Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Missing Friends from Co. Tyrone in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 1853-69: Missing Friends Advertisements and Public Notices inserted in ”THE ARGUS”, Melbourne

Transcribed, Compiled & Submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

Date Notice
April 11 1853 TYRONE, IRELAND – WILLIAM COOKE ROGERS will meet his uncle MR. JOHN ROGERS on Sunday, 17th April at noon, opposite the Post Office, Bendigo Creek
April 26 1853 INFORMATION WANTED. A gentleman just arrived from Quebec, Canada, wishes to be informed of the address of either MR WILLIAM HARPUR or MR CHARLES HARPUR of Moy, county Tyrone, Ireland. He was requested to insert this advertisement by TOBY CAULFIELD, a particular friend of his and would therefore be most happy to communicate with either of the above gentleman. Please address to Mr. J.S. Waterson at O’Doud and Klinefalter’s, Market Square west, opposite Montefiore & Co., William Street [Melbourne]
June 27 1853 Should this meet the eye of MRS BLAIRT, County Monaghan, her friend MARGARET BURNS, County Tyrone, Ireland, would feel obliged by her leaving her address at the office of this paper
September 17 1853 JOSEPH and JAMES CASEY from Cookstown, county Tyrone, Ireland – your mother has arrived here by the Alabama from Liverpool and may he heard of at 13 Russell Street, Melbourne
March 20 1854 ROBERT HUSTON, lately from Upper Canada and formerly from Donaghadee [Donagheady], near Strabane, County Tyrone, will you please communicate with your brother JOHNSTON, General Post Office, Sydney
April 18 1854 MR ROBERT GEORGE HAMILTON, late of London, formerly of Dublin, son of JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ., M.D. of Cookstown, county Tyrone, Ireland, write to your affectionate brothers in Auckland [New Zealand] with the least possible delay, letting them know your address, and if in Melbourne, call upon Captain Lilewall , brig Algerine, who will be glad to see you; just below Raleigh’s Wharf
April 22 1854 COUNTY TYRONE, IRELAND – Should this meet the eye of JANE SPROULE who came to this colony in 1852 or in the beginning of 1853, she will find her brother EDWARD, by addressing a letter to him care of Mr Morrison, Burnt Bridge Inn, Bunninyong
September 15 1854 JOHN B.L.S. HOLMES, late of county Tyrone, Ireland. Brother ROBERT WILLIAM – you will find me at 50 Lonsdale Street west [Melbourne]
July 2 1855 SHANONEY, [Ardstraw parish] County Tyrone, Ireland – If this should meet the eye of GEORGE KERR who came from California to this colony in May 1853 will hear of his brother SAMUEL KERR by sending his address, in care of MR. JAMES McFARLAND, grocer, 171 Elizabeth St., Melbourne
July 6 1855 JAMES McFARLAND, late of Clare [Ardstraw parish], Co. Tyrone, Ireland, will hear of his brother JOHN by writing to him, Gisbourne Post Office
August 24 1855 If this should meet the eye of JAMES MADDEN, of county Tyrone, Ireland, who arrived here by the ship Mermaid or Salem, his father requests him to call at the Waterloo Hotel, Little Collins Street west, as he is anxious to see him
October 29 1855 JAMES or WILLIAM MOOREHEAD, from the town of Drummard [Derryloran parish], county of Tyrone, Ireland will hear of their sister, ANNE MONTGOMERY from New York by applying to Rogers, Warfield, Lord and Co., 116 Collins Street West [Melbourne]
November 15 1855 If MR ROBERT TONER, late of the county Tyrone, Ireland, supposed to be on the gold-fields, sends his address to Mr. Evans, Audit Office, he will oblige
November 19 1855 Should this meet the eye of WILLIAM FRAZIER, son of JOHN FRAZIER, county Tyrone, Ireland, he will hear of his brother ALEXANDER by writing to Black & Co., High Street, Sandhurst [Bendigo]
April 2 1856 DANIEL BECKET or his sisters MARGARET and ESSY from Tyrone, Ireland will hear of their sister JANE by addressing Post Office, Launceston [Tasmania]
February 19 1857 WILLIAM SIMMONS, late of Moygashall near Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland wants to know where his brother FREDERICK is. Address to the office of this paper
August 27 1857 JAMES STEVENSON of Annahavil, county Tyrone, Ireland – JAMES H. SCOTT from Bloomhill is anxious to know your place of residence. Address General Post Office, Melbourne
September 3 1857 If WILLIAM B. CALDWELL, late of Barnscourt, Ireland, will write to the Globe Inn, Melbourne, he will hear of his brother and sister
September 11 1857 JOSEPH MONTIETH, late of Lisnacloon [Termonamongan parish], Tyrone, is earnestly requested to write to his brother ROBERT, who has arrived in Melbourne. Address No. 4 Church Lane, Collins Street west, Melbourne
May 19 1858 If this should meet the eye of MATHEW McANALLY, baker, formerly of Cookstown, county Tyrone, Ireland, JOHN CHARLES would wish to see him at the office of this paper on Tuesday or Wednesday, 10 o’clock
June 23 1859 WILLIAM ALEXANDER BROWN, Coagh, Tyrone, Ireland – call at 157 Little Lonsdale Street [Melbourne]. Important news for you
July 30 1859 If this should meet the eye of ANDREW STEWART, late of the county Tyrone, Ireland, he will be pleased to send his address to HUGH SHORT, Australian Hotel, No. 62 Bourke Street, Melbourne for his brother SCOTT STEWART, immediate
March 29 1859 JOHN SHUTER HOLMES, Burnehill House, county Tyrone, Ireland and recently of Ballaarat, is requested to call immediately on the undersigned who wishes to communicate intelligence from home. J.J. McCormick, solicitor, 83 Elizabeth Street [Melbourne]
June 1 1860 Intelligence respecting the SON and DAUGHTER of GEORGE and MARGARET MAXWELL, formerly of the parish of Fintner [Fintona], County Tyrone, Ireland, will be thankfully received by W.E. Morris, Bishop’s Registry, Melbourne
July 4 1860 JAMES REA – any information of JAMES REA from Aughnacloy, county Tyrone, Ireland, who was living at Mr. Bagnall’s, Beechworth, Ovens, two years since, will be thankfully received by letter addressed to Mr John Curry, Searlen?, near Kiama, New South Wales
March 24 1864 JOHN and JAMES MAGILL, sons of MR. WILLIAM MAGILL, Dunmore House, Cookstown, county Tyrone, Ireland – should this meet their eyes, they will hear of an old friend by writing to J.H. GRAY & CO., Beechworth
September 10 1864

