April 30 1844 | MR. JAMES ELLIOT, of Scullion, county of Tyrone, Ireland, who arrived in this colony by the ship Elizabeth, in the month of January last, will hear of a friend by addressing a line to MR. JAMES MATHEWS, Bathurst |
January 18 1855 | MISS NANCY CURRY, who left Ireland, County Tyrone, by the ship Margaret, from Greenock, in the year 1841, will hear of her Brother, by calling at MR ROBERT ROGERS, builder, 28, Elizabeth-street [Sydney] |
July 5 1856 | INFORMATION IS REQUIRED of MICHAEL QUIN, native of Cookstown, county Tyrone, Ireland, who was last heard at the Ovens diggings, [Victoria]. – Any information respecting him will be thankfully received by Mr .JAMES McCLELLAND, 146, Palmer-street, Sydney |
November 12 1857 | THOMAS CUMMINS, Aughnacloy, County Tyrone, Ireland, who left there in 1840, and afterwards at Mamre, near Penrith – write to your Brother CHARLES or THOMAS TIERNAN, Richmond |
January 13 1858 | PETER O’NEIL, son of CHARLES O’NEIL, of Dungannon, in the county of Tyrone, in Ireland, send your ADDRESS to GURNER & ROBBERDS, 158, George-street, Sydney |
May 8 1858 | JANE LOWRY, from Donagheady, county Tyrone, Ireland; the REV. JOHN BATES, at Dr. Moon’s, 5, Bathurst-street [Sydney], is anxious to obtain some information respecting her |
October 3 1861 | SHOULD this meet the eye of MARGARET GORMELY, formerly of Legland, County Tyrone, Ireland, THOMAS McCULLOCH wants you at P. JOHNSON’S, Sussex-street, [Sydney] |
October 28 1861 | IF Mr. JAMES POWELL, late of Drummond, County of Tyrone, Ireland, will apply, or WRITE to A.B., 134, Campbell-street, Sydney, will hear of something to his advantage |
July 11, 1864 | If this should meet the eye of MICHAEL MORRIS, he will hear from his brother EDWARD MORRIS, - native of Plumbridge, county Tyrone, Ireland – by applying at 252, Kent-street [Sydney], on or before the 15th |
October 12 1865 | WANTED, the ADDRESS of Miss MARGARET LYNCH, of Dungannon, county Tyrone, Ireland. Came to Sydney in 1841, about 24 years ago. Cousin E. SMITH is anxious to hear from her. 154, Cumberland-street [Sydney] |
April 3 1869 | IF THOMAS CUMMINGS, of Aughnacloy, county of Tyrone, Ireland, sends his ADDRESS to MR. PIERCE, 77, William-street, Woolloomooloo, he will hear of something to his advantage |
May 3 1871 | MR. JOHN WEIR, or any of his surviving family, was born in Fulnavert, County Tyrone, Ireland, came to Australia thirty years ago, would hear of his friends by SAMUEL COSGROVE, 146, Riley-st., Woolloomooloo |
January 23 1875 |
£50 REWARD – During the year 1858 inquiries were made in the Central Police Court, Sydney, for two SISTERS, respectively names MARY ANN and ELIZA McILWAIN, of Liskittle, county Tyrone, Ireland, who arrived in the ship Athenian, in December 1853, to put in their claims as Legatees, under the will of a person deceased, who has left in trust for them a large amount of money, and also a trunk containing important papers, gold watch, as well as other personal effects; which said trunk was deposited in the Central Police Office on behalf of the aforesaid claimants, who, after putting in several appearances, answering all questions satisfactory as to their identity, were put off with evasive replies, being further left entirely in the dark as to the name of the deceased. The above reward will be immediately paid to any person or persons who can furnish satisfactory clue to the above. Apply to T. WEBSTER, 312, Liverpool-street, Darlinghurst, Sydney. |
November 18 1875 | IF THIS should meet the eye of Mrs. HILLS, maiden name SARAH McFARLAND, daughter of ROBERT McFARLAND, Newpark, parish Dromore, county Tyrone, Ireland, she will hear from a friend who wishes her to write to the address, ANNIE McFARLAND, Oamaru, Otago, N.Z. [New Zealand] |
February 7 1877 | A NEPHEW of JOSEPH MAGEE would like to meet with MR. SMITH, from adjoining the Croft, county Tyrone, Ireland. Call or address GEORGE G. MAGEE, Mann’s Hotel, Sydney |
