The Strabane Morning Post 1812 - 1837
Vol. XXV. - No. 15. Tuesday, April 12, 1836
NOTICE is hereby given, that Special Sessions will be held in said County at the Times and Places herein-after mentioned, previous to Summer Assizes, 1836, under the Provisions of the Act 3d and 4th Wm. IV, Chap. 78, viz.
AT Clogher, in and for the Barony of Clogher, on Monday the 2d day of May, 1836, at the Hour of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, before the Justices of the Peace who shall then and there assemble and Qualify under said Act, and a number not exceeding Six, to be selected by Ballot from the following Twelve Cess Payers, viz.
1 John L. Spear, of Clonanally, Esq. 7 Thomas Simpson, of Broomhill, Esq.
2 Mr. John Simpson, of Springhill, 8 Mr. Adam Armstrong, of Grange,
3 Mr. Archibald King, of Cumber, 9 Mr. James Anderson, of Derrybard,
4 Mr. Archibald Johnston, of Dromore, 10 Mr. John Nelson, of Skelgagh,
5 John Webb, Esq. Daisyhill, 11 Mr. John M’Crea, of Lislain,
6 Morgan Jellet, of Clogher, Esq. 12 Mr. Francis Simpson, of Rosemiland.
AT Dungannon, in and for the Barony of Dungannon, on Wednesday the 4th day of May, 1836, at the Hour of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, before the Justices of the Peace, who shall then and there assemble, and Qualify under said Act, and a number not exceeding Six, to be selected by Ballot from the following Twelve Cess Payers, viz.
1 Mr. James M’Cormick, of Tattykeel, 7 John Falls, Esq. of Dungannon,
2 Mr. Samuel Anderson, of Doorlas, 8 Mr. James Fiddes, of Aughnacloy,
3 James Lowry, of Desertcreat, Esq. 9 Mr. Alexander Pringle, of Cadin,
4 Mr. John K. Tener, of Moree, 10 Mr. James Eyre Jackson, Tullydooey,
5 William Lowry, Esq. of Drumreagh, 11 Jackson Lloyd, Esq. of Tamnamore,
6 Mr. William M’Reynolds, of Ederna, 12 Mr. John Whiteside, of Killycolpy.
AT Gortin, in and for the Upper Half Barony of Strabane, on Monday the 9th day of May, 1836, at the hour of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, before the Justices of the Peace, who shall then and there assemble and qualify, under said Act, and a number not exceeding Five, to be selected by Ballot from the following Ten Cess Payers, viz.
1 Mr. James Buchanan, of Killyclogher, 6 Mr. John Laughlin, of Gorticastle,
2 Mr. John M’Farland, of Crosh, 7 Mr. Robert Hamilton, of Danbunraver,
3 Mr. Andrew Gibson, of Lisnagir, 8 Mr. Andrew M’Farland, Glencoppaga,
4 Mr. Joseph Orr, of Lisnamallard, 9 Mr. John Moorehead, of Derboragh,
5 Mr. Andrew M’Farland, of Gortin, 10 Mr. John M’Farland, Aughdoorish,
AT Strabane, in and for the Lower Half Barony of Strabane, on Thursday, the 12th day of May, 1836, at the Hour of Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon, before the Justices of the Peace who shall then there assemble and qualify, under said Act, and a number not exceeding Six to be selected by Ballot from the following Twelve Cess Payers, viz.
1 Mr. Robert Anderson of Newtownstewart, 7 Mr. William Clark, of Drumenybig,
2 Mr. James Cunningham, of Liggertown, 8 Mr. Robert M’Crea, of Grange Foyle,
3 Mr. Moses Sproull, of Upper Inchany, 9 Mr. James M’Crea, of Glencush,
4 Mr. Galbraith Hamilton, of Ballyfatton, 10 Mr. William Stevenson, of Strabane,
5 Mr. Thomas Brown, of Artigarvan, 11 Mr. James M’Crea, of Cavanalee,
6 Mr. Samuel M’Crea, of Leck, 12 Mr. Robert Smily, of Camus.
AT Castlederg, in and for the Barony of West Omagh, on Monday the 16th of May, 1836, at the hour of Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, before the Justices of the Peace, who shall then and there assemble and Qualify, under said Act, and a number not exceeding Five, to be selected by Ballot from the following Ten Cess Payers, viz.
