299572038 N54.6952237271 Corn Mill Ballygurk. Andrew Browne (Company of Salters) Corn Mill and Kiln Total=£10.10.0. John Browne (Company of Salters) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.10. Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0 1897. Sarah Browne (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Sarah J Browne (IN fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0
W6.631184201 N54.6951785295 Flax Mill Ballygurk. Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B Six stocks and rollers. Agricultural Ststistics 1866- 6 stocks 36 handles works 18 weeks of the year.. John Browne (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0
W6.6313894023 N54.6978821761 Mill Dam  
W6.6338786282 N54.4291921898 Windmill Clonmain. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1835.
W6.635967933 N54.6368057866 Sandstone Quarry From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1835
W6.6375726999 N54.6765762368 Flax Mill Mawillian. Thomas and William Carleton (Rowley Millar) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=21.3.10 Land Value=£13.10.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£16.5.0. Agricultural Statistics 1866- 4 stocks 24 handles 8 weeks of the year. Another flax mill is listed with 2 stocks and 10 handles works 7 weeks of the year.. James Moorhead (James Harbinson) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=19.3.4 Land Value=£7.4.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£14.15.0. James Moorhead (James Harbinson) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=19.3.4 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£14.15.0. John Eakin (Hugh B Hogg) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=19.3.4 Land Value=£7.4.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£14.15.0. Thomas Easten (James Harbinson) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=19.3.4 Land Value=£7.4.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£14.15.0. James Moorhead (James Harbinson) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=19.3.4 Land Value=£7.4.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£14.15.0. James Moorhead (James Harbinson) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=19.3.4 Land Value=£7.4.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£14.15.0
W6.6384786867 N54.6374001978 Flax Mill Ballygonny Beg. Known as Flood Lodge. Thomas H Nesbitt (Immediate lessor) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 1860-63. Agricultural stats 1866- 4 stocks 24 handles, works 10 weeks of the year. Hugh Nesbitt (Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Hugh Nesbitt (Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Hugh Nesbitt (Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Hugh Nesbitt (Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Thomas Nesbitt (Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 1909. Hugh Nesbitt (Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Thomas Nesbitt (Immediate Lessor) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 known as flood lodge.
W6.6409575909 N54.7479021378 Flax Mill Megargy. Alex P Fleming (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£6.10.0. Robert Simpson (In fee) Mill pond Area=3.2.0
W6.6449646575 N54.4264002656 Flax Mill Clonmain. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1835.
W6.6455951824 N54.7511053885 Flax Mill Killyboggin. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1906.
W6.6456136935 N54.6588828763 Limestone Quarry Crosspatrick. Fro Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1835. William Lenox Conygham (In fee) Limestone Quarry Area=0.2.20. William Lenox Conygham (In fee) Limestone quarry Area=0.2.20. Douglas Bros? (Sir W.L Conygham) Limestone quarry Area=0.2.20. William and Hugh Duff (In fee) Limestone quarry Area=0.2.20. William Lenox Conygham (In fee) Limestone quarry Area=0.2.20. William Lenox Conygham (In fee) Limestone quarry Area=0.2.20
W6.6457686032 N54.4268263549 Beetling Mill Clonmain. Green Hill Mill
W6.646788275 N54.4265183384 Bleach Works Clonmain. Anthony Gowdy and son (Thomas Wynne) Bleach Works, flax mill, managers house, office and land. Area=9.3.10 Land Value=£13.0.0 Building Value=£85.0.0 Total=£98.0.0 1878 N.B four beetling mills added. Anthony Gowdy and son (Thomas Wynne) Bleach works, flax mill, managers house, office and land. Area=9.3.10 Land Value=£13.0.0 Building Value=£85.0.0 Total=£98.0.0. Frederick and Charles and Edward Gowdy (Thomas Wynne) bleach works, flax mill, land, Area=9.3.10 Land Value=£13.0.0 Building Value=£73.0.0 Total=£86.0.0 N.B requires 40 HP to drive all the machinery in them works. 1897 N.B Engine 20HP now used as auxiliary 2 more in years. Turbine being not effective shaft 90ft his rent £70 1896?. Anthony Gowdy and sons (Thomas Lavery and Ms Atkinson) Dyeing, bleaching and finishing works, and shed. Total=£115.0.0 1925
W6.6468274589 N54.7524440594 Corn Mill Killyboggin. Recorded since 1830 in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. … Fleming (In fee) Corn Mill, kiln and store Total=£12.0.0 1916-1929
W6.6488742085 N54.6743431655 Limestone Quarry From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1835
W6.6508874574 N54.7810875531 Corn Mill Luney. Henry Kelly (Freehold) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. James Kelly (Freehold) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. John K Craig (Freehold) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. John K Craig (Freehold) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. William W Gibson (In fee) Corn Mill Total=£10.0.0
W6.6515005291 N54.7812593545 Flax Mill Luney.
W6.6518994058 N54.7030333979 Old Flax Mill Magadone. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1835
W6.6541584163 N54.6272395837 Corn Mill, Flax Mill Edernagh. Thomas McReynolds (Rev James Jones) House, Office, Corn Mill and Kiln and Flax Mill and Land. Area=40.1.30 Land Value=£37.5.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£63.15.0. Vacant (Robert Simpson) Flax Mill Total=£20.0.0 N.B This is a Mill with a House (another valuation*) Mill has 16 stocks. It costs 700 £. 1879. Thomas McReynolds (George Dunbar) House, Office Corn Mill Kiln, Flax Mill and Land. Area=40.1.30 Land Value=£37.5.0 Building Value=£23.1.0 Total=£65.5.0. Alexander McReynolds (In fee) Flax Mill kiln, House, Office and land. Area=46.3.5 Land Value=£41.15.0 Building Value=£17.5.0 Total=£39.0.0 1895. Thomas McReynolds (In fee) House, Office, Flax Mill and land. Area=46.2.8 Land Value=£41.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£56.15.0. Thomas McReynolds (In fee) House, office, Flax Mill and land. Area=47.0.2 Land Value=£41.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£44.15.0 Mill number 6
W6.6556192144 N54.6251616914 Corn Mill Edernagh. This is a different mill from the one close.. Built in 1945 possibly to scutch flax, but a few years later flax growing stops and it is converted to grinding grain. From the Bell journal
W6.655698381 N54.4386477618 Flax Mill Derryscollop. Robert Martin (B.J Balfour) Steam flax scutch mill total=£20.15.0. Not found on map.
W6.6587439011 N54.7253101248 Limestone Quarry Carmean. William McCord (Company of Drapers) Limestone Quarry Total=£4.0.0. William McCord (Company of Drapers) Limestone Quarry Total=£4.0.0. Patrick Devlin (In fee) Limestone Quarry and kiln Total=£20.0.0. Patrick Devlin (In fee) Limestone Quarry and kiln Total=£20.0.0
W6.6597067901 N54.6886486826 Limestone Quarry From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.. Danial McGee (Company of Drapers) Limestone kiln and quarry Total=£20.0.0. John Magee (Company of Drapers) Limestone kiln and quarry Total=£20.0.0. Patrick Devlin (Company of Drapers) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£20.0.0 1882. Patrick Devlin (Company of Drapers) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£20.0.0 1893 not worked
W6.6598227006 N54.6007094867 Creamery Curglassen. Curglassen Co-operative Dairying Society Ltd (Samuel E Ekin) Auxiliary Creamery Total=£4.0.0
W6.6599027119 N54.5205150357 Canal and Lockkeepers House. Derrytresk. Commission of public works (In fee) Canal Area=12.0.0, Lockkeepers house, canal banks. Area=8.3.35 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£3.0.0. Commission of public works (In fee) Canal Area=12.0.0, Lockkeepers house, canal banks. Area=8.3.35 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£3.5.0. Commission of public works (In fee) Canal Area=12.0.0, Lockkeepers house, canal banks. Area=8.3.35 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£3.0.0. Commission of public works (In fee) Canal Area=20.3.35 Total=£4.13.0 1899#. Commission of public works (In fee) Canal Area=20.3.35 Total=£4.13.0
W6.6609921519 N54.6481543773 Corn Mill Drummullan. Listed as Corn Mill in 1835 from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps. Bernard McIvor (Rev R.W Brown) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 Corn Kiln=£1.10.0. John Dunbar (Drapers) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 Corn Kiln Total=£1.10.0. Robert Neary (Rev R.W Browne) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 Corn Kiln Total=£1.10.0. Robert Neary (Rev R.W Browne) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 Corn Kiln Total=£1.10.0. Robert Neary (Rev R.W Browne) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 Corn Kiln Total=£1.10.0. Robert Neary (Rev R.W Browne) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 Corn Kiln Total=£1.10.0. Bernard McIvor (Rev R.W Browne) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 Corn Kiln Total=£1.10.0. Bernard McIvor (Rev R.W Browne) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 Corn Kiln Total=£1.10.0
W6.6618106825 N54.649446687 Corn Kiln  
W6.6621883532 N54.7819900895 Flax Mill Annagh and Moneyterlin.
W6.6637971208 N54.649700445 Brickfield Drummullan. Not listed on Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map, but may have something to do with chimnwy. James Neary (James Browne) Brickfield Total=£3.0.0. John Ward (James Browne) Brickfield Total=£8.0.0. Robert Neary (In fee) Brickfield Total=£7.0.0. John Lynn (William Lynn) Brickfield Total=£7.0.0. Robert Neary (In fee) Brickfield Total=£7.0.0. John Lynn (William Lynn) Brickfield Total=£7.0.0 1882. Robert Neary (In fee) Brickfield Total=£7.0.0. John Lynn (William Lynn) Brickfield Total=£7.0.0. Robert Neary (In fee) Brickfield Total=£7.0.0
W6.6639874728 N54.6073174919 Quarry Leck. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W6.6641304174 N54.4254238469 Weaving Shed Aghanlig. Somewhere in this area. Brown Rollerston (John Parnell) House, office and weaving shed Total=£24.0.0. Browne Rollerston (John Parnell) House, weaving sheds and land. Area=2.2.0 Land Value=£2.15.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£26.15.0
W6.6641440355 N54.5360507149 Corn Mill Meenagh. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1900's?
W6.6645955341 N54.4882291907 Flax Mill Cohannon. John McDonald (Sir William Verner) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=54.2.0 Land Value=£52.4.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£90.5.0 1871. John McDonald (Sir William Verner) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=54.2.0 Land Value=£52.4.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£90.5.0 1871. John McDonald (Sir William Verner) Scutch Mill, stores and land. Area=1.2.20 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£18.10.0 Total=£20.0.0. John McDonald (Sir William Verner) Scutch Mill Total=£10.0.0 1897. Courtney Richardson (Sir William Verner) Scutch Mill Total=£10.0.0 1897
W6.6648612796 N54.650002859 Chimney  
W6.6650583387 N54.4883506421 Chimney  
W6.666694497 N54.5777828433 Lime quarry  
W6.6682646031 N54.6099899036 Flax Mill Leck. Corn and Flax Mill at Leck owned by James McCord destroyed in a fire in December 1780. From Bell journal. Previously Corn mill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's.. House, Office, Flax Mill and land. Area=39.10.0 Land Value=£29.10.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£38.0.0. James Watters (Dillon and McCullagh) House, Office, Flax Mill and Land. Area=21.3.0 Land Value=£29.10.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£38.0.0 1869. James Watters (Dillon and McCullagh) Area=31.3.0 Land Value=£29.10.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£38.0.0. James Watters (Dillon and McCullagh) Area=31.3.0 Land Value=£29.10.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£38.0.0. James Waters (Dillon and McCullagh) Flax Mill (at rest) Total=£2.10.0 1907. Hugh Watters (Messrs Dillon and McCullagh) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0 at rest 1924
W6.6696877811 N54.6904129724 Slaughterhouse Mill Lane. Lindsay Agnes and James Mulholland (Company of Drapers) Slaughterhouse Total=£1.0.0. Lindsay Agnes and James Mulholland (Company of Drapers) Slaughterhouse Total=£1.0.0. Lindsay Agnes and James Mulholland (Company of Drapers) Slaughterhouse Total=£1.0.0. Lindsay Agnes and James Mulholland (Company of Drapers) Slaughterhouse Total=£1.0.0. Lindsay Agnes and James Mulholland (Company of Drapers) Slaughterhouse Total=£1.0.0. Lindsay Agnes and James Mulholland (Company of Drapers) Slaughterhouse Total=£1.0.0
W6.6697718284 N54.5683333035 Lime Quarry Gortatray. James and Robert Dunn (John Mary) Lime Kilns and quarry. Total=£3.0.0 1873. James Robert Dunne (John Moore) Lime Kiln and Quarry Total=£3.0.0. Robert Dunn (John Moore) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.0.0 N.B 1883- only 1 kiln and a bad quarry. Other quarry given up. Robert Dunn (John Moore) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.0.0 N.B only 1 kiln working about quarry. Robert Dunn (John Moore) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.0.0. Robert Dunn (John Moore) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.0.0. Robert Dunn (John Moore) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.0.0
W6.6698141345 N54.6899277411 Corn Mill Moneymore, Mill Lane. James Boyle (Company of Drapers) Corn Mill kiln and garden. Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£25.0.0. 1866 Agricultural statistics 6 stocks 36 handles 8 weeks of the year. James McGaw (Company of Drapers) Corn Mill kiln and garden. Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£25.0.0 Flax Mill=£12.0.0. James McGaw (Company of Drapers) Corn kiln and garden. Flax Mill, Corn Mill in ruin Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Flax Mill=£12.0.0 Total=£17.10.0. Robert McGaw (In fee) Corn kiln and garden. Flax Mill, Corn Mill in ruin Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Flax Mill=£12.0.0 Total=£5.10.0 N.B The Corn Mill has been refitted in 1894 It is not reported. Robert McGaw (In fee) Corn kiln and garden. Flax Mill, Corn Mill in ruin Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Flax Mill=£12.0.0 Total=£5.10.0 N.B Corn Mill Ruins
W6.6699809031 N54.6902194277 Old Linen Market Mill Lane. Unoccupied (Company of Drapers) Office and yard (old linen market) Total=£6.0.0
W6.6705149742 N54.6903287441 Creamery Mill Lane. Moneymore Cooperative and Dairy Society (James McGaw) Creamery Total=£26.0.0 1900-1907 Company. Moneymore Cooperative and Dairy Society (James McGaw) Creamery Total=£26.0.0 1900-1907 Company
W6.671331875 N54.5775119286 Limestone Quarry Castle Farm. W Thomas Quinn (Robert McGualtian) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£9.0.0 N.B Rent £12.0.0. … (Robert McGuckin) Lime kiln and Quarry 1884 January shut down.. … (Robert McGuckian) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£9.0.0 N.B shut down January 1884
W6.6714329231 N54.5041567497 Flax Mill Drumhorrick. John B Robinson (Alexander G Stuart) House, office and land and Flax mill Area=25.0.10 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£35.5.0 1866. 12 stocks. John B Robinson (Alexander G Stuart) House, office and land and Flax mill Area=25.0.10 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£35.5.0. John B Robinson (Alexander G Stuart) House, office and land and Flax mill Area=25.0.10 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£35.5.0 1866. 12 stocks. John B Robinson (Alexander G Stuart) House, office and land and Flax mill Area=25.0.10 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£35.5.0 1866. 12 stocks scored out.. Jesse McFarland (In fee) land and old Flax mill Area=26.0.0 Land Value=£14.5.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£17.15.0 N.B several parts of mill around front falling. 1920
W6.6714361211 N54.7714684356 Limestone Quarry Knocknagin. James Hoassin (Lord Garvagh) Limestone Quarry Total=£10.0.0. Margaret Hassin (Lord Garvagh) Limestone Quarry Total=£10.0.0. Margaret Hassin (Lord Garvagh) Limestone Quarry Total=£10.0.0 not used 1889
W6.6721177372 N54.632417832 Two Beetling Mill Derrygonigan. Water Power 6 H.P works for 10 months of the year 1835. 1860-1863 Joan Sloan (Rev James Jones) Flax Mill, Bleach mill, office and land. Area=12.0.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£32.0.0 Total=£39.10.0 On John Browne, owned by National Building Co. £35.0.0 . Another Mill added in 1882-1891. Matthew Gibson (John Dunbar) Total=£35.0.0 . Alex Gibson (In fee) Two Beetling Mills at rest and Mill race and yard. Area=0.2.0 Total=£4.0.0 1924
W6.6729413729 N54.5794089343 Lime Quarry  
W6.6731468257 N54.6327563835 Mill Race  
W6.6734496508 N54.7698656866 Creamery Stranagard. Somewhere in this area. Desertmartin Cooperative and agricultural Dairy Society (John K Craig) Creamery Total=£8.0.0 1900. Desertmartin Cooperative and agricultural Dairy Society (John K Craig) Creamery Total=£8.0.0 1900
W6.6748246967 N54.7690257104 Corn Mill Stranagard. Marked in 1906 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. see flax mill
W6.6752424343 N54.6012895826 Coal Pit Templereagh. Arthur Canavan (Henry Gunning) colliery and fine clay works Total=£ N.B Memo Revise 1862- to see if this colliery and fine clay works are at present working or of profit to Mr Gunning 29th November 1862. Rachel Hamilton (Eliza Moore) Colliery and Fire Clay works Area=0.2.20 N.B not worked now. Somewhere in this area
W6.67530615 N54.7691525562 Flax Mill Stranagard. James Leeper (Lord Garvagh) Corn and Flax Mill Kiln, land. Area=1.2.25 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£18.0.0. James Leeper (Lord Garvagh) Corn and flax mills, kiln and land. Area=1.2.25 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£18.0.0. James Leeper (Lord Garvagh) Corn and flax mills, kiln and land. Area=1.2.25 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£27.10.0 N.B Corn Mill rebuilt 17x8… 3 pairs of stones in corn mill…local orders only. John K Craig (In fee) Corn mill, kiln and land. Area=7.2.33 Land Value=£6.17.0 Building Value=£23.0.0 Total=£29.17.0 1912. John K Craig (In fee) Corn mill, kiln and land. Area=7.2.33 Land Value=£6.17.0 Building Value=£23.0.0 Total=£29.17.0 1912
W6.6753732983 N54.7309510955 Flax Mill Gortanewry. John Forsythe (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill and office Total=£2.5.0. James Forsyth (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill down 1878. Somewhere in this area
W6.6764062163 N54.6600771428 Flax Mill Annahavil. John Cowan (Worshipful Company of Drapers) Flax Mill and stores Total=£13.0.0. James Cowan (Worshipful Company of Drapers) Flax Mill and stores Total=£13.0.0 1885. James Cowan (Drapers) Flax Mill and stores Total=£13.0.0. James Cowan (Drapers) Flax mill and store Total=£13.0.0. James Cowan (IN fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£13.0.0. James H Cowan (IN fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£13.0.0
W6.6779995578 N54.7070248624 Flax Mill Magherascullion. Robert McKee (Gertrude Wright) Scutch Mill and threshing machine HO Total=£5.0.0 1888. John Duff (Gertrude Wright) Scutch Mill and threshing machine HO Total=£5.0.0 N.B 2 stocks, and 100t of rollers. John Duff (In fee) Scutch Mill and threshing machine HO Total=£5.0.0 N.B 1907. John Duff (In fee) Scutch Mill and threshing machine HO Total=£5.0.0 N.B 1907
W6.6792103785 N54.7596798874 Hollymount Drumnascallon. James Leeper (Drapers) House, office and Land. Area=74.2.20 Land Value=£41.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£48.0.0. Hollymount James R Leeper (Drapers) House, office and land. Area=74.2.20 Land Value=£41.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£48.0.0. Hollymount, Wesley McGuckin (James R Leeper) House office and land. Area=74.2.20 Land Value=£41.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£48.0.0. Wesley McGuckin (James Leeper) House, office and land. Area=74.2.20 Land Value=£41.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£48.0.0
W6.6792104679 N54.5785607589 Corn Mill Galvally. Samuel Little (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill kiln and yard. Total=£75.0.0. H.W Chan… (… Little) Corn and flax mill kiln Total=£75.0.0. Vacant (Samuel Little) Corn and Flax Mill kiln and yard Total=£75.0.0. Vac () Corn and flax mill kiln and land. Total=£75.0.0. Vacant (Samuel Little) Corn and flax mill kiln and land. Total=£75.0.0
W6.6796844365 N54.5185342865 Pottery Ballynakilly. Robert Burns (William Beatty) House, office land and Pottery. Area=6.3.0 Land Value=£4.5.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£13.5.0. Robert Burns (William beatty) House, office, pottery and land. Area=6.3.0 Land Value=£4.5.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£13.5.0. Robert Burns (William beatty) House, office, pottery and land. Area=6.3.0 Land Value=£4.5.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£13.5.0. Robert Burns (William beatty) House, office, pottery and land. Area=6.3.0 Land Value=£4.5.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£13.5.0. James J Burns (In fee) House, office, pottery, kilns and land. Total=£19.0.0 1908. James J Burns (In fee) House, office, pottery, kilns and land. Total=£19.0.0 1921
W6.6797549289 N54.2871629058 Beetling Mill Tassagh, ballynagalliagh Townland
W6.6822755294 N54.4461188268 Canal Charlemont.. Board of Public Works. (In fee) Lockkeepers House and stores Total=£8.0.0. Board of Public Works (In fee) Canal and house station. Area=9.0.30 Total=£5.0.0. Lagan Navigation Company (In fee) Lockkeepers House, house, canal and navigation Area=9.0.30 Total=£16.18.0
W6.6829503969 N54.7639164156 Flax Mill Durnascallon. William Leeper (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0. Hollymount James Leeper (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. James Leeper (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0 1899 scored out.. Wesley McGuckin (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0 1913. Wesley McGuckin (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0
W6.6830749403 N54.4808204582 Creamery Bogbane. Killyman Co-operative agricultural dairy society (Robert Young) Creamery and land. Area=0.2.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£19.0.0 1909. Killyman Co-operative agricultural dairy society (Robert Young) Creamery and land. Area=0.2.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£19.0.0 1909
W6.6832447578 N54.4936326674 Pottery Drumenagh. William Kirkpatrick (James Disney) House, office, pottery and land. Area=4.10.0 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£8.10.0. Pottery 1872- kiln in ruins. Pottery 1872- kiln in ruins
W6.6842888665 N54.5328322267 Pottery Gortgonis.
W6.6848910851 N54.7093984689 Flax Mill Larrycormick. William Crooks (George MacCartney) House, office, flax mill Total=£7.0.0. James Chambers (Arthur Marush and others) House, flax mill and scotching house Total=£6.0.0 1889. James Chambers (In fee) House, flax mill and scotching house Total=£6.0.0. James Chambers (In fee) House, flax mill and scotching house Total=£6.0.0
W6.6870007756 N54.525959469 Pottery Creenagh.James Fowler (John O’Rourke) House, Kiln and Pottery Total=£1.5.0. John D. Bourke (Earl of Castlestuart) House, kiln and pottery Total=£1.5.0
W6.6873224034 N54.7812775867 Quarry Coolsaragh. Alexander Payne (Company of Drapers) Quarry Total=£12.0.0. Alexander Payne (Company of Drapers) Quarry Total=£12.0.0. Quarry not worked 1884
W6.6878885908 N54.4937342097 Flax Mill Drumnaspel. Corn Mill in this site 1835.. Alex Strain (Alex G Stuart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.10 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£15.15.0. John Daly (Alexander G Stuart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.10 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£15.15.0. John Daly (Alexander G Stuart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.10 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£15.15.0. John Daly (Alexander G Stuart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.10 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£15.15.0. John Daly (Alexander G Stuart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.10 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£15.15.0. John Daly (Alexander G Stuart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.10 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£15.15.0
W6.6880617384 N54.524939503 Pottery Creenagh. James Burns (Earl of Castlestuart) Pottery, office and land. Area=23.1.4 Land Value=£17.5.0 Building Value=£2.5.0 Total=£19.10.0. Samuel Burns (Earl of Castlestuart) Pottery, office and land Area=23.1.4 Land Value=£17.5.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£24.10.0 New Pottery, New office 1874. Samuel Burns (Earl of Castlestuart) House, pottery, offices and land. Area=23.1.4 Land Value=£17.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£28.10.0 N.B Engine House1880. Daniel Burns (In fee) Office and pottery Total=£8.0.0 1911. David Burns (In fee) Office and pottery. Total=£8.0.0. David Burns (In fee) Office and pottery. Total=£8.0.0
W6.6885268363 N54.4539283129 Flax Mill Drumgart. Somewhere in this area. Samuel Cummings (In fee) Flax Mill and offices Total=£36.0.0 1921
W6.688715289 N54.6462247696 Brickfield Ballyloughlan. Site of Whinstone Quarry. James Bernard Scullion (Worshipful Company of Drapers) Brickfield Total=£2.0.0
W6.6889909407 N54.5256062303 Pottery Creenagh. Mary Carson (Earl of Castlestuart) Pottery, House, Office and land. Area=5.0.20 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£5.0.0. Samuel Bilworth (Earl of Castlestuart) House, office, pottery and land. Area=5.3.20 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£5.0.0 1875. Daniel Dilsworth (Earl of Castlestuart) House, office pottery and land. Area=5.0.20 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£5.0.0. Samuel Dilsworth (Earl of Castlestuart) House, office Pottery and land. Area=5.0.20 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£5.0.0. Isabella Dilsworth (Earl of Castlestuart) House, office, pottry and land. Area=5.0.20 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£5.0.0. William Dilsworth (In fee) House, pottery and land. Area=5.0.20 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£ 5.0.0. William Dilsworth (In fee) House, pottery and land. Area=5.0.20 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£ 5.0.0
W6.6892773596 N54.6979478844 Corn Mill Carrydarragh. John Boyce (Jane Maxwell) Corn Mill Total=£4.10.0. John Boyce (George McCartney) Corn Mill Total=£4.10.0. John Boyce (George McCartney) Corn Mill Total=£4.10.0. John Boyce (George McCartney) Corn Mill Total=£4.10.0. John Boyce (In fee) Corn Mill Total=£4.10.0. John Boyce (In fee) Corn Mill Total=£4.10.0
W6.6896603658 N54.7818585748 Limestone Quarry Annagh and Moneyterlin. Marked as an old Limestone Quarry 1830's
W6.6901486763 N54.7772788568 Limestone Quarry Annagh and Moneyterlin. Francis and Patrick Shields (…) Quarry Total=£2.0.0 1872. Patrick Shields (Hon Robert O’Neill) Limestone Quarry Total=£2.0.0 N.B 1883 closed. Patrick Shields (Hon Robert O’Neill) Limestone Quarry Total=£2.0.0 N.B 1883 closed
W6.6912149567 N54.6007381805 Corn Mill Templereagh. Robert Stewart (Henry Gunning) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=15.2.36 Land Value=£16.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£31.10.0. Robert Stewart (Eliza Moore) House, office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=15.2.26 Land Value=£16.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£31.10.0. Robert Stewart (Eliza Moore) House, office, corn mill and kiln and land. Area=15.2.36 Land Value=£14.10.0 Building Value=£24.10.0 Total=£21.0.0. Robert Stewart (Eliza moore) House, office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=15.2.26 Land Value=£16.10.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£42.10.0. William Stewart (Eliza Moore) House, office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=15.2.36 Land Value=£16.10.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£42.10.0. William Stewart (Eliza Moore) House, office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=15.2.36 Land Value=£16.10.0 Building Value=£23.10.0 Total=£40.0.0. William Stewart (Eliza Moore) House, office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=15.2.36 Land Value=£16.10.0 Building Value=£23.10.0 Total=£40.0.0. William Stewart (Eliza Moore) House, office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=15.2.36 Land Value=£16.10.0 Building Value=£23.10.0 Total=£40.0.0
W6.6913462075 N54.5915594086 Flax Mill Rousky. 1860-1863 James Anderson (Catherine Stewart) House, Office, Flax Mill and land. Area=79.2.38 Land Value=£53.15.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.5.0. James Little (Rev George Stewart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=79.2.5 Land Value=£53.15.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.5.0. William London (Nathanial Stuart) House, flax mill, office and land. Area=79.2.5 Land Value=£53.15.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.5.0 1869. William Sinclair (Catherine Stuart) House, office flax mill and land. Area=79.2.5 Land Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.5.0. William Sinclair (Catherine Stewart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=79.2.25 Land Value=£53.15.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.0.0. William Sinclair (Catherine Stewart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=79.2.5 Land Value=£53.15.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.5.0. William Sinclair (Catherine Stewart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=79.2.5 Land Value=£53.15.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.15.0. William Sinclair (Catherine Stewart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=79.2.38 Land Value=£53.15.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.15.0. James Anderson (Catherine Stewart) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=79.2.38 Land Value=£53.15.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£62.15.0
W6.6915379408 N54.4521402113 Corn Mill Drumgrannon
W6.6915796432 N54.5386032432 Corn Mill Gortgonis. Robert Stewart and sons (Lagan navigation Co) Corn Mill and yard Total=£76.0.0. Robert Stewart and co (Lagan Navigation Company) Corn mill and yard Total=£76.0.0. Robert Stewart and co (Lagan Navigation Company) Corn mill and yard Total=£76.0.0. Known as Annagher Mills in 1906
W6.6920716524 N54.6325336735 Flax Mill Tullyveagh. William Glasgow (Rev James Jones) Flax Mill, stores and yard Total=£28.0.0. William Browne (George Dunbar) Flax Mill, store and yard Total=£28.0.0 1874. Flax Mill, stores and yard Total=£9.0.0 1889. Joseph Greer (William Browne senior) previously an old scutch mill with Weaving Factory and yard valued at £9.0.0. But now a Flax Mill valued at £22.0.0 1894. N.B no stocks. Vacant (William Brown) Flax Mill at rest and office. Total=£10.0.0 1907. Vacant (William Brown) Flax Mill at rest and office. Total=£10.0.0 1917 roofless
W6.6926422093 N54.600506112 Coal Pits Annaghone. Coal pits from 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W6.6929740342 N54.4473438772 Coal Stores Moy. James Sloane (Earl of Charlemont) Coal Store Total=£2.10.0. David Browne (Earl of Charlemont) Corn Store Total=£12.0.0. James Sloane (Earl of Charlemont) Coal Store Total=£2.10.0. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Corn Store Total=£7.0.0. James Sloane (Earl of Charlemont) Corn Store and kiln Total=£20.0.0. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Markert houses, shambles, shed and yard. Total=£20.0.0. James Sloane (Earl of Charlemont) Coal Store Total=£2.10.0. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Corn Store Total=£7.0.0. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Corn store and kiln Total=£20.0.0. Joseph Haydock (Earl of Charlemont) Coal Store Total=£2.10.0. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Corn Store Total=£7.0.0. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Corn Store and kiln Total=£20.0.0. Joseph Haydock (Viscount Charlemont) Coal Store Total=£2.10.0. Vacant (Viscount Charlemont) Corn store Total=£7.0.0. Vacant (Viscount Charlemont) Corn Store and kiln Total=£20.0.0. Vacant (Viscount Charlemont) Gas works Total=£10.0.0
W6.6936301481 N54.6318021008 Bleach Mill Tullyveagh
W6.6936698055 N54.7647628144 Flax Mill Longfield. James Caerlins??? (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill and Land. Area=2.0.30 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0. John McGurk (Company of Drapers) Flax mill and land. Area=3.3.0 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£9.0.0 1882. Joseph McGurk (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill and land. Area=3.3.0 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£9.0.0. Francis Daly (In fee) Flax Mill and land. Area=3.2.0 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£7.0.0. Francis Daly (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0 N.B Mill now vacant 1928. Somewhere in this area.
W6.6942411715 N54.537033967 Timber Yard Gortgonis. Trustees John Stevenson and co (Arthur Hughes) Timber stores and yard Total=£10.10.0. Trustees John Stevenson and co (Arthur Hughes) Timber stores and yard Total=£10.10.0
W6.6946890029 N54.6554215923 Bleach Green Drumgarrell. From osni historical map.
W6.6955014354 N54.6549508888 Flax Mill Drumgarrell. 1860-1863 James Greer (Samuel R. Magill) Flax mill and Office. Total Value=£10.0.0. Rep Samuel R. Magill (In fee) Flax Mill and Offices. Value=£13.0.0. John Millar (Samuel Magill) Flax Mill and Office. Total=13.0.0. Samuel Ranking Magill (in fee) Flax Mill and office. Total Value=£13.0.0. Samuel Rankin Magill (In fee) Flax Mill and office. Total Value=£13.0.0. Joseph Hammond (Thomas S. Magill) Flax Mill and office. Total Value=£17.0.0 Flax Mill=£13.0.0 1894. James Greer (Samuel Magill) Flax Mill and Office. Building Value=£10.0.0. James Greer (Samuel Magill) Flax Mill and office. Total=£10.0.0
W6.6955676523 N54.6320710216 Spinning Mill Cloghog. Benjamin and Milligin Glasgow (In fee) Land and Spinning Mill Area=40.0.20 Land Value=£29.0.0 Building Value=£100.0.0 Total=£129.0.0. William Browne (In fee) Spinning Mill and land. Area=40.0.20 Land Value=£29.0.0 Building Value=£100.0.0 Total=£129.0.0 1868. Graham Browne (William Browne) Spinning Mill Total=£100.0.0 1882. Mannan Browne (In fee) Spinning Mill Total=£100.0.0 N.B William Gardiner proposes saying that it is now a weaving factory. 1898. Drapersfield Spinning Co (In fee) Weaving Factory Total=£100.0.0. Drapersfield Weaving Company Ltd (IN fee) Spinning Mill Total=£100.0.0 N.b complaint against drapersfield filed. Lists of all property of Drapersfield to be listed.. Drapersfield Weaving Company (Company of Drapers) Weaving Mill Total=£100.0.0
W6.6957106185 N54.5380547299 Tile Manufactory Gortgonis. Danial Quinn and Bernard McCallon (Robert Mullan) Fire-brick tile workyard and garden. Area=0.2.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£35.0.0 Total=£36.0.0. Daniel Quinn and Bernard McCallion (Robert Mullan) Fire, brick and tile Area=0.2.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£35.0.0 Total=£36.0.0
W6.6962069184 N54.6530586161 Mill race Drumgarrell
W6.6972158705 N54.5402890072 Pipe Works Gortgonis. Lough Neagh pipe Works Company (John McNally) Pipe Works, kiln and yard. Area=0.2.20 Total=£12.0.0 1911
W6.6973085437 N54.5372652084 Spade Manufactory Gortgonis. John Stevenson (Company of Public Works) House, spade manufactory and land. Area=0.0.15 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£80.0.0 Total=£80.10.0. John Stevenson (Com of Public Works) House, office, spade manufactory and land. Area=0.0.15 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£85.10.0 Total=£86.0.0 1874 New addition (new room 6x8 25a inside box). John Stevenson (Committee of Public Works) House, spade manufactory and yard. Area=0.0.15 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£85.10.0 Total=£86.0.0. John Stevenson (Lagan Navigation Co) Corn and Saw Mills and spade manufactory Total=£85.0.0 1892
W6.6975178201 N54.6016623325 Two Limestone Quarries Annaghone. One either side of road, one where house is slightly larger
W6.697609075 N54.4144296023 Canal Blackwatertown. Dundalk Steam Packet Company or Board of Public Works, (In fee) Lock keepers house, office, garden and canal Area=5.3.39 Total=£9.0.0. Lagan Navigation Company (In fee) Lock keepers House, canal and navigation, offices. Area=5.3.39 Total=£7.10.0 28/04/93
W6.6980805186 N54.6877725691 Flax Mill Drumeen. James McCullagh (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B 6 stocks. James McCullagh (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B 6 stocks. James McCullagh (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B 6 stocks. James McCullagh (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B 6 stocks
W6.6980978765 N54.5923847634 Flax Mill Shankey. Corn Mill also on this site 1854.. William Stuart (James K Baille) house, office, flax mill and land. Area=21.2.37 Land Value=£23.10.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£34.10.0. William Stewart (G.G.B Kennedy) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=20.3.32 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£34.0.0 1868. William Stewart (Charles B Kennedy) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=20.3.32 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. Robert Stewart (Charles Kennedy) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=20.3.32 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. Robert Stewart (Charles B Kennedy) House, office, Flax Mill and land. Area=20.3.32 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. William Stewart (Charles B Kennedy) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=20.3.32 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£34.0.0 1901. William Stewart (Charles B Kennedy) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=20.3.32 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£34.0.0 1907 scored out. Thomas Daly (Frederick Ferguson) Flax Mill and Store Total=£5.0.0. Thomas Daly (Frederick Ferguson) Flax Mill and Store Total=£5.0.0 N.B Mill in ruins 1912
W6.6995443742 N54.7633494944 Flax Mill Longfield. William Charles (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill and land. Area=2.0.30 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 scored out.. Not found on map. Somewhere in this area.
