Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Comments and transcription by John M. Collins
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
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The area referred to as Minterburn is the triangular wedge of south Tyrone lying between Armagh and Monaghan counties. It is an elevated area bounded on the south-east and south-west by the River Blackwater which forms a boundary with those two counties. The village of Minterburn lies centrally along the northern edge that area and the town of Caledon on its south-east edge. The Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland parishes of Aghaloo cover much of this location. Originally it was a clan name “MUNTERBIRNE” and in standard modern Irish it is called Muintir Bhirn. The name has appeared in other variations: Muintir Birn, Monterborn being some of them.

The details that follow have been taken from Some Early Families of the Minterburn / Caledon Area by Brendan McAnallen which was incorporated in Dúiche Néill Volume 6 as published by the O’Neill Country Historical Society about 1998. The names and allied details are given as they appear in that publication. The page numbers are shown with the name or at the end of the entry should one wish to refer to the original source. At the end is a separate listing of place names matching old spelling found in the above document with current spellings.


COLLA (P. 91)
- Three brothers of this name came to Ireland in the year 327 AD as told in the Annals of the Four Masters (Vol 1, p. 124). They are regarded as the founders of the early kingdom of Airgialla or Oriel. In 332 they and their forces defeated the Ulstermen at the battle of Achadh Leithdheirg in Farney (co. Monaghan) and slew the last king of Ulster. They conquered that part of Ulster west of Lough Neagh and the Newry River.
- Colla Meann was killed in that battle but his descendants settled in the area around today’s Cremorne, co. Monaghan.
- Colla Dá Chríoch became chieftain of Airgialla and his descendants included the MacMahons of Monaghan, the MacGuires of Fermanagh, the O’Hanlons and MacCanns of Armagh plus others.

- Last king of Ulster. Killed by the Colla brothers in 332, at the battle of Achadh Leithdheirg in Farney (co. Monaghan). Had lived at Eamhain Macha which was burned after his death.

MCBARONE (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- Cormack McBarone shown as holding Clossogh.

MacCANN (p. 91)
- Co. Armagh branch claim descent from Colla Dá Chríoch.

- An ancient ruling family of the Clogher Valley. See McCawell and Murphy entries.

McCAWELL (p. 96)
- The present day name including McCaul and McCall of the original Mac Cathmhaoils, a ruling family of the Clogher Valley. See also MacGirr and MacKenna entries.

Mac DÓNAILL - See O’NEILL p. 100

MacGIRR (p. 96)
- This name traces back to 1365 when Malachy of the Mac Cathmhaoil, the ruling house of Clogher, Tyrone, slew an O’Neill of Tír Eoghain. Malachy was known as ‘Maelechainn mac in ghirr meic Mac Cathmhaoil’. Translated his name is Malachy the son of the Short-Fellow Mac Cathmhaoil. This feat of slaying an O’Neill warranted a change of name so he became Malachy mac in ghirr or simply Malachy MacGirr.
- The Gearr Mac Cathmhaoils came to regard themselves as a separate family from the ruling house of Clogher. In recording the death of Cú Uladh mac in ghirr in 1368, the Annals style him ‘cenn aicme a chinidh féin’: head of the family of his own tribe. This family survived the Ulster Plantation, receiving a number of grants of lands at the time. They are to be found later in the 1660s as taxpayers in the Clogher Valley and elsewhere in Tyrone.
- Today the family is generally found as McGirr, McGerr, McKerr and in the English version as Short.
- The details on this family abstracted from an article by Fr. Pádraig ó Gallachair in Clogher Record 1971.

MacGRONAN - See Reynolds entry.

MacGUIRE (p. 91)
- Co. Fermanagh branch claim descent from Colla Dá Chríoch.

McHARRIE (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- Harrie og McHarrie McShane McCon O Neale shown as holding Outrahye, south of the new Castle, Armagh.

McHENRY (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- Henrie og McHenrie shown as holding Monterborn.

