Belfast Weekly News - Missing friends and bmd's Part II
Belfast Weekly News: ''MISSING FRIENDS-
Under this heading we will be pleased to insert, free of charge, notices of absent friends whose whereabouts our readers may for any reason wish to discover. Communications of this nature must bear the signature and address of the writer. Anyone wishing a notice to appear more than once can have it inserted at the nominal charge of 6d for one extra week, or three weeks extra for 1s. Those notices which have previously appeared can be republished on these terms''
Belfast Weekly News: January 3 1891:
CUPPLES: December 31, at 9 Woodville Street, Belfast, Minnie, only child of William and Mary Cupples, aged 1 year 9 months.
MOLYNEAUX: December 30, at Cliftonville Avenue, Belfast, Sarah Adair, widow of the late Andrew.A. Molyneaux, M.D., Antrim, aged 81 years.
Belfast Weekly News January 10 1891:
Marriage:WHITESIDE - HOLLAND: December 30 at St Pancras Church London, by the Rev. S.W.Douglas, Thomas, son of Thomas Whiteside, Esq. Randalstown, to Maggie, third surviving daughter of Joseph Holland , Esq. Holland House, Knock, Belfast.
Deaths: MADDEN: January 7, at her late redidence, 23 Wilson Street, Belfast, the wife of the late John Madden,
Belfast Weekly News February 21 1891:
Death: SAVAGE: February 17, at 14 Clarence Street, Belfast, Jessie Ann, relict of the late Daniel Savage, hairdresser, Downpatrick.
Belfast Weekly News 14 March 1891:
Death:M'GAHEY: March 7, at Eden Cottage, Whiteabbey. Francis George Walsh, son of the Francis and Millie M'Gahey, aged 8 months.
Belfast Weekly News 07 January 1893:
Births: SAVAGE: December 31, at 125 Fitzroy Avenue, the wife of John Savage, of a son (prematurely).
Deaths: MAGEE: At his residence, No.11 Vicanage Park, Captain William Magee, late master of the ship Scottish Moors.
Missing Friends:
FAYLE: Information about James Henry Fayle, formerly of Lurgan, but in Chicago, U.S.A., when he wrote last to his relatives in 1885, would be thankfully received by his brother H.S.Fayle, Ballyvicknacally, Dromore, County Down.
JOHNSTON: Robert Johnston, 16 Lower Wilton Street, Belfast, is anxious to know if his brother, John Johnston, is living. He was mate of the barque Luxon, which left Larne Harbour on November 14 1884, and was wrecked at Barbadoes same year, but no lives were lost. Has not heard of his brother since.
MACDONNELL: Information is wanted as to the whereabouts and circumstances of Louisa M. Macdonnell, who formerly lived with J.H.Gawn, Main Street, Larne; if the Gawns are alive, and if the lady is still living with them,; object friendly;- William Bellew, Librarian, Blackwell's Island, New York, U.S.A.
MARTIN: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Robert Martin, who went to Australia over forty years ago, in company with Mr Boyd, both of Ballynahinch, County Down, Ireland. Any information as to his whereabouts will be thankfully received by his friend Robert Martin, 10 Donegore Street, Bridge End , Belfast , Ireland.
STRONG: News wanted of Thomas Strong, who left Glasgow about six years ago for the State of Pennsylvania,America. Any kind friends knowing his whereabouts will oblige by writing to his anxious brother, John Strong, 812 Old Ford Road, Bow, London, England. American papers please copy.
Determined Suicide In Belfast: On the 4th inst. a hodsman named James Hamilton committed suicide at his residence, 4 Campbell's Row, Newtownards Road. Information of the occurrence having been conveyed to the police, Sergeant Houston and Constables Hannon and Feenaghy visited the house, where they discovered the deceased .....
Belfast Weekly News 14 January 1893:
Missing Friends:
CAIRNS: News wanted of Thomas Cairns who left Belfast about ten years ago for Canada, North America. Any kind friends knowing his whereabouts will oblige by writing to his anxious brother, Joseph Cairns, 51 Pernau Street, off Shankill Road, Belfast, Ireland. American and Australian papers please copy.
GORE: Should this meet the eye of William John Gore, who left Broughdoane, County Antrim, Ireland, about twenty-two years ago, last heard of as working at the Oil Springs, State of Pennsylvania, America, would he please communicate with his friend, James Evans, Commons, Coleraine, County Derry, Ireland. American papers please copy.
GRAHAM: Samuel Graham, who left Ballyrickardbeg, Larne, in 1869, and when last heard of was living in Chicago, America, is sought by his friend, William Robert Apsley 32 Pound Street, Larne, County Antrim. American paper splease copy.
MARSHALL: Arthur Marshall, of Belfast, who left Liverpool for Rockhampton, Queensland, on 24th June 1884. No word has been received from him since, only one letter in September of same year intimating his intention to remove to Melbourne or Sydney. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by his father, Robert Marshall, 4 Eton Street, Belfast, Ireland. Australian papers please copy.
M'KANE: Would Matthew M'Kane or any of his brothers ( residing in Belfast when last heard of ) kindly write to their cousin John M'Kane, 6 Maitland Street, Helensburg, Scotland, formerly of Banbridge. Any information from friends thankfully received.
SAMPSON: George Hughes, Magherafelt, County Derry, Ireland, wants to hear of his sister, Mrs Rose Anna Sampson; when last heard of three years ago was living in Toronto, Canada, America. Any information will be thankfully received by her anxious brother. American papers please copy.
THOMPSON: Charles Thompson, Barrack Street, Dundalk, is anxious to learn the whereabouts of his son, William Henry, who has been missing since 12th December last when he was in the employment of Messrs. Milligan & Co., drapers, Church Street, Athlone.
Belfast Weekly News 21 January 1893:
Births: ORR- January 3 at 113, Atlantic Street, Jersey City Height, New Jersey, U.S.A.: Mrs Wm. G. Orr, of a son.
Deaths: M'CRACKEN: January 17 at his residence, Ballyrickard, James M'Cracken, 90 years.
Missing Friends:
BIGGESTY: Thomas Biggesty, flax mill worker, and his sisters, Mary and Sarah, domestic servants, are sought by their brother William, 101 Holm Street, Glasgow. When last heard of were in Belfast; object friendly.
KING: Samuel King, Dunmore, Ballynahinch, County Down, is anxious to hear from his brother, Wm. James Ramsey King, who emigrated to New South Wales, Paramatta, and thence to Melbourne, South Australia, a considerable time since. His brother wishes to hear from him or any of his relatives. Australian papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News 28 January 1893:
Missing Friends:
ALLISON: News is wanted of James Allison, who left the Wallhouse, Kirkcolm-by-Stranraer, Scotland, about 1857; went to Dumbarton to serve an apprenticeship as a ship-carpenter at Denny's shipbuilding yard; left Dumbarton about twenty-nine years ago with a new screw steamer, built there for owners in Australia; supposed to have been wrecked on this passage out. Last heard of about twenty years ago; thought to have settled down as a farmer near Melbourne, Australia; supposed to be still in Australia. Any news respecting him will be thankfully received by his nephew, William Allison, newsagent and stationer, 140 Thistle Street, Glasgow, S.S., Scotland. Australian newspapers please copy.
BLAKELEY: Should this meet the eye of any of the friends of Martha Blakeley, who married Robert Leacock, shoemaker, and emigrated to Toronto, Upper Canada, in 1842 or of her sister, Isabella Blakeley who emigrated with their son, Robert Leacock, January 1846 or '49, daughters of William Blakeley, Bleachworks, Castledawson, communication will be thankfully received by their sisters, Rebecca and Mary. Address- Alex. Blakeley, Moyala Bleach and Dye Works, Castledawson, County Derry, Ireland.
PATERSON: Maria Paterson, who resided in Sandy Row, Belfast, in the year 1887, can hear of the whereabouts of her brother, William Paterson, by applying to Mr. J.K. Robertson, 127 Lothian Road, Edingburgh.
The following statement was in this issue of BWN.
Mr Pierce Mahony:
In reference to the incident which occurred in the Four Courts, and in refutation of the statement said to have given rise to the occurrence, we (Irish Times) are asked by Mr.Geo. Gun Mahony to say that his brother, Mr Pierce Mahony, is the youngest son of the late Mr. P.K. Mahony, J.P., of Kilmorna, County Kerry, by his marriage with Jane, daughter of the late Mr.Robert Gun Cuninghame, D.L, of Mountkennedy, and his first wife, Elizabeth, only child and heir of Mr Archibald Hamilton Foulkes, of Coolawinna, both in County Wicklow; and that his grandfather, the late Mr Pierce Mahony, D.L., of Kilmorna, Kerry, was the son of Mr P Mahony, of Woodlawn, in the same county, J.P. for Counties Kerry and Limerick, by his marriage with Anna Maria, daughter, daughter of Mr John Maunsell, J.P., of Ballybrood, County Limerick.
Belfast Weekly News February 4 1893:
Missing Friends:
MURDOCK:- John and Thomas Murdock, who left Sunderland in the year 1854, and also Charles Murdock, who left tow Law, County Durham, England, in the year 1862, for Canada, are anxiously sought by their sister, Mrs Helen Robinson, Hardy Terrace, Crook, County Durham, England. American and Australian papers please copy
RODGERS; William Priestley, Clintinagooland, Ballynahinch, County Down, Ireland, wishes to hear of the wherabouts of his uncle, Joseph Rodgers. When last heard of twenty-two years ago he was living in Firesburg, Fresnow County, California, care of G. Haminhouse. American papers please copy.
101 Holm Street, Glasgow, 30th January
DEAR SIR- I think it my duty to let you know that I am in communication with my brother, Thomas Biggesty, whose name you were so kind to make known in the ''Missing Friends'' column of the Belfast Weekly News.- YOURS, Wm. BIGGESTY(Constant reader)
Helensburg, January 23rd.
DEAR SIR- Kindly withdraw notice (M'Kane) from ''Missing Friends'' Column. I am very pleased to inform you that it has been the means of finding my friends, from whom I have ahd a communication. Please accept my grateful thanks for inserting same.- Yours truly, John M'Kane.
Belfast Weekly News 11 February 1893: Missing Friends:
To Correspondent. J.L, .King Land, Bellshill, Scotland.- No place in Belfast known as the 'New Cairns' .Please send correct particulars, fully authenticated, when your communication will be inserted.
ADAMS: -Information is wanted as to the whereabouts of Ellen Adams (maiden name Peel), formerly of Charlotte Street, Belfast. When last heard from she was living on a farm in Toberhany, County Armagh. Whether alive or dead, any information concerning her will be thankfully received by her cousin, Eliza Shepard, 81 Newell Street, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
ALLAN: Mrs Allan, Mount Alexander, Comber, County Down, Ireland, formerly Mary Greer, of Ballyrush, wishes to hear the whereabouts of her brother, Robert Greer, who left Belfast in April, 1872; was last heard of in September, 1878, at West Walnut Hills, Cincinatti, Ohio, United States. American papers please copy.