W6.7002289032 N54.5401738262 Canal Basin  
W6.700515264 N54.4782996403 Beetling Mill Dungorman. Joseph Doyle (William Greer) Beetling Mills and House. Total=£20.0.0. John Daly (Earl of Ranfurly) Beetling Mills Total=£20.0.0 1865. John Daly (Thomas Greer) Beetling Mills Total=£20.0.0 1889. Beetling Mill N.B Machinery Away … in ruins 1897
W6.7009668608 N54.5437383174 Brick Kiln  
W6.7011175576 N54.6054646847 Limestone Quarry Annaghone. Thomas Brown (Frederick Lindsay) House Office Land, Limestone Quarry and Kiln. Area=24.1.10 Land Value=£18.15.0 Building Value=£1.10.0 Total’s £20.5.0 and 2.10.0. John Acheson (John Henderson) Limestone quarry and Kiln. Total=£2.20.0. John Acheson (Henderson not John) Limestone Quarry and Kiln Total=£2.10.0. John Acheson Limestone Quarry scored out, non existant. £2.10.0 1885. Three different areas, south and other side of road,
W6.7012216534 N54.5401074947 Corn Mill Gortgonis. Island Corn Mill. Built 1907, known as Stewarts Mill,
W6.7023598505 N54.5080027358 Paper Mill later Flax Mill Tartlaghan . 1860-63. Unoccupied (John Lowry) Paper Mill and stores Building Value=£20.0.0. Samuel Cross (Alexander G Stuart) Scutch Mill and stores. Total=£20.0.0 1865. Samuel Cross (Alexander G Stuart) Scutch Mill and House. Total=£20.0.0 1865. Samuel Cross (Alexander G Stuart) Scutch Mill and stores. Total=£20.0.0 1865. Samuel Cross (Alexander G Stuart) Scutch Mill and House. Total=£20.0.0 1865. Samuel Cross (Alexander G Stuart) Scutch Mill and House. Total=£20.0.0 1908. John mullan (In fee) Scutch Mill and Store Total=£20.0.0
W6.7026250378 N54.5495443314 Coal Mine Brackaville.
W6.7036072679 N54.5401235558 Corn Mill Gortnaskea. Vacant (George Sloan) Corn Mill and Kiln, Total=£25.0.0. William Cullen (George Sloan) Corn Mill and kiln including W of Brackaville Building Value=£25.0.0 N.B Mill burned1870
W6.7039194652 N54.7907569092 Flax Mill Cloughfin. … (…) Flax mill Total=£6.0.0 N.B Flax Mill Building=£2.0.0 4 Stocks=£4.0.0. David Kissick (Marcus McCausland) Flax mill Total=£6.0.0. David Kissick (Marcus McCausland) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. John Hurl (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0 1908. John and Hure Sure (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0
W6.7039826559 N54.7765438151 Flax Mill Annagh and Moneyterlin. John Bunton (Robert Jones O’Neill) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£18.0.0 N.B 8 stocks +wlden 2pr stone 1874. James Hutchinson (Robert O’Neill) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£18.0.0. James Hutchinson (Robert O’Neill) Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0 N.B no corn mill now1884. James Hutchinson (Robert O’Neill) Flax Mill Total=£12.0.0. Frederick Rogers (Robert O’Neill) Flax Mill Total=£11.0.0.
W6.7039869739 N54.7651194691 Flax Mill Longfield. Longfield. John Bodkin (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. John Bodkin (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. John Bodkin (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 N.B 6 stocks, 3 rollers. Laurence Higgins (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Joseph Higgins (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 1919. Might not be this mill, no distinguising feature
W6.7044938319 N54.5393851026 Corn Mill Derry. John Stephenson (George Colhoun) Corn Mill and kiln, Office, spade manufactory and yard Area=3.0.37 Total=£41.0.0 N.B the water is taken away from corn mill, is now under office. John Stevenson and Co (Lagan Navigation Company) office, corn mill, spade factory, sheds and yard. Total=£85.0.0 1911. John Stevenson and Co (In fee) offices, corn and saw mill, spade factory, stores and yard. Total=£250.0.0 N.B 1922-not working in full working order.. John Stevenson and Co (In fee) offices, corn and saw mill, spade factory, stores and yard. Total=£200.0.0 1925
W6.7057259888 N54.5385090197 Weaving Factory Derry. opened 1868. John Clarke (William Greer) Weaving Factory and land Area=4.2.20 Land Value=£3.10.0 Building Value=£226.10.0 Total=£230.0.0 N.B 135 additional …….. by the same engine.. John Hutchinson (William Greer) Weaving Factory and land Area=4.2.20 Land Value=£3.10.0 Building Value=£226.10.0 Total=£230.0.0 1875 N.B 135 additional looms worked by the same engine. Page 137 drawing of mill, 2000 Spindles added ?. John Stephenson and Leslie Clarke (William Gregg) Weaving Factory and land. Area=4.2.15 Land Value=£3.13.0 Building Value=£234.0.0 Total=£237.0.0. Jackson and Charles Clarke (John Stevenson) Weaving Factory and land. Area=4.0.35 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£240.0.0 Total=£243.0.0 1887. Charles and John Clarke (Trustees John Stevenson) Weaving factory and land. Area=4.0.35 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£240.0.0 Total=£243.0.0. Coalisland Weaving Company (Trustees John Stevenson) Weaving Factory and land. Area=4.0.35 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£240.0.0 Total=£243.0.0. Coalisland Weaving Company (Trustees John Stevenson) Weaving Factory and land. Area=4.0.35 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£240.0.0 Total=£243.0.0. closed 1980
W6.7058883833 N54.4894510251 Old Mill Tempanroe. Listed as old mill in 1835.
W6.7061376119 N54.5379519442 Spade Manufactory Derry. John Stevenson (George Colhoun) Office, spade manufactory Area=3.0.37 Total=£41.0.0 N.B The water is taken away from corn mill is now under office.. John Stephenson (George Colhoun) Corn Mill and kiln, Office, spade manufactory and yard Area=3.0.37 Total=£41.0.0 N.B the water is taken away from corn mill, is now under office. John Stevenson and Co (George Clebburn) office, spade manufactory, yard Area=3.0.37 Total=£41.0.0 and mill pond. John Stevenson and Co Ltd (George Colhoun) Spade manufactory, office and yard. Total=£41.0.0. John Stevenson and Co (George Gibbson?) office, spade manufactory and yard. Total=£41.0.0. John Stevenson and Co (George Gibbson?) office, spade manufactory and yard. Total=£38.0.0
W6.7079694262 N54.5403303568 Tile Manufactory Gortnaskea. Bernard Quinn (George Sloan) Brick works Total=£2.0.0. … Greer (George Sloan) Brickworks and land Area=1.5.0 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£2.0.0 Total=£3.0.0. Robert Greer and Robert Athernathy (John B Atkinson) Brick kiln and land. Area=1.2.0 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£2.0.0 Total=£3.0.0. John McNally and James Corr (Charlotte Sloan) FINE BRICK and Tile works Total=£5.0.0 N.B
W6.7089725703 N54.7632422339 Flax Mill Boveagh. John Bodkin (Company of Drapers) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£7.10.0. John Bodkin (Company of Drapers) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£7.10.0. John Bodkin (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. Chas W Henry (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. John Kearney (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0
W6.709069171 N54.4940896602 Corn Mill Tempanroe. James McDonnell (Earl of Ranfurly) Millers House, corn mill, house, office and land. Area=8.0.20 Land Value=£8.15.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£26.10.0. John R McDonald (Earl of Ranfurly) Millers house, corn mill, office and land. Area=8.0.20 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£26.10.0 1868. John R McDonald (Earl of Ranfurly) Millers house, corn mill, office and land. Area=8.0.20 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£26.10.0. John R McDonald (Earl of Ranfurly) corn mill, office and land. Area=8.0.20 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£16.10.0 Total=£25.0.0. John R McDonald (Earl of Ranfurly) corn mill and land. Area=8.0.20 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£19.10.0 1912. William Thomas Courtney (In fee) corn mill and land. Area=1.1.20 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£12.10.0 1923
W6.7128052584 N54.5422446366 Tile Manufactory Gortnaskea. Unoccupied (Earl Caulfield) Tile and Brick kiln Total=£15.0.0 N.B This has not worked for last 4-5 years and is now in ruin.. Vacant ruins of brick kiln 1875
W6.7129927786 N54.5317611452 Flour Mill gortin.
W6.71328817 N54.6570873548 Flax Mill Lismoney. In this area, not seen on Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps. John Staunton (Worshipful Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. John Staunton (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£16.10.0 N.B 6 stocks, G water, 8 stocks? G steam -92 times-. John Staunton (Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£16.10.0. John Staunton (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£16.10.0. … Staunton (in fee) Flax Mill Total=£16.10.0. Mathilda Staunton (In fee) Flax mill Total=£16.10.0. Mathilda Staunton (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£16.10.0
W6.7137688804 N54.5440136263 Bleach Mill Brackaville.
W6.714200286 N54.7945200411 Flax Shed Killytoney. Somewhere in this area. William Hanna (In fee) Flax Mill and shed. Total=£3.0.0 1909. Flax Mill and shed 1924
W6.7143760624 N54.4079043502 Old Bleach Mill Tullydowey. James E Jackson (Reps Houston) Old Bleach mill. Area=145.1.10 Land Value=£189.0.0 Building Value=£55.0.0 Total=£244.0.0. William A Lisdall (Francis Houston) House office, gate lodge, old bleach mill and land. Area=145.1.10 Land Value=£189.0.0 Building Value=£55.0.0 Total=£244.0.0. Old Bleach mill is down 1880
W6.7143841339 N54.5415496703 Tile Manufactory Gortnaskea. George Sloan (In fee) House, office, fire brick tile works and land. Area=8.0.15 Land Value=£5.7.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 Total=£55.7.0 Flour Mill unvalued. George Sloan junior (In fee) House, office, Flour Mill, fire brick tile works and land Area=8.0.15 Land Value=£5.7.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 N.B Mill said to have burned. George Sloan (In fee) Flour Mill, N.B Flour stores taken taken away and the where pilau left in bad order. George Sloan (In fee) Firebrick tile works, and land Area=8.0.15 Land Value=£1.17.0 Building Value=£33.0.0 Total=£34.17.0. Unoccupied (W.H Harper) office, brick and tile works Total=£5.0.0. Vacant (Thomas harper) Brick and tile works and office. Total=£5.0.0. James Corr and John McAnally (Thomas H Harper) office, brick and tile works Total=£10.0.0
W6.7147534738 N54.544489363 Corn Mill Brackaville. George Sloan (Wolsey Atkinson) Saw, Clay and threshing mill, mill pond and sand pits Area=1.1.10 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£13.5.0. George Sloan junior (Wolsey Atkinson) Saw, Clay and Thrashing, Mill, Mill pond, and sand pit. Area=1.1.10 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£2.5.0 N.B a small part of mill still standing 1872. George Sloan jnr (Wolsey Atkinson) Mill, Mill pond and sand pit Area=1.1.10 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£2.5.0. Mary M Atkinson (In fee) Mill, Mill pond and sand pit Area=1.1.10 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£2.5.0 1889
W6.7157005013 N54.5430931891 Coal Mine  
W6.7160778924 N54.5419253662 Coal Pit  
W6.7164617081 N54.5340544196 Corn Mill Gortin. Robert Stewart (John C Whitehall) House and Corn Mill kiln Total=£43.0.0. Robert Stewart (John Bond) Corn Mill and kiln, office and workshop and stores Total=£30.0.0 1908. Robert Stewart (John Bond) Office, Corn mill kiln, Workshop and stores Total=£38.0.0. Robert Stewart (John Bond) Office, Corn mill kiln, Workshop and stores Total=£38.0.0. In this area. not located on Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.
W6.7164653227 N54.7745638613 Quarry Gortahurk. William Donnelly (Company of Drapers) House, office, land and freestone quarry. Area=36.1.15 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£1.5.0 Total=£16.10.0
W6.7166554482 N54.6630958166 Saw Mill Dunman. Saw Mill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map same as above.
W6.7166757733 N54.6632688529 Flax Mill Dunman. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1906, but no mention of flax mill in valuation records. Still located in 1935.
W6.7178162488 N54.4946013894 Corn Mill Drummuck. Matthew Atkinson (Sir William Varner Bart) House, office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=20.0.30 Land Value=£19.10.0 Building Value=£16.10.0 Total=£36.0.0 1873 Mill dilapidated.. Martha Atkinson (Sir William Verner Bart) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=20.0.30 Land Value=£19.10.0 Building Value=£16.10.0 Total=£34.0.0. Martha Atkinson (Sir William Verner Bart) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=20.1.20 Land Value=£19.16.0 Building Value=£14.10.0 Total=£34.6.0. Henry Atkinson (Sir William Verner Bart) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=20.1.20 Land Value=£19.16.0 Building Value=£14.10.0 Total=£34.6.0. Henry Atkinson (Sir William Verner Bart) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=20.1.20 Land Value=£19.16.0 Building Value=£14.10.0 Total=£34.6.0 N.B 1919 wishes no obey as mill may be worked any time he is owning part of machinery for thrashing and cleaning hayseed. Henry Atkinson (W. verner) House, office, Corn Mill and kiln and land. Area=20.1.20 Land Value=£19.16.0 Building Value=£14.10.0 Total=£34.6.0
W6.7181087641 N54.446892831 Limestone Quarry Gorestown. William Waley (Viscount Powerscourt) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.10.0. William Wiley (Viscount Powerscourt) Lime kiln and quarry. Total=£2.10.0. William Wiley (Viscount Powerscourt) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.10.0. William Wiley (James Bruce) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.10.0. Samuel Cummings (James Bruce) Lime kiln and quarry. Total=£2.10.0. James Millar (In fee) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£2.10.0
W6.7182385408 N54.4246224819 Flax Mill Drumlee. John Bartley (Miss E.J and Charles Magee) Flax Mill Total=£0.10.0
W6.718522368 N54.7137380769 Flax Mill Knockadoo. Robert McCrea (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0 N.B Three stocks.. Robert McCrea (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Robert McCrea (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William McCrea () Flax Mill scored out N.B 1913 Mill done. Robert Patrick (In fee) House, forge and land. Area=1.3.0 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£2.0.0 Total=£2.15.0
W6.7185551011 N54.5435848768 Coal Mine Brackaville. Shaft
W6.7186602871 N54.5468667657 Spinning Mill Brackaville. John Wilson (Earl of Castlestuart) old bleach mill and Spinning Mill Total=£35.0.0. William and Henry Wilson (Thomas Harper) Part of Spinning Mill, gas works, gate lodge, three labourers houses and land. Area=7.1.20 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£180.0.0 Total=£184.0.0. William and Henry Wilson (Earl of Castlestuart) Part of Spinning Mill Total=£35.0.0 House, office, old bleach mill. Area=19.0.30 Land Value=£13.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0. William and Henry Wilson (Thomas H Harper) Part of Spinning Mill, gas works, gate lodge, three labourers houses and land. Area=7.1.20 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£180.0.0 Total=£184.0.0. William and Henry Wilson (In fee) House, office, land, store, old bleach mill and part of spinning Mill Area=19.0.30 Land Value=£13.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Spinning Mill=£35.0.0 Total=£58.10.0. William and Henry Wilson (Thomas H. Harper) Part of Spinning Mill, gas works, gate lodge and land. Area=7.1.20 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£190.0.0 Total=£194.0.0. William and Henry Wilson (Earl of Castlestuart) House, office, land ad old bleach green, part of spinning Mill Area=19.0.30 Land Value=£13.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 and £35.0.0 Total=£53.10.0. William and Henry Wilson (Thomas Harper) Part of Spinning Mill, gas works, gate lodge and land. Area=£7.1.20 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£190.0.0 Total=£194.0.0. William and Henry Wilson (Earl of Castlestuart) Store, old bleach mill, and part of spinning mill Total=£35.0.0. John Kelly Ltd (In fee) Part of Spinning Mill, Gas Works, gate lodge and land. Area=7.1.2 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£190.0.0 Total=£194.0.0 1920. John Kelly Ltd (In fee) store, old bleach mill and part of spinning Mill Total=£35.0.0. John Kelly Ltd (In fee) Part of Spinning Mill, Gas Works, gate lodge and land. Area=5.0.20 Land Value=£2.4.0 Building Value=£190.0.0 Total=£192.4.0 1929. John Kelly Ltd (In fee) store, old bleach mill and part of spinning Mill Total=£35.0.0
W6.7187312338 N54.5438317601 Chimney Brackaville
W6.7194677383 N54.5113738334 Spade Mill Keenaghan. Formerly a Corn mill. Archibald McClean (John Lappage) Workmans house, office, spade manufactory. Total=£17.0.0. Archibald McClean (Workmans house, office and spade manufactory) Total=£17.0.0. Archibald McClean (Workmans house, office and spade manufactory) Total=£17.0.0. Archibald McClean (Workmans house, office and spade manufactory) Total=£17.0.0. Archibald McClean (Workmans house, office and spade manufactory) Total=£17.0.0. Archibald McClean (Workmans house, office and spade manufactory) Total=£17.0.0. Thomas J. Pearson (In fee) Workmans house, office and spade manufactory Total=£17.0.0
W6.7197905721 N54.5477640818 Quarry Brackaville
W6.7203662899 N54.4714236819 Corn Mill. Later Weaving Mill Altnavannog. William J Barcroft (Earl of Ranfurly) House, office, corn mill and kiln and land. Area=12.2.30 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£65.0.0 Total=£77.0.0. William Barcroft (Earl of Ranfurly) House, office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=12.2.30 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£65.0.0 Total=£77.0.0. Hannah W Barcroft and John Barcroft (Earl of Ranfurly) House, office, corn mill and kiln and land. Area=12.2.30 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£65.0.0 Total=£77.0.0. Redford Linen Co Ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Weaving Factory Total=£44.0.0 1882-1897. Redford Linen Co Ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Weaving Factory Total 44.0.0. Jury Linen Cooperation Ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Weaving Factory Total £44.0.0. in ruins by 1935
W6.7227099024 N54.7191210768 Flax Mill Carndaisy. Hannah Stewart (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. John Stewart (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Margaret? Stewart (Company of Drapers) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Margaret Stewart (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Robert Stewart (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0
W6.7227190402 N54.7203476611 Flax Mill Tintagh. Patrick Heaney (Edmund Staples) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. Patrick Heaney (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0 and another at same price.. James Heaney (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0 and another at same price.. Patrick Heaney (In fee) Flax Mill and Land. Area=4.0.0 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£6.10.0. Patrick Heaney (In fee) Flax Mill disused Total=£0.10.0 1914. Dismanteld, not used for 12 years Walls roofs and. Patrick Heaney (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£0.10.0 disused
W6.723773597 N54.5877845433 Limestone Quarries High Cross. Hugh Griffin (Frederick Lindsay) House, Office, Land. Lime Kiln and quarry. Area=12.1.3 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£1.10.0 Totals=£12.5.0. Thomas McElroy (Joshua Lindesay) Two Limestone quarries. Total=£3.0.0. Thomas McElroy (Joshua E.L.L Lindsay) Two Lime kilns and Quarries. Total=£3.0.0. Joseph Forest? (Joshua Lindsay) Two Limestone kilns and quarry. Total=£3.0.0 but now not worked. 1892-1904. Limestone and two kilns not valued 1920s
W6.7239280859 N54.6303296052 Saw Mill Killymoon Demesne. Vacant (Henry Moutray) Saw Mill. Total Value=£35.0.0. Vacant (same) Saw Mill Total=£10.0.0. Vacant (Mervyn S.J Moutray) Saw Mill and Threshing Mill. Total=£8.0.0 Flax Mill scored out and replaced with saw mill. 1897. Vacant Saw Mill not used all scored out. Mervyn Moutray (In fee) Saw and threshing Mill. Total=£4.10.0 1902. Vacant (John Coulter) Saw and Threshing Mill. Total=£4.0.0 1924
W6.7242171032 N54.5388898353 Beetling Mill Farlough. Beechgrove Beetling Mills. See above Beetling Mill. This is possibly the site of Adairs Mill, Pikes was further up. Derryvale Woolen Mill is here.
W6.7250032405 N54.5876079293 Old Coal Pit From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's
W6.7254261502 N54.5945824762 Limestone Quarry High Cross
W6.7258153391 N54.5870690574 Limestone Quarry  
W6.7268211175 N54.6176573229 Flax Mill Tullywiggan. Sarah Beatty (Charles K. Coolhouse) House, Corn and Flax Mills, Kiln and Land. Area=39.1.15 Land Value=£24.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£40.10.0. William Beatty (Charles Colhoun) House, Corn and Flax Mills and Kiln, Lands. Area=39.1.15 Land Value=£26.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£40.0.0 1874. William Beatty (Charles Colhoun) House corn and Flax Mill and Land. Area=39.1.15 Land Value=£26.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£40.10.0. William Beatty (Charles Colhoun) House, Corn Mill and Flax Mill kilns, Land. Area=39.1.15 Land Value=£26.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£40.10.0. William McKenzie (Colhoun) House, Flax Mill and Land. Area=39.1.15 Land Value=£26.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£26.10.0 1909. William McKenzie (Charles Colhoun) House, Office, Flax Mill, stores and land. Area=39.1.15 Land Value=£26.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£36.10.0. William McKenzie (Charles Colhoun) House, Office, Flax Mill, stores and Land. Area=39.1.15 Land Value=£26.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£36.10.0 1927
W6.7269393556 N54.6179656646 Corn Mill See nearby mill, closed in late 1800's
W6.7269597137 N54.5209181143 Spade Manufactory Mullaghteige. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1835. up to 1854.
W6.7274010954 N54.6459027904 Limestone Quarry  
W6.7274738719 N54.7240876722 Flax Mill Tintagh. Thomas Heanking (Edmund Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Vacant (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B idle 5 years and not likely to be worked again. Steam Mill 1876. Vacant (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 but in ruins in 1878 and scored out.. Patrick Heaney (In fee) House, Office, Flax Mill and land Area=5.0.0 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£5.13.0 Total=£8.03.0. Patrick Heaney (In fee) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=24.1.20 Land Value=£7.2.0 Building Value=£5.13.0 Total=£12.15.0. Patrick Heaney (In fee) House, office, Flax Mill and land. Area= Land Value=£7.2.0 Building Value=5.13.0 Total=£12.15.0. Somewhere in this area
W6.7276132262 N54.5221260687 Flax Mill Mullaghteige. Frederick McClean (John Leppage) House, office, flax mill, millers house and land. Area=26.3.15 Land Value=£25.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£37.10.0. Jane McClean (Earl of Ranfurly) House, office, flax mill, millers house and land. Area=25.3.15 Land Value=£24.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£36.10.0. Jane McClean (Earl of Ranfurly) House, office, flax mill, millers house and land. Area=25.3.15 Land Value=£24.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£36.10.0. James McClean (Earl of Ranfurly) flax mill, workshop Total=£2.10.0. James McClean (Earl of Ranfurly) flax mill, workshop Total=£2.10.0 1903. James McClean (Earl of Ranfurly) flax mill, workshop Total=£2.10.0 1903 done 1903. Somewhere in this area.
W6.7277817552 N54.667979832 Flax Mill Derrycrummy. John Lynn (Worshipful Company of Drapers) Flax Mill and Store Total=£9.10.0. William Rutherford (Worshipful Company of Drapers) Flax Mill and store Total=£9.10.0. William Rutherford (Drapers) Flax Mill and store Total=£9.10.0 Mill pond. William Rutherford (Drapers) Flax Mill and store Total=£9.10.0 Mill pond Area=1.1.25. William Rutherford (In fee) Flax mill and store Total=£9.10.0. William Rutherford (In fee) Flax mill and store Total=£9.10.0. James Hutchinson (In fee) Flax Mill and Store Total=£9.10.0 Mill pond Area=1.1.25
W6.7282818189 N54.6027797238 Limestone Quarry Donaghrisk. See closest quarry has details of who owned this
W6.7283465937 N54.5341479393 Coal Mine Curran. 1874 Coal Mine commenced, The Tyrone Coal Mining Company Silas Evans secretary (Fras Madden and Maurice Webster) Engine House, sheds and land. Area=2.0.0 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£8.0.0. The Tyrone Mining Company (Francis Madden) Engine house, sheds and land. Area=2.3.32 Land Value=£2.5.0 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£12.15.0 1880
W6.7288432263 N54.6139347452 Flax Mill Tullywiggan. James Anderson (Charles K. Colhoun) House Office, Flax Mill and Land. Area=11.0.27 Land Value=£4.15.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£17.15.0 AND Flax Mill, Corn Mill and Kiln and Land includes same area. Land Value=£4.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£19.15.0. George Anderson (Charles Colhoun) Flax Mill, Corn Mill. Land Value=£4.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£15.0.0 1879 (Take out Land VALUE). George Anderson (Charles Colhoun) Flax Mill Corn Mill and Kiln. Building Value=£15.0.0. George Anderson (Charles Colhoun) Flax and Corn Mill Kilns. Total=£15.0.0. George Anderson junior (Charles Colhoun) Flax Mill, Corn Mill and Kiln. Total=£15.0.0. George Anderson junior (Colhoun) Flax Mill, Corn Mill and Kiln. Total=£15.0.0. George Anderson Jnr (Charles Colhoun) Flax Mill Corn Mill and Kiln. Total value=£15.0.0
W6.7299486386 N54.6457487798 Limestone Quarry New Buildings. James Kidd (James Gunning and Moore) House, Office and Land. Quarry and Kiln. Area=18.3.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£32.0.0. James Kidd (James Gunning and James Moore, check first names on directory) House, Office, Land Quarry and Kiln. Area=18.3.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Quarry Valued at £10.10.0 Total=£39.0.0. James Kidd (James Gunning and Moore) House, Office and Land. Quarry and Kiln. Area=18.3.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£32.0.0. Samuel Kidd (James Moore and John B. Gunning) Quarry and Kiln Total=£10.10.0. Samuel Kidd (James Moore and John Gunning) Quarry and kiln Total=£5.0.0 Notes This quarry is nearly done. Samuel Kidd (John Gunning Moore) Quarry Total=£5.0.0 Notes this quarry is done
W6.7310263309 N54.6186516425 Limestone Quarry Tullywiggan.Charles Colhoun (In fee) Quarry. Area=0.3.15 No total.. Charles Colhoun (in fee) Quarry Area=0.3.15 no value
W6.7312485191 N54.5056601289 Flax Mill Lowertown. In this area, not visible from maps. William Cross? (William Thomas Bart) Flax Mill and store Total=£4.10.0. William Cross (Sir William Verner Bart) Flax Mill and Store Total=£4.10.0
W6.7329349902 N54.603468163 Limestone Quarry Donaghrisk.Robert Park (Mary Louise Domville) House, Office and Land Area=42.5.0 Land Value=£40.0.0 Building Value=£2.5.0. Lime Kiln and Quarry Total of £5.0.0. William McCrea (Louisa ) Millstone and Limestone Quarries and Kilns £0.10.0 or (10.0.0) 1881. William J. Crawford (Louisa J.Be Baille) Lime Kiln and Quarry 2.0.0. Robert Black senior and Robert Black junior (Louisa E de Bille) Fivestone? And Limestone quarry and kilns. Total value=£10.0.0 Records scored out lightly.. S.Crawford (Louisa E de Bille) Limestone quarry and kiln. Total Value=£2.0.0. Samuel Cummings (In fee) Quarries and Limestone kiln Value=£8.0.0 1911. Walter R Crawford (In fee) Limestone quarry and kiln. Total Value=£2.0.0 1907. Samuel Cummings (Louisa E de Bille) Quarries and Lime Kiln. Total=£8.0.0. William James Gray (In fee) Limestone Quarry and kiln. Total=£2.0.0 1922
W6.733351883 N54.6306033269 Saw Mill Killymoon Demesne. Vacant (Henry Moutray) Flax and threshing Mill. Total value=£10.0.0. Vacant (Mervyn Stuart Moutray) Flax and threshing mill Total=£8.0.0 1887
W6.7337757273 N54.5472863499 Tape Factory Farlough. On site of beetling mill, A Tape factory, 1906
W6.7346863663 N54.5471217512 Beetling Mill Farlough. This site was a bleach mill.. Thomas Adair (Henry King) Area=2.1.15 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£26.0.0 1860-63. Another beetling mill recorded in 1892. Richard Pike (John Hall and Thomas Wakefield) Bleach Mill and beetling Mill, house, office and land. Area=54.1.0 Land Value=£43.0.0 Building Value=£85.0.0 Total=£105.0.0 N.B Part of Mill not used and some machinery taken away 1892.. Oliver Henderson (In fee) Beetling mills and land. Area=2.1.18 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£4.0.0 1908. Robert Daniel (James Shields) Beetling Mills and land. Area=23.2.35 Land Value=£20.5.0 Building Value=£85.0.0 Total=£105.0.0 1908. William A Nesbitt (Jonathan Barcroft) Beetling Mills and land. Area=2.1.15 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£24.0.0. Derryvale Woolen Company (James Shields) Beetling Mills and land. Area=23.2.35 Land Value=£20.0.0 Building Value=£85.0.0 Total=£105.0.0 N.B 1919-"premises purchased since appl co made to divide present occ wishing us alar????". William A Nesbitt (Jonathan Barcroft) Beetling Mill N.B Burnt 1928. Derryvale Woolen Company (James Shields) House, office, Beetling Mills and land. Area=23.2.35 Land Value=£20.0.0 Building Value=£85.0.0 Total=£105.0.0 N.B all houses here vacant 1927
W6.7351576629 N54.408127918 Corn Mill Maydown. On same site as Beetling Mill. John Eyre (James Ashmore) Corn mill, millers house, office, land. Area=40.0.37 Land Value=£54.10.0 Building Value=£45.0.0
W6.7352120639 N54.6314923206 Quarry Killymoon Street. Peter McCann (John Mulholland) Quarry. Area=1.0.0 Total=£80.0.0 1880. Not worked in 1872. Peter McCann (Lord Dunleath) Quarry disused Area=1.3.20 Total=£5.0.0 N.B Not in use for several years 1900. Thomas Adair Ltd. (Lord Dunleath) Quarry disused Area=1.3.20 1926
W6.7353690124 N54.6308525913 Weir Killymoon Demense.
W6.7354459 N54.6829553663 Flax Mill Killybasky. Thomas Johnston (Nathanial Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Thomas Johnston (Nathanial Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Thomas Johnston (Nathanial Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Thomas Johnston (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Thomas Johnston (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0
W6.7355168686 N54.5473399886 Aqueduct Dukarts Aqueduct.
W6.7357117428 N54.6122401243 Corn Mill Check flax mill at tullywiggan bridge.
W6.7363611877 N54.4993885817 Limestone Quarry Killyneal. John Lowry (Earl of Ranfurly) Limestone Quarry and land. Area=6.1.35 Land Value=£3.15.0 Lime Kiln Total=£30.0.0 Total=£33.15.0. Earl of Ranfurly (In fee) limestone quarry closed 1870 N.B This quarry is shut up and the land planted. The kiln is idle and dilapidated.
W6.7372652601 N54.6835945484 Flax Mill Killybasky. Bryee Blair (Edmund Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. James Jill (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 1868. James McConkey (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 1880. Robert Silly (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Eliza Silly (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 1908. Eliza Silly (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0
W6.7377160764 N54.5485950557 Spade Mill later Creamery Drumreagh. Hugh Gausson (Earl of Castlestuart) House, office, spade manufactory and land. Area=3.0.25 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£19.0.. Hugh Cussan (Earl of Castlestuart) House, office, spade manufactory and land. Area=3.0.25 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£19.0.0 N.B been much dilapidated part in ruins. New Mills Coop and agricultural and dairy Society (Earl of Castlestuart) Creamery Total=£12.0.0 1899. New Mills Co-operative agricultural and dairy Society (Earl of Castlestuart) Creamery Total=£12.0.0. New Mills Co-operative agricultural and dairy Society (Earl of Castlestuart) Creamery Total=£12.0.0. Newmills Creamery. 1906
W6.7383682791 N54.468892385 Corn Mill Lisdernot. Corn Mill. Later a Flax Mill, disused by 1935
W6.7385422356 N54.6278260068 Temple  
W6.7391173131 N54.4743559214 Flax Mill Lisdernot. Charles Woods (Earl of Ranfurly) Caretakers House, Flax Mill, House and land. Area=1.1.30 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£12.0.0. Stanley Woods (Earl of Ranfurly) Caretakers house, flax mill, office and land. Area=1.1.20 Land value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£12.0.0. Stanley Woods (Earl of Ranfurly) Caretakers House, flax mill and land. Area=1.1.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£12.0.0. Flax Mill N.B This mill has not been worked for three years, part of the machinery has been taken out of it. 1893. Vacant (Andrew henry) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0 1905. Vacant (Andrew henry) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0 1928
W6.7394003687 N54.6475595701 Limestone Quarry Cookstown. Charles Taylor Limestone Quarry Total=£10.0.0 N.B 1902 worked out. Scored out.. Cookstown Lime Co. (In fee) Limestone Quarry and kiln. Total=£5.0.0. Cookstown Lime Company (In fee) Limestone Quarry and kiln. Total=£5.0.0
W6.7396740349 N54.5793558459 Flax Mill Sherrygroom. Somewhere in this area. Mentioned in the Bell journal by Anne Laverty. Says father owns a scutch mill as well as the ruins of the old tape factory
W6.7405997145 N54.4748032859 Beetling Mill Lisdernot. Beetling Mill disused by 1935, outlasted Flax Mill.
W6.7412635961 N54.5515372427 Corn Mill Drumreagh Otra. Robert Stevenson (Earl of Castlestuart) House, office, shop, store, corn mill kiln and land. Area=2.1.35 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£45.0.0 Total=£46.0.0. Robert Stevenson (Earl of Castlestuart) House, shop, office, sheds, corn mill kilns and land. Area=2.1.35 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£45.0.0 Total=£46.0.0 N.B. Edward James (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn Mill and kiln and Saw Mill and workshop Total=£14.10.0 N.B Saw Mill new wheel and workshop 1881. Edmond James Lineor (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn Mill kilns and saw mill workshop Total=£14.10.0. John Thompson (New Mills Co-op and agricultural dairy society) Saw mill Total=£2.10.0. John Thompson (New Mills co-operative agricultural and dairy Society) Saw Mill Total=£2.10.0. John Thompson (New Mills co-operative agricultu1ral and dairy Society) Saw Mill Total=£2.10.0
W6.7418021223 N54.6019825197 Flax Mill Desertcreat. In this area.. Robert Walsh (Robert Graham) Flax Mill, Beetling Mill, Office and Land. Area=8.0.35 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£28.0.0 Total=£32.10.0. Robert Watson or Elizabeth Carson (Robert Graham) Flax and Beetling Mill and Office and Land. Area=8.0.35 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£28.0.0 Total=£32.10.0 1878. Robert Carson (Robert Graham) Flax and Beetling Mill, Office and Land. Area=8.0.35 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£28.0.0 Total=£32.10.0. Robert Carson (Robert Graham) Flax and Beetling Mill and Land. Area=8.0.35 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£28.0.0 Total=£32.10.0. Robert Carson (Robert Graham) Flax and Beetling Mill, House and Land. Area=8.0.35 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£27.10.0 Total=£32.0.0 1908. Robert Park (Robert Graham) Flax and beetling Mill, land and office. Area=8.0.35 Land Value=4.10.0 Building Value=£27.10.0 Total=£32.0.0 1918
W6.7418127503 N54.7488638765 Limestone Quarry Cullion. Worshipful Company of Drapers (In fee) Lime kiln Total=£1.0.0. Company of Drapers (IN fee) Limestone Quarry Total=£3.0.0. Company of Drapers (In fee) Lime kiln Total=£1.0.0. Company of Drapers (In fee) Limestone Quarry Total=£3.0.0 1874. Lime kiln not worked 1891. Limestone Quarry not worked 1884
W6.7419773716 N54.4829866677 Beetling Mill Stangmore. John P Barcroft (James Wilcock) Beetling mill, office and bleach green. Area=5.0.12 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£21.10.0. Barcroft (James Wilcock) Beetling Mill, office and bleach green. Area=5.0.12 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£21.10.0. Anne Barcroft (James Wilcocks) Beetling mills, office and bleach green. Area=5.0.12 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£15.10.0 Total=£20.0.0 1892. G Ernest Beatty (In fee) Beetling mill bleach green. Area=5.0.12 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£9.0.0. Later only hydraulic ram in this are. 1935
W6.7420361646 N54.6022513287 Beetling Mill Desertcreat. 1860-1863, Owned by Robert Graham but rented by Robert Walsh. Builiding Valued at £28.0.0. Robert Watson or Elizabeth Carson (Robert Graham) Flax and Beetling Mill and Office and Land. Area=8.0.35 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£28.0.0 Total=£32.10.0 1878, Later rented by Robert Carson 1908. later Robert Park in 1918
W6.7421632917 N54.6001480539 Beetling Mill Desertcreat. This is listed as a bleach mill in osni historical map.
W6.7426371157 N54.4831684621 Bleach Green Stangmore. From OSNI records map 1835.