1 Mr. Andrew Patterson, of Letfern, 6 Mr. Francis Crawford of Barnagh,
2 Mr. David Wiley, of Raw, 7 Mr. Archd. Osborne, of Dressog,
3 Mr. James Buchanan, of Deroran, 8 Mr. James Sproull, of Grannon,
4 Mr. Samuel Johnston, of Tyrooney, 9 James Hamilton, Esq. of Lakemount,
5 Mr. Joseph Moore, of Drumragh, 10 Mr. Charles Irwin, of Drumbinion,
By order of the Grand Jury at Lent Assizes, 1836.
Vol. XV. - No. 38. Tuesday, October 4, 1836
Under the 3d and 4th William IV., Cap. 78.
WE, the Grand Jury of the County of Tyrone, assembled at an Assizes, held at Omagh, on Thursday the 14th day of July, 1836, do, by virtue of, and under the provisions of an Act passed in the 3d and 4th years of the Reign of Wm. IV. chap. 78, present and appoint, that Special Sessions shall be held at the times and places hereinafter mentioned, in said County, for the purpose of examining, and taking into consideration, all Applications for Works, the expence whereof is proposed to be levied off the different Baronies or Half Baronies, in said County, and also off the County at Large; and also examining and investigating all Accounts of Works done, viz. :
On Monday the 9th day of January 1837.
At the hour of Eleven o’clock in the morning, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, duly qualified under said Act, and a number, not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-Payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by Ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz. :-
Mr Robert Hornage, of Fardross,
Samuel Vesey, Esq. of Derrybard,
Mr Adam Armstrong, of Grange,
Joseph Trimble, Esq. of Clogher,
Thomas Simpson, Esq. of Bloomhill,
J. L. Spear, Esq. of Clenonally,
Mr W. J. Fitzgibbon, of Knockony,
Mr Edward Manaul, of Carnagat,
Mr James King, of Cumber,
Mr William Raony, of Killymorgan,
Mr James Anderson, of Derrybard,
Mr William Stewart, of Donaghmeen.
On Wednesday, the 11th day of January, 1837.
At the hour of Eleven o’clock in the morning, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, duly qualified undersaid Act, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-Payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by Ballot and appointed, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz. :-
Mr John Simpson, of Aughnacloy,
Mr James Fiddes, of same,
James Montgomery, of Garvey, Esq.
Roger Anketel, Esq. of Balragh,
Mr William Murdock, of Anaghroe,
Mr James Irwin, of Dyan,
Mr Alexander Pringle, of Cadoo,
Mr John Crozier, of Caledon.
Rev. Edward Stopford, of Glack,
Mr John Mossman of Mullicarnon,
Mr Bernard M’Arae, of Caledon,
Mr James Higgins, of Glenarb,
On Thursday, the 12th day of January, 1837.
At the hour of Eleven o’clock in the morning, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, duly qualified under said Act, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-Payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz. :-
Rev. Henry Griffin, of Tubermason,
Mr John Mallon, of Dungormal,
Thomas Greer, Esq. of Roanhill,
Jackson, Loyd, Esq. of Tamnamore,
Rev. Thomas Carpendale, of Mullaghmore,
Edward Evans, Esq. of Dungannon,
Mr John Hughes, of same,
William Lowry, Esq. of Drumreagh,
Rev. F. L. Gore, of Gorticlogher,
John Little, Esq. of Stewartstown,
Mr Alexander Meneese, of Rouskey
Rev. Thomas Twigg, of Roan.
On Saturday, the 14th day of January, 1837.