ALLEN.- John Allen, 83 Elderslie Street, Glasgow, formerly of Ballydrain, Comber, County Down, wishes to hear of the whereabouts of his brother William; last heard of in New York, fifteen years ago; then staying at 500 ½ Grand Street, New York. Any information will be thankfully received by his friends- John Allen.
BLAKLEY- Information wanted regarding Charles Blakley, coachman, lately employed at Mounstewart, County Down. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by his sister, Mrs Melvern, 10 Windmill Road, Newtownards.
GILLESPIE or POWERS: -Wanted to know the whereabouts of Mary Gillespie or Powers, who left Newtownards, County Down, Ireland, about thirty-five years ago; last heard of twenty-five years ago as living in Main Street, Brooklyn, New York. Any information will be thankfully received by her nephew, Hugh Gillespie, 135 Main Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow. American papers please copy.
GILLESPIE: Hugh Gillespie, of Ballymaglave, Ballynahinch, County Down, Ireland, is anxious to know the whereabouts of his son, Thomas Gillespie, who emigrated to America about eleven years ago. He was a blacksmith on the Pacific Railway; was working with a boy believed to be the name of M'Comb, from Smithfalls, America; last address Michipicoten River, Lake Superior, Meypie Road, care of Frasor and Redeant, contractors, Ontario, Canada; was going to Port Arthur, Thunder Bay. Should this meet the eye of any of the M'Combs, or of Thomas Gillespie, would they kindly communicate?
MOORE: Thomas Moore, 19 Ivanhoe Street, Bootle, Liverpool, England, wants to hear his brother John Moore. When last heard of was in 17 M'Lean Street, Passaic, U.S.A. Any information will be thankfully received by his anxious brother. American papers please copy.
M'CAUGHEY:- Pte. Frank M'Caughey, 2nd Battalion. R.I.Rifles is anxious to know the whereabouts of his brother John. When last heard of he was employed as warder in the asylum, Armagh. Any information respecting him will be gratefully received. -Pte. Francis M'Caughey, 2nd Battalion R.I.Rifles, Malta.
M'GUINNESS: - If this meets the eye of any friend or relative of John M'Guinness- last heard of in New Zealand about thirty years ago- a letter would be thankfully received by his brother, Malcolm M'Guinness, Bush Post Office, Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland. New Zealand papers please copy.
M'REYNOLDS: - News is wanted of Roley M'Reynolds, of Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland, who left that place about the year 1860, and went to Upper Canada, but is supposed to be in Philadelphia, U.S.A.. Any kind friends knowing his whereabouts will oblige by writing to his anxious nephew, Hugh M'Reynolds, 98 George Street, Whiteinch-by-Glasgow. American papers please copy.
PATTERSON: - News is wanted about Eliza Anne Patterson, daughter of the late James Patterson, Ballyboy, Manorhamilton, supposed to be in Belfast. She would hear information to her benefit by corresponding with John Waun(?), Doohatt, Swanlinbar, County Cavan.
WHITE: - Thomas M'Kergan, of Portstewart, County Derry, wishes to hear from Margaret Jane White ( maiden name M'Kergan) or any member of her family; was last heard of at Bristol about fourteen years ago; had a large family. South of England papers please copy.
Dunmore, Ballynahinch, County Down.
SIR:- Kindly withdraw notice ( King) from 'Missing Friends' column, and please accept my grateful thanks for inserting same, asit has been the means of finding my brother, from whom I have had a communication. Yours very truly, SAMUEL KING.
Belfast Weekly News February 18 1893: Missing Friends:
BOVAIRD: Information wanted as to the whereabouts of William James Bovaird, who left St. Johnston, Co. Donegal, in the year 1887, and when last heard of, about four years ago, he was in 1,229, Hamilton Street, Philadelphia. Please communicate with John Bovaird, Adverness, Macosquin, Coleraine, Londonderry.
CROTHERS: Wanted information concerning the whereabouts of Eliza Jane or Maria Crothers; when last heard of Eliza and Jane were in Halifax, America; Maria supposed to be somewhere in England. Any information concerning them will be most thankfully received by their brother James. Address- Hilden Mills, near Lisburn, Ireland. English and American papers please copy.
DOUGLAS: Jane Douglas, Mill Street, Comber, County Down, wishes to know the whereabouts of her son, David Lowry, who left Comber for the United States of America on the 9th May 1884; last heard of 19, at West Randolph Street, Chicago.
DYSART: Robert Dysart, of Brushybrackin, Rasharkin, County Antrim, Ireland, is most anxious to know the whereabouts of his son Andrew Dysart, who mysteriously disappeared on a pay night, and never returned to his lodgings. He was clerk in Frears & Co.'s dry goods store, East Troy, State of New York, fourteen years ago.
GRAHAM: Information is wanted as to the whereabouts of Gerrad Graham and his wife ( Wifes maiden name Margaret Boyd) who left County Armagh, Ireland, about forty years ago; last heard of in California. Any information will be thankfully received by the latter's sister, Jane Magowan, Lisnagree, County Armagh, Ireland.
IRELAND:- Jane Patterson, Lisburn Street, Hillsborough, County Down, wishes to know of the whereabouts of her brother, David Ireland, who left Mullen Town, County Armagh, about eleven years ago.
LAVERY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Lizzie Lavery, who left Belfast and went to New York, America, in 1890, her last address being in April 4th 1891, Brooklyn Truant Home, Cyprus Hills, East New York, in care of Mrs Corrigan. Any kind friends knowing of her whereabouts will oblige by writing to either of her anxious sisters - Sarah Orr, 25 Railway Street, Low Walker; or to Martha Fisackerly, 117 Harriet Street, Byker, Newcastle - Upon -Tyne, County of Northumberland, England.
M'BURNEY: A little girl, twelve years of age, wandered from her home on September the 7th 1889. Her name is Jane M'Burney, fair hair, blue eyes, wore a blue cotton dress and red cap. She was since seen in Belfast. Any information of her being dead or alive will be thankfully received by her father, William M'Burney, Dromore Street, Banbridge.
M'CORMICK: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Eliza M'Cormick, who left Ballymartin, Killinchey, County Down, Ireland, about thirty-eight years ago; last heard of in New York, Broadway, twenty-five years ago. Any information concerning her will be thankfully received by her only sister living, Jennie M'Cormick, by marriage Orr, Ballymartin, Killinchey, County Down, Ireland. American papers please copy.
NELSON: News wanted of Henry Nelson, who left Mullicarton, Magheragall, about the year 1877; went to Edingburgh to be a rivetter. His anxious mother would be glad to hear of his whereabouts. Address- Andrew Nelson, Mullicarton, Magheragall, County Antrim.
TOMBE, or EVANS: Any information concerning Ann Tombe, or Evans, who left Bellaghy thirty years ago, will be thankfully received by her ather, Wm. Tombe, Mullaghboy, Bellaghy, County Derry, Ireland. She was last heard of in Capetown.
Belfast Weekly News February 25 1893: Missing Friends.
COWAN: Information is wanted as to the whereabouts of Sam Cowan, formerly of Coalisland, County Tyrone; last heard of in the employment of Lord Talbot, Dublin; was supposed to go to Edinburgh, with a family. Any information concerning him would be thankfully received by his sister, Ann Cowan, 109 Canmore Street, Belfast. American and Australian papers please copy.
GILLESPIE: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Thomas Gillespie, who emigrated to America about eleven years ago; worked on the Pacific Railway in company with one named M'Comb, from Smithfalls; last heard of at Michipicoten River, Lake Superior, in the employ of Fraser & Redeant, contractors, Ontario. Any information leading to his present address will be thankfully received by his father, Hugh Gillespie, Ballymaglave, Ballynahinch. American and Australian papers please copy.
IRELAND:- Jane Patterson, Lisburn Street, Hillsborough, County Down, wishes to know of the whereabouts of her brother, David Ireland, who left Mullenstown, County Armagh, about eleven years ago.
M'COMMONS: John M'Commons, Loughadian, Loughbrickland, County Down, Ireland, anxiously wishes to hear from or know of the whereabouts of his son, Samuel M'Commons. Last heard of four years ago at French River, Crumbies Camp P.O., Ontario, Canada.
SOMERVILLE: - Mrs Eliza Somerville, Moyle, Newtownstewart, County Tyrone, Ireland, wishes to hear of the whereabouts of her son, James Somerville, who left Ireland about twenty years ago. When last heard of was serving in the Canadian Royal Artillery, and was returning from war with the Indians on June 29th 1885.
POWELL, HINDSEL, or BARNES:- Elizabeth Jane Powell, who left Drogheda and was last heard of thirty-eight years ago in Manchester, being married to an officer named Wm. John Hindsel, is sought by her sister, Margaret Powell, Glenanne, County Armagh, Ireland. She also wishes to hear from another sister, Ellen, who left Drogheda at same time, and married a man named Barnes; last heard of in Manchester. American and Australian papers please copy.
Dear Sir- I have great pleasure in informing you, that through the medium of your very valuable paper, 'The Belfast Weekly News', I have found the person I was seeking, namely - Samuel Graham. I have to thank you for inserting the notice in your 'Missing Friends' column. You will please withdraw this notice. I shall always be under a debt of gratitude to you, sir, for it was through you and your newspaper that I found my esteemed friend...William Robert Apsley, 32 Pound Street, Larne, February 20.
Belfast Weekly News March 4 1893: Missing Friends.
SUMPH: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Mrs William Sumph, who left this country about eleven years ago; last heard of in December 1888, residing at 88 Jackson Street, Antonio , Conn..U.S.A..Any information will be thankfully received by her mother, Mary Lilly, 17 Upper Cargyle Street, off Dover Street, Belfast. American papers please copy.
JOHNSTON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Charles Johnston, who left Glasslough, County Monaghan, Ireland, for America. His cousin Elizabeth Johnston, 1 Little Victoria Street, Belfast, will feel obliged for any information regarding him.
THOMPSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Sergeant Peter W.H. Thompson; last heard of he was serving on the Scots Greys. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by Mary Ann Thompson, 131 Tate's Avenue, Lisburn Road. English and American papers please copy.
M'CUNE: Wanted news of James M'Cune, who left Ireland ten years ago for America; last heard of at Tucom Tares(?) County, Washington, United States; said in his last letter he was going to New Zealand. Anyone knowing his whereabouts would kindly communicate with his father, John M'Cune, Ballybreagh, Derryhale P.O. , via Portadown, County Armagh, Ireland.
M'KEE:- Information is wanted as to the whereabouts of John M'Kee, formerly of Portadaown, County Armagh, Ireland; when last heard of his address was - 'Care of Frank Saul, Sandiford(?) Station, K., Philadelphia, U.S.A.' Any information concerning him would be thankfully received by his brother, Samuel M'Kee, care of John Porter, Temple, Sawmills, via Maryhill, Glasgow. American and Australian papers please copy.