W6.7426681507 N54.6414859583 Sawmill Chapel Street. Robert Hamilton () Sawmill. Valued at £8.0.0 1874. William Brisbane (Jeremy McKeown) Workshop Total=£1.0.0. Henry Hamilton (John Gunning Moore) Saw Mills, sheds and office. Total=£21.0.0 1908. David Hamilton and William A Hamilton. (In fee) Sawmill, sheds and yard. Total=£21.0.0
W6.7428814445 N54.6331916888 Sandstone Quarry Church Street. John A. Cooper (John Mulholland) Area=1.0.0 Total Value=£100.0.0 Notes An excellent sandstone quarry worked and stores to Belfast for dock. At present workers of about 100. March… 1868
W6.7432796656 N54.686517987 Flax Mill Drumard. George Cotton (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0. House, Office and Flax Mill and Land. Area=33.3.35 Land Value=£18.5.0 Building Value=£5.0.0 Total=£23.5.0. Robert Martin (Thomas McCullagh) House and Forge. Total=£1.5.0. Heaney Johnston (Thomas McCullagh) House and Forge Total=£1.5.0 1925
W6.7433466009 N54.6487649142 Limestone Quarry  
W6.7433545984 N54.6308363544 Quarry Gortalowry. John A. Cooper (Thomas Adair) Quarry and waste. Area=1.0.0 Valued at £15.0.0. John A.Cooper (same) Quarry and waste Area=1.0.0 Value=£5.0.0 1868. Thomas Adair (in fee) Quarry and Waste Area=1.0.0 Total=£1.0.0 not working at present 1875. Hugh Adair (In fee) Quarry and waste Area=1.0.0 Total=£5.0.0. Hugh Adair (In fee) Quarry and waste. Area=£1.0.0 Total=£5.0.0. Hugh Adair (In fee) Quarry and waste. Area=1.0.0 Value=£5.0.0
W6.7434703736 N54.670225303 Beetling Mill Clagan. Beetling Mill in this area. John McKeever-George Ramsey owns the area. Total=10.0.0
W6.7434937433 N54.5002312761 Limestone Quarry Gortmerron. John Lowry (Earl of Ranfurly) Limestone quarry and waste Area=0.5.0 Total=£0.5.0#. John Lowry (Earl of Ranfurly) Limestone Quarry Area=0.3.0 Land Value=£0.5.0. Earl of Ranfurly (In fee) Limestone quarry and waste Area=0.3.0 Total=£0.5.0. Earl of Ranfurly (In fee) Limestone Quarry and waste Area=0.3.0 Land Value=£0.5.0. Earl of Ranfurly (In fee) Limestone Quarry Total=£0.5.0. Earl of Ranfurly (In fee) Limestone Quarry Area=0.2.0 Total=£0.5.0. Earl of Ranfurly (IN fee) Limestone quarry Area=0.2.20 Total=£0.5.0. Earl of Ranfurly (IN fee) Limestone quarry Area=0.2.20 Total=£0.5.0. Irish peat development co (IN fee) Limestone quarry Area=0.2.20 Total=£0.5.0
W6.7437300724 N54.575779938 Dye Works Sherrigrim. See Tape Factory. Chimney to the right.
W6.7438234012 N54.6304206153 Weaving Factory. Gortalowry.Hugh Adair (In fee) Weaving factory and beetling mill and office. Building Value=£176.0.0 1909. Hugh Adair (In fee) Weaving Factory, beetling mill and office (at rest) valued at £103.0.0 1928 down from £178.0.0
W6.7440490995 N54.6454062921 Sawmill James Street. Edward Liddle (James Moore and John Gunning Moore) House Office, steam Saw Mill or sheds Total Value=£67.0.0. James Liddle (John B Gunning Moore) House, office, saw mill, shed and garden. Area=0.0.27 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£67.0.0 Total=£67.10.0. Adam Simpson (In fee) Saw Mill, engine house and yard. Total=£7.0.0 1928
W6.7449598905 N54.6062432274 Flax Mill. DonaghriskPreviously a bleach mill Frederick Lindsay (Mary E.J French) Flax Mill, Corn Mill and Kiln Building Value= 50.0.0 Land Area=50.1.25 and 47.3.0. Land Value=£57.10.0 and £47.10.0 Total of £155.0.0. Frederick?)A.J Sandys Lindesay (In fee) Flax and Corn Mill Kiln.. John Henderson (Joshua Lindsay) Flax and Corn Mill Kiln, Building Value=£35.0.0 1879. John Henderson (Joshua Lindsay) Flax and Corn Mill and Kiln Value=£35.0.0. Matthew Henderson (Joshua Lindsay) Flax and Corn Mill kiln. Total Value=£35.0.0 1882. Sophie Susan Hunter (Thomas A. Ekin) Flax Mill, Corn Mill kiln and Millpond Area=2.1.0 Total=33.0.0 1912. Samuel Cummings (In fee) Flax Mill, office, millpond and waste. Area=2.1.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£15.0.0 1920
W6.7454989537 N54.6065716262 Weaving Factory. Donaghrisk. Rock Lodge Weaving Factory, 1906-1907 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map,
W6.7457876403 N54.4601850221 Corn Mill Drummond. Henry Shillington (Thomas Eyre and Viscount Powerscourt) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Hugh McKenna (Viscount Powerscourt) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Hugh McKenna (James Bruce) Corn mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Robert Mckenna (James Bruce) Corn mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Robert McKenna (James Bruce) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Vacant (In fee) Corn Mill at rest and kiln. Total=£10.0.0
W6.7460619751 N54.6307466536 Flax Mill Gortalowry. Godfrey O. Lyle (Andrew Mulholland) House, Office, Gate Lodge, Flax Mill and Corn Mill and land. Area=3.0.0 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£47.0.0 Total=£50.0.0 listed as vacant. John Cooper (John Mulholland) House, Office, Gate lodge Corn and Flax Mill Area=3.0.0 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£47.0.0 Total=£50.0.0. John M Weir (Col. Bolton) House, Office, Gate Lodge, Corn Mill and Flax Mill Area=3.0.0 Land value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£47.0.0 Total=£50.0.0 1879. Hugh Adair (Lord Dunleath) Scutch Mill Total=£22.0.0 1899. Dairy Farming Company (Lord Dunleath) Creamery and land. Area=2.2.20 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£24.10.0. However Creamery scored out 1909
W6.7462036185 N54.6424076179 Sawmill Convent Road. Jno McNally (John Gunning Moore) House, office yard, steam saw mill and garden Area=0.0.29 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£31.10.0 Total=£32.0.0
W6.7462482067 N54.6313586002 Corn Mill Gortalowry.. At the south end of the town a corn mill has recently been erected Godfrey O Lyle proprietor 1851.. Godfrey O. Lyle (Andrew Mulholland) House, Office, Gate Lodge, Flax Mill and Corn Mill and land. Area=3.0.0 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£47.0.0 Total=£50.0.0 listed as vacant. John Cooper (John Mulholland) House, Office, Gate lodge Corn and Flax Mill Area=3.0.0 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£47.0.0 Total=£50.0.0. John M Weir (Col. Bolton) House, Office, Gate Lodge, Corn Mill and Flax Mill Area=3.0.0 Land value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£47.0.0 Total=£50.0.0 1879
W6.7463410004 N54.4559890571 Limestone Quarry Drummond. David Burton (Viscount Powerscourt) Limestone Quarry Total=£3.10.0. Charles Burton (Viscount Powerscourt) Limestone Quarry Total=£3.10.0. Charles Burton (Viscount Powerscourt) Limestone Quarry Total=£3.10.0. Charles Burton (James Bruce) Limestone Quarry Total=£3.10.0. Jane Cummings or James (James Bruce) Limestone Quarry Total=£3.10.0. Andrew Henry (In fee) Limestone Quarry Total=£3.10.0
W6.7473749335 N54.5776398004 Tape Manufactory Sherrigrim. John Henderson (John Lindsay) House, office, tape manufactory and land. Area=31.1.15 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£33.0.0 Total=£43.15.0 Boiling House=£1.10.0. John Henderson (John Lindsay) House, office tape manufactory and land and boiling house Area=31.1.15 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£33.0.0 Total=£53.15.0Same Boiling and Bleaching House, land. Area=16.1.25 Land Value=£6.0.0 Building Value=£2.10.0. John Henderson (John Lindsay) House, office, tape manufactory and land. Area=31.1.15 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£33.0.0. Boiling House and land. Area=16.1.25 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£1.10.0. Boiling and Bleaching House Building Value=£2.10.0 Overall Total=£53.15.0. John Henderson (John Lindsay) House, office, tape manufactory and land. Area=31.1.15 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£33.0.0. Land=£16.1.25 Building Value=£6.0.0. Boiling and bleaching house Building Value=£2.10.0 Overall total=£52.5.0. John Henderson (John Lindsay) House, office, tape manufactory and land. Area=31.1.25 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£33.0.0 Land=16.1.25 Land Value=£6.0.0 Boiling and Bleaching House Value=£2.10.0 Total=£53.5.0. John Henderson (John Lindsay) House, office, tape manufactory and land. Area=21.1.15 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£33.0.0 Land=16.1.25 Value=£4.0.0 Boiling and Bleaching house Value=£2.10.0 Overall Total=£52.5.0. John Henderson (John Lindsay) House, office, tape manufactory and land. Area=47.3.15 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£33.0.0 Boiling and Bleaching house Value=£2.10.0 Overall Total=£52.5.0. John Henderson (John Lindsay) House, office, tape manufactory and land. Area=47.3.15 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£20.10.0 Boiling and Bleaching house Value=£2.10.0 N.B down Overall Total=£36.15.0 1922
W6.7483963336 N54.4087361455 Quarry Carrickaness. John L Cross (James …) Lime Kiln Total=£5.0.0. Francis Reynolds (James Holunne??) Limestone Quarry Area=1.1.30 Total=£10.0.0
W6.7487821286 N54.5626507508 Sandstone Quarry Stughan. Thomas Hudson and Patrick Kelly (Michael Shields) Sandstone Quarry Total=£25.0.0 N.B Rent £45 1875. Patrick Henson (Michael Shields) Sandstone Quarry Total=£25.0.0. Quarry closed 1907
W6.7489944899 N54.6755214392 Flax Mill Rossmore. William Carberry (Nathanial Staples) Flax Mill. Total=£2.10.0 1885 N.B 3 stocks, 1 Break? Or breach works 4 men all the 4th stocks always at rest?. James Carberry (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£2.5.0 1913. James Carberry (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£2.5.0
W6.7495864926 N54.656835815 Petrol Store Coolreaghs. Anglo-AmericanDiesel Company (Sarah McGuckin) Petrol Store Building Value=£3.0.0 1928
W6.7496245946 N54.4094751011 Corn Mill Carrickaness. John L Cross (James …) Corn and flax mill, office and land. Area=5.1.10 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£35.0.0
W6.749749321 N54.4109158051 Corn Mill Benburb. Robert McKane (Thomas Eyre) Labourers Houses, office, Corn Mill, kiln, Flax Mill and land. Area=11.0.24 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£100.0.0 Total=£112.0.0. Robert McKane (Thomas Eyre) Labourers houses, Office, corn mill, kiln, flax mill and land. Area=20.3.37 Land Value=£20.15.0 Building Value=£103.0.0 Total=£123.15.0. Robert and Henry McKane (Thomas Eyre) Labourers Houses, corn mill, kiln, flax mill and land. Area=20.3.37 Land Value=£20.15.0 Building Value=£103.0.0 Total=£123.15.0. William Knox (James Bruce) Corn mill, kiln, flax mill and land. Area=5.3.0 land Value=£5.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£30.0.0. Robert McKean (James Bruce) Corn Mill, kiln and land Area=2.3.0 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£68.0.0 Total=£69.10.0. Robert McKean (James Bruce) Corn mill, kiln and land. Area=2.3.0 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£68.0.0 Total=£69.10.0. Vacant (Robert McKean) Corn Mill at rest and kiln. Total=£68.0.0 N.B Silent for years
W6.7498587887 N54.4090505075 Flax Mill Carrickaness
W6.7500978457 N54.6915639772 Flax Mill Caneese. George Cotton (Robert Staples) Flax Mills Total=£2.10.0 N.B-two small mills, two stocks each handles.. James Cotton (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0. James Cotton (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0. David Crawford (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0 1902. David Crawford (In fee) Flax Mill scored out now Office. Last value at £2.10.0 then £0.10.0 1928
W6.7502345313 N54.4100519897 Corn Mill Benburb. Corn Mill, from 1900's Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. John Eyre (Viscount Powerscourt) Corn mill, kiln and land. Area=10.3.12 Land Value=£6.10.0 Building Value=£70.0.0 Total=£76.10.0. Robert and Henry McKane (Danial Bruce) Corn Mill, kiln and land. Area=11.3.35 Land Value=£9.0.0 Building Value=£70.0.0 Total=£79.0.0. Robert and Henry McKane (James Bruce) Corn mill, kiln and land. Area=11.0.25 Land Value=£9.0.0 Building Value=£70.0.0 Total=£79.0.0. Robert McKean (James Bruce) Office, Beetling Mill, land. Area=20.3.37 Land Value=£20.15.0 Building Value=£47.0.0 Total=£67.15.0
W6.7505673393 N54.488165315 Beetling Mill Moygashel. Sarah Woods (James Guirrin) House, office, beetling mill, flax mill and land. Area=24.0.20 Land Value=£18.0.0 Building Value=£48.0.0 Total=£66.0.0. Edward Woods (James Guirrin) House, office, beetling mill and land. Area=24.1.0 Land Value=£18.5.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£44.5.0 N.B 1891, House, office and mill in bad repair only 6 beetling mills, does not want building repaired. Robert Hagan (Hibernian Bank Ltd and others) House, office and beetling mill. Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£18.0.0 1901. Robert Hagan (Hibernian Bank Ltd and others) House, office and beetling mill. Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£18.0.0 1921
W6.7512388265 N54.4874704466 Weaving Factory Moygashel. Stevensons
W6.7513312496 N54.4100523508 Beetling Mill Benburb. Beside Corn Mill or possibly in site of it.
W6.7516854693 N54.6502217195 Weaving Factory Cookstown. John Gunning Hon (previously listed as unoccupied) (James Gunning and James Moore) Weaving Factory, Managers House Buildings Valued at £130.0.0. John Gunning and Sons (James Gunning and James Moore) Weaving Factory and Managers House. Building value=£200.0.0 Total=£200.0.0. Francis P Gunning and George Davis Gunning (John Gunning Moore) Weaving Factory and Managers House. Building Value=£200.0.0 Total=£200.0.0. John Gunning and Sons (John B. Gunning Moore) Weaving Factory Total=£200.0.0 1892. John Gunning and Son (John B Gunning Moore) Weaving Factory and yard. Total=£230.0.0 1911. John Gunning and Son (John Gunning Moore) Weaving Factory and yard. Total=£230.0.0. John Gunning junior (John Gunning Moore) Weaving Factory Total=£196.0.0 1928
W6.7517973359 N54.6331641072 Beetling MiIl Gortalowry.
W6.7519391775 N54.4875622361 Beetling Mill Moygashel. 1860-1863 Charles Woods (James Girvin) house, office, beetling mill, flax mill and land. Area=24.0.10 Land Value=£18.1.0 Building Value=£48.0.0 Total=£66.0.0. Stevenson Douglas and Co (Earl of Ranfurly) Caretaker house, office, weaving and beetling mills and land. Area=22.2.27 Land Value=£26.0.0 Building Value=£88.0.0 Total=£114.0.0 N.B (interesting drawing of site, 2 sites 4 in 1 building 1 in another) Engine 40 H.P also water-power. Messrs Stevenson and Sons (Earl of Ranfurly) Office, Weaving and Beetling Mill and land. Area=20.1.27 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£113.0.0 Total=£136.0.0 1906. Messrs Stevenson and Sons (Earl of Ranfurly) Office, Weaving and Beetling Mill, dye works and land. Area=18.2.10 Land Value=£20.15.0 Building Value=£200.0.0 Total=£220.15.0 1926
W6.7521725481 N54.4095482137 Weaving Factory Benburb. Henry McKean (James Bruce) Weaving Factory Total=£57.0.0 1883. Henry McKean (James Bruce) Weaving Factory, office, beetling mills and land. Area=20.1.17 Land Value=£19.10.0 Building Value=£76.0.0 Total=£95.10.0. Henry McKean (James Bruce) Weaving Factory, Beetling Mill, office and land. Area=20.1.17 Land Value=£19.10.0 Building Value=£76.0.0 Total=£95.10.0
W6.7524008338 N54.4869981889 Bark Mill Moygashel. From OSNI records 1830's
W6.7552732261 N54.5255517301 Coal Mine Killybrackey. Tyrone Mining Co (In fee) Engine House, Total=£11.5.0. Tyrone Coal Mining Company (Thomas Irvin) Engine shed and land. Area=2.3.7 Land Value=£0.10.0 Total=£11.5.0. Known as Drumglass Colliery
W6.7561741951 N54.5257719503 Flax Mill Killybrackey. Flax and Saw Mill in this area. McParland and Sons (Dungannon Collieries Co Ltd) Flax and Saw Mill Total=£16.10.0 1921
W6.7565616157 N54.6344539919 Bleach Green Gortalowry. Thomas Adair and Adam Fulton (Thomas Adair) Lapping rooms, dye house, wash mill beetling mill and yard. Total Value=£90.0.0. Thomas Adair and Adam Fulton (Thomas Adair). Lapping Rooms, dye house, wash mills, beetling mills and yard. Total Value=£90.0.0. Thomas Adair only (Thomas Adair) Lapping rooms, dye house, wash house, beetling mills and yard. Total=£90.0.0. Hugh Adair (In fee) Lapping Rooms, Dry house, wash mill and beetling mill and yard. Uilding Value=£89.0.0. Hugh Adair (In fee) Lapping rooms, dry house, wash mill, beetling mill and yard. Building Total=£89.0.0 New addition same Finishing house, dye finish houses Total=£50.0.0 1914. Finishing works, Lapping room (scored out), Drying house, and wash mill (scored out) beetling mill and yard (at rest) Valued at £69.0.0 1928
W6.7568716698 N54.4983476519 Windmill Ballynorthland Demesne. Windmill in ruins by 1854
W6.7571508134 N54.6126835288 Limestone Quarry Gallanagh. Frederick Lindsay (In fee) Limestone Quarry. Area=0.2.0. J.E.G Lindesay (In fee) Limestone quarry Area=0.12.0 1879. Joshua Lindsay (In fee) Limestone Quarry Area=0.2.0 Total=£0.1.0 1894. Joshua Lindsay (In fee) Limestone Quarry Area=0.2.0 No value.
W6.7574820429 N54.5215036915 Brickfield Ross More. Patrick Conway (Thomas Irvin) Brick field Total=£5.0.0 1877. Patrick Conway (Thomas Irvin) Brickfield Total=£5.0.0. McDonald (Thomas Irvin) Brickfield Total=£5.0.0. John Black (Robert Irvin) Brickworks N.B no brickworks since it changed hands 1901
W6.7574934678 N54.4996086524 Chimney Ballynorthland Demesne. In this area. Robert and Aaron Morcruff (Earl of Ranfurly) Chimney
W6.7575679329 N54.6374964558 Flax Mill Derryloran alias Kirktown. Hugh Adair (Lord Dunleath) Flax store and heckling shop and Dining Hall. Total=£39.0.0. Hugh Adair (Lord Dunleath) Store, Flax Store, Heckling shop. Total Value=£110.0.0 1920. Hugh Adair (Lord Dunleath) Store Flax Store (scored out) heckling shop (at rest) and Dining Hall. Dining Hall valued at £15.0.0. Heckling shop valued at £48.0.0 1928
W6.7576188407 N54.6349163912 Beetling Mill Gortalowry. Finishing works, Hugh Adair
W6.7583369921 N54.6353938622 Spinning Works Gortalowry. Thomas Adair and Henry Gunning (Thomas Adair) Spinning Mill, Flax Stores, Gatelodge, offices and yard. Total Value=£200.0.0. Thomas Adair and Henry Gunning (Thomas Adair) Spinning Mills, flax stores, gate lodge, office and yard. Total Value=£200.0.0. Thomas Adair only (Thomas Adair) Spinning Mills, flax stores, gate lodge, office and yard Total=£240.0.0. Hugh Adair (In fee) Spinning Mill, flax store and yard. Building Value=£290.0.0 1909. Hugh Adair (In fee) Spinning Mill, flax store and yard Building Total=£290.0.0
W6.7583557418 N54.5224010806 Watch House  
W6.7617838208 N54.5379848171 Quarry. Gortnaglush. Rev Robert Kennedy (John Lindsay) Freestone Quarry Total=£25.0.0. Samuel Howard (John Lindsay) Freestone Quarry Total=£15.0.0. Samuel Howard (John Lindsay) Freestone Quarry Total=£25.0.0 N.B Faced a £400 fine as it kept no book in 1878. 1880. Limestone Quarry closed in 1879. Samuel Howard (John Lindsay) Freestone Quarry Total=£25.0.0. Sam Howard (John Lindsay) Freestone Quarry Total=£25.0.0. Maggie Howard (John Lindsay) Freestone Quarry at rest £15.0.0
W6.7618166368 N54.5313743812 Coal Mine Congo. Tyrone Coal Mining Company () Engine House, sheds, land and Coal Mine Area=2.2.0 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£5.0.0 Total=£6.15.0 Coal Mine=£25.0.0 N.B This mine was commissioned in 1867. Tyrone Mining Company (John Lindsay) Engine House, sheds, and land. Area=2.2.0 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£5.0.0 Total=£6.15.0 Coal Mines Total=£25.0.0. Dungannon Collieries Co (John Lindsay) Engine House and shed Total=£3.0.0 Coal Mine N.B 1891 not worked for last two years now. William Thomas does not wish any change. Old pit at . Operations begun in the new pit . No coal is being obtained as of yet 1886.. Mine abandoned 1901 opened in 1893
W6.7629842207 N54.5983994934 Beetling Mill Tullyard. 1913. Vacant (J.McGregor Greer) Beetling Mill (at rest) £12.0.0 Last used in 1892.At risk in 1913. (Mill still standing today)
W6.7630475245 N54.4074635113 Spade Mill Tullymore Etra.
W6.7635389188 N54.597621394 Mill Race to Tullyard  
W6.7638683724 N54.5225466706 Coal Mine Ross More. Two Shafts here.
W6.7640666897 N54.4081085058 Weaving Factory Tullymore Etra. Joseph, James and Jacob Orr (Walter W.J Bond) Weaving Factory, Beetling Mill, office and land. Area=1.0.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£172.10.0 Total=£200.0.0 N.B Turbine produces 90 H.P, 48 Weaving Looms, 16 Beetling Engines, works 22 hours all year round. 6 engines to be added.. Milltown.
W6.7641791758 N54.4075774622 Corn Mill Tullymore Etra. Listed as corn mill 1860.. Joesph, James, Jacob Orr (Walter W.J Bond) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B the Wheel is taken from the corn mill and mill dilap. Flax mill dilap and not likely to work again.
W6.7643723056 N54.5245409448 Coal Mine Ross Beg
W6.7643926503 N54.4966964388 Corn mill Ballynorthland Demesne. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map, ruins by 1850's.
W6.7648348166 N54.4077854582 Flax Mill Tullymore Etra. Known as Booths MIlls. from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W6.7652412303 N54.496082267 Freestone Quarry Mullahanagh.. N.B 1882, Freestone quarry commenced. September 1882 commenced being for coal
W6.7655040769 N54.4991997242 Saw Mill Milltown Street. Arthur McGinn (Margaret White) Saw Mill, sheds and yard. Total=£2.10.0 Boiler House=£1.10.0 Total=£4.0.0
W6.766267701 N54.7055788653 Flax Mill Dirnan. in this area. George Cotton (Robert Staples) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0
W6.7662731764 N54.5928406674 Beetling Mill Tullylagan, 1912-1929 Samuel Crossen (Frederick Greer) Total=£38. Samuel Crossen (Frederick Greer) House, Office, Beetling Mill and Wash Mill Land. Area=25.0.25 Land Value=£21.10.0 Building Value=£38.0.0 Observation (1926. 1922 Stat, "Occupier wished mill marked vacant. Mill fully equipped with machinery. Occupier can’t do it make maybe that may be worked in future")
W6.7668725166 N54.526437363 Coal Mine  
W6.7670440097 N54.5246132998 Coal Mine Ross More.
W6.767439169 N54.4990603252 Corn Mill Ballysaggart. Distillery. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's. Flour MIll 1850's.. James Dickson (Ternece O’Brian) Flour Mill, stores and yard. Total=£80.0.0. Thomas A Dickson (Terence O’Brian) Flour mills, store and yard. Total=£89.0.0 1866 additional buildings. Drumcoo. James Dickson (Earl of Ranfurly) Corn mill, office and yard. Total=£32.0.0. Thomas Dickson (Earl of Ranfurly) Corn Mill, office and yard Total=£32.0.0. Thomas A Dickson (Earl of Ranfurly) Corn Mill, office and yard. Total=£32.0.0. Lylle Black (Thomas A Dickson) Corn Mill, office and yard. Total=£32.0.0. Lylle Black (Thomas A Dickson) Corn Mill, office and yard. Total=£32.0.0. 1885 Corn mill scored out N.B A portion of this mill is in the townland of Drumcoo and the millers house is in the townland of Mullaghanagh
W6.767636891 N54.4994595674 Weaving Factory Milltown Street. Thomas A Dickson, james Dickson and Mrs Annabelle Graham Dickson. (Earl of Ranfurly) Weaving factory, stores and yard. Total=£258.0.0 1911. Thomas A Dickson (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning and weaving factory, flax mill, stores and yard. Total=£116.0.0 Alex Anderson manager House=£9.0.0. Thomas A Dickson and James Dickson (Earl of Ranfurly) Weaving Factory, sheds and store Total=£116.0.0 N.B Part taken down,. Dicksons and Co (Earl of Ranfurly) Weaving Factory, stores and yard. Total=£308.0.0 1925
W6.7687081471 N54.5251751955 Coal Mine Ross Beg
W6.7687381506 N54.5047591995 Coach Factory Market Square. Robert mcClearis (Earl of Ranfurly) House, Coach factory, yard and small garden. Total=£20.0.0. John Edward (Earl of Ranfurly) Coach Factory, yard and small garden Total=£20.0.0. Edward and John Muldoon (Earl of Ranfurly) House, coach factory, yard and small garden. Total=£20.0.0. Edward and John Millar (Earl of Ranfurly) Coach factory, house, yard and small garden. Total=£20.0.0. John Muldoon (Earl of Ranfurly) House, Coach Factory and small garden. Total=£20.0.0. Vacant (Earl of Ranfurly) House, Coach Factory and small garden. Total=£20.0.0. Margaret Muldoon (Earl of Ranfurly) House, Coach Factory, yard and small garden
W6.7688134863 N54.5297065414 Coal Mine Ross Beg. Tyrone Mining Company (Thomas Irvin) Coal Pit. Tyrone Mining Co (Thomas Irvin) Coal pit. Tyrone Mining Company (Thomas Irvin) Coal Pit. Tyrone Mining Company Coal Pit. Known as Derryhadoon Colliery
W6.7709129182 N54.5193748349 Brickworks Killylack Glebe. somewhere in this area. Hamilton Robert (Hamilton Wm Chambre) Brickworks Total=£80.0.0, Brickfield Area=8.2.0 Total=£120.0.0. John Kelly and Co (In fee) Brickworks Total=£80.0.0, Brickfield Area=8.2.0 Total=£120.0.0. Tyrone Brickworks ltd (In fee) Brickworks Total=£100.0.0 1925. Brickfield Area=1.2.0 Total=£120.0.0
W6.7711301944 N54.5029314947 Sawmill Scotch Street. William Doran (Earl of Ranfurly) Saw Mill and shed. Total=£5.0.0
W6.7721923266 N54.5004050099 Spinning Mill Ballysaggart. Established by 1850's but not in 1830's. Martin hale and Co (Alexander M Lyle) Spinning Mill, office and land. Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£110.0.0 Total=£116.15.0 1863. Martin hale and Co (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, yard and land. Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£110.5.0 Total=£116.15.0. James Robert martin and Francis Hale (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, yard and land. Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£150.0.0 Total=£156.15.0 N.B 1872 new additions. James Robert Martin and Francis Hale (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, stores, yard and land. Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£184.5.0 Total=£191.0.0 1880. James McKee and Francis Hale (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, stores, yard and land. Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£184.5.0 Total=£191.0.0 1889. Hale and martin and Co Ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, store, yard and land. Area=8.1.30 Land Value=£6.10.0 Building Value=£218.5.0 Total=£225.0.0 1896. Francis Hale (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, stores and land. Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£218.5.0 Total=£225.0.0. Hale Martin Co Ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, stores and land. Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£218.5.0 Total=£225.0.0. Hale Martin Co Ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, stores and land. Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£218.5.0 Total=£225.0.0. Hale and Martin Co LTd (Earl of Ranfurly) Spinning Mill, stores, yard and land at rest Area=3.1.25 Land Value=£6.15.0 Building Value=£120.0.0 Total=£126.15.0 1928
W6.772715718 N54.5097347211 Limestone Quarry Drumcoo. Earl of Ranfurly (In fee) Limestone Quarry Total=£2.0.0. James Richardson (Earl of Ranfurly) Limestone Quarry and kiln. Area=4.3.18 Total=£6.0.0. James Richardson (Earl of Ranfurly) Limestone Quarry and kiln Total=£6.0.0. Dungannon Council (Earl of Ranfurly) Limestone Quarry and kiln. Total=£29.0.0 N.B 1889, capital £1000, paid four. Dungannon Store and Lime Company Ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Limestone Quarry and kiln Total=£5.0.0. James Mckee (Earl of Ranfurly) Limestone Quarry. Total=£5.0.0 N.B kiln done, quarry still going
W6.7729878599 N54.5025130374 Linen Works Ballysaggart. Linen Works from 1935 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W6.7730265995 N54.5013256939 Brewery Ballysaggart. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's. Later Flax Store
W6.7734538837 N54.5032687846 Weaving and Lapping Room Shambles Lane. Robert Stevenson (Thomas Aiken) Weaving room and workshop Total=£8.0.0. Georges Street Stevenson and son ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Office, Lapping Room, stores and yard. Total=£97.10.0. Stevenson and Son Ltd (Earl of Ranfurly) Lapping Rooms, office, rooms store, yard. Total=£138.0.0 1929
W6.7745504527 N54.5024276348 Mineral Water Factory Ballysaggart. John Street.Robert Watt (In fee) Mineral Water Factory, house, yard. Total=£30.0.0 1911. Robert W and W H (In fee) Mineral Water factory, offices and yard. Total=£12.10.0 1921. Robert W and W H (In fee) Mineral Water factory, offices and yard. Total=£12.10.0 1921. Robert A Watt (In fee) Mineral water factory. Total=£14.0.0 1925
W6.7767992607 N54.4992304938 Wind Mill Ballysaggart. WindMill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps 1830's ruins by 1854
W6.7773249707 N54.6915659667 Bleach Mill Tamnyhagan. from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps 1830.
W6.7786295319 N54.5045850103 Sawmill Drumcoo. William McAllister (Earl of Ranfurly) Saw Mill, shed, store and land. Area=0.1.27 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£18.10.0. James McKee (Earl of Ranfurly) Saw Mill, shed, store and land. Area=0.1.27 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£18.10.0. James McKee junior and senior (Earl of Ranfurly) Office, Saw Mills, workshop and yard. Total=£13.0.0
W6.7788654221 N54.5439449441 Sandstone Quarry Creevagh Lower. Tyrone County Council (Samuel Howard) Sandstone Quarry Total=£2.0.0 1920's
W6.7808389465 N54.543792519 Corn Mill Lisnagowan. Corn Mill and kiln osni 1854. Vacant (Samuel Morrough) Old Mill and kiln Total=£3.0.0 1880. Archibald McKeon (Samuel Morrough) old mill and kiln Total=£3.0.0 1864-79
W6.7817475196 N54.6979548429 Corn Mill Brackagh. Robert Glendinning (Sir Thomas Staples) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Mary Martin (Nathanial Staples) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Mary Martin (Nathanial Staples) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. James Martin (Nathanial Staples) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. James Martin (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. James Martin (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0
W6.7882367119 N54.6536238392 Flax Mill Gortreagh. Patrick Donaghey (Flax Mill and Office) Total=3.5.0. Bernard Muldoon (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and Office Total=£3.10.0. James Muldoon (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and Office. Total=£3.10.0. James Muldoon (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and Office Total=£3.10.0. James Muldoon (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and office Total=£3.5.0. James Muldoon (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and Office Total=£3.5.0. Arthur Murray (In fee) Flax Mill and office Total=£3.5.0 1921
W6.7882758251 N54.5447188359 Freestone Quarry Creevagh Lower. James Young (In fee) Freestone Quarry Total=£30.0.0. Samuel Howard (Charles Howard) Freestone Quarry stopped working 1879. Samuel Howard (Thomas Howard) Free Stone Quarry reopened Total=£30.0.0. Robert Howard (In fee) Freestone Quarry Total=£30.0.0 1889. The Carland Freestone Quarry Co (In fee) Total=£10.0.0 1909. James McGurk (Samuel Howard) Sandstone Quarry Total=£10.0.0
W6.7885943874 N54.462400627 Flax Mill Boland. Robert Jackson (Viscount Powerscourt) Flax Mill and land. Area=9.2.35 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£2.10.0 Total=£8.15.0. Richard Reid (James Bruce) Flax Mill and land. Area=9.2.35 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£2.10.0 Total=£8.15.0. Edward Reid (James Bruce) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0. Edward Reid (James Bruce) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0 1883 machinery all taken out.
W6.7893348023 N54.4927630507 Flax MIll Killymaddy. James Cummings (Earl of Ranfurly) Flax and Saw mill, office. Total=£24.0.0 1921. Vacant (James Cummings) Flax and Corn Mill Total=£24.0.0 1927 N.B only one block and chimney left all scored out
W6.7899199703 N54.7508535708 Flax Mill Slieve Gallion. John McGurk (Company of Drapers) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=16.1.15 Land Value=7.10.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£12.0.0. John McGurk (Company of Drapers) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=16.1.15 Land Value=7.10.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£12.0.0. James McGurk (In fee) House, office, Flax mill and land. Area=16.1.15 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£12.0.0. John McGurk (In fee) House, office, land and Flax Mill. Area=16.1.15 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£11.10.0
W6.7908314764 N54.5623695081 Limestone Quarry Lisnagleer. John Ward (William Foster) Limestone quarry and kiln Total=£4.5.0. Limestone Quarry not used 1868. Joseph Howard (Robert Hassard) Limestone Quarry and kiln and land Area=0.3.35 Land Value=£0.10.0 Total=£2.0.0 1902
W6.7926878595 N54.7897169584 Creamery Tonaght. Draperstown Cooperative Creamery (In fee) Creamery Total=7.0.0. Draperstown Cooperative Creamery (In fee) Creamery Total=£7.0.0
W6.7964526546 N54.4328533687 Coach Factory Carrowcolman. Abraham Long (Johnston Irwin) House, coach factory and garden. Area=0.3.3 land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£5.0.0. Lucinda Long (Johnston Irwin) House, coach factory and garden. Area=0.3.3 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£5.0.0. IN this area. not on map
W6.796783011 N54.4417872938 Corn Mill Stiloga. Andrew Anderson (Viscount Powerscourt) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=52.2.20 Land Value=£39.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£66.0.0. Johnston Irwin (James Bruce) House, office, Corn Mill, kiln and land. Area=52.2.20 Land Value=£39.0.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£59.0.0. Johnston Irwin (James Bruce) House, office, Corn Mill, kiln and land. Area=52.2.20 Land Value=£39.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0. Andrew Irwin (James Bruce) House, office, Corn Mill, kiln and land. Area=52.2.20 Land Value=£39.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£64.0.0. Andrew Irwin (James Bruce) Corn mill, kiln, house, office and land. Area=54.3.17 Land Value=£40.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£65.0.0. John Irwin (In fee) Corn Mill, kiln, house, office and land. Area=54.3.17 Land Value=£40.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£65.0.0
W6.797209636 N54.4494763403 Corn Mill Stiloga. Robert Knox (Viscount Powerscourt) Corn Mill, kiln, Flax Mill and land. Area=5.3.0 Land Value=£5.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£30.0.0. William Knox (James Bruce) Corn Mill, kiln, Flax Mill and land. Area=5.3.0 Land Value=£5.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£30.0.0. William Knox (James Bruce) Corn mill, kiln, flax mill and land. Area=5.3.0 land Value=£5.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£30.0.0. William Knox (James Bruce) Corn mill, kiln, flax mill and land. Area=5.3.0 Land Value=£5.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£30.0.0. Robert Knox (James Knox) Corn Mill, kiln, flax mill, land. Area=5.3.20 Land Value=£5.0.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£30.0.0. Robert Knox (In fee) Corn mill and kiln. Total=£14.0.0 1918
W6.7975490786 N54.4492322922 Flax Mill Stiloga
W6.8018182783 N54.7099319854 Flax Mill Ballybriest. Thomas Watson (Rowley Miller) Millers House and Land Total=£1.0.0. Corn Mill =£4.10.0. Flax Mill=£5.10.0. Barbara Casey (Thomas Miller) Flax Mill=£5.10.0 Corn Mill=£4.10.0 Millers House and Office=£1.0.0. James Casey (Rev Alex Miller) Millers House and Office Total=£1.0.0 Corn Mill=£4.10.0 Flax Mill=£5.10.0. James Casey (Rev Allen Miller) Millers House and office Total=£1.0.0 Corn Mill Total=£4.10.0 Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0. Jennie Casey (Rev Allen Miller) Corn Mill Total=£4.10.0 Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0 Millers House crossed out, maybe knocked down. Thomas Black (Rev Allen Miller) Corn Mill at rest Total=£4.10.0 N.B 1917 was change in building not now used.. Thomas Black (Rev Allen Miller) Flax Mill Total=£5.10.0
W6.8027270827 N54.422470971 Flax Mill From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's
W6.8034348132 N54.7097343048 Bleach Mill  
W6.8037384004 N54.453933589 Corn and Flax Mill Brossloy. Listed as corn mill in 1834 later a flax and corn mill. Francis Donaghy (William Chaine) House, office, corn mill, kiln flax mill and land. Area=27.2.15 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£32.0.0 Total=£55.0.0. William Holmes (William Chaine) house, office, corn mill, kiln, flax mill and land. Area=27.3.35 Land Value=£23.15.0 Building Value=£32.0.0 Total=£55.15.0. William Holmes (William Chaine) house, office, corn mill, kiln, flax mill and land. Area=27.3.35 Land Value=£23.15.0 Building Value=£32.0.0 Total=£55.15.0. Henry Johnston (William Chaine) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£0.0.0. Henry Johnston (William Chaine) Corn mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0. Henry Johnston (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln. Total=£8.0.0
W6.8047520306 N54.4241711634 Spade manufactory Gortmerron. Joseph Reany (Earl of Caledon) House, office, spade manufactory and land. Area=17.2.35 Land Value=£14.5.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£26.5.0. Joseph Reaney (Earl of Caledon) house, office, spade manufactory and land. Area=17.2.25 Land Value=£14.5.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£32.0.0. Joseph Reaney (Earl of Caledon) House, office, spade manufactory and land. Area=17.2.35 Land Value=£14.5.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£32.0.0. Joseph and James Reaney (Earl of Caledon) House, office, spade manufactory and land. Area=17.2.35 Land Value=£14.5.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£28.0.0 N.B 1892, water supply for about 3 months of the year.. James Reaney (Earl of Caledon) Spade factory at rest Total=£3.5.0 1902
W6.8050133722 N54.7680187547 Flax Mill Brackagh. Peter Jones (In fee) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=2.2.15 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£0.10.0 Total=£1.15.0. Agricultural statistics 1866- 6 stocks 36 handles works 36 weeks of the year. Peter Tonor (In fee) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=2.2.15 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£0.10.0
W6.8085221841 N54.5295827025 Brewery. Donaghmore Town. Alexander M Lyle (Vincent Blackall) House, brewery mill, yard and land Area=1.2.30 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£160.0.0 Total=£164.0.0. Vacant (Alexander Lyle) Brewery Total=£30.0.0 N.B Brewery idle 1863. Vacant (William Lyle) Brewery Total=£30.0.0. Vacant (R. Lyle) Brewery Total=£20.0.0. Vacant () Brewery Total=£30.0.0 1909. Vacant () Brewery Total=£30.0.0
W6.8085581759 N54.5308344281 Corn MIll Donaghmore.. Donaghmore Town. Alexander Lyle (Vincent Blackall) Mill, stores, yard, land and offices. Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£86.0.0 Total=£90.0.0. William R Lyle (In fee) Corn store, office, and shed mill yard and land. Area=1.2.30 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£68.0.0 Total=£72.0.0. R. Lyle (In fee) Corn Store, office, shed, mill yard and land. Area=1.2.30 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£66.0.0 Total=£70.0.0. Lyle’s (In fee) Corn store, office, shed, mill yard and land. Area=0.2.10 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£40.0.0 Total=£41.5.0. D Brown and sons (In fee) Corn Store, office, shed, mill yard and land. Area=0.2.10 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£40.0.0 Total=£41.5.0
W6.8090122467 N54.5344573488 Corn Mill Donaghmore Town. Alexander Lyle (Vincent Blackall) Mill, stores, yard, land and offices. Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£86.0.0 Total=£90.0.0. William R Lyle (In fee) Corn store, office, and shed mill yard and land. Area=1.2.30 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£68.0.0 Total=£72.0.0. R. Lyle (In fee) Corn Store, office, shed, mill yard and land. Area=1.2.30 Land Value=£4.0.0 Building Value=£66.0.0 Total=£70.0.0. Lyle’s (In fee) Corn store, office, shed, mill yard and land. Area=0.2.10 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£40.0.0 Total=£41.5.0. D Brown and sons (In fee) Corn Store, office, shed, mill yard and land. Area=0.2.10 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£40.0.0 Total=£41.5.0
W6.8095185737 N54.7847104011 Tuck Mill Straw. Noted on Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1834. Eleanor Kelly (Robert Ogilvy) House, office, corn mill, tuck mills and land. Area=30.3.16 Land Value=£17.0.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. Eleanor Kelly (Company of Skinners) House, office, corn mill, tuck mills and land. Area=30.3.16 Land Value=£17.0.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. Joseph Kelly (In fee) House, office, corn mill, tuck mills and land. Area=12.1.16 Land Value=£5.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£20.15.0. Peter Carleton J.P (In fee) Corn Mill Total=£6.0.0 1901
W6.8095428907 N54.4238108541 Flax Mill Gortmerron. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1834.