McHUGH (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- Owen McHugh mc Neale Moore (Mor?) mc Art O Neale shown as holding The Toaghe south of Tenan (Tynan) Armagh.

- Name in Irish is ‘Mac Cionnaith’
- Patricke mcToole now mcKennan shown as Lord of the landes of Troughe mcKennan south-west of River Blackwater in Monaghan. (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- “Second most common name in Monaghan after O’Duffy and is well represented in the parishes of Aghaloo, Clonfeacle and Eglish in Tyrone.”
- A major family in the Barony of Truagh, Monaghan across the River Blackwater from Minterburn from medieval times to the Plantation. Their swordsmen were brought to north Monaghan by the Fir Leamhna of Clogher.
- Fr. Peadar Livingstone in his book, The Monaghan Story (1980) pp 597/98 says: “These McKenna forebears were a branch of the Cenél Fiachach of Meath. They settled in the Truagh part of the Fir Leamhna kingdom. In the 12th century, the Fir Leamhna lost control of the Clogher area to the Mac Cathmhaoil family, a branch of the Cenél Eoghain. For a short period the Truagh area seems to have passed under the control of the Mac Murchadha, whose kingdom was in the Caledon area of east Tyrone. However the MacMahons also had designs on the area and they prevailed. In the centuries that followed, the O Neills also claimed the alliance of the McKennas, but their territory was included in County Monaghan at the end of the 16 th century. The last McKenna chieftain was Patrick [see above] who was granted two-thirds of Truagh in the land settlement of 1591. He was friendly to the English at the beginning of the Nine Years’ War (1592) but after the battle of Clontibret in 1595, he joined Hugh O Neill and the other Ulster chieftains. Patrick McKenna survived the war and was regranted most of his lands in the 1606 settlement. He died about 1616 in his home at Tully Lough near Emyvale. Before his death, he had divided his estates among his family. He was succeeded by his son Niall, then a minor, as head of the family. The McKennas refused to pay rent to the English for their land and this meant that much of it had passed into alien hands even before the 1641 uprising.”
- Robert Bell in his Ulster Surnames 1981 states that the surname ‘MacKinney’ which is also common in Tyrone, may be a variant of MacKenna. It can also be a variant of MacKenzie (Mac Coinnich) as many of that name in Ulster adopted the MacKinney form towards the end of the 19th century.
- Mention is made of the Clann Mac Kenna Journal edited by Seán Mac Cinna and published by the Clann at Kilrudden House, Clogher, Co. Tyrone. As of the publication of this article by Brennan McAnallen about 1998, Clann Mac Kenna was available from Maria MacKenna, Derrykennighmore, Emyvale, Monaghan. Any inquiries should be directed to her or to the Clann Mac Kenna.

- Co. Monaghan branch claim descent from Colla Dá Chríoch. (p. 91)
- Mullogh Lesk, so called of a stone there, on which McMahon is made. Located south of Fort of Monoghan. (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- See also MacKenna and Murphy entries.

MCROWRIE (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- Art mcRowrie mc Briane McMahon shown as holding Owenagh, Monaghan.