SMITH: - Information is wanted as to the whereabouts of Samuel Smith, bricklayer; last heard of in Glasgow, 1875; sailed to Pennsylvania, America. Information concerning him will be thankfully received by his sister, Ann Smith, 36 Church Street, Kirkham, Lancashire, England. American papers please copy.
Banbridge, February 22.
Sir.- Please withdraw the name M'Burney from your 'Missing Friends' column, as, through your insertion of same,I have found the person whom I sought. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, and wish you to publish this..Willie M'Burney.
Belfast Weekly News March 11 1893: Missing Friends:
ANDERSON: Information wanted as to the whereabouts of Elizabeth Anderson, who left Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland, about thirty years ago. When last heard of was in Guilford, Swan River, West Australia. Any information as to her whereabouts will be gladly received by her brother Joseph. Australian papers please copy. Address, Joseph Anderson, 127 New City Road, Glasgow, Scotland.
HAMILL: Bernard Hamill , 18 Antrim Street, Lisburn, County Antrim, Ireland, desires the address of his son, Thomas Hamill , employed on the Chicago Grand Trunk Railway in the year 1885 as shunter.
JACKSON: Information is wanted as to the whereabouts of John Jackson, who left Killishill(?) in 1888. When last heard of he was a clerk in a telegraph office in Belfast. Please communicate with Arnold Ellison, Ballyreagh, Ballygawley, County Tyrone.
M'KEE: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Samuel M'Kee , who left Ireland 28 years ago. Last heard of in Southfield, Scotland. Any information will be thankfully received by his brother , Thomas M'Kee, Edenderry, near Shaw's Bridge, Belfast. Glasgow papers please copy.
SIMPSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Robert Simpson, his last address being New Atlantic Hotel, 207 Montgomery Avenue, San Francisco, California. His parents and family are most anxious to hear from him. Will he kindly communicate with his father, Robert Simpson, Edendariff, Dunmore Post Office, Ballynahinch, County Down, Ireland. American papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News March 18 1893: Missing Friends:
ANDERSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James Anderson, also his brother, William, formerly natives of Donacloney, County Down, Ireland. When last heard of were in Philadelphia(?). Any information will be gratefully received by their sister, Jane, 126 Conway Street, Liverpool.
ARMSTRONG: Wanted, information concerning John and Thomas Armstrong. When last heard of they were in Halifax, America.- Hutchison(?) Armstrong, 5 Utility Street, Belfast.
CUNIINGHAM:- Information is wanted as to the whereabouts of Charles Cunningham, formerly of Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland.When last heard of was in Sandgate, Brisbane, Australia, . Anyone knowing his whereabouts will kindly communicate with his father, John Cunningham, Bridge End, Strabane.
M'CUBBIN: If the gentleman who came from America to Scotland in the summer of 1884(?) looking the sons of William M'Cubbin, stonemason, would please communicate with his granddaughter, all information desired will be given.- Mrs Janet M'Cubbin, or M'Geachie, 15 Harvey Street, Bridgeton, Scotland
Belfast Weekly News April 8 1893: Missing Friends.
MACDONALD: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Robert MacDonald, compositor; last heard of in 1889 at Mary's Lane Dublin. Inquirer.- his brother William, 85(?) Bamber Street, Paddington, Liverpool.
M'ELDERRY: Wanted information as to the whereabouts o Annie M'Elderry, last heard of in November 1892 in the employment of Mrs Gilliland, Belfast, as servant. Any information regarding her will be thankfully received by her mother, Mrs Jane Harris(?) Bushmills.
Belfast Weekly News April 15 1893:
Deaths: M'CORMICK: April 7 at her fathers residence, 116(?) Canmore Street, Belfast. Mary Ann, the beloved daughter of James and Annie M'Cormick. American papers please copy. J.M'Cormick.
Missing Friends: POGUE: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Robert Pogue, of Lurganbee, Castleblayney, County Monaghan, who left for America 28 years ago. When last heard of he was a railway conductor in New York. - Mary Pogue, Lislea Post Office, County Armagh, Ireland.
STEENSON - BURKE: Information wanted of Mary Ann Steenson ( Mrs G. Smith) and S. Burke, natives of Gilford, County Down, Ireland, last heard of as residing at Brisbane about welve years ago. Replies thankfully acknowledged by Mrs John Irwin, Gilford, County Down, Ireland. Australian papers please copy.
TAYLOR: Wanted information concerning the same, or any friends of John M'Ilraith, of Ireland. Hugh M'Ilraith, 4 South Shamrock Street, Glasgow.
WATTERS:- Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Watters. Last heard from 5th July 1892 in Fort Bowie, purposing to remove to Chicago. Sought for by his anxious mother , Mrs Thomas Watters, Killycolpey, Stewartstown, Co Tyrone.
Belfast Weekly News April 22 1893: Missing Friends:
BRADY: Mrs Criag, 76 Albertbridge Road, Belfast, Ireland, is very anxious to hear from her daughter, Mrs Maggie Brady, whose address in June 1887, was No.1 Chapmans Terrace, St? Street, Dunedin, and whose husband , Patrick Smith(?) Brady, was previous to that on the police force in Dunedin.
HOWE: Wanted to know the whereabouts of William Howe, who left Fivemiletown, County Tyrone, Ireland, about 30 years ago. Last heard of in Thomas Drew's ,Washington Street, New York. Any information regarding his whereabouts will be thankfully received by his niece, Rebecca Haslett or M'Knight, 14 Castle Street, Paisley.
MULHOLLAND or COWAN: Wanted to know the address of friends or relatives of Mary Mulholland or Cowan, who left Ballinderry, Ireland, about (?) years ago. Any information will be thankfully received by her son, James Cowan, 154 North(?) Woodside Road, Glasgow, Scotland.
M'ILWRATH: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James M'Ilwrath, when last heard from was stationmaster at Nepigon, O(?) Canada. Information will be thankfully received by his mother, Ann M'Ilwrath, 84(?)
Belfast Weekly News April 29 1893: Missing Friends:
BAILY: Sergeant J Mulligan, R.A.N.C Officers Library, Woolwich, would like to find the present address of William Baily, formerly a miller near Rathfriland, Co Down.
BROWN: Wanted to know the whereabouts of William Brown, formerly of County Louth, Ireland, who left Hyde, England, 10 years ago. Any information will be thankfully received by Mrs Megaw, 161 Waddell Street, S.S. Glasgow.
GALWAY: April 23 at the residence of her brother, 36 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast, Margaret, relict of the late John Galway, Springvale, Ballyrussell, Dundonald.
M'CORMICK: April 11, at Lorna Doone, Springwood, Sydney, James Joseph, only son of William M'Cormick, Belfast, aged 19 years.
Belfast Weekly News May 6 1893: Missing Friends.
GRIBBEN: Wanted information as to the whereabouts of Hugh Gribben and Thomas Gribben, who left Mountstewart, County Down, Ireland, in the year of 1871, for America. Should this meet the eye of any of their friends, or relatives who can communicate with them, something will be heard of to their advantage on applying to G. Gribben, Crawfordsburn, County Down.
M'KEE.- On the 15th of March a man named Thomas M'Kee was killed on one of the Street Car Lines in Chicago. He has a sister and also a brother who is a Presbyterian minister, and still another brother , who is a doctor, whom he left in County Antrim, near Belfast, when he went into the Ship Yard at Whiteinch, by Glasgow, Scotland. The relatives to communicate with People's Casulty Claim Adjustment Company, 145 Adams Express Building, 185 Dearborn Street, Chicago, They may hear of something to their advantage.
PARK; Information wanted about Andrew Park, or Parks, who was born in the County Antrim about 1745, and died in America in 1781. He seems to have been a weaver, probably engaged in the weaving of linens and woollens in Antrim before he went to United States. Information as to when he left Ireland, facts in connection with the name, or some information as to where the matter could be looked up, will be thankfully received by John S Park, U.S. army, professor, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia.
SMITH: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Thomas Smith. When last heard of, was living at 35 North Street, Anderston, Glasgow. Any information will be thankfully received by his brother, Edward Smith, Newtown, Dundalk, Hacks Ball Cross, Ireland.
Belfast Weekly News May 13 1893:
Missing Friends:
COOPER: Information wanted of Robert Cooper, late of Ferniskey, County Antrim, Ireland. Last address (March 1889) was Grace P.O. Jefferson County, Montana, USA. Any information of him will be thankfully received by his sister, Mrs D.M'Wha, Ferniskey, Kells, County Antrim, Ireland.
PHILLIPS: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Thomas Phillips, who left Ireland about twenty years ago, last heard of in Chicago. If this should meet the eye of anyone who could give any information regarding his whereabouts, it will be thankfully received by his sister, Ann Thomson, 6 Maxwellton Street, Paisley, Scotland
Belfast Weekly News May 20 1893: Missing Friends.
HADDEN: Information desired as to the whereabouts of any of the descendants of my granduncle, Alexander Hadden, who left Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, for Philadelphia, USA, somewhere about the year 1800(?). American papers please copy. Address, James Hadden, 49 Claremont North Avenue, Gateshead-on-Tyne, England.
BALLENTINE: May 13 at Woodvale, Ballymena, the wife of John George Ballentine, of a son.
POLLOCK: May 11, at Ardeen, Holywood, the wife of John Pollock, a son.
Belfast Weekly News May 27 1893:
M'CORMICK: May 18 at her late residence, No.191 York Street, Rachel, relict of John M'Cormick, aged 71 years.
Belfast Weekly News June 3 1893: Missing Friends:
COLLINS: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Thomas James Collins, who left Grange, Magherafelt, County Derry, Ireland when a boy, about thirty years ago, and went to Philadelphia, America. Also his aunt , Mary Collins, who is in Philadelphia. Any news regarding them would be thankfully received by his sister , Mary Jane Collins, 13 Parker Street, Byker, Newcastle-Upon Tyne.
FEENEY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of the sister of Wm. Feeney, maiden name Ann Feeney, but now married, who left Derry for Philadelphia twenty seven years ago.-Wm Feeney, 11 Bouverie Terrace, Port Glasgow.
GALT: Mary M'Leish, or M'Master , would like to hear the whereabouts of her mother, Elizabeth Galt; last heard of about ten years ago in Carrickfergus. - Address, David M'Master, 98 High Street, Renfrew, Scotland.
RIPPET or CHRISTY: - Wanted to know the whereabouts of Agnes Rippett, or Christy, who left Newtownards, County Down, Ireland, about twelve years ago; supposed to be in the north of Ireland at present. Kindly communicate with David Rippett, Dundonald Post Office, County Down, Ireland.
Belfast Weekly News June 10 1893: Missing Friends.