W6.8098367057 N54.7847567386 Corn Mill Straw. along with tuck mill, may have been a flax mill as it is noted as one in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps.
W6.8101899574 N54.4575730367 Corn Mill Brossloy Corn Mill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1832. Flax Mill from 1907 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.
W6.8108711305 N54.6469930537 Flax Mill  
W6.810978718 N54.6472479724 Corn Mill Kildress Upper. Robert McAllister (James Cluff) Corn Mill and Flax Mill Total=£9.0.0. Robert McAllister (Richard Cluff) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£9.0.0. McAllister (Richard Cluff) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£9.0.0. Dawson McAllister (In fee) Flax Mill and Corn Mill Total=£9.0.0. Dawson McAllister (In fee) Flax and Corn Mill Total=£9.0.0. Dawson McAllister (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£9.0.0
W6.8113216573 N54.4712736464 Corn Mill Dunamony. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Flax Mill, stores and Corn mill at rest Total=£8.0.0 1904. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Corn mill at rest Total=£8.0.0. Vacant (Earl of Charlemont) Corn mill at rest Total=£8.0.0. William Johnston (William Holmes) Corn mill at rest Total=£4.0.0 N.B been idle for years 1928
W6.8115924412 N54.5303779838 Soap Works. Donaghmore. D Brown and Son Ltd (D.R Brown) House, office, Soap Works, yard and garden. Area=1.1.9 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£167.0.0 Total=£169.0.0
W6.8116227624 N54.790669053 Flax Mill Straw. Philip Donnelly (Robert Ogilvy) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=25.0.0 Land Value=£11.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£17.5.0. Agricultural Statistics 1866- 4 stocks, 24 handles 36 weeks of the year. Philip Donnelly (Worshipful Company of Skinners) Flax Mill, office, land, house. Area=25.0.0 Land Value=£11.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£17.5.0. Michael Donnelly (In fee) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=25.0.0 Land Value=£11.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£17.5.0. Felix Donnelly (In fee) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=24.2.0 Land Value=£11.5.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£16.15.0. Bernard McIvor (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0
W6.8116247178 N54.6773766955 Flax Mill Feegarran. James McClusky (in fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0 1929. James McClusky (In fee) Flax Mill at rest Total=£4.10.0
W6.8119999568 N54.5297529205 Saw Mill Donaghmore. Saw Mill 1906
W6.8123971981 N54.7892723331 Corn Mill Straw. Bernard Donnelly (Robert Ogilvy) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=15.0.10 Land Value=£10.5.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£18.5.0. Agricultural statistics 1866 4 stocks 24 handles 20 weeks of the year. Bernard Donnelly (Company of Skinners) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=16.0.35 Land Value=£10.5.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£18.5.0. Bernard Donnelly (In fee) House, office, corn mill, flax mill, kiln and land, mill pond. Area=16.0.35 Land Value=£10.5.0 Building Value=£12.15.0 Total=£23.0.0 N.B Corn Mill improved and flax mill new.. Bernard Donnelly (In fee) House, office, corn mill, flax mill, kiln and land. Area=15.0.10 Land Value=£10.5.0 Building Value=£12.15.0 Total=£23.0.0. Bernard Donnelly (In fee) Corn Mill, flax mill and kiln Total=£12.5.0
W6.812536451 N54.7897368066 Flax Mill Straw
W6.8131896639 N54.4720485313 Flax Mill Dunamony. James Holmes (Earl of Charlemont) House, Flax Mill and land. Area=16.3.5 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£6.0.0. James Holmes (Earl of Charlemont) Flax Mill and store. Building Value=£4.0.0. James Holmes (Earl of Charlemont) Flax Mill and store. Building Value=£4.0.0. William Holmes (In fee) Flax Mill and stores Total=£4.0.0. Somwehere in this area.
W6.813975645 N54.6485468066 Mill Race  
W6.8149688537 N54.6499227352 Salmon Leap  
W6.8160945876 N54.6498107303 Flax Mill Kildress Upper. William Eccles (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. William Eccles (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. J.A Eccles (In fee) Flax Mill or store Total=£3.10.0 1925
W6.8188976857 N54.6224024116 Mill Race Mill Dam to the left.
W6.8195613273 N54.4583868993 Flax Mill Crossteily. John Langhan (Sir William Verner) Flax Mill Total=£1.5.0. Crossteily Flax Mill down 1866. not found on map.
W6.8247403369 N54.6558620939 Drying House  
W6.8253712342 N54.6562467579 Watch Tower  
W6.8255498751 N54.6585982276 Mill Dam Wellbrook Mill dam
W6.8263613353 N54.6545386856 Beetling Mill Beetling mill in this area. Tamlaght. Added in 1897-1912. has 7 engines. Valued at £15.0.0
W6.8266976288 N54.5632034608 Creamery Mulnagore. Pomeroy Co-op Agriculture and Dairy Society (Hugh Jackson) Creamery and yard Total=£2.0.0 1906. Pomeroy Co-op Agricultural and Dairy Society (Jacksons) Creamery and yard Total=£2.0.0
W6.8267670427 N54.6566095432 Mill Dam  
W6.8270031107 N54.3910279758 Corn Mill Dyan. Corn Mill since 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. David Cunningham (Earl of Cunningham) Workmans houses corn and flax mill, kiln and land. Area=5.1.20 Land Value=£3.10.0 Building Value=£85.0.0 Total=£88.10.0 1877. David Cunningham (Earl of Caledon) Workmens houses corn and flax mills kilns and land. Area=5.1.20 Land Value=£3.10.0 Building Value=£85.0.0 Total=£88.10.0. Irwin McClain (Earl of Caledon) Corn and Saw Mills kiln and land. Area=5.1.20 land Value=£3.10.0 Building Value=£79.0.0 Total=£82.10.0 1890. Earl of Caledon (In fee) Corn and saw mill, kiln and land. Area=5.1.20 Land Value=£3.10.0 Building Value=£79.0.0 Total=£82.10.0 1903. Earl of Caledon (In fee) Area=Corn and Saw Mill kiln and land. Area=5.1.20 Land Value=£3.10.0 Building Value=£38.0.0 Total=£41.10.0 1923. Corn Mill still 1936 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W6.8283759064 N54.5606485546 Corn Mill Crossdernot. John Browne (John Lindsay) Corn Mill, Flax Mill and Land. Area=22.2.25 Land Value=£14.5.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£24.5.0. Joseph Browne (John Lindsay) Flax Mill and land. Area=22.2.25 Land Value=£14.5.0 Building Value=£5.0.0 Total=£19.5.0 N.B Corn Mill and kiln down. Flax Mill 4 stocks, a very bad build all houses dilap. Joseph Browne (John Lindsay) House, Flax Mill and Land Area=22.2.25 Land Value=£14.5.0 Building Value=£5.0.0 Total=£19.5.0. Joseph Browne (John Lindsay) House, Flax Mill and Land. Area=22.2.25 Land Value=14.5.0 Building Value=£5.0.0 Total=£19.5.0
W6.8284011697 N54.6547984051 Beetling Mill Tamlaght. In this area. James leeper Total=£15.0.0
W6.8287058198 N54.6556474173 Bleach Mill  
W6.828722387 N54.5127205316 Weaving Factory Drumreany. On same site as Corn Mill. John Smith (Earl of Charlemont) Weaving Factory. Total=£30.0.0 Engine 13 H.P 48 looms, 2 winding frames. Previously a corn Mill, taken away 1874. David Achison and John Smith (Earl of Charlemont) House, office, Weaving Factory and land. Area=16.1.25 Land Value=£20.0.0 Building Value=£58.0.0 Total=£78.0.0. David Achison and John Smith (Earl of Charlemont) House, office, weaving factory and land. Area=16.1.25 Land Value=£20.0.0 Building Value=£58.0.0 Total=£78.0.0. David Acheson and John Smith (Earl of Charlemont) Weaving Factory and land. Area=6.0.4 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£150.0.0 Total=£156.5.0 1911. David Acheson and John Smith (Earl of Charlemont) Weaving factory and land. Area=6.0.4 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£150.0.0 Total=£156.5.0 1915
W6.8289860553 N54.5607793922 Mill Dam  
W6.8293438223 N54.7938481443 Flax Mill Doon. ….. Kelly (Worshipful Company of Skinners) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Agricultural statistics 1866 - 4 stocks 24 handles works 16 weeks of the year. Michael Kelly (In fee) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0. Michael Kelly (In fee) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0. Michael Kelly (In fee) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0
W6.829491539 N54.5121042731 Corn Mill Drumreaney. George Martin (Earl of Charlemont) House, office, corn mill and land. Area=£16.1.25 Land Value=£20.0.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£40.0.0
W6.8318753242 N54.4005282323 Flax Mill Kilmore. Earl of Caledon (In fee) House, flax mill and land. Area=4.0.5 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£39.0.0. David Cunningham (Earl of Caledon) House, flax mill and land. Area=4.0.5 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£39.0.0 1873. David Cunningham (Earl of Caledon) House Flax Mill and land. Area=4.0.5 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£39.0.0. Irwin McClain (Earl of Caledon) House flax mill and land. Area=4.0.5 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£39.0.0 N.B 130 and half lives for the mill … mill no 1 Dyan new value 1887. Earl of Caledon (In fee) House flax mill office and land. Area=5.0.30 Land Value=£4.5.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£40.5.0 1897. Earl of Caledon (In fee) Flax Mill House and land. Area=5.0.30 Land Value=£4.5.0 Building Value=£36.0.0. Disused by 1936 from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W6.8318988584 N54.6577035578 Two Beetling Mills Derrinleagh, James Leeper Both Valued at 12.0.0 . Later William Leeper. One Mill has 4 engines the other 8 engines. 1897-1912
W6.8322275873 N54.5247475135 Flax Mill Tullynure. James W McKinsey (Archbishop of Armagh) Flax Mill, store and land. Area=14.2.0 Land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£22.0.0. William MaKane (Church Impartialities Commission) Flax Mill, store and land. Area=14.2.0 Land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£22.0.0. William McKenzie (Trustee of Armagh Observatory) Flax Mill, store and land. Area=14.2.0 Land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£22.0.0. John Headden (Trustees of Armagh Observatory) Flax Mill, store and land. Area=14.2.0 Land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£22.0.0. (Trustees of Armagh Observatory) Flax Mill store and yard Area=16.2.10 Land Value=£11.15.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£23.15.0. John Sloan (In fee) Scutch Mill, store and land Area=16.2.10 Land Value=£11.15.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£21.15.0
W6.8325358238 N54.5318456228 Limestone Quarry. Tullyleek. William Robert Stewart (Sir William B) Limestone Quarry and kiln Total=£8.0.0. Limestone Quarry and kiln stopped working in 1873 closed in 1875
W6.8325906369 N54.506214979 Limestone Quarry Lisnamonaghan. Thomas Anderson (Earl of Charlemont) Limestone Quarry Total=£
W6.8343054795 N54.350246524 Flour Mill. Later Wool Mill Caledon. Earl of Caledon (In fee) Flour and mill, stores kiln previously listed at rest but removed. Total=£230.0.0 from 154.0.0 N.B Mill working Earl of Caledon agent wished to have this mill … in the valuation but I could not see my way to ….. 1877. Earl of Caledon (In fee) Flour and Corn mill, stores and kiln at rest Area=191.3.35 Land Value=£290.5.0 Building Value=£154.0.0 Total=£154.0.0 1880 N.B The Valuation to be reinstated when the mill is set to work again.. John Charles Smith, William Oliver Sherrard and George H Thompson (Earl of Caledon) Woolen Factory, corn mill and kiln (at rest) Total=£210.0.0. Caledon Woolen Mills Co (Earl of Caledon) Woolen Factory, corn mill and kiln (at rest) Total=£210.0.0 1905. Caledon Woolen Company Co (Earl of Caledon) Woolen Factory, corn mill and kiln at rest. Total=£210.0.0 1912
W6.8343409409 N54.5873776947 Corn Mill Oughterard. 1860-1863 Bariah Robinson (Charles Boyle), House, Office, Corn Mill and Kiln and land. House= 2a.2r.30p Value= £2.15.0 18a.1r.20p Land=£13.0.0 Buildings=£17.0.0. Total of £32.15.0. Thomas Watson formerly Bariah Robinson (Captain Dawson?), House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land. Area=21.0.10 Land Value=15.15.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total=£32.15.0. Thomas Watson Jnr (Honourable Captain Dawson), House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land. Area=21.0.10 Land Value=£15.15.0 Building Value=£17.0.0 Total =£32.15.0. Elizabeth Watson (In fee) House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and land. Area=2.2.30 and 18.1.20 Land Value=2.15.0 and 13.0.0 Building Value= £15.0.0 Total=£30.15.0. Elizabeth Watson (In fee), House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land. Area=21.0.10 Land Value=£15.15.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=30.15.0 1906. Thomas Watson formerly Elizabeth. (In Fee) House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land. Area=21.0.10 Land Value=£15.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£24.15.0 1926
W6.8349764536 N54.3917893358 Flax Mill Minterburn. John McKean (Earl of Caledon) Flax Mill House, office and land. Area=27.1.38 Land Value=£22.15.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£35.15.0. Francis McKeown (Earl of Caledon) Flax Mill House, office and land. Area=29.1.38 Land Value=£24.10.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£37.10.0. Francis McKeown (Earl of Caledon) House, office flax mill and land. Area=29.1.38 Land Value=£24.10.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£37.10.0. Francis McKeown (Earl of Caledon) House office flax mill and land. Area=29.1.38 Land Value=£24.10.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£37.10.0. Francis McKeown (Earl of Caledon) House office flax mill and mill pond. Area=49.1.8 Land Value=£38.0.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£51.0.0 1912. John McKeown (In fee) House, office flax mill land and mill pond. Area=49.1.8 Land Value=£38.0.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£51.0.0 1915
W6.8357119646 N54.4333071589 Limestone Quarry Cadian. From 1834 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Edward and James O’Donnell (Earl of Caledon) Lime kiln and Quarry Total=£5.0.0 1893. Earl of Caledon (In fee) Lime kiln and quarry Total=£5.0.0
W6.838930505 N54.6557237038 Beetling Mill Corkhill. National Trust Property. 1st listed as unoccupied but with Thomas Adiar with Robert Bryson owning the property previously Caroline Irvin. 1860's William Leeper Total= £15.10.0 James Leeper 1877
W6.8401702145 N54.7691337429 Flax Mill Labby. In this area. Michael Molloy (In fee) House, office, flour mill Area=11.3.5 Land Value=£3.5.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£6.15.0. Agricultural statistics 1866 - 2 stocks 12 handles and works 2 weeks of the year. Michael Molloy (In fee) Flax Mill at rest Total=0.10.0. Michael Molloy (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£0.10.0 N.B Mill vacant 1920
W6.8442337228 N54.6534447837 Ruins of Mill From 1820 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W6.844887912 N54.4537548062 Flax Mill Derrylatinee. Mary J Reid (Robert King) Flax Mill at rest Total=£3.0.0 1904. Vacant (Mary A Reid) Flax Mill at rest Total=£2.0.0
W6.8452579687 N54.3931928574 Limestone Quarry Mullintor. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's
W6.8510594248 N54.6499908122 Flax Mill Corchoney. Previously marked as a Corn mill. Jermiah Black (Henry Irvine) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Joseph Baxter (Henry Irvine) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1881. Joseph Baxter (Henry Irvine) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1888. Margaret Black (Henry Irvine) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1909. Eleyt Hughes (A Irvin) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1929
W6.851069115 N54.7698241084 Flax Mill Cavanreagh.James Sinclair (In fee) Flax and Threshing Mill Total=£5.15.0 N.B Mill Vacant. 1866 Agricultural statistics- 2 stocks 10 handles and 28 weeks of the year.. Somwehere in this area.
W6.8514278264 N54.6530196557 Flax Mill Corkhill. Richard Black (Trustees of S.J Henry??) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1881?. Robert Black (Trustees of James Henry) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Richard Black (Trustees of James Henry) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Richard Black (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0
W6.8518129726 N54.7733154996 Corn Mill Caranreagh. Corn Mill located here since 1830's with kiln. Abraham Barnatt (In fee) Corn mill and kiln Total=£7.0.0
W6.8566403623 N54.6482011223 Corn Mill Knockaleery. John Browne (William Brady) Corn Mill and Flax Mill Total=£11.0.0. John Browne (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and Corn Mill Total=£11.5.0. John Browne (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax and Corn Mill Total=£11.0.0. William John Crawford (Countess of Castlestuart) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£11.0.0. William John Crawford (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill. Total=£11.0.0. Henry Crawford (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£11.0.0 1925
W6.8582097296 N54.5705946821 Corn Mill Munderrydoe.Robert Lowry (In fee) House, corn mill kiln and yard. Total=£8.10.0. Robert W Lowry (In fee) Corn mill kiln and yard Total=£8.10.0. Thomas … (Robert Lowry) Corn mill kiln and yard Total=£8.10.0. William Jackson (Robert Lowry) Corn mill kiln and yard Total=£8.10.0 1885. William Jackson (Robert Lowry) Corn mill kiln and yard Total=£8.10.0 1885. Peter McGlone (Robert Lowry) Corn mill kiln and yard Total=£8.10.0 1918
W6.8596747426 N54.6475941098 Flax Mill Knockaleery
W6.8596951001 N54.4314574478 Quarry Legane. John Woods (Jospeh Cochrane) Freestone Quarry Total=£8.0.0. James Cochrane (…) Quarries Total=£15.0.0 N.B 1865 not worked at present.
W6.8601113226 N54.6088003552 Mill Dam  
W6.860605446 N54.5398525419 Limestone Quarry Kilmore. Quarry from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Bernard Keenan (In fee) Lime kiln, shed and land. Area=1.2.10 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£0.15.0 Total=£14.15.0 N.B Limestone Quarry
W6.8623359744 N54.5069243133 Limestone Quarry Terrenew. John Burgess (In fee) Limestone Quarry Area=0.2.0
W6.8629070595 N54.6093229586 Corn Mill Mullynure. Francis Hughes (Robert.J.Henry) House, Office, Corn Mill, Kiln and Land. 17a.2r.14p. Land valued at £7.0.0, buildings at £8.10.0 total of £15.10.0. Francis Hughes, (James Lowry), House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land, Area=17a.2r.14p Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£8.10.0. Francis Hughes (James Henry) House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land. Area=17a.2r.16p Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£15.10.0. Francis Hughes (James Henry) House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land. Area=17a.2r.16p Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£15.0.0. Catherine Hughes formerly Francis (House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land) Area=17.2.16 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£15.0.0 in 1906 and 1908. Catherine Hughes (In Fee) House, Office, Corn Mill Kiln and Land. Area=17.2.16 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£15.0.0
W6.8632120198 N54.6109177466 Mill Dam  
W6.8650807491 N54.5385233279 Flax Mill, later Corn Mill Kilmore. Flax mill according to Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. after 1830. David Browne (Lady Adelaide Goff) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. David Browne (Lady Adelaide Goff) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. David Browne (IN fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£5.0.0. William Browne (In fee) Corn mill and kiln Total=£5.0.0 1920
W6.8676539631 N54.6616185453 Flax Mill Tulnacross. Andrew Dickson (Elizabeth Moore) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£6.10.0 1879. N.B- Mill 9x5x28a – good water wheel works 4 stocks and is intensified for one for of houses???. Andrew Dickson (Eliza Moore) Corn and Flax Mill, office and land. Area=19.1.10 Land Value=£9.10.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£16.0.0. James McFarlane (Eliza Moore) Corn and Flax Mill, office and Land. Area=19.1.10 Land Value=£9.10.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£16.0.0. James Glasgow (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill scored out, N.B-mill turned down 1911
W6.8692649252 N54.4296628318 Flax Mill Legane. Thomas Marshall (Joseph Cochrane) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Thomas Marshall (James Cochrane) Flax Mill, office and land. Area=24.0.30 Land Value=£7.5.0 Building Value=£5.10.0. Thomas Marshall (James Cochrane) Flax Mill, office and land. Area=24.0.30 Land Value=£7.5.0 Building Value=£5.10.0. James henry Marshall (James Cochrane) Flax Mill, office and land. Area=24.0.30 Land Value=£7.5.0 Building Value=£5.10.0. J.C Marshall (In fee) Flax Mill, office and land. Area=19.0.10 Land Value=£5.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 1901. T.L Marshall (IN fee) Flax Mill, office. Total=£5.10.0
W6.8712919373 N54.6633326978 Corn Mill Corvanaghan. Thomas Charles (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£16.0.0. Andrew Dickson (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn and Flax Mill. Total=£16.0.0 1874. Andrew Dickson (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£15.7.0. John Knox Black (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and store Total=£8.10.0 1907. John McElwee (In fee) Flax Mill and stores Total=£8.10.0 1914
W6.8713709551 N54.6620241163 Corn and Flax Mill Tulnacross. Andrew Dickson (Elizabeth Moore) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£13.0.0. Andrew Dickson (Eliza Moore) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£15.0.0. Margaret Dickson (Eliza Moore) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£13.0.0. Dorris Co-op and agricultural society (In fee) Corn Mill and land. Area=3.1.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£9.10.0. Dooris Co-operative and agricultural Dairy Society (In fee) Corn Mill and Land. Area=3.1.20 Land Value=£1.0.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£9.10.0
W6.8713832696 N54.7839095763 Flax Mill Glengomna. Peter McNamee (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0. 1866 agricultural statistics- 4 stocks 24 handles and works 24 weeks of the year. Peter McNamee (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0
W6.8719801279 N54.6618234205 Creamery Tulnacross. Dooris Creamery. Dorris Co-op and agricultural society (James McFarlane) Creamery and store Total=£6.0.0 1907. Dooris Co-operative and agricultural Dairy Society (In fee) Creamery and store Total=£6.0.0
W6.8744919328 N54.6002570494 Corn MIll  
W6.8752911645 N54.4668449423 Flax Mill Lisgallon. listed as flax mill in 1834 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.. John Davidson (Earl of Charlemont) House, office, flax mill and land. Area=24.3.30 Land Value=£20.0.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£28.10.0. John Davidson (Earl of Charlemont) House, office, Flax Mill, land. Area=26.3.20 Land Value=£20.0.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£28.10.0. John Davidson (Earl of Charlemont) House, office, flax mill, land. Area=26.3.30 Land Value=£20.0.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£28.10.0. James Taylor (Earl of Charlemont) Flax Mill Total=3.0.0. John Taylor (Earl of Charlemont) Flax Mill=£3.0.0 1927 N.B Ruins
W6.878010763 N54.6002676783 Beetling Mill Edendoit, 1860-1863 Occupied by Thomas Adair, (John Francis and Samuel Carruthers), Beetling, House and Land, 1a.2r.20p, land valued at 1.0.0, building at 22.0.0 total of £23.0.0 1882-1899 Hugh Adair formerly Thomas Adair (John James and Samuel Crothers), Beetling Mill and Water. Area=1.2.20 Land Value £1.0.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=23.00. Water Area= 5a.2r.36p
W6.8789027368 N54.4598655496 Flax Mill Mullyrodden
W6.8816511995 N54.535542828 Corn MIll Edenderry. James Wilson (James Greer) House, office, millers house, corn kilns and land. Area=81.0.30 Land Value=£52.0.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£70.0.0
W6.8841284561 N54.4697762614 Corn Mill Ennish. listed as corn mill and kiln in 1834. Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. John G Burgess (…. Evans) Corn Mill kiln and yard. Total=£16.0.0. John G Burgess (Thomas Kelly Evans) Corn mill kiln and yard. Total=£16.0.0. John G Burgess (Thomas K Evans) Corn Mill, kiln Total=£16.0.0. John G Burgess (Thomas Evans) Corn mill, kiln Total=£16.0.0. Col Burgess (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and office. Total=£8.10.0 1910. Vacant (J.H Bennett) Corn mill at rest Total=£4.0.0 1929
W6.8857012324 N54.4280986361 Flax Mill Cronghill. In this area, not on map. Vacant (Bartholomew Finnegan) Flax mill Total=£12.0.0 1871 down
W6.8866843115 N54.4924589002 Corn Mill Inishnagh. Thomas Hanna (In fee) Corn mill, kiln and office. Total=£15.0.0 N.B only now works 4 months, 2 pair of stones. Interest in farm and mill sold to Cherry (previous owner) for £400 subject to £36. Somewhere in this area, not found.
W6.8925298247 N54.5261030776 Corn Mill Dernaseer. John McFey (Edward Litton) House, office corn mill and land. Area=18.2.5 Land Value=£15.0.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£29.0.0. John McVey (Robert King) House office corn mill and land. Area=18.2.5 Land Value=£15.0.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£29.0.0. John McVey (Robert King) House, office corn mill and land. Area=64.0.0 Land Value=15.0.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£29.0.0. John McVey (Robert King) House, office, corn mill and land. Area=64.0.0 Land Value=£15.0.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£29.0.0. Francis McVeigh (Robert King) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=22.0.5 Land Value=£16.0.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£23.5.0 1906. Francis McVeigh (In fee) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=22.0.5 Land Value=£16.0.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£23.5.0 N.B Corn mill and kiln £3.5.0
W6.8942960506 N54.5337942986 Corn Mill Galbally. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1834. this maybe the mill referred to in Frank McVeighs book "our cornmills and other memories". he refers to it grinding indian maize during the famine.. Patrick McVey (Francis Mansfield) House, office corn mill and land. Area=37.1.15 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£33.0.0 1875. Patrick McVey (Francis Mansfield) House, office corn mill and land. Area=37.1.15 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£33.0.0. Francis Boyle (Francis Mansfield) House, office corn mill and land. Area=37.1.15 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£33.0.0. Hugh McGuiness (Francis Mansfield) House, office corn mill and land. Area=36.2.37 Land Value=£22.10.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£33.10.0 1914. Patrick Devlin (IN fee) House, office corn mill and land. Area=36.2.37 Land Value=£22.10.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£33.10.0 N.B 1914 1 stone grinding 1 stone shelling sifte… 1 trans. Stone-mill-kiln-wheat
W6.8967606926 N54.6467842187 Creamery Killenan. Killenan co-op agriculture and dairy Society (In fee) Creamery Total=£4.0.0 1925
W6.8998846184 N54.504189244 Corn Mill Gortlaghan and Derrykeel. James Lucas (Earl of Ranfurly) House office corn mill land Area=64.0.0 Land Value=£48.0.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£60.10.0 1863. Thomas … (Earl of Ranfurly) House office corn mill and land. Area=64.0.0 Land Value=£48.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£60.10.0. Thomas Jameson (Earl of Ranfurly) House office corn mill and land. Area=64.0.0 Land Value=£48.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£60.10.0. Thomas Jameson (Earl of Ranfurly) House, office corn mill and land. Area=64.0.0 Land Value=£48.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£60.10.0. Bernard McElogee (Earl of Ranfurly) corn mill kiln and land. Area=25.2.0 Land Value=£19.0.0 Building Value=6.10.0 Total=£25.10.0 1911
W6.9036365587 N54.6023273649 Flax Mill Gortindarragh.. William McKee (Benjamin Kilpatrick) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. John Crothers (Robert Lowry) Flax Mills Total=£5.0.0 N.B Tuck Mill 1869. John Crothers (Robert Lowry) Flax Mills Total=£5.0.0 N.B. Samuel Jones (Robert Lowry) Flax Mills Total=£5.0.0. … Lowry (Robert Lowry) Flax Mills Total=£5.0.0 1910. … Lowry (Robert Lowry) Flax Mills Total=£5.0.0 n.b Ruins 1921
W6.9179432372 N54.5844590876 Corn Mill Killey. Robert Lowry (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Robert Lowry (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Robert Lowry (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0. Patrick Quinn (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0 1929
W6.9196203387 N54.5217700081 Scutch and Saw Mill Reclain. Ferdinand Bradley and Patrick Bradley (Robert King) scutch mill workshop and sheds Total=£12.0.0 1915. Patrick Bradley (Robert King) scutch mill workshop and shed Total=£12.0.0 1909. Patrick Bradley (In fee) scutch mill workshop and sheds Total=£12.0.0
W6.9375577326 N54.4006989469 Flax Mill Drummond. Thomas Armstrong (Robert Cochrane) Flax Mill Total=£12.5.0. Thomas Armstrong (Robert Cochrane) Flax Mill 12.5.0. Thomas Armstrong (James Cochrane) Flax mill Total=£12.5.0. Robert McCreedy (Robert McCreedy and James Cochrane) Flax Mill Total=£12.15.0. Mrs Mary Maguire (James Cochrane) Flax Mill and land. Area=1.0.5 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£12.5.0 Total=£12.15.0 1922
W6.9382704662 N54.59533596 Corn Mill Main Street. Unknown if this is Munderrydoe or not.. McAleer Brothers (Robert Lowry) Old Corn mill, house, old petty house session Total=£5.0.0 1929
W6.9393309396 N54.4007821398 Corn Mill Drummond. Since 1830 from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps. Hugh Dawson (Cecil Moore) Corn Mill Total=£11.0.0. Thomas McClean (Cecil Moore) House, Corn mill Total=£11.0.0 1869 Joseph Abraham (Cecil Moore) Corn Mill house and land. James … (Cecil Moore) Corn Mill, house, office and land. Area=2.3.30 Land Value=£2.8.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£13.8.0. Alexander Simton (Cecil Moore) House, kiln mans house, corn mill, kiln, store and land. Area=5.0.25 Land Value=£4.5.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£12.5.0. Vacant (David Lee) Corn Mill, kilns and store Total=£4.10.0 1917
W6.9404125458 N54.6730892478 Creamery Dunnamore. Dunnamore Creamery (John Cotton) Creamery Total=£8.0.0 1924
W6.9440260476 N54.596537313 Creamery Cavankeeran. Somewhere in this area.. Pomeroy Coop Agricultural and Dairy Society (Robert McGlen) Creamery Total=£14.10.0 1899. Pomeroy Coop Agricultural and Dairy Society (Robert McGlen) Creamery Total=£14.10.0 1899
W6.9445673303 N54.6683962983 Corn Mill Dungate. Michael McGurke (Robert J Henry) Houe, corn mill and kiln Total=£5.10.0. Michael McGurk (James Henry) Corn mill Total=£4.2.0. Michael McGurk (James Henry) Corn Mill and land. Area=27.1.30 Land Value=£1.13.0 Building Value=£4.2.0 Total=£5.15.0. Maria McGurk and sisters (Marie McGurk and sisters) Corn Mill, kiln and land. Area=27.1.30 Land Value=£3.5.0 Building Value=£4.2.0 Total=£7.7.0. Maria McGurk and sisters (James Henry) Corn Mill kiln and land. Area=27.1.30 Land Value=£1.12.0 Building Value=£4.2.0 Total=£5.15.0. Michael James McCracken (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and land. Area=27.1.30 Land Value=£1.13.0 Building Value=£4.2.0 Total=£5.15.0 1916
W6.9490903398 N54.6734364644 Corn Mill Dungate. Listed as ruins of old corn mill in 1830's map
W6.9543335172 N54.4108274606 Corn Mill Terrenew. George Brackridge (… … Committee) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0. Not found
W6.9587730747 N54.3988808403 Limestone Quarry Mulnahorn. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W6.9715073767 N54.4141329279 Saw Mill See Corn Mill
W6.9723787156 N54.412565328 Corn Mill Aughnacloy, Caledon Street. James Fiddes (Robert M mone) Corn Mill and kiln, office. Total=£32.0.0. Unoccupied (James Fiddes) Corn Store, kiln Total=£16.0.0. James Fiddes (Robert M Moore) Corn Mill and kiln and office. Total=£32.0.0. W…Fiddes (… Moore) Corn Mill kiln and office Total=£32.0.0 1878. W and J and M Fidde (… Moore) Corn store kiln and office. Total=£16.0.0. Robert McCreedy (J.A.M Moore) Corn and saw mill kilns store yard Total=£16.0.0
W6.97357496 N54.4160376713 Hosing Factory Sydney Street. Aughnacloy Woolen Mills Ltd (J.A.M Moore) Hosing Factory and yard Total=£7.0.0
W6.9762946716 N54.4099824623 Creamery Mulnahorn. Listed as Creamery in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1907. Aughnacloy agricultural and dairy co-operative society (In fee) Auxiliary Creamery Total=£6.0.0
W6.9766060223 N54.4097297016 Flax Mill Mulnahorn. possibly site of this mill, not listed in maps. Only as Creamery.. Thomas Armstrong (Cecil Moore) Flax Mill office and land. Area=1.3.20 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£25.10.0 1860. Cecil Moore (In fee) Flax mill office and land. Area=1.3.20 LAND Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£25.10.0 N.B 12 stocks 1875. John … Flax Mill office and land. Area=1.3.20 land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£24.10.0 Total=£26.0.0
W6.9851622087 N54.4329026124 Flax Mill Drone. Alex Given (Thomas C Singleton) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0 1867. Thomas F Given (Thomas Singleton) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0 1881. Thomas F Given (Andrew James Crawford) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0 1895. not found on map
W6.9916386563 N54.4231948868 Limestone Quarry Shantavny. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W6.9923108325 N54.479952527 Corn Mill Inishmagh. Henry Crossle (Sir William Verner Bart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£34.0.0. James Crossle (Sir William Vernr Bart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£34.0.0 1871. George McClean (William Verner Bart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£34.0.0 1878. Thomas Hanna (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and office Total=£15.0.0 1917. John Cherry (In fee) Corn Mill and office Total=£22.0.0 1906. John Sherry (Arthur Jackson) Corn Mil kiln and office Total=£22.0.0 N.B Interest in corn and kiln and mill sold by Cross for £36.0.0 1892. Only now worked 6 months 2 stones 2 pairs
W6.9978354536 N54.4203021672 Limestone Quarry Shantavny. Limestone Quarry listed in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps
W7.003123161 N54.4394117079 Limestone Quarry Cavankilgreen. Samuel Johnstone (Alex G,M Moore) House, office, limestone quarry kiln and land. Area=9.3.0 Land Value=£5.15.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£6.15.0 1881. Hugh Armstrong (Alex G.M Moore) House, office limestone quarry kiln and land. Area=9.3.0 Land Value=£5.15.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£6.15.0 1892. Hugh Armstrong (In fee) House, office limestone quarry, kiln and land. Area=26.3.25 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£17.15.0 1913. Hugh Bush (In fee) House, office limestone Quarry kiln and land. Area=26.3.25 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£1.0.0 Total=£17.15.0 1917
W7.0057727311 N54.4317500461 Brick Kiln Derrycreevy. Somewhere in this area. … McElmeel (Joseph and Samuel Farrell) Brick Kiln Total=£3.0.0 N.B Has ten brick yards not valued at all 1862. Patrick McElmee (Joseph and Samuel Farrell) Brick Kiln Total=£0.15.0. Robert McElmee (Joseph and Samuel Farrell) Brick kiln Total=£3.0.0. Patrick McElmeel (In fee) Brick Kiln, Total=£3.0.0. Thomas Bush (IN fee) Brick Kiln Total=£3.0.0 1906
W7.0092067309 N54.4868804356 Flax Pond Millix. In this field.