- A very early reference to this name was found in the ‘Codex Maelbrighde’ or gospel copies written in Armagh in 1138. [Flower, Robin, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the British Museum, Vol. II (1926), pp 428-32 (Harley 1802, 3)]. The person is Mael Iosa Mac an tSagairt who held the position of Airchinneach (or Erenagh) of Tynan, Armagh. The Airchinneach was the abbot or head of a monastery, a position that was hereditary and later came to be held in some cases by a layman. In the Codex named above, the scribe has noted in the margin in a mixture of Latin and Irish “Line m’oite (i. mac int[S]agairit Tuigneath) hi tús ind lethinig sea” - “the first line of this page was written by my master, Mac an tSagairt of Tynan”.
- Thomas Hughes in his book History of Tynan Parish (1910) p. 35 comments that the Mac an tSagairt family still occupied the see lands in 1638. He quotes an entry from the Inquisition [modern day inquiry] of 1609 that referred to “the sept of Clan Taggart, tenants of Ballegortmelege [Gortmalegg]”.
“ Hugh Mac Intaggart was one of the jurors who attended this Inquisition, which found that ‘the sept Clan Mac Intaggart have been and yet are the ancient tenants and freeholders of the lands (as above) and hold the same for the yearly rent of 5s 6d, and are not to be dispossessed at the Primate’s pleasure.’ This ancient family, which appears to have been founded in the 12th century, is now almost extinct and there is hardly one of the name residing in the north-west edge of the parish where it appears to have flourished. The name is found in some parts of Tyrone and is always spelt Taggart.”
- McAnallen points out: “It’s worthy of note that surnames like Mac an tSagairt (meaning son of the priest), Mac an Easaig, Mac an Aba (Mac Anabb) (son of the abbott), Mac an Mhanaigh (Mac Vany), etc. date back to a period when celibacy was not a requirement for ordination to the priesthood of Ireland.”

MacVEIGH (p. 91/92)
- Usual Irish equivalent is Mac an Bheatha. See entry for location Dunmacmay.
- Most common in Antrim and Down. Found also in numbers in Armagh and Tyrone, particularly along the River Blackwater in the Benburb and Brantry areas.
- In Scottish genealogy there is a claimed association with the name MacBeth.
- Local Tyrone rendering of the name is Mac a Fee per Fr. Pádraig ó Gallachair in Clogher Record 1971. He believes that name of the MacVeighs of Fermangh and Tyrone did not originate with the MacBeth/MacBeath names of Scotland.
- Fr. ó Gallachair states: “They seem to be also of Scottish origin, closely associated with the O Neills of Tir Eoghain and the O Rourkes of Breifne. We find one of Shane O Neill’s daughters married into this family of the Clanvees of Colonsay. Turlough Lineach O Neill employed one Ferral Mac Evye as his confidential messenger seeking a wife for him in Scotland in 1567 (CSPI, 1509-73, p. 352). We find Neil Oge M’Evee, a galloglass captain of 100 Scots, falling with three hundred others of the Clanvees at the rout of the Scots of Ardnarea, in 1586. Around the same time we hear of them in Breifne Uí Ruairc: ‘The MacEvies were Scots whom O Rouke kept constantly employed.’ The Gaelic form of the name is Mac Dhuibhshithe (Son of the Dark Chieftain), pronounced Mac Uvee-heh, whence Mac Afee and Mac Veigh.” (Fr. ó Gallachair gives as his main source of information on this family G.A. Hayes-McCoy’s Scots Mercenary Forces in Ireland (Dublin 1947).)

MERGAND (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- Brian mc Mergan of Uriel or McMaghon, chief of this countrie south of Monoghan village and Forte of Monoghan, Monaghan.