M'WHINNEY: - Mrs George Halton, 716, West Jefferson Street, Pearia, Illinois, is endeavouring to discover the history or the present whereabouts of her father's family.. Her father's name was James M'Whinney, and he was born in Belfast in the year 1812. Her grandfathers name was John M'Whinney, and the maiden name of her grandmother was Sarah Hamilton. Information is earnestly solicited, and would be thankfully received at above address.
Belfast Weekly News: June 17 1893: Missing Friends:
CHARLES: Wanted, by Alexander Charles, 12 Huntington Place, Springburn Road, Glasgow, information as to the whereabouts of Charles Williamson; Charles some time on the railway in Marshall, Texas; last heard from in Dayton, Texas, in 1885.
GRIBBEN: Wanted information as to the whereabouts of Hugh Gribben and Thomas Gribben, who left Mountstewart, County Down, Ireland, in the year of 1871, for America. Should this meet the eye of any of their friends, or relatives who can communicate with them, something will be heard of to their advantage on applying to G. Gribben, Crawfordsburn, County Down.
MULLIGAN: Wanted to know the whereabouts of either Jane, Margaret, or Matilda Mulligan (formerly of Ashfield, Cootehill, County Cavan); last heard of at Cheatergay, Montreal, about the year 1846. Information sought by their sister, Mary Ann Morrow, Belturbet, County Cavan.
PATTERSON: Wanted information as to the whereabouts of Samuel Patterson. Last address (three years ago) Rockport and Scrieber, Ontario, Canada. Any information of him will be thankfully received by Mrs Patterson, 16 Brennan St, Belfast. Canadian papers please copy.
POGUE: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Robert Pogue, who left Lurganbee, County Monaghan Ireland, for America about twenty-six years ago, and got married to Letitia Baker, Brooklyn; last heard of about twenty years ago; was railway conductor at New York, America. Any information will be kindly received by his nephew William Pogue, Milltown, Benburb, County Tyrone, Ireland.
SCOTT: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Jane Scott, who left her home at Greencastle, near Belfast, five years ago. She was last heard of at Newry about two years ago. Any information regarding her will be thankfully received by her anxious father, James Scott, Greencastle.
STEWART: John Moore, late of Enniskillen, Ireland, wants to know the whereabouts of his cousin, Robert Stewart, farmer, late of Bobycageon, British America. He left Bobycageon 16 years ago, and went to Walkerton, British America. Was in Walkerton when last heard from 13 years ago. Any information of him will be thankfully received by his cousin, John Moore, 67 Cleveland Street, South Shields, England. American papers please copy.
STEWART: Mrs E. Wilson, late of Enniskillen, Ireland, wants to know the whereabouts of her cousin, Robert Stewart, farmer, son of Rebecca Baxter, late of Rebycagon, British America. He left Rebycagon sixteen years ago, and went to Workington, British America. Was in Workington when last heard from thirteen years ago. Any information of him will be thankfully received by Mrs E Wilson, 15 Mile End Road, South Shields, England.
Belfast Weekly News June 24 1893: Missing Friends.
COPELAND: Mrs Rebecca Fymons, Lisbellaw, Co Fermanagh, is most anxious to hear from her nephew , John Copeland. When last heard from a year ago, was working in the garden of Mr Edare, Bungy, near Sussex or Essex. He is a retired sergeant, and married, but has no family. If anyone in Bungy could furnish the writer with the address of a Mr Kerr, a private gentleman there, the remainder would be easy.
Belfast Weekly News July1 1893:
MAGEE: June 26 at Drumnaduff, Upper Ballinderry, James Magee, eldest son of the late James Magee, Old Lodge Road.
Belfast Weekly News July 8 1893: Missing Friends:
BRADY: Mrs CRAIG, 76 Albertbridge Road, Belfast, Ireland, is very anxious to hear from her daughter, Mrs Maggie Brady, whose address in June 1887 was No.1 Chapmans Terrace, Stuart Street, Dunedin, and whose husband, Patrick Smith Brady, was previous to that in the police force in Dunedin.
Belfast Weekly News: July 15 1893: Missing Friends:
HARWOOD: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Frederick William Harwood, last heard of in Belfast. Should this meet the eye of any of his friends or himself, would they communicate with his brother, Thomas James Harwood, 33 Lochend Cottages,Glengarnock, Ayrshire.
MULHOLLAND or COWAN: Wanted to know the address of friends or relatives of Mary Mulholland or Cowan, who left Ballindery Ireland, about 40 years ago. Any information will be thankfully received by her son, James Cowan, 154 North Woodside Road, Glasgow, Scotland.
MCILWRATH: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James McIlwrath; when last heard from was stationmaster at Nepigon, Ontario, Canada. Information will be thankfully received by his mother, Ann McIlwrath, 84 Joseph Street. American papers please copy.
SADDLER: Wanted, information concerning Thomas Sellers Saddler, formerly of the 5th Brigade(?) Guards, supposed to be travelling as stud groom with some circus. Any information concerning his whereabouts , dead or alive, will be thankfully received by his wife, Agnes Sellers, 2 Miller Street, Shadehill, Manchester. American and Australian papers please copy.
SIMPSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Robert Simpson, his last address being New Atlantic Hotel, 207 Montgomery Avenue, San Francisco, California. His parents and family are most anxious to hear from him. Will he kindly communicate with his father, Robert Simpson, Elandariff, Dunmore Post Office, Ballynahinch, County Down, Ireland. American papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News July 22 1893: Missing Friends:
M'ALLISTER: - Mrs Wm.Reese, St Andrew's Bay, Washington County, Florida, is anxious to hear from her aunt, Matilda M'Allister, whom she believes to be at present in Belfast. Any information as to the person mentioned will be thankfully received at above address.
An extraordinary egg:- Mr Andrew Martin, 143 Old Lodge Road, Belfast, received on 19th inst from a Liverpool farmer a duck egg weighing over four ounces. Apeculiarity about it was that there was another egg inside it, with shell completely formed.
Accident to a Belfastman near Stewartstown.- While Mr Ross Bell, Belfast, was driving from Stewartstown to Dungannon on the 12th his horse bolted, and Mr Bell was thrown out of the machine, sustaining some cuts and bruises in the fall. He was at once driven by his brother, W.H.Bell, Drumard, to Coalisland, where Dr. William C.Armstrong attended to his injuries. Considering the circumstances Mr Bell had a very narrow escape from probably fatal injuries.
Rescue from drowning: - A boy named Daniel Watson, while coming from bathing at Gavna, near Dunseverick, has had a very narrow escape from being drowned. He was climbing around the rocks as best he could, and was swept off by the tide into the sea and dahed between two rocks. Archibald Meek, a young man good at swimming, jumped in, and getting hold of Watson brought him ashore in an injured and exhausted state.
Belfast Weekly News July 29 1893:Missing Friends:
FISHER: Annie Ross, or M'Gill, would like to know the whereabouts of John, James, or Bella Fisher, last heard of in Belfast. Address John Walter M'Gill, 48 , Bell Street, Calton, Glasgow.
Belfast for America, and some of the brothers were staying in Birmingham for a time, and then left for America about 40 years ago, leaving Robert and his sister, Isabella behind. Robert was a stonemason, and married Anne Price, at Gloucester, in 1842. Any information will be thankfully received at above address. American papers please copy.
LANG: James Lang, of East London, South Africa, wishes to know the present whereabouts of either of his brothers - David or Hugh Lang. Shall be glad to hear from any member of the family.
THORP or THORPE: Wanted to know the whereabouts of William Thorp or Thorpe, a native of Rock ferry, Cheshire, England; was last heard of about twelve months ago, sailing as donkeyman or fireman, supposed to be sailing from Cardiff. Should this meet the eye of any of his friends or himself, would he communicate with his brother , John Thorp, 103 Canning Street, Birkenhead (who has heard something to his advantage)?
HUSTON or HEWSTON: Frederick Charles Hewston, Winterton, Ferryhill, Durham, wants to know the address of relatives or friends on his father's side. There were four brothers, namely - Frederick Charles, William, Thomas and John, and also two sisters, one of whom was called Isabella. One of the family left
Belfast Weekly News: August 5 1893: Missing Friends:
CLARKE: Mrs Clarke, of Drum, Co Monaghan, is anxious to find the whereabouts of her two sons, George and Joseph James. Last heard from George on 1st December, 1889, from 101 Plymouth Street, Jersey City, America, and from Joseph James on 3rd September, 1891, then residing at 229 Bridge St, Brooklyn, New York.
FEENEY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of the sister of Wm. Feeney, maiden name Ann Feeney, but now married, who left Derry for Philadelphia twenty seven years ago.-Wm Feeney, 11 Bouverie Terrace, Port Glasgow.
SMITH: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Thomas Smith. When last heard of, was living at 35 North Street, Anderston, Glasgow. Any information will be thankfully received by his brother, Edward Smith, Newtown, Dundalk, Hackball Cross, Ireland.
M'KEE.- On the 15th of March a man named Thomas M'Kee was killed on one of the Street Car Lines in Chicago. He has a sister and also a brother who is a Presbyterian minister, and still another brother , who is a doctor, whom he left in County Antrim, near Belfast, when he went into the Ship Yard at Whiteinch, by Glasgow, Scotland. The relatives to communicate with People's Casulty Claim Adjustment Company, 145 Adams Express Building, 185 Dearborn Street, Chicago, They may hear of something to their advantage.
PARK; Information wanted about Andrew Park, or Parks, who was born in the County Antrim about 1745, and died in America in 1781. He seems to have been a weaver, probably engaged in the weaving of linens and woollens in Antrim before he went to United States. Information as to when he left Ireland, facts in connection with the name, or some information as to where the matter could be looked up, will be thankfully received by John S Park, U.S. army, professor, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia.
RODGERS or WELSH: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Ellen Rodgers ( or Welsh) and Mary Ann Rodgers, last heard of in Montgomery Street, Bridgton, Glasgow, about four years. Any information regarding them will be thankfully received by their mother, Mrs B. Spiers, 165 Back Street, Broxburn, Linlithgowshire, Scotland; late of Drumlamph, Ireland.
Belfast Weekly News August 12 1893: Missing Friends.
FINLAY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of William John Finlay, who left Whitehouse, near Belfast, about thirteen years ago; last heard of at Chicago, America, about eleven years ago. Any information of him will be thankfully received by Private R.CURRIE, No.2456, 1st Batt. Gordon Highlanders, Subathu, Bengal, India.
HAMILTON: - Alex. Fraser Hamilton, 11, Glen Street, Paisley, wants to know the address of his sister, Janet Fechnie Hamilton, farm servant, who left Anderston, Glasgow, thirty-seven years ago; last heard of as residing with Mr Joseph Lee, farmer, in Hobartown, Van Diemen's Land.
