Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Missing Friends from County Tyrone, Northern Ireland in Victoria, Australia 1855-1894

Public notices and advertisements extracted from Melbourne & provincial newspapers and periodicals within in the Colony of Victoria
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

Extracted from The ARGUS (Melbourne), The AGE (Melbourne), The ADVOCATE (Melbourne), The LEADER (Melbourne), The AUSTRALASIAN (Melbourne), The (Melbourne) and the provincial GEELONG ADVERTISER

For further Australian Newspapers:


October 27 1855 JAMES or WILLIAM MOORHEAD, from the town of Drummard, county of Tyrone, Ireland, will hear of their sister, ANNE MONTGOMERY, from New York, by applying to Rogers, Warfield, Lord & Co., 116 Collins-street, west [Melbourne]. (The Argus)
September 30 1865 JACKSON – If should this meet the eye of ARCHIBALD JACKSON, late of Aughnacloy, county Tyrone, Ireland, last address, Pleasant Creek, Victoria, - please communicate with JAMES WATSON, Brisbane-street, Launceston, Tasmania, and you will hear of something to your advantage. (The Australasian)
January 4 1869 INFORMATION wanted of MARY ANN DONOGHUE, a native of Cookstown, county Tyrone, Ireland; went to Australia in 1853; when last heard of she was married to a MR AKIN, at Geelong. Information concerning her will be thankfully received by addressing her sisters, CATHERINE and BRIDGET DONOGHUE, 533 Howard-street, San Francisco, California. (Geelong Advertiser)
July 14 1870 NOTICE – The undersigned will be thankful to anyone who will give him any information of the whereabouts of his brother JAMES WATTERS, who emigrated to the colony of Victoria, Australia, from the town of Strabane, county Tyrone, Ireland, in the year 1860 or 1861, and has not since been heard from. If this should meet his eye, he will find it to his advantage to communicate with me in British Columbia. HUGH WATTERS, Post Office, Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, April 11 1870. (The Argus)
June 10 1871 ROSEANN McGONEGEL, of Glenmornan, County Tyrone, call Albert Hotel, King Street [Melbourne]. Cousin JOHN McCORMICK arrived. (The Argus)
January 20 1872 INFORMATION WANTED of PATRICK and HUGH LONE, sons of JOHN LONE, County Tyrone, Ireland. Any person knowing their address will gratify their relatives by sending it to the Advocate office, Melbourne. (The Advocate)
January 22 1872


THOMAS MANN, of Bloomhill, in the County Tyrone, Esquire, DEANE MANN, of Martry, in the said County, Esquire, JANE MANN of Martry aforesaid, spinster, ESTHER MANN, of Martry aforesaid, spinster, and FRANCES MANN, of the same place, spinster, and REVEREND GORDON SMYTH, of Eglish, in the same County and EMILY SMYTH, formerly EMILY MANN, spinster, have applied to bring the land at the foot hereof under the above Statute..........dated the 22nd day of January, 1872. [Land in the Town of North Geelong is described] THOS SUTHERLAND, Assistant Registrar of Titles. (Geelong Advertiser)

February 3 1872 INFORMATION WANTED of JAMES DEVINE, native county Tyrone, Ireland. Last heard of in lunatic asylum, Dunedin, N.Z. Any information of him, alive or dead, will be thankfully received by his sister ANNIE DONNELLY, Victoria Valley, Victoria. New Zealand papers please copy. (The Advocate)
October 13 1876 JOHN FRENCH, JUN., late of Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland – please communicate with NICHOLAS SIMMS, of Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand, who will acquaint you with news of important advantage to you. When you write state your mother’s maiden name. (The Argus)
May 26 1880 BENJAMIN RUSSELL, native of Tyrone, Ireland, who came to Australia in 1855, and was on the Jamieson Diggings about 15 years ago, will hear of something to his advantage by writing to (or anyone knowing his address please oblige) Edward D. Lupton, news and advertising agent, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W. (The Age)
March 23 1881 WANTED, Information concerning ALEXANDER COWDEN, native of Coagh, by Moneymore, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, who emigrated in 1857, and was last heard of in 1860. He was resident in Melbourne at that time. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by his brothers and sisters in Glasgow. JOSEPH COWDEN, 6 Charlotte-street, Glasgow. (The Argus)
March 26 1881 KILPATRICK, SAMUEL, late of Moy, County Tyrone, Ireland, labourer, last heard of 1874, Bradford Solomon, stonemason, advantageous. – Communicate Lloyd’s Missing Friends Office, Melbourne. (The Age)
November 21 1887 If this should meet the eye of CATHERINE CARNEY, or her sister ISABELLA MURPHY, maiden name DEVINE, from Knockrow, county Tyrone, Ireland, please communicate with S. Kerr, Arcadia, as an anxious sister would like to hear from them. (The Age)
November 23 1889 MRS. McCAY, of county Tyrone, Ireland, living with married daughter, Clifton Hill, – Leave address News Agency, Clifton Hill (The Age)
March 19 1891 If HUGH QUINN, formerly of Ballymurphy, Arboe, County Tyrone, Ireland, will call on the undersigned, he will hear something to his advantage LAWSON and JARDINE, Solicitors, Empire-buildings, Collins-street west, Melbourne. (The Argus)
April 2 1887 If this should meet the eye of FRANCIS NUGENT, native of the county Tyrone, Ireland, or WILLIAM GORDON, of the same place, or any one that knows them, they would kindly oblige by communicating with Edward Nugent, hospital, Ararat. (The Leader)
July 29 1887 ELIZABETH MARSHALL, Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, write sister, Margaret Harrison, Alma Cottage, Blackwood-street, Hotham. (Geelong Advertiser)
February 2 1889 WANTED, the address of JOHN HOGAN, native of County Tyrone, MR. MULLINS, Solicitor, native of same place. Address Tyrone, Advocate office. (The Advocate)
August 16 1890 ADAMS, WILLIAM, native of Shanless, county Tyrone; emigrated to Australia about 13 years ago; last heard of in 1879, in Adelaide, South Australia; sought by his father. (The Advocate)
September 7 1892 JOHN CAMPBELL, of Dromore, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, will hear of something to his advantage by applying to JOHN DILL, Toongabbie, Hay, N.S.W. (The Age)
June 2 1894 Information wanted of JAMES CALDWELL, who emigrated from the County Tyrone, Ireland, about 45 or 50 years ago, and landed in Australia. Worked, after landing, with CAPTAIN HIPBURN, in Melbourne. At that time he used to write to his sister, SARA CALDWELL, by marriage, SARA McCALLUM, She moved to Darnish in the County Donegal, and received no further letters from him. As there was another family there of the same name, his sister Sara’s daughter would like to hear from him, ANNE McCALLUM, by marriage ANN SHEERIN. Please address, and oblige, Ann Sheerin, Winn Penobscott County, State of Maine, U.S.A. (The Advocate)
October 5 1894 Notice is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction, that LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION of the estate and effects of STEPHEN BEATTY, late of Huon-lane, in the said colony, grazier, deceased, intestate, may be granted to WILLIAM BEATTY, of Yackandandah, in the said colony, butcher, a brother of the said deceased, under and by virtue of a power of attorney from CROZIER BEATTY, of Corkhill, in the county Tyrone, Ireland, farmer (the father of the said deceased), duly authorising the said William Beatty to apply for such grant. Dated this third day of October, 1894. GEOGHEGAN and PERRY, Camp-street, Beechworth, and 17 Queen-street, Melbourne, proctors for the applicant (The Argus)