MURPHY (pp 96/98)
- Brendan McAnallen considers this name to be “… the most numerous surname in Ireland …” and that “… the best and most authentic account of the local branch [Minterburn] is that given by An tAth. Éamon Ó Doibhlin in a series of articles in “Seanchas Ard Mhacha” [Vol. 1, 1971. O’Neill’s Own Country and Its Families pp. 20-21]. He mentions the Mac Murchaidh family as one of the three (with the Ó Doibhlins and Mac Cathmhaoils) who held the position of ‘fíorcheithearnaigh’ (select fighting men or foot soldiers) to O Neill”.
- From the Seanchas Ard Mhacha reference above: “ This surname evolved from the Muintir Birn. A line of the Muintir Birn is given in ‘Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae’ as follows: ‘Cú Lacha, m. Conchaille, m. Muredaich, m. Fergail, m. Muiredaich, m. Birnn, m. Ruadrach, m. Murchada, m. Maeldúin, m. Aed Allain, m. Fergaile, m. Maeldúin.’ It was the descendants of Birnn of this line who were known as Muintir Birn, and their name survives as a place name to the present time. It can be seen from the line above how close they were to the kingship of the Cinéal. They are in direct descent from Aed Allain who was king of Ireland 734-743. Like other families who held important positions within the O’Neill system, they held the position they did because of who they were.
The chief surname that evolved from the Muintir Birn was Mac Murchaidh (Mac Murfaigh, Murphy). Through out the 12th and 13th centuries they were active in their territory of Muintir Birn, and in fact, very forceful in their efforts to extend their sway. A few quotations from the Annals of Ulster will give an idea of their strength and of their ambitions:
1166 Diarmait Mac Murchadha, Taoiseach [chief] of Muintir Birn, was slain by his own people.
1172 Mael Muire Mac Murchadha, chief of Muintir Birn and chief and king of the Uí Echach, was killed by Aodh Mac Oenghusa and by the Clann Aedha of the Uí Echach Uladh.
1181 Aedh Mac Murchadha, the royal chief (ríthaoiseach) of Muintir Birn and Airthir and the Tríocha Céad, was killed by MacMahon in treachery at a meeting.
1257 Mael Muire Mac Murchaidh, chief of Muintir Birn, was killed by his kinsmen at Cell-issil (Killeeshil).
It is really extraordinary to see these descendants of Aodh Allain up to the middle of the 13th century holding onto royal power in their territory of Muintir Birn, and striving to extend their sway over neighbouring territories as well. Airthir was a territory that lay immediately south of Muintir Birn and would be considered fair game in the southward advance of the Cineál Eoghain. It is perhaps more surprising to see them recognised by the Annalist as royal chieftains of the Triocha Céad mentioned above [1181]. This can only refer to Trough, Mac Kenna’s territory [see MacKenna entry], and an effort by Mac Murchaidh to extend in that direction would naturally be resented by Mac Mahon. Were they in alliance with O’Neill in his dynastic struggles with Mac Lochlainn during the century covered by the above entries? The fact that they are recogised in Ceart Uí Néill as ‘fíorcheithearnaigh’ would indicate that they were.”
- McAnallen states that: “… Séamas Mac Murfaigh, a poet and rapparee, was from Carnally, co. Armagh and was called An Beirneach Mór, [the Beirneach coming from ‘Na Beirnigh’] (being the locator name attached to the Mac Murphys from Muintir Birn). He was the subject of a play in Irish by Séamus Ó Neill, a play in English by Malachy Conlon MP and numerous articles and stories …….. and was executed in Armagh in the 1750s, allegedly for stealing a sheep or a horse but according to tradition, because he was believed to have written a poem that offended, the headhunter Johnston of the Fews.”
- The O’Neills of Tyrone drove the MacMurphys out of Muintir Birn but some remained in Aghaloo in the 1660s. The Heath Money Rolls list Edmond McMurfey of Mullintor, Hugh McMurphy of Mullyneill and Neal and Brian McMurphy of Mullaghmore. Brian O’Murphy of Fasglashagh appears in Carnteel parish (Killeeshil) in 1664, and a Patrick McMurphy at Killybracle in Clonfeacle parish in 1666.
- The MacMurphys remained an influential sept under the O’Neills of the Fews.
- Over the years the name morphed from MacMurphy to O’Murphy and today are generally found as Murphy.

O’CASSILY (pp 95/96)
- This name, known in various spellings, appears with a Lucas O Cassaly who in 1406 was a canon of Armagh and paid 10 shillings a year to the Primate out of Turry. The Plantation Inquisition [modern day inquiry] of 1609 recorded “… the sept of Muintir Cassely and their ancestors, time out of mind, had been seized of and in the two towns, Turry and Enagh Munter Cassaly in the territory of Clanawle [Glenaul], paying into the Lord Archbishop of Armagh for the time being 14 shillings and 4 pence.” [Hughes, Thomas History of Tynan Parish 1910 p. 27].
- McAnallen states “In the townland of Annagh, almost directly opposite the ancient monastery of Glenarb, was the homeland of Muintir Chasaile – the O Cassalys – who were also the erenaghs or stewards for Tynan parish.”
- Some believe that Cassily is synonymous with Cassells in Glenavy, Antrim and Cushley and Costello in Moneymore, Derry. Cassidy is thought by most to be a distinct name.