SAUNDERSON: -Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Saunderson, ironmoulder, who left Belfast six years ago for Pittsburg; was last heard of at Elizabeth Port, New Zealand. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by his mother Mrs Saunderson, 23 Valentine Street, Belfast.
Belfast Weekly News: August 19 1893: Missing Friends:
BEATTIE: The father, mother, and sisters of Ellen Beattie, whose maiden name is Kingswell, a native of Bembridge, Isle of Wight, wish to know where she at present is. She left Bembridge about two years ago, and was last heard of as being in Belfast. Any information will be thankfully received by H.J.Dodd, 84 Fords Park Road, Canning Town, London, E.
BENNATT:-A friend wishes to know the whereabouts of Mr Thomas Bennatt; last heard of as carrying on business of salesman in Kender Street, Queens Road, Peckham, London. If Mr Bennatt or any of his friends who notice this would reply to 'A Friend , Belfast Weekly News, Belfast' he would hear something to his advantage.
FINLEY: Mrs John Alexander Finley, 38 Villas Road, Plumstead ( late of Coleraine, Ireland), is anxious to learn the address of the brothers, or other friends of her husband, who is at present in bad health. Robert, when last heard of was living in Needham Street, Newry, and following the business of coachbuilder; William, a cabinetmaker, has not been heard from since about seven years ago, when he was residing with his mother in Jameson Street, Glasgow.
FITZSIMONS: Information wanted regarding the whereabouts of William Fitzsimons, railway worker, who left Belfast about two years ago; was last heard of at Washington Street, Jersey City, New Jersey. Any information about him will be thankfully received by his mother, Mrs Fitzsimons, 16 Arran Street, off Short Strand, Belfast.
M'CAVITT: Bernard M'Cavitt, 7 Crossley Street, Mountpottinger, Belfast, would like to know the whereabouts and hear from his brother John, who left Banbridge about the year 1859 or 1860, for New York, while his brother was with his regiment in India. If this should meet his eye will he please write. American papers please copy.
M'KNIGHT: Sarah M'Knight ( maiden name Mahood) is sought by her brother James, 82 Cowlairs Road, Springburn Road, Glasgow. She was last heard of about two years ago at Mrs Brien's, 249 York Street, Jersey City, New Jersey, U.S.A. American papers please copy.
REILLY: Mrs Reilly, Glasgow, is desirous of knowing the address of her son Samuel, from whom she has not heard for eleven years. His address at that time was Samuel Reilly, Jane Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Queensland, and his occupation was that of road or surfaceman. Australian papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News: January 6 1894:
M'KEAG: December 29 at his residence, Downshire Road, Holywood,William M'Keag. Sen. (There was also an article about him, in which he was described as an old Free Mason)
SAVAGE: Jan 3, George Washington Savage, late United States Consul, Belfast.
Missing Friends:
BICKERSTAFF: William Bickerstaff would like to know the whereabouts of his sister, maiden name Sarah Bickerstaff; married name not known. Last heard of in Banbridge. Any information thankfully received at 47 Sussex Street, Belfast.
[Inquest: In this edition of the paper, there was a report of an inquest held on Mary Fitzsimons on 3rd Jan, who had been burned to death that morning in 16 Arran Street. William Orr, an old man who was a lodger, was also injured. Catherine M'Millan , first witness, identified body of deceased, and said she was a widow, aged seventy years, and was witness's mother. Patrick Murphy, 29 Arran Street, said deceased was addicted to drink. In the Missing Friends of September 2 1893 there was the following post: FITZSIMONS: Information wanted regarding the whereabouts of William Fitzsimons, railway worker, who left Belfast about two years ago; was last heard of at Washington Street, Jersey City, New Jersey. Any information about him will be thankfully received by his mother, Mrs Fitzsimons, 16 Arran Street, off Short Strand, Belfast. I wonder was this the same Mary who perished in the fire??]
Belfast Weekly News: January 13 1894:
BOYD: Dec15, 1893, at Napa City, California, Hugh Campbell, son of the late Major-General Boyd, of the Bengal Army, and of Ballycastle, Co Antrim.
LYONS: December 5 1893, at Brandon, Manitoba, Henry Lyons, formerly of Belfast, aged 63 years.
Missing Friends:
JACKSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Isaiah Jackson, who left Belfast about ten years. Last heard of in Townsville, Australia. Any information of him will be thankfully received by his son, Isaih Jackson, Pigeontown,Glenavy, Co.Antrim. Australian papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News: January 20 1894: Missing Friends:
HAMILTON: William Hamilton, desires the address of his brother, Robert Hamilton, saddler, who left Greenock, thirty years ago. Last heard of in Hamiltoon, Ontario, Canada. Information will be thanfully received by William Hamilton, 6 Salmon St, Greenock.
LONG: Elizabeth Long: desires to know the address of her sister, Susan Long, who left Ireland along with Mrs Newton over forty years ago. Last heard of in King Street, Philadelphia. If any of the Newtons is alive, please answer.- Mrs Hamilton, 6 Salmon Street, Greenock.
MILLER: John Miller, 7 Richmond Street, Belfast is anxious to know the whereabouts of his brother, Robert Miller. When last heard of he was owner of a spirit store in Greenwich Street, corner of Money Street, New York.
M'KENNA: Wanted, information regarding Mrs Mary M'Kenna, who was last heard of eleven years ago. She was living at South Boston, Mass. America, with her son, Charles M'Kenna, cabinet maker. Any information regarding her will be thankfully received by her sister, Catherine Silvey, 56 Brick Row, Greencastle.
M'VEIGH: Wanted to know the address of Hesther M'Veigh. Maiden name Hesther Nicholson Dunlop, who went from County Armagh to Queensland in 1873. Married some years after to Patrick M'Veigh, of Epswich. Any information thankfully received by her sister, Annie Dunlop, Shankill Post Office, County Dublin. Australian papers please copy.
PLUMMER: Alice Plummer, or Mrs White, desires information with regard to Mary Plummer, who resided in Belfast from 1870(?) to 1884. Any information thankfully received by Mrs White, 23 Taylor Street, Glasgow.
St. LEGER: I shall feel deeply grateful to any seafaring reader of your paper for information concerning my brother, Thomas St Leger, A.B.., who formed one of the crew of the well known Belfast ship, Queen of the West, abut the year 1869-1870, and was the man at the wheel in steering the vessel out of Belfast Lough en route for Quebec. The only tidings of him date back to fifteen years ago, when he was supposed to have joined the whaling trade - Harry St. Leger, 9 Hanover Vie, Park Lane, Leeds, England.
Belfast Weekly News: January 27 1894:
MCCORMICK: January 22, at the Hermitage, Bloomfield the wife of John McCormick, solicitor, a daughter.
STRONGE: January 21, at Hockley Lodge, Armagh, the wife of James H Stronge, of a daughter.
Missing Friends:
M'GOVERN: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Mrs M'Govern, last heard of living in 15 Gamble Street, Belfast in 1876. Any information as to her whereabouts will be thankfully received by her son, Thomas M'Govern, 10 Waterloo Road, Dublin.
Belfast Weekly News: February 3 1894:Missing Friends:
CURLISS: Wanted to know the anything about Rebecca or Anne Curliss, whose brother served his time in the 'Ulster Times' - Please reply to their sister, Mrs John Pettigrew, no.101. West Avenue, N.Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
CRAWFORD: Information wanted of Mrs Mary Anne Crawfors. When last heard from, five years ago, was living at 78 Leopard Street, Belfast. Any information of her present address will be thankfully received by her brother William M'Burnie, Tullyvallen, County Armagh.
MULVENNA or SHEPHARD: Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Mulvenna or Shephard. Last heard of in Belfast sixteen years ago. - Should this meet the eyes of their friends or themselves would they communicate with their sister Mrs Jane Harper or Mulvenna, Box 403, Greenwich,Conn,America.
Belfast Weekly News: February 10 1894: Missing Friends:
COX: Philip Cox, of Blocknet, Bohoe, Enniskillen, would like to know the whereabouts of his uncles, James, John and Patrick Cox. Patrick was a blacksmith, and last heard of about twenty years ago; were working in MacMahons Foundry, Cincinnati, Ohio.
PYPER: Information desired concerning Richard Pyper, who left Lurgan about twenty years ago. Any information will be thankfully received by his wife, Mrs Hessie Pyper, Fountain Street, Antrim, County Antrim. Foreign papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News February 17 1894: Missing Friends:
CROW:or KIRK: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Julia Crow or Kirk: Last heard from eleven years ago when living in Main Street, Patterson, New Jersey. Any information of her present address would be thankfully received by her sister, Mary Ward, Schoolwell Street, Stevenston, Ayrshire.
HUTCHISON: Wanted the address of Mary or Olivia Hutchison, by their brother John.- Mrs Hutchison, 94 Parson Street, Town Head, Glasgow.
Belfast Weekly News February 24 1894: Missing Friends;
MACKEY: Wanted, the address of Samuel Mackey who left Maryhill, Glasgow, for New York about seven years ago; last heard of about four years ago in New York. Robert M'Millan, 22 Argyle Street, Maryhill, Glasgow. American papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News March 3 1894: Missing Friends:
ADAIR: Wanted to know the address of Mrs James Adair (maiden name Susan Walker) ; last seen or heard of about ten years ago in Belfast. Any information received by her sister Mar Jane Lock, 15 Cavour Street, Belfast.
DUNN:Robert Dunn left Busby for New York about 37 years ago. Last heard of in Merrypole. Any information will be thankfully received by James Hart, Main Street, Busby.
WATSON: Hugh Henry Watson, aged 26 years and unmarried, left Spa, Ballynahinch, for Ausralia, in Autumn 1860. Nothing heard of him for many years, but sometime in the latter half of 1893, tow persons say they saw a paragraph in the Belfast Weekly News which is supposed to refer to him. His brother, W..Watson, Tanickey, Pointzpass has been unble to trace it, and will feel grateful for information regarding him.
Belfast Weekly News March 10 1894: Missing Friends:
TOMAN: Thomas Toman, Wilcannion,(?) New South Wales, Australia is anxious to receive information of his brother, Stephen, or his sister, Mrs Sarah Kelly. He last heard from them in 1864, they were then living in Bangor, Ireland. Any information thankfully received by Thomas Toman, Wilcannia(?), New South Wales, Australia.
Belfast Weekly News March 17 1894: Missing Friends:
DAVIS: If this should meet the eyes of James Edward Davis, who, when last heard of, was seen drawing a private carriage in livery in Manchester. His father would like to hear from him, or any news about him will be thankfully received. James Davis, coachman, Pond Park, Lisburn. English papers please copy. March 13 1894.
HUTCHISON: Wanted the address of Mary or Olivia Hutchison by their brother John. Mary married a carpenter names Johnston about fourteen years ago. Any information regarding them will be thankfully received by Mrs Hutchison, 94 Parson Street, Town Head, Glasgow.
