# | Surname | Firstname | Weapon |
1 | McCALLEN | Thomas | sword and pike |
2 | SCOT | John | sword and pike |
3 | MYN | William | sword and pike |
4 | DYMSTER | George | sword |
5 | DERKOE | William | sword and pike |
6 | McCRERY | John | sword and pike |
7 | MOORE | William | sword and pike |
8 | MYNNE | Roger | sword |
9 | MYNNE | William | pike |
10 | MYNNE | John | sword and pike |
11 | WILSON | William | sword and pike |
12 | BEATY | Gawen | sword and pike |
13 | SINCLEARE | John | sword |
14 | McDOWGALL | Oughthrip | sword and pike |
15 | CARSON | John | sword |
16 | McLEARNE | David | sword and pike |
17 | HAMMILTON | Archball | sword |
18 | MACCRERY | John | pike |
19 | DAVISON | John | sword and callever |
20 | GIBSON | John | sword and callever |
21 | CRAG | Thomas | pike |
22 | SCOT | Robert | sword |
23 | GRAHAM | John | sword and musket |
24 | BELL | John | sword and pike |
25 | WILSON | George | sword and pike |
26 | THOMSON | John | sword and pike |
27 | THOMSON | John, younger | sword and pike |
28 | POCOCK | John | sword and pike |
29 | JORDAINE | John | sword and pike |
30 | JORDAINE | John, younger | sword and pike |
31 | PAYE | John | sword and pike |
32 | PAYNE | Thomas | sword and pike |
33 | WILSON | John | sword |
34 | WILSON | John, younger | sword and pike |
35 | GURLEY | Alexander | no armes |
36 | FFARGISON | John | no armes |
37 | MICHELL | George | no armes |
38 | WILSON | John | no armes |
39 | NELSON | William | no armes |
40 | NELSON | Andrew | no armes |
41 | KEG [KEY?] | John | no armes |
42 | GRAHAM | James | no armes |
43 | ELLOT | Herbert | no armes |
44 | LITTLE | David | no armes |
45 | EDGGER | Robert | no armes |
46 | EDGGER | John | no armes |
47 | MYN | John | no armes |
48 | GRAHAM | William | no armes |
49 | GURLY | George | no armes |
50 | LEALLON | William | no armes |
51 | McKEAN | James | no armes |
52 | MASON | Thomas | no armes |
53 | MYN | James | no armes |
54 | MYN | John | no armes |
55 | FFOREST | William | no armes |
56 | HASTY | Danyell | no armes |
57 | CARUDDAS | ffrancis | no armes |
58 | BEATY | Adam | no armes |
59 | SINCLEARA | James | no armes |
60 | McLEALLAN | John | no armes |
61 | BEATY | John | no armes |
62 | HUTCHISON | George | no armes |
63 | FFULLERTON | Arch. | no armes |
64 | DELAP | John | no armes |
65 | GRAHAM | William | no armes |
66 | CORBIT | George | no armes |
67 | HUTCHISON | Patrick | no armes |
68 | MOUNGOMERY | Patrick | no armes |
69 | SCARSBY | John | no armes |
70 | ARMESTRONGE | John | no armes |
71 | BEATY | John | no armes |
72 | FFOSTER | Nicholas | no armes |
73 | ARMESTRONG | Richard | no armes |
74 | ARMESTRONG | Richard | no armes |
75 | PAYNE | John | no armes |
76 | DUNBAR | William | no armes |
77 | CRAFORD | William | no armes |
Additional records extracted from the transcriptions of R. J. Hunter contained in Men and Arms (UHF, Belfast, 2012)
# | Surname | Firstname | Weapon |
77 | McFARLAN | Duncan | sword and musket |
78 | YOUNG | William | sword, musket and bandoliers |
79 | CONNINGHAN | Nicholas | sword and musket |
80 | CACONE | James | sword and pike |
81 | McFARLAN | John | sword and snaphance |
82 | McFARLAN | Patrick | sword only |
83 | LEENE | Andrew | sword and snaphance |
84 | POCK | Charles | sword and pike |
85 | CALWELL | Thomas | sword and musket |
86 | LARGG | William | sword and snaphance |
87 | CRAWFOORD | Alexander | sword and musket |
88 | MIDDLETON | Robert | sword and pike |
89 | READ | John | sword and caliver |
90 | BONNTY | Alexander | sword and caliver |
91 | HAY | Andrew | sword and caliver |
92 | RUSSELL | William | sword and pike |
93 | GORDON | George | sword and musket |
94 | MYNING | James | sword and pike |
95 | McCOLAGH | Nicholas | sword and pike |
96 | REA | John | sword and musket |
97 | ROBINSON | Walter | sword and caliver |
98 | CLARKE | Andrew | musket only |
99 | FORBUS | Edward | musket only |
100 | BARKLEY | William | sword and caliver |
101 | BARKLEY | William, younger | sword and caliver |
102 | SMITH | John | sword and caliver |
103 | LAWRENCES | James | sword and pike |
104 | BACCHANON | Duncan | sword and caliver |
105 | KETTAGH | Daniell | sword and musket |
106 | CALWEILL | John | sword only |
107 | PEATE | Arthur | sword and caliver |
108 | NETERAGE | William | pike only |
109 | McCRABB | James | sword and snaphance |
110 | REYNALAGH | William | sword and snaphance |
111 | McCASLANE | Alexander | sword and snaphance |
112 | HENDRICK | Danwill | no arms |
113 | McFARLAN | Duncan | No arms |
114 | FYNLAY | John | sword and snaphance |
115 | ROBERTSON | Andrew | no arms |
116 | PEATE | Robert | no arms |
117 | DROMEED | James | no arms |
118 | ROBERTSON | Danyell | no arms |
119 | BRUSE | John | no arms |
120 | BRUSE | Patrick | no arms |
121 | CALWELL | John, merchant | no arms |
122 | CORDINER | John | no arms |
123 | LOWRY | David | no arms |
124 | HENDRICK | Donwell | no arms |
125 | DERRY | Duncan | no arms |
126 | STEWARD | Robert | no arms |
127 | HECKLCES | Mathew | no arms |
128 | OKELLY | John | no arms |
129 | WATSON | James | no arms |
130 | MACKEY | Henry | no arms |