W7.0101717158 N54.4877799701 Flax Pond In this Field
W7.011983 N54.791903 Corn Mill Oughmamivella. From osni map records 1830. Peter Sheerin (Johnston) Corn Mill office and land. Area=69.0.20 Land Value=£9.0.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£13.0.0 1876
Patrick M… (Major Fetherston) office mill and land. Area=69.0.20 Land Value=£9.0.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£13.0.0 1881
Mill burned down 1883
W7.0123770806 N54.4861811908 Flax Pond Millix. Flax pond from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830s
W7.0161481925 N54.4721594127 Creamery Martray. Augher Co-operative Dairy Society (William Bailie) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.0 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£6.5.0
W7.0173793517 N54.4925547351 Quarry Millix. In this area. James Gwans (A.A Jackson) Quarry Total=£0.15.0 1919
W7.0240478528 N54.4617715471 Corn Mill Ballygawley. Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps 1854. John Patterson (Sir John M Stewart) Corn mill office and land. Area=12.2.20 Land value=£14.15.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£34.15.0. James McConnell (Sir John M Stewart) Corn Mill and office and land. Area=12.2.20 Land Value=£14.15.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£34.15.0. … McFarland (Sir J M Stewart) Corn mill office and land. Area=12.2.20 Land Value=£14.15.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Tital=£34.15.0 1877. Francis McFarland (Sir J.M Stewart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.0.0 1885. Francis McFarland (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and land. Area=13.0.0 Land Value=£15.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£25.10.0 1907. William Booth (In fee) Corn mill kiln and land. Area=13.0.0 Land Value=£15.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£25.10.0
W7.0272429142 N54.4609851695 Distillery Ballygawley. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1854.. Margaret Armstrong (Sir John M Stewart) Distillery Total=£60.0.0. Vacant (Laurence Kirkpatrick) Distillery Total=£50.0.0 1866. Vacant (Laurence Kirkpatrick) Distillery Total=£50.0.0. Vacant (Laurence Kirkpatrick) Distillery Total=£2.0.0 dilap N.B no rates paid for years 1885
W7.0278249344 N54.4288300671 Bawn Ballynapottage. Bawn
W7.0283105283 N54.4608679097 Brewery Main street. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1854 maybe before. Margaret Armstrong (Sir John M Stewart) Brewery Total=£40.0.0. … (Sir William Stewart) Brewerry stores Total=£20.0.0 dilap 1866
W7.0352345595 N54.4671850676 Corn Mill Altclogfin. Thomas Montague (William Cochrane) Corn Mill and office Total=£5.10.0. Corn Mill ruins 1864. Not found
W7.0453568428 N54.4406343902 Spinning Mill Lisdoart. Aughnacloy Spinning Co (George V Stewart Secretary) (Alex G.M Moore) Flax Spinning Mill and scutch mills and land. Area=15.2.3 Land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£100.0.0 Total=£110.0.0 1873. Aughnacloy Spinning Co George V Stewart Secretary (Alex G.M Moore) Flax Spinning and Scutch Mills Total=£100.0.0. Aughnacloy Spinning Mill Co (Alex G.M Moore) Flax Spinning, scutch mill at rest Total=£65.0.0. Lisdoart Woolen Mills (E Harris) Wool Spinning Mill Total=£55.0.0 1911
W7.0464105002 N54.4447978921 Corn and Flour Mill Lisdoart
W7.0465170167 N54.4439713456 Flax Mill Lisdoart. George J Stewart (Moore) Corn and Flax Mill and land. Area=86.3.36 Land Value=£66.10.0 Building Value=£37.0.0. James Duncan (George V Stewart) corn, flour and flax mill Total=£45.0.0 N.B Flax Mill steam ditto water Stocks 14+7=21. Flax Mill Total=£30.0.0 1879. John … (Alex G.M Moore) Flax Mills Total=£6.0.0 N.B This valuation is for 2 flax mills, the waterpower working 6 stocks, and the steam power working 14 stocks. The steam mill not worked for 8 years thus is now in a state of decay. The water mill gets … 3 … works in the year. 4 unroofed 1884.. George Stockdale (IN fee) Saw Mill Total=£4.10.0 N/B Flax Mills closed 1901 and 1913???. George Stockdale (IN fee) Saw Mill Total=£4.10.0 1918. Alexander Rea (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£19.10.0 1928
W7.0558523408 N54.7153241856 Corn Mill Teebane East. Here since 1830's from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.. James Donnelly () Corn mill kiln and land Area=28.2.25 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£15.10.0 1875. James Donnelly (Arthur Hope) House, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=18.2.15 Land Value=£6.10.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£17.10.0. James Donnelly (In fee) House, office corn mill Area=30.1.5 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£18.0.0. John McCullagh (In fee) House, office corn mill and land. Area=30.1.5 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£18.0.0
W7.0680631404 N54.6930246123 Creamery Sheskinshule. Greencastle co-op (In fee) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£14.5.0 1907. Greencastle co-op (In fee) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£14.5.0
W7.0752148442 N54.431207746 Corn Mill Rough Hill. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps. John Moutray (In fee) Corn mill kiln and office Total=£35.0.0. Rev John Moutray (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and office Total=£35.0.0. Rev John Moutray (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and office Total=£35.0.0. Oliver Miller (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and office Total=£18.0.0 1912
W7.0784617714 N54.4575748553 Corn Mill Cleanally. Francis Martin (… L Spear) House corn mill and land. Area=5.3.30 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£18.10.0. Owen Lynch (… L Spear) House corn mill and land. Area=5.3.30 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£18.10.0 1875. Owen Lynch (… L Spear) House corn mill and land. Area=5.3.30 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£19.10.0 N.B Hou … slated 1880. Owen Lynch (… L Spear) House corn mill and land. Area=5.3.30 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£19.10.0. William Booth (Patrick Early) House corn mill and land. Area=5.3.30 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£19.10.0 N.B mill pond included. John McKeown (Patrick Early) House corn mill and land. Area=5.3.30 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£19.10.0 1929
W7.0842160586 N54.5469525893 Corn Mill Cloghfin. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Rev Charles Crossley (Sir William Verner Bart) Corn mill and kiln Total=£11.0.0. Rev Charles Crossley (Sir William Verner Bart) Corn mill and kiln Total=£11.0.0. Rev Charles Crossley (Sir William Verner Bart) Corn mill and kiln Total=£11.0.0. Robert Walsh (In fee) Corn mill, flax mill and kiln Total=£15.0.0 1888. Robert Anderson (In fee) Corn mill, flax mill and kiln Total=£15.0.0 1888. Robert Dunlop (In fee) Corn mill, flax mill and kiln Total=£15.0.0 N.B 1915 flax mill not worked last year machinery and wheel intact though necessity to separate.
W7.093531 N54.778139 Corn Mill Cranagh. From osni map records 1830. Patrick Cassidy (James J Clarke) House office corn mill and land. Area=20.1.0 Land Value=£5.5.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£13.15.0 1860
Patrick Cassidy (James J Clarke) House office corn mill and land. Area=20.1.0 Land Value=£5.5.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£13.15.0
Patrick Cassidy (James J Clarke) House office corn mill and land. Area=20.1.0 Land Value=£5.5.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£13.15.0
Chas O’Neill (James J Clarke) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£3.10.0 1912
Mill down 1924
Chas O’Neill (James J Clarke) Corn Mill Total=£2.0.0
W7.0973052801 N54.7381345953 Mill in Ruins Listed in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830.
W7.1116903879 N54.624667721 Corn Mill Loughmacroary. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records. Anne Jane Mann (Sir John M Stewart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.10.0. Anne Jane Mann (Sir John M Stewart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.10.0. Anne Jane Mann (Sir John M Stewart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.10.0. Peter Fox (Sir John M Stewart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.10.0. Peter Fox (Sir John M Stewart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.10.0. Michael Kelly (Sir John M Stewart) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£10.10.0
W7.1170407098 N54.6732629756 Tuck Mill Cashel. Not found, in this area. Jaems McKean (Sir William McMahon) house, office tuck mill and land. Area=53.2.0 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£2.0.0 Total=£9.15.0. James McKean (Sir William McMahon) house, office tuck mill and land. Area=53.2.0 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£2.0.0 Total=£9.15.0. James McKean (Sir William McMahon) house, office tuck mill and land. Area=53.2.0 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£2.0.0 Total=£9.15.0. Tuck mill gone 1908
W7.1199224369 N54.72781063 Tuck Mill Attagh. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830. Still listed in 1854. Thomas Rogers (Alex Eadie) House office and Tuck Mill Total=£3.10.0 1880. Same Tuck Mills and land Area=23.2.5 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£3.0.0 Total=£10.15.0. Thomas Rogers (William Eadie) House office tuck Mill Total=£3.10.0 1897
W7.1272967149 N54.429388347 Corn Mill Augher Tenements. John K Toner (Rev Sir J Richardson Brimbury) Millers House, corn mill kiln and land. Area=4.3.35 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£29.15.0. John K Toner (Rev Sir J Richardson Brimbury) Millers House, corn mill kiln and land. Area=4.3.35 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£29.15.0. John Carmichael Farrell (Carmichael Farrell) flax mill, saw mill, corn mills kiln, millers house, kilnmans house, stores and land. Area=4.3.35 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£31.5.0 Total=£29.0.0 1888. John Carmichael Farrell (Carmichael Farrell) flax mill, saw mill, corn mills kiln, millers house, kilnmans house, stores and land. Area=4.3.35 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£31.5.0 Total=£29.0.0. Sarah Wright (In Fee) flax mill, saw mill, corn mills kiln, millers house, kilnmans house, stores and land. Area=4.3.35 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£31.5.0 Total=£29.0.0 1925
W7.1273390557 N54.4297697754 Saw Mill Augher Tenements. See Corn Mill
W7.1280712034 N54.6940137118 Corn Mill Aghnamarigan. Andrew james and John McGlinchy (Sir William McMahon) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£5.5.0. Michael McGlinchy (Sir William McMahon) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£5.5.0. Michael McGlinchy (Sir William McMahon) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£5.5.0. Michael McGlinchy (Sir William McMahon) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£5.5.0
W7.1280933699 N54.4296758081 Flax Mill Augher Tenements. See Corn Mill
W7.1306310061 N54.4269677838 Saw Mill Old Road to Aughnacloy. Not found. Charles McAdams (Thomas McAdams) Sawmill total=£7.0.0 1928
W7.1337601302 N54.4282892151 Saw Mill The Common. Patrick Maguire (In fee) Sawmill Total=£7.0.0 1928
W7.1344306023 N54.4276757095 Creamary Augher Tenements. Augher cooperative agricultural and dairy society ltd (John Carmichael Farrell) Creamery Total=£13.10.0 1902. Augher cooperative agricultural and dairy society ltd (John Carmichael Farrell) Creamery Total=£13.10.0
W7.1357952408 N54.4863123179 Flax Mill Garvaghy. See corn mill, not known where this is sited. possibly on site of corn mill,
W7.1371349353 N54.4865568024 Saw Mill Garvaghy. Not found on map. maybe on site of corn mill
W7.1386706761 N54.4868957257 Corn Mill Garvaghy. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records. John Cannock (William Cochrane) Corn mill, office and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£7.0.0. Bernard Montague (William Cochrane) Corn mill, flax mill, office and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£9.10.0 1873. Bernard Montague (William Cochrane) Corn mill, flax mill, office and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£9.10.0. Bernard Montague (William Cochrane) Corn mill, flax mill, office and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£9.10.0. Bernard Montague (In fee) Corn mill, flax mill, office and land. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£9.10.0 1890. Patrick Campbell (In fee) Corn mill and saw mill. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£8.0.0 N.B Saw mill1896. Patrick Henry Lynch (In fee) Corn mill. Area=2.0.5 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£8.0.0 1923
W7.1401854943 N54.4381563926 Corn and Flour Mill Annagarvey. Francis J Gervais (In fee) Flour mill, corn mill and land. Area=84.1.22 Land Value=£66.0.0 Building Value=£44.0.0 Total=£108.0.0. Francis J Gervais (In fee) Flour mill, corn mill and land. Area=84.1.22 Land Value=£66.0.0 Building Value=£42.10.0 Total=£97.10.0 1875. Francis J Gervais (In fee) Flour mill, corn mill and land. Area=84.1.22 Land Value=£66.0.0 Building Value=£42.10.0 Total=£97.10.0. James Walsh (In fee) Flour mill, corn mill and saw mill Total=£23.0.0 1886. James Walsh (In fee) Flour mill, corn mill and saw mill Total=£23.0.0 1886. James Walsh (In fee) Flour mill, corn mill and saw mill Total=£23.0.0
W7.1402474818 N54.43870872 Saw Mill Annagarvey. Not found on map. see corn mill
W7.1412194546 N54.5103672411 Corn Mill Altcloghfin. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records.. Patrick Campbell (William Cochrane) Corn Mill and office Total=£5.10.0. Scored out
W7.1441976336 N54.7306245734 Flax Mill Gorticashel Upper. Adam G Loughlin (A.R.G Hamilton) Flax Mill and land. Area=10.2.16 Land Value=£4.6.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£8.6.0 1911
W7.1462412489 N54.7281781854 Flax Mill Gorticashel Upper. John McSwiggan (Patrick McSwiggan) Flax Mill and Store Total=£2.15.0. Pat McSwiggin (In fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£2.15.0 1929
W7.1519649419 N54.5478084988 Corn and Flax Mill Beragh. Corn Mill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830. Flax Mill later. James Lowry (Earl of Belmore) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£11.0.0. Richard and John McAlister (Earl of Belmore) Corn Mill and kiln and flax Mill Total=£31.10.0. Richard and John McAlister (Earl of Belmore) Corn Mill and kiln and flax Mill Total=£31.10.0. Samuel McAlister (Earl of Belmore) Corn Mill and kiln and flax Mill Total=£25.0.0 1893. William and Daniel McAlister (Earl of Belmore) Corn Mill and kiln and flax Mill (at rest) Total=£11.10.0 1905 N.B Flax Mill £5.10.0 Corn Mill £6.10.0 flax mill down 4 stocks 3 rollers. Wooden building. William and Daniel McAlister (Earl of Belmore) Corn Mill and kiln and flax Mill (at rest) Total=£11.10.0 1927 N.B Flax Mill £2.0.0 Corn Mill £6.10.0
W7.1523969544 N54.7198568381 Flax Mill later Creamery Drumlea. Not found. William Mitchel (Arthur Hamilton) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B 5 handles water power and 1 pair rollers. William Mitchell (A Hamilton) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0 1880. William Mitchell (A Hamilton) Total=£3.0.0 1892. Lower Badony co-op Creamery Co (Peter McCullagh) Auxiliary Creamery and land. Area=0.1.0 Land Value=£0.3.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£7.3.0 1924
W7.1529625237 N54.4415968606 Saw Mill Ardshulin.
W7.1542315905 N54.4416273175 Threshing Mill Ardushulin. Francis J Gervais (In fee) Thrashing Mill Total=£5.10.0. Francis J Gervais (In fee) Thrashing Mill Total=£5.10.0. Francis J Gervais (In fee) Thrashing Mill Total=£5.10.0. Francis J Gervais (In fee) Thrashing Mill Total=£5.10.0 gone 1886
W7.1567360515 N54.5499514265 Butter Factory Beragh. Beragh Cooperative Creamery Co (John Johnson) Butter factory Total=£16.10.0 1902. Beragh Cooperative Creamery Co (John Johnson) Butter factory Total=£16.10.0 1925
W7.1599279775 N54.6089477365 Tuck Mill Drumkilly. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map record 1830. … Moore (Alex McCausland) Tuck Mill Total=£5.0.0. … Moore (Alex McCausland) Tuck Mill Total=£5.0.0 N.B Tuck Mill down 1867
W7.1612029808 N54.5897231774 Creamery Bracky. Bracky Cooperative Dairy Society (Francis McFarland) Creamery Total=£3.15.0 1899
W7.1616440031 N54.6068256633 Spade Foundary Drumnakilly. Not found in this area. John and Michael Daly (Alex McCausland) spade foundary Total=£3.0.0. John and Michael Daly (Alex McCausland) spade foundary Total=£3.0.0. John and Michael Daly (Alex McCausland) spade foundary Total=£3.0.0. John Daly (Alex McCausland) spade foundary Total=£3.0.0 1895. John and Peter Daly (Alex McCausland) spade foundary Total=£3.0.0 1908 and 1912
W7.1630719827 N54.604998936 Flax Mill Drumkilly. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830.. Thomas Blackwood (Alex McCausland) scutch mill Total=£6.10.0 1872. Thomas Blackwood (Alex McCausland) scutch mill Total=£6.10.0. Thomas Blackwood (Alex McCausland) scutch mill Total=£6.10.0. Alexander McClaren previously Oliver (Alex McCausland) scutch mill Total=£6.10.0 1906
W7.165611 N54.763442 Corn Mill Glenroan. Patrick McCullagh (James Hamilton) House office corn mill and land. Area=11.1.30 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£14.0.0 1860
Patrick McCullagh (James Hamilton) House, office corn mill and land. Area=3.3.20 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£6.15.0
Michael McCullagh (James Hamilton) House, office corn mill and land. Area=11.1.30 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£14.0.0 1892
Michael McCullagh (James Hamilton) House, office corn mill and land. Area=11.1.30 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£14.0.0 1906
Patrick McCullagh (IN fee) House, office corn mill and land. Area=11.1.30 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£14.0.0 1929
W7.1656194811 N54.4206345411 Saw Mill Ballymagowan. Not found on map.. William McKeown (In fee) House, saw mill and workshop Total=£2.10.0 1928
W7.1658494664 N54.5045936396 Flax Mill Brackagh. Listed as a mill race here with corn mill to the left.. Joseph Rainey previously James Mullin (James McShane) House and scutch mill Total=£2.0.0 1890 N.B 2 stocks 3 rollers. Vacant Mullin (James McShane) House and scutch mill Total=£2.0.0 1901. Vacant Mullin (James McShane) House and scutch mill Total=£2.0.0 N.B Down 1921
W7.166175 N54.789564 Corn Mill Oughtoorisk. Charles O’Neill (James Clarke) Corn Mill Total=£2.0.0 1924 . Not found
W7.1668279443 N54.5945116835 Flax Mill Bracky. Not sure if it is here. not found in this area. James Maguire (Francis Owens) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B 1917, rent £410 H.P engine, half time
W7.1669127424 N54.4216223096 Woolen Mill Ballymagowan. Not found on map. Lisdoart Woolen Mills ltd (In fee) Woolen Mill Total=£100.0.0 1918
W7.1684976057 N54.5989178921 Corn Mill Bracky. James Lowry (In fee) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0. John Hamilton (James Lowry) Corn Mill Total=£16.0.0. Thomas McAlister (James Lowry) Corn Mill Total=£16.0.0. Thomas McAlister (James Lowry) Corn Mill Total=£16.0.0. Alex McClaren (James Lowry) Corn Mill Total=£16.0.0 1905. Alex McClaren (James Lowry) Corn Mill Total=£16.0.0 1905
W7.1685897227 N54.6028201039 Corn Mill Drumkilly. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830.
W7.1691541696 N54.5988347381 Flax Mill Bracky. Alex McClann (James Lowry) Scutch Mill Total=£5.10.0 1892. Alex McClann (James Lowry) Scutch Mill Total=£2.10.0 N.B at rest 1901. Alex McClann (James Lowry) Scutch Mill Total=£2.10.0 N.B at rest 1901
W7.1692357111 N54.6023260908 Flax Mill Drumkilly. Later addition. James McCrystal (In fee) Scutch Mill Total=£6.10.0 1929
W7.1696844359 N54.5915077836 Flax Mill Bracky. Patrick McGlinn (James Lowry) Scutch Mill and house. Total=£6.0.0 1879. Patrick McGlinn (James Lowry) Scutch Mill and house. Total=£6.0.0 1879. Patrick McGlinn (James Lowry) Scutch Mill and house. Total=£5.5.0. Patrick McGlinn (James Lowry) Scutch Mill and house. Total=£1.0.0 N.B at rest 1905. John McGlinn (John Maglin) Scutch Mill and house. Total=£1.0.0 1915
W7.1710402004 N54.6338079762 Corn Mill Faccary. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830. Charles McFarland (Alex McCauseland) House, office corn mill and land. Area=48.1.28 Land Value=£23.10.0 Building Value=£16.0.0 Total=£39.10.0. Charles McFarland (Alex McCauseland) House, office corn mill and land. Area=48.1.28 Land Value=£23.10.0 Building Value=£16.0.0 Total=£39.10.0. Charles McFarland (Alex McCauseland) House, office corn mill and land. Area=48.1.28 Land Value=£23.10.0 Building Value=£16.0.0 Total=£39.10.0. William McFarland (Alex McCauseland) House, office corn mill and land. Area=48.1.28 Land Value=£23.10.0 Building Value=£16.0.0 Total=£39.10.0. James Luns (In fee) Corn mill and kiln at rest Total=£8.0.0 1911. John Meenan (In fee) Corn mill and kiln at rest Total=£8.0.0
W7.1720185192 N54.5884206558 Corn and Flax Mill Bracky. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830.. Dorothea Galbriath (James Lowry) House office corn mill and land Area=41.0.20 Land Value=£12.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£21.10.0. Dorothea Galbriath (James Lowry) House office corn mill and land Area=41.0.20 Land Value=£12.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£21.10.0. Dorothea and John Galbriath (James Lowry) House office corn mill and land Area=41.0.20 Land Value=£12.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£21.10.0. Samuel Galbriath (James Lowry) House office corn mill, scutch mill and land Area=41.0.20 Land Value=£12.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£24.10.0 1896. Samuel Galbriath (James Lowry) House office corn mill, scutch mill and land Area=41.0.20 Land Value=£12.10.0 Building Value=£18.10.0 Total=£24.10.0 1901. George Galbriath (In fee) House office corn mill, scutch mill and land Area=41.0.20 Land Value=£12.10.0 Building Value=£18.10.0 Total=£24.5.0 1916
W7.1732568887 N54.6341985469 Creamery Faccary. Faccary Cooperative and agricultural society (In fee) Creamery Total=£4.0.0.
W7.1777121941 N54.4153939884 Corn Mill Terrew. George Brackridge (… … Committee) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0. George C Brac… (Ecclestical lands) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0. George C Brac… (Ecclestical lands) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0. George C Bracridge (Ecclestical lands) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0. George Palmer (William Caldwell) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0 1890. William McKeown (William Caldwell) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0. Rawford Irwin (William Caldwell) Corn Mill Total=£14.0.0
W7.1782874218 N54.482874583 Creamery Tamlagh. Newtonsaville Creamery (Francis McGurk) Seperating Station Total=£3.0.0 1902
W7.1885927768 N54.7192338058 Corn Mill Glenmacoffer. Patrick McGlinchy (A Hamilton) house office corn mill and kiln and land. Area=27.0.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£13.10.0. Michael McGlinchy (A Hamilton) house office corn mill and kiln and land. Area=27.0.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£13.10.0 1881. Michael McGlinchy (A Hamilton) House, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=27.0.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£13.10.0. Michael McGlinchy (In fee) house office corn mill kiln and land. Area=27.0.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=37.0.0 Total=£14.10.0. Michael McGlinchy (In fee) Corn Mill kiln house office and land. Area=27.0.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£14.10.0
W7.1899155439 N54.64263257 Corn Mill Later Flax Mill Killins. Corn Mill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830.. David Watson (Sir William McMahon) Flax mill and store Total=£8.10.0 N.B 1870 mill and machinery gone to be bad. 6 stocks supply of water abundant. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830. David Watson (Sir William McMahon) Flax mill and store Total=£8.10.0. Scored out N.B 1882 4 stocks only 2 runs for about two months building much too large for aig of …
W7.194543791 N54.4997361375 Corn and Flax Mill Kilnaheery/Killadroy. George Nixon (Francis Gervais) corn mill, flax mill,workmans house Total=£38.0.0. George Nixon (Francis Gervais) corn mill, workmans house Total=£30.0.0. George Nixon (Francis Gervais) corn mill, workmans house Total=£30.0.0. George Nixon (Francis Gervais) corn mill, workmans house Total=£30.0.0. Francis Gervais (In fee) corn mill, workmans house Total=£16.0.0. Francis Gervais (In fee) corn mill, workmans house Total=£16.0.0
W7.195331295 N54.4995732831 Flax and Saw Mill Kilnaheery. Robert McAlister (Francis J Gervais) Flax Mill, Saw mill and office. Total=£12.5.0 N.B Flax Mill 8.0.0 Saw Mill 4.5.0 1874. Robert McAlister (Francis J Gervais) Flax Mill, Saw mill and office. Total=£12.5.0 N.B Flax Mill 8.0.0 Saw Mill 4.5.0. Benjamin McAlister (Francis J Gervais) Flax Mill, Saw mill and office. Total=£12.5.0 N.B Flax Mill 8.0.0 Saw Mill 4.5.0 1889. Benjamin McAlister (Francis J Gervais) Flax Mill Total=£8.0.0 N.b Saw Mill down 1902 , 5 stocks 1 pair of rollers 5months.. Benjamin McAlister (Francis J Gervais) Flax Mill Total=£8.0.0 1916
W7.2043015053 N54.4224049722 Corn Mill Carntall Beg. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830. James Scott (… Maxwell) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£22.0.0. James Scott (… Maxwell) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£22.0.0. James Scott (… Maxwell) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£22.0.0. Mary Scott (… Maxwell) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£20.0.0. Mary Scott (… Maxwell) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£20.0.0 1903. Mary Scott (… Maxwell) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£20.0.0. William J Carnell (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£20.0.0 1903
W7.2047684543 N54.4218267265 Saw Mill Carntall Beg. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records, 1920's
W7.2052910714 N54.3966014309 Corn Mill Nucroony Scotch. Listed as mill in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records. Robert Homage (Ambrose W.G Gladstones) Corn mill and kiln Total=£17.0.0. … Gladstones (In fee) Corn mill and kiln Total=£17.0.0. Moutray Gladstones (In fee) Corn mill and kiln Total=£17.0.0. Moutray Gladstones (In fee) Corn mill and kiln Total=£17.0.0. Moutray Gladstones (In fee) Corn mill and kiln Total=£17.0.0. Moutray Gladstones (In fee) Corn mill and kiln Total=£17.0.0
W7.2054307557 N54.3972985474 Saw Mill Nucroony Scotch. Saw Mill at later date in 1930's
W7.2102926522 N54.4607321246 Creamery Corboe. Hugh F Jones (In fee) Creamery Total=£10.0.0 1902. Carboe Agricultural and dairy society ltd (In fee) Creamery Total=£10.0.0 1902. Carboe Agricultural and dairy society ltd (In fee) Seperating Station Total=£5.10.0 1923 N.B 1922 no churning done here now only separation of cream carried on. 6 H.P steam engine, 2 and half hours for 6 days for 4 months.
W7.2130736361 N54.5253438762 Flax Mill Gortaclare. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830
W7.2193056833 N54.5250871384 Corn Mill Moylagh. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records.. Samuel McKey (George P McClintock) Corn Mill kiln Total=£8.5.0. Guy Clements (George P McClintock) Corn Mill kiln Total=£8.5.0. Guy Clements (George P McClintock) Corn Mill kiln Total=£8.5.0. Robert Clements (John K McClintock) Corn Mill kiln Total=£8.5.0. Robert Clements (In fee) Corn Mill kiln Total=£8.5.0 1906. William McElroy (In fee) Corn Mill kiln Total=£8.5.0 1922
W7.2203914768 N54.465331341 Corn Mill/Threshing Mill Corboe. Henry McCoy (William Perceval) Saw Threshing Mill Total=£2.10.0. Henry McCoy (William Perceval) two Threshing Mill Total=£2.10.0. Henry McCoy (William Perceval) two Threshing Mill Total=£2.10.0. Thomas Garland (William Perceval) two Threshing Mill Total=£2.10.0. Listed as a corn mill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map record 1920s??/
W7.220514 N54.768794 Corn Mill Edenmill. From osni map records 1830. Andrew Campbell (Alex Patterson) Corn Mill office and land. Area=28.2.25 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£14.5.0
Andrew Campbell (Trustees Alex Patterson) Corn Mill office and land. Area=28.2.5 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£14.5.0 1879
Andrew Campbell (Patterson) Corn Mill office and land. Area=28.2.5 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£14.5.0 1888
Andrew Campbell (Alex Patterson) Corn Mill office and land. Area=28.2.5 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£14.5.0
Robert Campbell (Alex Patterson) Corn Mill office and land. Area=28.2.5 Land Value=£10.15.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£14.5.0 1921
Robert Campbell (Alex Patterson) Corn Mill office Total=£3.10.0 1929
W7.2254679324 N54.624708971 Flax and Corn Mill Maine. Not found. David Johnston (Sir William McMahon) flax and corn mill Total=£15.0.0 N.B 8 stocks worked stones poor, unfinished. David Johnston (Sir William McMahon) flax and corn mill Total=£15.0.0. William McFarland (Sir William McMahon) flax and corn mill Total=£2.0.0 N.B 1894-1890 machinery all taken away exempt while it is trying to sell it. William McFarland (Sir William McMahon) flax and corn mill Total=£2.0.0 N.B 1894-1890 machinery all taken away exempt while it is trying to sell it. William McFarland (Sir William McMahon) flax and corn mill Total=£2.0.0
W7.225998855 N54.4920836265 Corn Mill Raveagh. Listed as mill in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records. George Barr (Hugh Gore Edwards) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0. Hugh … (Hugh Gore Edwards) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0 N.B mill burned 1866. Hugh Bratton (Hugh Gore Edwards) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0 N.B mill burned 1866. Hugh Bratton (Hugh Gore Edwards) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0 N.B tenant repairs machinery old, works 6 men per year 12 tons a day??? 1888. Hugh Bratton (Hugh Gore Edwards) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0 N.B tenant repairs machinery old, works 6 men per year 12 tons a day??? 1888. James Witdall (Hugh Gore Edwards) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0. James Mitchell (Hugh Gore Edwards) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0
W7.2260428691 N54.7204296494 Old Mill Gortin. Listed in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W7.2260840708 N54.8369589551 Threshing Mill Ballynamallaght. Listed a a mill in 1830's. Tuck Mill in 1854. John Donnell (Robert Ogilby) House office thrashing mill Total=£11.0.0. John Donnell (Robert Ogilby) House office threshing mill Total=£11.0.0 1929
W7.2270803487 N54.4127732284 Flax Mill Aghintain/Knocknacarney. This is likly the mill at Knockacarney as changes to the townland border occured.. William McClean (Thomas R Browne) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0 1860. William McClean (Thomas R Browne) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. William McClean (…) Flax Mill and store Total=£9.5.0 N.B new mill 1892 old mill now store. .Dominic McCrossan (In fee) Flax mill and store Total=£9.5.0 1911. Dominic McCrossan (In fee) Flax mill and store Total=£9.5.0
W7.2276549246 N54.7200756747 Corn Mill Gortin. Here from 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. John Whelan (A Hamilton) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=38.3.10 Land Value=£23.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£35.5.0. Vacant (Robert McKelvey) Mill and kiln Total=£5.0.0 N.B not used for 18 months and is dilapidated.
W7.2307542401 N54.7182025755 Corn and Saw Mill Gortin. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1906
W7.2309931412 N54.4083729171 Saw Mill Aghintain. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1920's.
W7.2312033683 N54.4088472541 Corn Mill Aghintain. Listed as a mill in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records. William McClean (Thomas R Browne) House, office, corn mill kilns and land. Area=7.3.35 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£31.0.0. William McClean (Thomas R Browne) House, office, corn mill kilns and land. Area=7.3.35 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£31.0.0. William McClean (Thomas R Browne) House, office, corn mill kilns and land. Area=7.3.35 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£31.0.0. Dominic McCrossan (In fee) House, office, corn mill kilns and land. Area=7.3.35 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£25.0.0. Dominic McCrossan (In fee) House, office, corn mill kilns and land. Area=7.3.35 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£25.0.0
W7.2323985045 N54.7175260194 Printing Gortin. W J Hamilton (William McGlaughlin) House, office printing office yard and garden. Area=0.1.31 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£20.5.0 Total=£22.0.0. William J Hamilton (W McLaughlin) House office printing office yard and garden. Area=0.1.31 Land Value=1.15.0 Building Value=£20.5.0 Total=£22.0.0
W7.232563356 N54.5739872237 Corn Mill Known as Leap mill.
W7.23491087 N54.7255708966 Creamery Beltrim. Beltrim Cooperative Dairy Society (W Hamilton) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£11.5.0 1900. Beltrim Cooperative Dairy Society (W Hamilton) Creamery store and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£14.5.0 1914
W7.2358024263 N54.7165465977 Distillery Gortin. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.2367220788 N54.622808821 Flax Mill Tirquin. Andrew Adams (Sir William McMahon) House, office flax mill and land. Area=31.3.0 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£3.0.0 Total=£18.5.0 N.B flax mill 21. 16+10 1B 2 stocks works 3 months in the year 4 hours a day no water during summer. Andrew Adams (Sir William McMahon) House, office flax mill and land. Area=31.3.0 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£3.0.0 Total=£18.5.0. Andrew Adams (Sir William McMahon) House, office flax mill and land. Area=31.3.0 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£3.0.0 Total=£18.5.0. Andrew Adams (Sir William McMahon) House, office flax mill and land. Area=31.3.0 Land Value=£15.5.0 Building Value=£3.0.0 Total=£18.5.0. Robert Nixon (In fee) flax mill Total=£3.0.0. Herbert Nixon (In fee) flax mill Total=£3.0.0
W7.2432545802 N54.6068845303 Corn Mill Ballnamullan. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830.
W7.2436036497 N54.6064988569 Flax Mill Ballnamullan. James Keys (Sir Beresford B McMahon) House, office corn mill and land. Area=25.3.10 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£16.0.0. Moses Baskin (Sir Beresford B McMahon) House, office corn mill and land. Area=25.3.10 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£16.0.0. Moses Baskin (Sir Beresford B McMahon) House, office corn mill and land. Area=25.3.10 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£16.0.0. Moses Baskin (Sir Beresford B McMahon) House, stores flax mill and land. Area=25.3.10 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£15.5.0 N.B 1882 mill and kiln under store and office. 4 stocks in flax mill only used bad supply of water. William Baskin (In fee) corn and flax mill at rest Total=£2.10.0 1909. George Russell (In fee) flax mill and offices Total=£6.10.0 1912. George Russell (In fee) flax mill and offices Total=£6.10.0 1912
W7.2457649554 N54.5701418764 Mill Camowen. Listed in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records. Listed as mill, but surrounding area recorded as old bleach green
W7.2458788688 N54.7318798217 Threshing Mill Culvacullion. Not found.. Alexander Campbell (In fee) House office threshing mill and land. Area=12.0.0 Land Value=£10.10.0 Building Value=£1.10.0 Total=£12.0.0. May Isabell Campbell (In fee) House office threshing mill and land. Area=12.0.0 Land Value=£10.10.0 Building Value=£1.10.0 Total=£12.0.0
W7.2463012013 N54.5526034231 Creamery Ranelly. Beragh Cooperative Creamery Co (John Matthews) Creamery Total=£6.0.0 1901. Beragh Cooperative Creamery Co (John Matthews) Creamery Total=£6.0.0 1901
W7.2466502478 N54.7301450848 Corn Mill Culvacullion. Listed in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's. Andrew McCullagh (In fee) House office mill and land. Area=19.2.0 Land Value=£13.15.0 Building Value=£2.10.0 Total=£15.5.0. Alfred McGomrey (In fee) house office mill and land. Area=19.2.0 Land Value=£13.15.0 Building Value=£0.10.0 Total=£14.5.0. MIll not on maps. only here due to corn kiln
W7.249692 N54.767233 Creamery Lisnacreagh. Plumbridge Cooperative Society (Miss McErlane) Creamery Total=£6.0.0 1914
Plumbridge Cooperative Society (miss McErlane) Total=£6.0.0 1929
W7.2528807976 N54.5586578439 Corn Mill Ranelly. Thomas Wilson (George P McClintock) House, office corn mill and kiln Total=£13.0.0. Thomas Wilson (George P McClintock) House, office corn mill and kiln Total=£13.0.0. Joseph Matthews (George P McClintock) House, office corn mill and kiln Total=£13.0.0. Joseph Matthews (John K McClintock) House, office corn mill and kiln Total=£13.0.0
W7.2563560034 N54.8450719672 Corn Mill Aghafad. Thomas McFarlane (James Henderson) Threshing and corn mill Total=£8.10.0 N.B this mill cost £40 4 H.P Bamford Grinding make 4 H.P cost £18.10.0 Wheel and Fittings £30.0.0 Mill 48.22.25 18 high. Thomas McFarlane (James Henderson) Threshing and corn mill Total=£8.10.0 N.B this mill cost £40 4 H.P Bamford Grinding make 4 H.P cost £18.10.0 Wheel and Fittings £30.0.0 Mill 48.22.25 18 high. William Houston (James Henderson) Threshing and corn mill Total=£8.10.0 1915. Mill down1922
W7.258889 N54.771144 Corn Mill Letterbrat. From osni map records 1830
W7.259831 N54.773578 Flax Mill Balix Upper. From osni map records 1830
W7.2625056006 N54.8813247492 Flax Mill Liscloon Lower. Not found due to map constraints, in this area. William Deery (William Ogilvy) Corn Mill kiln and land. Area=4.3.0 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£13.0.0. John McGonigle (William Leslie) Flax Mill and store Total=£7.10.0. John McGonigle (Claude W Leslie OGilvy) Flax Mill and store Total=£7.10.0. John McGonigle (Claude W leslie Ogilby) Flax Mill and store Total=£7.10.0. Samuel McGonigle (In fee) Flax mill and store Total=£7.10.0 1901. Samuel McGonigle (In fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£7.10.0
W7.2642241706 N54.3804215993 Corn Mill Cullynane. Colonel Montgomery (In fee) Corn Mill kiln millpond and plantation. Area=2.0.30 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£14.5.0. Hugh R.S Montgomery (In fee) Corn Mill kiln millpond plantation Area=2.0.30 Land Value=£1.5.0. Samuel Morton (H.R.S Montgomery) Corn mill kiln mill and plantation. Area=2.0.30 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£13.0.0 Total=£14.5.0. John Mills (… Montgomery) Corn mill kiln mill. Total=£13.0.0. John Mills (… Montgomery) Corn mill and kiln Total=£13.0.0 1915. John Mills (… Montgomery) Corn mill and kiln Total=£13.0.0 1915
W7.2680542253 N54.8896703345 Flax Mill Raspberry Hill.. Has a mill wheel from google maps
W7.2681187395 N54.5985565409 Mill Cranny. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records.