MCDONALD: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Jane McDonald, last heard of at 176 Morgan Street, Jersey City, N.Y. Left Back Island , County Monaghan, about twenty-six years ago. Any information regarding the above will be kindly received by James Crawford, 7 Ferndale Street, off Lisburn Road, Belfast.
Belfast Weekly News April 7 1894: Missing Friends:
HEATHERS: Henry Heathers, who went to Toronto between forty and fifty years ago; born at Rossan, County Tyrone, Ireland; or any of his relatives. His brother Benjamin Heathers would like to hear from him. - No.4 Aitkenhead, by Bargeddie, Glasgow.
M'LEACH: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Mrs M. M'Leach, maiden name Biddy Quinn, or any of her children. Last heard of in Rower's Row , Shore Road, Belfast. Inquirer, her sister, Ellen Tring, 52 Oliver Street, off Parliament Street, Liverpool.
Belfast Weekly News April14 1894: Missing Friends:
REID: Joseph Reid, 27, Senhouse Place, Workington, Cumberland, would like to know the whereabouts of his brother John, who enlisted about twenty one years ago, his number was 2,268 H.Co. 1st Battallion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and he served in China and India. Probably left India for Australia in 1884.
Belfast Weekly News April 28 1894: Missing Friends:
ARTHURS: Wanted, addresss of Mrs Johnston, maiden name, Jane Arthurs, or Margaret Arthurs; last heard of in Manchester about nine years ago. Any information will be thankfully received by their brother, James Arthurs, Tempo, County Fermanagh, Ireland.
LYONS: Wanted information of one William Lyons, formerly of Belfast, and last heard of about twenty-one years ago at Monte Video, acting in the capacity of master of a steamer belonging to New York. Any information that can be supplied regarding him will be thankfully received by his brother, Thomas Lyons, Sydenham, Belfast.
M'CALLUM: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James M'Callum or family; last heard of in 1871, residing in Patterson Street, Chester, Pa.,Any information thankfully received by M.C., 28 Bruce Street, Belfast.
RAFFERTY: Clarke Rafferty, aged seventeen, lived with Mr John Porter, Donaghmore, County Down, for half year ending May '93, left, and has not been heard of since. Any information regarding him will be gratefully received by Wm. Gordon, Lisnisk, Loughgilly, County Armagh.
Belfast Weekly News May 5 1894:
HASTINGS: May 1, at her residence, Craigfernie Terrace, Lisburn Road, Ellen Hastings (Nellie) the wife of the late William Hastings, C.E. and second daughter of John Rogers, J.P. Eden-a-Grena, Belfast.
STITZEL: April 25, suddenly, Charles T.Stitzel, 64(?) Falls Road.
Missing Friends:
EVANS: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Hugh Evans, last heard of in Scotland; he was a square-set maker, and was married to Elizabeth Kelly, daughter of James Kelly, of Magherascouse, Co Down. He left Ireland about the year 1871. Any information regarding him will be kindly accepted by his son, Samuel Evans, 30 East Street, Newtownards, Co Down.
LYNDON: Herbert A. Lyndon, last heard of on board United States steamer, Tuscarora in 1877 or 1878. Information as to his whereabouts will be gratefully received by his mother, Mrs Jane Lyndon, 210, 2nd Street, San Francisco.
M'FARLANE: Wanted the address of Mr John N M'Farlane who went out to join the Cumberland Presbyterian Ministry; left Belfast in 1883-4; Address; C.E.Crosthwaite, Ethol Cottage, Old Cummick, Ayrshire, Scotland.
PRESTON: Wanted to know the address of William Henry Preston. His last address in 1890 was Quackman Post Office, Somerset County, State of Maine, U.S.A.. Any information respecting him will be most thankfully received by his mother, Lucinda Preston, Derrycrew, Loughgall, County Armagh, Ireland.
Belfast Weekly News: May 19 1894: Missing Friends:
FALLOON: Wanted to know the address of Thomas Falloon, who sailed from Larne, March 1866 to America. Last heard of in Illinois, about nineteen years ago, would like him to communicate with his brother Henry, to Mallusk Post Office, Belfast. American papers please copy.
RAMSEY: Will Mr William Ramsey, who was last heard of ten years in care of Hevdenyard Post Office, N.S.W. Australia, communicate with his sister, Mrs Cairns, 15 Hillview Street, Belfast. Australian papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News : May 26 May 1894: Missing Friends:
FEGAN: News wanted of the whereabouts of Bernard Fegan (son of Daniel and Caroline Fegan, both deceased) of Ballyedmond, Killowen, County Down, Ireland, seaman or steward on board one of the White Star liners, and who left Ireland
About 12 or 13 years ago. Any information concerning him will be gladly received by his wife, Ellen Fegan, care of Editor Belfast Weekly News. Belfast, Liverpool and American papers please copy.
HARPER: Will R.J.Harper, who sailed for Melbourne per ss Oroya in April 1891, please communicate with his brother.
To the Editor of the Belfast Weekly news: Dear Sir- I beg to thank you for the advertisement you put in among the Missing Friends for the address of a friend of mine living in America, and to state that the advertisement was answered by his sister in Belfast, and I have received his address. With many thanks, Cumnock, 22 May 1894.
Belfast Weekly News : June 2 1894: Missing Friends:
ANDREW: Wanted, information concerning the whereabouts of Wm. Andrew, a member of the Foresters Society, who left Glasgow for Adelaide or Melbourne, about fourteen years ago, or his daughter, Jane Andrew, who accompanied him: - David Little, Lisnaskea.
ERWIN: Information wanted of Susanna and Margaret Erwin, who left Ireland about the year 1839, or thereabouts, for New Orleans. Any information of them would be thankfully received by their loving sister, Sophia Erwin, or McCann, who is still living within two miles of Lurgan, Co Down, Ireland. American papers please copy.
M'DONALD: Wanted to know the whereabouts of William John M'Donald, who formerly lived in Aughacommon, Lurgan, County Armagh, Ireland. Last heard of in Christ Church, Hokilika, New Zealand. Any information will be thankfully received by his sister, Mrs Jane Wright, Teemore Tandragee, Ireland.( New Zealand papers please copy)
TURKINGTON: Information wanted of Ellen Turkington who left Glasgow in March 1883, for Queensland. Went as domestic servant, last heard of in Townsville, Queensland in 1885. Any information concerning her would be thankfully received by her sister, Elizabeth Turkington, Bovain, Moy, County Tyrone. Queensland papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News : June 16 1894: Missing Friends:
DICKIE: John James Dickie, missing since 19th May 1894, aged 23 years. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his sorrowing father, Hugh Dickie, umbrella maker, 14 Northbridge Street, Airdre, Scotland.
M'GUIGAN: Information wanted of Michael M'Guigan aged about 17, who has been written for by his friends in America. Any information will be thankfully received by his father, Joseph M'Guigan, Carriff, Forkhill, County Armagh.
Belfast Weekly News : June 23 1894: Missing Friends:
DAWSON: Wanted, information of Thomas and Tracy Dawson, last heard of in Bedwheel Blue Hotel, Hunter River, near Sydney, fourteen years ago. Thomas was employed as a county surveyor, and Tracy kept a store. Any information of them would be thankfully received by their brother, Ezekial Dawson, Bell's Hill, Castledawson, County Derry, Ireland. Australian and Queensland papers please copy.
HEALEY: Any information concerning Edward Healey, missing since May 1893, aged 24 years will be thankfully received by his sorrowing father, Matthew Healey, Derrdamph, Beglieve, Bailieborough, County Down.
Belfast Weekly News June 30 1894: Missing Friends:
CHERRY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Robert James Cherry, who left this country about two years ago for Ontario, Canada. Was last heard of in Montreal, about the beginning of August, 1893. If he, or anyone who knows his present address, would kindly communicate with his mother, Mrs John Fowler, 18 Foster Street, Belfast, she would be very grateful.
CLATWORTHY: Wanted, information of James Clatworthy, who left Dalry, Aryshire, thirteen years ago in Dunedin. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his father, James Clathworthy, Rankston-by-Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland. New Zealand papers please copy.
JOHNSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Mary Johnston, who was last heard of as living in John Square, Limerick, about twenty years ago. She then went to Manchester to her mother. Her sister, Margaret Johnston, 21, New Lodge Road, Belfast, will be glad to hear from her.
Belfast Weekly News: July 7 1894: Missing Friends:
JOHNSTON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Mary Johnston, who was last heard of as living at Kilmeague, County Kildare, about twenty years ago. She was then going to Manchester to her mother. Her brothers, Robert and John Johnston also left Ireland. She lived a long time with her sister, at Mrs Naylors, Bruff, County Limerick. Her sister, Margaret Johnson, 21 New Lodge Road, Belfast will be glad to hear from her.
Belfast Weekly News: July 14 1894: Missing Friends:
BURTON: Information wanted of Wingfield Burton, at one time living at Kilderney, near Corrobey(?). He will hear something to his advantage by applying to Rev. Isaac Mitchell, Rector of Kiltoom, Athlone. American and Australian papers please copy.
MENEELY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of William J. Meneely, last heard of eight years ago, when valet with Lord Dunraven.- James Meneely, 212, North Quay, Gartaherrie(?) Coatbridge.
Belfast Weekly News July 28 1894: Missing Friends:
Rev.D.C.Bates, of St John's Vicarage, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales wishes to announce, with regret, the death of Samuel SLOAN, aged 38 years, a native of Belfast, who has been in Australia 14 years. He died at above place on 30th May 1894, and his relatives can have further information by application to the address given above.
FERGUSON: Left his home on Saturday, the 7th inst., John Ferguson, aged 12 years, was clad in blue topcoat, brown vest, dark trousers, blue cap, barefooted. Information will be thankfully received by his parents, 30 Warwick Street, Belfast.
GRAHAM: James Graham, of Ballymullen, supposed to have left Belfast for Canada, U.S.A, about 14 years ago. If he will communicate with the Editor of the Belfast Weekly News he will hear something to his advantage. American papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News: August 4 1894:
MAGEE: At his residence, 14 Lavinia Street, Belfast, Edward Magee, late of Balymena, aged 82 years.
O'HARE: August 14, at his residence, 2 and 4 Eliza Street, Belfast. James O'Hare, hay-dealer. R.I.P.
RANKIN August 12, at his residence, British House, Killead, County Antrim, my beloved husband, John Rankin, formerly of Walton-on-the-Hill, near Liverpool, aged 74 years.
Belfast Weekly News: August 18 1894: Missing Friends:
TURKINGTON: Wanted to know the address of William Turkington, or his son, William, jun., who left Correany, Dungannon, Co Tyrone, in July 1882, for Canada. Last heard of in Toronto. Information will be gladly received by James Turkington, 7 Wilson Street, Partick, Glasgow.