At Eleven o’clock in the morning, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, duly qualified under said Act, and a number not exceeding Six, of the following highest Cess-Payers of said Half Barony, to be then and there selected by Ballot, and appointed, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.:-
Mr Wm. M’Reynolds, of Ederna,
Rev. Dr. James K. Baity, of Ardtrea House,
Mr Thomas Smith, of Ballyblough,
Mr William M’Gaw, of Upper Eary,
Mr John Whiteside, of Killycolpy,
Mr Hugh Adair, of Gortalowry,
Mr William Fleming, of Knockaconny,
Mr James Anderson, of Broughderg,
James Gunning, Esq. of Wellbrook,
Mr Stephen Loughran, of Cloghlin,
Joseph Greer, Esq. Desertcreat,
John Little, Esq. of Kiltyclogher.
On Tuesday, the 17th day of January, 1837.
At eleven o’clock in the morning, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, duly qualified under said Act, and number not exceeding five, of the following highest Cess-Payers of said Half-Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz. :-
Mr John Doak, of Belnamullan,
Mr Robert Fullerton, of Gortnagarn,
Mr James Buchanan, of Killyclogher,
Charles Scott, Esq. of Stroughroy,
Mr Alexander M’Kimmon, of Trenamadin,
Mr Alexander Laughlin, of Gortin,
Mr Daniel M’Kelvy, of Ryland,
Mr Michael Conway, of Laghan,
Mr William M’Farland, of Upper Leardin,
Mr John M’Farland, of Aughdoorish.
On Thursday, the 19th day of January, 1837.
At the hour of eleven o’clock in the morning, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, duly qualified under said Act, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-Payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz. :-
Mr Robert Anderson, of Newtownstewart,
Mr A. T. Love, of Upper Crew,
Mr Robert M’Crea, of Grange Foyle,
Mr Samuel Morton, of Strabane,
Mr Oliver Sproull, of Invaugh,
Mr Robert Smily, of Camus,
Mr Moses Sproull, of Inchany,
Mr James Knox, of Liscurry,
Mr William Clarke, of Drumenybig,
Mr Robert Porter, of Carricklee,
Mr Samuel M’Crea, of Leck,
Mr George Adams, of Aldoghill.
On Saturday, the 21st day of January, 1837.
At eleven o’clock in the morning, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, duly qualified under said Act, and a number not exceeding five, of the following highest Cess-Payers of said Barony to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz. :-
James Anderson, Esq. of Lisnacloon,
Mr Samuel Caldwell, of Scralea,
Edward Sproull, Esq. of Spamount,
Mr John Mathewson, of Clare,
Mr Henry M’Hugh, of Castlederg,
Mr Robert Sproull, of Bomacatal,
Mr James Johnston, of Baravey,
Mr Samuel Sproull, of Bridgehill,
Mr John Johnston, of Edenreagh,
Mr George Barton, of Loughmulhern.
On Monday, the 23rd day of January, 1837.
At eleven o’clock in the morning, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, duly qualified under said Act, and a number not exceeding ten, of the following highest Cess-Payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz. :-
Mr James Quin, of Creggan,
Mr James Buchanan, of Deroran,
Mr Samuel Johnston, of Tyroony,
Mr Andrew Harvey, of Lisahappon,
Mr Ephraim Love, of Anny,
Mr James Wilson, of Rathnelly,
Mr George Galbraith, of Beragh,
Mr Andrew Patterson, of Letfern,
James Hamilton, of Lakemount, Esq.
William Dickson, of Cavan House, Esq.
Mr James Sproull, of Grannon,
Mr Richard Graham, of Rahony,
James Greer, of Omagh, Esq.
Mr John Orr, of Beagh,
Mr William White, of Rylands,
Mr James Young, of Fallaghern,
Mr Andrew Crawford, of Trillick,
Mr Gerard Irvine, of Feglish,
Mr John Irwin, of same,
Mr Robert Somerville, of Mackeny.
At which said last mentioned Sessions, all Applications, the expenses whereof, it may be proposed by such Applications to levy off the County at Large, are to be taken into consideration by the Justices there assembled, and the Cess-Payers first balloted for, drawn, and appearing, at each of the said divisional Special Sessions, viz. :-
All Applications for Presentments Dispensaries, and the County Infirmary, the Salaries of the Keepers of Goals, and Bridewells, Matrons and Turnkeys of Goals, Support of Lunatic Asylum, and the Lunatic Ward, and for the yearly Allowance, Remuneration, and Superannuation of Constables and Sub-Constables.