W7.2696977719 N54.848758808 Flax Mill Lisnaraght South. Not found. … (Ogilby) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0 N.B burnt 1868
W7.2699518835 N54.8443956815 Flax Mill Lisnaraght Irish. Possibly here, James Graham (Robert Ogilby) House office and flax mill Total=£5.0.0. James Graham (Robert Ogilby) House office flax mill Total=£5.0.0. James Graham (Robert Ogilby) House office flax mill Total=£5.0.0
W7.2707548474 N54.5177536414 Corn Mill Seskinore. Here from 1830's.. Louis Walsh (George P McClintock) House, office corn mill and kiln Total=£20.0.0. David … (George P McClintock) House, office corn mill and kiln Total=£20.0.0. David … (George P McClintock) House, office corn mill and kiln Total=£20.0.0. David Moses (John K McClintock) House, office corn mill and kiln Total=£14.0.0 N.B 1893 value of mill owning to failing business from independent . Mill 45.22.25 dilap 18.12.7 , 2 per stones 7 workers ½ stone for 6 months poor year. David Moses (IN fee) Corn Mill at rest Total=£3.10.0
W7.2753649298 N54.6827271314 Flax Mill Castleroddy Glebe. Patrick Connelly (In fee) House, office flax mill 2 cottier house and land Area=16.2.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£7.10.0 Total=£15.0.0 1878. Patrick Connelly (In fee) House, office flax mill 2 cottiers house and land Area=16.2.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£7.10.0 Total=£15.0.0. Patrick Connelly (In fee) House, office flax mill 2 cottiers house and land Area=16.2.0 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£7.10.0 Total=£15.0.0. Thomas Nugent (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. Listed as disued in 1938 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W7.2770541745 N54.6027929382 Corn Mill Mullaghmore. John Carson (George Hall Stack) House, office corn mill Total=£22.0.0. John Carson (William Scott) House, office corn mill and land. Area=30.2.0 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£45.0.0. John and Robert Watterson (William Scott) House, office corn mill and land. Area=30.2.0 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£45.0.0. John and Robert Watterson (William Scott) House, office corn mill and land. Area=30.2.0 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£22.0.0 Total=£45.0.0. Robert Watterson (William Scott) House, office corn mill and land. Area=30.2.0 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£47.0.0 1892. Robert Watterson (William Scott) House, office corn mill and land. Area=30.2.0 Land Value=£23.0.0 Building Value=£24.0.0 Total=£47.0.0 1892. John Carson (George Hall Stack) House, office corn mill Total=£22.0.0
W7.2797249284 N54.8771886909 Flax Mill Ballynaburn. In this area, not found.. William Kilgore (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. James Kilgore (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. Joseph Kilgore (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0 1872. Joseph Kilgore (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0 1872. Joseph Kilgore (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Jospeh Kilgore (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. Thomas Marshall (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Kilgore (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. Thomas Marshall (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0 1906. William Kilgore (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. Thomas Marshall (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Kilgore (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. Thomas Marshall (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0 1924. William Kilgore (John Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0
W7.279875648 N54.6025316835 Corn/Flax Mill Mullaghmore. Known as Mullaghmore Mills. Not from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830.. John Donnelly (George Hall Stack) House, office court, flax mills and land. Area=22.0.0 Land Value=£27.5.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 Total=£77.5.0. John Donnelly (George Hall Stack) House office corn and flax mills and land. Area=6.3.10 Land Value=£7.5.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 Total=£57.5.0. John Donnelly (George Hall Stack) House office corn and flax mills and land. Area=6.3.10 Land Value=£7.5.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 Total=£57.5.0. Edward Arnold (George Hall Stack) House office corn and flax mills and land. Area=6.3.10 Land Value=£7.5.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 Total=£57.5.0. Edward Arnold (George Hall Stack) House office corn and flax mills and land. Area=6.3.10 Land Value=£7.5.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 Total=£57.5.0. Edward Arnold (George Hall Stack) House office corn and flax mills and land. Area=6.3.10 Land Value=£7.5.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 Total=£57.5.0. John Donnelly (George Hall Stack) House, office court, flax mills and land. Area=22.0.0 Land Value=£27.5.0 Building Value=£50.0.0 Total=£77.5.0
W7.2806255729 N54.8975870495 Flax Mill Glenagoorland Glebe. Andrew Dunne (In fee) Flax mill Total=£3.0.0. Andrew Dunne (miller) (…) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Andrew Dunne (miller) (…) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0
W7.2822936315 N54.8769121247 Flax Mill Ballynaburn. See marker beside
W7.2832961298 N54.6789216266 Flax Mill Timurty.. Charles Donnelly (John A Frederick) House office corn and flax mill Area=23.0.10 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£18.0.0. Charles Donnelly (John A Frederick) House office and flax mill Area=23.0.10 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£6.15.0 Total=£18.0.0. Charles Donnelly (John A Frederick) House office and flax mill Area=23.0.10 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£6.15.0 Total=£18.0.0. Patrick Donnelly (John A Frederick) House office and flax mill Area=23.0.10 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£18.0.0. Rose Donnelly (John A Frederick) House office and flax mill Area=5.1.25 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£3.10.0 Total=£4.5.0. Rose Donnelly (In fee) house office and flax mill Total=£3.10.0 1902
W7.287975 N54.757783 Flax Mill Glashygolgan. Patrick McBride (Gardiner …) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1869# (Mill must have been built from 1860-1869)
John McCullough (H.A C.S Coopers?) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0
Ann McCullagh (C.S Cooper) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1889
Peter McCullagh (C.S. Cooper) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0 N.B 2 stocks working 1896
Peter McCullagh () Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0
Peter McCullagh () Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0
W7.287978 N54.757783 Tuck Mill Glashygolgan. Neal Devlin (Daniel McBride) Tuck Mill Total=£1.10.0
Neal Devlin (Daniel McBride) Tuck Mill Total=£1.10.0
Vacant (Michael Devlin) Tuck Mill dilap Total=£0.10.0 1882
W7.292470133 N54.8856081981 Flax Mill Bunowen. See corn mill
W7.2935444182 N54.7184776826 Flax Mill Woodbrook. Allen Spear (A Hamilton) house office flax mill and land. Area=30.1.35 land Value=£13.5.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£19.5.0. Allen Spear (A Hamilton) house office flax mill and land. Area=30.1.35 Land Value=£13.5.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£19.5.0. Allen Spear (A Hamilton) House office and flax mill Total=£6.15.0 N.B new sheds. William Spear (In fee) Flax Mill house office and land. Area=30.1.35 Land Value=£13.5.0 Building Value=£6.15.0 Total=£20.0.0. Somewhere in this area.
W7.2938997084 N54.5997992041 Saw Mill Campsie Road.. H O’Neill and sons (James Greer) Saw mill office Total=£22.0.0. H O’Neill and sons (James Greer) saw mill and office Total=£22.0.0
W7.2942534681 N54.5987094877 Petrol Store Irishtown Road. Shell Ltd (R.H Ellis) Petrol Store Total=£11.10.0
W7.294899847 N54.8848964247 Corn Mill Bunowen. James Roddy (Sir Henry H Bruce) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0 Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Samuel Roddy (In fee) corn mill and kiln Total=£8.0.0 Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Samuel Roddy (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln and flax mill Total=£14.0.0. Samuel Roddy (In fee) house, office corn mill and kiln and flax mill and land. Area=26.1.30 Land Value=£12.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£26.10.0. Andrew … (In fee) house, office land corn mill and kiln and flax mill Area=26.3.30 Land Value=£12.10.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£26.10.0. James Bond (In fee) House office land corn mill kiln and flax mill Area=25.3.20 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£26.0.0 1920. James Bond (In fee) House office land corn mill kiln and flax mill Area=25.3.20 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£26.0.0
W7.294950584 N54.5713346992 Flax Mill Drumragh. Not found on map. James Moore Flax mill N.B scored out 1869 small flax mill 2 stocks worked by small 6 feet machinery. James Moore Flax mill N.B scored out 1869 small flax mill 2 stocks worked by small 6 feet machinery
W7.295059069 N54.5999883468 Saw Mill Campsie. John J Baird (James Greer) house, saw mill and yard Total=£15.0.0. John J Baird (James Greer) house, saw mill and yard Total=£15.0.0. Robert Watterson (James Greer) house, saw mill and yard Total=£15.0.0. Robert Watterson (James Greer) house, saw mill and yard Total=£15.0.0
W7.2951831338 N54.4693646351 Corn Mill Lackagh. Built later. Patrick Gorman (IN fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£2.10.0 1909. Patrick Gorman (IN fee) Mills in ruin 1913
W7.2954184968 N54.6764985313 Flax Mill Dunbreen. Robert Beatty (James A Galbriath) House office flax mill and land. Area=58.2.10 Land Value=£8.5.0 Building Value=£8.15.0 Total=£17.0.0. Robert Beatty (James A Galbriath) House office flax mill and land. Area=58.2.10 Land Value=£8.5.0 Building Value=£8.15.0 Total=£17.0.0. Listed as saw and flax mill in 1906 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Joseph Beatty (IN fee) House office flax mill and land. Area=58.2.10 Land Value=£8.5.0 Building Value=£8.15.0 Total=£17.0.0 1911. Joseph Beatty (In fee) House, office flax mill Total=£8.15.0. Saw Mill in 1938 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W7.2955830294 N54.4681191369 Corn Mill Lackagh. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830.Terence Gorman (Charles Eccles) Corn Mill and stores and kiln Total=£2.0.0 1860. John Gorman (Charles Eccles) Corn Mill and stores and kiln Total=£2.0.0 1873. John Gorman (Charles Eccles) Corn Mill and stores and kiln Total=£2.0.0 1881. John and Patrick Gorman (Charles Eccles) Corn Mill and stores and kiln Total=£2.0.0 1894. Patrick Gorman (In fee) Corn Mill and stores and kiln Total=£2.0.0 1909. Patrick Gorman (In fee) Mills in ruin 1913
W7.2956571599 N54.5983895373 Factory Irishtown Road. Harris and Dietracheau (John P Galbriath) Factory and yard Total=£21.0.0 1907. Harris and Dietracheau (John P Galbriath) Factory and yard Total=£21.0.0 1907. Harris and Dietrachaen (John J Galbriath) Factory and yard Total=£21.0.0
W7.2968138351 N54.4694215657 Spade Foundary Lackagh. Terence Gorman (Charles Eccles) Spade foundary and forge Total=£1.10.0 1860. John Gorman (Charles Eccles) Spade foundary and forge Total=£1.10.0 1873. John Gorman (Charles Eccles) Spade foundary and forge Total=£1.10.0 1881. John and Patrick Gorman (Charles Eccles) Spade foundary and forge Total=£1.10.0 1894. Patrick Gorman (IN fee) Spade foundary and forge Total=£1.10.0 1909. Patrick Gorman (IN fee) Mills in ruin 1913
W7.2976725822 N54.599886477 Saw Mill Dublin Road. Patrick McGrath (Col R.H Ellis) Saw mill and yard Total=£4.10.0
W7.2978615024 N54.6004261434 Printing Works Market Street. Joseph A Graham (William Archdale) House, shop printing office and small garden Total=£46.0.0. Joseph A Graham (William Archdale) House, shop printing office and small garden Total=£46.0.0
W7.2986929212 N54.5992736415 Factory Dublin Road. Mrs M.A Montgomery (In fee) House factory and yard Total=£26.0.0. Mrs M.A Montgomery (In fee) House factory and yard Total=£26.0.0. Mrs M.A Montgomery (In fee) Printing factory Total=£35.0.0
W7.2988843535 N54.6024046249 Corn/Flax/Saw Mill Lisnamallard. Known as Lisnamallard Mills. possibly on site of old brewery. William Scott (William Orr) House, office corn flour and saw mills and land. Area=7.0.25 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£100.0.0 Total=£108.10.0. William Scott (William Orr) house office, corn saw and flour mills and land. Area=7.0.25 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£100.0.0 Total=£108.10.0. William Scott (William Orr) house office, corn saw and flour mills and land. Area=7.0.25 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£110.10.0 Total=£119.0.0. 7 members of Scott Family (In fee) office, corn mill and flour mill at rest Total=£87.10.0. William Scott (William Orr) house office, corn and flax mill and saw mills and land. Area=7.0.25 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£110.10.0 Total=£119.0.0. Charles Scott (In fee) house office, corn and flax mill and saw mills and land. Area=7.0.25 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£110.10.0 Total=£119.0.0. Charles Scott (In fee) house office, corn and flax mill and saw mills and land. Area=7.0.25 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£110.10.0 Total=£119.0.0. William Scott (William Orr) House, office corn flour and saw mills and land. Area=7.0.25 Land Value=£8.10.0 Building Value=£100.0.0 Total=£108.10.0
W7.2995116212 N54.5996872328 Factory Dublin Road. Vacant (R.H Ellis) Factory Total=£12.0.0. Vacant (R.H Ellis) Factory Total=£12.0.0
W7.3000382318 N54.6011855285 Corn Mill Mountjoy Road. 7 Scotts (In fee) Office corn mill Total=£10.0.0 1908. 7 Scotts (In fee) Office corn mill Total=£10.0.0 1908. 7 members of Scott family (In fee) Corn mill and land Area=6.1.15 Land Value=£7.10.0 Building Value=£100.0.0 Total=£107.10.0 1921
W7.3000719647 N54.6025013111 Brewery Lisnamallard. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records.
W7.3005527995 N54.6002493759 Saw Mill Market Street. Thomas Scariffe (Omagh Y.M.C.A) Saw mill stores and yard Total=£28.0.0
W7.3008464786 N54.672741509 Creamery Dunbreen. North Cappagh Agricultural and Dairy Society (In fee) Area=0.2.30 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£10.15.0 Total=£11.0.0 1901. North Cappagh Cooperative Agricultural and dairy society Creamery Total=£10.15.0
W7.3011565606 N54.599879512 Printing Works High Street. Thomas Johnston (In fee) Printing works, Total=£15.0.0. Thomas Johnston (In fee) Printing works, Total=£15.0.0. Thomas Johnston (In fee) Printing works Total=£25.0.0 1928
W7.3021501394 N54.8695749526 Corn Mill Aughtermoy. Andrew Baird (james OGilvy) Flax Mill, office, house and land Land Area=£53.2.15 Land Value=£40.0.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£66.0.0 N.B Flax Mill doing littlea bad … of water. Captain Andrew Baird (James O’Gilvy) house office flax mill and land. Area=53.2.15 Land Value=£40.0.0 Building Value=£28.0.0 Total=£68.0.0 1875. Captain Andrew Baird (James Ogilby) House office flax mill and land. Area=53.2.15 Land Value=£40.0.0 Building Value=£28.0.0 Total=£68.0.0. Archibald Baird (James Ogilby) house office flax mill down and land. Area=53.2.15 Land Value=£40.0.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£60.0.0 1884
W7.3025156546 N54.6021868655 Petrol Store Sedan Avenue. British oil petroleum Co (In fee) Petrol store Total=£3.0.0
W7.3032190556 N54.5975817016 Creamery Kevlin Road. The Omagh Cooperative agricultural and dairy Society (J.G.R Porter) Creamery Total=£22.0.0. The Omagh Cooperative agricultural and dairy society (J.G.R Porter) Creamery, shed Total=£22.0.0
W7.3034108961 N54.8492844023 Flax Mill Rousky. See corn mill
W7.303673731 N54.6015213061 Saw Mill Sedan Avenue. Joseph McMullan (Col L.E Buchanen) sawmill and office Total=£15.0.0
W7.3037198554 N54.5995108673 Shirt Factory High Street. Omagh Shirt manufacturing Company (Lewis H Buchanen) Shirt Factory, laundary and yard Total=£60.0.0. Omagh Shirt manufacturing Company (Lewis H Buchanen) Shirt Factory, laundary and yard Total=£60.0.0
W7.303994404 N54.8495199878 Corn Mill Rousky. Two mills listed in 1830's Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Davidson Keys (James Ogilby) corn mill kiln, millers house Total=£11.0.0 flax mill Total=£3.10.0. Davidson Keys (James Ogilby) corn mill kiln, millers house Total=£11.0.0 flax mill Total=£3.10.0. John Dunn (James Ogilby) corn mill kiln, millers house Total=£18.10.0 flax mill Total=£3.10.0. James Dunn (James Ogilby) corn mill kiln, millers house Total=£18.10.0 flax mill Total=£3.10.0. James Magill (James Ogilby) corn mill kiln, millers house Total=£18.10.0 flax mill Total=£3.10.0. James Magill (James Ogilby) corn mill kiln, millers house Total=£18.10.0 flax mill Total=£3.10.0. James Magill (James Ogilby) corn mill kiln, millers house Total=£18.10.0 flax mill Total=£3.10.0
W7.3043715648 N54.6985265269 Creamery Stralletterdallon. Not found. Thomas Henderson (Thomas Crawford) Creamery store and land. Area=0.0.35 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£4.5.0
W7.3047012224 N54.6025001924 Oil Depot Sedan Avenue. Anglo American the Company (In fee) Oil depot Total=£8.0.0 1928
W7.3047877633 N54.6713548481 Corn Mill later Flax Mill Dunbreen. Listed as a corn mill in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records.Oliver Crawford (Samuel Galbriath) House, corn and flax mill and land Area=8.2.30 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£12.15.0. Oliver Crawford (Samuel Galbriath) House, corn and flax mill and land Area=8.2.30 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£12.15.0. Oliver Crawford (Samuel Galbriath) House, corn and flax mill and land Area=8.2.30 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£12.15.0. Oliver Crawford (Samuel Galbriath) House, corn and flax mill and land Area=8.2.30 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£12.15.0. Oliver Crawford (IN fee) House, corn and flax mill and land Area=8.2.30 Land Value=£3.15.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£12.15.0
W7.3051392715 N54.600952014 Coach Factory Church Street. Thomas Quigley (John Boyle) Coach factory and show rooms Total=£18.0.0. Thomas Quigley (John Boyle) Coach factory and show rooms Total=£18.0.0
W7.3051826934 N54.5995417382 Printing Works John Street. The North West of Ireland Printing and Publishing works (Francis J O’Connor) Printing works Total=£27.0.0. The North West of Ireland Printing and Publishing Co (Francis J O’Connor) Printing Workshop Total=£33.10.0
W7.305852586 N54.6323490178 Flax Mill Mountjoy Forest East Division. Strule Coopertaive Society (In fee) flax mill and land Area=0.3.0 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£18.0.0 Total=£18.5.0 1921. Not found on map
W7.3062545305 N54.5052660179 Creamery Belnagaran. On site of Flax Mill. Fintona Cooperative agricultural and dairy society (M Guisford) Butter Factory and yard Total=£17.0.0 1898
W7.3065181797 N54.5049721747 Flax Mill Belnagaran. Listed as mill in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Neal Gorman (Alex Robinson) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. Patrick Nugent (Alex Robinson) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. David Campbell (Alex Robinson) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. David Campbell (Alex Robinson) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0
W7.3075067336 N54.6331962603 Corn Mill Mountjoy Forest East Division. No Information
W7.3085129745 N54.503810176 Spade Foundary Belnagaran. Ann and Patrick Gorman (Alex R Robinson) Spade Foundry Total=£4.0.0. Ann and Patrick Gorman (Alex R Robinson) Spade Foundry Total=£4.0.0 N.B 1869 scored out
W7.3101873378 N54.5585871355 Corn Mill later Flax Mill Edergoole Lower. Not shown on 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map but later on. Changed to flax mill in 1892. James McDonnell (John Kelly and Michael McMacken) House, office corn mill Total=£4.5.0. James McDonnell (John Kelly and Michael McMacken) House, office corn mill Total=£4.5.0. James McDonnell (John Kelly and Michael McMacken) House, office corn mill Total=£4.5.0. Vacant (John Kelly and Michael McMacken) House, office scutchers house and flax mill Total=£6.0.0 1892. Michael Nugent (John Kelly and Michael McMacken) House, scutchers house and flax mill Total=£5.0.0 1911. Peter McGlone (In fee) House, scutchers house and flax mill Total=£4.0.0
W7.310759694 N54.8669215395 Creamery Stonyfalls. In this area. not found. Dunnamanagh Dairy and agricultural society (John Dunne) Creamery Total=£11.0.0 1917. Dunnamanagh Dairy and agricultural society (John Dunne) Creamery Total=£11.0.0 1917
W7.3112421023 N54.8736955719 Corn and Saw Mill Dunnamanagh. Andrew Campbell (James Ogilby) House, corn and saw mill offices and yard Total=£28.0.0 1916. Andrew Campbell (James Ogilby) House, corn and saw mill offices and yard Total=£28.0.0 1916. Andrew Campbell (James Ogilby) House, corn and saw mill offices and yard Total=£28.0.0 1916
W7.3112925017 N54.8582784302 Corn Mill Kinelly. Not found. Robert McFarlane (James Ogilby) corn mill millers house kiln Total=£22.0.0. Robert McFarlane (James Ogilby) corn mill millers house kiln Total=£22.0.0. Patrick Devine (James Ogilby) corn mill millers house kiln Total=£22.0.0
W7.3115834818 N54.8595713244 Flax Mill Kinelly. Not found. Robert McFarlane (James Ogilby) workmans house flax mill and land Area=3.2.0 Land Value=£1.5.0 Building Value=£5.0.0 Total=£6.5.0
W7.3119877919 N54.5928153361 Limestone Quarry Culmore.
W7.3127128292 N54.8590697981 Flax Mill Kinelly. Robert Moody (James Ogilby) House office flax mill and land. Area=23.0.0 Land Value=£13.15.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£16.10.0 1872. John Moody (James Ogilby) House office flax mill and land. Area=23.0.0 Land Value=£13.15.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£16.10.0 1872
W7.3135889764 N54.8750409456 Flax Mill Dunnamanagh. Flax mill Total=£5.0.0 Walter Comminson (James Ogilby). Flax Mill Total=£6.10.0 1887 Walter Comminson (Free). William Comminson (Free) Flax Mill and store Total=£6.10.0 1907. William Comminson (Free) Flax Mill and store Total=£6.10.0
W7.3136036564 N54.5905463833 Limestone Quarry Culmore. Neal Smith (Harriet Goffe) Quarry Area=0.2.0 Total=£0.5.0. Neal Smith (Alexander McCastle) Quarry Area=1.2.30 Total=£30.0.0. Michael Neill (Sir Beresford McMahon) Quarry Area=1.0.0 Total=£26.0.0. John Farnan (Alexander McCausland) Quarry Total=£15.0.0. Neal Smith (Sir Beresford McMahon) Quarry Total=£20.0.0. John Farnan (Alexander McCausland) Quarry Total=£15.0.0. Michael O’Neill (Henry Sloane) Quarry Total=£20.0.0. Michael O’Neill (Alexander McCausland) Quarry Total=£20.0.0. William Allison (Alexander McCausland) Quarry Total=£15.0.0. Margaret O’Neill (Henry Sloane) Quarry Total=£20.0.0. William Allison (Alexander McCausland) Quarry Total=£20.0.0. William Allison (Alexander McCausland) Quarry Total=£15.0.0. Margaret O’Neill (Henry Sloane) Quarry Total=£20.0.0. William Allison (Alexander McCausland) Quarry Total=£20.0.0. Neal Smith (Harriet Goffe) Quarry Area=0.2.0 Total=£0.5.0. Neal Smith (Alexander McCastle) Quarry Area=1.2.30 Total=£30.0.0. Michael Neill (Sir Beresford McMahon) Quarry Area=1.0.0 Total=£26.0.0
W7.3138401803 N54.8753105929 Paper Mill Dunnamanagh. Walter Comminson (James Ogilby) Paper Mill Total=£11.0.0. Walter Comminson (Free) paper Mill Total=£6.0.0 N.B mill in bad repair and very little work. Walter Comminson (Free) paper Mill Total=£6.0.0. Walter Comminson (Free) paper Mill down 1887
W7.314656794 N54.5557140864 Flax Mill Blackfort. Listed as a mill in 1830. Joseph Morton (Lewis Walsh) house, corn and flax mill kiln stores and land. Area=4.3.20 land Value=£3.0.0 Land Value=£20.0.0 Total=£23.0.0. Joseph Morton (Lewis Walsh) house, corn and flax mill kiln stores and land. Area=4.3.20 land Value=£3.0.0 Land Value=£20.0.0 Total=£23.0.0. Joseph Morton (Lewis Walsh) house, corn and flax mill kiln stores and land. Area=4.3.20 land Value=£3.0.0 Land Value=£20.0.0 Total=£23.0.0. Joseph Morton (Lewis Walsh) house, corn and flax mill kiln stores and land. Area=4.3.20 land Value=£3.0.0 Land Value=£20.0.0 Total=£23.0.0. Dominick McCrossan (William Scott) house, flax mill kiln stores and land. Area=4.3.20 land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£9.10.0. A Patterson (In fee) Flax Mill, store and land. Area=5.2.30 Land Value=£3.5.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£7.15.0
W7.3146753176 N54.8742720205 Flax Mill Dunnamannagh. A.P Campbell (Free) Flax Mill and store Total=£16.0.0 1917. A.P Campbell (R.A Ogilby) flax mill and store Total=16.0.0. A.P Campbell (Free) Flax Mill and store Total=£16.0.0 1917
W7.3153822821 N54.4955345616 Creamery Edernasop. Richard Joseph Well (Rev J Eccles) Creamery Total=4.10.0 1910. Richard Joseph Well (Rev J Eccles) Creamery Total=4.10.0 1910. Might be site of FIntona creamery, not found on map.
W7.3154041264 N54.6059612753 Coach Factory Gortmore Terrace. R.H Montgomery (James Greer) Coach Factory Total=£17.10.0. R.H Montgomery (James Greer) Coach Factory Total=£17.10.0. Henry Montgomery (James Greer) Coach Factory Total=£18.10.0. Vacant (James Greer) Coach Factory Total=£18.10.0. Vacant (James Greer) Coach Factory Total=£18.10.0
W7.3156999712 N54.4974232054 Corn Mill Fintona. Mill Street. Somewhere on this part of river. Henry Houston (George Buchanen) house, offices corn mill, kilns and yard Total=£45.0.0. Henry Houston (George Buchanen) house, offices corn mill, kilns and yard Total=£45.0.0. David Moncrieff (George Buchanen) house, offices corn mill, kilns and yard Total=£45.0.0. David Moncrieff (George Buchanen) house, offices corn mill, kilns and yard Total=£45.0.0 N.B 1893 His occupiers explained grinds half an … to under . but he the mill states a very poor business all this year round grinding vats and grinding mill.. John Buchanen (Rev J Eccles ) store corn mill, kilns and yard Total=£34.0.0 1904. John and H.R Buchanen (Rev J Eccles ) store corn mill, kilns and yard Total=£34.0.0 1904
W7.3160738298 N54.8717803556 Flax Mill Dunnaghmanagh. Listed as in ruins in 1853
W7.3174366338 N54.4847857974 Flax Mill previously Tuck Mill Lisnabulreavy/Eccesville. … (Charles Eccles McAfee) Tuck Mill Total=£1.10.0. … (Charles Eccles McAfee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B 1869 2 stocks … by rest. John McKeown (Charles Eccles McAfee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B 1869 2 stocks … by rest. John McKeown (Charles Eccles McAfee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B. William McKeown (Charles Eccles McAfee) Flax Mill and store Total=£2.0.0 N.B 1904 mill not working as water supply cut off. Wooden shed worthless. William McKeown (Charles Eccles McAfee) Flax Mill and store Total=£2.0.0 N.B 1904 mill not working as water supply cut off. Wooden shed worthless
W7.3177022082 N54.4956671651 Saw Mill Fintona. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1900. Joseph Taylor (Rev J Eccles) steam saw mill, flax mill at rest, work sheds and timber yard Area=0.1.30 Total=£11.0.0 1897. Richard J Bell (Rev J Eccles) flax mill, offices and shed Area=0.1.30 Total=£16.10.0 1912
W7.3181404634 N54.5921502616 Limstone Quarry Culmore. See other quarry
W7.3182409915 N54.494872596 Flax Mill Edernasop. See Saw Mill
W7.3228360655 N54.3742302823 Creamery Fivemiletown. Fivemiletown and Brookeborough Cooperative Dairy Society (Montgomery) Creamery office and yard Total=£11.0.0 1901. Fivemiletown and Brookeborough Cooperative Dairy Society (Montgomery) Creamery office and yard Total=£11.0.0 1901
W7.3231402422 N54.6479989961 Corn and Flax Mill Knockmoyle. Robert Scott (In fee) Corn Mill, House and office Total=£15.0.0. Robert Scott (In fee) Corn Mill, House and office Total=£15.0.0. William Kyle (In fee) Corn Mill, Flax Mill, House and office Total=£28.10.0 N.B 8 stocks. William James Kyle (In fee) Corn Mill, Flax Mill, House and office Total=£28.10.0. William John Kyle (In fee) Corn Mill, Flax Mill, House and office Total=£28.10.0 1890. William Haslet Kyle (In fee) Corn Mill, Flax Mill, House and office Total=£28.10.0 1890. Robert Hazlet Kyle (In fee) Corn Mill, Flax Mill, House and office Total=£28.10.0 1916
W7.3237561828 N54.8908570392 Flax Mill Castlemellan. Hylands Lowry (Marquis Of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Hyland Lowry (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Hyland Lowry (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Hyland Lowry (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Hyland Lowry (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0
W7.325237668 N54.664170927 Flax Mill Tattynagole. Edward Bradley (William Buchanen) Flax Mill and House Total=£7.0.0. Edward Bradley (William Buchanen) Flax Mill and House Total=£7.0.0. John Neill (William Buchanen) Flax Mill and House Total=£7.0.0 1878. John O’Neill (William Buchanen) Flax Mill and House Total=£7.0.0. John O’Neill (William Buchanen) Flax Mill and House Total=£7.0.0. Michael Maguire previously Andrew Donnelly (William Buchanen) Flax Mill and House Total=£7.0.0. John McKelvey (John McKelvey) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0 1928
W7.3281271052 N54.5896877729 Flax Mill Ballygowan. Michael Lafferty (Robert Newton) Flax Mill and shops Total=£12.0.0 N.B 8 H.P, 8 stocks 7 wok???. Michael Lafferty (Robert Newton) Flax Mill and shops Total=£12.0.0. Richard Burnett (Robert Newton) Flax Mill and shops Total=£10.0.0 1892. Vacant (Robert Newton) Flax Mill and shops Total=£4.10.0 N.B at rest 1907. Vacant (Robert Newton) Flax Mill and shops Total=£4.10.0 N.B at rest 1907
W7.3293197989 N54.8852283917 Threshing Mill Tullyard
W7.3297519653 N54.6002446535 Limestone Quarry Mullaghmenagh. Thomas Mullen (Thomas lowe) Quarry Area=1.10.0. Neal Smith (Harriet Coffe) Quarry Total=£0.5.0. Neal Smith (Alexander McCauseland) Total=£30.0.0. Michael O’Neill (Sir Beresford mcMahon) Quarry Total=£26.0.0. Thomas Mullen (Thomas lowe) Quarry Area=1.10.0. Neal Smith (Harriet Coffe) Quarry Total=£0.5.0. Neal Smith (Alexander McCauseland) Total=£30.0.0. Michael O’Neill (Sir Beresford mcMahon) Quarry Total=£26.0.0. Thomas Mullen (Thomas lowe) Quarry Area=1.10.0. Neal Smith (Harriet Coffe) Quarry Total=£0.5.0. Neal Smith (Alexander McCauseland) Total=£30.0.0. Michael O’Neill (Sir Beresford mcMahon) Quarry Total=£26.0.0
W7.3298686411 N54.8853674064 Flax Mill Tullyard.Robert Glynn (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn Mill Total=£8.0.0 1862 , Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 Threshing mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B new threshing mill. Robert Glynn (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn Mill Total=£8.0.0 1862 , Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 Threshing mill Total=£4.0.0. Robert Glynn (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn Mill Total=£8.0.0 1862 , Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 Threshing mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B new threshing mill. Samuel Canniston (IN fee) Corn Mill Total=£8.0.0 1862 , Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 Threshing mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B new threshing mill 1893. Samuel Canniston (IN fee) Corn Mill Total=£8.0.0 1862 , Flax Mill and store Total=£6.10.0 Threshing mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B. Samuel Canniston (IN fee) Corn Mill Total=£8.0.0 , Flax Mill and store Total=£6.10.0 Threshing mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B. Samuel Canniston (IN fee) Corn Mill Total=£8.0.0 1862 , Flax Mill and store Total=£6.10.0 Threshing mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B
W7.3300600837 N54.8850965254 Corn Mill Tullyard
W7.3301379536 N54.7276602269 Corn Mill Killymore. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. John McSorley (John Gardiner) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.10.0. Peter McSorley (John Gardiner) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.10.0. Peter McSorley (C.S Cooper) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.10.0. Peter McSorley (C.S Cooper) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.10.0. Peter McSorley (C.S Cooper) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.10.0
W7.3310185986 N54.3754417573 Corn Mill Corcreevy. Robert Davidson (William J Burnside) Corn mill kiln and house Total=£12.0.0. Robert Davies (Rev William of Burnside) House corn mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. Robert Davis (Rev William Burnside) House corn mill and kiln total=£12.0.0. Hannah W Burnside (In fee) Corn mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0 1884. Not found on map but very close to here.
W7.3324468656 N54.6014658784 Quarry Mullaghmenagh
W7.3325607306 N54.3729637505 Corn Mill Corcreevy Demesne. William Harper (Burnside) House corn mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. Leon Lynn (Mrs Weir) House corn mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. Not found but very close to here.
W7.3350212139 N54.6057134116 Quarry Mullaghmenagh.
W7.3455825444 N54.6420880244 Creamery Tatraconnaught. Mountjoy Agricultural and Dairy Society (William henry) Creamery and land Area=0.1.10 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£10.10.0 1901
W7.3463123208 N54.8638695469 Flax Mill Gortileck. IN this area, not found. Joseph Patten (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0 1864. Joseph Patten (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0. Joseph Patten (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0 1893
W7.34861492 N54.8382518311 Corn Mill Knockanbrack. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's.. Thomas Chicester (Marquess F Abercorn) Corn Mill kiln and office Total=£5.0.0. Thomas Christie (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill kiln and office. Total=£5.0.0. Thomas Christie (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill kiln and office. Total=£5.0.0 1881. Thomas Christie (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill kiln and office. Total=£5.0.0. John and James Christie (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill and kiln office Total=£5.0.0 1897. James Christie (In fee) Corn mill kiln and office at rest. Total=£2.10.0 1926
W7.3490313813 N54.630395063 Flax Mill Tully. Andrew McEldowney (John Norris) House, office flax mill and land. Area=111.0.20 Land Value=£73.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£82.10.0. Andrew McEldowney (John Norris) House, office flax mill and land. Area=111.0.20 Land Value=£73.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£82.10.0. Andrew McEldowney (John Norris) House, office flax mill and land. Area=111.0.20 Land Value=£73.10.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£82.10.0. John Fyffe (John Norris) House, office flax mill and land. Area=111.0.20 Land Value=£73.10.0 Building Value=£11.15.0 Total=£82.10.0. John Fyffe (John Norris) House, office flax mill and land. Area=111.0.20 Land Value=£73.10.0 Building Value=£11.15.0 Total=£82.10.0. John Fyffe (John Norris) House, office flax mill and land. Area=111.0.20 Land Value=£73.10.0 Building Value=£12.15.0 Total=£82.10.0 N.B flax mill at rest 1906
W7.3502172134 N54.5563584531 Corn Mill Blacksessiagh. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830.