In the SUPREME COURT of the COLONY of VICTORIA: In the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction – In the goods of FRANCIS McELHONE, otherwise McILHONE, otherwise FRANCIS MICHAEL McILHONE, otherwise or FRANCIS HONE, late of Creswick, in the Colony of Victoria, Miner, Deceased. - Notice is hereby given to all parties interested that after fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made in the SUPREME COURT of the COLONY of VICTORIA, in the Ecclesiastical jurisdiction, that letters of administration of all and singular the goods, chattels, credits and effects of the above named Francis McElhone otherwise Francis Michael McIlhone, otherwise Francis Hone late of Creswick in the Colony of Victoria, miner, deceased, may be granted to ALEXANDER LEWERS of Creswick, in the Colony of Victoria, bank manager, the duly appointed attorney under power of TERRENCE McILHONE, of Corkhill, in the parish of Kildress in the county of Tyrone in that part of the Kingdom of Great Britain and called Ireland, farmer, the father of the next of kin of said Francis McElhone, otherwise McIlhone, otherwise Francis Michael Hone, or Francis Hone, deceased.

Dated this nineteenth day of September 1865. FITZGERALD and PRENDERGAST, 66 Chancery Lane, Melbourne, proctors for the said Alexander Lewers

July 13 1865

In the SUPREME COURT of the COLONY of VICTORIA: In the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction – In the goods of SUSAN MARY BELL, late of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Deceased, intestate – Notice is hereby given to all parties interested, that after fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made in the supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria, in the Ecclesiastical jurisdiction, that LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION of all and singular the goods, chattels, credits, and effects of the above named Susan Mary Bell deceased, may be granted to David Liddle , of Melbourne, aforesaid gentleman, one of the duly-constituted attorneys of JAMES CROSSLE, of Annahoe House, of the County of Tyrone, in Ireland, Esquire, executor of the last will and testament of MARY BELL of Legaroe, in the said county, widow, deceased, who was the next of kin to Susan Mary Bell, deceased.

Dated this 12th day of July 1865 KLINGENDER, CHARLEY and LIDDLE, proctors, Bank Place, Melbourne

August 5 1865 LOUGHRAN, PATRICK or ALICE from Glenowe, [Clogher parish?] County Tyrone, Ireland – can see their sister ELIZA at Mr Rary’s, corner Bendigo and Leveson streets, Hotham [North Melbourne] near Melbourne
September 28 1865 JOHN, MARGARET and BRIDGET KELLY, parish of Dysart [Desertcreat?], county Tyrone, Ireland, will hear from home by addressing Andrew Hanralon?, constable, Charvil, Warrego, New South Wales
July 20 1866 CLOGGER, county of Tyrone, Ireland – CATHERINE CROSS, your brother BENJAMIN CROSS, from Sale, Gipps Land, is at present in Melbourne, and wishes to see you. Inquire at Mr Hugh Short’s, Sir Charles Hotham Hotel, Flinders Street {Melbourne]
March 10 1868

In the SUPREME COURT of the COLONY OF VICTORIA: In the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. – In the will of JAMES OSBORNE, the elder, formerly of Drassoge Farm in the Parish of Dromore, in the County of Tyrone, Ireland, but lately of the Yackandandah Station in the Ovens District, in the Colony of Victoria, Settler, Deceased. – Notice is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made to the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria, in the Ecclesiastical jurisdiction that probate of the LAST WILL and TESTAMENT of the above named James Elder, the elder, may be granted to HENRY OSBORNE of Malvern, near Melbourne in the said colony, Esquire, and JAMES OSBORNE, of Elsternwick, near Melbourne, aforesaid, Esquire, the executors appointed and named in the will of the said deceased. Dated this ninth day of March 1868

CRISP and LEWIS, 51 Chancery Lane, Melbourne, proctors for the said executors

February 10 1869 COUNTY TYRONE, Cookstown, Ireland. - ELIZABETH MARSHALL, daughter of SERGEANT MARSHALL – communicate with your sister MARGARET HARRISON, Alma Cottage, Oxford Street, Hotham [North Melbourne]. Business of importance