Belfast Weekly News: August 25 1894:
M'GRILLEN, August 18, at 2 Lagan Street, Belfast. Hugh M'Grillen, aged 69 years.
Captain Pine-Coffin and Miss Beresford, youngest daughter of Mr John Barre Beresford, D.L., were married on 22nd inst. in Glendermott Church, near Derry
Missing Friends:
MUNCE: Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Munce, brass moulder, who left Belfast about the 3rd of July last, and has not been heard of since. Any information will be thankfully received by his anxious wife, Mrs Lydia Munce, care of Mrs Lockett, 13 Earl Street, Belfast.
MYLES: Wanted the address of Robert Myles. Sailed from Glasgow for South America about the year 1852. Any information will be thankfully received by his brother, Charles Myles, 40 Parson Street, Townhead, Glasgow.
Belfast Weekly News September 1 1894: Missing Friends:
CASSELLS: Wanted to know the address of Mark Cassells, who left Armagh (Brague) about 26 years ago. Supposed to be about Canada, USA. Any details of him will be thankfully received by his brother, James Cassells, 3 Dundyvan Road, N.B.
TAYLOR: James Taylor left home 11 July 1894 to celebrate the Twelfth in Ireland, and has not yet returned. He wore a blue coat and vest, trousers with blue stripe. He has a cut across the nose from childhood. Any information about him will be thankfully received by his wife, Annie Taylor 250 Garnyard Hill, Glasgow.
Belfast Weekly News September 8 1894: Missing Friends:
M.M. care of Mr J. Moore, Post Ofice, Tamney, Co Donegal, Ireland, wishes to find a widow and her family names HARPER, who went to America in 1865 or earlier. They were first to Philadalphia, and the widow had three daughters and one son. Apply as above.
BODEL: Left his home on Tuesday, 24 July, James Bodel, 13 years, had corduroy knicker-bockers, brown coat and vest, black stockings and laced boots; last seen in Banbridge. Any information regarding im will be thankfully received by his parents at 4 Haddow Street, Belfast.
M'MENEMY: Master of Chief Magistrates Court, Vryburg, Bechuanaland, South Africa, advertises for the heirs of Robert M'Menemy, late of Tati, Matabeleland, supposed to have come originally from about Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland.
Belfast Weekly News September 15 1894: Missing Friends:
GLENN: Wanted to know the address of William and David Glenn, carpenters, who left Londonderry about 30 years ago.( both Apprentice Boys) supposed to be somewhere in Australia. Any details will be thankfully received by John Glenn Lynch, 41 Coathill Street, Camlachie, Glasgow, or by Richard Glenn, 12Albert Place, Londonderry.
COYLE: Wanted to know the address of Ellen Coyle, who left Ballycastle about 12 years ago. Last heard of about six years ago. Was then living in Belfast. Believed to be either married or dead. Any information concerning her will be gladly received by her brother, John Coyle, care of Mrs Shaw, Ralou, Larne.
Belfast Weekly News September 22 1894: Missing Friends:
MATHAS: Charles Mathas, coastguard, County Cork, whose brothers and sisters went to America about thirty years ago, the two youngest , James and Fanny, or Mrs Whitehouse, supposed to be in Boston.- If anyone can give any information regarding them it will be thankfully received by his only daughter, Mary Ann Mathas, No.6 Maxwelton Street, Paisley, Scotland. American papers please copy.
MAGINNIS: Mary Jane Donaldson would like to hear from her cousin, Isabella Maginnis, whose married name is Cavendish or Cavanagh. Her husband was in the pork business, she left Hillsborough many years ago for America. Last heard from about the time of the American war; was living about Detroit, Michigan. Any information will be thankfully received by Mrs Davis, Pond Park, Lisburn, Ireland. American papers please copy.
M'FARLAND: Mrs Smith ( maiden name M'Farland) wishes to know the address of her father, Robert M'Farland, brother Joseph, or any of her three sisters, Eliza, Martha or Anne , last address was Newburgo, State of New York, Orange County, where all were living forty years ago. Information received at 33 Atlantic Avenue Antrim Road, Belfast, Ireland. American papers please copy.
STINSON: Wanted to know the address of Margaret Stinson, who left Pettigo, County Fermanagh, for Canada, about 1848.- Any information concerning her will be gladly received by her sisiter, Letitia Stinson( now Mrs Owens) care of Robert Moore, 100 Cornwall Street, Glasgow.
VINCENT: Wanted to know the address of Thomas Vincent who left Mulkreagh, Ballykelly, County Derry, about ten years ago for Australia. When last heard from was road overseer of a gang of men employed making new roads near Brisbane. Last information received about six years ago. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by Robert Thompson, New Market Street, Coleraine, County Derry.
Belfast Weekly News September 29 1894:
JESS: September 21 at the residence of her sister, Mrs John Coffey, Terminane, County Down, Sarah Jess aged 75 years.
KIRKWOOD- September 25, at 55 Victoria Terrace, Dublin Road, Belfast, Agnes, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Kirkwood
Missing Friends:
BRANEY: Thomas Braney, of Lachute, Quebec, Canada is anxious to find his relatives who were last heard of by him at 1 Caroline Street, Belfast. Rev. Alexander B.Given, of The Parsonage, Lachute, Quebec, Canada will receive any letters sent to him.
Belfast Weekly News October 6 1984: Missing Friends:
LEE: Wanted to know the address of Jemima, Lizzie and Willie Lee, supposed to be adopted by friends about the year 1876 or 1877, was then living in Belfast. Any information will be thankfully received by Mrs Weir, The Rectory, Stewartstown, County Tyrone.
WILSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James Wilson, who left Blackhill, County Antrim, March 1887, for Melbourne, and has not been heard of since. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his brother, William Wilson, Eden, Carrickfergus.
WILSON: Information would be gladly received of the whereabouts of James Wilson, who left Killargesh, County Antrim, about fifty years ago for America. When last heard of was from Frog, United States of America,- Please communicate with Mrs P Kissock, 7 Port Downie Camelon, Falkirk, Scotland.
Belfast Weekly News October 13 1894: Missing Friends:
DAWSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Alexander Dawson who was last heard from towards the end of the year 1870, when he went either to Australia or New Zealand, from No. 4 Little James Street, London, or of his wife, Francis Sarah Bonner Frost, of London. Any information will be thankfully received by J.Dawson, 62 Sussex Street, Pimlico, London, S.W.
GORDON: Wanted information regarding the whereabouts of Samuel and William Gordon, William left Belfast about 35 years ago, and was last heard of at Newton, New Jersey, U.S.A. Samuel left about 20 years ago and was last heard of about eight years ago, he was then in New York. Any information will be thankfully received by their brother, John Gordon, 21 Southwell Street, Belfast, Ireland.
M'LEAN: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James M'Lean who lived at Balmoral Station, Belfast about nine years ago. Any information will be thankfully received by his son, James M'Lean, 508 Madison Avenue, Helena, Montana, USA.
Belfast Weekly News October 20 1894: Missing Friends:
HAMILTON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Joseph Hamilton, who went to New Zealand about 10 years ago from Dromore, County Down, and was last heard from about 8 years ago, was then living in Brisbane, - Any information will be thankfully received by his parents, Wm. John and Charlotte Hamilton at Black Skull, Dromore, County Down.
MEGAUGHEY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Megaughey, a stone cutter by trade, who left Lisleen, County Down, some fifty years ago or more, and sailed for Philadelphia; resided there for twenty years, left and bought an estate in some other part. It is believed his friends were advertised for some time ago. Any information will be thankfully received by his two nieces, Elizabeth Megaughey and Mrs Gordon Megaughey, Tullycarnet, Knock County Down. American papers please copy.
Belfast Weekly News October 27 1894: Missing Friends
BURTON: Wanted information on Wingfield Burton, son of the late Bethal Burton, formerly of Cuttlestown, Enniskerrry, County Wicklow [ I wasn't able to get rest of details but believe this is the same person advertised for on July 14 1894].
M'ALLISTER. Wanted to know the whereabouts of James M'Allister, last heard of driving a milk cart between Wilson's farm and Belfast. Any information will be gladly received by his brother, Wm. J. M'Allister, 29 Cowlairs Road, Springburn, Glasgow.
ROBINSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of William Robinson, who left Dundee about 30 years ago for Texas, USA. Any information will be thankfully received by Maria Mathers ( maiden name Hillen), 24 Linview Street, Grosvenor Road, Belfast.
Belfast Weekly News November 3 1894: Missing Friends:
JAMISON: Left his home on the 10th September, Hugh Jamison, 11 years old; had on dark tweed jacket, short corduroy trousers, light cap, pale face, blue eyes, light brown hair, barefooted:-Any information will be thankfully received by his parents at 55 Riga Street, Belfast.
M'ARREN:-Wanted to learn the whereabouts of Mary M'Arren, late of Ballygawley, County Tyrone; was in service in Belfast lately, and supposed to be there at present:- Any information will be thankfully received by her anxious mother, Jane M'Arren, Ballygawley, County Tyrone.
WHISKER: Wanted to know the address of Mrs Whisker, who has recently returned with family, from New Zealand, by her brother , Joseph Price, 10 Henley Street, Seaforth, Liverpool, England.
WILSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James Wilson, who left Blackhill, County Antrim, in March 1887, for Melbourne, and has not been heard of since;-Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his brother, William Wilson, Eden, Carrickfergus.
To Correspondents: Please let a constant reader know through your paper the year and date on which Sub-Inspector Montgomery was hanged-John Lowrie, Rutherglen;--Sub-Inspector Montgomery was hanged on the 26th August 1874: Ed. B.W.N..
Belfast Weekly News November 10 1894: Missing Friends:
CONNELLY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of George Connelly, who left Springburn about eight years ago, and was last heard of towards the end of the year 1892. He was then living at No. 68 Sabastapool Street, Point St. Charles, Montreal, Canada;- Any information will be thankfully received by his widowed mother, Mrs Ellen Connelly, No.1 Foundry Place, New Keppochhill Road, Springburn, Glasgow, Scotland.
Belfast Weekly News November 17 1894: Missing Friends:
BARNES: Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Barnes, who left near Waringstown, County Down, about 25 years ago, when last heard of was in Sydney, New South Wales. Any information will be thankfully received by his nephew, John Barnes, Tullyheron, Waringstown, County Down.
Belfast Weekly News November 24 1894: Missing Friends:
BIRNEY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of E.H. Birney, who emigrated to Australia about 37 years ago; he lived in Magherafelt, County Derry, Ireland, and carried on the business of a pawnbroker; last heard of about three years ago. Any information will be thankfully received by Hugh Johnston, Church Street, Magherafelt, County Derry.
CROW or KIRK: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Julia Crow or Kirk. Last heard from eleven years ago, when living at Main Street, Patterson, New Jersey, America. Any information of her present address would be thankfully received by her sisiter, Mary Ward, Schoolwell Street, Stevenston, Ayrshire.
