Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Alternate spellings for locations in Tyrone

Compiled by Teena

Aginagarrhy, Aghnagartie, Aghnagerrha (Aghnanereagh?)
Anoosnagh, Ossnagh
Ardstra, Ardstaw
Ardugboy Mountcastle
Badony, Badoney
Ballintrane, Ballintrain
Ballydonnelly Castle Caulfield
Ballyculla -modern name is Cooley
Ballynakilly Ballynakelly, Balnakilly
Ballyntreany, Ballyntreana
Beragh, Beregh or Lowrystown
Bogbane Bogbawn
Bonnynubber Bunnynubber.....which was near Omagh.
Bovean ,Bovane, Bovain (Note: Bovain can also be used to refer to the cluster of townlands: Bovean, Derrygally,Derrygally Demesne, and Gortrea.)
Brackagh, Amrackagh
Brady , Bready, Tamnabrady Springfield
Braghy, Bracky (?)
Bynoan Bunowen Benown
Camos, Camus Kalms
Cappy, Cappagh
Castlederg, Derg-Bridge
Caty Bawn ?Kittybane
Cavanrevagh, Cavariagh, Cavanreagh
Cloghfine, Cloghanie, Cloghfin
Clogher Clachcar Cloghore
Coolmaghery Gaury Craigstown Ederwell
Coor, Corr
+*Corballintackin, Agharone
Craighcor Creaghcor Thorn Hill
Cullelagh, Cuillagh, Cullagh, being part of Drumlister, Drumlester
Cullermoney Coolermoney
Derreebreye, Derrenchoughy
Derrchrien, Derrychrieigh
Derrybeir, Derryseir
Derrymeen ,Derrymain
Derryowgre, Derryowre
Desertcreight, Desertcreate
Dirrore, Dirroren Upper, Dirroren Lower, Deroran
Donacavery, Findonagh
Donagheady, Donaghhedy, Donaheedy
Donoughmore, Donahmor , Dunamore, Donaghmore
Donnoghkiddy, Donagheady, Donaghedy
Dreemore, Dree
Dromgawe, Dromgoisse, & Dromgan
Dromlester, Dromlaster
Dromragh, Drumragh
Drosheny, Donisheny
Dunamanagh, Donemana
Dunrain now Dunrevan
Eden, Gortavea Foyleside Cloghboy
Erginagh now Erganagh
Gaury, Coolmaghery
Glenegourlin Glennagoorland
Greystone, Cavancreagh
Gortinure / Gortimore?
Gortivea Half Town
Keery Tamnakeery
Kenahan Keenaghan
Killymalagh Killymallaght
Killyman Parish -Killiman
Kilthame, Kilthome
Kinego, Kinnego
Knocknegortane, Knocknegurrulane
Lacknease Loughneas
Leckpatricke, Leckpatrick
Lislagh, Lisloist
Lissara, Lissearne
Longfield Langfield
Lower Town, Magheramason
Muninmale Moninnameel
Mountbank, Sollus
New & Old Clare, Tamnaclare
Newtown Stewart Newtownstewart-modern name, Newtonstewart, Newtown, Newtowne
Omeigh, Omagh Amagh (now Omagh)
Orney now (The Skirts of) Urney
Prospect, Drumgauty
Radowed, Radawaid
Ramacowe, Ramacone, Ramackan
Rasnowly (?Renelly), Nasirclasa
Ruskaowye, Raskawa
Sollase Sollus Mountbank
Tamnabrane Tamnabryan
Tyrkernahan Tirkernaghan
Tonregeoghe, Gortfin
Tullybeerin, Rarone
Tullymeal is a subdenomination of Sixmilecrss, formerly called Koragh.
Tunnoch, Tannagh in Agaloo Parish
Tyllneal, Tyllyoneale, Carragh
Wee Keery, Tamnakeery

+ Corballintackin does not appear in the Ordnance map, but Curr does, and it is conjectured that Curr is a corruption of the first syllable of the word.

*Acorr certainly represents the modern townland of Curr, or part of it. Ballintackin was an ancient name of the district, in that part of the parish, as shown on the map of 1609.

submitted by Rob D - The Hearth Money Roll for Dungannon 1666 has a parish called Ballieeloge. I think it could now be Ballyclog but some of the townlands have shifted parish according to seanruad.

sources of information "Two Ulster Manors"
and Bready Ancestry