June 16 1877 |
PURSUANT TO THE TRUST PROPERTY OF 1862 – NOTICE is hereby given that Creditors and all other persons having any Debts or Claims against the Estate of ANDREW McCREA, late of Sydney in the Colony of New South Wales, Licensed Victualler, deceased, who died on the fourth day of November 1875, and administration of whose estate was granted by the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, on the twenty-fourth day of October A.D. 1876 to MICHAEL O’NEILL, of Campbell Street, Sydney, aforesaid produce merchant, the duly constituted attorney of JOHN McCREA, of Kirlish , in the county of Tyrone, Ireland, Farmer, and next of kin of the said deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims and demands, to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June next, at the expiration of which time the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto , having regards to the debts and claims only of which he shall then have notice. Dated this day 23rd day of May, A.D. 1877. CHARLES SMITH JONES, Solicitor for the said Administrator, 128½, Elizabeth-street, Sydney |
February 16 1878 |
GILLIES, JAMES – native of Drumqueen, county Tyrone, Ireland, aged 33, arrived in Port Phillip [Melbourne] about 1862. Please communicate immediately with OTTO BERLINER and CO., Missing Friends’ Office, 4, Bond-street, Sydney |
May 12 1881 | JEAN CROOKES, who left County Tyrone, Dungannon, Ireland, and landed in Sydney thirty-two years ago, - please write to your cousin, ROBERT CROOKES, at 120 Clarence-street [Sydney] |
July 29 1881 | JOHN and PATRICK BOOTH, sons of the late JOHN McCAUSLAND BOOTH, Denamona, County Tyrone, Ireland – Please send your addresses to E.W. Welch, Herald Office |
November 21 1881 | JOHN McAULEY, married Eleanor McCaskey, from Drumquin, Tyrone, Ireland. – If alive, or any of your children, communicate with GEORGE ROGERS, Lord Nelson Hotel, Sydney |
November 26 1884 | The Rev. P. J. ROGERS, of Attagh, near Gortin, county Tyrone, Ireland, arrived in Sydney a few days since, on his way to Boston, where he has been Priest for the last thirty years. He is stopping at the Coffee House Hotel, where he will be pleased to see his friends, especially ALEXANDER MONTAGUE, ESQ., ex-Member of Parliament |
October 2 1885 |
The relatives of JOHN McGEOGHAN, or GEOGHEJAN, who died at Young Hospital last February, and is supposed to be a native of Tyrone or Derry, in Ireland, will hear something to their advantage by applying to the undersigned, or to Rev. Peter McGrath, pastor of St. Mary’s Church, Young. ALLAN CAMPBELL, Solicitor, Lynch-street, Young |
May 11 1887 | WANTED, DANIEL McGOUGHEY, late of Balnasaggart, county Tyrone, Ireland, to communicate with his sister, MRS MARY EVANS, Tinakori-road, Wellington, New Zealand, as she is anxious to hear of him |
March 17 1888 | If should meet the eye of WILLIAM ADAMS, formerly of Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, and recently arrived in Sydney, address SAMUEL ADAMS, Erskineville-road Macdonaldtown |
March 16 1892 | If JOHN CAMPBELL, of Dromore, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, would communicate with JAMES WALSH, No. 90 George-street West [Sydney], he will hear of something to his advantage |
June 5 1893 | JOHN TAYLOR, Plumber, son of THOS. TAYLOR, lime merchant, Cookstown, Tyrone, Ireland. – Please send your address to BERNARD HENRY, Surrey House, Moore Park, Sydney; or write to father |
April 21 1894 | TEN POUNDS REWARD. Information is wanted of ALEXANDER CREAGMILE, of Fintona co. Tyrone, Ireland, landed in Melbourne 35 or 36 years ago. The above reward will be paid for the best information of where he died and location of his property. Any information will be thankfully received by his Brother THOMAS CREAGMILE, Peralta P.O., Alameda Co., California, U.S.A. |