M'CAUGHEY: Wanted the address of Mr Samuel M'Caughey, a native of Cloughwater, near Ballymena, and now a large sheep-farmer in Australia or New Zealand.- Information thankfully received by Samuel Dunwoody, 14 Wellfield Street, Spriingburn, Glasgow.
Belfast Weekly News December 1 1894:
BEST: November 26, at Irish Street, Dungannon, the wife of John Best, of a daughter.
CARUTH: November 25 at Flixton Place, Ballymena, the wife of Norman C. Caruth, Solicitor, of a daughter.
CHARLES: November 18(?)at Veitch's Hotel, Edingburgh, the wife of Captain S.F.Charles, the Lancashire Fusiliers, of a son.
DISNEY: November 22, at Halesewen, the wife of Thomas Disney, of a son.
GRAHAM: November 27, at Desertlyn Cottage, Moneymore(?), the wife of Robert Moorhead Graham (Belfast) of a son.
HAMMOND: November 22, at 46 South Parade, Belfast, the wife of John Hammond, of a son.
HODGES: November 25 at 2 St Anne's Villas, Dollymount, County Dublin, the wife of the Rev. John .G. Hodges, M.A., Tessaran Rectory, Bannagher(?), Kings County, of a son.
MACDONALD:- November 23 at 7 St Andrews Terrace, the wife of Eugene Macdonald, of a son.
PENROSE: November 19 at St John's Rectory, Ballinasloe(?), the wife of Frank .P Penrose, C.E., Superintendent of Public Works, Malacca Straits Settlements, of a daughter.
REID: November 28, at Holyrood, Rosetta Park, Belfast, the wife of Wm. Reid, jun., of a son.
SCOTT: November 24 at Malden, Essex, the wife of G. Melmoth Scott, of a daughter.
SILBERRY: November 23 at 3, Brookvale Terrace, Sydenham, Belfast, the wife of E.J. Silberry, of a daughter.
ARMSTRONG - BAILEY: November 19 at Holy Trinity Church, Rathmines , Dublin, by the Rev. S.A. Harris, M.A., Frederick Lionel, third son of the late William Armstrong, of New Ross, County Wexford, to Gertrude Emma, only daughter of James Bailey, 6 Belgrave Park, Rahmines.
BEANE - KAY: November 20, at Christ Church, Whitehead(?)?, by the Rev. O.N. Tribe, B.A., brother-in-law of the bridegroom, R. Leonard Beane, of Neatishead(?) , Norfolk, to Isabel Landells, third daughter of the late J. W. Kay, M.D., of Sydenham.
MAGEE: November 27, at her residence, Market Street, Lisburn, Margaret (Peggy) eldest surviving daughter of the late Thomas Magee.
MAYNE: November 27, at his residence, 26 Albert Place, Donegall Place, Alexander Smith Mayne ( formerly of Donegall Square East) in his 90th year..
MINFORD: Novemner 28, at Parkgate, Maggie, youngest daughter of Hugh J Minford.
MORRISON: November 26, at his residence, Pullynacross, Lisburn, after a brief illness, Joseph Morrison.
PARR: November 17, at his residence, 1 Godwyne Road, Dover, Thomas Parr, F.R.C.S.Eng,&c, Deputy Inspector- General Army Medical Department, J.P. for County Down, son of the late Captain Parr, 45th Regiment, aged 75 years.
PATTON: November 27 at the residence of his son-in-law, John Patty, Hibernia Street, Holywood, David Patton, aged 75 years.
PETRIE: November 22, at Carrowroe House, Sligo, William Petrie, aged 53 years.
STOREY: November 24, at Daisy Cottage, Bloomfield, Emily, the dearly beloved wife of William Storey.
STRAIN: November 24, at her residence, 40 Shaftesbury Avenue, Ormeau Road, Elizabeth, relict of the late James Strain ( formerly of May Street).
WATERS: November 26, at Holywood, County Down, Ellen, wife of Austin Waters, Town Clerk.
WATT: November 25, at his residence, Cliftonville, Thomas Watt, senior.
Missing Friends:
BELL: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Robert Bell, who left County Derry, Ireland about 45 years ago, and was last heard of about 20 years ago, when he was in Swanisland, Western Australia. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his sister, Margaret Bell, 163 Cowcaddens Street, Glasgow.
CARNEY (formerly CARTER) : Wanted to know the whereabouts of Mrs Mary Carney, native of Rathdowney, Queens County; last heard of in the United States. Information will be thankfully received by by C.R.Baird, Rathdowney. American papers please copy.
FITZPATRICK: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Hugh Fitzpaptrick, who left Lurgan on 16 December 1874; last heard of 17 miles out of Ipswich. Any information will be thankfully received by his mother, Ellen Fitzpatrick, 97 Edward Street, Lurgan, County Armagh. American papers please copy.
HOOKS: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James Hook, native of Newry, who left the 44th Regiment of Foot in India and went to Australia in August '82. Any information will be thankfully received by his brother, Alexander Hooks, care of C. Dunlop, 28 Henshaw Street, New City Road, Glasgow.
Belfast Weekly News: December 8 1894:
JACKSON: November 26, at Castlereagh, the wife of David Jackson, of a daughter.
LINDSAY: November 29 at 200 Newtownards Road, the wife of Francis Lindsay, of a daughter.
WILLIAMS: December 2 at Orangefield Terrace, Knock, Belfast, the wife of Thomas Williams, of a daughter.
M'DERMOTT: November 29 at the residence of her father, 205 Lorne Terrace, Belfast, Gertrude Louise (Gertie) wife of Charles Woodhouse M'Dermott, of Dublin, and only daughter of Thomas Green.
M'ILWAINE: November 29 at his residence, Ballyduff, Carnmoney, William M'Ilwaine, aged 72 years.
M'KEOWN: December 4, at the Union Infirmary, Lisburn Road, Belfast, William, eldest son of the late Arthur M'Keown, Ligoniel.
MAGEE: December 5, at 109 Old Lodge Road, Clark (Baby) ,second son of Richard Magee, aged 4 years and 4 months.
MAITLAND: December 3, at his residence, Lisnamintry, Portadown, James Maitland.
MISKELLY: November 30 at 43 Hartington Street, Belfast, Susanna (Susan), eldest daughter of Joseph A. Miskelly.
PAISLEY: November 14, at the residence of her grandmother, 38 Lodge Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, Margaret Jane Campbell, dearly beloved daughter of Thomas James and Jennie Paisley, aged three years and three months.
SPEER: November 28, 1894, at Killen, Castlederg, David George Elliott Speer, youngest son of Isaac Speer, aged 30 years.
STANNAGE: November 16, at Bailieborough, County Cavan, James Stannage, late of the London Metropolitan Police, aged 63 years.
Belfast Weekly News December 15 1894: Missing Friends:
MAHOOD: Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Mahood who left County Cavan, Ireland, about the year 1891, last heard of at Stoneheng, Conneticut, Brodelyn(?) America:- Any information concerning him or his friends will be thankfully received by John M'Chesney, 12 Landressy Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow.
Belfast Weekly News December 22 1894: Missing Friends:
ASTLES: Wanted to know the whereabouts of the children or grandchildren of the late Samuel Astles, who left Northwich, Cheshire, some 25 years ago, and lived in or near Carrickfergus, County Antrim. Any information will be thankfully received by their cousin, Edward Aastles, 46, Chapel Street, Castle, Northwich, Cheshire.
BROOKS: Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Brooks, stevedore; some years back lived off Scotland Road, Liverpool; native of Newry, Ireland, his sister being dead.- Any information will be thankfully received by Wm. Shortt, 68 Spring Gardens, off Frog Lane, Wigan.
M'BRIDE: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James and Henry M'Bride, who left Aughnaskeagh, County Down, about the winter of 1839.last heard of in Ohio, U.S.A.. Any information regarding them will be thankfully received by Mrs M. Martin, 172 Argyle Street, Belfast.
ROBINSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of William Robinson, who left Dundee about 30 years ago for Texas, USA. It is believed that his friends were advertised for in this paper some time ago.Any information will be thankfully received by Maria Mathers ( maiden name Hillen), 24 Linview Street, off Grosvenor Road, Belfast. American papers please copy.
WILSON: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Thomas Wilson, who left County Fermanagh, Ireland, 15 years ago; was then working as a blacksmith. Any information will be thankfully received on behalf of hs sorrowing parents, by William Kennedy, Drumbulkin, Irvinestown, County Fermangh.
December 29 1894: The Belfast Weekly News, Price One Penny, is the best Family Protestant Newspaper in Ulster.
Belfast Weekly News January 5 1895:
LAW - MAGEE: December 22 at St Patricks Ballymaccarrett by the Rev. Mr Mervyn, Samuel, second son of Thomas Law, of Govan, Glasgow, to Minnie, only daughter of the late Andrew Magee of Antrim.
KIRKWOOD: December 27, at Monkshill, Ballygomartin, Mary, beloved wife of James Kirkwood.
KIRKWOOD: December 28, at his residence, Robert Kirkwood, Grocer and Feuar
MCKEE: December 29 1894, at Killyvolgan, Robert McKee, aged 86 years.
Missing Friends:
BELL: John Bell wishes to know the whereabouts of his cousin, Robert Bell Nesbitt, who left Belfast about nine years ago; last heard of at Port Said on his way to Australia. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received; 64 Excise Street, Belfast. Australian papers please copy.
HURELL: Wanted to know the whereabouts of Lavinia Hurell, who emigrated to Australia about 40 years ago, and was last heard of about 3 years ago; was then living in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Any information concerning her will be thankfully received by her uncle John Devlin, Main Street, Maghera, County Derry. Ireland. Australian papers please copy.
KENNEDY: Wanted to know the whereabouts of James Kennedy, who emigrated to Australia about ten years ago. He lived in Goraghwood, near Newry, County Armagh, and carried on the business of a farmer. Was last heard of about three years ago working in the silver mines, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Any information will be thankfully received by his sister, Agnes Tate, 124 Grosvenor Road, Belfast, County Antrim. Australian papers please copy.
M'BRIDE: Wanted to know the address of Mr Robert M'Bride supposed to be in Belfast, and who has not been heard of since 1883. Any information will be thankfully received by Wm. James Little, Royal Canadian Regiment, Stanley Barracks, Toronto, Canada.
M'DONALD: Wanted to know the whereabouts of any of the friends of Michael M'Donald, who went to America in 1849 or 1850; his father was a shipcarpenter, living in Lombard Street, Dublin, his mothers maiden name was Mary Ann Wade. If any of his friends see this, address Medora, Billings County, North Dakota.
PATTERSON: A.S.Patterson, son of the late Alexander Patterson and grandson of late Mr Patterson, of Lincoln, would like to hear from his uncle Robert or aunt Anne or Anna;- Apply to Mr Thompson, stationer, Donegall Street, Belfast.