W7.3511511119 N54.6986448171 Flax Mill Altdoghal. From 1854 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. William Alexander (Rebecca Adams) house office, scutchers house, flax mill and land. Area=32.0.30 Land Value=£18.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£28.10.0. William Alexander (Rebecca Adams) house office, scutchers house, flax mill and land. Area=32.0.30 Land Value=£18.10.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£28.10.0. William Alexander (John McFarland) house office, scutchers house, flax mill and land. Area=32.0.30 Land Value=£18.10.0 Building Value=£12.15.0 Total=£31.5.0. William Alexander (John McFarland) house office, scutchers house, flax mill and land. Area=32.0.30 Land Value=£18.10.0 Building Value=£12.15.0 Total=£31.5.0. William Alexander (John McFarland) house office, scutchers house, flax mill and land. Area=32.0.30 Land Value=£18.10.0 Building Value=£12.15.0 Total=£31.5.0
W7.352071594 N54.5566303617 Flax Mill Blacksessiagh. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830. James Young (Thomas Hamilton) House, office corn and flour mill Total=£13.0.0. John Young (Thomas Hamilton) House, office corn and flour mill Total=£13.0.0. John Young (Thomas Hamilton) House, office corn and flour mill Total=£13.0.0. John Young (Thomas Hamilton) House, office, flax mill and corn mill at rest Total=£36.0.0 N.B 1889 corn mill idle. John Young (Thomas Hamilton) House, office, flax mill and corn mill at rest Total=£36.0.0. John Young (Thomas Hamilton) House, office, flax mill and corn mill at rest Total=£36.0.0. Flax Mill moved to site of corn mill
W7.3629543711 N54.6172816456 Corn later Flax Mill Gillygooley. Listed as a corn mill and kiln in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.. William Smith (Sir James Hamilton) House office flax mill and land. Area=31.2.15 Land Value=£22.5.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£29.10.0. William Smith (Sir James Hamilton) House office flax mill and land. Area=31.2.15 Land Value=£22.5.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£29.10.0. William Smith (Sir James Hamilton) House office flax mill and land. Area=31.2.15 Land Value=£22.5.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£29.10.0. William Smith (Lady Hamilton) House office flax mill and land. Area=31.2.15 Land Value=£22.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£29.10.0. William Smith (In fee) House, flax mill and land. Area=54.2.23 Land Value=£30.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£47.10.0. George Smith (In fee) House, flax mill and land. Area=54.2.23 Land Value=£30.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£47.10.0. George Smith (In fee) House, flax mill and land. Area=54.2.23 Land Value=£30.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£47.10.0. Robert Elkin (In fee) office, flax mill, house and land. Area=54.2.23 Land Value=£36.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£47.10.0
W7.363819682 N54.6160856899 Flax Mill Gillygooley. Dominic McCranson (Thomas Black) Scutch mill and office Total=£4.10.0 1921. Dominic McCranson (Thomas Black) Scutch mill and office Total=£4.10.0 1921. Dominic Mc… (Thomas Black) Scutch mill Total=£4.10.0 1927 scored out. Not found.
W7.3644244726 N54.6145047644 Corn and Flax Mill Gillygooley. Since 1830's. Corn Mill in 1830s, later flax mill. Robert Elkin (In fee) house, office corn and flour mill and land. Area=27.3.22 Land Value=£14.15.0 Building Value=£13.5.0 Total=£28.0.0 1863. Robert Elkin (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill and land. Area=27.3.22 Land Value=£14.15.0 Building Value=£13.5.0 Total=£28.0.0 1911. Robert Elkin (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill and land. Area=27.3.22 Land Value=£14.15.0 Building Value=£13.5.0 Total=£28.0.0. Robert Elkin (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill and land. Area=27.3.22 Land Value=£14.15.0 Building Value=£13.5.0 Total=£28.0.0
W7.3658749527 N54.835452692 Slate Quarry Hollyhill. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.3693728424 N54.8311292298 Slate Quarry HollyHill. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.3702614404 N54.8340032497 Slate Quarry Hollyhill. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.3709588142 N54.6320919397 Creamery Calkill.
W7.3721163857 N54.896065245 Flax Mill Altrest.. John Stephenson (Dalkeith Holmes) Flax mill and store Total=£4.10.0. John Stephenson (Dalkeith Holmes) Flax mill and store Total=£4.10.0. John Stephenson (Dalkeith Holmes) Flax mill and store Total=£4.10.0. James Stephenson (general William Bond) Flax mill and store Total=£4.10.0 1889. Robert Patrick (general William Bond) Flax mill and store Total=£4.10.0. Robert Patrick (general William Bond) Flax mill and store Total=£4.10.0. Henry Patrick (general William Bond) Flax mill and store Total=£4.10.0 1923
W7.3730391553 N54.8921992297 Flax Mill Altrest. William Smith (Dalkeith Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. William Smith (Dalkeith Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. William Smith (Dalkeith Holmes) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. William Smith (General William Bond) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. William Smith (General William Bond) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. William Smith (General William Bond) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Margaret McMorran (General William Bond) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 1923
W7.3774656742 N54.7154851925 Creamery Back Lane. Jennie Smith (In fee) Creamery Total=£12.0.0. Newtonstewart Cooperative society Ltd (In fee) Seperating Station Total=£10.0.0. Jennie Smith (In fee) Creamery Total=£12.0.0. Newtonstewart Cooperative society Ltd (In fee) Seperating Station Total=£10.0.0
W7.3787283664 N54.6238958259 Corn Mill later FLax Mill Kilmore. Listed as a corn mill in 1830's. Francis Ramsey (Samuel Galbriath) House office flax and corn mill and land. Area=42.1.25 Land Value=£21.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£32.10.0. John Ramsey (Samuel Galbriath) House office flax and corn mill and land. Area=42.1.25 Land Value=£21.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£32.10.0. John Ramsey (Samuel Galbriath) House office flax and corn mill and land. Area=42.1.25 Land Value=£21.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£32.10.0. John Ramsey (Samuel Galbriath) House office flax and corn mill and land. Area=42.1.25 Land Value=£21.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£32.10.0. James Elkin (Samuel Galbriath) House office flax and corn mill and land. Area=42.1.25 Land Value=£21.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£32.10.0. James Elkin (IN fee) House office flax and corn mill and land. Area=42.1.25 Land Value=£21.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£32.10.0. James Elkin (IN fee) House office flax and corn mill and land. Area=42.1.25 Land Value=£21.5.0 Building Value=£11.5.0 Total=£32.10.0
W7.3794296435 N54.5786809108 Corn Mill later Flax Mill Tattykeel Rogers. Corn Mill since 1830 from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.. James Caldwell jun (Charles L Buchanan) House office corn mill and land. Area=72.0.35 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£10.5.0. James Devlin (Luke Buchanan) House office flax mill and land. Area=72.0.35 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£7.15.0 Total=£10.5.0 N.B new scutch mill 3 stocks 1865. James Devlin (Luke Buchanan) House office flax mill and land. Area=72.0.35 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£7.15.0 Total=£10.5.0. James Devlin (Luke Buchanan) House office flax mill and land. Area=72.0.35 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£7.15.0 Total=£10.5.0. James Devlin (Luke Buchanan) House office flax mill, corn mill and stores and land. Area=72.0.35 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£16.5.0. Dominick McCrossan (In fee) House office flax mill, corn mill and stores and land. Area=72.0.35 Land Value=£6.5.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£16.5.0
W7.380709366 N54.7202298677 Corn Mill Newtonstewart. David Baird (In fee) Corn Mill and land. Area=33.1.17 Land Value=£42.10.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£78.10.0. Robert Monoriff (David Baird) Corn Mill Total=£36.0.0. Robert Monoriff (David Baird) Corn Mill Total=£36.0.0. Aaron Monoriff (David Baird) Corn Mill Total=£36.0.0. Lewis Irvine Scott (David Baird) Corn Mill Total=£36.0.0 1909. Lewis Irvine Scott (David Baird) Corn Mill Total=£36.0.0 1909
W7.3825788537 N54.620875763 Flax Mill Mullagharn. Not found.. Robert Young (Samuel Glabriath) House office, old flax mill and land. Area=39.3.5 Land Value=£25.15.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£29.10.0. John Graham (Samuel Galbriath) House office, old flax mill and land. Area=39.3.5 Land Value=£25.15.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£29.10.0. John Graham (Samuel Galbriath) House office, old flax mill and land. Area=39.3.5 Land Value=£25.15.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£29.10.0. John Graham (Samuel Galbriath) House office, old flax mill and land. Area=39.3.5 Land Value=£25.15.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£29.10.0. John Graham (Samuel Galbriath) House office, old flax mill and land. Area=39.3.5 Land Value=£25.15.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£29.10.0. John Graham (Samuel Galbriath) House office, old flax mill and land. Area=39.3.5 Land Value=£25.15.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£29.10.0. John Graham (Samuel Galbriath) House office, old flax mill and land. Area=39.3.5 Land Value=£25.15.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£29.10.0. John James Graham (In fee) House, office old flax mill and land. Area=39.2.12 Land Value=£25.15.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£29.10.0
W7.3826287808 N54.4583041972 Corn Mill Tattymoyle Upper. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830.. John McCusker (Rev John G Porter) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£3.10.0. Anne McCusker (M McCartney) Corn Mill office and land. Area=4.3.0 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£6.0.0. Arthur McCusker (M McCartney) Corn Mill office and land. Area=4.3.0 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£6.0.0. John McCusker (In fee) House, office corn mill and land. Area=5.2.20 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£5.15.0
W7.3849507601 N54.5226287215 Corn Mill Cavan. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's. George Alex Ronen (James Nelson) House, office corn mill and land. Area=13.0.10 land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£5.0.0 Total=£15.0.0. George Lewiston (James Nelson) House, office corn mill and land. Area=13.0.10 land Value=£10.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£15.0.0 N.B mill in ruins 1864
W7.3854893877 N54.8812412077 Flax Mill Milltown. Listed as Bleach Mill in 1830's. Still listed in 1853. Flax Mill from 1860 onwards.. See Corn Mill for details
W7.3862508755 N54.8798211525 Corn Mill  
W7.3879192166 N54.9435305931 Corn Mill Magheramason. Joseph Mathers (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.0.0. Robert Mathers (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.0.0. Robert Mathers (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.0.0 `1880. Robert Mathers (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.0.0. John Stevenson (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.0.0. Vacant (In fee) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.0.0 N.B no ruins but mill at rest and kiln vacant
W7.388173495 N54.8805958372 Flax MIll Milltown. Listed in 1830's Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.. Joseph McCarter (Duke of Abercorn) Flax mill and store Total=£4.0.0 1907. Joseph McCarter (Duke of Abercorn) Flax mill and store Total=£4.0.0 1907. Joseph McCarter (Duke of Abercorn) Flax mill and store Total=£4.0.0 1929
W7.3891638798 N54.8842253046 Corn Mill Milltown. Here since 1830's. James Howard (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln Total=£32.0.0. George Doherty (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln Total=£32.0.0. Hibernian Banking Co (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln Total=£32.0.0. John Brolly (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln and flax mill Total=£25.0.0 1894. Joseph McCarter (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln and flax mill Total=£18.0.0. Joseph McCarter (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln and flax mill Total=£18.0.0. Joseph McCarter (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln and flax mill Total=£18.0.0
W7.3901172005 N54.4782063259 Corn Mill Tonneghmore. Here since 1830's from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Daniel Rose (Charles Echo) House office corn mill and land. Area=10.3.35 Land Value=37.0.0 Building Value=£7.10.0 Total=£14.10.0. Daniel Rose (Charles Echo) House office corn mill, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.35 Land Value=37.0.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£14.10.0 N.B works 4 handles with good water power. Daniel Rose (Charles Echo) House office corn mill, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.35 Land Value=37.0.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£19.1.0. Daniel Rose (Charles Echo) House office corn mill, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.35 Land Value=37.0.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£19.1.0. Rose Rose (In fee) House office corn mill, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.35 Land Value=37.0.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£19.1.0. John Hampton (In fee) House office corn mill, flax mill and land. Area=10.3.35 Land Value=37.0.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£19.1.0 1916
W7.3907265345 N54.5484358033 Corn Mill Tattysallaght. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830. Matthew Gary (William O’Gilby) house, office corn mill and land. Area=32.3.20 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£17.10.0. Matthew Gary (William O’Gilby) house, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=32.3.20 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£17.10.0 N.B 1871 new kiln £1.0.0. Matthew Gary (William O’Gilby) house, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=32.3.20 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£17.10.0. Matthew Gary (William O’Gilby) house, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=32.3.20 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£17.10.0. Joseph Allen (In fee) house, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=32.3.20 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£17.10.0 1906. Joseph Allen (In fee) house, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=32.3.20 Land Value=£12.0.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£17.10.0 1906
W7.3928019362 N54.8885797594 Flax Mill Sandville.. Robert Alexander (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. James Alexander (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. James Alexander (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. Henry Thompson (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. Henry Thompson (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0. Joseph Eakin (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.10.0 1923
W7.3938434507 N54.8948889512 Flax Mill Milltown. Not found. In this area.. George White (Alex E.d Leslie) Flax Mill and store Total=£24.0.0. George White (Alex E.d Leslie) Flax Mill and store Total=£24.0.0. George White (Alex E.d Leslie) Flax Mill and store Total=£24.0.0. James Mc… (A.D.L Edie) Flax Mill and store Total=£7.0.0 N.B Mill worked for 8 months in this year. Stores dilap. John Cowan (A.D.L Edie) Flax Mill and store Total=£7.0.0 1907. John Cowan (A.D.L Edie) Flax Mill and store Total=£7.0.0 1907. Margaret Cowan (A.D.L Edie) Flax Mill and store Total=£7.0.0 1923
W7.3938840318 N54.7656172076 Corn Mill Knockniller. See Flax Mill
W7.3940731875 N54.6369577649 Flax Mill Mullanatoomog.
W7.3951271491 N54.8956002709 Corn and Flax Mill Milltown. Somewhere in this area. Unknown. Godfrey McNeill (Alex E.D Leslie) corn mill kiln flax mill stores and land. Area=0.3.25 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£27.0.0 Total=£27.10.0. John Halferty (Alex E.D Leslie) corn mill kiln flax mill stores and land. Area=0.3.25 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£20.10.0 1877. John Halferty (Alex E.D Leslie) corn mill kiln flax mill stores and land. Area=0.3.25 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£20.10.0 1877
W7.3956784789 N54.7650459489 Flax Mill Knockniller. William Dick (Col James …) Corn mill kiln and flax mill and flax mill powered by steam £8. £5 £12 Total=£8.0.0 N.B about to put up a new flax mill steam with 10 stocks. New flax mill steam powered 8 stocks and 8 H.P. William Dick (Col James …) Corn mill kiln Total=£8.0.0. Flax Mill water powered Total=£5.0.0. Flax mill steam powered Total=£12.0.0. William Dick (Col James …) Corn mill kiln Total=£8.0.0 1 pair rollers. Flax Mill water powered Total=£5.0.0. Flax mill steam powered Total=£12.0.0 8 stocks and 4 pair of patent rollers 1895. Robert Dick (Col James …) Corn mill kiln Total=£8.0.0 1901. Flax Mill water powered Total=£5.0.0. Flax mill steam powered Total=£12.0.0. Robert Dick (Col James …) Corn mill kiln Total=£8.0.0 1901. Flax Mill water powered Total=£5.0.0. Flax mill steam powered Total=£12.0.0
W7.3966890357 N54.764219363 Flax Mill Knockniller. See Flax Mill beside for details
W7.3994886251 N54.7600831338 Flax Mill Drumanhoe. James Fulton (Duke of Abercorn) House and Flax mill Total=£13.0.0 1867. James Fulton (Duke of Abercorn) House and Flax mill Total=£13.0.0. Samuel … (Duke of Abercorn) House and Flax mill Total=£10.0.0. James Caldwell (In fee) House and Flax mill Total=£4.0.0 1908. D Colquon (In fee) House and Flax mill Total=£4.0.0 1908
W7.4023223619 N54.8495701584 Spade Mill Hollyhill. Here since 1830's from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. William Lisgernon (James Sinclair) House office spade mill and land. Area=2.3.10 land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£28.5.0 Total=£30.0.0. Andrew McGuiness (William Sinclair) Spade mill house office and land. Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£26.5.0 Total=£28.0.0. Andrew McGuiness (William Sinclair) House office spade mill and land. Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£26.5.0 Total=£28.0.0. George Stevenson? (William Sinclair) House office spade mill and land. Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£26.5.0 Total=£28.0.0 1896. John McGuiness (In fee) House, office spade mill and land. Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£15.15.0. Robert Stevenson (In fee) House office spade mill and land. Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£15.15.0 1919
W7.4027966855 N54.8832555459 Flax Mill Ballyheather. Unoccupied (John Robert) Flax Mill scored out Total=£2.0.0 1862
W7.4028429431 N54.8559710181 Creamery Artigarvan.
W7.4042841837 N54.6093044314 Creamery Cloghog Upper. C.F Stack (Joseph Duncan) Creamery Total=£7.0.0
W7.4044935986 N54.8449765436 Saw Mill Artigarvan. Although in Hollyhill.. John Colhoun (Margaret Hull) Saw mill office and land. Area=1.3.0 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£14.0.0 Total=£14.15.0 1920. John Colhoun (Margaret Hull) Saw mill office and land. Area=1.3.0 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£4.0.0 Total=£4.15.0 N.B in ruins
W7.40486488 N54.6085862621 Flax Mill Cloghog Upper. Not found on map, may be on site of Creamery which was built in 1901.. Robert Denson (Sir James M Stronge) House scutch mill and land. Area=69.0.8 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£18.5.0 Total=£35.0.0 N.B 1873 Scutch mill 12+7 23 B Boiler House steam 8 H.P works 6 months in the year 10 bundles Val £15.0.0. Robert Duncan (Sir James M Stronge) House scutch mill and land. Area=69.0.8 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£18.5.0 Total=£35.0.0 N.B 1873 Scutch mill 12+7 23 B Boiler House steam 8 H.P works 6 months in the year 10 bundles Val £15.0.0. Robert Duncan (Sir James M Stronge) House scutch mill and land. Area=69.0.8 Land Value=£16.15.0 Building Value=£18.5.0 Total=£35.0.0 Mill down 1901
W7.4052381107 N54.885980172 Flax Mill Loughreas. William Moore and Thomas Pollock (Duke of Pollock) Flax mill Total=£3.0.0. William Moore and Thomas Pollock (Duke of Pollock) Flax mill Total=£3.0.0. William Moore and Thomas Pollock (Duke of Pollock) Flax mill Total=£2.0.0 1887. William Moore and Thomas Pollock (In fee) Flax mill Total=£2.0.0 N.B 4 stocks 1901. William Moore and Thomas Pollock (In fee) Flax mill Total=£2.0.0 N.B 4 stocks 1901. Rev R Moore and John Jameson (In fee) Flax mill Total=£2.0.0
W7.4056084191 N54.8532986772 Flax Mill Artigarvan.. James Cox (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. James Cox (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. James Cox (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. James Cox (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0 scored out
W7.4058941982 N54.8555581895 Corn Mill Artigarvan. Used as flax mill before likly.David Smith (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£60.0.0. James Miller (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill kiln and stores Total=£80.0.0 1875. James Miller (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill kiln and stores Total=£80.0.0 1881. James Miller (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and stores Total=£70.0.0. James Miller (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and stores Total=£70.0.0. Maria Miller (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and stores Total=£70.0.0. Maria Miller (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and stores Total=£70.0.0
W7.4064258955 N54.8551065995 Bleaching Mill Artigarvan. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.4066928571 N54.8865893558 Flax Mill Loughreas. Listd in 1830's as flax and cloth mills.. Robert Storey (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Moore (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Moore (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Robert Moore (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill and store Total=£4.10.0. Robert Moore (In fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£4.10.0. Robert Moore (In fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£4.10.0. Robert Moore (In fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£4.10.0
W7.4068615805 N54.857822596 Bleaching Mill Artigarvan. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.4076696424 N54.4930174745 Corn Mill Rakeeranbeg. Here since 1830's from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Richard Landrum (Archibald …) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=18.3.10 Land Value=£13.15.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£25.15.0. Richard Landrum (Archibald …) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=18.3.10 Land Value=£13.15.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£25.15.0. Richard Landrum (Archibald …) corn mill kiln and land. Area=18.3.10 Land Value=£13.15.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£25.15.0. Richard Landrum (Archibald …) corn mill kiln and land. Area=18.3.10 Land Value=£13.15.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£25.15.0 N.B down by 1901
W7.4078435773 N54.6089525719 Corn Mill Cloghog Lower. Listed as a corn mill in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830. Sussanna O’Reid (In fee) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=42.3.25 Land Value=£22.0.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£37.0.0. Samuel Semple (Sir James M Stronge) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=42.3.25 Land Value=£22.0.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£37.0.0. Samuel Semple (Sir James M Stronge) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=42.3.25 Land Value=£22.0.0 Building Value=£15.0.0 Total=£37.0.0. Samuel Semple (Sir James M Stronge) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=42.3.25 Land Value=£22.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£37.0.0 1896. Samuel Semple (Sir James M Stronge) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=64.1.8 Land Value=£37.10.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£44.0.0. Samuel Semple (In fee) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=64.1.8 Land Value=£37.10.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£44.0.0. Samuel Semple (In fee) House office corn mill kiln and land. Area=64.1.8 Land Value=£37.10.0 Building Value=£6.10.0 Total=£44.0.0
W7.4080460289 N54.4934330569 Creamery Rakeeranbeg. Dromore Cooperative Agricultural and Dairy Society (John Ross) Creamery and office Total=£9.10.0 1901. Dromore Cooperative Agricultural and Dairy Society (John Ross) Creamery and office Total=£12.0.0 1901
W7.4099524266 N54.8622566672 Corn and Flax Mills Macracken. Listed as paper mill in 1830's. Thomas J Barr (In fee) flax mill and land. Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£10.10.0 1900. Thomas J Barr (In fee) flax mill and land. Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£10.10.0. J.S Moore (In fee) flax mill and land. Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£10.10.0
W7.4133139041 N54.8604015151 Paper Mill Macracken. Listed in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W7.4137717977 N54.8608681449 Corn Mill Macracken. Here since 1830's. George Lyon (Marquis of Abercorn) two corn mills kiln threshing mill Total=£38.0.0. John Brolly (Duke of Abercorn) two corn mills kiln flax mill and House Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£27.10.0 N.B the mills get very little work only ground for the county 1869. John Brolly (Duke of Abercorn) two corn mills kiln flax mill and House Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£27.10.0. Samuel Barr (In fee) two corn mills kiln flax mill and House Area=2.3.10 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£25.0.0 Total=£27.10.0 1888. Vacant (Thomas J Barr) 2 corn mills at rest dilapidated Total=£5.10.0. Vacant (Thomas J Barr) 2 corn mills at rest dilapidated Total=£5.10.0. Moore (Thomas J Barr) 2 corn mills at rest dilapidated Total=£5.10.0
W7.4165300968 N54.5317070132 Flax Mill Shannaragh. Preiously listed as a corn mill in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records
W7.4182291743 N54.860417175 Threshing Mill Leckpatrick. Might be on site of old mill listed. But not found.. William Hutton McCrea (In fee) Threshing Mill and barn Total=£4.10.0 N.B water wheel works. About 52 days of the year 4 H.P. Anne Hutton McCrea (In fee) Threshing Mill and barn Total=£4.10.0
W7.4190788358 N54.8598091517 Flax Mill Ballymagorry. Listed in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps
W7.4197064046 N54.8593474485 Old Mill Ballymagorry
W7.419949055 N54.7258021142 Flax Mill Birnagh. John Dogue (James McFarlane) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. John McFarlane (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. John McFarlane (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. William b Moore (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. Robert Moore (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. Robert Moore (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0
W7.4209461651 N54.7181911079 Tuck Mill later Flax Mill Birnagh. Listed as a Tuck Mill in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. John Baskin (Marquis of Abercorn) House, office Tuck mill and land. Area=59.2.5 Land Value=£34.15.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£42.0.0. John Baskin (Duke of Abercorn) House, office Tuck mill and land. Area=59.2.5 Land Value=£34.15.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£42.0.0 N.B Tuck Mill rendered useless by lowering the stream, still a small water supply applied to threshing rolling flax. John Baskin (Duke of Abercorn) House, office Tuck mill and land. Area=59.2.5 Land Value=£34.15.0 Building Value=£7.5.0 Total=£42.0.0
W7.4210430089 N54.8595395666 Corn Mill Ballymagorry. From 1830's.. John Ferris (William and John McCrea) House corn mill flax mill and land. Area=3.1.35 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£17.15.0 Total=£19.05.0. John Ferris (William and John McCrea) House corn mill flax mill and land. Area=3.1.35 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£17.15.0 Total=£19.05.0. John Ferris (William and John McCrea) House corn mill flax mill and land. Area=3.1.35 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£17.15.0 Total=£19.05.0. John Ferris (William and John McCrea) House corn mill flax mill and land. Area=3.1.35 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£17.15.0 Total=£19.05.0. John Ferris (William and John McCrea) House corn mill flax mill and land. Area=3.1.35 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£17.15.0 Total=£19.05.0. John Ferris (William and John McCrea) House corn mill flax mill and land. Area=3.1.35 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£17.15.0 Total=£19.05.0. John Ferris (William and John McCrea) House corn mill flax mill and land. Area=3.1.35 Land Value=£1.10.0 Building Value=£17.15.0 Total=£19.05.0
W7.4211231499 N54.7569802534 Flax Mill Skinboy.
W7.4217294894 N54.9047377393 Corn Mill Drumgauty. Flax Mill 1830's osni. William Smith (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£9.0.0. William Smith (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£9.0.0. Robinson Cobrine (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£9.0.0 1881
W7.4220054911 N54.7565569427 Corn Mill Skinboy. James Quinn (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£14.0.0. James Quinn (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£14.0.0. John Ward (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£14.0.0. Robert Ward (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£14.0.0. Daniel Ward (In fee) Corn and Flax Mill Total=£14.0.0 1914
W7.422045856 N54.5348055569 Creamery Shannaragh. Shannanagh Cooperative agricultural and dairy society (In fee) Creamery butter store, office and land. Area=0.1.15 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£15.15.0 Total=£16.0.0
W7.4236589917 N54.9145011346 Creamery Gortmesson. Dunnalong Dairy and agricultural society (In fee) Creamery Total=£6.0.0
W7.425717001 N54.8105244648 Flax Mill Cavanalee. John Young (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£1.15.0. Jane Young (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£1.15.0. Jane Young (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£1.15.0. Jane Young (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£1.15.0. Joseph Young (Duke of Abercorn) Threshing and grinding Mill Total=£10.0.0 N.B 1894 mill down new mill 1898. Joseph H Sherard (In fee) Threshing and grinding mill Total££9.10.0
W7.4266554706 N54.737186592 Flax Mill Bunderg. William Barnhill (Duke of Abercorn) House and Flax mill Total=£11.0.0 1870. William Miller (Duke of Abercorn) House and Flax mill Total=£3.0.0 N.B at rest
W7.4274871627 N54.7305860044 Flax Mill Milltown.
W7.4276227397 N54.7190347255 Flax Mill later Threshing Mill Magheracoltan.. John Ballantine (William Taggart) Flax mill, corn mill and kiln Total=£16.0.0. Allan Smyth (William Taggart) Flax mill, corn mill and kiln Total=£16.0.0. Allan Smyth (Duke of Abercorn) Flax mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. Allan Smyth (Duke of Abercorn) Flax mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. Thomas Clarke (In fee) Flax mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. Thomas Clarke (In fee) Flax mill and kiln Total=£12.0.0. Later a threshing Mill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1905 and then 1935.
W7.4294818042 N54.8697542252 Brickfield Leckpatrick. Since 1830's. William McCrea (Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe) Brickfield Total=£15.0.0. William Gamble (In fee) Brickfield Total=£15.0.0 1869. Samuel McCrea (Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe) Brickfield N.B not worked 1873. William Gamble (In fee) Brickfield Total=£10.0.0. Samuel McCrea (Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe) Brickfield N.B not worked 1881. William Gamble (In fee) Brickfield Total=£10.0.0 not worked 1885. William gamble (Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe) Brickfield N.B not worked. John Reilly (In fee) Brickfield Total=£10.0.0 not worked 1901. John Reilly (Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe) Brickfield N.B not worked. John Reilly (In fee) Brickfield Total=£10.0.0 not worked 1901. John Reilly (Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe) Brickfield N.B not worked. John Reilly (In fee) Brickfield Total=£10.0.0 not worked 1901. John Reilly (Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe) Brickfield N.B not worked
W7.4300751524 N54.7309179241 Corn Mill Milltown. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1850's. Andrew Monteith (Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe) Corn Mill kiln and land. Area=13.0.0 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£33.0.0. James Thompson (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill kiln and land. Area=13.0.0 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£33.0.0. James Thompson (Duke of Abercorn) Corn Mill kiln and land. Area=13.0.0 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£33.0.0. William Smyth (Duke of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln Total=£18.0.0 1916
W7.4308619741 N54.7323226602 Flax Mill Milltown. James Porter (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0 1877. James Smith (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. James Smyth (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0
W7.4339125022 N54.7334923078 Spade Mill Milltown. Listed as a spade Mill in 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map and 1854.
W7.4351715043 N54.7341450791 Flax Mill Milltown. Marquis of Abercorn (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0 1863. John McFarlane (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. James Thompson (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill and office. Total=£22.0.0 1877. James Thompson (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill and office. Total=£22.0.0 1877. James Thompson (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill and office. Total=£22.0.0 1916 scored out
W7.4387599224 N54.7497459603 Flax Mill Knockanroe. 1860-1863 James Quinn (Marquis of Abercorn) Old Flax mill Total=£1.10.0. James Quinn (Marquis of Abercorn) Old Flax mill Total=£1.10.0
W7.4417266759 N54.5784125837 Quarry Aghadulla. Mark Cunningham and John Allen (Patrick McBrien) Quarry Area=0.0.30. Mark Cunningham and John Allen (Patrick McBrien) Quarry Area=0.0.30 N.B Scored out 1892
W7.4465651392 N54.5221121259 Flax Mill Gardrum. Andrew Duncan (Lord Rath donnell) Workmans house, flax mill, house, office and land. Area=52.3.20 Land Value=£45.15.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£71.15.0. Andrew Duncan (Lord Rath donnell) Workmans house, flax mill, house, office and land. Area=52.3.20 Land Value=£45.15.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£71.15.0. Robert Duncan (Lord Rath donnell) Workmans house, flax mill, house, office and land. Area=52.3.20 Land Value=£45.15.0 Building Value=£26.0.0 Total=£71.15.0. James Crawford (Lord Rath donnell) Workmans house, flax mill, house, office and land. Area=101.2.20 Land Value=£87.0.0 Building Value=£8.10.0 Total=£95.10.0 Flax Mill dilap 1901. James Crawford (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B 4 stocks, need 8 hour worked for 3 months old steam engine 1914
W7.4481542545 N54.7879757283 Corn Mill later Flax mill Carrigullen. Listed as a corn mill in 1850s Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records.. James Aiken (Marquis Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0. Andrew Aiken (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0. Andrew Aiken (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0. Andrew Aiken (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£2.10.0. Andrew Aiken (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill not worked Total=£1.0.0 N.B
W7.4537566892 N54.8138729085 Corn Mill Milltown. Here since 1830s Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Galbriath Louther (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£20.0.0. George Doherty (E A Guiness) Corn Mill and store Total=£16.0.0. George Doherty (Col Skipton) Corn Mill and store Total=£16.0.0. George Doherty (Col Skipton) Corn Mill and store Total=£10.0.0
W7.4540291338 N54.627479495 Flax Mill Claraghmore. Mary Ann O’Neill (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill Total=£30.0.0 N.B steam engine4 stocks 10 rollers – machinery and fitting cost about £4.0.0 1879 val quite too low for the mill good work for the mill (Wooden Shed mill). Patrick … (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill Total=£30.0.0. Vacant (Patrick B Hall) Flax Mill at rest Total=£15.0.0 N.B 1895 dilap and very little used 12 stocks 6 per patent roller. Has been let for £25 with shop and … would easily fetch £20 easily. 1896 same condition as last year. Scored out 1905
W7.454727683 N54.8168218526 Lead Vein  
W7.4551520881 N54.7804764718 Flax Mill Camus. Robert S Greer (In fee) Flax mill, two scutchers house Total=£15.0.0 1878. Robert S Greer (In fee) Flax mill, two scutchers house Total=£15.0.0. Robert S Greer (In fee) Flax mill, two scutchers house Total=£10.0 N.B only two stocks worked 1889. Flax mill converted to threshing mill grinding mill and office.
W7.4581478389 N54.7625148267 Creamery Breen. Victoria Bridge Cooperative Creamery Co (Duke of Abercorn) Creamery Total=£7.10.0. Victoria Bridge Cooperative Creamery Co (Duke of Abercorn) Creamery Total=£7.10.0
W7.4582514801 N54.5124880285 Creamery Dromore. Dromore Agricultural and Dairy Society (Nahor Mason) Creamery and garden. Area=0.1.0 land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£13.10.0 Total=£14.0.0 1901. Dromore Agricultural and Dairy Society (Nahor Mason) Creamery shop, and garden. Area=0.1.0 land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£36.0.0 Total=£14.0.0 1922
W7.4585815808 N54.8237556572 Brewery Meeting House Street. Robert Holmes (In fee) Brewery store and yard Total=£30.0.0. Edward Duncan (In fee) Brewery store and yard Total=£40.0.0. Edward Duncan (In fee) Brewery store and yard Total=£30.0.0. Michael james Bannigan (In fee) Brewery store and yard Total=£30.0.0
W7.4590216427 N54.8421795612 Brickfield Backfence. Thomas Bamhill (Marquis of Abercorn) Brickfield Total=£20.0.0. Thomas Bamhill (Duke of Abercorn) Brickfield Total=£20.0.0
W7.46039102 N54.8247114056 Corn Mill Barrack and Meeting House Street.. David Smyth (Marquis of Abercorn) steam corn mill office and yard Total=£55.0.0. David Smyth (Duke of Abercorn) steam corn mill office and yard Total=£55.0.0. Robert Smyth (David Smyth) Steam Corn Mill Total=£40.0.0 1878. Robert Smyth (David Smyth) Steam Corn Mill Total=£30.0.0 1885
W7.4604102497 N54.8252126963 Shirt Factory Barrack Street. James Kennedy (Duke of Abercorn) House Shirt Factory office and yard Total=£24.0.0. Stanley Smith (In fee) Shirt Factory office and yard Total=£50.0.0. Stapley and Smith (In fee) Shirt Factory office and yard Total=£50.0.0. Vacant (Patrick mcGinley) Shirt Factory office and yard Total=£30.0.0
W7.4610306714 N54.8266905607 Shirt Factory Church Street. Martha Craig (James Stevenson) House Shirt Factory and yard Total=£22.0.0 1874. Martha Craig (James Stevenson) House Shirt Factory and yard Total=£18.0.0
W7.4611675973 N54.8255102337 Iron Foundary Main Street. James Stevenson (Marquis of Abercorn) Iron Foundary and yard Total=£32.0.0. James Stevenson (Duke of Abercorn) Iron Foundary and yard Total=£32.0.0. James Stevenson (Duke of Abercorn) Iron Foundry office and yard Total=£45.0.0. James Stevenson (Duke of Abercorn) Iron Foundry office and yard Total=£40.0.0. John A Taylor (Duke of Abercorn) Iron Foundry office and yard Total=£40.0.0. Foundry Gone 1927
W7.4611850517 N54.5388067121 Corn Mill Carnderry. R.A Crawford (In fee) Mill kiln and land. Area=4.3.18 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£6.10.0 1927
W7.4629750584 N54.8278781653 Shirt Factory Derry Road. Messrs J and R Pritchard and Co (Duke of Abercorn) Shirt factory warehouse and garden. Total=£90.0.0 1875. Stewart McDonald (Duke of Abercorn) Shirt factory warehouse and garden. Total=£90.0.0 1875. Stewart and Robert keady (Duke of Abercorn) Shirt factory warehouse and garden. Total=£70.0.0 1901. Gallagher and Egan (Duke of Abercorn) Shirt factory warehouse and garden. Total=£85.0.0 1930
W7.4636271687 N54.8265686642 Saw Mill Castle Street. Patrick McGuiness (Duke of Abercorn) Saw Mill and timber yard Total=£60.0.0 1875. Vacant (James Moody) Saw Mill and timber yard Total=£45.0.0
W7.4636893659 N54.8291723825 Flax Mill Canal Basin. in here somewhere.. Vacant (Duke of Abercorn) 40 steam scutch mill and stores Total=£40.0.0 N.B Engine 10 H.P 8 stocks and roller 1869. William Harper (Duke of Abercorn) steam scutch mill and stores Total=£40.0.0. William Harper (Duke of Abercorn) steam saw mill and stores Total=£35.0.0
W7.4637139534 N54.8263922934 Mineral Water Factory Castle Street. John H Elliot John F Elliot (Duke of Abercorn) Mineral Water Factory shed store and yard Total=£56.0.0 1930
W7.4649857675 N54.826176735 Printing Press Main Street. Elizabeth Gray (… E Cowan) House, printing office and yard Total=£27.0.0 1869 N.B Lease £25 Elizabeth replaces John in this year. Elizabeth Gray (… E Cowan) House, printing office and yard Total=£27.0.0. Elizabeth Gray (Cath E Cowan) House, printing office and yard Total=£27.0.0. Two James Gray and Patrick Gray (John Jarvis) House, printing office and yard attic on 3rd floor Total=£23.0.0 1903. John James Gray (John Jarvis) House, printing office and yard attic on 3rd floor Total=£23.0.0 1930
W7.4651880823 N54.829314571 Corn Mill Canal Basin. Walter Scott (Marquis of Abercorn) stores steam corn mill and yard. Total=£70.0.0. James Scott (Duke of Abercorn) stores steam corn mill and yard. Total=£90.0.0 N.B Irish Class Steam Engine of 30 H.P 6 pr stones, works 2 pr in Indian Corn 1871. Robert Smith (Duke of Abercorn) stores steam corn mill and yard. Total=£90.0.0 N.B Irish Class Steam Engine of 30 H.P 6 pr stones, works 2 pr in Indian Corn 1871. Robert Smith (Duke of Abercorn) stores steam corn mill and yard. Total=£90.0.0. Robert Smith (Duke of Abercorn) stores steam corn mill and yard. Total=£100.0.0 1908. Robert Smith (Duke of Abercorn) stores steam corn mill and yard. Total=£100.0.0 1908
W7.4655127147 N54.8285723002 Saw Mill Strabane, Newton Road.. James McFinley (Marquis of Abercorn) Sawing mills, chemical works yard and office Total=£50.0.0. James McFinley (Duke of Abercorn) Tanning Implement factory? Sawing mills, chemical works yard and office Total=£90.0.0 N.B 3 steam engines 1 30 H.P, 14 H.P and 4 H.P. James McFinley (Duke of Abercorn) Farming Implement factory Sawing mills, chemical works yard and office Total=£95.0.0. Vacant (Ulster Banking Co) Farming Implement factory Sawing mills, chemical works yard and office (dilap) Total=£20.0.0
W7.4655857321 N54.7854398909 Spinning Mill Liggarstown. James Herdman (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Spinning Mills office and yard Total=£580.0.0. John Henderson, Edminson Herdman, (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Spinning Mill Total=650.0.0 N.B new chimney, the … five years ago the brick mill has 4 H.P , another of 20 H.p and a new … of 35 H.P by the new engine house. John Herdman, Edmerson J Herdman, (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Spinning Mill Total=650.0.0 Great Northern Railway (In fee) Area=7.2.0 Total=£98.5.0 Station House and office Total=£5. John Herdman, Edmerson J Herdman, (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Spinning Mill Total=720.0.0 Great Northern Railway (In fee) Area=7.2.0 Total=£98.5.0 Station House and office Total=£10.0.0. Messrs Herdman Ltd, (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Spinning Mill, office and wash Area=2.2.0 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£1100.0.0 Total=1103.0.0 1908. Messrs Herdman Ltd, (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Spinning Mill, office and wash Area=2.2.0 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£1100.0.0 Total=1103.0.0 1908. Messrs Herdman Ltd, (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Spinning Mill, office and wash Area=2.2.0 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£1100.0.0 Total=£935.0.0 1927
W7.4665117093 N54.8265653282 Factory Main Street. A Gallagher (Edward gallagher) factory office and yard Total=£85.0.0 1930
W7.4703804704 N54.8490095972 Fishery Tideway. Not found. Robert L Moore, Samuel Moore, Alfred Munn, Robert Corscadden, M Lyon moore, … Ritter, (Honourable Irish Society) Right of fishing for salmon in part of the river foyle Area=59.2.37 Total=£160.0.0 1911. Robert L Moore, Samuel Moore, Alfred Munn, Robert Corscadden, M Lyon moore, … Ritter, (Honourable Irish Society) Right of fishing for salmon in part of the river foyle Area=59.2.37 Total=£60.0.0. Tideway River Foyle Salmon Fishery Total=£420.0.0 1923
W7.4711851805 N54.5137875552 Flax Mill Dromore. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map after 1860's.
