This reprint is intended *SOLELY* for the non-commercial use of family historians, with the sincere hope that someone may find the content useful.
30 April 1859
May 2, at Dungannon [Co Tyrone], the wife of the Rev. Frederic H. Ringwood, of a son.
April 26, at Favour Royal, in the 11th [sic!] year of his age, John Corry Moutray, J.P., D.L., 66 years a grand juror of the Co. Tyrone.
9 July 1859
June 30, in Cookstown [Co Tyrone], by the Rev. J. H. Leslie, Wm. Taylor, Esq., M.D., Jorticlave, Londonderry, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Hicks Hutchinson, Esq., Surgeon, Waterloo Cottage Cookstown.
23 July 1859
PROVIDENTIAL ESCAPE. Johnston, of Eglish, County Tyrone, had a most providential escape from death while on his way to visit a relative at Richhill. He was riding on horse-back, and had reached the vicinity of Loughgall, County Armagh, when the horse fell, and of course Mr. Johnston with him. The horse, however, suddently sprung to his feet, leaving his rider on the road with onefoot in the stirrup. Mr. Johnston contrived to get into a sitting position, and the horse, having run off, dragged him a considerable distance, when by some means the gentleman¹s foot got disentangled, and he was relieved, though seriously hurt. He was taken to a neighbouring house and medical aid procured. On next day he was removed, a great deal improved, but still suffering from the effects of the stones and sharp gravel over which he was dragged.
13 August 1859
CLEVER CAPTURE OF ROBBERS. the 3d. inst., Sub-Constable Farrell of the Police force at Coalisland, arrested a man named Daniel Dougan, for a robbery of £15 from his master, Danl. Rourke, of Greenagh. When this fellow was examined before Mr. Brooke, J.P., at Dungannon, he acknowledged to have been concerned in a robbery of shop goods from Mr. M'Clusky, of Coalisland, some months since, to which no clue had since been received ; and offered to inform on and discover his companions in that robbery, named Conn and Hagan, two returned convicts, then skulking about Belfast. Mr. Brooke immediately despatched our active and successful officer, Serjeant M'Clelland, in company with Sub-Constable Farrell and Dougan, to Belfast, to hunt up the ruffians, and after a search of 9 or 10 hours through the purlieus of the town, they succeeded in effecting their capture, bringing them to
Dungannon, and lodging them in the bridewell.They will be brought up before the local Bench on the 12th inst. Great credit is due to Sergeant M'Clelland and his companion, Farrell, for their unwearied exertions in this case, so happily crowned with success.