O’CONNOR - See Reynolds entry.

Ó DOIBHLIN - An ancient ruling family of the Muintir Birn area. - See Murphy entry.

O DONNELL - See O’Neill entry

O’HALLON - Co. Armagh branch claim descent from Colla Dá Chríoch. (p. 91)

O’NEILL (p. 91)
- Muiredach Tireach, a legendary ancestor of the Uí Néill, became king of Ireland in 327 AD. He was killed in 356 by Caelbhadh, son of Crunn, king of the part of Ulster that was east of Lough Neagh and the Bann River. He died at ‘oc Purt Righ uas Dabull’ (Port Ri or Righ on the River Blackwater).
- The “Lotye” (Lucht Ti), the “household lands of the O Neills” are shown near Dungannon, Benburb and Branty in Tyrone on the Richard Bartlett map of south-east Ulster dated about 1600. Most maps of the period locate them north of Donaghmore which is north-west of Dungannon.
- “The new Castle” with lake and crannog south-west of Tenan (Tynan), Armagh is thought to be the O’Neill residence at Drumhillery. (map of 1609 aft p. 92)
- Port Nelligan in Tynan parish was an important O’Neill residence in the 16th Century. (p. 93)
- See also Mac Girr, MacVeigh and Murphy entries.
- Niall Glúndubh, a 10th century high king, was killed in 919 at Islandbridge, fighting against the Norsemen of Dublin. Brendan McAnallen states: “… the Uí Néill had even in the previous century impressed their authority on the south Tyrone/Monaghan area the local connections may be said to go back at least to that period.” (p. 99)
- The Annals of Ulster (Vol. I, pp 472-473) mention that in 955, Dónal, son of Muircheartach, grandson of Niall Glúndubh, led an expedition with boats from Tuag Inbhir [estuary of the Bann] “across Lough Neagh, up the Dabhall [River Blackwater], across Airgialla overland [the line of the Ulster Canal?] into Lough Erne.” Eight years later in 963, now in his seventh year as High King of Ireland, he made another trek to plunder the islands. This second trip was reported in the Annals of the Four Masters for the year 961 (date later revised to 963 by John O’Donovan) as: “An unusual thing was done by King Dónall, son of Muircheartach; namely, he brought vessels over the Dabhall, across Sliabh Fuaid, to Loch Ainninn [Lough Ennell, near Mullingar] and took with him the treasure of the islands of the lake.” He died in Armagh in 980 after twenty-four years as High King of Ireland. His final years were spent there in repentance and he was there after known as Dónall Ard Mhacha – Dónall of Armagh. (Annals of the Four Masters Vol. I, pp 709-710, footnote quotes Annals of Clonmacnoise. AU (1983))
- The Annals of the Four Masters tell that in the Norman period in 1238, the Lord Justice Fitzmaurice and Hugo de Lacy invaded Tyrone and Tyrconnell. As a result Dónall Mac Lochlainn (an O Neill) was deposed and the government of Cineál Eoghain given to O Neill’s son Brian. The following year Dónall returned and fought the battle of Carnteel in which Dónall Tamhnaí Ó Néill, Mac Mahon, Sorely O Gormley, Caech Bearnais O Gormley and the chiefs of Cineál Moain, with many others, were slain. Mac Lochlainn resumed the lordship after the battle but according to the Annals of the Four Masters, he was deprived of it shortly afterwards. (p. 100)
- In 1264 Aodh Buí Ó’Néill, king of Tír Eoghain is referred to in the Annals of Ulster as “taking the lordship of Airgialla” which lay to the south of Muintir Birn.
- Another Dónall Ó Néill, chief from about 1295 – 1307 had his troubles with the church: “Early in the 14th century, this prince was compelled to surrender the church lands of Clondawyll, or the lands extending along the River Blackwater from the north part of Tynan to Benburb which it appears he had previously usurped. In the year 1307 he confirmed his surrender by a solemn covenant.” (The History of Tynan Parish by Thomas Hughes, 1910, p. 22)