W7.4766962596 N54.7669647438 Flax Mill Seein. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's. John Gillsfine (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0
W7.4768963539 N54.7232475426 Flax Mill Kilstrule. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830. Samuel Crawford (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. James Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. James Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. James Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Allen Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0
W7.4826977514 N54.5239378852 Flax Mill Aghadarragh. Joseph McGloughlin (In fee) House, office cottiers house, flax mill and land. Area=8.3.35 Land Value=£6.10.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£19.0.0. Joseph McGloughlin (In fee) House, office cottiers house, flax mill and land. Area=8.3.35 Land Value=£6.10.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£19.0.0. Joseph McGloughlin (In fee) House, office cottiers house, flax mill and land. Area=8.3.35 Land Value=£6.10.0 Building Value=£12.10.0 Total=£19.0.0. John McAnulty (In fee) Land and Mill Area=41.1.35 Land Value=£29.0.0 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£39.10.0. Mill at rest
W7.4835106515 N54.4453622166 Corn Mill Cavanamara. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map two corn mills here see above mill. John Murphy (Mervyn Archdale) Corn mill kiln house office and land. Area=10.2.7 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£17.0.0 1860's. John Murphy (Mervyn Archdale) Corn mill kiln house office and land. Area=10.2.7 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£17.0.0. John Murphy (Mervyn Archdale) Corn mill kiln house office and land. Area=10.2.7 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£10.0.0 Total=£17.0.0. Frances Murphy (In fee) Corn mill kiln house office and land. Area=10.2.7 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£5.15.0 Total=£13.15.0. John Murphy (In fee) Corn mill kiln house office and land. Area=10.2.7 Land Value=£7.0.0 Building Value=£5.15.0 Total=£13.15.0
W7.4837502624 N54.4456341892 Corn Mill Cavanamara. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.4837729376 N54.7675469605 Flax Mill Glentimon. not found maybe on site of near flax mill. Michael Gillespie (Duke of Abercorn) Flax mill Total=£6.0.0. Michael Gillespie (Duke of Abercorn) Flax mill Total=£6.0.0. Eliza Gillespie (Duke of Abercorn) Flax mill Total=£5.0.0. Mary Gillespie (In fee) Flax mill Total=£5.0.0. Mary Gillespie (In fee) Flax mill Total=£5.0.0. Mary Gillespie (In fee) Flax mill Total=£5.0.0 1920's
W7.4845977694 N54.5413969278 Corn Mill Derrynaseer.
W7.4876818012 N54.7232044175 Flax Mill Kilstrule. See Corn Mill for details. Here since 1830's.. William Ramsey (In fee) House office flax mill Total=£26 1911. Leslie L Craig (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£8.0.0 1928
W7.4880104905 N54.7232434236 Corn Mill Kilstrule. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830. Andrew Taylor (William Walker) Flax Mill and Store Total=£20.0.0 Corn Mill and Kiln Total=£30.0.0. Andrew Taylor (William Walker) Flax Mill and Store Total=£20.0.0 Corn Mill and Kiln Total=£30.0.0. Andrew Taylor (William Walker) Flax Mill and Store Total=£20.0.0 Corn Mill and Kiln Total=£30.0.0. David Alex Ross (William Walker) Flax Mill and Store Total=£20.0.0 Corn Mill and Kiln Total=£30.0.0 1896. Vacant (William Pomsay) Corn Mill and Kiln at rest Total=£7.0.0 1911. L.L Craig (In fee) Corn Mill Total=£1.0.0 1928
W7.4893831178 N54.6080003265 Creamery Drumnaforbes.. Rev J Stack (…) Creamery Total=£16.0.0 N.B 1899 "1904 value motive power of new chevins???" …. Drumquin Coopertive Dairy Society (In fee) Creamery Total=£16.0.0
W7.4897988814 N54.7293484209 Flax Mill Killeen. Here from 1830's Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records. James Russell (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. James Russell (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. James Russell (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. James Russell (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. Daniel Russell (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. Matilda and Mary Russell (IN fee) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0
W7.4940478469 N54.8115673473 Limestone Quarry Carrickalee. Henry Holt (Jane Maxwell) Lime Kiln Total=£3.0.0. Henry Holt (Jane Maxwell) Lime Kiln Total=£3.0.0. Henry Holt (Jane Maxwell) Lime Kiln Total=£3.0.0. Emerson Herdman (Matthew Knox) Lime Kiln Total=£3.0.0 1902. Emerson Herdman (Matthew Knox) Lime Kiln Total=£3.0.0. Emerson Herdman (Matthew Knox) Lime Kiln Total=£3.0.0
W7.5012480873 N54.5914176954 Corn Mill Coolavannagh. Listed as mill in 1833. Charles Bradley (Thomas Hamilton) Corn Mill Total=£5.0.0. Charles Bradley (Thomas Hamilton) Corn Mill Total=£5.0.0. Charles Bradley (Thomas Hamilton) Corn Mill Total=£5.0.0. Charles Bradley (Thomas Hamilton) Corn Mill Total=£5.0.0. Robert Bradley (… Hamilton) Corn Mill Total=£5.0.0
W7.5018370414 N54.4803353348 Corn Mill later Flax MIll Shanemullagh East. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's.. Andrew Fleming and Deborah … (Mervyrn Archdale) House corn mill kiln, scutch mill and land. Area=2.2.26 Land Value=£1.15.0 Building Value=£12.15.0 Total=£109.0.0 1890s. Andrew Fleming and Deborah … (Mervyrn Archdale) House, scutch mill and land. Area=2.2.26 Land Value=£2.15.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£8.15.0. Andrew Fleming and Deborah … (Mervyrn Archdale) House, scutch mill and land. Area=2.2.26 Land Value=£2.15.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£8.15.0
W7.5018688628 N54.727829191 Flax Mill Killeen. Here from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's.. Needs Updated. Matilda and Mary Russell (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0 1922.
W7.5026766107 N54.4438244615 Corn Mill Cardromergy. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's.. Robert Bleakly (.. Londrum) House office corn mill and land. Area=28.1.35 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£18.10.0. Robert Bleakly (.. Londrum) House office corn mill and land. Area=28.1.35 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£18.10.0. Robert Bleakly (.. Londrum) House office corn mill and land. Area=28.1.35 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£18.10.0. Robert Bleakly (.. Londrum) House office corn mill and land. Area=28.2.15 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£18.10.0 1896. John Bleakly (.. Londrum) House office corn mill and land. Area=28.2.15 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£18.15.0. John Bleakly (.. Londrum) House office corn mill and land. Area=28.2.15 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£3.15.0 Total=£18.15.0 1928
W7.5033583986 N54.8024698198 Flax Mill Inchenny. Edward McGonigle (William Inch) Flax Mill, house, office and land. Area=57.3.15 Land Value=£57.10.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£57.10.0. Edward McGonigle (William Inch) Flax Mill, house, office and land. Area=57.3.15 Land Value=£57.10.0 Building Value=£9.10.0 Total=£61.0.0 N.B 4 stocks and a steam engine of 3 H.P bad mill 1870. Edward McGonigle (William Inch) Flax Mill, house, office and land. Area=57.3.15 Land Value=£57.10.0 Building Value=£9.10.0 Total=£61.0.0. James McGonigle (William Inch) Flax Mill, house, office and land. (At rest) Area=57.3.15 Land Value=£57.10.0 Building Value=£5.10.0 Total=£56.0.0 N.B mill dilapidated 4 stocks 1 per rollers. Possibly on this site, hard to distinguish
W7.5049316809 N54.7722859799 Flax Mill Peacockbank. Listed as a flax mill. William Boak (Duke of Abercorn) House, office, threshing mill and land. Area=59.0.35 Land Value=34.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£46.0.0. William Boak (Duke of Abercorn) House, office, threshing mill and land. Area=59.0.35 Land Value=34.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£46.0.0. William Boak (Duke of Abercorn) House, office, threshing mill and land. Area=59.0.35 Land Value=34.0.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£46.0.0. Threshing mill scored out 1885
W7.5089769896 N54.4445692327 Ruins of Spade Mill Cardromergy. from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830s.
W7.5090133003 N54.8060574037 Flax Mill Inchenny. William Inch (Andrew J Aud) Flax Mill Total=£7.10.0. William Inch (Thomas J Knox) House, office, Flax Mill Total=£15.10.0. William Inch (Thomas J Knox) House, office, Flax Mill Total=£15.10.0. William Inch (Thomas J Knox) House, office, Flax Mill Total=£15.10.0. William Inch (Thomas J Knox) House, office, Flax Mill Total=£15.10.0. William Inch (IN fee) House, office, Flax Mill Total=£15.10.0. William Inch (IN fee) House, office, Flax Mill Total=£15.10.0. Disused in 1905 from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W7.5111919049 N54.8032988783 Flax Mill Inchenny. Thomas Baird (William Inch) Flax Mill Total=£1.10.0. Thomas Baird (William Inch) Flax Mill Total=£1.10.0. Thomas Baird (William Inch) Flax Mill Total=£1.10.0. David Baird (William Inch) Flax Mill Total=£1.10.0. Flax Mill in ruins 1896
W7.5115503539 N54.7062467846 Flax Mill Drumclamph. John Scott (Marquis of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. John Scott (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0 N.B 6 stocks worth 6.10.0 Mill Building worth 2.0.0 1864. John Scott (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0. John Scott (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0. Rober Adrian D… (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0. Rober Adrian Scott (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0
W7.5158266277 N54.6155969808 Flax Mill Lackagh. Listed as old mills in 1833. Patrick Moody (Robert Gordan) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Patrick Moody (Robert Gordan) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Samuel Moody (Robert Gordan) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Samuel Moody (Robert Gordan) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0 in very bad form.. Sarah jane Moody (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0 1907. no mention in 1820's
W7.5168064823 N54.6977373726 Flax Mill Cavandarragh. Joseph Wilson (Marquis of Abercorn) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0 Scutch Mill Total=£2.0.0. Robert Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0 Scutch Mill Total=£2.0.0. Robert Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0 Scutch Mill Total=£2.0.0. Mary Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0 Scutch Mill Total=£2.0.0. Joseph Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0 Scutch Mill Total=£2.0.0. Joseph Wilson (Duke of Abercorn) Scutch Mill Total=£4.0.0 Scutch Mill Total=£2.0.0 Both replaced by piggery and office 1918
W7.5173224858 N54.7189478429 Corn Mill Crew Upper
W7.5224529205 N54.6829310234 Flax Mill Magheralough. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.5229298547 N54.5425260651 Flax Mill Dullaghan. Built around 1871. Still standing after 1930 from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. see corn mill for details. Possibly on site of corn milll
W7.5232399899 N54.5415743159 Corn Mill Dullaghan. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830. Robert Cunningham (Charles Sproule) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.10.0. John Cunningham (Charles Sproule) Corn Mill and kiln Total=£4.10.0. John Cunningham (Charles Sproule) Corn Mill and kiln, flax mill Total=£10.10.0 1871. John Cunningham (IN fee) flax mill and kiln Total=£5.5.0. Robert Cunningham (IN fee) flax mill and kiln Total=£5.5.0. John Cunningham (IN fee) flax mill and kiln Total=£5.5.0. Robert Cunningham (IN fee) flax mill and kiln Total=£5.5.0
W7.5240935425 N54.4535460126 Corn Mill Corlea. John Armstrong (… Archdale) House office corn mill and land. Area=2.1.10 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£11.0.0. John Armstrong (… Archdale) House office corn mill and land. Area=2.1.10 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£11.0.0. John Armstrong (… Archdale) House office corn mill and land. Area=2.1.10 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£11.0.0. William … (… Archdale) House office corn mill and land. Area=2.1.10 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£11.0.0. William … (Edward Archdale) House office corn mill and land. Area=2.1.10 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£11.0.0. William … (Edward Archdale) House office corn mill and land. Area=2.1.10 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£10.10.0 Total=£11.0.0
W7.5256423508 N54.531540193 Corn Mill Knockahorn. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830.. Thomas OSloane (John Deasley) House, office, millers house, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=64.2.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. Francis Osbourne (John Deasley) House, office, millers house, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=64.2.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. John and William Deagley (John Deasley) House, office, millers house, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=64.2.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. … (William Deasley) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=64.2.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. William Whittaker (IN fee) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=64.2.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£34.0.0. Robert Whittaker (IN fee) House, office, corn mill, kiln and land. Area=64.2.35 Land Value=£25.0.0 Building Value=£9.0.0 Total=£34.0.0
W7.5270925003 N54.4756316786 Corn Mill/Threshing Mill Moorfield. Listed as a orn mill from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Maps. Wilkin Brid (George Lundrum) Labourers house, threshing mill stores and land. Area=117.2.0 Land Value=£80.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£91.0.0. William Bird (George Lundrum) Labourers house, threshing mill stores and land. Area=117.2.0 Land Value=£80.0.0 Building Value=£11.0.0 Total=£91.0.0. James W Bird (In fee) Labourers house, threshing mill stores and land. Area=117.2.0 Land Value=£11.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£18.0.0 down 1929
W7.5333611483 N54.7172279673 Flax Mill Crew Upper
W7.5342801169 N54.7146357833 Flax Mill Scarvagherin. James Simpson (Claude Houston) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0. James Simpson (Claude Houston) Flax Mill Total=£3.10.0 1873 scored out. Patrick McGlynn (In fee) Flax Mill and store Total=£5.0.0 1929
W7.5358385563 N54.7854155517 Flax Mill Glentown. Samuel Holmes (… Knox) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. John Holmes (… Knox) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0 N.B 6 stocks and steam engine of 5 H.P. John Holmes (… Knox) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0. John Holmes (… Knox) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0. Samuel Holmes (… Knox) Flax Mill Total=£8.10.0. David Killen (… Knox) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. David Killen (… Knox) Flax Mill Total=£5.0.0
W7.5379286099 N54.6832503439 Flax Mill Magheracreggan. Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Oliver (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Oliver (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Oliver (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Oliver (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. William Oliver (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0 N.B in ruins 1929
W7.5384585623 N54.6714377129 Flax Mill Derrygoon. Not Found. Andrew White (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£13.0.0 vacant. Andrew White (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£13.0.0 vacant. Robert Ross (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£13.0.0. Robert Ross (Duke of Abercorn) Flax Mill Total=£13.0.0 at rest 1901
W7.5392191794 N54.7863167022 Flax Mill Glentown. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records Rebecca Purdon (F.J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. James Purdon (F.J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0 N.B 6 stocks and steam engine of 8 H.P mill rebuilt. James Purdon (F.J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. James Purdon (F.J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. Howard Purdon (F.J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. John James martin (F.J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0. John James martin (F.J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£10.0.0
W7.5407386468 N54.7040392022 Flax Mill Scarvagherin. David McCasky (Claude Houston) Flax Mill Total=£7.0.0. David McCasky (Charles Creggan) Flax Mill Total=£10.10.0 N.B 10 stocks 8 hours steam power, bad roads 1871. David McCasky (Charles Creggan) Flax Mill Total=£10.10.0. David McCasky (Charles Creggan) Flax Mill Total=£10.10.0. David McCasky (Charles Creggan) Flax Mill Total=£10.10.0. John Henderson (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£10.10.0
W7.5408689566 N54.7927581037 Corn Mill Corn Mill. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records 1830.. Samuel Martin (… Knox) Corn Mill kiln and garden. Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£32.0.0 Total=£32.15.0. Phillip McKinney (… Knox) Corn Mill kiln and garden. Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£32.0.0 Total=£32.15.0 N.B 1876 Burned and rebuilt in 1873. Messrs Blair (In fee) Corn Mill kiln and garden. Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£32.0.0 Total=£32.15.0. Messrs Blair (In fee) Flax Mill and garden. Area=0.1.35 Land Value=£0.15.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£32.15.0 N.B High Valuation 1882
W7.5411540451 N54.6168316006 Corn Mill Drumowen. Here from 1830's Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records.George Montgomery (Robert Gordan) House office corn mill flax mill and land. Area=14.1.24 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£12.0.0 N.B new Flax Mill. George Montgomery (Robert Gordan) House office corn mill flax mill and land. Area=14.1.24 Land Value=£8.0.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£12.0.0 N.B new Flax Mill. Henry O’Neill (Robert Gorden) House office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=27.3.25 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£18.10.0. Henry O’Neill (Robert Gorden) House office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=27.3.25 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£18.10.0. Henry O’Neill (Robert Gorden) House office, corn mill kiln and land. Area=27.3.25 Land Value=£14.0.0 Building Value=£4.10.0 Total=£18.10.0. Corn Mill at rest 1917. Not found flax mill
W7.5417749349 N54.7898866003 Flax Mill Donnygowen. Listed as an old Mill in 1830s Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map records.. James Hunter (Andrew J and Thomas J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0 N.B New Flax mill water power 4 stocks bad water power 1870. James Hunter (Andrew J and Thomas J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. John Woods (Andrew J and Thomas J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. John Woods (Andrew J and Thomas J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Robert Woods (Andrew J and Thomas J Knox) Flax Mill Total=£4.0.0. Urney Flax Society (William Blair) Flax Mill Total=£7.17.0 1925. Maybe on this site
W7.5419156498 N54.6923399892 Flax Mill later Corn Mill Magheracreggan. Joseph Corr (Marquis of Abercorn) Corn mill and kiln Total=£3.10.0 N.B Mill down 1862
W7.5430849834 N54.7924086758 Creamery Donnygowen. Urney Agricultural and Cooperative Society (R.P Maxwell) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.30 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£15.15.0 Total=£16.0.0 1901. Urney Agricultural and Cooperative Society (R.P Maxwell) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.30 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£15.15.0 Total=£16.0.0 1901. Urney Agricultural and Cooperative Society (R.P Maxwell) Creamery and land. Area=0.1.30 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£15.15.0 Total=£16.0.0 1901
W7.544311929 N54.7914126163 Corn Mill later Flax Mill Donnygowen. Owen Lafferty (Paul B Maxwell) Flax Mill Total=£3.0.0. Manus Lafferty (Paul B Maxwell) Flax Mill Total=£10.15.0 N.B 6 stocks and water power all new. Manus Lafferty (Paul B Maxwell) Flax Mill Total=£10.15.0. John O’Flaherty (Paul B Maxwell) Flax Mill Total=£9.0.0 Fishery Total=£3.0.0. John O’Flaherty (Paul B Maxwell) Flax Mill Total=£9.0.0 Fishery Total=£3.0.0. John O’Flaherty (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£9.0.0 Fishery Total=£3.0.0. John O’Flaherty (In fee) Flax Mill Total=£9.0.0 Fishery Total=£3.0.0
W7.5465110123 N54.7139941277 Bleach Mill Spamount.Listed in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830.
W7.5468493738 N54.4404552574 Corn Mill Corkragh. Here from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830.. Charles Armstrong (James Londrum) House, office corn mill and land. Area=15.2.0 Land Value=£11.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£19.10.0. Charles Armstrong (James Londrum) House, office corn mill and land. Area=15.2.0 Land Value=£11.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£19.10.0. Charles Armstrong (James Londrum) House, office corn mill and land. Area=15.2.0 Land Value=£11.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£19.10.0. Charles Armstrong (James Londrum) House, office corn mill and land. Area=15.2.0 Land Value=£11.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£19.10.0. Charles Armstrong (In fee) House, office corn mill and land. Area=15.2.0 Land Value=£11.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£19.10.0
W7.5471795401 N54.7135315107 Spinning Mill Spamount. Fostor Connor (Joseph Scott) Spinning Mill Total=£75.0.0. Fostor Connor (Joseph Scott) Spinning and scutch Mill Total=£82.0.0. Fostor Connor (Joseph Scott) Spinning and scutch Mill Total=£82.0.0. William McCruel (Joseph Scott) Spinning and stores Total=£35.0.0. The Spamount Woolen Company Ltd (Jane Scott) Woolen Mills, stores office Total=£215.0.0 1915
W7.5500655644 N54.7113088223 Flax Mill Spamount. Scutch Mill, store, repository Total=£25.0.0 n.b COST ABOUT £450. Scutch Mill, store, repository Total=£10.10.0. Not Found.
W7.5507212069 N54.6664971066 Flax Mill Coolnacronagh. Since 1830. Dominic McCarson (Richard Hamilton) House and flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Dominic McCradden (Richard Hamilton) House and flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Dominic McCradden (Richard Hamilton) House and flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Dominic McCradden (Richard Hamilton) House and flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. Dominic McCradden (Richard Hamilton) House and flax Mill Total=£5.0.0. William McGuire (Richard Hamilton) House and flax Mill Total=£9.0.0
W7.5513660894 N54.4388835295 Tuck Mill later Saw Mill Corkragh. Hugh O’Brien (James londrum) Tuck Mill, house and garden. Area=0.1.38 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£2.10.0 Total=£2.15.0. Hugh O’Brien (James londrum) Tuck Mill, house and garden. Area=0.1.38 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£2.10.0 Total=£2.15.0. Hugh O’Brien (James londrum) Tuck Mill, house and garden. Area=0.1.38 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£2.10.0 Total=£2.15.0. Hugh O’Brien (James londrum) Tuck Mill, house and garden. Area=0.1.38 Land Value=£0.5.0 Building Value=£2.10.0 Total=£2.15.0. George C Londrum (In fee) Saw Mill land plantation. Area=36.0.39 Land Value=£18.0.0 Building Value=£2.0.0 Total=£20.0.0 1920 N.B water power say 16H.P used for sawing firewood occasionally . 36H.P
W7.552583446 N54.6654529454 Corn Mill Coolnacrounagh. Listed in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830 as Clare Corn Mill. Henry Woods (James Fife) House, corn mill kiln and land. Area=9.0.20 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£16.10.0. Henry Woods (James Fife) House, corn mill kiln and land. Area=9.0.20 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£16.10.0. Henry Woods (James Fife) House, corn mill kiln and land. Area=9.0.20 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£16.10.0. Henry Woods (James Fife) House, corn mill kiln and land. Area=9.0.20 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£16.10.0. Henry Woods (James Fife) House, corn mill kiln and land. Area=9.0.20 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£16.10.0. Andrew Forbes (In fee) House, corn mill kiln and land. Area=9.0.20 Land Value=£4.10.0 Building Value=£12.0.0 Total=£16.10.0
W7.5530844638 N54.7111999954 Creamery Spamount. Spamount Cooperative (William McCruel) Creamery Total=£16.10.0 1906
W7.5648252055 N54.6910088603 Flax Mill Golan Sproul.Not FOund.. William Deery (Joseph Scott) Flax Mill, scutchers house, office, Total=£4.0.0. Mary Deery (Joseph Scott) Flax Mill, scutchers house, office, Total=£4.0.0. Andrew Deery (Joseph Scott) Flax Mill, scutchers house, office, Total=£4.0.0. Andrew Deery (Joseph Scott) Flax Mill, scutchers house, office, Total=£4.0.0. Andrew Deery (Joseph Scott) Flax Mill, scutchers house, office, Total=£4.0.0. Andrew Deery (Joseph Scott) Flax Mill, scutchers house, office, Total=£4.0.0. David Deery (Spamount Woolen Mills) Flax Mill, scutchers house, office, Total=£4.0.0
W7.5711604648 N54.4885805073 Corn Mill Tullynincrin. Gilbert McMullan (Francis Darey) House, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=4.1.29 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£10.0.0. Gilbert McMullan (Francis Darey) House, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=4.1.29 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£10.0.0. Gilbert McMullan (William D’Arcy) House, office corn mill kiln and land. Area=4.1.29 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£10.0.0. John McElroy (In fee) House, office corn mill and land. Area=4.1.29 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£10.0.0 N.B Corn Mill at rest 1907. John McElroy (In fee) House, office corn mill and land. Area=4.1.29 Land Value=£3.0.0 Building Value=£7.0.0 Total=£10.0.0 N.B Corn Mill at rest 1907
W7.5752217343 N54.6950614894 Corn Mill Ballylennan-Mercer. Listed in Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830's and 1855 but gone after.
W7.5755145163 N54.6994044161 Corn Mill later Flax Mill Berrysfort. Listed as a corn mill in s1830's Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.. John McIntyre (John C …) Flax mill and kiln Total=£5.10.0. Flax mill gone 1866
W7.577161078 N54.6955353279 Old Distillery Ballylennan-Mercer. Listed as old distillerty in 1830s Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Still listed in 1855 but gone after.
W7.5863903636 N54.7114812598 Flax Mill Churchtown. In this area. not found. Henry Hamilton (John G …) flax mill and office Total=£19.0.0. Henry Hamilton (John G …) flax mill and office Total=£19.0.0. William Hamilton (…) Flax Mill at rest 1889. Flax mill at rest 1922
W7.5908514357 N54.6610295618 Creamery Ardbarren Lower. Spamount Creamery (Free) Creamery Total=£3.10.0 1905. Spamount Creamery (Free) Creamery Total=£3.10.0
W7.592809028 N54.7097165029 Saw Mill Meetingh House Street. J. J Loughrey (William Smyth) sawmill, workshop, forge Total=17.0.0
W7.5935488099 N54.7098439081 Electric Light Company Meeting House Street, Castlederg Electric Co (William Smyth) Electric Light workshop Total=22.0.0
W7.5945280411 N54.7110064916 Weaving Factory Churchtown. Here since 1855 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map.. Unoccupied () Weaving Factory Total=£24.10.0 1863
W7.5969350659 N54.708810791 Spade Foundary later Saw Mill Churchtown. Here since 1855 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map. Robert mcCay (John C …) Spade factory Total=£12.0.0. Spade factory gone 1873. John R Gachery (Nehemiah Roulston) House saw mill work shop Total=£9.0.0. Thomas Burke (Nehemiah Roulston) House saw mill work shop Total=£9.0.0. Bernard Byrne (William C Hamilton) House saw mill work shop Total=£9.0.0
W7.6005989366 N54.7102108332 Corn Mill Castlesessiagh. Robert Kyle and Co (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn mill kiln millers house, yard and garden. Area=6.0.29 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£22.10.0 1863. John Kyle and Co (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn mill kiln millers house, yard and land. Area=6.0.29 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£22.10.0 1863. Hugh Kyle, Robert McCoy, Joseph … William McFarlane (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn mill kiln millers house, yard and land. Area=6.0.29 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£22.10.0. Hugh Kyle, Robert McCoy, Joseph … William McFarlane (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn mill kiln millers house, yard and land. Area=3.3.37 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£22.10.0 1906. Hugh Kyle, Robert McCoy, Joseph … William McFarlane (Earl of Castlestuart) Corn mill kiln millers house, yard and land. Area=3.3.37 Land Value=£2.10.0 Building Value=£20.0.0 Total=£22.10.0
W7.6112020995 N54.46930523 Corn Mill Scallen. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830. Lowther Beacon (John D Johnston) Corn mill house, kiln and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£ Building Value=£7.0.0. Lowther Beacon (John D Johnston) Corn mill house, kiln and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£ Building Value=£7.0.0. Lowther Beacon (John D Johnston) Corn mill house, kiln and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£ Building Value=£6.0.0. Rebecca Beacon (In fee) Corn mill house, kiln and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£ Building Value=£4.10.0. Lowther Beacon (In fee) Corn mill house, kiln and land. Area=0.1.20 Land Value=£ Building Value=£4.10.0
W7.6140246778 N54.7224800435 Flax and Threshing Mill Kilclean. Thomas Rollestone (William Knox) Threshing and scutch mill Total=£3.15.0 1871 two stocks. Thomas Rollestone (William Knox) Threshing and scutch mill Total=£3.15.0 1871 two stocks. Joseph Rollestone (William Knox) Threshing and scutch mill Total=£3.15.0. Joseph Rollestone (William Knox) Threshing and scutch mill Total=£3.15.0. Joseph Rollestone (William Knox) Threshing and scutch mill Total=£3.15.0 scored out 1927
W7.6167797358 N54.725508162 Mill Kilclean. William McFarland (William Knox) House, Office and mill Total=£7.0.0. William McFarland (William Knox) House, Office and mill Total=£7.0.0. Thomas McFarland (William Knox) House, Office and mill Total=£7.0.0
W7.6209404224 N54.6774944318 Creamery Killeen Near. Killeen Cooperative Dairy Society (Joseph Greer) Creamery Total=£5.0.0 1904. Killen Cooperative Dairy (Earl of Castlestuart) Creamery Total=£6.10.0. Killen Cooperative Dairy (Earl of Castlestuart) Creamery Total=£6.10.0
W7.6341931494 N54.7018954277 Flax Mill Liscloon. Not found. John Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and flax scutchers house Total=£7.5.0 N.B Flax Mill=£6.0.0
W7.6344038856 N54.6386091649 Sandstone Quarry Meencarriga. From 1830 Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map
W7.6369186438 N54.6598420279 Flax Mill Edereagh. Robert Johnston (Robert A Tennant) Scutchers house and flax mill Total=£6.10.0 1864. Robert Johnston (Robert A Tennant) Scutchers house and flax mill Total=£6.10.0. James Johnston (Court of Chancery) Scutchers house and flax mill Total=£6.10.0. Margaret Monteigh (In fee) store and flax mill at rest Total=£2.0.0 1926
W7.6374303541 N54.7008829309 Corn Mill Liscloon. Gregory and John Kyle, Joseph Kincaid, Robert McKay and William McFarland (Earl of Castlestuart) Millers House, corn mill, kiln and office. Total=£16.0.0. Gregory and John Kyle, Joseph Kincaid, Robert McKay and William McFarland (Earl of Castlestuart) Millers House, corn mill, kiln and office. Total=£16.0.0
W7.6393348236 N54.6775216118 Flax Mill Ganvanaghan/Hemphill. Listed as Corn mill.. James Roulston (James M Stronge Bart) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. James Roulston (James M Stronge Bart) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. Joseph Roulston (James M Stronge Bart) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0 1889. Joseph Roulston (James M Stronge Bart) Flax Mill Total=£2.0.0 N.B Office 1924
W7.6402931688 N54.6357554005 Freestone Quarry Meenacarriga. John, William, James Gregory and John Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Mill stone quarries Total=£12.0.0 1862
W7.6412969183 N54.6958031788 Flax Mill Mourne Beg. Joseph Kincaid (Earl of Castlestuart) Millers house, flax mill, office Total=£16.0.0. Joseph Kincaid and John Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Millers house, flax mill, office Total=£16.0.0. Henry Hazlet Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0. Henry Hazlet Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill Total=£6.0.0
W7.6416330027 N54.6963094462 Tuck Mill Mourne Beg. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.6459985309 N54.6943395675 Flax Mill Mourne Beg. From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830 listed as a mill. Gregory Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill Total=£11.10.0 N.B 1871 10 H.P steam engine. Margaret Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill Total=£11.10.0. Margaret Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and scutchers house Total=£11.10.0. Frederick Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and scutchers house Total=£3.0.0. Frederick Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Flax Mill and scutchers house Total=£3.0.0 1924
W7.6524339348 N54.68791033 Old Mill Race From Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) Map 1830
W7.6655641583 N54.6233246386 Millstone Quarry Altgolan.John, William, James, Gregory and John Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Mill stone quarries Total=£12.0.0 1862. John McCutcheon, William, James, Gregory and John Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Mill stone quarries Total=£12.0.0. Croolie (Earl of Castlestuart) mill quarries. Not worked now 1881
W7.6846344754 N54.6671949288 Creamery Crillys Hill. Killeter Cooperative Dairy and agricultural Society (Neill McMahon) Creamery Total=£12.0.0 1906. Killeter Cooperative Dairy and agricultural Society (Neill McMahon) Creamery Total=£17.0.0 1917
W7.6884632067 N54.6764893319 Corn Mill Speerholme. Matthew Clarke (Michael Frederick Smith) Corn Mill and land. Area=11.3.0 Land Value=£1.2.0 Building Value=£12.0.0. Matthew Clarke (Michael Frederick Smith) Corn Mill and land. Area=11.3.0 Land Value=£1.2.0 Building Value=£12.0.0. Matthew Clarke (Michael Frederick Smith) Corn Mill and land. Area=11.3.0 Land Value=£1.2.0 Building Value=£12.0.0. William Clarke (Michael Frederick Smith) Corn Mill and land. Area=11.3.0 Land Value=£1.2.0 Building Value=£12.0.0. … and Matthew Clarke (Michael and Frederick Smith ) House corn mill kiln and land. Area=13.1.20 Land Value=£2.0.0 Building Value=£6.0.0 Total=£8.0.0 1906. William and Matthew Clarke (Michael and Frederick Smith ) House corn mill kiln and land. Area=1.2.20 Land Value=£0.10.0 Building Value=£8.0.0 Total=£8.10.0
W7.6958915951 N54.6316649414 Millstone Quarry Carrickaholten. John, William, James, Gregory and John Kyle (Earl of Castlestuart) Mill stone quarries Total=£5.0.0. John, William, Margaret, Gregory, John and Earl of Caledon (Earl of Castlestuart) Mill stone quarries Total=£5.0.0. John, William, Margaret, Gregory, John (Earl of Castlestuart) Mill stone quarries Total=£2.10.0 N.B still worked. John, William, Margaret, Gregory, John (Earl of Castlestuart) Mill stone quarries Total=£2.10.0. Quarry not worked 1927
W7.8270457302 N54.732587123 Tuck Mill Sixth Corgary. Henry Kyle (Earl of Caledon) House office tuck mill and land. Area=68.2.0 Land Value=£7.15.0 Building Value=£2.15.0 Total=£10.15.0. Mill down 1876