- The Annals show that the O’Neills were well established at Kinnard (Caledon) by 1480: “A force of the English came to Tír Eoghain with Conn O Neill, attacking the castle of Seán Buí Ó Néill, namely the Earl of Kildare, the deputy king of England in Ireland and the Palesmen of Meath. And Seán Buí was himself in the castle at the time and held and maintained the town despite the assault. And the English force departed and Seán Buí later made peace with O Neill.”
- McAnallen points out that the “Conn O Neill, mentioned above, was Tánaiste or heir presumptive and was married to Eleanor Fitzgerald, a sister of the Earl of Kildare. He succeeded his father as prince of Tír Eoghain in 1483.”
- Seán Buí above died in 1486. In the years that followed the O Neills of Dungannon tried to take the castle of Kinnard from Seán Buí’s sons. The final engagement was major battle fought on 8 June 1493 which is recorded as follows, in the Annals of Ulster, only with greater details as to casualties. “On this date an encounter took place between the two O Neills, Dónall, son of Henry … and his brother, Henry … at Glasdrummond [near Carnteel] and in the battle Dónall and his people were defeated and there were slain Raghnall Mac Dónaill, constable of O Neill’s gallowglasses [who resided near Pomeroy] and his three sons ….. and [among many others] Éamonn, son of Seán Ó Néill. Niall, son of Seán Buí, was taken prisoner.”
- Brendan McAnallen states that: “In the year 1500 Brian Caoch, son of Niall, son of Séan Buí was slain by Dónall, son of Seán Buí … and by Muintir Aodha in the door of the castle of Kinnard.” The entry mistakenly refers to Dónall as Dónall’s uncle rather than Brian’s uncle. (p. 101)
- McAnallen also states: “In 1517 … the Annals record that Seán, son of Conn O Neill, tánaiste of Tír Eoghan and unopposed royal heir of his own sept and one of the shrewdest and most noble of the race of Eoghain, died a death of grace and penance in Kinnard.” [Transcriber’s note: He died of natural causes rather than being slain in battle or killed by a relative!]
- In 1531, the Annalists recount that Lord Deputy William Skeffington, with the Earl of Kildare and the chiefs of the English in Ireland, led an army into Tyrone at the instigation of O Donnell and Niall Óg O Neill and the descendants of Hugh O Neill. The English burned the territory from Dún Gál [Dunnagoale, parish of Erigal Ciarán] to the River Blackwater. They demolished the new castle of Portnelligan [Tynan parish, barony of Tiranny, co. Armagh]; they plundered and burned the country of Brian na Mochéiri and left Monaghan empty behind them. O Donnell and Niall Óg set out to join the English forces at Kinnard and demolished the castle there but O Neill opposing them with a huge force, they dared not proceed further into Tyrone, so that the would be invaders turned about to their several bases, without O Neill having agreed either terms of peace or truce with them.
- Brendan McAnallen reported that around the same time as the above entry: “… Baile Uí Dhonnaíle (now Castlecaulfield) was attacked by Niall Óg and the castle there demolished. Conn O Neill’s son, foster-son to Ó Donnaíle, was taken prisoner and carried off, along with the horses and other spoils of the town. This captive was the famous Shane O Neill (Seán an Díomais) who was to establish another O Neill stronghold, to rival Dungannon and Kinnard, at Benburb. He was to be a thorn in the side of the English and Scots and many of his own people in the years to come.” [See McHarrie and MacVeigh entries.]

RIDGEWAY (pp 92/93)
- Sir Thomas Ridgeway, councilor of state and an undertaker in the barony of Clogher at the time of the Plantation of Ulster (1603). As treasurer he accompanied Attorney-General Sir John Davies to London with the documents and maps of the escheated counties prepared by Sir Josias Bodley. These were presented to the Earl of Salisbury to satisfy the claiming of the new Irish lands.
- His “Map of Mid Ulster” made about 1609 shows the Minterburn area as “Monterborn” and provides the names of then current Irish chieftains and shows their holdings in quite a bit of detail. (aft p. 92)

REYNOLDS (p. 98)
- This family, known as Mag Raghnaill, are said to have come from Connacht and settled in the Muintir Birn area. They were considered to be an “aggressive” lot. A Tadhg Mag Raghnaill is mentioned in the Annals of Ulster as chief of Muintir Eolais and as having been slain in 1353.
- Another entry in those Annals coming 22 years later (1375) states that Donnchadh, son of Tadhg Mag Raghnaill, son of Conor of the Cup was killed by Muintir Birn.
- The Annals in the year 1474 state: “Maelshechlainn, son of Diarmait Ua Ferghail, launched a war out of his own country into Muintir Maolmórdha [co. Cavan]. In the attack upon them by the English, Maelshechlainn was killed. Tadhg óg Mag Raghnaill was killed by one shot of an arrow and it is not known for certain who fired it but the Muintir Birn said it was the Clann Muircheartaigh [O’Connors, originally from Roscommon] and the Clann Muircheartaigh said was the Muintir Birn. In any event, war broke out as a result between Muintir Eolais [co. Leitrim] and Muintir Birn.
- See also O’Neill entry in 1493 battle.
- Brendan McAnallen advises that although the name Mag Raghnaill has come to be anglicized as Reynolds, it often appears as MacGronan and is found that way in the Hearth Money Rolls for Kew in 1666. The name MacGronan has essentially died out in the Minterburn area.

Short - See MacGirr

An asterisk (*) indicates a connection to the particular name in this document
Currently Ancient Names
Armagh Arda Macha
Aughnacloy area around it called Port Largie
Blackwatertown possibly Port Mór and earlier Port Righ
Caledon Cionn Aird or Kinnard
Castlecaulfield Baile Uí Dhonnaíle (west of Dungannon)
Cavan Co. Muintir Maelmórdha
Clondawyll Area north from Tynan to Benburb, likely on Armagh side of river
Cremorne Críoch Mughdhorn (in co. Monaghan)
Drumbrochish on Armagh side of Blackwater River about opposite Dyan, Tyrone.
Dunmacmay possibly Dún Mhic Mheith (MacVeigh’s Fort)* (per M’Aleer)
Dunnagoale Dún Gál (parish of Errigal Ciarán)
Dyan An Daingean
Glasdrummond near Carnteel
Glenaul Clanawle
Gortmalegg Ballegortmelege
Kinnard Cionn Aird (now Caledon)
Leitrim Co. Muintir Eolais
Lough Ennell Loch Ainninn (near Mullingar)
Mays Mound a local name for a hill - see Dunmacmay
Minterburn Muintir Bhirn, Muintir Birn, Munterbirne, Monterborn
Owenmagh on Armagh side of Blackwater River about opposite Dyan, Tyrone.
Port Nelligan seems to have been Páirc an Chloiginn or Port Fhailleagáin (Tynan parish, Baron of Tiranny, co. Armagh)
River Blackwater Abhainn Mhór and earlier (ca 356 AD) uas Dabhall Possibly the “Tríocha Céad” between Muintir Birn and Monaghan in 1181 Owen Troughe Flu on map of Mid-Ulster by Thos. Ridgeway 1609
Truagh, Barony of Across the Blackwater from Muintir Birn in 12th century and earlier. Included Emyvale and Glaslough in co. Monaghan.
Tynan Tenan and Tuidnech (in co. Armagh)
Tyrone Tír Eoghain; By 1600 this meant “the entire territory possessed by the O’Neills and other families of the race of Eoghan.” (per John O’Donovan)